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Fallout: London drops TODAY
Will it be a Frontier-tier disaster or a New California borefest?
The project lead is a bald incel loser who throws fits at the slightest criticism of his ideas.
The only FO4 mod that's worth looking forward to is Miami.
That said, I can't wait to see the monumental cringe contained within.
It's not gonna be as good as The Frontier.
They said they were gonna dot the i's, and cross the t's, but it's been years now. This mod is nowhere near close to finished. Bethesda plucked the original project lead, so that threw a wrench in the project.
Expect a nuclear level disaster when it finally comes out next year.
>hosted on gog
>Bethesda plucked the original project lead
Prillafag is still the project lead. The only mod team members that get hired are 3D artists, level designers or the once-in-a-blue-moon tranny writer for good will with troons.
Well dang, I guess their scheme worked after all. Told you Beth would be looking for more talent after the shitshow the 76 team churned out
Miami had its 3D animator poached, along with level designers and other 3D artists, ditto for Cascadia and Capital Wasteland. I think they also made a plasma MG42 which was a Miami weapon concept from a few years ago.
I'm guessing borefest, most modders can't write or keep a narrative together worth shit. It'll be a very pretty mod but not much else
Why do you want things to fail
But /v/ told me it was a scam and that there was no game to release?
>most modders can't write or keep a narrative together worth shit.
Emil can't do it neither, so it's going to be the vanilla bethesda experience.
>It's not gonna be as good as The Frontier
Not as good of a shitshow yes. God WTF was that mod.
its gonna crash in the first ten minutes when you play the mod
wasn't it abandoned due to the RTX update ?
>most modders can't write
While this is true, I've encountered more than you'd expect, though they rarely stick around in modding since the kind of person who takes the time to practice and hone their skill usually just moves on to something more worthwhile.
I actually met a quite talented writer from the London team when it was announced, but she advised me not to join that project and left quite quickly thereafter since the dev environment was very immature and filled with tantrums from management, according to her.
Huh, why is this on gog?
More importantly, is this yet another mod made by trannies?
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Well, is it?
Does this have amateur voice acting or AI voice acting? Either way, slop
is Fallout London going to be a real rpg or more like Bethesda's fallout games?
they are dei fanboys and furries so no
i dont have fallout 4 downloaded on steam and I see I have to downgrade it, is the best option to just download it on steam and wait for the mod to launch?
also do I need a pirated copy of f4 or London is standalone game?
do i need the goty edition or just far harbour/nuka world?
wait what the fuck? since when does gog have mods?
I take that as yes.
how many hours?
Since Daggerfall Unity.
You'd be surprised how shit modders are at writing (or level design) they make Emil look like a genius
Please Baby Jesus let there be a release day dev stream that is as big of train wreck or even bigger than the Frontier release stream.

I know for a fact this shit is going to be mediocre at best, but YouTubers and dorks online's are going to shill as the Bethesda Killer. Then no one is going to remember it the week after
Mediocrity is still a huge upgrade to Fallout 4.
Which they fucked up.
They also have Enderal and Nehrim.
The Fallout London team has stressed they're taking lots of inspiration from New Vegas, yes
>Fallout 4 with a worse story
>Probably less combat too
What an improvement
It requires you to have Fallout 4 installed
Maybe it will have fish sex.
Nothing will ever reach Frontier-tier. It'll mostly be boring with a few parts of what the fuck.
>Fallout 4 with a worse story
I really doubt they can manage that.
They kept vanilla FO4 perks but gave them new not-pip-boy animations.
It has to be GOTY
Leaker here: The "big bad" is Enckave posing as masons.
Play quest mods and find out. You're in for a treat
And yes, there are super mutants but only in select locations
I dunno but I think there was a "body type" option instead of "sex" during the character creation.
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>Big bad are pedophile Jews
Time to Make Britain Great Again
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Tranny mod lmao
i know literally nothing about this mod but i can already tell there'll be some kind of BUF faction
is there?
you can downgrade it manually using the steam console (find a guide for it) or use the FOLON official downgrader, however that requires you to enter your steam username and password
You're 100% right, they're called the Fifth Column and they're basically the evil faction of the mod.
You can just say yes and save bandwidth.
I was told that Sim Settlements 2 has a good story once.
that's why they're modders and not employed by bethesda.
sneedclave bros, we're back...
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based, if i can't side with them i'm promptly uninstalling
>Installing Fallout: London will make irreversible changes to the default Fallout 4: GOTY Edition installation.
>what is MO2

Alright, since it's releasing soon, place your bets.
>crude anti-piracy measures
>modder dramma (you didn't ask me in this specific way to allow including my "fix pixel on radroach butt" mod)
>unfinished forgotten area found within first two hours after game allows you to freeroam
>Crude anti-piracy
Anons post about giving your steam info sounds like that >>683687372
Imagine all the kids they can molest with this blackmail
It was an impressive mod from a technical viewpoint. If only modmakers could've curb their fetishes but I guess that's the price of autism.
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This is probably something like pic-related. At least I hope it is, because otherwise even if project lead isn't going to do shenanigans, someone among his unpaid labourers totally will.
That said this is barely an anti-piracy measure. They can't distribute executables and dlls of someone else's games, so they probably whipped up an utility to download specific files off steam. I'm also willing to bet most pirates already have right version of the game, since "next-gen update" was a fluke and there's little point in messing your install for the text-only sneedclave mod that has broken models. Especially with LONDON on the horizon.
Fetishes were not worst part, worst part was shitfest NCR campaign and Legion was kind of decent
I never completed SS2, but what I did play of it was basically like more fleshed out minuteman goody two-shoes wasteland jesus garbage.
The only major quest mods FO4 has besides SS2 is thuggysmurf shit which is so irredeemably bad that it wraps back around to being funny
Idk about you guys, but I loved that they shoved their fetishes in there. It felt really genuine.
Game studios are too scared to do anything like this.
NTA. I hated the SS2 storyline since it does my most hated thing of attaching some nerd as the story important NPC that you are constantly exchanging dialogue with. The Dev's self insert most likely.

For Fallout 4 quest mods, I tried a mod called the Bleachers not too long ago. It was the hit of Nexus for a month. You start the questline talking to some dyke who is in the meme Atom Cats gang. She has you go with her to fight some dude holding dog fights and I kid you not she goes "HOW DARE YOU ABUSE THE DOGGOS!!!!!"

I tried killing her and the dogs but I couldn't. I hate quest/story modders
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I thought Fifth Column were Roman LARPers?
Deathclaw sex, foot smell fetish, 17 year old sex slave. And these are only the ones I know about.
Anyone got the leaked launch trailer?
Leaks for a mod? How horny are you?
it's premiering right now
Wow. They really have dotted their i's, and crossed their t's.
i status: dotted
t status: crossed
It's gaming time.
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the absolute state
>The project lead is a bald incel loser
so your average london folks?
Don't forget the junkie snake people or the companion whose companion perk implies she fucks her dog.
I kek'd, and my day is now 11% better. Thanks anon.
Unfathomably based. This shit happens irl every day. It's about time it made its way to gaming.
oy vey
holy fuck installation looks a right pain in the ass, especially manual. hopefully fitgirl or one of the repackers releases it installed
downloading Steam depots really isn't hard
It's actually out right now, and they're telling us to roll back to the previous update anyway?
What have they been doing for the past 3 months?
GOG won
They never planed to build on the the new bethesda patches, it was merely used as an excuse for the delay because the mod was simply not ready.
Absolute pussies.
90 minutes
Could be the cynicism of this site coming out of me, but I don't care for all this "publicity milking" they're doing
>It's a passion project!
No. They're doing it for expose bucks
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Just gonna pirate the prepatched version, cbf downgrading or whatnot
Any guides on how to downgrade steam version of F4 without weird london launcher that asks for your steam credentials?
Thank you!
>90 second ads
jesus christ
twitch is notorious for being the absolute worst when it comes to ads
>Frontier-tier disaster or a New California borefest?
What if it's good?
Not a possibility.
What language were they speaking in the trailer?
why no steam page?
good old games only
Sorry, pedo content and AI voice acting aren't allowed on Steam.
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>nonce content
Well it would fit classical England.
>pedo content
He's referring to The Froniter with the America character and zoofur-pedophile dev.
Lead is a notorious bald sex pest that's been screaming at and grooming his underage "devs" and threatening them to get kicked from the project they see as a route to employment.
Downloading this off site, I'll try to make it work via MO2 without LONDON destroying my copy of F4.
>Foaming this hard
watch xhout xhisyta or your dilation will bleed again
>PC gaming.............
So how big of a potential lolcow is this going to be? I know Frontier level degeneracy is unlikely, but it should still be packed to the brim with autism, right?
In any case per /vg/'s own leaks, this mod is literally The Frontier 2.0

Well at least it isnt Nogaymesstation 5
America Rising 2 was pretty good
Probably the only original faction mod that “feels” like it belongs in the vanilla game
It's kinda like what a 13 year old would make if they could buy 3D assets and bully 11 year-olds into stitching them together.
>I know Frontier level degeneracy is unlikely
lemme let you in on a little secret. When youre an unpaid modder youre compensated by other devs overlooking you inserting fetish shit into the game
ha good luck with that.
Planning on rolling a Jeet doctor for the quintessential London experience
unable to download it for the steam version. the link is down.
looks quite nice actually
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enjoying it so far
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new london indeed
nvm. the website is overloaded I guess. it works but I am going to wait till confirmation that it is worth downloading as I have to download fo4 and make a new modlist from scratch.
>giving a fuck about FO
what is this, last april?
If there isn't an option to say "good morning sir" to greet him, I ain't playing it.
>expecting soul from modders outside eatern europe
I am planning on a paki melee build with knoives only.
So is it good
I don't want it fail.I just want it to be funny if it does.
it will be for Fallout: Paris
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Oh my fucking god no way that's an actual NPC holy fuck I'm dying.
It’s better than 4
Lel no
I like the Enclave but bringing them back from the dead again is retarded.
I will tell you in 3 hours, after I finish all fucking downloads.
its made in britain so itll be cringe and shit
>trailer is in br*t*sh
why isn't there an English translation?
>microsoft spends billions buying bethesda
>rag tag team of modders make a better product
>Todd is exposed

how mad are they right now?
Nah they are basically post-apocalyptic British Union of Fascists and their leader is literally Rule 63 Oswald Mosley
>their leader is literally Rule 63 Oswald Mosley
honestly based.
forgot pic
My expectations are super low. The content will to little or nonsense like fucking rad roach.
But are there Germanic and Scandinavian raiders?This is important.
you are still here
Here's your fem!Mosley, bro!
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Funnily though here is (you)
>Short hair
>Robot leg
would 100% play if you can hook up with her after making her the fascist ruler of londonistan,
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They were never dead. Lyons said they'd be back again after Broken Steel, and the TV show and Fallout 4 NG update only drove the point home since they still have enough bodies to send expeditionary teams and staff huge research facilities. Only pointed to them being gone was the Fallout 2 ending narration which has already been disproved several times over.
>Huh, why is this on gog?
We don't know, especially since Enderal is on Steam.
no!!! she's evil! you wouldn't date female Hitler would you?
You do understand that that's exactly the problem?Bethesda constantly brings them back because they are creatively bankrupt.
> TV show
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>Only pointed to them being gone was the Fallout 2 ending narration
And New Vegas. And there hasn't been a canon game between or since them.
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do you have to downgrade or did they update it for the next gen update?
The Frontier was originally going to get a Steam release, it had a Steam page briefly. It's possible that the Frontier drama caused Bethesda to decide to no longer let Fallout mods have steam pages.
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>the problem?
They were never destroyed in Fallout 2. Cain himself said that Fallout 2 had dumb levels of writing and both him and Avellone don't even understand why 2 was successful. Entirely killing off a faction is retarded.

It's canon that most escaped the Oil Rig and went to Chicago.
you have to downgrade
>caused Bethesda to decide to no longer let Fallout mods have steam pages.
Bethesda doesn't decide that. Steam does or the Frontier team. The Frontier team probably took it down due to the negativity.
I think Fallout London comes with the downgrader.
Basically Todd's "next-gen" update has de-facto been abandoned by the Fallout Community given that this mod turns out to be successful.
No it isn't you dumb fuck most died from FEV on the Oil Rig .Navarro survived longer but was destroyed as well and the remnants are the ones we see in NV.
ED-E couldn't find a single one.
Looks like Dishonored or Bioshock. Do these trannies even know what game they're playing?
>killing of a faction is retarded
You're retarded.
>robots getting lost
water is wet
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>now I have to downgrade the Steam version
man why the fuck did I have to buy the game on steam
If I've only waited like 2 more weeks fo4 I would have purchased fo4 on gog
Neither Cain nor Avellone made Fallout 2 by themselves.
But Todd made Fallout 3, 4, and 76 all by himself
downgrading takes like 5-10 minutes, dude. what are you talking about?
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It's already been like 20 minutes, bro
I'm sorry that you have shit internet.
Anon that's just what british women look like
Ugly women exist.
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>And there hasn't been a canon game between or since them
>Looks like Dishonored or Bioshock.
To be honest, that's just one of the things that mod have.
You've also got WW1 style Tommies who live in trenches, not!Peaky Blinders, Medieval LARPers, and etc.
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what do each of these 4 believe in? i assume they're politicians?
Sounds like a gay themepark desu.
>what do each of these 4 believe in?
they believe in the utter destruction of their country through their sheer incompetence. basically like every other politician.
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Isn't London a gay themepark with brown people already?
what went wrong?
Why are they doing a "giveaway" for a mod that's free anyway?
the end of imperialism.
Check their patreon for all the money they got
They don’t tho?
>people living in rubble still
oh so its a bethesda fallout
>what went wrong?
Basically Churchill being stubborn when it comes to staying in the war.
In post-ww2, Labour goverment sucked Soviet Union's dick and gifting them vital techs such as Jet technology that even Stalin himself wasn't expected them to be this retarded.
Britain was still conservative after the war even after Stalin died tho
>people living in rubble still
Amazing how so many people can't get the setting correct. Officially or Unofficially. It's really not that hard of a concept to grasp.
Basically Upper class live in restored/untouched parts of the City while poor people lives in the slums.
imo mod looks like interwar period but in Fallout setting.
>5-10 minutes
And it's just 3/7
to 90% of people that is the setting its all they know.
As in, freemasons?
No, clearly anon was referring to paidmasons
Imagine living in a shithole that does not have gigabit broadband in the year 2000 + 24.
Conservatives taken control after the Labour fuck up. However it was too late for them to do anything since Uncle Joe already gotten the Blueprints.
Doesn't matter much anyways, UK became USA's bitch due to sheer amount of ww2 debts and lost it colonies since "no money to maintain it". USA and Soviet Union probably forced both Brits and French to dismantle the colonies because they didn't want Europeans to Reemerge as independent powerhouses.
This is why I only respect Miami, because they don't collect shekels from trannies.
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Why all this autism? Why not just make it like Enderal where the whole thing is a pre-modded installation of the correct version. Just do a simple ownership check on the Steam page, and let the user download the whole thing pre-modded if they own the base game.

Not gonna bother until they do this, too much effort.
you know what would make a really cool setting for fallout: the post apocalyptic roleplaying game?
Filing tps reports in your air conditioned office located in the shady sands metropolitan area.
You could even have a set piece where you take an hour long commute by train to your suburban home, reheat a microwavable meal, and sob deeply into it while realising that your peers have long surpassed you by every conceivable metric
The plot is Fallout 4 androids but with fish people. You're welcome
Seems modders can't name the Jew so they had to settle with the (((Gentry)))
That doesn't say much anyways
>mod got barely released and this dude already make a 25 Minutes of Useless facts video for it
>Why not just make it like Enderal where the whole thing is a pre-modded installation of the correct version
They never answered to this. So who knows.
look at how stupid you are.
some ecelebs got early access
Chaos is fun
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>Far Left - Richard Tice
Boomer Free-Marketeer, Brexiteer, Atlanticist, hates woke but loves based black men, etc.
>Left - Literal Who
>Right - Nigel Farage
Free Marketeer, Arch-Brexiteer, wants to lower migration, pretends to be more boomerish then he is, pragmatist on foreign affairs.
>Far-Right - Lee Anderson
norf fc ex-miner, union man when they mattered. went into charities when the mines closed. Economically left, (although prefers government prop up jobs instead of giving people benefits), very anti-migration (bosses bringing in foreign labour to lower wages instead of paying our workers}, brexiteer (because of immigration and EU economic rules) Socially conservative. (Originally in labour, got kicked out because made a barricade out of boulders so the gypses would GTFO, got kicked out of conservatives because he said that the mayor of London kowtows to islamists.)
they're all in REFORM UK now btw
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So how woke is this mod going to be? Any trannies on the dev team?
The question is not if any. The question is how many.
Can't be worse than F76
>posts tranime
>asks about trannies
like pottery
bocchi the elf
the fact that the F4NV and Miami team didn't have a single problem with the fo4 "next gen" update, shows how much of shitshow this overhyped garbage will be
Yeah they don't have a single problem with the update, because those mods will never be released. Miami has been in the works for 2 years longer, has a larger team and has less content than London but they still aren't anywhere close to release.
We thought it would be a problem and had a similar downpatch solution in mind if it ended up being a problem, but the F4SE and XDA people were really quick about everything and worked with us. It ended up being a huge nothingburger and development goes on all the same, regardless of the RTX update.
Part of a deal they made with GOG. Not sure why it was made, but GOG is publishing and I guess exclusive was a part of the deal.
Never say never.
The reality is that we're against monetizing the mod, which means it's a free-time project for most of us. We're also against buying assets since we're doing this cause we like to make stuff.
>we're against monetizing the mod
Nice patreon. Thanks for delaying the mod for an update Todd announced months in advance that you still needed the game to be downgraded
he's talking about fo Miami, retard
Comparing files between my clean installation of GOG F4 version and LONDON.
The "it will overwrite your vanilla game" shit is "a bit" overblown. What gets overwritten is:
>F4SE, since it comes bundled with mod
>GOG-related files if you have them (they don't do shit to game, it's uninstaller, shortcuts and so on
>CustomControlMap.txt, I dunno what it does and if it's F4SE's file too
>SPECIAL videos, ending videos
>Scripts folder, which I think is also F4SE stuff
They absolutely could make installer backup the few files that get overwritten.
Sounds good.
How pozzed is it?
I realized that in post. I apologize. I'm shitposting and waging both half-assed.
>How pozzed is it?
Miami? Not really; I mean, there are plenty of minorities since it's Miami, and something like 2% of NPCs are gay, of which half are brothel workers, so I'm not sure if that counts. Otherwise, I explicitly mandate excluding personal politics from dialogue and quests since it's disrespectful to preach to players and disrespectful to the work itself to use it as a vehicle to preach.
Well when I say pozzed I mean blatant lecturing "messages" more than representation. Stuff like gay people and minorities existing doesn't bother me, it's the "looks directly into the camera" moments.
wait a minute, isn't it bad for you being here, in 4chan? I mean couldn't it lead to some faggot discord drama or some retarded bullshit, making things hard for you.
"Pozzed" comes from HIV-positive, hence the word being usually used to show dissatisfaction with anything LGBT related.
This is far more of a hassle than I'm willing to expend for a mod I wasn't particularly interested in to begin with. Package it like enderal or fuck off
Nah. That's not the point of writing for me, like I said, disrespectful to the work. Things are framed internally in Miami, so different groups and characters feel differently about each other depending on their place in the world. The only real universal is that everyone hates the Slavers and Super Mutants, and I like to paint both as relics of the post-apocalypse that are keeping civilization in Miami from advancing.
Hey as long as it has massive mutated Alligators and Crocodiles I'm in. Miami has had my eye for awhile.
what's wrong with the mod?
>Will it be a Frontier-tier disaster
after that i doubt it
Anon, I've been here since 2007, the only reason I ever put on a tripcode is to identify myself in relation to this topic or any other project I'm associated with that I can talk about.
The main reason I've been posting in and looking through Fallout mod threads is that we had a dev from our team a few years ago stirring shit, which isn't what I want from our project.
>couldn't it lead to some faggot discord drama or some retarded bullshit
Nah, the team knows, and we haven't done drama since many of the teenagers fell off from the project a while ago.
>Super Mutants
What's gonna be the justification for them being there this time around?

No disrespect, but the super mutants were originally envisioned as a Fallout 1 thing only, their story ended right there, but then every subsequent game had some asspull reason to force them in, because they're an iconic enemy or some shit. It just bothers me a little. And those lore justifications are often super lazy, e.g. "well turns out someone dropped an FEV vial in a nearby river, so 5000 super mutants spawned overnight".
why are you guys so negative?
Does it keep crashing for anyone else?
Nah, I getcha. I didn't want to do Super Mutants or the Enclave. Those were inclusions from the project founder, a Serbian level designer who was quite good at level design but had no touch for story.
I did my best working the Super Mutants and Enclave into the setting such that they serve a purpose since there's no point including stuff that isn't interconnected or doesn't at least have some aesthetic value.
>And those lore justifications are often super lazy, e.g. "well turns out someone dropped an FEV vial in a nearby river, so 5000 super mutants spawned overnight".
That's not too far from ours, and I'm not sure you can reuse an enemy with that lore without that kind of asspull. What I did to work it better into other stuff is spoiler related:
Enclave sent a team from Raven Rock to recover a pre-war base. When RR was destroyed, they were stranded and decided to remain hidden. They needed FEV for le bioweapons project, vertibird with FEV crashed into a high school that was a slaver fort. Woah, 5000 super mutants spawned overnight. The mutants cause a lot of trouble for the Shady Sands equivalent, keeping them from expanding but acting as a buffer between them and the slavers and Cuban faction. Enclave plan to take out the Slavers for good PR (saviors of America), and then to kill off all the mutants for obvious Enclave reasons, PR, and to cover up any evidence of their involvement in creating the local mutant population.
I would have much preferred to set up worldbuilding from scratch from the start, but we had developed things to a point where restarting was not feasible. Plus, despite the annoyance of reusing old concepts that are played out, I'm relatively proud of the fact that they do have a place in the world and story that ties into everything else with, can be included in the local folklore, overall plot, sidequests, companions, etc.
>Mudslims infiltrate UK
>infiltrate government
>demand tolerance
>parade on streets
>turn UK into 3rd world
>world superpowers won't bother nuking this shithole
>gets fallout mod?
Uk is doomed anyway, nuklear fallout isn't even needed.
And shitfucks in youtube already delet every comment with any mention of relishion of peees.
>Cried to the BBC then the British Broadcasting Corporation News that Todd personally should've told them about the update he announced months ago
Why is the London team so entitled?
>Super mutants
Great so the mod is already a write off.
If our positions were switched, I'd probably say the same. See >>683709303 if you do care, ignore if you don't.
>Use their downgrader
>Doesn't work
>Manually downgrade
>Game now runs but crashes after the train sequence
>Forced to turn all settings to low to get past this
>Reach the first dialogue with some NPCs
>Says FSE is not installed even though it is
>Can't progress

Great mod guys.
>Why is the London team so entitled?
>their lead throws a fit when anyone tells him his ideas are stupid
I wonder why?
It's fucking boring
learn how2pc lmao, zoomers are fucking hopeless and only know how to tap their iphone
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>If our positions were switched
Download F4
Downgrade it
Download London on gog
That's all?
Also worked on London as a writer and quest designer for a bit. Can confirm if you're expecting good writing or even something on par with Fallout 4 you'll be disapointed. I've also worked on Tamriel Rebuilt and the other land mods like Cyrodil. If you want good writing, go there. Wonderful lads. They know how to make good quests. You don't even need to believe me. Just play Morrowind with Tamriel rebuilt, Skyrim, and Cyrodil and you'll see the difference between how they design quests versus the few trannies left making Fallout content.

I hope the trannies on the team weren't able to put in the vile shit they were talking about putting in for their own amusement but we shall see.
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>glowie negligence creates catastrophe, thousands dead or suffering
>glowies and take advantage of said crisis and put a spin on it for PR
Some things never change.
not nearly as dumb as you
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Anyway, installing this via MO2 (no Galaxy required, still need account to download the mod off site, gotta wait for torrents maybe).
1) Download installer from Gog (10 files, 33 gigs in total)
2) Install it like a usual gog release, anywhere will do
3) Open installation folder, find "data" folder
Then you can either
4A) zip whole data folder and then install zip file as any regular mod via MO2
4B) Just move whole "Data" folder to your MO2 instance, give it some recognizable name. I also doctored a meta.ini file, dunno if you actually need it for MO2 to pick it up. It should appear at the bottom when you restart/refresh MO2.
5) Official LONDON site also strongly urges to use their ini files, I went ahead and copied them to ini folder, didn't bother looking through it, backup your inis obviously.
>I hope the trannies on the team weren't able to put in the vile shit they were talking about putting in for their own amusement but we shall see.
If there's no one doing executive review, they've included all of it.
aren't you going to install buffout, sims settlement and mods like that? they are compatible with this.
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Anon, I haven't even played the game but I know for a fact that they won't let you side with the heckin gross chuds. Look at the people who made this. Do they in any way look like the sort of people who'd tollerate an actual fascist option in a video game? No. They're le heckin evil baddies who need to be destroyed so communism can happen.
>Enclave are evil fascist virgins and evil fascism bad, mmmmmmkay...................
>Enclave are based human supremacists but also glow in the dark assholes.
I fucking "war never changes". It doesn't even make any sense, war does in fact change all the time. what are you trying to tell me here? That conflict is inevitable? OK?
What's the point of having your game set in the aftermath of nuclear war if you're still using the same modern day stereotypes for everything
>Do they in any way look like the sort of people who'd tollerate an actual fascist option in a video game? No. They're le heckin evil baddies who need to be destroyed so communism can happen.
And this is why Miami is the only one of these pieces of shit to look forward to.
London dev team has zero imagination beyond surface-level aesthetic things, and even then it's just copying whatever they find cool.
I always took that phrase to mean "people die for dumb reasons in any era".
actual sub 80 iq post
Why are there so many threads about this dogshit mod

No one cares
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I do
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I'm just waiting for the funny screencaps.

Not gonna bother installing myself, too much effort.
>zoomers realized fallout 4 is fucking dog shit even with over 100+ fix mods
enjoy bethshit slop
>why are there threads about something made with passion reee I just want heckin Bethesda to update us on the next official Elder Scrolls tm, or official Starfield tm updates!
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>the Blackshirt Larpers are based in tower hamlets
It's easily the best Bethesda game though.
>the only Beth game with decent combat
>settlement building is fun for 100s of hours, you can even build your own vault, room by room
>main quest has multiple mutually exclusives routes, so lots of replayability
>good graphics
>Patreon tranny mod with bought assets
kys, PrillaBitch
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>Facist faction is lead by a w*man
This is bullshit, who's my chud character supposed to side with now?
With her. And fuck her raw.
>fallout britpaki edition
>Mod features a quest where you have to help some muslims rebuild a mosque
>Half way through you have to kill some skinheads who try to burn down the half built mosque
What were they thinking?
No ideas so just copy the 1980s
Are slavers joinable faction?
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She is literally Mosley in a woman form.
No. Everyone else wants them gone, so they're the Act 1 villain. Act 2 villain depends entirely on which faction you join/betray/triple-cross.
Not joinable due to scope management mostly. If we had infinite resources, I'd like to do one of those evil routes like Lord of the Rings: Conquest or that one Star Wars Episode 3 game for PS2 and Xbox. You'd join the slavers and take each faction one by one and take over all of Miami before getting a chance to betray the slaver king and take over for yourself. Simple satisfying edgekino, but not meant to be.
So show us the companions
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So how's the writing? It's a mod so I'm not expecting Shakespeare but it can't be completely terrible
The morality and under lying reasons for war do not change.The methods used to fight them obviously do.You're a midwit.
Gotta launch it normally first to see if it's working, obviously. Installing stuff that should have been in by default, like fov slider, comes next.
colin mochrie with hair
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>GOG Galaxy version of FO4
>GOG Galaxy version of FOL
>crashes, infinity loading times every other loading screen
DoA, the i's & t's have not been crossed
>(no) Yes
>Sarcastic Yes
Out of the Fallout mods, only Miami has good writers, and even then it's only the main guy and one or two others.
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lmao, it's Frontier all over again, can't wait for the memes and le funny screencaps
>Falling into the same pitfalls as base Fallout 4
How? Seriously how do you not learn from the mistakes of the game you're making a mod for?
lol what's the point of such inconsequential dialogue choices? they could have saved space with a single choice instead.
Modders or speedrunners, who are more degenerate in your opinion?
It's an RPG retard, you're supposed to choose and roleplay.
If that helps you cope we will indulge your delusion
You can roleplay as a confused man that woke up in a lab then got on a train or You can roleplay as a confused man that woke up in a lab then got on a train or You can roleplay as a confused man that woke up in a lab then got on a train
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Is there Deathclaw sex
Flavor dialogue should be meaningfully different and lead to different responses, otherwise it's fake choice.
No fucking way.
Sim settlements is only good for its quest. The base building aspect is overrated.
But the quest isn't good either.
It's a free mod made by amateurs, you really think you can do better?
It crashes every few minutes in the world space. It's pretty, and feels like a professional game, but I've only managed to play about ten minutes past getting out of the lab because it's not going to be fun until they fix that.
Easily, since it's my profession and I actually had to face scrutiny during education and training.
>with merch and a patreon
Already doing damage control?
Neither of those games are anywhere close to release though
>it's the onus of the player's imagination to roleplay instead of the game providing meaningful avenues within it to do so.
then it is a failure of an RPG videogame.
Same issue.But professionally made games aren't meant to crash every few minutes,so it doesn't fell like one at all.
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>It crashes every few minutes in the world space. It's pretty, and feels like a professional game
for those that care, it just dropped for free on galaxy
million dollar question is: will they own their mistakes like Obsidian did or Stonewall the shit up like Todd does?
>Keep getting an error where the mod is failing to get access to something from base Fallout 4
Ruh Roh
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just finished a few quests, explored quite a bit

there's no fucking player agency lmao. the world map so far is super linear and the quests have one single path you can choose.

this is fallout 4 in london, not fallout in london
I'm a Bong, and even I don't understand half of what this idiot is saying.
It's over.
Never mind I fixed it, if anyone else is running into the same issue you have to delete the file from the base Fallout 4
This second anon got me. It's the classic Bethesda experience. They are just taking a leaf out of Bethesda's book.
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Fuck, that probably means you have to do clean FO4 install and do the game installation somewhere else like how you'd install a Tale of the Two Wastelands.
>What Happened?
Hitler lost.
According to reddit:
>It's a mostly generic "northern" accent (bits of Lancashire/Yorkshire/Lincs/Notts) but with random elements of some southern accent thrown in from time to time.
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Nah I managed to fix it see >>683715279
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(texture files used in the mod)
JFC, how many trannies did they have on the team.
>all identities
I get what they're trying to say here but there had to have been a less gay way of saying it
London is a fucking EVIL city.Nothing good can come from there. A genuinely evil city of Jewish London
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They just can't help themselves.
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but which file tho?
the reveal trailer guy back in the day did better job
But the mod isnt actually set in London, anon
Modders, but I'll take them over the literally useless speedrunners.
It was CustomControlMap.txt
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glad my images made it here
what did they mean by this?
Oh, no. Will this be related in any way to Tenpenny Tower, from FO3?
I remember when we had a discussion in some Frontier thread years ago that some professional game writers who wrote for Miami kept trying to sneak in shitty Marvel-tier quips into the game and you kept having to tell them to knock it off. Was pretty insightful
>Start up mod
>First question asked in the character creator is what are my pronouns
this nigga deserves bullet to head for trying to tax me while also trying to shove identity politics at the same time.
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Are there any hookers and signs of a desperate society? Or is it another afternoon TV apocalypse? FO4 felt extremely PG-13.
Imagine being in the post-apocalypse and out all the things to worry about, someone chose gender identity as their number one
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>look up someone play the first part of the game
>section where you meet up with a gang and then follow a NPC while he lore dumps about factions
Not a good sign. I hope that's just something that happens exclusively with the gang you join up with instead of something you're inevitably forced to do.
>Seriously how do you not learn from the mistakes of the game you're making a mod for?
To be honest, it's disappointing but not surprising. Anybody who plays Fallout 4 already has low standards for when it comes to gameplay and roleplaying, and people who mod games don't always have enough self-awareness to avoid having the same faults of the official developers. FOLON's prerelease stuff showing that it was still going to have Fallout 4's shitty UI was already a red flag for me.
never got that prompt
it did say "body type" instead of gender, but idfc abt that just libshit to be libshit
I'd be annoyed, but as someone who lives in the UK and has had the misfortune to visit London before, it's accurate.
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transfolx representation
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its very mean... :(
What do they eat?
Modders since that scene is filled with woke ideology injecting troons within the last decade, but it used to be speedrunners back in the day.
I already hate this. I thought Europe and Britain would be lifeless wastelands after the great war in the original setting. As gay of an American fap fantasy it is, they're meant to be the only ones left.
why would europe be a wasteland? why would china or america nuke them? is nato even a thing in fallout?
I don't give a shit about your opinion. The quest is what I like about it. That's my point. Now kill yourself.
'memeber when andre had a posse?
modders honestly
speedrunners are just eccentric (if they're not diddling kids)
modders these days actively go out of their way to use their works as propaganda pieces filling them with leftist dogma and talking points
iirc according to Fallout Bible, EU and Middle East nuked each other out during the Resource Wars.
Question: Is the director or most of the team british?
Nuking isn't the only apocalyptic thing that could happen.
You destroy America, and China, and trade completely stops worldwide. Famine, Power grid fails, comms down, people start killing each other, and that's society destroyed for you.
Been telling you about the furfag shit in this mod.
Watch the launch trailer with sound on and you tell me.
They couldn't even get a brit to do the voiceover for the trailer
>behold, the fallout setting: the world has been nuked back to a pre-society age. man has been reverted in nothing but savage beasts
>is there any rape
>only implied
>what about slavery
>do clumsy analogies count
>any gore
>yeah a bit
>is there any actual savagery
>you can get addicted to fictional drugs?

very post apocalyptic franchise you got there
>NPCs keep referring to me as "they" even though I'm clearly male
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>you need to own all dlcs to play a free mod
ok wheres the torrent?
no trade with china and america, and? they'd be a depression but europe would keep trucking, they're not african savages
Outside of the HOI 4 mods has any mod that's attempted to make their own Fallout experience ever actually been any good?
Why don't you have all the DLCs for FO4? How do you even play the base game you stupid nigger? I mean the game has been out for almost 10 years now. It's literally $5. The entire fucking game is literally $10.
>only need to record one line in total instead of one for male and one for female character
>while at the same time pleasing mentally ill twitter users
Kinda genius.
It's all retarded stereotypes and the voiceover was clearly by someone whose only exposure to the British was seeing Dick Van Dyke in Merry Poppins. So probably not.
They're European savages.
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This is too much effort. Why cant valve just let them put it on steam so I can just click on it and download it?
Fallout 2 mods
Fallout New California, but only the prologue.
>using modern miami to justify white erasure in fallout game
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>Decapitated Ghoul is still alive
Uh is this lore accurate?
no they're civilised and you speak their tongue, conduct yourself in their manner and dress in their manner but clearly the culture of the savage is ascending
To be fair, it fits the franchise. It's the american take on british stereotypes, keeping the "americana" flavor of the setting intact.
Russian FO2 mods are peak soul. Too bad a lot of them don't get translations
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>raiders have me captured
>omw to become a sex slave and then killed
>"So... what are your pronouns? Our buyer only wants xe/xims."
That's fair.
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>some poet/writer used they pronoun because lines were too blurry to identify at 17th
Might as well go full "thou"
Then why people from beforehand (and still) used "he" or "he/she" as gender neutral pronoun?
Well they were invaded by indians, so that's irrelevant.
Ghouls are just really rotten people
Although Fallout 4 has head in a jar (which contradicts the lore they created in Fallout 3)
It's funny how New Vegas is more faithful to Bethesda lore than Bethesda itself
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what the actual shit is this fucking faggotry? didnt these trannies delay it so they can cope with the fucking update??
dling off https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6554924 currently, but im fucking pissed i wasted my time with steam.
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>so I'm going to rape you now.
>Is it okay if I touch you?
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you're going to join this cute fascist's faction right?
It was a lie and mod was extremely unfinished at the moment
they lied
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I'll go fash not for cuteness but Eternal Anglo vibes
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this mod would only give you the choice to be raped, player agency is a 0 and is avoided like the PLAGUE
>foid leader
what is wrong with shitlibs.
But she is a mutt
>still have perks instead of skills
>but now it's a scrolling menu where everything is lumped together
This is plain stupid.
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why are condoms a consumable?
mosley was based and one of the few to oppose the sins of the british empire. churchill is a more apt eternal anglo but poor beady eyes mosley gets it instead
I did everything correctly I think but the game crashed a few seconds after starting a new game, at the "Bethesda Presents..." screen.
Anyone knows any fix?
I got the correct version and F4SE.
Dang where did this fifth column get access to photoshop and wacom tablets!??

That poster looks like ass, it wouldn't even be hard to add a few grunge textures over it.
I don't, I just call it how it is
They probably used one of the pre-made frameworks
Oi oi, can't be getting those radioactive STIs, guvnor.
So you like shit.That's important since it shows that your opinion is worthless.
to add to that everything is still in place
does this mod feature any Arcade-like characters crying about an 300 year old ideology in an post-apocalyptic world?
I quit immediately once my fans shot into maximum overdrive as soon as the first cutscene ended.
Modders are some of the most intolerable assholes in gaming. Everyone should be rooting for mod culture to die off cause it's cancer.
How? It's still Fallout 4 as a baseline...
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>that tumblr tier artwork
Nose looks too much of "inorganic", at least made an attempt that to look like it was drawn with pencil for God's sake.
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hello, saar
You're obviously judging modding by bethesda crap
There are plenty of examples of great mods out there that keep old games alive and relatively popular
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Okay can I side with FemMosley or not?

This will determine if I play this mod or not.
my suicide will be long and painful
The only compatent team working on fallout was the sim settlements 2 guys, and they have basicly stopped because fallout 4 sucks ass
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we wuz
Fallout and TES modders*
Any modding community based primarily on Discord is going to be filled with degenerates.
Boomer modding communities are awesome because they congregate on old forums or on dedicated Facebook groups. The smaller the community, the better.
Woo, woo neve chenches
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Litteraly female chudjack
>only compatent team working on fallout
Only if you mean only fallout 4
There's plenty of competent fallout stuff but it's mostly fallout 2 and HOI4
Are those Banes condoms?
>Female chud
Tell me we can enact total ghoul death together
Competent?SS2 is janky and unstable.
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>requires you to enter your steam username and password
this is the first thing i've read that has made me not want to install folon

what the fuck
ok /v/ give it to me, how does it rank on the woke meter?
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weapon texture
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>have to downgrade anyway

what was the FUCKIN



that's just the settlement system in general
quest wise SS2 is great
wow, this is what i thought fallout 1 was missing! so glad the folon team has shown me the way... waiter! waiter! more libshit please!
>Anime girl
That feels really outta place, this game takes place in London not Tokyo
>So you like shit(your opinion)
Already stated that I don't care what you think. Why are you still alive?
is that tranny playing tic tac toe as you open the game?
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this game takes place in fallout, not cumshot wasteland
I can't read Eleven what does the text say
>Enclave canonically have a base in Japan
What goes on there?
isnt this supposed to be a serious mod?
repopulating the world with the honorary aryan moon islanders
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I distinctly remembered seeing it somewhere
It's not even their model/texture and they just took finished fallout 4 mod
>Hamster with a China Lake
What's this weapon supposed to be anyway
do they seriously expect me to go to all this fucking effort to play a mod? Just make it 1 click download for fuck sake.
Maybe she's just based on this girl but actually succesful.
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Keeping the commies at bay, of course
New California borefest, i'm not playing it due to F4 fatigue. Played The frontier and New California.
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If this ends up a thinly veiled excuse to build an indie gaming company like Frontier was instead of a genuine passion project, I'm done giving fallout story mods a chance.
They did what they could with the terrible fallout 4 engine
the type of person making your mods people
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Fucking Chinese took over Lodon
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>I'm done giving fallout story mods a chance.
They can be good, you just have to get them from non Fallout games
I played through chapter 1 a few days ago.What was so good about it?The new npcs were shit and the story was just as janky since it relies on the settlement system.
>no new regional names for ghouls and brahmin
That's seems like a waste of potential.
>he didn't touch the side content
play the fallout 2 ones retarded zoomer
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I like the theme.
What are the odds that they didn't even bother asking the author permission to include that weapon in their mod and just hoped that no one would notice?
>The project lead is a bald incel loser
So there's actually a chance it could be good is what you're saying?
Why would I if I didn't like the main content?It made settlements even more tedious so I had no desire to keep it anyway.
Anons any fix for the new game freeze?
When starting a new game it freezes at the "Bethesda presents.." shit I cant even find a crash log and have buffot and f4se, it just freezes without producing a log...
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Yea the base mod and ERB are both pretty good, only real issue I have with ERB is the Purist side of the mod kinda blows
Is we getting a second sneedclave
For me its https://youtu.be/-bJKRxXfqsI?si=YdcPn-4eqMceNKO7
did these deranged trannies disable the fov command? it obviously works in console and resets when console is closed
He could've saved Europe and the world if he had gotten into power, its a shame he didnt, one of the few truly great anglos.
Because SS2 isn't just about the main quest. It adds a shit ton of side content sprinkled throughout the game world, sometimes responding to your decisions in the vanilla game (i.e. Concord repopulates)
>Mod just shits you out in the to the open world and tells you to "investigate your origins"
How the fuck am I supposed to do that if I don't even have a clue as to where to look?
purist path got reworked
Can't downgrade atm because of the servers being overloaded so I'm just gonna pirate FO4
There's already some questionable aspects of this mod but that's not one of them. That's the best start an open RPG could have.

If a game is made by sociopaths then the game itself also will be a sociopathic product. This is how capitalism works also. Corporationd are also ran by sociopaths naturally since this is how the system was established from the begining and they train the consumers to becaome also a sociopath who must destroy others for staying in game corpos created for consumers. This is why wokism and trannism exist today. Democracy is slavery with the difference that it gives the illusion of freedom so you can feed the elit group and as such living gear you can be replaced by fresh gear (in the name of fiversity) to keep running the machine called democracy. Which only serves corporations.
Bsically diversity is huge interest for corporations because arabs and negros don't have to be trained much to become sociopath that can live by the rules of corporations. This is what "Diversity is not a crime" refers for. Corpo laws prefers them. The people who gladly commit crime for the sake of consuming.
It’s funny because the intro is very much them wanting to take a new Vegas approach, but they’re barely scraping out a fallout 3 quality
Pretty good. The mod is an honorary Fallout game.
Yea but it still kinda sucks because Purists only get a single path and a single ending
Nah, that's just how fallout 4's awful camera normal works.
How do you edit the graphic settings because there are no options in game and using the fallout 4 launcher doesn't work either .
Oh I did find some of those.It wasn't good either.
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For me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c4UywvXP0Y&list=PLpU_zInog1V7Q2MxxHmXNs3if8690sjai
Fallout Mexico when?
anon im not exactly new to shithesda. skyrim and f4 kept resetting it on loads, but not on closing the console.
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>he mod is an honorary Fallout game
At least NCR, Legion and everything around them
There's plenty of controversial shit when you get further away from them
Shit like Sisterhood of Steel, Psyker Bitches and Dating AI
Still better than bethesda fallout
I'm telling you, that's how f4 camera works. Its retarded, but its the truth
>why would you want to join a fascist faction
meanwhile fallout london
Does this mod work nice with any of the QoL mods like the Unofficial Patches and whatnot or do we have to suffer with base Fallout 4 and this shit piled on top of that?
>I have the choice of going with a gang, getting help from fish people, or fucking off and finding my own way
What would a true chud do?
Okay i like this.
Stop playing and delete this shit
I liked his Europe a Nation thingy.
0% because bethesda modders are hyper anal about that kind of shit.
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>Dating AI
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I actually haven't played as the Sisterhood of Steel yet, what's controversial about them?
Even if I hate HOI4?I prefer DH and HOI3.
I either play this or I do another playthrough of Reformer Enclave in HOI 4, but I wanna do something new so I'm kinda stick with this until I get bored
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was done before
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Yea it's pretty good in my humble opinion, no harm in giving it a chance.
>Wallpaper covering the skirting board
>Join a gang
>Get rewarded with a switchblade
Is this accurate to life in London?
Was he basically trying to advocate for a not gay, not US controlled EU?
chud works alone like a true loner friendless incel
Probably check to see if the Chinese are still around or trying to retrieve robot girls that are over powered for some reason.
Doki has a hard time between getting deputized and then her disfunctional family.
I think that's just the plot of The Outsiders
>fallout but in london
literally who asked for this?
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Who are my Steam credentials going to with this dodgy downgrader mod lmao
So what the consensus does it suck or not?
I think you meant to say CHAOSH ISH A LADDER
To late Chud just got groomed by a gang and is now going to lose his life to the streets, if he's lucky he'll start talking about how the Enclave were right to try and attempt Total Mutie Death and get the boot
Black Isle had a draft for something to that effect before Interplay gave away the license.
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>Join the a gang
>Have to follow them somewhere while the leader spouts exposition about the setting to me
>My walk speed is faster than his so I have to stop wait for him to catch up before I can keep walking
Do mods work with it?
>naked mutated rat things
This shit angers me. Stop shaving animals naked. I want my furry animals.
Reminder that Granite cucked the Legate and stole away his Computerpussy
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I hate it.Skyrim did it too with Delphine and Enderal didn't fix it either.It's not hard to change it yourself,but you'd think big mods that have sections like this would tweak npc and player walking speed to be the same by default.
>Anons post about giving your steam info sounds like that
It needs that to do automated steam depot downloads. You can just do it yourself or well download a GOG copy of Fallout 4 for free lol.
>It was an impressive mod from a technical viewpoint
Well from the trailer at least to looks like London already rapes CoD the frontier
Nah. She even has the Mosley's signature fash black sweater.
Can you go inside? It's it's just one small enclosed room with a toilet then yes it's gender neutral. Plenty of those exist.
If its a big room with multiple cubicles that shit is tranny town.
>Cucked the Legate
>Is banging an AI Goddess
>Made Human Ghoul, S'Lanter, Deathclaw marriage legal
Is there any grittiness in this mod? Cruel violence and sex, druggies without hope etc.
After he finished narrating shit he started to run faster, was annoying before that though
>Not experiencing any crashing or performance issues
Did I win?
Pls respond
you're retarded
It's got its own mod page on Nexus so I'd imagine most mods aren't compatible
Gun mods might work fine, anything that involves a script might fuck it up. Common sense, anon.
Meh, don't want play with vanilla graphics. I'll wait until the mods are out for it.
It comes prebaked with ENB
>15 min of gameplay
>15 min of gameplay
>15 min of gameplay
>15 min of gameplay
Not to bad then, might still wait though.
>Mercy kill a Vagabond member
>I get kicked from the gang and they hate me now
This is bullshit the guy was already dying, well at least I got a knife that plays CSGO animations when you go AFK while holding it
you forgot to mention that he bangs VP Hayes in "Oval Office"
I don't mind super mutants being around. but like, a few here and there as part of communities. not as another army or a threat though.
>you'd think big mods that have sections like this would tweak npc and player walking speed to be the same by default
Or just not have it at all. They could've had the guy give normal optional exposition in dialogue choices after getting back to their pub base.
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Just like Todd Howard has intended
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why are there so many fucking mj plants in this mod, the fucking devs are so retarded "le pot! le edgy pot! huhuhu!"

niggas smoked weed once in libarts college and now think they're the coolest people on planet earth

also why is there jet here, how tf did jet get from new reno to london
I had less crashes in Todd games in all my life, than in this mod in past 3 hours.
FallUI seems to work. Sorry guys, I'm not dealing with shitty console UI on PC.
>t. howard
>soul is now just lazy fotm racism
crazy overton drift on that one huh chang
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Wait, Jet is in Fallout London?
The fuck??
Also fuck the Cannabis, they should be growing Opium and sell it to lesser people like a true British.
it was a prewar drug you guyz! the man said so!
and they were playtesting for months for the "best experience".
I think one of the way to mitigate crashes is that doing a TTW installation approach since Mod could be having difficult time accessing FO4 files and having brainfart while at it.
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>Fuck logging in to a downgrading mod I'll do it manually
>Steam console keeps failing when I C&P the instructions to download the old versions
Now what
>TTW installation approach
myron personally strapped a bunch of brahmin on a boat and then traveled to the east coast and put them to set sail w/ the chem formula

source: the plant they're growing told me
Did Brahmin shit existed before the war?
Also I don't think Myron's recipe could make all the way to London from New Reno.
Man you people are pathetic and constantly crying
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With downgrading manually, can I just copy and paste all the commands or should I wait for each one to download individually?

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