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>one shot in life to get a faithful remaster of the greatest RPG of all time
>this butchered and disfigured "remaster" that visually rapes everything from the models to the actual fucking UI is what we're doomed with forever

I will never not be mad at square for losing the fucking source code to all their shit
>greatest RPG of all time
Tidus' face is so fucking bad I'd rather replay the PS2 version
>Final Fantasy
I'd rather tell a friend to not even play FFX before I tell him to play the remaster. It's a joke
Anyone have that comparison of Yuna rebuking Yunalesca right before the boss fight?
at least the remaster doesn't have to suffer the dub track
It's not just Square, there are all kinds of weird processing effects on PS2 that are hard to replicate, like the sky and lighting effects on GTA:SA on PS2 or the fog effects on games like Persona 4.
It's okay they will do a full on remake to FFX eventually, with time jannies of course.
Are there any mods? Usually fans try to fix busted ports on PC.
the best version is FFX International undub
there are but they're incomplete and don't really fix it to PS2 levels.
Did they try to make them more asian?
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It's not that it was always hard to replicate they just didn't bother to do it. The P4G fog restoration mod some guys are making prove that. You can also toggle fog effects on/off in Ico with the debug menu. They just turned them off because they're shit eaters.
There's no point to them for FFX since it adds nothing over the original game. It strictly just makes it worse.
what in the fuck
I knew FFX was bad but jesus what did they do to her face in X-2
>Completely pale in the first shot
>Completely shadowed in the second shot
It's like they don't understand lighting or something
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No one cares about X-2 so I don't have many pictures but it's just as bad.
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>remove lights but increase highlights on textures
How to make your modern game look more dated than a 20 year old game
I sort of like X-2. The change in tone is a splash of cold water at 2 in the morning though
>he woudn't want to nibble on Rikku
>downs / less downs
Don't see the problem here.
>the joker strikes again
losing source code doesn't matter, they lost the shit for KH1 and KH1 still got a good remaster.
they are just lazy and cheap bastards that would rather outsource to chinese than make quality
bless emulation and people that sell their old games/hardware for fair prices
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It's sort of hard to capture in images but you notice it blatantly in motion.
look at her shoulder
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PS2 Yuna has more polygons than HD by the looks of it, look at the eyes.
That's an entirely different person now that I took a close look.
You could legit fool people who've never played FFX into thinking the left is the old version and the right is the upgraded remaster, fucking hell.
Left looks kind and is wife material.
Right looks like a stubborn bitch girl boss.
There's something deeply unsettling about that Wakka
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I have several times, or they'll argue that the right looks better thinking it's HD(which they'd be trying to defend) and btfo themselves.
right looks like shit
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They went to far with the non-specific light skinned square enix race transformation
I just replayed on emulator with 16:9 mod, looks fucking great. But yeah the remaster is a fucking shame, and they won’t remaster it again.
It reminds me of the kingdom hearts models from 1+2
>shit game gets shit remaster
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The worst offense commited by the remaster was the music. All of it was absolutely fucking butchered.

Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vxkGfKc_80

Remaster dogshit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkUea8MN1dA
I can't play the older final fantasies without the speed boost anymore and am happy for the ste lam remasters, even though the graphics have lost some soul
>what is turbo mode on emulators
You are the reason gaming has gone to shit.
ok that's bad
my next run is 100% going to be emulated
Fans are too lazy to remaster it themselves.
jesus that remastered track sounds like a 12 year old's first attempt
At least you can use the original music. Also, the game didn't even bother to include any kind of quality of life updates like cutscene skipping. I suppose the dumpster fire that is the 7Remake project really should have come as no surprise.
>cheats are a feature
i feel bad for zoomers
>greatest rog of all time
Literal hallway
I can't tell in most of these which is which but the issue is the lighting right?
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Weve been over this before
I just think it's funny one of the selling points on the back of the OG FFX cover was the "advanced" facial expressions, and they seem somewhat gutted and stiff in the remake.
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Facial animations, models, the textures(they look extremely bad, and (lack of) lighting. The worst part is the facial animations by far, it makes the game feel so cheap.
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Yeah they sure do
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HD Textures were a mistake
The second one is more realistic
Final fantasy x the best rpg?
Holy fucking shit
i like remake yuna more and ps2 tidus more
You say that but the audio is arguably the weirdest change. Just completely sounds off when it should be a massive upgrade going from midi to orechstrated.
Listening to the remade tracks is like you are trapped in some weird nightmare that corrupts your memeory slowly likea romhack but you can't wake up.
>pits not illuminated anymore
The one thing that shitty fanfic "sequel" is good for.
And how do you miss a simple thing as the font that hard?
>that blockhead transformation on wakka
Nobody cares about this garbage board. Average guy here is a slave who doesn't have sex or anything at all.
boys how do i fix the fucking text in pcsx2?
it's not perfect if rendering above native and it's pissing me the fuck off
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maybe you can't? I never noticed anything wrong with it aside from it being ugly, is that what you mean? Maybe upscaling the font texture would fix it? I'm going to replay it at this aspect ratio and the text looks god awful but I don't care lmao
Yuni was such a cutie. Peak FRIENDS Rachel look.
At least the left has upgraded lips. Man these make me horny.
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this is what the menu looks like at 4x
bugs the shit out of me
>At least the left has upgraded lips
that's the ps2 version
no it's not, the textures give it away anon
Look at the font.
You pulling my leg here. I really thought the colour filter would be something the ps2 version did. The only thing that looks slightly improved quality wise on the right is the fur coat texture. Can't even tell if the silver necklace is still there or if that tiny line is just the head and torso model clipping.
what about it
That's probably this one

Broken Textures
Type: Not an issue
Description: Small black lines and dots visible at the edges and corners of texts and images.
Workaround: Go to Config > Video (GS) > Plugin Settings, turn on "Enable HW Hacks", go to Configure Hacks and set Round Sprite to "Half". Alternatively set Internal Resolution to "Native" or Texture Filtering to "Bilinear (Forced)".
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the ps3 version was the only one with weird color filters I think, this is ps2 vs pc
Both of these are running on PC. It's OG vs Remaster, not a comparison of platforms.
How much sex did you have
Yeah this doesn't look as weird. And I actually really do like the lightning on the elft back.
Also I came buckets to sfm/blender tanned Lulu
Are you mentally 12?
None? You must be mad.
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i appreicate the help, but billinear and round sprite don't work
holy fuck
This is what really annoyed me, the music seemed like it was reworked by a fucking schizo, they randomly removed instruments from pieces or added new ones and volume boosted them.

>removed the frogs from the besaid theme
actually unforgiveable
I actually like games. The gameplay and story are the same. I don’t care if 15 pixels on my 50” screen are slightly different ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Imagine if FFX came today you will see all mutts seething about rikku and square pigneix will censor the game
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texture filtering nearest does this
that's definitely better, hope it doesn't wonk anything else out.
ty anon
it makes textures worse but doing round sprite: full improves them a bit
not a perfect fix
I want to be a blitzball when I grow up faggots
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I'm gonna try some texture edits to see if it's an issue there.
Okay *pushes you inside his urethra*
What are you autists complaining about now? Yuna looks like the same person in both game versions. Your minds are seriously addled if this is a problem for you.
being faceblind is a signal of autism
You would know. You're complaining about a HD remaster of a 20 year old game on a mongolian basket weaving forum.

Not faceblind. I can see how it's been changed. But it still looks like Yuna.
They fucked this game up but Yuna's model being changed isn't a problem. Everything else is.
>Yuna looks like the same person in both games
>I can see how it's been changed
you walk it back and qualify it in the same sentence you poor retard
The PC version isn't busted, the remaster version just has worse models in general.
It's not that, FFX doesn't really take advantage of the PS2 in that way.

The high poly models for FFX are missing animations for battle, swimming etc, so the devs they outsourced FFX Remastered to (some Vietnamese dev) decided to just make new models.
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the only halfway decent remasters square ever did were f12, but that one has input lag, and tactics ogre, but that game is just inferior FF tactics and not very good overall
It's fine. Jesus Christ. FFX is my favourite game, and yeah the remake isn't perfect but it's fucking fine. Fucking get over yourself. This isn't GTA Trilogy, this is what? like 8/10 in terms of remake quality? It's completely fine and servicable.
>The high poly models for FFX are missing animations for battle, swimming etc, so the devs they outsourced FFX Remastered to (some Vietnamese dev) decided to just make new models.
that's ... not how it works. you just rig the body to the skeleton and there you go
and FFX HD didn't use the old high poly models at all
there are several texture packs for pcsx2 niggers
Rikku isn't overly offensive. The only change would probably be that her shorts ride really high which is very apparent in underwater battles. I guess there's also the camera which is more a universal thing. After replaying you really notice the camera manufacturing reasons to zero in on Lulu's tits
This is such a good scene, especially after a second game.
Go back to Kilika

Actually which city is the best to live in. Honestly I'd choose Besaid
doesn't matter the lighting and animations are still fucked
I'm scared of malware, so where can I safely download the PS2 version? I've never emulated games before.
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FFX series has always been lazy
>character is in her third trimester
>devs can't be assed to change model

It's original international PS2 version with better textures played on an emulator you mong
You can't blame that on FFX. X-2 was an asset flip and it's sins can't be laid at FFX's feet
then they look like shit and you made your game look worse wtf
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PS2 is the only version of FFX worth playing you idiot
>shitty reshade or something
>ugly textures
not like that is isn't
Why is "btfo" only used by retards?
What are you even babbling about?
A model can change dimensions and still look like the same character. Are you clinically retarded, or is it a hobby?
Remaster yuna looks like those dolls that follow you around with a knife when you're not looking
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This cutscene is cute on PS2 since she puffs her cheeks but in HD it's a bit scary

>Your cock! Out now!
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Honestly I was more outraged by Rikkus FFX-2 design.
Rikku in FFX was a fucking sweet, energetic "hey, we can make it, cheer up it's gonna be alright" 15 year old girl. The kinda girl that always would do something goofy to cheer you up if you had a bad day.
Why in the FUCK did they make her look like an underage prostitute in X-2? Why is there underwear sticking out of a skirt that's probably shorter than her fucking shorts were before? Why is she wearing a bikini top? It's fucking character assassination is what it is.
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Spirits Within happened that's what
Square was bleeding money
Why not just give it the FF7 remake treatment graphically and make it look like the CGI?
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Rikku was always a slut
Wow, I actually never realized how faithful they are with their higher res textures. You can see how the rocky ground still has flecks of green in places, matching up pretty well with where the original texture had flecks of green. That's pretty amazing, I would have guessed they would just throw any vaguely fitting ground texture into a scene like that. That's so cool.

she just like buttpats nothing wrong with it
cats love buttpats too
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>the greatest RPG of all time
I did not care for Final Fantasy X.
>ps2 tidus
>straw-colored hair

>remaster tidus
>straw hair
Well there's also design intent. Rikku might be fantastical and cute but her FFX design implies her role in both story and gameplay. She's a gadgeteer. She wears work gloves, a set of goggles for welding, a pouch to keep items in. You know what she's about at a glance while still being a wacky FF design. Other than the pouches, damn near all of Rikku's personality traits are missing from her FFX-2 design. Look a appreciate when artists appeal to my dick. But they should still have to try.

Yuna's X-2 design I dislike less because I can see what they were doing by incorporating Tidus's designs into her new one. But they still took it way too far

All alpha channels on every texture in remaster are fucked, there's literally zero soft transperency in remaster
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Remake soon

>Square post 2010

Please no. Seriously don't fucking do it
>babies first RPG
literally fuck remasters. they change the games a tiny little bit and then demand full price for it. it's shameless!
the fucking font is the worst part about those remasters. holy shit. i bet the remaster devs were al-bhed
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fuck the al bhed
not only will you get it, you will also get ffx-3 as part of the package. being a final fantasy fan is eternal suffering
I really don't get it. They both look ok in their own way.
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I played the remastered version for my first playthrough recently and thought it was fine. The PS2 ver looks better in certain ways but i dont really care enough about that. I did enjoy having 8x speed and the option to disable random encounters though. Like for every final fantasy i played. Purists can seethe
This guy is a salty shill.
Right looks better

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