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Calling it, this is the best MMO currently.
CURRENTLY. Not overall, currently.
Kind of a bold thing to say, but with Dawntrail fucking up pretty bad on it's debut, Sega does have a chance to put Pso2 into a favorable spot light while Square sorts their own shit out with figuring out how to handle post Dawntrail. It's a slim chance but a chance none the less.
Not even remotely close, and that's even with me accepting most MMOs are dogshit. This "game" is complete ass. It's basically a gacha skinnerbox disguised as a game
The real competition is from the gacha space at the moment.

PSO2NG has good combat, but compare it to Wuthering Waves and Zenless Zone Zero.
>Pso2 into a favorable spot light while Square sorts their own shit out with figuring out how to handle post Dawntrail

If XIV doesn't sort its story out with the 7.0 patches, the game is in semi-big trouble.
ngs is bad but i'm playing it because i'll play the current pso as long as it's not psu
>Game actually has the entire original PSO2 in the new game

SEGA don't get enough credit for this. Any other game would have just dropped any previous title.
it's better, because NGS doesn't lock your playstyles to gacha, like wuthering waves and ZZZ. Where as those games, your play experience is gonna be affected alot in part by how much you pay and how lucky you are in the pulling more characters from the gacha, NGS, if you are only looking at it from a game play perspective, all it's play features and mechanics are available for free, their gacha system is only for costemetic and min maxing stats, but the content is pretty much doable with out the min maxing.
>NGS, if you are only looking at it from a game play perspective, all it's play features and mechanics are available for free

This is the divide between MMOs and Gacha, and it really stems from mobile as a platform.
The playstyle of gacha games came about as 40 RPGs that you can grind for 10 minutes on the toilet/train, whereas MMOs expect the grind to be 3 hours, but with no daily incentive (generally).

If nothing else, considering >>683672609 at points int he game, it'll be interesting to see what a Phantasy Star Online 3 would be.
Like wise with Sega and NGS, they really need too kick out a compelling story plot so that can have a much easier time introducing more content into NGS.
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>Like wise with Sega and NGS, they really need too kick out a compelling story

Can you have a compelling story with that aesthetic of anime?
I don't feel with that aesthetic, that you can ever have characters and plot better than an off season Sunrise anime.

You need the aesthetics to be more grounded so it's bordering between a Code Geass and Evangelion.
Yes you retard, almost all any is liked because of a compelling story, How "Anime" it looks is irrelevant. Compelling doesn't necessarily it's gotta be Shakespearean levels of quality story telling or anything like that, it just means the story's premise is has an enough interest to keep you invested in following it.
it's really hard to tell what ngs can do story wise from the point it's at
that was like a year period of basically just living with the antagonistic force right outside the door and only giving them funny names instead of any research being done on them by the characters

now we have a faceless, voiceless, but named antagonist, and surely that will bring us to a boss fight at some point, but the motives beyond MMM PHOTONIC ENERGY don't feel like anything is going on
like, not that these games often need much to the antagonists beyond being AN ANCIENT EVIL but at least then they're disrupting something organized
there's nothing organized feeling about the current setting
The plot needs to do more with Resurgent Arks and what ever the fuck their deal is, beyond combatting starless, but also, by now like with the darkers in OG Pso2, we should have been had antagonists in the starless camp with a speaking presence and agency, be it a human avatar of Dark falzes themselves or like mindslaved thralls serving as pawns for those Dark falzes. Stuff like that needs to be introduced along with what their goals and motives are.
i do wonder how much plot is being told visually, with how a good amount of dolls designs seem to be associated with the available player classes, and if dolls are based off starless then the starless must also be similar to player classes?
so then are starless a product/corruption of the classes of the old arks or whatever?
so then with the old arks being so photon rich and the starless craving photons, the effigies of the old arks are trying to sustain themselves

there's things to think about but man, it sure feels like reaching and trying to make up a story that they aren't writing
>mmo /vg/ generals

Absolutely unusable. xiv’s is the same. They’re probably ALL the fucking same.
You are not some online anonymous celebrity, talk about the fucking games.
I know the feeling and it's always been the most frustrating thing about ngs for the longest. The potential for some IS there, it can lead to something really great, but so many set backs, mismanagement, and horrid decisions have been holding it back hard,
i still think it's crazy that they thought the content they made up to stia was going to last them like 4(?) years and they needed to do the expedited schedule of every 6 months instead for a while there
feels unbelievable that was the extent of their long term planning
i get it, game development can be hard, but pso2 changed course much snappier than this a few times

really felt like the most doses of story we've been getting in ngs is trying to parse the engrish vocals during the falz fights, and all these "dark falz class" starless things aren't even providing story from the announcements (thanks for the psobb song remix in the alert period music though)

also god, there's a lot i didn't like about pso2 but please give us a new intro movie already, they were absolutely killing it with those for the new episodes
like really, episode 4 was dumb but
that's (us), (we)'re ready for this shit, let's get the quest going and be rad like the movie
Bro that was 8 years ago.
Bro.... up.. wake up...
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it's fucking shit, they literally lost most of their players going from pso2 to ngs because it just completely fails to capture what made pso2 a good game.
Also if you look at any update livestream of the game you notice they spend over 80% of the stream talking about new fucking gacha cosmetics instead of actually trying to add content or improve the game.
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What a coincidence. That's also the worst MMO currently.
To be fair to the game, that’s just steam right? The actual player count would probabaly be 24,000 across all the platforms, worldwide.
not playing an mmo with weebs ever
>he keeps making the same thread over and over expecting to save his game
just dilate at this point
Star Rail has the best story currently in vidya
I highly doubt it that's high, ships are pretty empty even in japan.

Also the chart going from 8k-10k players with pso2 to only 1-2k with ngs is likely still reflected in the worldwide numbers. There is no way that NGS is a success with such a huge drop in players.
At this point Sega is just milking the retarded whales still sticking around until the game dies.
I don’t need you to save the game bitch.
Post the number mmo in Japan.
Post the #1 mmo in Japan.

That’s right. Sit down boy.
I see some pretty strange numbers on this game from Japan. Hard to verify.
Not that it matters outside of console war nonsense. Game it what it is.
SJWs, American Dude-Nerds or Weebs.
You MUST choose.
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sure thing autist
I've seen Japanese people stream this and it's a ghost town. They spend most of their time just giving their model bigger artificial tits and dressing them up and posing them.
PSO2 has the best casino mini-games desu
I said Japan, not
The fuck is with asians and casinos

No I don’t want to play boomer slots in my children’s jrpg
Uh, at a post apolcalytic game it’s meant to be a ghost town.
If I say the this is the best game of all time, no one can even refute that. They can post a sales chart, but they can’t actually deconstruct that point.

Therefore, it now is. Bye bye Ocarina of Time!
PSO2NGS is the dark souls of Mmo.
>whole OP is about AIS as if they weren't in the game since EP2
It's shit.
so that's the power... of surface level
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Japanese PC playerbase has more than the entire western region combined. Steam is their primary player source with xbox/windows store/epic being an extreme minority.
Ship4JP alone used to eclipse all of NA twice-over, and now its just a sad shell of its former self and STILL the largest JP ship.

NGS was such a catastrophic fuckup that even canning it and returning to base is no longer a viable option (especially with how Sega intentionally destroyed its own game economy in the final year via Cradle)
But everyone loves dark souls. Dark souls is normiecore now.
It’s more like the Neptunia of MMOs.
Bro what are we looking at it’s just orange bars and Chinese letters
>he keeps replying to his own posts to keep his shitty thread alive
no it isn't
Who are you now? What fucking /v/ celebrity is this now?
What happened bro, fantasy star 4 hurt you on Twitter or something and now you’re in a 7 year long tirade against it
Slightly related to pso2, but can somebody tell me why Phantasy Star III is the worst fucking game of all time?
>start the game after 2 years of not playing
>barely new things added for 2 years of time

who the fuck still regulary plays if they even play i assume all are just ERPing
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meant to post Dofus
ep4 where the game went down to the shitters you fag
What is this Bastion looking shit
Was ep4 the left field isekai story with that faggot blonde kid?
well it was the isekai where you go to real world and fight the ship, ep5 was the fantasy shit that was even worse than e4
the story was not worse, the content/development plan was
I still don't understand what the plan with New Genesis was.

They wanted to update PSO2, but not remove it entirely, but move everyone over, but give everyone the chance to keep playing, but stop making content it, but not make much content for NGS.

I seriously think they started PSO3 in 2020 and just needed some sort of stopgap to test out technology while the majority of their team work on that game.
Its okay to admit you've never played the game.
anon if you want a NGS thread you gotta start with subtle shitposts
the best MMORPG
lmao no
The story in star rail was so bad in chinkslop region 1 that they had to change it because people were dropping the game due to sheer boredom and penacony was retconned and changed midway, now chinkslop again.
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>What went wrong?
Trannies ruined the game
syberbolt did nothing wrong
PSO is better and even PSU is better than NGS
>500+ replies
I'm surprised the servers are still online.
>it's more dead than BDO
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Phantasy Star is such an awesome series and it's so, so unfortunate that SEGA is the one behind it. I just want the private server for base PSO2 to launch already.
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you can immediately tell someone is a T2 lobbyrat tranny when they write stuff like this
>barely acceptable outfits cost 8m starting
the two outfits i'm using were 500k and 2.5m respectively and i'm happy with them until the end of time
my castfag friend is sitting on 200m without anything to spend on
buying outfits every scratch and buying overpriced coomer outfits are the struggles of a small portion of the playerbase
>theres dext farm, in which you farm for about 1m meseta per hour
dext is 1.5m to 2m per hour if you're not on dogshit leech central like global, add it still lacks far behind duels
dext is just cope for fags without meseta to buy materials and the ability to knock out duels in 20-50 seconds
>you get about 10 eradi souls with boosters from a city
with boosters you get enough to craft two gladia souls out of thin air an hour, which already makes it better than dext, plus a pile of eredims. but because global sucks cocks at spawning and clearing trials you usually don't get enough points to open enough chests in a nameless run
and outside of nameless you still have: uq, ltq, duel, standing quest, purple, which are indeed 5-6 things with profitable loot. being a dext cuck is a last resort
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That's just steam and the faggot is lying to you. Here is an average night in japan on one ship. Note that they also have 10 ships instead of 4 like global.
I hope they publicly shame ERPniggers in the private server, waste of server space that contribute nothing other than killing the game
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>i-i-it's dead in japan as we--- ACK!!!!!
What does this mean
>faggots who cant even play JP version because of the IP ban defending how the game is alive on JP
the absolute state
>mmo thread
>more than 50 posts to blue protocol
Not bad, in future threads we can expect it to be entirely forgotten
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>faggots who supposedly cant play the JP version somehow got screenshots from that version
Do zoomers really don't know what a VPN is?
This means the population of one japanese ship eclipses the steam playerbase and possibly the entire global playerbase
Additionally, the game is doing well enough to beat out games like FFXIV on certain platforms
The game is not doing very well on global, that is actually true, but doomniggers should keep their narrative to that because extending that to JP is cope of the highest caliber when there are countless evidences suggesting the opposite
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Based Dofus chad.
Dofus is unironically one if not the best MMO right now.
NGS is a joke even compared to old PSO2.
Funny how a bunch of frogs are better at managing a mmo than Sega.
>he can't even reply to the correct post
Blue Protocol will be good, right? Bandai are a good company, they do good things with Digimon and Gundam games.
No, no and no.
yes sir buy the nordvpn to play shitty mmo, dont forget to redeem the code iamafaggot for 30% off
the studio is bankrupt and mentions of the game's international release were scrubbed from amazon's websites
there is your "ngs killer" kek
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>Blue Protocol
that shit is dead in japan bro.
it got delayed in the west just to get censored and be months/years behind content+fomo.
its like bless online (even uses unreal engine too) but even worse
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blue protocol won
>but muh ratings
doesnt matter, you are brown and got banned
>only successful japanese MMO is a copy of WoW
>the rest of the MMOs on the market is either american or korean
japan has fallen
>being so brown he failed the VPS check
Every time you post, Imma reply to you and bump the thread. For Pantry Star.
Bamco Digimon games are mostly awful because they refuse to give a budget bigger than two pizzas to the devs.
I liked Cyber sluts and Next order but both of these games are really mediocre and had like no budget.
I'd say Blue protocol is even worse than NGS, because of how badly they managed it, not saying NGS is good though, that game is complete shit too.
After Tower of Fantasy being a AAA graduate project, XIV shitting the bed with Dawntrail, Destiny 2 with that Lightfall story, PSO is our only hope.

Also fuck you Yugioh fix your game I been playing this shit for 20 years and screaming.
Also fuck you Dragon Quest 3, you ain't that good. You ain't.
My Light deck is really fun in Line Strike but not sure whatelse to mix it with. Right now just a nyan 3 cost I can summon a 5 cost Persona on for clutch right line finishes.
Also excited for MARS, that skill tree looking big and will probably shift clear times in a lot of content.
>Bamco Digimon games are mostly awful because they refuse to give a budget bigger than two pizzas to the devs

It's like the opposite problem for SEGA games. Big budgets, but 0 turnaround time.
Whatever it is that this song makes (You) feel, put that in pso2.

>PSO is our only hope.
Ngs has been a joke since it launched you fucking retard, it's never been anyone's hope except HMZK when they put him back in charge after he almost purposefully killed old PSO2
Fucking hell that’s impressive.

Is there a translator for the Japanese version? I’d like to play it.
>PSO is our only hope.
NGS has been garbage since release.
Honestly I do wish it was more popular. I feel like the game isn’t bad but the community reputation brings it down immensely.
>PS store

The game could have been good and had a lot of players if Sega actually tried with the game. But they're treating it like a low effort mobile game when its a expensive to produce multi service console game.
Nah boys I believe. I can feel it.
>entire thread is one schizo replying to himself to keep it alive
guess /vg/ is slow today
>best MMO currently.
>fucking NGS
jesus christ mmos must be in the gutter then
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>being this upset that a ngs thread has traction for once
It's so fucking surreal seeing newfag revisionism like this. You clearly werent around when NGS launched and ruined PSO2 to try force players to migrate
Man, Wakka's city from FFX just blew up. This ain't good yah?
sadly it fucking is
dawntrail is in shambles
the only other game that has similarly satisfying combat (but even fucking worse management) is vindictus
i'd love to play tera again but it's dead
i'm wary about other gook games and not interested in worlo at all
Don't use "schizo", that's that Discord talk son.
We're OGs here. I beat Phantasy Star 1 on the SEGA whatever. Name one thing you've done.
Well yeah, MMO has been a dead genre for well over a decade at this point.
got married, touched grass and ate pussy
With how often these threads are made, with the same shit as op everytime I think it's just a paid shill at this point.
Dawntrail is fine though? The story is weak but the gameplay content has been universally praised.
its a single schizo from /vg/ whose entire life is this shit game and can't move on because he dropped more than 6 digits on it
You don't have to man, I don't care. If a game dies it dies, what's 3 extra players from /v/ gonna do.
>dawntrail is in shambles
it really isnt, the story is just ass but lmao not like NGS story is any better
>Not even getting paid for it
Jesus, that's even worse
Shut your fucking mouth boy you did 0 of that shit!
You don't get it, XIV was always an ass game, the story and raids held it together.
Now the story is gone. Now what.
>durr the raids is still-
My cat wife. And that elezen teen.
>ruined PSO2
People just stopped playing it cause it wasn't getting any new cosmetics
>b-b-b-but muh shaders muh cradle
Irrelevant if you just care about the gameplay, everything is still available, people just got bored because the game is boring when there's nothing new to look forward to
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That pic is from 3 years ago
Here's what JP looks like during prime time these days
reminder that a single block can hold at max 200 people
They killed the PSO2 market
just stay down shill, you cant talk yourself out of this one
nah its carired by its world aesthetics music and content, story was good for a while too but yeah dawntrail sucks but the content has been fun, ngs has....... music and 1 big boss that is fun every year? base had at least fun classes but ngs has nothing lmao
I don't know anybody who stuck with pso2 who isn't a pathetic loser who erps and goons all day
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This bitch's father just died and she doesn't even care
Only two of those worlds finished loading that's not a fair comparison
Who are the Discord raiders trying to bring this particular game down? What is their end game?
I already mentioned cradle. Inflation is nothing new, the problem is everyone stopped playing the game (cause it's boring and not getting new scratches) so there's nobody left to buy whatever you're trying to peddle.
Why does the market stop you from playing the game anyway? Were you only playing to grind meseta out so you can buy cosmetics? Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore, they're not releasing any new ones.
>no actual story content until next summer
>stuck on Halpha for another year at least
At least playing dress up with my digital waifu barbie is fun.
probably this, definitely some tranny from the general getting nervous because of looming EoS and loosing all his wasted money in form of cosmetics.
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For me it's PSU on the Clementine server.
The character customization in NGS is a million times better than anything in FFXIV. Combat is better too, real time combat will always be superior to hot key spam. Just wish NGS had more weapons/classes.
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>the story and raids held it together.
>Now the story is gone. Now what.
>durr the raids is still-
Its not man, it's just me. I have 5 hours in PSO2 and 1 hour in NGS.

I see the game get doomposted a lot, even though some threads hit 500, wanted to figure it out.
>3 years later the open world has 0 content and meaning
>lates small zone added makes you farm some points while walking around avoiding all combat and open chests
>wasted devtime on some card game nobody plays
>roadmap looking grim for the rest of the year

the absolute state of the game and the still remaining players that refuse to accept reality
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>The character customization in NGS

I struggle to think of a character creator better than PSO's. I guess Monster Hunter World was always good.
They outright replaced PSO2 with NGS when it released and you needed a workaround to access the base game
I can keep going all day because I witnesses that shitshow firsthand. It's your call whether your flogging stops here or not
He's right though, only a small fraction of the playerbase gives a fuck about raids and a fraction of that if you're talking about savage
>combat on all classes revolves around parry

yeah thats the reason monhun which is actually based on the original PSO took off and this one failed. Just stand in everything press parry and 1PA inbetween, nice combat
>You can still drive on that bridge, it's only one of the support pillars gone
>why does the market stop you from playing the game anyway
good luck getting halfway decent gear for endgame shit retard
thats the only thing this game does right and thats sadly only enough foor degenerate ERPers
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There is an unofficial translation yeah, I don't use it but look up "pso2 tweaker"
An extremely nice thing about JP is their prices are FAR less retarded than global. This is the direct result of the game having a larger population, and said population actually spends money on the game, keeping the market well supplied at all times. It's very hard to scalp the market here because people will just put more shit right up
Playing with randoms here is also a much more pleasant experience. Bigger rooms, faster queues, and less leeching faggots overall which means faster clears too
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Not really lying faggot, this is from 3 years ago.
>remove IPs
>schizo reply to themselves for hours pretending there is any traction in their threads
I'll play if they revert NGS and publicly flog the guy in charge
Post the server list that would get the servers marked with medium load or even heavy so showing that is a better indicator of population
I’ll check out the tweaker. Thanks.
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>They outright replaced PSO2 with NGS when it released and you needed a workaround to access the base game
lolwat... you mean choosing PSO2 at character select or transferring to it from a Ryuker?
If anything, it was the other way around. You couldn't play NGS without downloading 70GB of PSO2shit if you were on Global. There was a workaround for this if you used Tweaker but the 100GB download size probably turned off a lot of potential players from NGS.
I know you fags like to make up excuses bit rewriting reality is a new one.
You can still make decent gear just by farming (not that you need it for 99% of content), and all you fags already had god units anyway so why are you crying? Go play the game.
I never took that for NGS but have this I guess
Global couldn't come close to touching this
100% you're from some /vg/ circlejerk, being unable to talk about the actual game at hand.

You talk shit, but if you dumped your Discord logs, we'd all laugh at your ass.
? I thought you were playing right now, that's from like pre-ep4 bro. I'm confused now, you don't have ngs jp installed?
Meant for forgive me I haven't slept
nah as a new player you're fucked if you want to do anything and are funneled to play a worse game instead, genuinely kill yourself
>shows something that may as well be the first pic but uncropped
Sorry sis your LARP won't work unless you can show more than just Aelio blocks!
>They outright replaced PSO2 with NGS

That's not true, they had the character and cosmetics conversion. The uproar was about base PSO2 not getting new content.
The erp scene in ngs is actually pretty fun if you give it a chance. I play a giant muscle futa and mindbreak bitches with my dick smell, honestly better as endgame content goes.
the uproar was actually about base pso2 getting ruined graphically on top of ruining the economy to try and force people to play NGshit
>Compare a game you can play as whatever character you like with whatever class and weapon and play style you like for free
>It's competition is pay to play meme characters that get power-crept 6 months down the line that you have to spend money to get at a functional level

Gacha shit might make more money but it's basically stockholm syndrome.
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>game is unplayable unless you have absolute bis gear
HMMMM kinda sounds like it might just be a bad game if that's true, thanks for making my arguments for me
>expecting disingenuous faggots to actually be right
they pretend they play JP, but they don't even know how to pass the captcha to make an account
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Needs sci-fi bikini armors and not just bikini armors.
To play PSO2 you have to install NGS and finish the NGS tutorial which takes like an hour.
That's from the Luster patch nigger, back to /vg/ with you
>You couldn't play NGS without downloading 70GB of PSO2shit
Never mind the fact that people who downloaded NGS had PSO2 installed, you couldnt play PSO2 after NGS dropped. You needed a workaround to do that.
Nice try sidestepping that inconvenient truth. The pain will stop if you just admit to your dishonesty, you know?
>people who downloaded NGS had PSO2 installed, you couldnt play PSO2 after NGS dropped. You needed a workaround to do that.
Simply not true
just play the fucking game
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the thread is just people larping as if they're currently playing ngs
amazing. just stop talking about the game and giving it attention so it can slowly phase out from the minds of the public instead of fueling shitposts and trying to compare it literal gacha.
jesus christ every ngs thread is just the same. move on already.
but the thousands I invested into the dress up
ok, garland
it's such a fucking cool name why did you even troon out and changed it
why don't they just combine the jp and global servers why does sega give a shit if the jps have to deal with gaijins, they're a corporation
Okay, but that has nothing to do with the ngs screenshots you were showing. Yeah, the game was popular in ep6, but you were posting pictures of NGS saying JP is bustling with people. You're right in that it's more populated than global, but even everquest 1 is more populated than global. It's not a hard bar to pass. Posting an episode 6 population of the server list has no bearing on the population right now. So, if you can, I'd like a screenshot of the current ngs server list on jp.
>log in
>Titters everywhere! big honkers!, even over inflated asses.

by the way just owning a pair of tits in this game cost over 30million!

pro tip, if you plan on playing dress up, make a male character, costumes are much cheaper. weapon skin and female items will bankrupt you.
post endless score retarded faggot
>satania avatarfag

Oh fucking hell, I've seen you around the chan sites. I know you.
the reality is i love ngs more than base and really want all of /v/ to play this game so i can play with you guys and shitpost in chat
Please, i just really want this
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Very funny, I get it. You took one pic each from Retem and Stia release then put them side by side.
Meanwhile in reality
No.... this cannot be...!
They're all full!
>want to play base PSO2?
>lolnah we wont let you! play this shit game instead!
and that's just one of many, many forums talking about this shit. I can easily find threads on b4k as well. You know why? Because I was there.
SEGA really went PSO:BB -> PSU -> PSO2

Such a massive downwards trend
No... the bars... they're...
They're empty....
I play a cast and don't erp, if you don't erp or act weird I'll play with you but I don't play religiously or play very seriously
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>steam retard can't read
>4chan retard also can't read
Oh, I see, so this is the average basePSO2fag that keeps crying.
>playing with /v/

I can't think of anything worse. For any game.
>pic taken at 3am to epic ownz a 4chan discussion
and that's still more players than all of global LMFAO!
I took that 5 minutes ago THOUGH
he can't post it because he doesn't play ngs anon
i'm glad you play, but ive met some cool erpers and would appreciate it if everyone on /v/ downloaded and played ngs too (its free) at the same time every day. Even if it was only two or three hours all of /v/ could play per day. I know thats not realistic but i won't give up until we have a giant lobby spamming faggot in the chat its my dream and i love you guys
>after finishing the ngs tutorial
I love how selective you are and keep ignoring the fact that you couldnt play the base game because NGS outright stopped you-a fact you avoid addressing because you cant cope or refute it.
stop replying to yourself faggot
yeah ill have to pass, I wish you luck with that
prove it, cyrus you stupid erping fuck
Please play ngs
The best part is that even if you did the tutorial and used a ryuker to transfer to pso2, there's a huge probability the game would just outright crash.
Even on the character screen transfer option it would still crash.
Nobody is playing this shit retard, it's literally kept alive by a handful of retarded ERPers that do nothing but roll the gacha
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It's exactly what you'd expect
Thank you anon. I don't play on jp anymore, or even really global that much, I just got tired of the larp lol
in regards to the pic, yeah that's what I expected. JP is definitely bigger than global but that's really not hard to achieve
dogshit game
dogshit community
dogshit dev team
dogshit company
>the open world has 0 content and meaning
good, it was trash and it makes sense to drop it to focus on better quest types
>avoiding all combat and open chests
you cannot open chests while avoiding combat because doing combat is how you get points. unlock sign trial gives you 3k points at best
>wasted devtime on some card game
card game was developed in their free time according to an interview thoughbeit
>roadmap looking grim for the rest of the year
literally more content than any roadmap up to this point, and force got their expansion added after the roadmap announcement where it was missing before
>all ships are dead
>can barely get a L____ run
>a__ s____ m is the only way to get a quest running
>the new LTQ will have it
It's over
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I'll be honest. I never tried logging into PSO2 first since I wanted to try the shiny new thing (as with most people), so I was under the impression that you could just log into PSO2 if you chose it directly from the character selection screen. It's still not clear if you truly had to or not from what you presented, but I'll believe you if you want to make that your argument.
>people stopped playing PSO2 because they had to do a short tutorial in NGS before going back to it
YIKES! Must not be a very good game if they gave up on it that easily.
>Must not be a very good game
yeah NGS was dogshit, glad you agree
you say things and i can't help but read it as cope
a real cope addled mind
a cope addict
a cope construct perhaps not even a real poster
a machine of mimicked intelligence whose purpose is to dole out cope
what im saying is
you're a cope ai
Ship load is not an indicator of anything because you can have one ship having more players than the entirety of global (this >>683690067
is 3.5k?) and it would still appear green in the menu
>the larp
Do you need to look at its market next >>683696250
This was taken 15 minutes ago. The scratch is new
>s-s-surely the japanese are just more generous than global players, that's why everything is so cheap!
Hi Reina please come back to /vg/
literally no one is arguing that JP is more alive than global you mongoloid, its still fucking dead
>Must not be a very good game if they gave up on it that easily.
Yep, >>683698270 laid it out clearly for all to see. It's too bad NGS killed the actually good PSO2 though
3.5k on one ship, healthy market and instant matchmaking is dead? In what world?
This shit is more alive than Savage raiding lmfao
>because they had to do a short tutorial in NGS before going back to it
If you don't know, Sega made a bunch of changes to pso2 just before NGS released to make sure the game would die.
They completely nuked the economy by releasing cradle, got rid of the f2p ways to sell items on the market and neutered many other parts of the game like getting rid of scheduled urgent quests.
The result is that over 80% of the playerbase just stopped playing after realizing that NGS is in fact also shit. Now when you look up new headlines for NGS you will notice that out of an hour long update stream, at least 40 minutes of that is spent talking about paid cosmetics only.

Sega knows that NGS is fucking dogshit, but they don't want to lose face and would rather just milk the remaining whales as much as possible before the game inevitably dies.
>ITT vagueposting
you faggots never have the guts to say shit to my face ingame
AC stuff is cheaper on JP cause they have a larger proportion of people that scratch
If you look at affixes that you can farm, they're about the same price or more expensive on JP usually
Also that pic with the blocks is several years old
>instant matchmaking
>when all the new quests have multi ship matchmaking to compensate for the game being dead as fuck
lmao retard
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post proof you actually play NGS
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>PSO2troons blaming their dogshit game's failure on something completely irrelevant
9 years of content
NINE years
already dead 1.5 years in
what's that, game's literally unplayable without a carrot to chase?
but i thought as long as the ""content"" is ""fun"" people will continue to play it??
I won't.
Don't respond to this guy. I know who this is.
I know who you are bro. Don't think I don't know.

You didn't reply to that other post I sent you did you? You better get your ass outta here real quick.
Whew thats kinda smelly
>shit all over game
>haha why don't you want to play it anymore?
I was going to dispute this, but the truth is that most modern MMOs are blatantly pay to win. In fact, older asian MMOs were some of the leaders in introducing lootbox microtransactions to the gaming world.
Still, when the debate is over the title of "best" MMOs, it's hard to seriously claim that any game heavily incorporating that trash is legitimate competition.
this game population is so dead that i recognize every character name in this picture
>Discord grammar

100% this is some Indonesian dude.
>talks out his ass
>gets btfo
>Y-you're lying! Surely it wasnt that bad!! It's just not true!!! PSO2 IS A BAD GAME ANYWAY!!!!!
Where's your anime pic, troon?
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NGS is dogshit but nobody was gonna play PSO2 after it stopped getting updates, it's just funny seeing you guys come up with excuse after excuse instead of actually playing the game
>but the market when there's nothing to buy
>but the shaders are brighter literally unplayable
>but the urgent quest schedule even though there are free triggers for anything that would be scheduled
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Pic with the blocks was taken on the day of the Line Strike patch. You can find the clue in the uncropped screenshot as long as you can read japanese.
i want to can her
>nobody was gonna play pso2
>mentions reasons why they fucked the game to the point why nobody wanted to play it anymore
wow you sure got yourself
Those are excuses, not reasons
according to that troon trading weapons to fight an Urgent is not gameplay. You're not gonna get through to him
Do you need a VPN to play jp? Does the anticheat constantly sniff for VPN connections like blue protocol did?
You can't even buy the good weapons from the player shop retard lol
Gwiz could be in this thread
yes and no, i switched to the wellbia shit and can still play just fine
>Do you need a VPN to play jp?
>Does the anticheat constantly sniff for VPN connections like blue protocol did?
Game is still trash no matter the region
excuses for Sega gutting f2p trading and urgents?
f2p or paid? because best paid mmo is completely different from best f2p mmo, and its arguably the best in one of those categories depending on what you like but probably not both
>excuses, not reasons
what are you like 70
stop talking a boomer
Obviously not after Sega fucked it over as part of their great leapto NGS
you're not smart
base pso2 was extremely f2p friendly, to the point you could easily buy most paid cosmetics with a couple hours of grinding.
Meanwhile NGS is extremely hostile to f2p players, the economy is just fucked beyond believe.
>japs actually fell for the line strike meme
>game already dead two weeks after cause they realized it's dogshit
Hes always in ngs threads
niggas's tantrums on social media are always during or after a thread
>NGS is extremely hostile to f2p players
>litterally the exact same setup as pso2 economy
>even easier for f2p because affixing and grinding is easier now
Why do you lie lie lie like this, stop trying to kill ngs
Don't forget that in base pso2 you had infinite shop passes, meanwhile in NGS you barely get any as f2p.
>could play JP PSO2 just fine since EP3 for many years
>Microsoft somehow ends up being the ones to publish PSO2 EN way too fucking late
>NGS causes the JP version to block everyone else to shove them into MS's faggot servers
I fucking hate Microsoft
I fucking hate Microsoft
I fucking hate Microsoft
I fucking hate Microsoft
I fucking hate Microsoft
I fucking hate Microsoft
You have no fucking clue what you are talking about, how do you get shop passes now?
They didn't gut urgents, you're just retarded. You can run any urgent you want through badges that are basically free.
Fair enough on the f2p part though, removing the shop passes was a dick move.
All the good weapons were untradable from the start and have to be acquired through grinding, you don't play the game
you were only able to get infinite shop passes starting from ep4 because you get shit for excubes previously
ep1-3 was extremely hostile to freepigs
and when the game's 9 years old you don't "grind for a couple hours" and buy paid cosmetics either
the grind you're seeing in NGS is what we used to put up with in base
global is just oblivious to it because they got all of it in 1 year
This thread and the respective /vg/ general make for compelling arguments against playing the game and associating with its community.

Every thread is just a bunch of autismos and schizos being mad that their clique of degenerates doesn't give them enough attention.
Mentioning gwiz was an instant ban on /vg/ like a year ago.
>niggas's tantrums on social media are always during or after a thread

This is the tell huh. Get the twitter up, let's see
You have no clue why people liked urgents, do you even know why people play MMOs in the first place? It sure isn't so they can have all the MMO parts of it taken away from them and be left with an empty shell of a game.
You didn't play base pso2
why don't you shut the fuck up?
The community is complete dog fucking shit, I agree. The community in game is unironically chill though, i met some nice niggas
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>Anon says "hewiz"
>You know it's "gwiz"
That's EVERY /vg/ thread.
>He is still larping as an old player
The urgents are still there and PSO2(JP) didn't have a schedule for most of its run, you're just a nigger
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the best games are when you recognize everyone
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Incelbolt lost
Again, do you know why people play MMOs? You seem to not have a basic understanding on what an MMO even is.
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>people caring about some card game in japan would casually outnumber the gameplay larpers on global
>it's getting a real life tournament
it's insane how this grifter shifted to pso2 just because of the autism obsession he could create around himself. he tried to do the same thing when i used to play paladins but no one gave a shit and he got kicked out of his community council role kek
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The /pso2g/ thread fell off after they invited the degenerates into it.
I can't even be bothered to talk about it this late, but there were drug addicts who beat their mothers, coomers who have tens of thousands of posts on the porn boards, dude who botted the thread because he was buttmad his team wasn't in the OP, etc.
Fun shit, but the kino was the ingame jp days
>Line S
There were and still are a lot of bad faith actors who clearly didn't care about phantasy star at all and justw anted a bomb to comform their retarded opinions.
/pol/roaches one of the biggest of course pretending liek 10cm is a gamebreaking issue and still bsessing over a trans cm. But also not to forget that it wasn't on ps in the west for a year which made snoyggers seeth and the ff14 trannies are always shitting on every mmo and trying to groom more kids into their shitty wow clone.
All that noise trickles down as general opinion to /v/tards of who many would absolutely be into this game but already got told no.
But also smaller community and less /v/tards is a blessing and whales keep scratching so servers will stay up.
Oh cool there's a card game? Like Genshin. And Digimon World 3. And Final Fantasy VIII.
>no ichitaro
don't care
>The /pso2g/ thread fell off after they invited the degenerates into it

How the fuck you invite people to an anonymouse image board
>come on in bro
>it's getting a real life tournament

Is this game like some massive thing in Japan or something?
Global became a thing.
Filter of installing a patch or clicking an .exe
It fell off after normalfags moved to ship 2 so they can play with Reddit
Your redditspacing copypaste exposes how long ago you last played this game. God you would get demolished by current content lmao and cry when there is any veticality.
>there were drug addicts who beat their mothers, coomers who have tens of thousands of posts on the porn boards, dude who botted the thread because he was buttmad his team wasn't in the OP

For as cool as 98% of posters on this site are, that fucking 2% is absolutely miserable. I figured out though that these sort of people are everywhere, and they'll follow you no matter what you do.
Not true. There are a few decent generals if you ignore the MMOs, gachashit, and the purely single player games.
>YouTuber mentioned
>gwiz tries to re-write history like his biology
crazy how you're still gonna be thinking about gwiz 5 years from now
>>3 years later the open world has 0 content and meaning
Wrong, not sure why you would lie about that.
>>lates small zone added makes you farm some points while walking around avoiding all combat and open chests
At least pretend to play the game instead of repeating some shitpost wrongly describing Nameless City to you. Combat is how you get the most points and you would knew this if you played a single round.
>>wasted devtime on some card game nobody plays
Soulsful and fun. Was done on their free time and shows devs have passion for the game and franshise.
>>roadmap looking grim for the rest of the year
Apart from OMG NO SPACE TRAVEL it's alright. No more duels and instead an infinite caling boss from base. Also they don't seem to note story anymore despite content like MARS next week are already being baked into the story.
I got banned for telling some fag to stop whispering at me and calling him a creep roughly six months after it happened. I didn't slur or anything, just "leave me alone bro" and "ngl youre kind of a creep, even if i was gay i would swipe left on u freak". Turns out he was popular in some community discord or something and freaked out when he saw me during one of his streams so a community mod banned me for "streamsniping & harassment" when I was just in the middle of grinding, didn't even know the dweeb was there. Does the game still have retarded fucking mods like that calling the shots or did they finally clean house with them?
It's still new so no one actually knows, but a card game tournament sounds like something you could easily do for an offline event
>At least pretend to play the game
why the fuck would we play the game after everyone already stopped playing after the first weekend of ngs being out? Imagine sticking with that fucking garbage for multiple years instead of just accepting that pso2 is dead and moving on.
Always surprised at the numbers Phantasy Star threads do. I guess it’s like FFXI, that level of commitment from fans.
it's just a desperate attempt to create hype cause they have no actual content to release in the next 9 months
>wake for the day
>take estrogen and antidepressants with microwave lean cusine (it was on sale)
>cry infront of mirror for an hour
>check socials, no notifs :(
>scan for pso/ngs threads on /v/
>ctrl-f THAT youtuber
Another day in the life of a cm~
>Also they don't seem to note story anymore
After they went back and mentioned force is ackshully getting its expansion in December I don't trust anything in the first row of the roadmap anymore. For all we know they'll pull Aegis 3 out of their asses or a story patch in september. Or revive TEQ but hopefully not
this thread is a prime example of how mentally ill you have to be to play pso2
Only a company like SEGA could piss off its players so much that they still have intense hatred and resentment towards the company after 3 years
all i know is that you could say this >>683601772 in public chat and not get banned
gwiz will live rent free in your brain for the foreseeable future i swear
Don’t worry Anon, I’ll clean them out.
Trannies are like parasites. But, when you chew that anti worm chocolate, they go.
Screenshot every post about you. And then look like a retard by blaming one person.
*teleports behind you*
*forcefully injects estrogen into you*
*whisper into your ear*
>She wanted this
wow gwiz sure is popular!
I don't want to participate in your forced gender reassignment fetish larp
No game has enough content to sustain a general. But eceleb drama is infinite content.
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Just taken with easy photo mode.
What players? Global trannies are not this game's players nor human. Just a bunch of newfags playing a modded version of PSO2 and still infatuated with it to this day
Japs wanted to lob HMZK's head off in Ep.5 and yet they're on good enough terms to have offline meetings today kek
wow it's almost like most bans happened simply because gwiz didn't like them. Tons of people got banned for no reason at all
It's definitely FFXIV, no contest. YoshiP kept the genre alive by himself.
The fuck are you even trying to say? Most global players know that the ngs director is a total fuckup.
The japanese retard whales that only care about dressup is the entire reason that we have this dogshit game now.
You get 1 for free per month but if you are poor and want big money you just dex farm.
>w-what is dex
I'm saying you are not educated enough to say you have "hatred and resentment" toward anything when people who have been here for 12 years longer than you don't share the same views. Bunch of larping newniggers. Your generation's entire identity is faux outrage lmao
That's what your queen said.

You sound miserable for weird reason. Maybe try jerking off idk.
They never put everything in the roadmap and this time they even clearly said they won't put everything in unless it gets close. My guess is the usual story chapters still coincide with level cap increases.
>still trying to act like an epic oldfag
you've blown your cover tranny, that's not gonna work
>Dawntrail is fine though
Wuk fanfic ruined the whole thing. The tranny voice is just a cherry on the shit cake. Even the japs are mad about it, don't try and lie about how it's fine.
The gameplay content is good, but the game plays like dogshit with shitty delays that take 3 years to get used to, and even then they're not consistent. Server tick processing is fucking horrendous too. The netcode is a fucking joke, 3 minutes to transfer to a different server so I don't have 30 minute queues, and I can't even do that now that dynamis is locked down. I saw a lot of hopium that they'd add "cloud servers" and somehow that would fix all the issues, like they'd rewrite their 11 year old crusty code for this expansion and I could only laugh about it because it was so fucking absurd.
The vast majority of people stopped playing pso2 because ngs sucks, considering a lot of people really liked pso2, it's pretty obvious that most of those people would dislike sega because of that.
didnt FFXIV just get a new expansion?
what was it?
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Japs feedback was so fucking funny
But yeah, outside of the dog ass story DT doesn't have much either. The combat will never get better because it's gimped by the engine on a fundamental level. Mechanically you'll never go beyond move from A to B, pass by C, line of sight, stack spread slop. Jobs are still homogenized shit. Raids are still simon says bodycheck shit. The content is boring and predictable and even fucking slower than NGS because the fucking draught in post-EW was how I ended up here again
I'll give it that M4 was something I always wanted to see in PSO2 but Sega never delivered
Is this game actually an MMO? Or is it just a single player game that people call an MMO for some reason? People calling ffxiv an MMO need to fuck off, any game where you can do all of the quests by yourself is a single player game, not an MMO.
It is the same genre as Monster Hunter, lobby-based multiplayer action game. Actually I've never seen it officially called an MMO anywhere, must've been some kind of brain rot from the audience or third world fags thinking Online = MMO
No, not really, you can solo every piece of content in the game pretty much (as in actually solo, not pug queue)
I just finished playing for about 2 hours. I just met mephetto and he told me about why he created shit.

So the other 2 experiments were PSO and PSO 2 base I assume.

Then I went back to aelio. That’s when things went to shit. Because some kids were arguing at the city hub. Nobody was moving. There was like 30 people afk or just chatting. That shit is sad. Play the fucking game or play something else.
>gatchaslop in an MMO
>SU changed from a monster collector minigame to a Jojo meme
Double pass.
As a non-Su I wish Summoniggers a very painful death
It's a lobby game and many of the lobbies are seemless.
Epic redditspacing. The horrors of people hanging out and talking in a social game.
Nobody likes that Aelio block, just warp somewhere else
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The monkey paw clearly granted your wish, since they did indeed die a painful death, it was called NGS.
How about doing missions and shit?

It ain’t no discord fucking chat room.
Dead tranny game with tranny players and a tranny CM from /vg/.
Are the classes fun now? I remember when I played and got whelmed that classes felt mid compared to the master classes in og pso2 like luster, phantom, and etoile. Felt like an actual downgrade.

Oh and the power system plus weapon enhance system is dogshit
these are the faggots who've done it all (or were never interested in playing in the first place) and are just zombieing around in town because for some reason they don't have anything else to do with their lives
>the last 2 zones get better!
It doesn't fucking matter, Wuk is still there and the bad shit taste she left in my mouth didn't let me enjoy those either.
The story was so fucking bad, it reminded me of White Knight Chronicles, that's how fucking horrible it was. Literally replace your character with a rock and you have the same feeling playing through DT.
It's even more offensive when the advertising and EW content was "Adventure awaits! Have fun on a grand adventure to find the lost city of gold! You're going to have fun exploring a whole new world!" and then it was Wuk's grand adventure (with some very slight WoL support). There's literally no way they could repair the damage they did without killing Wuk off, and that's not a fucking option because it's the director's self-insert gf or some shit.
>please kill wuk lamat
Based japs know what needs to be done. Fuck DT, it completely killed the game for me, which I guess is a good thing since I don't need to pay a sub for this dogshit MMO anymore.
>Youtube grifter latches onto this game cause he sees it's not doing well
>asks /vg/ what to talk about
>they tell him to talk about the tranny CM
>makes 3 videos, dedicating more time to the tranny CM in each one
>spams them all over /v/ and /vg/
>gets copyright strikes from Sega
>says the tranny CM is out to get him
>gets some small time smash bros youtuber to make a video on the situation
>some spic donates $100 to asmongold and moistcritikal so they'll watch the video (they ignore hil)
>grifter continues to tweet about the tranny CM
>tranny CM threatens legal action against people who doxed and harassed him
>youtube grifter suddenly silent
classes have a 4th PA, PA customization and more active skills. outside of shit like TMG, harmo, GB, you also want to multi something else to play optimally
so on a casual level they're a little better, same as non-Luster scion classes, and on a minmax level they're pretty bloated and autistic

the enhance system had a bunch of bandaids to it. you can feed capsules to a weapon to level it up instead of fodder weapons, and the limit was raised from 5 to 10. if you make max grind weapons during a seasonal event, you can just use them to level a weapon to max and skip all the bullshit. and with how much they changed it in just the last 6 months that system is probably due for a full revamp soon
it's one of the dumb systems that should've never got brought back from base because it was always bad and they're wasting too much time fixing its 10 year old jank

Battle Power is still there but the requirements are so low, it's basically an invisible stat now. it'll only gatekeep tards that literally don't gear up AT ALL out of dps check content
How is that retard STILL spamming that shit because he got banned for saying NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER 3 years ago?
>Blue Protocol will be good, right?
anon, that game literally killed Bandai Namco Online, i don't know what to tell you.
If it wasn't for the economy, I wouldn't mind scraping together the messeta to try and have a cool character. But everything is so fucking expensive. If you want a female cast with some specific parts for things like face lines and doll joints you're running into the ten millions. Running animations and emotes are just as insanely overpriced. And then class balance is a fucking joke, I'm glad I liked Tetcher in base Pso2 since it was actually still viable last I checked.
Depends what weapon you play. A lot of classes got very good updates over the years, Wand went from "use anything else after casting shifta" to really fun aoe swimmer with lots of cooldowns to cast that can travel through space as it likes. And it is geting a renewal in 1-2 months where I assume it gets damage brought up to par.
Talis is hold button and very underhwelming but everyone seems to love newest class Slayer for example.
>Battle Power is still there but the requirements are so low, it's basically an invisible stat now. it'll only gatekeep tards that literally don't gear up AT ALL out of dps check content
Sega even gives new handout gear every few months they force into your inventory that is the baseline to have to enter all content to do to farm real gear(except current edngame dark falz)
Techter is viable and is getting buffed. The actual fucked class is Braver
Outside of those the balance is pretty ok. People used to seethe about Slayer but it got overtaken by like 4 classes already
I feel you on the economy, at least on GL. Cosmetic prices are so fucking dogshit ESPECIALLY motions. I have no fucking idea how a motion i could casually get for 500k would go for millions here. And then the stuff you could farm to sell like capsules are instead cheap as shit because there are too many third world niggers farming them and undercutting each other
>you're running into the ten millions.
That is not a lot Meseta Anon. You get over 1 milion per week for doing just the dailies and collects.
Big Meseta gain tip for your poors but needs a shop pass to cash out:
Old trinitas content like Ordinal Tower on every stage, Geolab rank 1 and older pruples+triggers drop motions and cameos that can be farmed in minutes and sell for milllions. Most expensive being ninja dash for 10 million.
i should do this before they update ordinal tower..........
What sucks is last I played Techter was one of the few classes that felt a bit better than base Pso2. Some skills were pruned but base Pso2 Techter wasn't exactly stellar in the face of the hero classes. Having more than two bonk skills was nice.

Right, it was 10mil for one part last I played. Surely even higher now. So closer to 100mil, depending on what I am trying to get and how much the parts have inflated. No shot at my original idea of a maid knight.
Maybe. Even if it is, it's absolute fucking shit, and you should kill yourself for playing it.
I got an item that boosted me from lvl 70 to lvl 90 and some items that auto heal me.

Where is the challenge
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In the better game.
Class balance in NGS is better than it ever was in PSO2, which is not saying much.
Current situation:
Bo, Sl, and Wa are top tier dps (probably Fi too after the rework)
Gu is top tier dps but only in party situations.
You always want at least one Ra and Te, decent damage on top of buffs.
Br and Hu are a bit weaker than the other dps classes, but still perfectly viable if you're not minmaxing.
Fo is kinda eh cause elemental downs aren't super useful and its damage lags behind other classes. Still viable and next in line for buffs.
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>he's not saving the exp bomb for the new class
history rewrite attempt #2
I get it, the challenge is getting to depth 999 before dying of boredom
It could be, but Sega massively fucked up

Games been out for three years with nothing to show for it
Fi was second to solo Solus R2 yeah
Ranger is low key OP, that shit can compete with the top classes in solo through LRA, and in a party it basically turns a group of 4 into a group of 5
>he's deleting replies that say the truth
>which is not saying much.
I'm aware, endgame Pso2 was nothing but Luster. Before that, the other hero classes.

If Te is getting buffed, I might try the game again. It sounds like they came a long way from the last time I played where I think it was ironically the new gunblade class that was running the show and nothing else? The economy is still going to be a downer though.
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how bad will they fuck up his fight when they port him over
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I havent played since like the first few months of PSONGS how is the current state of the game for JP and EN? I started EN on NGS but I might just go back to JP instead.
I've been playing Mabinogi again recently so it will be interesting to also go back to PSO2
>muh balance
The scion classes are way more fun than any of the garbage in NGS.
Ranger can compete in solos cause it gets blight rounds to itself and can sometimes activate the 5% weak point buff from food where other classes wouldn't be able to
You're always gonna want one in multiplayer obviously, but its actual damage is still behind the dps classes when they get access to blight
The game is still exactly the same as it was at launch
I guarantee you nothing is 100 million. If anything it migth have gone down from repeated reruns.
It happens anytime a chink game goes to fantasy china. Lots of boring chinawank.
Don't bother, sega does nothing but pump out garbage cosmetics and meaningless updates like house customization and card games instead of actually fixing the numerous issues with the game.
see >>683696250
en is kinda dead but because of the player funnel design, you'll still find people for [current content]. it's also easier to make friends with other english speakers than jp. i have several groups that i can just summon to do stuff with in case queues are dead
the market sucks ass here though so if you can play on jp do it
Game is better and has more content, but it still has issues and the devs like to quickly make older content irrelevant so I wouldn't call it good
I want to fuck Lucy also
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I don't think it will have the same effect as in base Pso2. At the very least, if they port him over as is, I don't think the fight will be the same. The combat system has changed so much, I feel like they would need to redesign his fight entirely. I'd be happy to see him again, I only got good at Pso2 because I sat there dueling this retard climbing floors until I got all the iframes for my classes down. It was the best sparing partner you could ask for, and no one could judge you for fucking up along the way.
But keep in mind this top tier discussion is only ever applied to content that is a single big boss with a weakpoint you hit while dodging some attacks on a flat surface.
Other classes do more when you fight a lot of monsters in a tight trap room or multiple boss enemies at once. Verticality is an issue for some of those big deeps classes who still cry if the Ranger didn't put the mark on the fucking foot.
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>One of the most pointless open worlds in video games
>Anemic story
>So devoid of worthwhile content they considered custom housing their major update
>"But they're recycling PSO2 EQ bosses now, that's content!!!"
Episode 5 was a mistake, global servers were a mistake because it took so long they were already replacing PSO2, and New Genesis was 1000% a fucking mistake and an excuse to not just make a PSO3 so they can keep their cash shop open
>ask for nameless all ship matchmaking
>get it a month later
>complain about having to reaffix BiS
>boost week and anaddi revivals out of the ass
>ask for better rewards
>endgame BiS rains from everything this month
>durrr nothing is being fixed
Didn't play base but I really do they put effort into that one because it isshown as big content drop. A lot of the base enemies get put into NGS and you wonder how gramps ever hyped that game up with their tiny attack hitboxes, most offensive example being the Hyenal with its T Rex arms we always got with dodge day in leciel.
it's okay I can leech LTQ to 85 on subclass then leech to 90 on main class
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>pure PvE
>best MMO
A game where you can't fuck over other players cannot possibly be called an MMO.
game sounds like its in a better condition than I thought it would be hilariously enough, I think I'll try it out again for a while
Base boomers were literally shitting and pissing and farting for months that NGS had no personal room. That is one of the reasons Sega really made sure to upgrade that and it is really top tier.
Not even gonna bother replying to the rst because it's obviously just a jaded fuck that doesn't play game and sucked ass at pso2
>MMO "PvP"
yeah i love latency and mashing iframes until the other guy either explodes from CC or I explode
t. BDO player who tried to pretend PvP was good

Just play fightan nigga
I and many others thought cross ship queueing would take months or a year to get added to 1(ONE) more content but instead it's to 3 more after 1 month. Very cool surprise for sure. Sega always was open to feedback, changed and improved the game from that, got some QoL into the game myself from feedback. They are just very sloooow to create assets and such, which honestly I can only blame on Sega higher ups thinking they get more money by keeping the cost as low as possible while still banking on whale scratch money.
I know a guy who only plays Souls games for his pvp needs and it's the saddest thing I've ever watched
yeah i hated the launch and bought into the doomposting so i dropped it for 3 years. i came back recently and was surprised by how much more playable it is. they're still adding new shit to it as well like the SUV system next week and the mystery item upgrade in october. the only thing that's still languishing in my book is the story but people who played the latest chapter seem to like it
NGS has PvP.
See me in Line Strike.
Also fix your sliders or you will never get more Cute'S in your lookbook than me, bitch.
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You played modern MMO junk and got tricked into thinking all MMOs are like that.
Unfortunately, it has been the case for the last 20 years, so I don't blame you. But there was a time when MMOs were great and PvP was fun.
The moments NGS story actually moves it goes hard(for an mmo). Biggest issue despite no space travel was that most of the interesting lore drops was stuck in side missions. WOrst example was a side mission you unlock after beating Nils Stia actually expalining to you why Nils Stia was such a big deal to Crawford and Glen. Terrible pacing to not put mor emotional weight to that story fight before you do it.
Maybe if they overhauled it in to a worthwhile game by making it anything like PSO, AotI, or PSO2.
NGS as it stands is 90% mistakes.
>tfw the jump king sequel is closer to being an MMO compared to most MMOs on the market today.
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>webm that's incomprehensible unless you've invested over 100 hours into it
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I play Dofus
a game where latency doesn't matter as long as you're not on the verge of disconnecting
souls PvP is fun for an hour or two every now and then. retards who actively invest real time into it are prisoners of their own mind
Boomers look at shit like and this and go
>yo this gameplay fire
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I feel like the slow ass pacing we had to suffer before was a result of them investing money into dumb shit like JOIN THE ACK instead of back into this game. After that shit and similar ventures collapsed things visibly picked up. The gap between Dalion, Solus R2, and the next high difficulty boss are just 2-3 months apart compared to the usual 4-8 months, and I thought this clay looking shit was just another mobile cannon but it's 4 weapons and a gigantic skill tree
And yeah, if you GENUINELY want to give feedback, don't bitch on some backwater Vietnamese embroidery forum because it's not going to fucking reach anyone. The people that got their wishes granted posted them on their discuck and support forms and they are actually timely about it. The emergency maint this week was made in response to a feedback 3 days before.
No amount of feedback is going to change that the major focus is on shitting out AC scratch tickets instead of making a good game.
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Don't worry, I'd have to watch it like 5 times over to see everything happening on screen at the same time, too.
Unironically yes ragnarok mogs most modern mmos and had actual unique classes that required players band together
the new roadmap is empty as fuck though
They for sure got a better pipeline now but still would like to see it improved. Also don't forget that weird dead time when apparently some devs got moved to work on another 3D Sonic game.
Which remind sme: Really weird that NGS doesn't get shit for Sega crossovers. We onyl get Sonic game release, SOnic birthday, Sonic this Sonic that, they even played the fucking ad for the 2d sonic on the concert monitors in town. Meanwhile we get nothing for new Yakzua relases or Persona, not even rerun of the shit already in base spec.
RO had SOUL but that doesn't change the fact that it had many terrible game designs which have easily shown given how many fucking private servers there are.
>Class imbalance
>Mandatory Merchants for everyone - should be done away with
>Gear imbalance and shit drops and gearing is shit
A crafting system would be better and would provide consistent upgrades/growth/progression.
There are exactly two models that will fuel an online RPG long term:
- Monetized cosmetics (which has always existed since PSO2, if not even more rampant there)
- Mandatory subscription
But third world niggers on global are not ready for the latter
So just like Base and any other f2p online game.
Look at the amount of cosmetics and collab events being pumped out compare to the actual game content in every update
the in balance is insane, pso2 wasn't like this at all.
I think the thing I hate the most about NGS is that lvl 1 and max lvl characters play pretty much the same.
It was like this in base too, but at least some of the endgame weapons had fun potentials that kinda sorta mixed things up. Potentials are EXTREMELY boring in NGS.
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What is this? A roadmap for ants?!
the mechanics on your nu dark falz is a joke, doesn't change the fact that you parry your way through after mechanics happen
basetroons will be like "uhhhhhhh it wasn't that scratch focused back then" while this exists
The funny thing is that's the resolution directly from the official website
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And i call you a retarded lair and a shill
Go fuck yourself
It's almost like pso2 global is literally missing the vast majority of cosmetics that jp got.
PSO2 was even worse if you played on JP.
NGS is the halfway between JP PSO2's retarded FOMO/scratch fest and droughts, and Global PSO2's retarded speedrun which gives you gameplay content at 10 times its usual rate.
unless he gets alot of mechanics build into the fight it's like every other mob, parry to death
To be fair, XIV was in a bad spot between 3.1 and 4.1 as well. But, yeah, content patches this time will probably make or break it for anyone who isn't using the game as a social club. There's no overarching story to bring you back later if the game does improve. They may have screwed themselves by ending the Zodiark/Hydaelyn plotline.
I'm split on potentials being "interesting", because while they're cool, at that point it should turn into a class skill or a custom instead
Potential being too strong means I'm married to that weapon. It feels bad to switch away from it. Or it's an untradable rare drop and I'm FUCKED out of playing my class for no reason if it doesn't drop
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>Me on my way to rizz up some Japanese ladies at this meme tourney
>make successor to pso2
>change the entire dungeon system with a boss to open world slop
>game only arrive because of ERP whales scratching like crazy
>barely any development for game itself

how much money are these fucking whales pumping into this zombie game
Go get your Tech Arts Customizations for different playstyles.
>Turning Swift Smash into a ranged sonic boom
Your dps sucks ass and you are the reason your runs fail.
Honestly felt kind fo weird when potentials were just meh so long. I rode my Verschmelz way over what was reasonable but it wasn't till Wingard that I finally saw a fun potential for me again.
Still hate the force double crit system that is potency floor but at least most all the bis augments now give some.
JP is healthy enough but there are definitely about 80-100 Coomers propping up Global's economy entirely.
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fuck you're right. and THIS is just the collab shit. there are a bunch of censored outfits that never made it, or missing outfit variants
and then they had no voice tickets until ngs
the method of distribution was also different. jp put basically everything in scratches but on global you could find cosmetics in fresh finds, mission pass and shit
i can get why they think base had a lower cosmetic ratio now, it's either literally absent from their game or wasn't part of a scratch
lmao you make it sound like this game isn't staying on the mob 24/7 while spamming the shit out of your PA and parry/iframe through everything.
games loot is one of the main reason it failed, 99% of the loot you get is so uninteresting and even if you get some rare weapon it's just a stat stick.
yeah when I switched over to JP back in the day I was shocked at the amount of cosmetics being pumped out. It's honestly shocking how different the two games are
It's also too hard to make money, you can do anything in this game with cash and the game refuses to give out reasonable amounts to non-whales until major events come around. Once you have a decent bank you can flip shit on the market and make investments on collab items but that's not playing the game
New Genesis killed PSO2
in every conceivable way.
>no symbol arts
>shit story
>shit gameplay
>woke and ban-happy if you offend the whales
>boring open world instead of based lobby but crafted experiences
>gacha-shit gear progression instead of fixed or modular like woW or FFXIV
Not surprising desu, PSO2 also shat all over PSO1
it was 5 years ago.
the highlight is that they're on earth. AIS contrasts their technology symbolizing Arks technology, or ARKS military power.

EP 4 was shit not because of the setting. It was shit because of the wacky reverse Isekai story that was ultimately a glorified spinoff nobody asked for.
I enjoy the game as a casual player, and the best decision I have made is not to engage with people on 4chan, reddit, or other communities when I play the game.
People here just don't realize that the amount of content we got in 1 year was spread out over 10 years in japan. What seemed like a healthy amount of content for global players was full of dead game periods for japanese players.
I was honestly surprised at how chill the community in-game is compared to outside of it. Well aside from the schizos in Aelio 3 or whatever the crowdest block is
You suck at the game and your knowldge is from 3 years ago.
PSO1 is kino, good for its time and worth playign today too.
New Genesis doesn't even pass the standard to be playable.
Sega code monkeys are also terrible, the game will heat up your computer very easily.
This isn't correct either because this is for PSO2, not NGS. The real PSO2 is actually good. NGS is a fucking dumpster fire.
>It's also too hard to make money,
This isn't even counting any current newest duel farming or whatever with a shop pass. The game shits out meseta at you if you want. People literally go farm a week before a collab and can buy everything they want every time.
NTA but how bout you elaborate to us or this is all some weird cope. This game is definitely just humping the weakpoint and mashing parry and hoping there's a ranger in your queue.
We can tell you reset your IP after you got banned for your tranny obsession btw.
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>the real PSO2 is actually good
>mfw globalfags got THE ENTIRE FUCKING GAME in the same span that i got:
>a few more divide floors which don't have anything new, execour but LE GOLD, and recycled story bosses
>final lament which is just a bunch of recycled shit
>HTPD, which is sodam with one new phase and came out EIGHT months after the original release
>sodam again but 100 depths
>some dogshit beach seasonal quest that just have you run in a circle killing shit
>Luster kino
what in FUCKING blazes
thanks for the non explanation, sounds more like you are on a high dose of cope. I will also add to this that successor classes ruined the combat in pso2 aswell.
>oh cool pso2 actually coming to the west
>huh ngs is new I wait for that
>go on /v/ and /vg/ before launch
>"HEEEEEEY /v/ros what is /our/ server /we/ all play on? Oh ship 2?
>avoid that at all cost and leave general after a week
>happy with the game and community ingame for the most part
OSRS will still be the best MMO 20 years after your nerd shit is dead and buried
oh and the kicker is this was actually still better than what you'd get in the previous episodes
6episodes in 10 years while NGS has not even gone to another in 3, yeah sounds like base PSO2 had more and better patches it seems.
how hard is it to get old collab stuff?
Vanilla WoW and 75-era FFXI mog OSRS but OSRS is still better than 90% of the MMOs out today
this if any of you poor random anons thinking of starting the game avoid ship2 at all cost and if you still go to ship2 avoid any of the /vg/ alliances. you will thank me later
sadly true
You forgot about the christmas seasonal quest with reindeer shiva THOUGH
depends on how popular the item was. some stuff are oddly cheap, some are scalped to death. and the longer you wait the worse it gets probably
They took out perfect attacking and over simplified all of the classes so combat no longer feels satisfying for me. I can't play it and I loved original PSO2 so much. This game does not have good combat game feel. It's too easy and doesn't feel engaging enough.
ngs doesn't use the episode format. in the first three years of base you had only elder and loser to fight lmao
OSRS is really good but it's still being burdened by
>slow as fuck java client getting botted to shit (yes this applies to runelite)
>old content and design being way worse than all the new content, so there's a constant mismatch in the quality of content.
And extremely brief summary:
>tranny janny clique member from /vg/ gets a CM job at sega for PSO2
>anyone who criticizes them or the state of NGS bets banned from the general thread and potentially in game
>anons call out troons
>tranny janny goes postal and threatens to leak user IPs
>one anon who made youtube videos about his mistreatment gets stalked and harassed
>troons mass report his channel until videos get taken down
They'll try and hide what they did, but many of us saw everything.
The only one we got was from fan art contest. At least port over the base spec boobs.
Kinda funny how you can have ana ctual nice disucssion when the tranny obsessed freak gets banned for a bit. You really just need 1 dedicated autist to ruin a whole games and series discussion on this board and I assume otehr sites.
>pegi age rating was raised to +18
No excuse, Sega. It's unbelievable how the world setting and story feels like they're trying to push game for teenagers still.
Global was so cheap they couldn't even get KoF, a series happy to collab with anyone.
The content mismatch is fine. It's part of what makes the game good. You have idle progress and you have fairly mechanically involved challenges and they all tie together.
It's this autistic sense of progression that many modern MMOs miss, often by allowing players to pay money to skip to the end.
OSRS is just a clicker masquerading as a game
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Why would anyone make something like this?
>just a single autist
You weirdos pissed off many people and killed the game
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Is NGS any good? i always read that is shit here on /v/....
Also with what game can you compare it's gameplay? I know the pretty old ones compare kinda like FFXI but how is it now?
slappy cakes is a known furfag who loves vore, nobody likes him aside from his small circle of furfag reject friends
Syberbolt won.
Gwiz lost.
Even if you ignore the drama the game is still shit. It gets practically 0 content drip fed and tons of store shit to milk the whales. The player count is under 5k globally and most of them are coomer whales.
I don't mean the difference in things being afk or challenging,
I mean more like the difference between stuff like god wars and kalphite queen to something like phantom muspah and gauntlet. The difference in actual production quality and design philosophy is massive.
Older content was generally designed around the combat just being about face tanking and outhealing damage, compared to now where most of it is designed around lots of movement and avoiding taking damage entirely. You can essentially be playing an entirely different game going from content to content, especially with how inconsistent the game is with whether ranged attacks hit you when the animation starts or when the projectile actually hits you.
That is a toblefag, not slappy.
Not everything you read is in good faith. As you can see from skimming the thread the game and community had some schizo war in the past and some of them are still trying to sink it and drive new players away out of spite to this day

I personally like it now. It's not perfect but it went from a 2/10 at launch to a playable 6/10 recently, and it's clearly moving away from the open world to focus on instanced quests and boss fights. The customization still mogs everything else in the genre. Combat wise it would be closest to the later games in the Ys series
NGS is garbage.
I see. Does it have a progression system that nothing i have at early levels matters until i'm at the end game or what?
>slappy cakes is a known furfag who loves vore,
Really? Do tell. Like how did you know this information? What is his other account ad proof of this?
I am a daily player and usually keep up bis. Just sitting and talking is fun sometimes and I am actualyl really into line strike.
hello failure of a human from /pso2g/
i see you finally found this thread
it's dogshit, don't bothe
>I mean more like the difference between stuff like god wars and kalphite queen to something like phantom muspah and gauntlet. The difference in actual production quality and design philosophy is massive.
I kind of agree with that. There is a pacing problem in reaching the *good* content.
keep coping. dead channel. wasn’t good even before it died.
XI was a copy of Everquest.
>compared to now where most of it is designed around lots of movement and avoiding taking damage entirely.
We haven't had real oneshot content in so long. This isn't launch gigas anymore. With decent gear you usually can take 2-3 big hits of endgame falz now.
Go on post the video again so we can get you banned and force to reset your ip, again.
He's not talking about NGS you fucking retard
Generally yes, there are a few outliers that are still best-in-slot at endgame.
isnt melvor idle literally runescape
Of course he is. If he doesn't occupy his mind with 4chan drama for 10 whole minutes and thinks straight about his life he'll end up commiting suicide the same day.
>Gwiz and his fuck buddies post hentai pics on the official twitter page
How did sega allow this to happen?
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well sega themselves also did it
It's shit
Just a reminder that since everything in the game is client side based it leads to fucked up gameplay balance in combat. Examples include:
>Moving faster than other players
>Dealing more damage per second than other players
>AI focus targeting the player sending the most server packets from their client which can be done by reducing input lag (increasing client fps, using anti lag, tools console players don't have)

You notice this frequently in all ship/limited quest where the PC player without a gamertag or PSN name is zooming ahead the of the pack.
I’ll never understand.

Ages ago all I heard was how pso2 was the greatest shit the world ever saw and how much of a hardcore gaymer you had to be to even play it.
Then it got a western release and suddenly it fucking sucks now. How does that happen
Pharia walking around with a Swordfish walk is canon. Love Central.
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PSO2 was well known for having incredibly good action combat for an MMO, probably the best of any especially with it having some amazing bosses. You can't really compare it to anything else with the big difference in gameplay between some classes, especially after the scion classes came out and just completely changed the speed of gameplay.

The problem with NGS is just that it kinda takes the general gist of PSO2s scion classes but then kinda homogenized them all to being basically the same thing and ruined the enemies. You go from the unique gameplay of every class in PSO2 to everything just feeling the same and being boring.
So it kinda went from an 8-9/10 game to more like a 6/10. PSO2 was also a game full of personality that is just kinda absent in NGS. It's not just gameplay that's worse, the story is abysmal and short and there isn't much to do after beating it outside of roblox home building and ERP dress up sim.
desu i was too busy cumming to the fact i'm playing a cuhrayzee action game from across the world but there's barely any perceptible lag to notice this. definitely still less gay than server based combat
the western branch is FUCKED
the official translation is FUCKED
its filled with garbage drama and bullshit
Idk what you're talking about but JP were calling the game shit for a decade (while still playing it)
That's the point. The game doesn't feel like it lags because everything is client based, but due to this simple fact, it opens the game to a dozen different balance problems under the hood.

Theres already a hardcore JP group that straight up bans console players because they don't have access to the input latency reducing tools that gives them a gameplay advantage. Almost like how XIV raiders kick out people for not using Alexander.
It was always an anime fashion lobby sim and not a hardcore gaymer game. PSO2 was so fucking easy you didn't even have to gear up to stomp everything in the game. There are exactly two "challenging" things in it:
- Endless
- Depth 999 Masq
I just want to make cool robot girls...
wait how does it work then when you fight the same enemy with someone else
it was at the height of popularity a decade ago. entire convention centers used to be rented out and they held real life versions of in game concerts. the series spawned two animes being the fortnite of its time collaborating with everything sega and beyond. now its been reduced anime second life gambling metaverse-lite. its such a shameful fall from grace. all sega had to do was work on episode 7 but instead they reinvented the wheel and failed. nobody is joking when they say its a tranny game now. fashion was partial to endgame. now its the sole factor. ngs is welfare xiv for people who can't afford / justify paying a monthly sub over microtransaction money.
PSO2 had a pretty good start in the west actually, NGS and the new community management they brought in around that time just completely and utterly killed it. It's like they went out of their way to sabotage the original game in the hopes of pushing people towards NGS, but this was at a time where NGS was basically a very early stage beta test with nothing to do. Completely and utterly retarded management from the western branch.
go kill yourself first, waste of oxigen
It's hilarious seeing just how fucking bad everything, literally everything, involving pso2 got. During JP servers episode 1-3 were absolutely full of content droughts but still great to play due to it being fun to party up with the bros and just grind the the same stuff for hours hoping for a rare drop ect. The introduction of ult nab, sneaking into JP Anga farm parties using the passwords, CM1 coming out and introducing the cross ship lobbies so you could play with other EN players from other ships, watching the fanfests live at like 4am in teamspeak ect.

EP4 came out, was trash, and essentially the beginning of the end which eventually lead to an insane fall from grace. Global releasing succeeded in completely ruining any potential discussion about the game as a whole due to the massive list of specific problem it brought itself.
It's like Granblue Relink or Monster Hunter p2p. At the start of the encounter everyone is on the same synced page, but as the fight progresses the monster becomes desynced between clients. The client resyncs at certain checkpoints or mechanics. In PSO2 case the boss resyncs their position and state when they do a big attack or phase transition. You notice this in Dark Falz fight where some people are attacking air but still do damage numbers, it's not lag it's their client being desynced.
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Ive been thinking about playing again funny enough, I miss my CAST so much
>- Depth 999 Masq
Not challenging unless you're playing a class that wasn't designed or playtested for it like Gu or Su
>- Endless
Challenging in the sense that it's incredibly tedious due to RNG and having to learn the optimal way to clear a lot of different rooms. Actual encounters are a joke, 99% of it is just killing trash mobs that die before their spawn animation is done. It's basically like learning to speedrun a kusoge no one's ever heard of.
>they finally managed to salvage the game again with EP6
>immediately after kill it with NGS
Yeah the global side management was DOGSHIT, tranny drama aside. They only had to drag out PSO2 for a bit, like 4 years instead of 1, that would help both that game and NGS in the west
People would have more time to spend with PSO2 instead of this incredibly confused release schedule that fucked with their perception on what's an acceptable content schedule for YEARS to come, preventing them from properly savouring the game, and the game they're enjoying taken away from them in just a year
NGS would "launch" at year 3 which means all 4 regions, really high level cap, more fleshed out classes than "lmao 3 PAs", TAC and MARS to play with instead of LITERALLY NOTHING originally, plus all the shit that could keep you busy at endgame like LC, Nameless, the Falz bosses, Purples, Crimson, etc.
No idea why the fuck they thought it'd be a good idea to rush both PSO2 and NGS like that. It's less felt in JP because PSO2 was always slow as shit anyway, but in global the crash from going from a very idealized version of PSO2 to NGS's barren launch was catastrophic
The only reason PSO2 global was released was to ferry people into NGS
It literally takes palying the tutorial to notice how fucking garbage the walking with ramping runspeed is lmao.
Post the video and spam the same copypasted retarded points over and over ike you spend the past 3 years of your life doing after getting banned.
that's really neat
I can't believe I put up with autistically pressing step>jump to gain max speed for that long. That habit even carried over to the other games i play lmfao
Fucking sega
I do it for every game and I forgot why I started doing it lmao
Most of them are really boring.
>+gauge/skill charge generation
>+damage of one part of the attack, -damage to another part of the attack
Wow is still King.
which ship for JP has the least amount of trannies?
2 is the gaijin ship although it's still 5000% times straighter than global 2
Dusty garbage
Dusty garbage
people forgot they censored min height while allowing you to make ugly fat characters instead?
you've always been able to do that
>censored minheight
>fags with hambeasts and prostitude characters celebrate it
>censorship is based actually!
gas globalniggers
Fattie fuckers are preferable to pedophiles.
japanese players never made fat characters cause they are ugly, yet you play on pso2 global launch and I wanted to claw my eyes out with how fucking disgusting most characters looked like
EOP larp
page ten baby
finna farm some Nigga Maste

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