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This is what western videogames would look like today if we had the graphics of today but with the sensibilities of the 80s and 90s still in tact.
Japan wouldn't have even come close.
Looks like shit, why can't western cucks draw attractive females?
I don't really like the plastic barbie bolt on tits look a lot of old comics went for and obviously that gun looks stupid as fuck there's no way she'd be able to hold that up.
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God hates weebs
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Anime troons
>posts nigger with plastic boobs to prove his point
Western cucks can't draw period.
At least post something that doesn't have fish eyes ffs
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Anime troons
i think he wants you to post sexy 12 year old girls.
Western games have way more woke tranny garbage than japanese ones.
>Leonardo Da Vinci
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Yet troons are all weeaboos. Funny
Both mogged by innumerous doujinshi artists.
>b-but you're supposed to think they're good!
Anon let's not pretend shit like this wasn't just porn for rich people at the time.
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And yet only the west tries to pander to their mental illness. Funny
All I see here is western/trans people trying to appropriate art made by japanese people.
Japan clearly is pandering to their mental illness since they love anime so much.
shit bait m8
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All trannies hate stuff like pic related yet all trannies love anime. Funny. Mentally ill freak.
Men with testosterone created and read shit like this. Twig degenerates like your anime shit
Actually trannies complain about japanese media being "problematic" all the time. They're obsessed with it precisely because they're trying to make it more like western slop.
Shit like your pic was created by weird blue state nerds in the 90s, the exact same demographic that's trooning en masse out nowadays.
Yet they LOVE IT and obsess over it and all want to become anime girls while twig degenerate pedos like you also obsess and love it while well adjusted men all liked >>683675482
Yet troons love anime and hate that picture. Nice try
They don't hate that picture, they're the ones drawing them. It's like you drink tranny cum without even realizing it.
It only sounds like bait because you're literally buckbroken by western culture. Most of it is just coom art made to appeal to decadent aristocracy, picrel.
gaslighting troon scum
shit bait m8
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Funny because actual trannies look more like the "women" in the pictures you are posting. Ugly, malformed, aggressive. Picrel is what good art is supposed to look like.
A barely legible mess born from way too much coke by the artist? No better than anime ayy lmaos without noses or mouths.
ranma, a japanese cartoon where a man becomes a woman is considered a classic, for many it was their gateway into penile problems. another classic eastern trope is attaching a big huge dick to what are otherwise women.
whether or not the japanese celebrate mental illness, they took a huge part in its proliferation.
although, i would optimistically wager the problem isnt as widespread as social media would have you believe, its easy for a group to paint an image over the internet.
have a good day, and keep your penis.
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Tranime fags really seethe when the woman posted is above the age of 12
Tranime fag is literally posting AI slop now
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>Tranime fag sees attractive picture of woman
>u-uh that's a man
Yep, mental illness
God I love this aesthetic
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You can whine about japanese cartoons as much as you want, the fact is that actual trans ideology comes from America and Europe.
>japanese people drew a comic with a tranny that one time!!
Yes, and your country created and/or accepted sex reassignment surgery. But apparently that's based according to you because it happened in western countries, right?
That's not attractive, that's ugly and disgusting just like the trannies you worship.
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Another example of western cucks trying to impose their tranny morality on japanese people. There's nothing wrong about a male wanting to marry a fertile young girl. Ironically enough actual child abuse is more prevalent in western countries aka the countries that invented feminism and transgenderism.
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Bisleys art wont fly on the year 2k20+
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>Japan wouldn't have even come close.
You say that like we can't compare comics with the sensibilities of the 80's and 90's to manga and anime with the Japanese sensibilities of the 80's and 90's.
And it's not even close. The absolute state of mind of westcucks.
Western animation can't match this level of quality btw
Nice, please post some Frank Frazetta art. Thanks
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>All trannies hate stuff like pic related
disagree, I'm all for Frazetta stuff. For that matter I loved Dragonlance too
How was this game, I only ever played the demo as a wee lad and never really heard of it again.
Even in Japan Disney animation from the 90s is considered superior to what Japan has produced.
why do mutt love angry women so much
Because when you fuck them it's more satisfying. You wouldn't understand since you never fucked a girl you were pissed at.
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same reason women like nigger dick
Their birthrates would fall to 0 if they weren't conditioned into liking neurotic, unfeminine women.
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I miss when "anime" meant quality beyond anything you thought was even possible. Nu-anime is such soulless garbage, what the fuck happened? Not even just in terms of animation, it feels like modern plots lack any form of realistic human interaction and only operate in established tropes and archetypes.
American shit has always been horribly tactless
me bottom left
They can't draw attractive guys either
You brain on tranime
>There is nothing with being a trans pedo!
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Akira was a crappy adaption that cost a billion dollars during the "money is free" era. It also uses nothing but tropes and archetypes, the "psychic child grabs head and screams and blow up evil science man" trope was already insanely worn out by the time the movie dropped.
Trannies/americans (same thing at this point) are very concerned about age of consent.
Yes that's why all pedos are trannies who love anime
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Yeah because you would enjoy it a lot more if it had a low budget and tried to subvert your expectations instead of using troupes, right?
You can argue about the age of consent all you want, but it exists exactly to prevent predators from abusing younger people. If you argue about how the age of consent should be lowered, you might as well be a pedophile yourself.
The funny thing to me is that Dr D got cancelled for a 17 year old which is legal in many states.
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>a 17 year old
But she wasn't. This is just what his paid shills kept spamming without any evidence. The fact he didn't mention she was 17 means she was definitely younger. Cope
The west died culturally decades ago
It's all ovet
No I'd like it if they didn't rewrite the whole thing worse lol
It literally subverted fans expectations from the manga lmao
>faces look exactly the same, only the hair is different

Nope, these idiots would have leapt at the opportunity to claim she was younger like flies to a piece of shit. Pretty sure at least part of their flirtation involved the fact she was turning 18 the next month too.
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Not an argument. it's very pathetic how you have to make up lies to defend your E-celeb pedo.
If she was 17 he would have said so. She clearly wasn't. Yet you lie
>The fact
>Random head canon that isn't true
E-Celeb tards should be hung
The age of consent shouldn't be lowered, it shouldn't even exist to begin with. It's just another way to promote dysgenics because people too incompetent to protect their children from pedophiles shouldn't breed.
Dr Disrespect was walking garbage but I will defend to the death that 17 is a legal age for sex. And if there was a chance she was younger I guarantee the media would have sniffed that out.
She wasn't 17. Your making up head canon because you are an E-celeb cock sucker
this is what we lost.
we will never again have animation of that quality and it still hurts...
The only man of culture in this thread. Too bad nobody on /v/ knows Frazetta.
If she was 17 he would have said so to defend himself. Your cope is insane. Of course a tranime pedo also loves E-celeb pedos
prove it
It was alright. Nothing special. Ok gameplay, ok graphics. I played it 15 years ago so I don't remember much. Can be completed in one day, maybe in a single sitting if you're persistent enough.
E-celeb cocksucker logic
no? at that point it was already clear the point of no return had been entered. More than likely a lawyer would have told him to stop saying anything at all.
Prove you aren't a trannie pedo. So far all evidence points to you being one
Then just say you didn't like it because it's not like the manga instead of whining like a fag
If that were the case then he wouldn't have made a post admitting it to begin with retard. Holy shit you are a stupid zoomer. Your faggot E-celeb was a pedo.
no argument, again I don't care about Dr. Disrespect but everything I've heard said she was 17 at the time.
Yea that was the first point of retardation that got him into that mess.
are you seriously defending the age of consent on this board of all places?
E-celeb pedo tranime cocksucker.
>B-But she was only 17 because my head canon said so!
Why are tranime fags like this?
>this retarded argument about the age of some whore
Proof that age of consent is bullshit
Never say never!
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Anime was always cheaply mass produced stuff
A bunch of big movies in the 90s tried to change mindset but to this day most animations from Japan are still cheap series.
American cartoons from the 50s are still superior in quality than most anime trash
Bruh that's the whole point. if anything I am asking the source. Looks like there is no conclusive proof either way that the girl was underage, if anything it could have been a catfish cause no one knows. Which leads me back to my first point, people griping about 17 being pedophilia when it is legal in more states than not is just funny to me.
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>anon discovers that it's easier to animate simplistic characters
>Looks like there is no conclusive proof either way that the girl was underage
He literally admitted it you stupid E-celeb loving zoomer
He admitted to his intentions on the girl being underaged retard, not to knowing who she was. Yea he caught himself but it could easily have been bait.
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>Never forget what (((they))) took from you
The fact you have to make fantasy scenarios to defend him when he clearly would have said it if it was the case shows your mental illness
God I hopet his is bait
The fact that you think I'm still defending him and not just being autistic about facts is the real problem here. Don't worry about it.
You are making up fake scenarios in your head and then saying they are facts
what fake scenario am I making up this time
>calls people troons
>posts a painting of a woman who ripped a man's testicles off
Nice cover.
>I-I mean E-celeb didn't know how old she was!
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One of the best portrayal of speed in media. I wish more game developers take inspiration from this movie.
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>Post Frank Frazetta art.
I don't like it because it's worse, and every homo watches it and thinks "wow, the anime equivalent of a crappy hollywood adaption with a billion dollar budget, why do anime have no soul no more?!?"
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These kind of art are now bad because they appeal to male fantasy.
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I prefer modern arttist desu.
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80s-90s Japanese and western media has a lot of overlap, Frezzato's Keeper of the maser could easily be mistaken as Japanese made nowadays.
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And there's Hajime Sorayama, who made some of the most Iconic Heavy metal covers ever.
ugly faces
>these thick ugly lips
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>redditor just found out about Heavy Metal, feels obligated to dump the covers on /v/
Sure is video games around here
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>/co/cksucker makes bait thread on /v/
>best he can do is spam lo-res covers of arguably the most cucked,benign and streamlined magazine of yesteryear as proof of his superiority
Pathetic really
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>why can't western cucks draw attractive females?
Look up ’’Good Girl art’’
Good Girl art hasn’t been allowed for decades due to leftist kike
Only Bad Girl art is allowed, and only Bad Girls are allowed to be attractive since then and good girls always have to be average/ugly nerds or whatever

This is why Hello Nurse was removed from the Animaniacs reboot
Because she was an attractive and sexy Good Girl character

This rot started happening with Ariel from Little Mermaid
Glen Keane gave her occasional ugly faces to make her ’’le realistic relatable’’ and he got called out on it by Ollie Johnston who noted the difference between Disney’s 9 old men who only drew their heroines with the most beautiful expressions possible compared to Ariel who pulled quite a few ugly faces

The most ironic thing is that Glen Keane’s daughter is gorgeous
But even the softest leftists like him are somewhat deranged and delusional
And we eventually got that ugly Rapunzel in Tangled
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I wish Tribes Ascend looked like this
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>not wanting them wrapped around your dick
Jesus christ anon you're such a faggot.
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>All portrayals of beauty depicted as evil/villainous and/or masculine(le badass cop girl)
Subversive trash
They would never allow a cutie like Miranda from Bonkers nowadays

>Comparing this grungy trash from the 70s-90s to works of classical art
>combining bikini armor with chainmail leotard
A daring synthesis. That's the spice.
Why aren't real women built like this.
zoomies completely forgot conservatives was obsessed with modesty and religious doctrine back in the 80's
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That looks like something a 12 year old boy with gender identity issues would fap to

Heterosexual males would fap to pic related instead
Akira was good but it was still inferior compared to 30s and 40s and 50s Disney

It wasn’t that expensive
Little Nemo anime cost much more to make and was in development hell

The manga wasn’t done when it came out
Because then they would be men?
>Anime was always cheaply mass produced stuff
So were Hanna Barbera TV cartoons and a lot of trash TV cartoons from the 70s and 80s
90s and 2000s were a golden age for American TV cartoons but that’s it

For theatrical, Golden Age of Animation of 1920-50 is unbeatable
But after that television killed animation
no mention of Weapon Lord in this thread. Shame.
I think this is the only Heavy Metal posted so far that has an attractive girl that isn’t villainous looking
With hips like that?
>Denigrating the holy Aryan symbol of the Swastika with some cheap hooker slut
So epic and totally not jewish at all
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>can clearly determine that the person in the picture is a woman
>bUt ThEy'd Be Men!
Anon men also have visible hips when they aren't fat
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They are
They’re called nigresses

White people prefer White girls like Princess Aurora
Hips are always visible dumbass.
Men's hips aren't twice the width of their waist.
Feel free to show us evidence to the contrary.
Because Bisley only made that games terrible cover art and nothing else.
So you're fat, right?
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I really wish these bots could at least follow a simple conversation so it wasn't so obvious.
>fatty is also a schizo
Everyone is being faggots
But also posting the highest of quality posts of weebshit and heavy metal mags

I want to both smack and hug everyone at the same time in this thread. Such high quality taste concentrated in one area. Unfortunately everyone seems to want to fight over nothing
I think this is the first western slop art in this thread that the girl doesn't look like a man. Congratulations, anon.
The heavy metal issue with druuna is when I discovered how to fap. I should probably buy a hard cover to thank him
Why isn't Heavy Metal F.A.K.K. 2 on Steam and GOG? This is long overdue.
>posts retarded fake boob drawing
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Hideous oompa loompa of a woman
>your country
>an israeli, magnus hirschfeld
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Name of artist?
That pic is older than the state of Israel.
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all jews are israelis, with or without state.
stay mad
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stay inbred
video games aren't just about the art direction retard-kun
A jewish doctor created the concept of trannyism and he created the first tranny pills.
The first time any man wanted to be a woman was Elagabalus who was an Arab Syriac faggot who was installed by jews as Roman Emperor.

All degeneracies come from semites and semitic genes.
Back in the oven, kike
I want to know what irl woman they traced here
>All degeneracies come from semites and semitic genes.
Good thing that Japan had less contact with them than western/tranny countries did.
Yeah, Japan is more true to the old western spirit than the west is now
Manga is closer to old Golden Age Disney than whatever garbage the west puts out
>japan has less degeneracy than the west
least delusional weeb
>All of this ugly Heavy Metal art
Post some actually good and fappable art
kys kike
Nta but I don’t see Japan trooning their kids out on the regular like Americans
>Inb4 ’’it’s only California doing that’’ cope
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and maybe you should post something that is not the size of a fucking stamp
she looks like hunter from quake
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Vallejo > Frazetta
wow, more ugly masculine dark women
lol maybe in thirty years, bruhh.. there's no fucking way frank frazetta graphics will be possible until at least a couple more decades, bro..
>Men with testosterone created and read shit like this. Twig degenerates like your anime shit
didn't Frank Frazetta draw actual BLACKED porn?
That painting has deep esoteric meanings hidden behind composition and imagery.
You are the same type of retard that the authors and commissioners in the Renaissance thought were the profane and undeserving lmao
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like, straight up african niggers on white blonde women
this is your high test western mensch, everyone
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>80's and 90's Western comic/cartoon aesthetic thread
>no Bilal or Moebius
Bunch of plebs lol
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No Bilal = no Japanese cyberpunk
Even others were greatly influenced by him, like Dorohedoro
>what are artist commissions
Oh no! Anyway...
we know tranny
Weebs look at a woman above the age of 10 and see men
So it's no different from Japanese Hentai
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Anime characters looked better when they had noses.
It was produced by the creator of the manga, and big budgets were a good thing once. No one was complaining about there being three Indiana Jones movies that decade you massive tard.
so you’re just an autistic faggot?
got it
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Does this Jap one count?
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vidya recommendation for this feel and aesthetic?
Wish he would've made more

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