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>He still uses wired mouse and keyboard
stop laughing you fucking whore
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stop laughing its not funny..
Why would I use wireless? It's something that doesn't move from it's location. Making it wireless just adds the annoyance of having to charge it occasionally.
No Uncle Xi, I will not buy more batteries
I can understand using a wireless mouse, but what's the point of a wireless keyboard?
Impregnating Sparkle
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I lost the dongle for my mouse.
humiliation ritual
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because I dont want to bother with batteries.
Yes I do know that they last long time but its still an additional thing ill need to keep in mind. Yeah I know i could get a wireless charging mat but then its basically wired peripheral with extra steps and extra money.
ill keep on enjoying my G103 kb and G300s mouse
>wired mouse and keyboard
It just werks
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Sparkle sex
Bargain bin Hu Tao
Sex with anime girls.
Imagine needing to put in batteries in order to use your device.
Imagine living in constant fear that your gaming peripheral may stop working during a gaming session.
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Completely different personality to hu tao actually
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>she uses wired headphones in current year
>she still uses a desktop PC and confines herself to one corner of a room like a cuck
Liberate yourself from the wired menace.
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>but the latency I just can't handle the latency
No you don't understand, if it's just charging its not wired. Really though who's using batteries in 2024? Even tamagotchis don't use replaceable batteries anymore, get with the times.
Did tamagotchi make a comeback?
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>her keyboard doesnt have built in legal cheats
I am too lazy to configure bluetooth and replace batteries, so I will keep using the wired devices.
>wireless mouse
>wireless keyboard
>wireless headphones
>have so many wireless signals they fuck each other up
>and you get cancer
enjoy your microwave cancer, bitch
>babby sized keyboard
>no arrow keys
>no numpad
Get out of my sight.
you aren't moving your keyboard like a mouse so the wire doesn't matter.
>she doesn't sit on the couch sometimes while PC gaming wirelessly
I fucking knew you were going to say that you fucking smartass
enjoy your scoliosis, sis
Fine, then stand up and game, the flexibility of a wireless keyboard can allow you to do that too
I don't even have one but I fully understand the usefulness of them for some people
Wireless mice technology has caught up for sure & it's worth it

The G Pro X superlight is a great wireless mouse - click latency is 3ms compared to running it wired (2ms), no one is going to notice that 1 millsecond difference in real world use lol
& the battery lasts a long time and charges fast
It's an expensive mouse so some haven't tried but I wish others would because it's so good, it has been a favorite by the esports scene for years
the freedom of movement compared to wired is just unbeatable

I don't think we've hit that same sweet spot with keyboards though, I'll stick to wired keyboards until that happens
It's a PC gamer thread, so yes
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>having to think about battery charge
miss me with that peasant garbage
In those situations you use a controller. Using a keyboard in a couch isn't really comfortable.
For me, it's all about wireless headphones. There's no going back once you swap.
I had a pair in like 2013, and it would legitimately take about 10 minutes to connect them to my PC. I'd have to restart it several times and try to get the fucking drivers or bluetooth to work... and then it sounded like absolute shit anyway.

Now, they just work instantly, the charge lasts for a week, and they sound great. It's so freeing not having to worry about being physically tied to your PC.
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>mfw I only ever game at my desk, on my office chair, with a full-size PS/2 keyboard and wired mouse, using headphones
Anything else and you might as well start buying estrogen and move to consoles.
>wireless headphones
Do those even exist outside of the bottom tier shit?
>Do those even exist outside of the bottom tier shit?
Yes, it's not the 2010s any more, they've been good for a few years now. Sound completely comparable to wired, and most importantly they finally just work.
I'm using my XM4's still, they're about 3 years old. Will probably move on to the XM6 when that gets released later this year, since my experience with these was so good.

>inb4 "but muh battery life"
It's literally 1 second of effort a week to plug the cable in overnight, this argument is silly
Desktop yes, laptop no. Don't like having wires around.
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Are there keyboards that I can connect with a USB cable to my pc for standard use and charging, but if I want to I could pick it up, plug out the cable at the back of the keyboard and then seamlessly switch to wireless use on it? That’s what I would want, that sort of convenience
yes they do. they're called wireless but you leave it charging, you retarded monkey nigger.
and if you think there's some technology that allows you to actually use the usb cable as a connection then tough luck because fuck you I guess
I just embraced speakers once again
>and if you think there's some technology that allows you to actually use the usb cable as a connection then tough luck because fuck you I guess
Yes that is what I want
And why so rude
Sure, I never want to yank on a cable, it's a moving part, and there's barely any input lag I can notice with the average decent mouse
...why? Why would I want it wireless?
Do you play via wifi too you fucking nigger?
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I can't find a wireless mouse with a grip like the qpad 8k
>not getting a mouse/keyboard which has low battery led to warn you a WEEK before
>it's not the 2010s any more
Tell-tale sign you're about to hear some cope.
>Sound completely comparable to wired, and most importantly they finally just work.
Classic wirelesscuck, always lying about their shitty hardware. No anon, it does in no way sound anywhere near as good as wired, but since you "need" wireless headphones you've probably been blasting your ears with 24/7 music for years so you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a Fatal1ty gaymen headset from 2012 and a proper pair of headphones.

inb4 "the human ear can't hear differences between proper headphones and my shit ones"
playing with wifi is fine, just move the router closer
get a better ISP if you can't vidya with wifi nigga
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i actually got a wired and wireless razer mouse.
got tired of wireless always checking the battery and shit
so i try buying a bungee on my other wired mouse and the drag feels the same as a wireless now
And I will use em 20 years from now provided I don't die in the upcoming European Civil War.
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and what am I supposed to use now? your cock and balls?
>his mouse and keyboard run out of batteries
You don't move the keyboard at all and the mouse doesn't come off the desk or move very far. What benefit is there to them being wireless?
yes please :3
That wouldn't have anything to do with your ISP. It'd be your router. And ethernet connections are always faster.
I don't like super lightweight mouse, nor the shapes that are on trend rn so I have to deal with older ones that don't have wireless options
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Yeah my keyboard does that, I think any wireless keyboard would.
Go put a battery in your dildo
I use a laptop. What now?
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>mfw I still use wired keyboard and mouse because I know they won't die or randomly lose connection
>need to worry about swapping out batteries
>some mice start drifting/skipping when batteries get low
>added latency
Yeah no thanks, but wireless headphones can be pretty good
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Why would I replace tech that still works completely fine after all those years? I'm neither a woman nor a walking marketing term who needs cutting edge peripherals to pwn casuals.
you are gay
>need to worry about swapping out batteries
What do you mean worry, it doesn't just randomly happen, all modern mice have a flashing LED or something when they're getting low (which is like once every 6 months if using batteries)
>some mice start drifting/skipping when batteries get low
Not a thing I have ever heard of or encountered.
>added latency
What, 1ms? That's 0.001 seconds, even the sweatiest comp gamers won't notice a difference now.

You wiredfags are deranged, always jumping at ghosts and stories you heard about the tech 15 years ago.
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Either you stole it from /g/, made post on both boards or your thread was stolen and posted in /g/
>he think 1ms and 0N of wire drag are why he's shit at video games
>no replies
tranime nigger btfo
just buy batteries
one batt lasts me for 2 months
super lightweight mice are a marketing gimmick. As long as your mouse is under 100g it's fine. Finding a mouse shape that that fits your hand and grip is more important
Logitech is overpriced garbage, especially the superlight, get a zowie or vaxee if you have that kind of money to burn
so a wireless mouse makes sense because the battery lasts well over a week, they're insanely light, no cable drag, as good latency as wired
but what in the fuck is the point of a wireless gaming keyboard? why are there so many now?
>cable drag
lol retard.
Why not, basically the same idea, it has no downsides, battery lasts forever if you don't use meme LEDs, latency is basically the same as wired, and as far as I can tell it adds jack shit to the price, my new keyboard is wireless and cost less than my old one while being 200x better in every other aspect too.
Buying a keyboard right now feels great with how many good customs are in stock.
>Need a new mouse because my 12y old G500 had enough
>G502X looks good
>Find wired G502X for 35€ while wireless costs nearly 100€
why would I want to have a wire laying around my desk when I can not have one?
Why would you care?
>complains about wired mouse and keyboard
>has a wired PC and a wired monitor
>get used to mouse acceleration for 15 years
>mouse is right next to PC
>only move mouse a maximum of 1 inch.
Although I guess the keyboard is wireless too.
G502X 80% cheaper than G502X+
And it's slower, marginally, but it is slower for 5x more money.
I agree with keyboard.
With mouse, I moved to wireless because the cable kept snagging on my monitor stand.
Charge lasts about 48 hours, but I just place it on the dock before I go to bed every night. No problemo.
>With mouse, I moved to wireless because the cable kept snagging on my monitor stand.
Unretardify your setup.
Imagine being cucked to battery DLC.
$60 for G502X in Aus.
$300 for G502X+
No way am I buying wireless. I don't care if it's 'poverty tier' m8, I've got bills.
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my wireless keyboard doesn't work when the wireless mouse is on for some reason, so this is only half true about me. But to be fair, a wireless mouse gets more benefit from being wireless than a keyboard.
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>he's still not retarded
Space didn't allow for it.
And now I don't have to.
Ideally I'd want to have a monitor arm coming from my wall, but after the trouble I had installing guitar hangers on that same wall I don't trust it to be stable.
>muh nikola tesla
Those batteries will soon degrade and then you'll need to buy a new mouse and keyboard.
soon(7 years)
>"ingesting battery acid can be fatal, and contact with skin can cause chemical burns that take several minutes or hours to appear"
you use your smartphone every day idiot
What are you planning to do with the area the wire is going through?
I need the space for my dildo collection
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Wireless has no upsides.
Correct fellow BloodChad.
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aesthetics, easier to clean, doesnt get in the way of other things.
I do all kinds of stuff on my desk like soldering, drawing, writing, etc. Not having to deal with a cable running across helps with my workflow. Its a minor thing but I don't see why I would WANT to have a cable in the middle of my desk.
What "upsides" does wired have in current year?

>muh lag
Literally no longer an issue, any "lag" is imperceivable
>muh batteries
Seconds of "effort" twice a year. Use rechargables.

I think the convenience and lack of wires outweighs those non-issues.

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