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/v/ - Video Games

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Are we allowed to criticize this yet?
always have been.
i think it's great but get's shat on a lot due to that slow af and ugly (in comparison to rest of the game) prologue and the light rpg mechanics which make the free roaming in first few hours really shitty.
otherwise it's probably the best looking game with alot of immersion and interesting NPCS all over the place.
i won't mention the story cuz i never moved past act 1
Cant wait for the physics,gore and asses in gta 6
This is /v/, you've done nothing but criticize it for six years
this fucking game sucks. 3 hours of tutorial just to finally be able to explore the fucking open world. slow as fucking shit.
I played Online more than the base game. I don't care for modern R* writing.
we were NOT allowed to criticize GTA 5. don't give me that shit
No, since it's a /tv/ material.
I loved it. The wild west with a liberal view was definitely something new. Arthur educating and killing hillbillies was fun. Defending the noble Native Americans from hooligans and conmen was heart warming.
i really didnt like how the main story missions had you killing like... hundreds of people. it felt like it yoinked me out of an immersive cowboy game into a cowboy gta

otherwise the game was godly. you can seethe about it all you want
fun gameplay and sandboxing
shame its all chained to shitty story
i liked the characters and parts of the story. it'd have been better if it was like a short campaign, and opened up into a bunch of smaller stories based around the sandbox gameplay
It borders on parody, the amount of resources put into everything but how the game plays.
No amount of horse balls will make up for the immersion shattering of on-rails missions in incredibly narrow corridors of gameplay that restart you when strayed out of.
i mean compared to most games the story is pretty decent. it was definitely bloated, was a little too woke, but not terrible overall. I thought seeing how Arthur died trying to give John, Jack and Abigail a chance at a decent life was sweet. John climbing that mountain to avenge Arthur while wearing his hat...kino

i wish they fuckin wrote out Sadie, once she went full cowgirl I just hated every second of her on screen.
yea, that's pretty much exactly what im referring to...
though i believe you can dip out of the story early on and just do most of the collection book stuff
permission hasn't stopped you from constantly seething and jumping into RDR2 talks to shitpost before and nothings changed, now I guess you're some kind of victim being censored or something? lol OK bud
if the devs came out in support of trump this game would be goat here
if the devs came out like the nightdive ones? it would be shat on
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pretty soon
once you get past all the nifty little details and animations which are still unrivaled all these years later you sooner or later will have to admit that all you do is tap x to horse and some really lame shooting.
The story is pretty boring and kinda shit if I'm being honest. But the characters are very well written and relatable, even in such an old setting.
It carries the non-gameplay side of things really hard.
>some really lame shooting.
on controller at 30fps it was hard to enjoy
but the shooting is actually pretty good


feels fine at high framerates and on m/kb

It's a great game I'll never fucking play again because of how much of a slog it is.
>Slog of an intro rendering replays boring
>Distractingly fast reloads for weapons of the era
>Weapons reloading by themselves when holstered
>The use of horse riding to facilitate exposition and "gameplay"
>Fucking horrendous encounter design that shits itself if you so much as slightly diverge from the intended path
The Strawberry rescue is actually very confusing because the pre-feds find you right after and just wag their fingers at you
Idk, it never even gets close to feeling as good as max Payne 3.
It overly relies on headshots and the snap to aim for consoles is painfully obvious as their intended vision for the game.
it's that your character is too overpowered. you can just stand there getting shot twelve times, duck behind a tree and eat a can of beans and get shot another twelve times. all the while you yourself have 100% accuracy with every weapon and just click heads
Oh for fuck's sake.
This is /v/, dude. There isn't a game here you're NOT encouraged to call shit.
Such a pretty game, yet so tedious to play that I can't find any enjoyment in it.
Yeah sure.
Here's my take: Every rockstar game since gta4 is boring and I start them but never finish them because they're so fucking boring.
I played it, did not understand the hype. So fucking boring, shit storyline and characters the game assumes you care about despite not giving you any reason to.
Gameplays wank and if you step outside the pre-planned pathway or decisions you fail the missions. GTA was fun because you could fuck things up, be creative and try to salvage things. In RDR2 you can't.
I got to the epilogue and realised it never starts, it's the whole game.
The epilogue was boring forced trash and not a single mission was worth my time. The epilogue actually ruined rdr2 for me, which I otherwise loved. The only people who liked the epilogue are the sort of retards that cheer at Marvel movies when their favourite hero is on screen. Pathetic .
This game sucked
Maybe /v/ has great taste after all.
I liked the game but i felt like it didn’t fit with RDR1’s plot that well. I mainly disliked that Dutch shows up at the end and John thanks him. It’s also very slow, tedious at times, there’s open world bloat, useless features…there’s plenty to criticize. If more people played 1 they would criticize it too but they didn’t.

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