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Name a flaw
It has homophobic scenes
ok now what
Japanese game
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No option to sex Morgana
You Sick Fuck
Botched characterization caused by the plot structure pushing older cast members backstage after their arc. This could be remedied if the game had a second act that further explored the cast while also ramping up the overarching plot. Instead it follows 4’s formula where the game is practically over by the time you’ve filled the party roster, with most of the cast feeling a bit shallow. I think Futaba’s arc is the only one that goes deep enough into her character to the point where she’s fully realized. That’s because it’s more like a Persona 4 arc where it’s solely focused on the character without cramming a villain into the mix. Copying 4’s structure was lazy and crippled the potential of the story, and also robbed it of the chance to be a more unique sequel.
it's boring as hell and faggy to play
too many romance options. not every s-link needs to be a possible fuckbuddy especially when narukami already did that and better
makoto is a useless retard who never gets her ego checked
haru shows up very late
base game obviously was meant to have Sae have a bigger role. granted they mostly mixed this in P5R but it shouldn't have needed fixing
goro is a terrible fujobait nonsense character while being the most obvious traitor since fucking gollum
No Sae.
I said to Haru we are just friend and she seems very disappointed.
Should i reload and pick her as my gf?
OP asked for flaws, not based ideas.
Don’t let Haru guilt you into dating her if you’re not interested. Pick Futaba instead.
No, and you won't beat the game if you didn't date Ann.
Futaba is one giant flaw with this game
Too easy
Nope i'm going to pick Chihaya.
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Too long
Soon. I mean it.
Most characters are boring, the overall story is weak outside of one interesting twist (haven't played royal though so maybe it's better), the social links are trash, and pretty much everything that is the day-to-day school life simulator is a god awful waste of time

it's a pretty cool game stylistically but that's all it has going for it
The daily life stuff is more fun to me than the palaces and RPG gameplay
Game forgets Haru exists about 30 minutes in.
The final stuff with maruki where they end up being hypocrites for the sake of "escapism is bad, Live in filth" angle
You effectively become the quasi-owner of McDonald by dating Haru. It's a duty to reinstate good burgers. Besides Haru is an easy zero problems wife.
Futaba is an annoying loserbait character and I wish she killed herself when her mom died it would've made the game more bearable
Haru is best girl.
What makes this annoying as shit is that for this arc Atlus copied The Caligula Effect word for word, bar for bar. It’s the same plot and message, but in Caligula they’re in a virtual world where real life is still happening with them basically withering away outside like lifeless zombies. It’s a better allegory for escapism and how it can fuck up your life, and how you need to face hardships to obtain fulfillment and happiness.
It's no longer an exclusive so this snoytranny board can't pretend it's a masterpiece anymore
Unfathomably boring VN. Who thought it was a good idea to experience every single day of a school year
>Maruki’s world is escapism
Fuck me bloody
Seethe harder, consoldier
Royal is a downgrade from the original PS3 version. Thankfully, everyone and their momma’s PC can emulate the PS3 version.
hypocritical to its own themes
This game just reminds me of my last girlfriend 2 years ago that after we met she eventually lost weight and then left me for a better looking guy.
Poor pacing in the early game and the fact the story structure is kind of repetitive for a bit more the first half. never played royal so no clue if that fixed any of it.
Makoto usurping the mc as the leader with her big brain (she has straight A’s). Haru getting maybe 5 minutes of screen time. The entirety of the Ryuji-Morgana drama arc (it also lasts 5 minutes). Haru’s dad’s palace’s battles boiling down to spamming weakness under threat of wiping. Romance with 4 (four) hags but not a 1 (one) with a JC/JS. Only 4 (four) persona bullet skills in the entire game.
>spamming weakness under threat of wiping
Isn't that SMT in general?
Too easy
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No good MC content
How are the spin-offs? I've only played Scramble.
>Can't romance Teddie, not even in human form
>Can't romance Morgana
Persona 6 better let us fuck the mascot or I'm not buying it
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A darn shame
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no arena spinoff
Currently playing p3r and am kinda missing p5, as the tartarus is pretty lame, plus it sucka that social links dont give you benefits besides when fusionning personas.
no rated r kawakami sex minigame
>wanting another lame fighting game
Futaba is not blood related to you.
I mainly agree with this except for the downplay of 4's attempt at character building. The biggest difference between 5's and 4's plot is the focus, 5 focuses on the overarching story while 4 is in reverse, the story is there to support the characters. Even after finishing one characters arc, they are still relevant because of their personality and different inputs/reactions to the event of the next arc, while 5 completely does away with the personal arcs and boils it down to one forced moment when their persona awakens. Its why Futaba's arc and extra semester are so good in comparison, and likewise why the extra season in 4 sucked.

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