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Play fighting games
Discuss fighting games
Enjoy fighting games
Post mains
i dont want to lose
All the world will be your enemy, Main with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they beat you, they will teabag you. But first they must beat you, labber, adapter, spammer, main with the wifi indicator. Be cunning and full of tricks and your winrate shall never be destroyed.
>Liked the idea of Doomguy doing a cameo in Tekken
>Liked the idea of Scorpion showing up in other fighting games since he is the least murder happy character in MK
>MK1 comes out
>It fucking sucks
>Doomguy will show up in the worst MK game ever made alongside some streaming service bozos
>Hanzo is sidelined from his own series
So what happened with that new snk vs capcom game? Did it flop? is it dead?
it's a shit game
SnK can't make good fighting games
wait for the actual good game, capcom vs snk
back to playing old fighters exclusively with my bros then
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You have already lost if you don't even try.
fighting games are in a terrible place and it will only get worse.
Mortal Kombat has always been casual slop
I'm having lots of fun learning in Strive.
Focusing on anti-airing consistently, literally stopping combos to have more anti air opportunities and blocking everything else, ranked me up to floor 8 without trying.
Everybody but me is a carried fuck.
>Old fighting games are free/dirt cheap
>Often feature deeper gameplay than new games
>Online is utterly dead
Sad dilemma
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>online is dead. this is just wrong. i bought kof15 and uni 2 recently during evo and both are DEAD. i can't get a single game.... meanwhile at any time i can hop on fightcade and play Super turbo with less than a minute of wait time. or 3s, or jojo's. or kof 98.
they are but you can also just not pay attention to it. with fightcade we can play what we want forever. the only problem is the lack of legacy options from the ps2 - 360 era. once we get those. the nu FGC can get fucked as i can play only the games i like FOREVER
been playing ST as i have been for the past 5 years. though as of last year i started learning dhalsim. he's cheap and top tier as fuck. but some match ups are a struggle. a surprising one is blanka. sim has zero anti air options against him in ST outside of crouch jab at VERY far range. apparently you can use jump back fierce at certian spacings but i can't manage it. also been learning UNI 2 as evo is coming to EU and want to try at least one main stage game. it's fun but super dead compared to super turbo. getting games is near impossible on quickplay.
hey guise what fightan should i play
what fightan do you like ? 3d, 2d, anime, traditional ?
SF6 is peak
i don't like the drive system.
Hanzo might be the face of MK, but he was never the main character of MK. So don't go around saying he's getting sidelined in his own series when the series was never his.
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I like when i throw the funny little boom guy and my opponent walks into it.
3D, 2D, anime, "arena", and traditional sometimes but I'm more of kof guy. I like the breakers too.
I feel like I lost at a core level. Not because I'm playing badly but because I can't be social in these social games. I see and hear people being friendly while I'm silent and awkward. If I'm not playing well I don't have anything else.
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>38 year old who started playing fighting games at 6 when vanilla Street Fighter 2 came out on SNES
You'll never guess who my main has been in every Street Fighter since
Gentlemen.... your mains? We need Juggernaut back in MvC4
Good choices my man
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I will forever be angry at SE for what they did to Dissidia and curse their name every day.
I main cammy. I like seeing her butt jiggle
>Sf6 was a new start for all the world warriors
>Actually nevermind shadaloo is back
What was the point of killing Bison off again?
Peak dogshit
SF lore sucks and their characters are shallow. It's best for them to give up on any story and just make stuff like world tour
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>Post mains
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Been playing mostly KOFXV with Strive on the side thanks to the mix of CotW and SF6 announcements giving me in a mood for more Hungry Wolf.

Rashid has like 2 months left on main status for SF.
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it has drive system though
i doubt fightcade will ever actually get the ps1 update, or anything else really
it's probably abandoned at this point
Get gud
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>Street Fighter
>King of Fighters
Iori, Joe, King
>Killer Instinct
>Virtua Fighter
>Dead or Alive
Jann Lee
>Soul Calibur
>Ranma 1/2 Hard Battle
>Battle Arena Toshinden
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>want to get back into sf6
>remember slime rush
>want to get back into tekken 8
>remember heat
>want to get back into strive
>remember it's strive
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>choose your fi-
Soul Calibur 7 when??
It's not new, it's from 2003
It's extremely kusoge and always has been, the top tiers are unhinged in that game and the only reason it's playable at all is because Guard Cancel Front Step (spend meter to cancel your block into a dash that itself can be cancelled into any attack) is cracked enough to get past the incredible pressure top tiers and even some mid tiers can do
It's "dead" in the sense that the playerbase for it has always been small, but the people who do like that game for what it is are very pleased with the port
Nier found dead in a ditch on August 20, 2024
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SF6 is not a fighting game
You can't discuss SF6
Hate Sf6

I am Makoto man
Over 888,4210,480 karakusas
>I am Makoto man
So you don't play fighting games?
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i keep going through controller crisis
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Somebody has to lose.
sf6 is not a fighting game but a smash clone
Worst cope yet
smash sold better than sf6 so that makes your post a cope
Slime 6 is more comparable to Brawlhalla/Multiversus
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I like how they tried to make Akuma look like a jacked demon in 6 but the roid gut is so disgusting
People have been enjoying leverless arcade sticks, maybe try that out
i have all three of the options (leverless, stick, pad) but i keep being indecisive on trying to stick with one because of perceived comfort and possible strain
>roid gut
Bruh, you blind?
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>try sf6
>it's actually good
/v/ was wrong again
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Yeah the roid gut looks retarded but then agsin can expect much from modern Capcom?
Everyone but a handful of troons here loves SF6
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The drag community loves it
they are smash clones too so i can accept that
Tekken is the solid choice for 3D, just play Tekken 8
Don't fall for bitter contrarians trying to lure you into playing the older ones, every fighting game series has those dudes, they're a loud minority and playing older entries is bad for learning the game.
For 2D go for Street Fighter 6 I guess.
I prefer Tekken.
Seriously why did they make Akuma look like a gayer version of Joe Rogan. At least they didn't fuck up Bison i guess
>play on keyboard because I was a poorfag using what I had
>leverless controllers end up being theoretically the strongest control scheme with a lot of benefits
Feels great to just fall into the right choice
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How the fuck do I wire my brain into doing comborinos
I literaly can't get myself into remembering things or transfering whatever combo input is on tutorial screen with my hands
the whole "theoretically strongest" thing hasn't really been relevant for awhile
it was most prevalent during SFV with the old SOCD and before they started ruling against controllers that had multiple buttons for a single input
If you don't want to lose, then win.
If you're about to lose, don't.
If you lose, win next time.
Practice it in parts, don't try to do all of it at once right away.
>playing older entries is bad for learning the game.
i assume this is because legacy tekken doesn't play like tekken 8 ?
Ryu in 2
Ryu in Alpha
Dudley in 3
Ryu in 4
Ryu in V
Ryu in 6
Just pick a zoner or a grappler instead
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Heihachichads... We're back
What was the point of adding Reina?
Giving me r34 to goon to
attracting zoomers and failing while doing so because it's still Tekken bloat
Reuse heichaci motion data so they can sell him as dlc
Same as adding Luke. Can never have too many Mishimas/Shotos
Speaking of which Evil Ryu when?
Who are you quoting
Coomerbait to secure the casual sales , real niggas main Hei
How do I actually improve in Street Fighter?
I have no problem getting to master but once I am there I am stuck in like 1.2k to 1.3k MMR.
I seem to not be able to read my opponents anymore and don't know how to engage.
No, because information and learning is easiest in the latest game, you're also more likely to play vs other new players.
You should learn the game with the latest entry with most of the resources and only then should you consider playing older entries.
>online is dead
good, maybe they should stop releasing so many fucking versions with barely altered titles then? the new art also sucks too.
Tekken wanted their own Juri-ish character.
can I buy Under Night 2 without getting myopia now?
>peak shit as well as peak ugly
SFV was last good looking SF game, get fucked spritefags
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It's true.
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akuma has brick house core not roid gut
Arlan ash just won evo for the 5th time using pure tekken fundamentals and dunking on the gorila retards. tekken alongside KOF will always be legacy fighters.
how we feeling about the new garou?
the post i replied to ? " they're a loud minority and playing older entries is bad for learning the game." was just looking clarity on this part
>No, because information and learning is easiest in the latest game
yes this is true but only if your end goal is to play said latest game. if your more interested in playing say tag 1 what you learn in T8 won't really help you very much
> you're also more likely to play vs other new players.
true but there is merit in playing veterans as well. especially in old games where people basically climb over each other to help anyone new.
>You should learn the game with the latest entry with most of the resources and only then should you consider playing older entries.
i strongly disagree. if you want to play the old games. playing the new games first really won't help you. tekken is a bit of a unique case because alot of their documentation is either straight up wrong or lost forever due to being only on the zaibatsu forums. but when it comes to old street fighter or guilty gear or melty blood there are pages and pages and pages of information since the game hasn't changed. people have been able to dig into the game for years and document everything. i would argue that old games are much better doucmented than new games with tekken being the exception rather than the rule. but even that aside. if you play tekken 8 and learn tekken 8 with your long term goal being to play DR or tag 1. what you learn in T8 yea some of it might help. but alot of it won't as they are fundamentally very different games. play the one you want to play whether or not it's the "correct" order to play them.
Looks a hell of a lot better than sf6
>Post mains
Tekken - Drag
SF - Luke
Yes, I try hard
>Divisive game that some SF veterans outright hate sees more play than the usherer of the fighting game genre revival
>hurr durr more people play MWIII than Black Ops 2, that mean it better
>Arlan ash just won evo for the 5th time using pure tekken fundamentals and dunking on the gorila retards.
or arslan learned how the game is played because he's a good fighting game player. it's like saying that 3rd strike and SF6 are traditional as far as street fighter goes because tokido is always placing well. or smash ultimate is just like melee because leffen places well. or that strive is like +R because latiff is placing well (at least i heard he's placing well. i don't follow gg as it's always been trash). KOF however yea is pure legacy.
Need this game and MK9 to get updated/rereleased with rollback
Looks great. I just wish we could get more character reveals at a slightly faster pace.
I like how he completely ignored Knee, Jeondding, Qudans, Saint, Ao, Chikurin, and every single non Dragunov legacy player getting shat on by 2 Pakis one abusing Nina tracking and the other the month 6 Dragunov he just picked up
>no sliming
Automatically better than SF6
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why does leverless seem to appear with relative frequency in 2D games but is pretty rare in tekken?
Who's gonna tell xher...
there is no execution in Tekken 7-8
ironically leverless sees the most immediate reward in T7 at least. as KBD becomes trivial to do perfectly every time. but i suppose with KBD getting drastically worse every tekken game. this isn't as important as it was.
Capslop games millisecond they stop getting updates (in a decade slop fighter 6 will join them and have sub 200 players)
I wanna get uni 2 but idk if it can run on my laptop. I have a lan cable tho and usually play fightans on console.
Is Guile actually bad in 6?
No, he counters most of the game's scrubby behaviors
He's excellent. Just not as easy to get the most out of him as other characters.
S tier
>is the character with a fireball with extremely low recovery frames bad in the game where raw drive rush is meta?
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>only sf without rollback
put it in ono
JP is his only bad matchup in the whole game
Nah Marisa stomps him even at top level
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>loved playing him in 4
>5 launch was so shitty it put me off the game completely
Be real, how long do I have to wait to play him in 6?
4 years if he even makes it in at all
He's great
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>4 years
Honestly accounting for guest characters he probably doesn't get put in the game at all
Fuck off
Capcom seems to like him because they treated him really well in V, but with the combination of significantly less characters due to the longer development time per-character and the inclusion of guest characters- he may not have a chance outside of a world tour appearance.
the advantage of leverless is bigger in 2d games compared to 3d
For a second I let myself that we're basically guaranteed to get Vega, Balrog, and with that almost certainly Sagat on a roster that's already getting choked by modern dev times and guest characters.
He will be there, SF team loves Dan
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you fuck off. i hopped on four earlier this month and the majority of my games were awful. the difference in netcode compared to 6 is night and day
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who here melty blood TL
Whenever I try to play 4 online it'll be some South American Oni that annihilates me because they haven't stopped playing it the last 10 years
Why did they even add two guess characters from the same series? It feels like such a waste of a slot.
I'm a yuropoor playing it regularly with other yuropoors and it runs fine

Burger issue
is UNI2 still at 720p resolutions?
If they keep doing four characters per year and guest characters taking up some of those spots I might actually be mad if Dan gets in, just because this game already has a bunch of shotos including three Ryu-likes and because Sakura will probably take up a spot first. Dan's a great character but there are a lot of functions that don't have analogues in SF6 yet
>streetfighterxtekken servers are down for multiple years now
>capcom literaly sells you a game that won't launch on steam
Why is it allowed?
no. Arslan's playstyle is 100% based on tekken fundamentals and punishment. his defense is on point because he understand what makes tekken be tekken. Knee and JDCR didn't make into top 6 even though Dragunov has never been so fucking busted since his introduction in 5DR. JDCR got clapped 2-0 by nobi in top 8 in the Drag mirror and Knee drowned in Top 24.
You don't win evo with NIna of all characters against Drag and Feng by only being a good fighting game player. No player understand Tekken better Arslan, Murray and Harada made tekken 8 to precisely counter him and the koreans because the game was "too defensive" and he still won because even with the aggressive retardation the core fundamentals of Tekken still apply to the game.
I want to understand the mindset of people who go online with dogshit connections and spend their time with every match being a powerpoint presentation.
the game isn't being sold anymore on steam though
Reminder that Tekken x Street Fighter is still going to happen
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>Install SF6
>win 2 master games 1500

What a dogshit game
Steam lets you refund within 2 hours of playtime or 2 weeks after purchase. You can try running it and refund if it doesn't work.
Do not fall for uni2 scam
who in the world still does in 2024?
>self impose a rule in a fighting game
>things didn’t go well
>gets upset
I’m right to blame game balance.
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SFV: 4
I did because I liked Melty Blood, but Uni 2 is just complete shit
>Uzuki out
>keep playing Mika
feels good being a chad
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yeah it better
doomguy belongs in smash or something with an anime fighter level of movement, people are like "ooo you need gore it's doom ooo" but giving him high mobility to play with is is unironically more important if you want to translate the feel of the guy

I think smash in particular is a good fit for him because he fits pretty neatly in that "retro videogames icon" space that game specializes at anyway- much moreso than that movies-your-dad-watched space that MK occupies IMO
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Why do women like Tekken?
can the Nintendo Switch game ARMS be converted into block chain strands offensively??
More than your discord fighter
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>it's probably abandoned at this point
they had an update last week
COTW looks great but it's not coming out anytime soon I think
It's gonna be double digits in a month
You have to lose if you want to win. Through losing, you learn what it takes to win.
>hit master
>feel like I'm pressured not to lose matches against lower ranks
>match up with Plat 5 zangief
>he gets some reads and takes the first game, I feel like I've got a download so I'm anticipating the next match
>he leaves
I'm diamond with a Rolex
There isn't a hint of a difference between a low MR master, a plat and a diamond.
this fence-toothed goblin is an annoying troll.
>t. manlet
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Why did Kamone do it bros?
I’m in Platinum with Manon
Don't care
Still maining reina
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Thoughts on her gameplay/gameplan?
I honestly thought it's kinda boring
Reading wikis and guides is more fun then actually playing the games and I'm tired pretending they are not
Is item toss just a gimmick? It doesn’t feel very character defining like it is with Faust, just something you have as an option if you want.
Yeah I'd say you should focus more on cursing your opponent (the range is pretty good even, kinda reminds me of Baiken's jD). Good thing you can TK it.
did they nerf him even though he never places?
remember kamone didn't touch vatista for years
>fighting games all getting dumbed down appealing to people who literally don't exist
>fighting games are the worst monetized outside of fucking gacha
>fighting games are dying
>all the big games have 2 minute Supers
I do wanna get into the genre, but it seems really cancerous and its only getting worse
hop on mbaacc, king
Give me a fun game to play by myself
I'm down for anything to be desu
What do you care if they're being dumbed down if you're not even into them right now? You have no frame of reference for how they're dumbed down. You can also just play old games anyway. The genre is also not dying.
Any game that has cpu vs cpu mode
Most fighting games, but MUGEN is famous for it's bot vs bot tournaments
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Play the old games, like Super Turbo
Same reason I'm not inclined to play FPS titles with auto-aim in them.
>judt play the old games
Lol, ok
Aftert through deliberation I have come to the conclusion that the only good Street Fighter is Alpha 3, and because that game has life 4 people online on fightcade I have become a KOF convert and now spend my days between XV online, XI arcade and XIII training mode.
>trusting Cygames and Arcsys
She'll just get nerfed from top 1 to top 1 again.
>Lol, ok
What's wrong with that? Plenty of old games have good online now. They'll be harder to get into but if it's such a big deal to you that they're not dumbed down that should be a good thing.
Just keep watching whatever fighting game youtubers you follow lil bro you really aren't missing much by playing a genre where a man kicks and punches in 2d space
post team
I'll play it in like 20 minutes if you want
They nerfed 6FF because it was literally overshadowing everything else about his tools. He's just less of a meme machine now.
What even stops someone from playing +R or 3S or whatever if modern fighting games le suck now
ffs most classics have a bigger player base than your average expendable anime fighter like DNF and Type Lumina
Only fighting game streamer I follow is that one weird Swedish guy, but he stopped playing Tekken because 8 is shit.

Did any of you /Master/ bros lose motivation after hitting it? I'm high Diamond 5 with Juri but don't see myself caring to try to get any further, MR just isn't as exciting and at a certian point players are too good to the point where it's more stressfull and hyper optimised than fun. not like I wanna go to EVO, you know. Probably just gonna swap to Ryu and restart the grind
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I like when the super doesn't use any cinematic. What about you anons?
I like when the scrimblo super epic cinematic costs you 7 layers of your bar can only use it in last round and has overly complicated input and you can't just link into it from whatever punch
In XV?

>alpha 3
Mugen ass feeling game
Try cvs2
Why did they make Tekken 8's roster such shit?
Alpha 3 feels tight
CVS2 is alright but the balance is even more funky in that game. Everyone in A3 is relatively competitive.
I like deadly rave style supers where there's still some interactivity and stakes involved.
Also really fast supers that don't take too long like SF6's super 1s and 2s or UNI's EX moves
No idea. It really should have been Lidia instead.
So they could sell you beloved legacy characters like Heihachi, Eddy and AK.
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>SNK announces DLC right after Street Fighter Season 2 DLC
>Everyone thought KOF was getting a Street Fighter DLC because of the Terry/Mai crossover in SF6
>SNK even called it the "special character" DLC
>It's just some blonde/brunette literal who coombait characters.
Lol. They did this on purpose didn't they.
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I've defaulted back to Ryu for SF6 until a rekka character is added. Helps to learn the new system while using a character that's familiar. I'm doing ok, hit platinum yesterday. But still struggling to connect drive impact combos.
They still could have done that but with a better launch roster.
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Why isn't it the fucking standard to give players the option to skip or shorten cinematics already?
You got it backwards but ok there is no reason to play anyone expey dhalsim / akuma meanwhile you can only have 1 sagat in your team
You don't like Jamie?
Rather Vice and Mature than Ryu, Ken or Chun.

Guest characters are cancer, always.
Hate live2d sloppa
>Helps to learn the new system while using a character that's familiar

Why not choose whoever is the strongest? The entire cast plays the same and has the same plan
>Until a Rekka character is added
Lol and SF6 is getting Terry instead of Kyo
>entire cast plays the same
So why can't my Gief zone?
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Finally hit diamond after starting in rookie, took 1000~ matches but I'm happy. Sf6 has been the most fun I've had playing games in a while.
don't worry exceptions to the rule are always trash. Zoomie no gusta Grappler
>prefers a boxer who kicks
unironic shit taste
trannies look like THAT?
What are some good keybinds for playing SF6 on a keyboard?
Supers were more interesting when they'd fully play out in the match, rather than being one-hit cinematic triggers. Tekken 8's Rage Arts might as well all be the same thing, because they're all the same frame data mid attacks that drag you to the movies.
WASD for movement, or space if you prefer for jump
Numpad for attacks
I don't like the drink mechanic.
SF6 Ed is dumbed down SFV Ed. Barely even the same character. No mix-up tech, no psycho rising, no charge punch.
6 ed is literally more of a character and more technical than 5 ed ever was
SF2: Balrog
SFA: Guy
SF3: Ibuki
SF4: Dudley
SF6: M. Bison (so far)
SF EX: D. Dark
Tekken: Law
Guilty Gear: Faust
Killer Instinct: Fulgore
KOF 98UM: Terry, Mai, Heavy-D!
KOF 2002UM: K', Terry, Whip
KOF XI: Terry, Mai, B. Jenet
KOF XIII: Mr. Karate, K', Leona
Garou: Terry
SamSho: Hanzo
SoulCalibur: Yoshimitsu
JJBA HFTF: Hol Horse
MK9: Kenshi
MKX: Triborg
Post 30 seconds of you playing in each of these games
Based Edboy. Got any good general Ed tips? I'm currently working on his lv 2 combos.
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I don't really mind cinematic supers though, they make for a nice cap off after landing a solid combo.
Reminder that the mentally ill leaf tranny Metajini is behind every street fighter hate posts
Take your meds, nubi
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>only get matched with the same guy online over and over again
I guess the sale didn't do much to revive the game.
Fought a bunch of people yesterday. No idea what the issue was on your end.
Saw a bunch of open rooms too.
As a yuropoor I regret buying this and kof15

Literaly noone in my region
>ask full AAA price for a fighting game
Not even 50% off is enough. All fighting games should be at indie game price. In top of that you'll squeeze extra shit with the DLCs anyway.
The DLC was free for anybody who actually cared to buy it before a sale.
I'm trying to play ranked since I don't want to just get my ass kicked constantly by people who played UNI since the first one.
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>Dropped SF6 because lame roster and gay dash mechanics
>Dropped T8 because lane rage arts and gay dash mechanics
>Dropped MK1 because too low IQ for Kameo system
Thinking about giving Strive and KoF a try.
You mean the morons who bought a broken release that took them like a month to fix?
Ranked was doing fine too, but if you're filtering out ranks or live in EU like the other anon, yeah the current population won't cut it.
I keep telling you the release was fixed within a week. Feb 2nd or 4th was the specific one.
Yeah I was playing ranked yesterday too. Got a decent amount of fights.
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Every single modern fighting game is plagued with cringe neutral skip bullshit and extremly high damage / boring long combos. Its endemic right now.
What fighting game has no neutral skips and low damage?
Samsho. Go ahead, make an excuse for why you don't play.
>or live in EU like the other anon
Guess that explains it. Weird how I can constantly get matches on something like Granblue that has a similar player count but apparently the entire playerbase is US only for this game.
I do, in person. Online is kill because zoomers cant play games without long combos.
Fighting games just aren't as popular in the EU. Even with more popular fighters, I've had to wait for some EC US players to wake up to find some games. So you can imagine how dire shit gets in more niche fighters like UNI or KoF.
Please, Makoto-kun. I need more fighting games in my life. I can't spend the rest of my life playing 3rd Strike, MvC, and MKT.
If I had to describe what bothers me, it's like they want the flashiness and aggression of an anime game, but they don't want the craziness and potential degeneracy of an anime game. So now you get these middle road games that satisfy neither camp.
I'm not going to land 5C without it being a CH punish off of blocking something big anyway.
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>doesn't play anything
/v/'s hatred of high damage in fighting games is weird to me, because older games usually have massive damage that can be done with combos that require far less hits.
/v/ will pretend to play older fighting games because it's relatively tougher to arrange matches with other people to prove that they play them.
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Based Dissidia Bro
In those old games you don't see those as BNBs as often though. Or they have a more prolonged and intellectual neutral that leads to them. In modern games, its neutral skip into 70%, 15 second long combo
Supers in Third Strike and before : 3-5 seconds max.

Supers in modern street fighter : 30 seconds minimum, happening twice every single game, extremely easy to land so you see the retarded cutscenes every time
I used to treat Dissidia as a fighting game.
But i can confidently say now, Dissidia is an arena fighter.
i keep getting clapped in V on fightcade
specialy against enja who is supposed to be worst character
SFIV and SFV changed pretty drastically across their lifetimes and now I'm stuck just hoping the same happens for SFVI. I really dislike how homogenizing the system mechanics are. Really feels like almost every character plays too similarly.
>relatively tougher to arrange matches with other people to prove that they play them.
name one game
I'm with you.
It's what I liked about a lot of SF5 CAs. A decent chunk were super fast like Urien, Akuma, Balrog, Cody etc.
SF6 does this with Lv1/Lv2 supers which is good. Sadly Lv3 supers need to have roughly the same long duration to account for drive gauge recovery so we're stuck with the long ones.
Everyone made fun of 5 for being samy too, 6 will change too
>I'm currently working on his lv 2 combos.
You asking this of him implies you're below diamond.
You have way more important problems to solve than learning lv2 combos.
Unless you wanna learn them for fun, I won't stop you from having your fun with the game.
UNI is different. I live in Europe and I am typically fine with playing even low population games. The worst case scenario is usually just that all the other players are really good instead of there being a wide variety of skill levels, which isn't great but I can at least still say I could go on and get a match with a good connection easy enough even if it's not ideal. As bigger games like Tekken and Strive go, I have no issues getting a match at any skill level at all.

UNI2 is the only fighting game in recent memory where I would consistently go on and not even be able to get a match with someone at all, not just there being a small pool of players or everybody playing being really good so it's hard to get into, I mean I would check player rooms, casual matches and ranked matches and so often there was just nobody. I haven't played in a while, so maybe it's better since Uzuki came out, but in the first month or two it was really bad in terms of playerbase even for EU standards.
A good amount of people just fucked off from the game with how it launched so that isn't "too" surprising. I can't imagine Uzuki will keep people around for too long though just given the average modern fighting game player's attention span always being pulled to other stuff.
makotofags are obnoxious
It's not just me, the SF 30th Anniversary Collection is a miserable online experience, right?
Does anyone play that?
His 6[FF] and 236C are better at least (gives crumple on hit instead of launching them across screen for former and puts you at safe enough distance to not eat punishment if you use it on accident for latter). Allso I like the changes to 5BB, 5CC and 2CC being able to be canceled into parry.
3rd strike fags are obnoxious in general, and I play it
I'm glad they're giving MBTL Kouma buffs to Enkidu's 236C.
Imagine if 236[B] became plus.
That would be too god-like but his game design probably won't allow that (slow methodical counter-hit/parry machine).
Hey who's your favorite sf6 playa? Mine is Punk i love Punk

Hey wanna talk about Punk? Punk is skibidi toilet
Never tried it since Fightcade exists. It's supposed to have rollback though, right? What's bad about it?
Strive is good. Don't listen to /v/ fags
Not even Daigo likes 3s LMAO
Do you even know why Daigo doesn't like 3s?
Because its a poorly balanced mess
No that's why SF6 is garbage
6 is GOATED already and will only get better
skibidi toilet Daigo Faux Taux Punk frfr
Go back to watching Yun vs Chun for the 20th year in a row
Skibidi toilet Daigo
>30 seconds minimum
Factually untrue, and I wouldn't be surprised if other retards take posts like this at face value.
>only 10 seconds saar
thats not good either
Pretty sure it's because he hates parry, like a lot of old old players
>weakest version of Akuma
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The opponent can defend himself after a knockdown? Unacceptable, defensive mechanics le bad MUH OKI MOFUGGA

>Play fighting games
Make me. Give me one reason why I should.
but i can just play something else and win
you're dumb
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You could do pic related
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Street Fighter is my main fighting game series, I've mained Ryu in every game from 2 through 6, as well as in all crossovers, so I'll post secondaries

SS2THDR: Sagat
Alpha 3: Sagat
Third Strike: Makoto
SF4: Makoto, Sagat, Evil Ryu, Rufus
SFV: I didn't stick with SFV long enough to pick up a secondary, but it would have been Akira if I played it to that point
SF6: Chun-Li, Guile, interested in Terry

Soul Calibur: Kilik, Siegfried
Granblue Versus: Zooey
Persona 4 Arena Ulitmax: Akihiko
Idol Showdown: Suisei

I haven't played Mortal Kombat since Armageddon, but I'd play Sub-Zero if I still did. I haven't played Tekken ever outside of SFxT, but I'd play Asuka if I did. I'm interested in playing Terry in Garou

Then there's a bunch of other obscure and non-competitive fighting games I've played that I could list
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I'm trying to play Tekken 8, but just against friends so kind of low level play.
Since I'm new should I just focus on some basic combos and combos on grounded opponents. Do I need to focus on sidesteps, wall combos, block punishes at all just to play at a low level?
I've played enough fighting games that motion inputs are not an issue for me. I'm trying to play Kazuya.
Upgrade all of your Dualshock 4 and Dualsense controllers so that they have tactile clicky buttons.
There's no way next smash doesn't get Doom Guy and Reimu.
Define low level. Purple ranks?
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I know that one
The absolute highest rank in the friend group is a red rank
>You just stated you hate fucking parries and then said you're looking forward to COTW. Do you even fucking know how much defense mechanics are in that game? Not that I disagree with you, I'm excited for COTW, but trust me if you think parry is anti-SF, then you are not going to be able to handle just guard.

You're a fucking idiot. First of all, I specifically said I didn't like tap parry.

Second, if you're comparing drive parry in SF6 to just defense in COTW you are a fucking retard. You don't know anything about COTW mechanics while I have been constantly watching high level footage since the game came out. Just shut the fuck up.
>Liked the idea of Scorpion showing up in other fighting games since he is the least murder happy character in MK
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DOOM should be in a grounded footsies game and just have a CRACKED dash and the shittiest jump
for me, it's Keith
how else are you going to be rid of your slow and stupid, if you don't let your peers beat it out of you?
short hop too strong
>literally over 3x as long as the supers that came before it
Fuck off zoomer. """"""Cinematic"""""" supers are fucking retarded and they always will be.
>Be a EUfag
>Wants to play KOF98, 02 and Garou MOTW on Fightcade
>Lobby is full of brasilians in the jungle with 2000 pings

Honestly I'm not sure, the playerbase is literally hemorrhaging and a lot of people are citing Nier that I could see her being outright reworked
If they made her Death resource actually matter AND made her buttons not SSS+ tier anymore then she might become top 5 rather than top 1
>takes unironically 15 seconds for level 3s from beginning back to action
Kill yourself tranny
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What went wrong?
no SF5 counterpart
they wanted the retarded normalfag audience
Unironically it serves a gameplay purpose in this game compared to most other examples of long cinematic supers, because the player's drive bar updates in real time during the super, meaning you get back a lot of drive or make a lot of progress toward burnout recovery.
Anyone with 3S experience here? Could you shed some light on why doing Urien combo seen so much harder in this game than SFV? Like I can't even do the basic stuff like heavy punch into heavy metallic sphere.
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So is there ever a reason to do the 1, 2 finisher out of Dew Glide at the end of a combo over 1, 4 with Lili?
Still not as bad or as casualised as SF6
There is literally no reason why they couldn't make the animation shorter and then refill it a set amount at the end and you know it.
>2025 best Fighting Game coming
>99% NA can't play it because Mexico
Thats fucking stupid. They could have just had the super refill the hauge for the exact same effect but have the super last 3 seconds. You can't be this dumb. You cant possibly believe it is acceptable to have 30 seconds of unskippable cutscenes per game. Imagine if you were itnerrupted by an unskippable 30 second youtube ad between rounds. Thats how much time is wasted. Every game. Its terrible.
What does mexico have to do with a japanese game releasing.
Based on tangential experience between games SFV has more leeway in the form of buffering to connect moves more easily and general improvements to allow you to hit special moves more easily.
In older fighters the execution tends to be more demanding with less gaps between moves. Maybe research if there's specific timing to link the heavy punch into metallic sphere? Sometimes it's a specific window of opportunity (like how Chunli's crounching MK into SA2 has 2 windows to cancel crouching MK into SA2, one at the beginning of the animation and one towards the end of the animation with the latter being the easier one to cancel into)
Sadly SNK tournament champions are usually not Mexico and SA but Xiaohai from China and East Asia pretty much. They do have highly competitive players though.
Well then I don't see sidestepping and backdashing that prevalent within your friend group, so learning those and combining them with whiff punishing (with launches) would give you an edge over them, if that's what you want.
Combos in general can be flashy, but I'd focus on learning the most simple and universal bnb your character has so you can combine with your launches and counter hit launches.
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Doomguy obviously fits Killer Instinct best
Microsoft even owns him now so if they ever make another one it could actually happen
I see. I'll look into some references on the subject.
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I'm so bad I wanna kms.
>Eddie Riggs
>Alex Mercer
>Master Chief
>Marcus Fenix
All would be good KI guests. MS should announce a new KI already in time for the 30th anniversary.
i dont want you to kill yourself
unironically we will never see an KI game ever again.
>akoomer player keeps spamming HK
>ends up killing himself
nothing personnel
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What's the point in living if I can't get good at fighting games?
Bro.... Hahahahaa.... brooo....
MS has been spilling spaghetti recently but there doesn't seem to be a sign of the future of KI getting gutted. Getting rid of DEI was a good sign for games like KI. The only way I'd lose hope is if DJames or Klobb leave the company.
Anon, ask yourself, why is being in the corner bad? Because you can't walk backward anymore. How much do you utilize the technique of walking backward in your gameplay? The path to becoming a master lies behind us.
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god I fucking hate trannyback netcode
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Cry more.
it's impossible to get better if you're dead, you can still do it while alive
no, that game had a couple of good looking female models and everything else looked like shitty, weakly modeled playdoh, it had by far the most atrocious redesigns of Blanka and Akuma, an absolute dogshit Alex model, polygon face shaped Urien, and small hands Sagat.
on top of that lots of outfits with shitty rigging and texturing, Ryu alone should pay for his crimes against fashion for all the garbage he got in his wardrobe, and let me remind you this retarded board was seething for weeks about Juri's redesign that came out censored from the factory, and on that same topic, that Capcom changed the camera angles for Cammy and R. Mika's supers so you could not see nearly as much of either of their asses to prevent ESPN from wanting to take down EVO SF matches at the time.
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>tfw when p5a wasn't announced at evo
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>you can still do it while alive
Why are you lying to me?
Been having a lot of fun with Gief on SF6
I guess my playstyle is dumb big slow guys that do a billion damage with a few inputs
your mistake
I somehow always forget that /v/ is "new bad old good"

SF6 and Tekken 8 are great

mk1 is fine
nice meme bro here
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when netcode that is better than rollback is gonna be used in fightans?
let's see their dicks
only niggas that spend their money and precious minutes going to tourneys exclusively dedicate themselves to all the v-ism tism, most retards on Fightcade just play a-ism of whichever character they like.
DSP is that you?
getting into absolver again.
found a school which has the pvp lvl 3.000 mask as it's school mask, will have to level my school level to unlock it and make sweet outfits with it
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why are you responding to me when you could be getting better?
canon brothers must be crucified for their crimes against fighting games
For making EVO?
>creep up to them slowly until you're just in range of their longest pokes
>walk backward to bait them into letting their guard down by hitting a button or walking at you

If they just sit there that's when you slime em. We're going to make it anon we're going to get good at fighting games.
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How much time did you guys spend labbing matchups to get into tekken? How do I make this process less tedious?
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its 2024 and one of the selling points of fighing games is "IT HAS WORKING MULTIPLAYER!!1"
no, nobody plays Samsho because SNK for the longest time had no money to advertise Samsho and because there hasnt been a new game in years on top of it not having the following of KOF or Fatal Fury to have consistent lobbies being made for it in older titles.
just play the game, learn through playing
But I can't. I have hundreds of hours and I'm still in shit league. All the other scrubs I added have long surpassed me and are miles ahead.
I'm just too stupid to make the right decisions.
I don't need to watch my replays. I know right away what I should be doing differently. The only thing I learn from my losses is "don't play like shit", which is hard to do if you're literal trash.
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Anybody EU up for games in Granblue? I wanna practice a bit before an upcoming tournament.
KOF has a prominent Mexican and South American audience since arcades stuck out for longer in those places and SNK machines were preferred over Capcom's since they were cheaper to license and ship over
Fuck it I'm just gonna record all my games and go autism mode
Literally chatgpt anime fighter look at those garbage designs like what even is that
That doesn't work in wood league. Everyone is mashing and just throwing their shit at you. That's also why watching pro player replays is useless. They're playing a completely different game.
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But walking backward puts you IN the corner. You are merely accelerating your own demise. Embrace your inner gorilla and rush them down
>Play fighting games
when mah nigga Heihachi is out I will
Those designs have existed for ages, man, and those are not the default color schemes for either of them.
It’s been so fucking long. I don’t even care about persona 5 any more. P5Arena would have been a very safe bet when the game was a little fresh, can’t imagine why they wouldn’t go for it
i know it's frustrating, but thats how it is with learning anything. It only gets harder if you compare yourself to others, especially if you dont learn from it. As long as you're playing and still interested, you'll figure things out whether you look for them or not.
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>Jubei (the cat)
>Chun-Li until they add Menat
Bonus shoutout to Ed, Akuma, Zato, and ABA.
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Did they really buff Carmine
French Bread why
Because Notes didn't win EVO
He got THIRD
>mk1 is fine
The animations alone make it not fine
He lost to a bong.
That's a pretty big deal when all you will be playing is the multiplayer to be fair. It should be expected that a game has it, but it's still something that if a game doesn't have it, you won't even want to play it at all.
how do I have fun playing sf6 instead of wanting to kill myself
same. high damage means you die too quickly to be invested much in any given loss. it's a good thing. forcing 3-5 mistakes per round is the sweet spot for me
Identify what exactly is making you lose and work on it.
Don't ask how until you get specific. Asking a general question will get you general answers.
Didn't Sion get buffed too
Maybe crossplay will become the standard from this point on.
I just want to have fun
I don't care about winning or losing
I just fucking hate everyone I fight and wish I could kill them in real life
66C got nerfed but Sion can reload after 623C
Carmine's buffs mostly amount to j3C which I don't think was even used that much by Notes to begin with that entire Top 6. That and 5BBB.
>I just fucking hate everyone I fight and wish I could kill them in real life
>I don't care about winning or losing
Then fucking quit, go play singleplayer games.
I feel like most everyone got buffed, and if you got nerfed it was on like one move, except Nanase and Orie who got their health reduced instead
i ask myself the same thing quite often except with uni2 and i have not found an answer yet
>except Nanase and Orie who got their health reduced instead
Good. They were frankly obnoxious.
I finally got out of my wagie cagie
How is Uzuki? Is she fun?
oh that. you can grind that out. just take breaks whenever you lose composure
I offer the same advice to you to quit.
Of any modern fighter the thing that pisses me off most is not lack of crossplay, it's French Bread's dogshit lobbies that can only host one match at a time. I fucking hate that shit, I can do without cosplay, but I can't believe they're still putting out games that can't host more than one game at a time in their lobbies.
If MBTL that was backed by fucking Typemoon wasn't going to have multiple cabs then there was no reason to believe UNI was going to have it.
is it ok to deny runbacks online? I'm tired after a match. I need to make more NTs
dude its just like an arcade xd
This website makes people too comfortable with absolute self-descriptors like "shit". You have to habeeb you as a player are more subtle than "shit" or "godlike", the more you play, the more you can break down the game and understand where you truly stand.
Some people are quite literally incapable of self reflection.
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arcades have more than one cab
even just something like xrd's player rooms would be a massive improvement, they don't need a big 60 person thing like gbvs
Just because they haven't earned the expectation that they'll have better online than they do doesn't excuse that the online is the way it is. I don't care whether they have Type Moon's support on any given game or not, it still sucks that they have these shit lobbies in their games regardless.
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encouragement is powerless in the face of determination
Just download obs, record your next round you lose and post it no matter what and /v/ will give you tips, it will be fun.
the steam port of Accent Core did so many things right. it's such a good value
Usually tell people to stop worrying about points and stop taking loses so personally but if the origin of your anger is purely the fact you hate other players then you should probably play something else m8.
I want to like SF6 but good lord all the characters are so fucking BORING
And the fact that 2/4 dlc slots this year are boring ass guest character shoto marketing angents makes it even more fucking BORING

im falling asleep just thinking about it.
Personally I'm excited to see Mai in the RE engine.
im not
idgaf about that franchise
give gill or kolin or someone actually interesting
The fuck are you talking about? I know where I truly stand. I'm shit.
Wish I had seen this thread sooner. I just finished a nice session in DoA6. There's about the be a DoA2 Ultimate tournament streamed on twitch in a bit so I'll probably watch that.
UNI lobby anyone?
i could play some
Honkers fag you're basically the only DOA nigga left in /v/
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Metajini got caught schizo posting none stop for over a week and all his posts got deleted proving he was samefagging all long, but then he ban evaded and came right back to the thread to complain that the mods were working together with his imaginary boogeyman as part of some shadowy cabal who was out to conspire against him.

Metajini has been doing this for almost EIGHT years, and all because he lost in some button mashing kusoge.

He has LITERALLY been seething about his boogieman for almost 8 years
It lines up exactly with the fightcade replay of him losing.
kw: vee
Are you actually playing regularly? Like, a couple hours every day with only a few missed days here and there? That's how you build winning muscle memory. Remember when you couldn't tech throws at all and couldn't even imagine being able to do it semi-consistently? And then, one day, out of nowhere you could just do it? Getting better at these games just in general works like that too. Progress won't be a straight line by any means, you'll have shit days where you feel like your fingers and reactions have died, but the more you play your brain will adjust positively eventually. Without even realizing it you will play at better ranges in neutral, expect your opponent's bullshit in particular spots more consistently, not fold defensively in the corners, makes better decisions like not throwing fireball when you should be blocking, actually paying attention to both your AND your opponent's meter, etc.
>Insane tekken shill named Metajini
>Shits up every fighting game thread on /v/ for years
>Plays some random dude in Alpha 3
>Proceeds to get his shit stomped (literally)
>Becomes obsessed with the guy who beat him
>Spams every thread with his boogieman none stop even though his boogieman hasn't posted here in years
>Hates Virtua Fighter and Bloody Roar because they are considered deeper/more technical games than tekken by the FGC
>Also hates Street Fighter/Capcom because they are more popular than tekken
>Becomes obsessed with a poster named Baron because Baron beat him in a /fgg/ tournament
>Tries to create a fake persona to discredit baron
>Gets exposed
>Meltdown ensues
>Accidentally exposes himself as a tranny leaf
>Accidentality exposes himself as the anti-SF6 spammer because he's too much of a sperg to not seethe about his boogieman every 5 min even when shitposting about something else
Metajini is a schizo tekken shill who has been shitposting on /vg/ and /v/ for almost a decade, He recently got EXPOSED and outed as a transexual leaf with a scat fetish who is hard stuck in bronze/teal ranks and pretends to be multiple different people to further shitpost and force drama, he is obsessed with and stalks some literal who named "Nubi" to a borderline psychopathic level after he got BTFO in a FT10 by him, which apparently scarred him so badly he suffers from intense PTSD from the beatdown. Metajini is known to samefag profusely and perform damage control when outed and will frequently talk to himself with the same back and forward replies in every thread for hours on end.
do you at least enjoy watching fighting games being played? keep doing that. no one thinks less of the football fan who can't pass, tackle or kick a field goal for shit
Oh well. It's not going to stop me from playing and talking about it
Who fucking cares.
everyone who plays sf6 is so fucking stupid I can't stand it
the game practically plays itself, even shitters are doing optimal combos that cover all bases and you're just forced to deal with it because the game is so stifling
you cannot lock anyone down or control them no matter how good you are and it's fucking infuriating
It makes sense. Why use Chun and Ryu in KOFXV when you can use them in your new game that looks better?
Thanks for the advice if you are still here.
Hi, Metajini! Why are you flooding /v/ with anti sf posts?
based honk honk but for me
>You're at 30% health
>the Zangief you are playing is one hit away from death
>but he has CA
How do you personally approach this situation?
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Being good is a constant process, not a state
keep grinding, play other games, do IRL activities.
gonna cry?
Damn man. I don't care
We had that piece of shit for 7 years, it had it's run.
Let it rest.
Walk up and throw him.

Never show any fear playing a Gief player. If you get BTFO by a command grab, then so be it.
You care enough to respond, Metajini >>683743408
>Are you actually playing regularly?
>Remember when you couldn't tech throws at all
>And then, one day, out of nowhere you could just do it?
No, that never happened.

In know most people get better over time and you assume I'm like most people but I'm not. I'm literal trash. I've been playing for over 5 years now and never made it out of bronze or w/e the lowest league is called. I'm just too stupid for this shit.
The ONLY time I win is if my opponent fucks up more than I do.
>that new tsurugi banner
Hell no. Watching other people play is the most boring shit ever.
DoA music is one of those things that I feel like is under appreciated. Same goes for Bloody Roar.
No thanks, I'd rather kill myself.
You don't get to call anybody retarded if you think tap parry is anti-SF, retard.
Oh finally did they finally add in the sexy plates?
You need to have 500,000 RP on that character from ranked matches though. 1,500,000 will unlock those unreadable character blurbs from the 1st game.
i think so, i've never seen the one the guy in the lobby is using before
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Just curious, what FG are you struggling with?
Damn nice, I used to have that one enkidu plate on my profile back in ST/CLR
I'd give people the benefit of a runback and the maybe the satisfaction of beating me up, but they won't be satisfied with just one win. they'll want ANOTHER game out of me. so even when I do feel like playing a game, I don't, because it means having to play three games. I miss the days of having to search for another match immediately if you wanted a re and hoping the other guy did the same
Take your meds.
stop replying to this /vg/ schizo
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>schizo shits up thread with schizo shit
>gets called out for being a schizo
>accuses everyone of being some named boogeyman he's obsessed with, whom he ironically accuses of being a schizo shitposter
The schizo that shits up Fromsoft threads and makes all those shitty Zelda threads uses the exact same tactics. Are nubi and eric the same person?
GBVSR and before that SFV.
Fuck off.
Take your meds, Metajini
any uni bros here? how was the balance patch? I played kuon, how's he looking
there's a vee lobby up right now
i believe kuon got buffed
623C got a start-up buff
236AA got nerfed since it was literally too strong
4C got a vacuum effect
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I cannot wait for riot games to completely mog all these incompetent japanese devs by simply releasing a game with
>good netcode
>actual matchmaking that isn't based around floors or a ladder
>actual balance
>basic social features like being able to add friends and chat in game
Nitroplus Blasterz
Arcana Heart 3
Chaos Code
Street Fighter V
Samurai Shodown
Soulcalibur VI
MVC2 (Fightcade)
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (RPCS3)
Aquapazza (RPCS3)
Tatsunoko vs Capcom (Dolphin)
Vampire Savior (Fightcade)
Ultra Street Fighter 4

NA East

Would anyone like to play for about 30 minutes?
the game will be ass, screencap this
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>actual balance
>riot games
Pick fucking one
uni with ex dmg reduced is so good bros, means I get more game, per game!
I have no idea why every game is droning towards dying to 2 interactions.
Wanted to take care of a spider damn it, whatever
holy shit that nubi is still around
how many years is it now?
>4C got a vacuum effect
>623C startup buff

nice. never played him as a lame screen control character, so I'm glad for these
Uzuki's jC and 2B seem "decently" easy to punish.
you have to understand, we're comparing it to games like SF6 which got a balance patch after a year and didn't do anything about the tiers, or what arcsys produces which is straight up laughable in the balance department
They don't need to be perfect in order to completely blow other fighting games out of the water. The balance in their games has never (as far as I can remember) been as bad as it is in pretty much every fighting game.
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>thread turns into /fgg/ gossip bullshit
I came here to get away from that. Fuck all of you
Also that 236C's invuln seems as short as Byak 236C
If I didn't just get done playing someone that had the absolute most random playstyle in KOFXV that I couldn't figure out for 2 hours straihgt I'd play.
What are lidias good buttons in t8? I haven't played since before Leroy in t7. Shes been kinda fun just mashing without knowing anything
She's at the very least very interesting and characterful, only thing I didn't like about her is her command normals seem almost comically short ranged considering the rest of her kit, j2C in particular seems really unlikely to connect off anything unless you're basically inside them.
Yes and those are still better than Riot
Riot's entire business model, from LoL to Valorant, is purely founded in the power of their social currency, IE their army of influencers
Their actual games are ALWAYS dogshit
I understand. Thank you for your reply.
she's a yapper
>coffin has a collision box
I guess that should have been a given
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they havent even started it
think about it
man i just need to plug against tsurugi
i'm gonna go cook dinner hope you have fun
There's no reason for them to even consider it when 6 was an absolute travesty, VV bringing in the bucks, and TN doing well for themselves with Nioh and Rise of the Ronin
Cool so she's probably quite hard to play right (like Mika with her insanely short buttons maybe?). I want to play her right away, but just the thought of having to go through combo trials leaves me sad.
How much of a Yapper? Is she worse than XRD Jam?
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See you in tomorrow's Uzuki party lobby
I want to play fighting games but i'm always turned off by how much they cost with battlepasses and such.
Also in my region i don't think many people play FG.
With that in mind any recommendations /v/?
Uzuki has Hilda like buttons where 2B and 5C are fucking enormous but she can't contest you if you have better mid-range buttons to poke her out of them.
So far it's internalizing the timing for her 5B > 4C as well as properly gauging her 22X pillars.
She's nowhere near as bad as Jam in terms of voice cacophony.
Lookin forward to it, GGs
Pick a game where you don't like the DLC characters, or an older one where everything's already been released and/or is heavily discounted.
Fightcade is free.
Last week all fighting games were very cheap.
I can still find matches consistently on PS4 so I'm okay for now. I just hope they make it eventually. DoA6's story left off on a cliffhanger
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tekken x what now
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Every fighting game should have swimsuit DLC
Change my mind
Tao Feng
CVS 3 and Marvel 4 will release before it
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>play 3S (total playtime: 25 hrs) against fellow D rankers
>close matches/win by a notable margin
>play KOF98 (total playtime: 400 hrs) against fellow D rankers
>get smoked most of the time
should be free and in the game from day one with every character
not dlc and not paid
TKj236A into 22B feels great.
Screw spacing normals out to land 22A, get the wallbounce into launch instead.
KOF is, and always has been, the more difficult fighter.
>actual fighting game harder than a party masher
i fucking hate how the stages look in modern fighters, so fucking fake and gay
Could be one if not all of the following:
>KOF is hard as fuck
>you probably mesh better with 3S compared to KOF
>power level could be higher
Now that you mention it she does have a bit of Arakune DNA in her animations, she doesn't play anything like him though. Her only setplay is a goofy item toss and she lacks the tricky movement.
Fine, I'll try something.
So how do I do this? Any lobbies up? If I'm in this thread I might as well play with anons instead of randoms.
is the item stuff any good at all
it sure didn't seem like it
Not at all. She doesn't pollute the screen with lingering hitboxes and act independently of them.
I don't play many games desu, so I can't tell which one is "hard".
>>power level could be higher
Probably. Looks like my region (SA) is mostly boomers.
Bomb is kind of funny to mess around with.
I'm sure there are some set-ups, she's got options to end with coffin stance or items but you need to cycle into your bomb/mini-faust since it comes out in order.
the uniel players seem the most anon friendly of the bunch. you can also fire up a private lobby in your game of choice and post the ID and wait for ppl to join
wait she has a minifaust equivalent? i only saw the bombs and the poison bottle
The item order goes poison vial > bomb > mini faust. Charging 2FF/item toss throws out two but it's dreadfully slow.
Bake a New bread please. I wasn't done talking
yeah this
i don't know what game to play >>683748781
i see
i can't boot up right now but i hope i don't need to own her to lab her
SA, especially brazil was always big into KOF and less into SF past super turbo/world warriors.
I've bought UNIEL twice already. I don't care if you all play it. I don't care if it's just $25. my cornhole burns with the eternal flame of resentment
it's okay all the oldheads say sys:cel is the worst version anyway (apparently)
Yeah well I bought it 3 times and it's good
I personally bought
>UNIEL twice
>UNIST thrice
>UNI2 twice
My only regret is buying MBTL twice, garbage game.
I'm happy they finally gave it good netcode. the game looks like it deserves it
>but i hope i don't need to own her to lab her
If you bought the game before April then she's free.
>TL twice
were you the only switch player
i bought the game late april sadly
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>not netplay
Will any of you rape me if I host it with parsec?
PS4 and PC.
I avoided the initial fallout of terrible PC online for the first couple months because I was on console. Then I just moved to PC after the August patch.
If you want to netplay 2d fighter maker games, you can use lilithport
But yes, parsec is also an option
idk how to do that
parsec is easy for my stupid brain

also you didn't answer my question
Well I can play a little, sure
that didn't answer my question either. i'm asking if parsec is safe to use
but i tried to buy it just now and dlsite apparently doesn't have a way to pay with credit card. if you have the game can you host? unless you know how i can buy it on dlsite
'rape' usually means 'beat the shit out' of rather than 'hack your computer' in these parts
Oh yes, Parsec is safe. I used to use it fairly often
Downside is host advantage. You need a cloud server to make it more fair
But i can work if you need it to be.
Buying games on DLsite is pretty easy with a western card now. But you can download the game from Mizuumi now.
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Oh wait, I was thinking about Vanguard Princess since that was a free game. No link to KemoFre Fight is on Mizuumi. I'd buy it, but I don't have much money right now. Sorry about that....
But the way you buy from DLsite is like this
im not worried about someone beating the shit out of me the game is easy and has autocombos and stuff
>parsec is safe
i don't see it on mizuumi or whatever. is this the right page?
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dlsite doesn't accept paypal anymore
at least not on my machine

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