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This creature is bad game design but everyone just accepts it because it's 'iconic'
youre just an autistic who cant handle anyone messing up your meticulously arranged blocks
git gud
OP is angwy about leaving his door open at night and getting his home a new basement!
So way back in the mine
>Game about building
>The iconic enemy destroys
It's iconic because it marries the building gameplay with the self defense gameplay.
You're just a shitter.
Turn off mobs and be a pussy if you don't like it.
if anything its underutilized, more mobs should have the ability to destroy blocks, sure its shouldn't be extreme like in some of those zombie mods but enough to make players put more thought into their builds
can you?
Did you like that video where Jenny fucked the creeper? I thought it was pretty good.
lol, get trolled idiot
It's excellent design
It's a compelling threat because it opposes the game's intended goal, and takes specific advantage of its game's unique mechanics
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This creature is bad game design but everyone just accepts it because it's 'iconic'.
The mod that turns the mobs into anime girls turned the creeper into a girl with a creeper hoodie. She was my first childhood crush
I agree
>Most iconic enemy in a building game is the one that destroys your buildings
Makes sense to me
Exactly, it's immediately baked into the game's premise
It's a threat that immediately gives the player more to do if they lose against it, because now you have the opportunity to rebuild whatever was destroyed
Its presence inherently allows the game to be played more
Women are physically ideal for their evolved role as the caretakers of children.

>Minimal muscle mass so they don't waste nutrients that could be turned into babies or breastmilk
>High pitched voice that distinguishes them from males
>Boobs attract males easily

It's pretty good.
evolving for a role isn't good game design. Look, obviously, women are crappy now because no one bothered to catch the fast ones.

If you were faster, stronger, smarter than prehistoric man, obviously, they just went after the slower ones. Survival of the fittest is a misnomer in this case.
endermen picking up blocks pisses me off more since it doesn't happen as a consequence to a mistake by the player.
Zombies picking up and equipping your weapon and armor is pretty funny on the other hand
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endermen are a terrible example, they use to be able to pick up many more types of blocks but players found them so annoying that they got nerfed into holding nothing but a small list of 'natural' blocks.

because it turns out a game based around building cool shit having an enemy that destroys your hard built structures is annoying, overly punishing, and bad game design
Just patch the hole sonny
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Developers got too afraid of annoying the player, it's the exact reason why everything sucks now
>endermen picking up blocks pisses me off more since it doesn't happen as a consequence to a mistake by the player
This. A creepers explosion can be avoided and is the fault of the player not being aware of their surroundings or not putting enough space between them and the creeper so it doesnt explode during combat.
An enderman just fucks off on its own and picks up blocks regardless of what you do
It became a meme, because it often was an instakill in survival mode out of fucking nowhere anywhere anytime.
And once anything is a meme, its 'iconic' status is completely unrelated to if it's "bad game design" or not.
phantoms prove that annoying the player is fully on the menu for the developers
>le annoying is good actually
its not a hardcore game or a strategy game, its a sandbox game. a sandbox game shouldnt punish the player for things outside of their control
if they didnt want to annoy me they wouldnt make up excuses as to why they havent included vertical slabs.
You are the reason videogames are shit now
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First good refutation honestly
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I mean it is (Notch only added it to the game because he thought it was funny), but also...
a man who has images like that at the ready can sense genuine anger behind keystrokes
This. Enderniggers are bad design since you cannot stop them. If a creeper blows your base is because you suck.
technically you can stop them, problem is the process is so tedious only the most giga autists with hardened tendons would bother with it
Lol if you think that's how it worked. The tribal nature of protohumans asserts the opposite. Women flocked to the men that could provide for them the most, while men would bang anything attractive that was either willing or not protected by another male. The fact that boobs exist shows that men are sexual selectors.
A single Enderman can also mess with things indefinitely as long as they are in play, which does suck too
Interaction with a Creeper ends the second it explodes, which I think adds to its good design, you can only fail at preventing it once
it's a literal non threat when they added sprint you can 180 run away before getting hit every time
Sorta disagree, if the Creeper is anywhere near where you want to be, you still have to get into danger close range in order to actually fight it ever since they added le slow down and aim to Bows
You are correct in the case of Zombies, however
The problem is that they appear out of nowhere and you cannot really prevent their annoying theft. Sure you can piss them off, kill them and take you block back, but it's annoying.
Countering creepers from fucking up your base is as easy as having proper illumination so they don't spawn near your place.
>Doesn't die in the sun
what the fuck were they thinking
They were thinking that if you wanna a 100% relaxed game you should play on pacifist
I refuse to sprint no matter what
I still think having sprint is a valid tradeoff to them adding gay slow down to aim
Creepers are easily avoidable if you play the game well enough. Either build your base so mobs won't spawn or remember to pay attention when mobs are about.
I wouldn't mind them if they weren't also dead fucking silent
Creepers are good because they work as an threat to the goal of building, and they do so in a way that is both possible to avoid and impossible to ignore.
Endermen are annoying because they just grab a block, with very little you can do to stop them. They do not signal their destruction and their effect on your structure can be easily overlooked. Furthermore, it is such a minor effect that it becomes more of an annoyance than an obstacle. It's one thing to have to commit to rebuilding a portion of your base that was destroyed. It's another when you have to run to your storehouse to get a single replacement block for one that was shoplifted.

A creeper facilitates gameplay with harsh consequences for carelessness. Endermen create a menial chore that you have to actively be on the lookout for. You just sound like an autist reeing over your blocks being messed up.
imma build a toggleable mob switch in my next world so I can have peaceful mode on demand
He wanted to punish you for lighting your base
Personally I can because I build with stone.

>Get diamond armor and shield
>Get protection buffs
>Creepers don't do shit anymore
>turn off destructive mob actions.

More seriously, it just seems to be a sort of rule of thumb with survival crafters where developers feel a need for there to be some enemy or another that will ruin a player’s hard work and force them back out to gather and repair and/or upgrade. Valheim has base siege events, 7 Days basically has every fucking zombie being capable of tearing apart defenses, and Minecraft’s is the creeper. So far Enshrouded seems to have avoided this logic.
Creepers are one of the reasons I consider Minecraft a horror game.
That and my fear of falling.
>one survives until daytime in some shadow
>sneaks up and explodes a building youve worked on
This kind of sucks. Otherwise they are fine
In early Minecraft, you could tell that Notch definitely took a lot of stuff from Dwarf Fortress. There's a lot of stuff he implemented in early survival that focuses on curveballs and there being a sense of passage of time - creepers, farming, lightning storms that upgrade enemies, forest fires that were way more destructive, etc. The MC fanbase got really autistic about how they don't want anything to interact with their builds in the world at all, and so the result is the world in Minecraft is extremely static, there could be so much more in Minecraft like villagers that actually connect each other's villages through road networks and build buildings as the village size increases; seasons; and forest fires that spread seeds around and create new forests - but all of this would upset the fanbase. >>683676056
The game doesn't even have passive breeding of ingame mobs without you directly influencing it.
I think Terraria's Corruption is a good way of doing a mechanic like this. It punishes negligence and prompts you to keep track of parts of your world, while also being wholly reversible, so it's never gonna irreversibly ruin your world. All you need to do is play the game enough to have money for Green Solution, and it's technically possible to completely remove or contain it if you care that much.
>men are sexual selectors
why are my testicles on the outside of my body?
The real problem is actually that there aren't MORE enemies that fuck up your builds. It's too easy to build a single wall and be safe forever in Minecraft
Creepers are just weird animals, not undead. Same reason spiders and enderman don't burn either.
I mean it makes sense, imagine building a redstone contraption for three days straight only to have it brick itself because an Enderman took a piece from it, or they got a TNT from somewhere and set it down next to one of your redstone torches.
It's an annoying mechanic, even after the nerf, there's no way to prevent them from doing it unless you drown your base in water, and they'll just warp inside anyway if your rooms are 3+ blocks tall.

>be an MC player that plays almost exclusively underground with underground bases and underground farms
>rarely see the sunlight
>only build with natural blocks
>do okay with Endermen, on average, they take more non-natural, player-placed blocks than anything else just because of the odds
>Endermen get "nerfed"
>now they EXCLUSIVELY pick blocks that I build with
>no joke I build exclusively with the entire list, minus the sands, gravel, TNT and pumpkin blocks
>get mad as base starts changing shape whenever I'm not looking
>from then on, I build with 1.5-2 block tall ceilings all the time, with few exceptions

They're fine, though I miss when they were silent.
You know what's bad game design? Skeletons ever since they got the accuracy buff. What the fuck Mojang?
If you're playing on anything but Easy, they shit all over you with damage and knockback and make shields mandatory until you're up in the diamond armor tier or you have a bow yourself.
They need a slight accuracy nerf, or their arrows need to travel a bit slower, or they need their knockback cut in half; they're the only hostile mobs in the game I actually dislike (minus phantoms of course, fuck those.)
"bad design" IS iconic
fuck convenience and fuck sandboxfags
Annoying the player is objectively bad in games, unless the player can do something (or better, multiple somethings" to counteract it, like how if you hate creepers enough in Minecraft, get cats.
Challenging a player is fine, annoying them is not. If it's a personal annoyance for SOME players, that's fine, but if a majority get annoyed, that's not.

Everything sucks now because games aren't for "gamers", most games these days are built in a way to try to minimize who they offend, resulting in a lot of bland games that people play and finish with a bit of a "meh". Nobody's satisfied with carving out a niche, they've gotta make racing games with a bazillion handicap options so players who don't like racing games can still get first place in an online race if they want while just holding down the throttle as the steering and brakes are automatic, or make FPS gamess where there's some baby-tier infant difficulty option with so much aim assist that you can just fire wherever and get headshots on the main boss, who, despite being a Hitler knockoff, isn't allowed to be any more racist than saying "THOSE people" or "people like YOU" with a sinister voice.
What do you mean bad game design? It makes sense to have a monster that destroys blocks in a block game.
at this point just play with an anti enderman griefing data pack
About the skeletons it's crazy how much more dangerous they are compared to the other basic mobs, especially now that caves are massive. Another mob I don't love is baby zombies, they already have the advantage of being faster and fitting through 1-block gaps, so why do they also have the same health and higher dps than the basic variant?
modern mojang literally said that creepers as they are now would never have been added had they been in control of development from the start. they're literally too afraid to remove them because it is in fact iconic of minecraft
Not sure if lame or based.

I really should consider Terraria at some point, but I just can't get over the whole 2d thing. Pathetic, I know.
I promise you will get over it the second you find your first movement upgrade
I've become more radical. I will no longer be appeased by vertical slabs, we must also have corner blocks.
if it's "iconic" then it's not bad design
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to this day there's no definitive hint or answer as to what these things are supposed to be
>zombies, skeletons and spiders are generic fantasy enemies
>endermen are end dimension residents
>pillagers are angry villagers
>guardians are ancient underwater creatures
>creepers are ______
oppa epic style.
>spiders are generic fantasy enemies
Wait until you find out about silverfish
show me a real life pig sized spider
because heat kills sperm and storing it on the outside keeps them cooler, retard. you DO know how your own parts work right?
Creepers are angry bushes.
>/gamerule mobGriefing false
fixed your game
You cannot possibly be this fucking retarded. Stay in school, faggot.
In what way is it bad?
Could you do this with only Endermen though, creepers aren't that bad they have to pick fights with targets. But Endermen just move shit around haphazardly. I've had one let all my animals out before and I was baffled how it happened for the longest time.
>Gameplay Changes
>Anti Enderman Grief
>download and put into the datapacks folder of your world
If creepers didn't exist Minecraft wouldn't be the hit it was. Not only did they enter in the public conscious they created a bunch of exciting moments in what is otherwise a very rudimentary game
Creepers are fine really. I hate Phantoms though. Annoying and noisy creatures are ten times worse. This is why I just play older Minecraft without phantoms and wandering traders and I just play with mods.
Need explosive creeper gf
Endermen are memes
Usually the worst they do is just pick up a single block of grass or stone.

Unless you are building your base out of only of dirt and grass you should never have to worry about them.

Corruption honestly feels more like a force of nature than a mob hazard.
Phantoms can be disabled
It's literally an open question in biology.
>doesn't think men are naturally attracted to feminine parts
>immediatly starts reffering to testies
>talks about biology

found the tranny.
Everything can be disabled. I still won't turn off every time I create a world. I rather play older versions.
What’s he doing ?
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Don't care, I'm having a blast.
>listen to podcast/essay whilst playing game
>don't hear game
>don't hear creeper
>get blown up by creeper
It's literally just a button when you create a world, it's not that hard
sovl building
Weren't they just some glitch he decided to implement
that's lame. creepers are one of the only things that you can't completely control or account for not messing you up hard.

the game would be a boring slog for 4 year olds if literally nothing could 1-shot you in the early stages and nothing could ever touch your autistic lego buildings. if you wanted to just play with blocks you have creative already.
>Slow moving
>Bright green
>Makes audio queues before exploding
>Won't explode on you if you hit it with a sword knockback

Yes it is
Pigs with their scale coordinate accidentally flipped, yes.
>If creepers didn't exist Minecraft wouldn't be the hit it was.
if shit didn't stink it wouldn't attract so many flies
yes they have a technical explanation which boils down to "it looked cool" but nothing in the game to even hint at their origin
watching anime schoolgirls longingly as all men do
Would you a creeper, anons
Why is it bad design?
> Image
Oh, I get it.
ht tps://filetransfer.io/data-package/vHD802yQ
Oh yeah, I didn't realize that either I just thought it was hot.
There's nothing inherently wrong about a kamikaze enemy. It becomes bad game design when the developers do not offer a way to counter the enemy. Minecraft should have some sort of block/object reinforcement option to make things immune to most explosions so you can keep the aesthetic you want without feeling the need to litter your home and a massive area around it with a thousand torches.
>food analogy
>Minecraft should have some sort of block/object reinforcement option to make things immune to most explosions
It does, it's called water. Build a moat and your base will be safe from creepers exploding in the vicinity.
odd because finding blazes to make potions / access the end can be annoying as all hell if you get a rough nether generation
>so you can keep the aesthetic you want
Context is important.
>wants to protect his base without building actual defenses
Stop being a bitch and incorporate that shit into your aesthetic.
Why haven't these niggers fixed the cobbled deepslate? The fact that you can transform it into polished blocks or bricks without burning then previously triggers me
Creepers are very good design. If all we had were skellies, zombies and spiders you would never die unless you seriously fuck up and would make things boring.
Having a certain death possibly lurking on every corner adds a constant threat and tension during the game and while exploring.
Creepers haven't been dangerous since beta

I don't know if Mojang actually did it or not but Creepers used to straight-up one-shot you and their explosion was quicker, while now you can barely survive a creeper blast.
>game primarily about creative freedom
>"noooo you have to do this!"
Nah, this isn't an argument. It's objectively bad game design due to a lack of proper accommodation by the devs.
>I don't know if Mojang actually did it or not but Creepers used to straight-up one-shot you
They can still one-shot you. The only difference now is that the explosion damage is based on proximity and they almost never run right up and hug you so in general the damage feels lower. Maximum damage is still the same.
actually is great design. notch did an amazing job.
Play on pacifist then.
When you are on an hostile environement, you have to adapt to it, not bitch and moan because it doesn't appeal your autism.
You're an actual fucking buffoon, a room temperature IQ retard who's almost as stupid as he is lazy. You want the game to coddle you? Then play Creative, they made that mode for little bitches like you so you might as well use it.
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Concession accepted.
Concession accepted.
Old school creepers used to continue running at you while they fizzed, modern creepers pause when they fizz.

Also the stupider AI in the past was less predictable at times so creepers more often than not just patched to unassuming 1 block corners you couldn't see around and just wait there until you walked past. The modern AI is "smarter" but it's far more predictable because of it.
What it's really really shitty is the way phantoms work. They are so shitty you even have the option to diseable them.
I can see what they wanted to do in order to "force" you to sleep, but they are just annoying.
They are unfun to fight, are a literal plague and they don't reward you. In the end you end up sleeping so they don't bother you. Cave spiders are also annoying, but you know you are only going to find them when exploring mines.
If I was in charge I would have made it so if you go 3 nights without sleep you have a remote random chance to spawn an OP boogiemanlike monster that pursues you non-stop and that is actually challenging to fight.
>challenging to fight
>in Minecraft
The game is not designed in a way that allows for a truly challenging fight. It's just going to be some overpowered nonsense that you do not stand a chance against head-on so you have to exploit it in some way.
>run forward
>run forward
Skeletons are much, much worse and a single one of them can fuck your shit while wearing full body armor.
They voted for that
making it so hostile mobs only spawn at light level 0 was one of the best changes they've made, now you don't need to light up everything like it's las vegas to make it safe
people voted for many things, and look how our world turned out
wasn't it all because of some psyop by that dream youtuber to troll the community? I remember reading something like that
The fact skeletons shoot faster the closer you are is annoying aids. The amount of times i've been machine gunned by skeletons hiding in a single weird spot between a tree and a dirt pile has to be in the thousands now.
They voted for the design mostly with what they'd do being briefly described. If they actually went more into detail about how it'd work a lot of people probably would have voted for something else like the blaze miniboss
it's only shitty because it doesn't drop all the blocks destroyed
it's honestly just busy work and made to bother OCD like people who don't want mismatched potholes everywhere
>it's only shitty because it doesn't drop all the blocks destroyed
if it did (like tnt) I'd shield up and use them to mine
enderman prove this to be false. they can literally grief your shit unless you limit the blocks they can pick up. id rather not have to repair walls every time a zombie decides to burst through
Getting better equipment to overcome the annoying limitations of vanilla minecraft is the only reason to keep progressing after you've got diamonds.
i remember reading that they were supposed to be some sort plant or animal that uses camouflage, hence why theyre texture is so similar to leaves
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>that one corner of the base that looks completely lit but still manages to spawn enemies
They should make endermen raids like pillagers that just run up on the player's base one night and start taking everything that isn't nailed to the floor, and then the floor.
it has to be pitch black since 1.18, anyway I always use a mod that shows you light levels overwise mob-proofing a cave would be a pain in the ass
Mojang fucking sucks. How do mod creators create better additions in less time than fucking Bitchjang.
working for them must be a dream, you just fuck around all day and once in a while you put in a couple of hours of actual work
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That's a good thing. Sometimes a monster can just be a monster. That's why it works.
Put some cats in the vicinity
That was for the glow squid
damn at least that one's inoffensive, the voters are retarded then if they saw a "mob comes to haunt you if you don't sleep for three days" description and they didn't immediately realize how quickly that would have become annoying
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NTA. It's not about it destroying blocks, it's about how you fight it without causing it to explode.
The creeper was entirely fair in old versions, but as of now they are unfair for these reasons:

There are two fuse time indicators:
1. creeper's model inflation (which should increase the closer the creeper is to exploding)
2. the "TSSS" sound (that should play when you enter it's "light the fuse" range)
both of these are fucked up:

>The way creeper grows does not indicate how close it is to explode: it can be at early stadium of inflation and still explode because the hidden explode timer variable being at maximum.
>The "TSSS" sound has a cooldown, which means it won't play everytime you enter it's "light the fuse" range.
And a bonus unfair gameplay feature added in 1.4.2
>When a creeper falls down from a height on top of a player it's made to explode exactly when it gets to the player, it's fuse sound is also inaudible. There is no way you can foresee this.

Try to fight a creeper in Beta, Full Release 1.5 and the Current Version. You'll notice how it's balance has been fucked up.

Also this: >>683677306
In fairness I don't think people expected them to appear so frequently, "many days" doesn't really imply fucking 3
The trapinch was really the best choice from that vote, only one that had some clear purpose
t. jeb
feng shui game design when?
A and C sounds kino
my bed then, it's mostly just Mojang's incompetence as usual.
I agree with >>683712926 that A or C would have been better, but I've never agreed with a single mob vote winner so far
There's no reason why they couldn't have all of this. What the fuck are they even doing? Minecraft rakes in money hand over fist and it feels like a majority of the game's updates are just nonsensical changes nobody asked for, not actually content updates.
A) would have definitively made getting close to water spooky as hell. It would have catched on with the fear many people have about oceans. Instead we have boring water zombies.
It's fucking astounding how the community votes for the worst mob EVERY SINGLE TIME.

>COMBAT. New enemy for the barren oceans.
>COMBAT. Annoying enemy who's only "good side" is that it flies and that's rare. (Wins)
>UTILITY: A mob that will be useful for farms and deenchanting items.
>COMBAT: A more powerful blaze.

>USELESS: Cow with flowers, a worse way to farm flowers.
>COMBAT: New illager type.
>USELESS: A glowing squid, that doesn't actually glow. (Wins)

>UTILITY: Mob that helps you to find blocks with low light levels, good for lightning up your underground bases.
>NEARLY USELESS: A rare mob that can pick up 1 stack of items. (Wins)
>REDSTONE: Copper golem that could be used for RNG in redstone

>UTILITY: A mob that drops an item that let's you place blocks further
>UTILITY: A mob that makes you row your boats faster
>NEARLY USELESS: A mob that can be used make armor for dogs, an already gimmicky mob (Wins)
only 200 million copies sold pls understand, it's a small indie studio
No but seriously the devs are autistically worried about anything they add to the game (even though it's been suffering of feature bloat for years) plus they have to make everything match on two completely different editions that must also run on every device known to man.
All this considered their incompetence is still astounding and I agree that delivering ALL the mobs they've presented in the votes so far is the minimum that should be expected of them. It took them until last update to add some variety in the dog textures ffs
The actual vote for the phantom took place during the live event, thirty minutes before they revealed the winner.
>more mobs should have the ability to destroy blocks
Any mods that add this? Like actual vanilla styled mobs not a bunch of loud zombies.
>only one that had some clear purpose
I hate purpose-brain when it comes to mob votes. Just having some cute and quirky creatures to add to the character of the world is enough. It's lead to some real fuckups too, like people choosing the Allay over the Glare because much purpose-brain, but the Allay's design is awful and the application--even as advertised--is limited enough that it doesn't outweigh that.
a single block between you and the creeper makes him a jobber, same with pulling out the shield. Only time he's a bit annoying is when he blows up a chest but that's on you for letting a creeper into your house
the funniest thing is most mods are literally lazy datapacks. forge and fabric devs do most of the work. adding items is as easy as one/two line of code
I do generally enjoy when a game adds something that is unique to the game and interacts with existing gameplay
But on the contrary I don't really know what the point of an allay is. At what point would you need an AI helper to pick up a single type of item? Glare has a more practical general use, and it also looks cute
true that, but tbf to the other anon in that case the trapinch was also the most interesting-looking and quirkiest mob of the four.
I wish we had gotten the copper and tuff golems, the idea of having different kinds of golems in minecraft just feels right
I have the bad habit of playing the first several hours of the game just gathering resources in chests plopped on the ground, but even in that case just waterlogging them would be enough to make them creeper-proof
The real problem is when you get blown up by a stealth creeper who one shots you in a cave while you're mining. And then you can't get back to your stuff before it despawns because you have no idea where you actually were in the cave labyrinth.
The game needs to drop a backpack or something when you die. A container you can access to get your items back which won't despawn.
I know there are some mods that do this. Lacking that I always disable dropping items on death.
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Notch mentions them feeling like dried leaves to the touch and the reason they're green was to camouflage themselves on that extremely bright Grass from the early Minecraft days, which doesn't work anymore with all the texture changes the game had. So it's safe to assume they're some kind of Plant creature that can explode for whatever reason.
Official Minecraft material showcases that they quite literally have a TNT block inside of them.
They should add all the mobs that didn’t make the mob vote into the next update
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A fun theory I have for this anatomy is that in-universe, no one has ever been able to study a Creeper's body to know how the fuck it works so they just bullshitted it into "Oh they have TNT inside of it or something, who cares."
I think there's a compass that leads to the place of your last death now, but it's found in ancient cities which are the most dangerous dungeon in the game
The game already has dozens of "cute and quirky creatures" that most people forget exist entirely because there's barely any way to interact with them
Minecraft enemies are easy.
Factorio biters are a bitch if you don't focus too much time on walling yourself off with defence turrets everywhere.
Minecraft needs more monsters that can fuck up terrain and break into your house. The base creeper explosion should be as big as a charged creeper explosion and there should be giant dinosaurs and dragons that can just walk through walks breaking everything in their path. Endermen should specifically be able to target and move chests to hide your shit. Don't like it play on peaceful.
>every option but B sounds cool
>we got B
this is what you get when the fandom is half ten year olds, they have NO idea what the fuck they're doing and it's fucking stupid to let them pick these things. last one is especially annoying because both those first options are serious game changers and quality-of-life improvements for the game, and they went with the completely-actually-fucking-useless option instead.
I think you're wrong, no matter what the community picks the devs are going to fuck it up on release anyway.

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