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Hell yeah brother
Do I actually need an epic account to play this?
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where room?
5 more min until i finished download
what do we do while it downloads?
>epic games
Yes, you also need to connect it to your bank account, social security number, and amazon account.
Waiting for pirate lobbies, EDF 5 was a good time with /v/.
>shows platform
it's racism time
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EDF is a game about racial cleansing and killing those different from you in the name of JUSTICE.
>only get 7mb/s
>50mins to go
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It's so fucking over.
Refund Defense Force 6
only a retard would believe this
For fucks sake. Forcing this for the five fucking people dumb enough to buy it on timmys store isn't fucking worth it.
>game is old as shit at this point
>that fucking price
lol fuck off
fake news
Go to online and see for yourself faggot.
MEGA upload waiting room.
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I counted 66 rooms, pretty good for the first 10 minutes of EDF6 launch
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Lets fucking go boys get in
Don't have to play with thirdies.
It keeps getting better.
I already spent my neetbux
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It's over.
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WTF man!
Switch to hard bro. We skip normal around here.
someone post gameplay, it's too late for me to play today
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but you need epic pajeet account tho
It didn't even happen, okay?
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DLC unlockers work normally, now you can stop complaining about the thing you'll never actually use.
if the epic thing is real then I am refunding tomorrow
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Does that unlock the JP vtubers too or are we stuck with Western trashtubers?
It's been known since at least April
does it have the human looking aliens? the ones that look just like us?
What's a decent unlocker?
Please spoonfeed a retard, I haven't fucked with creamAPI in years if that's still popular
Been known for a while now, epic themselves published it
sauce pls
Yes, it's a direct sequel to EDF5.
What if i don't want it.
Wanna drop the creampi config?
Is it safe to just make an epic account for edf with fake details?
i dont even care about epic. just to hear the retarded dub again and enjoy unlocking shit is gonna make my week
>In August 2022, the newest numbered title in the long-beloved game series in Japan, Earth Defense Force 6 (EDF6), was released.
is this a typo or was it released in Japan first?
>dub couldn't even get people capable of singing the EDF verses in tune
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Epic didn't publish shit.
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no option to turn it off, but for a PVE game whatever desu
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why would i want to cross play with them?, did fine with only steam players.
lmao 3k players on release and epic launcher required, this is shit is dead by tomorrow already
It was released in Japan 2 years before it was released in in the west
I wouldn't do this, Epic is autistic about regions and stuff.
reminder to report doomposting discord raider faggots like >>683676571
Aright you got me you faggots. I fell for it.
oh no, an old niche game has low players!
they didn't have the money for localization or something?
this whole crossplay thing gets retarded though. Is this just "crossplay" between Epic and Steam, or are connections legit cross platform?
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>is still the best entry in the series in your path
How did they manage it?
5 is better in every way.
Japan loves delayed releases for the rest of the planet
apparently it's cross platform
heh, got his ass
but thats not 5
>shitter missions despite being copy pastes
>shitter pacing, right as you get a good mission you get thrust into 3 more horrible ones
>dub is abhorrent
>enemies that are just plain annoying to fight
B-But you can sprint now!
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EDF devs seeing how everyone reacted to Helldivers 2 requiring a PSN account and being like "hey yeah that's a good idea".
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Lol. Fucking Lmao. Are you motherfucking serious? Have Memedivers PSN accounts fiasco learned you nothing? Should've stayed in the simple series forever, fucking retarded idiots. As if the AAA price (before the DLCs) for a recycled bargain bin game with bachuba cancer wasn't enough.
Fak this the introduction is very laaaaaammmeeee
is the epic account required for all online play?
>Onechanbara Origin DLC again
What the fuck, does Tamsoft hold eternal dominion over Sandlot's souls or something?
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Name: /v/df
Passcode: rage
goddamn the dub is SHIT
See >>683676859
>better missions with more variety, padding is still there but far less annoying
>superb pacing, game manages to keep throwing new shit at you throughout the entire game
>dub is awful just like 4.1, and it's part of the charm. the new EDF song fucking sucks though.
>enemies are objectively improved, especially the new humanoid enemies
I noticed some common errors in your post, anon, and wanted to help out the less fortunate. I fixed it for you.
into the trash it goes
ok apparently it's not cross platform, it's just that steam and epic players can play together. kinda lame and not worth the epic account requirement
Dude what the fuck
Set it to hard
I like how arena based and faster paced 4.1 missions were
5 had a lot of weird dead downtime waiting for waves to arrive while the people on the radio spiel their stuff
he meant they published the article he linked from april with the crossplay information you fucking ape
They fucking delayed the game to get away from helldiver's too
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Post Torrent.
>he doesn't love OH WE ARE THE VALIANT INFANTRY and the kino despair version
You're never gonna make it in the EDF, pal. Bet you didn't even like the World Brothers song either.
there aren't gonna be any. there's no lan play and you are required to log in to epic the very moment you click multiplayer.
>this is the helldivers 2 killer we were all told about
This, I'm not paying for Epic Defense Force 6
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How's this game playing with people from around the world, is it client side relayed networking like Helldivers 2 or is there really bad gun shot latency or some bullshit? I live in Australia so my player pool would no doubt be pretty small if I can't play with Americans or chinamen
Dang anon, you're pretty late. We expected you an hour ago.
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>all those EDF bootlickers laughing when ‘muh Snoy’ forced HD2 players to sign up for a Snoystation account
i don't even remember the world brothers version
edf 5's song ONLY sounds good with the music backing it, whereas 4.1 sounds good with or without the music
at least it's not as bad as 6's though
Cry about it, Epic shill.
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it's real you fucking faggot
you guys think they'll change back to steam servers?
Do you think we'll finally get to... a safe place?
Agree, the song is bad, and no EDF Deploy now
EDF5 was already fine. very rarely any noticeable lag, unless someone had a really bad connection
Don't even need an account bro, just put in a username and its done
Bro it's literally the fucking end of night/ start of morning for most people.
Can't wait for the pirated version to not require Epic Games at all and still be able to play online KEK.
I just don't understand why. EDF5 online was perfectly fine.
It's all published by D3 Publisher.
Make a goddamn lobby.
So I have to install chink spyware to play a game I dished out 60 burgerbucks for????
It's pretty kino imho.
What's with the Trooncord raid again?
unlikely. there's no steamworks fix equivalent for epic. you'd be able to play online via the lan mechanic but apparently they removed it.
Are you fucking serious, it's the same engine again?
Let me guess, 90% of the missions are from edf5, from which 90% of the missions were from edf4, eetc?
Not 90, but kinda.
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We expected you two years ago, yet you still managed to shit the bed somehow.
Is it likeplaying chivalry from the steam launcher? I forgot how it works
World Brothers is an EDF version of Marching Through Georgia.
have Earth Defense Force 4.1, never played it
They've made some improvements, increased draw distance for one. I don't think they would have changed much for a direct sequel in terms of that.
Far less than that but there's quite a number from 5.
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>blatantly false
>blatantly false
>blatantly false
>blatantly false
You guys realize you don't need to suck D3/Sandlot off for cutting off XSeed and investing the absolute bare minimum into a game they charge full price for. 5 is so miserable compared to 4.1 that it puts me to sleep.
>helltrannies raiding again when they could be playing their game
Something tells me it isn't as fun as you all say
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That localization sucks ass.
Is this AI or something?

Inb4 review bomb
Cosmonauts are kino to fight.
The only thing 5 did better is shared armor grind. That's it.
You've probably already got epic online services installed for something else that didn't require a fucking login
Pirate bros.... Unepicfy EDF6
>epic shit
not gonna even bother buying the game at full price
all that epic online shit is blocked in my hosts file and I refuse to support publisher/devs for using it
>resorts to blatant transphobia when his PS2 remaster is called out for being a cheap, sloppy asset flip
enjoy paying almost a weeks wage for something that looks like it was made in 2003, LMAO
you can still play single player
>need an epic account
If this shit is actually real, I'm refunding. What a way to pull the rug off at the last second.
>apply spacewar
>can play online without epic with fellow piratechads
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I agree anon.
Worse, it's SEAnigger english, the finest out of singapourah
that's a good thing
Considering even this tiny thread is full of people ready to shill D3 no matter what, not gonna happen.
Japs are retarded, more news at 11.
>You've probably already
You shills only got the one script or what?
>helltrannies are thirdworlders
Now that explains things
It's a great game with way more variety
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>Having to pick armor and weapons by myself
Literally cock and ball torture
they are begging for it and they will get it. people already accepted the ridiculous greed of selling a DLC worth of content for full price, but apparently that wasn't enough. what a bunch of retards
Based, if only they had individual swimsuits so they could be stripped. Truly a missed opportunity.
this is an important post. people probably have things like UPLAY and rockstar stuff too.
>Post clearly against the login requirement
But really, it's fucking AWFUL. Im switching to jap.
>nooooooo, I only want my Zaddy Gabens cock up my ass and in my mouth, Steamies are loyale to only one man
totally not a monopoly tho
Speak for yoursef monkey
helldivers is a really good series and 3rd worlders are mostly banned from the game because sony made it so lmao
The Jap dub is fantastic.
Steam, Steam account. Epic, Epic account
This isn't rocket science.
>shotgun frogs in the first mission
jesus christ
EDF sure does.
Thanks for the compliment Troondiver.
Where is the upload niggers all it takes is a few clicks on qiwi.gg
no fucking wonder they had a 10% prerelease discount. holy shit
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get in
>USA and India wasn't delisted
Yeah so what were you saying?
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it doesn't use steamworks, dumdum
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I'm going to refund.
He's trying to convince people they should be apathetic about it.
i think most games are just discounted on steam when they release, but it is dependent on the publisher/devs. it was one of the selling points on console vs. PC back then.
I don't personally care about needing an EGS account but are they even allowed to list this on the store without mentioning it on the store page? I think they genuinely didn't know, amazing that could slip past Valve themselves. Hell, are they even allowed to require an EGS account for a game on Steam AT ALL?

Also, the prologue text right as you click offline/online mission mode misspells "amidst" as "admist".
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>DLCs are up
I know they did that with 4.1 and 5, I know their DLCs are always been mostly optional, but holy shit it's $90 for a "premium" edition of a 4.1 reskin. And I have no idea how much 4.1 already reused from the previous games.
It's real.
post magnet link fag
Well yeah, only the mission packs are worth taking, these are just there for support and fun at easy/normal difficulty. Same as always.
What is this supposed to be? Smells like you're downloading a torrent.
Fuck off retards and post a DDL
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it's time
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I already did.
Back to Helldivers 2, I guess.
back to EDF5
XSEED didn't do shit for EDF dude.
That is disappointing to see. Shame.
KYS retard
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>3 game this past 3 years iv been looking forword too is once again fucked by ether epic games or sony.
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Are the mission packs not out yet?
I'm not clicking that shit
Just the multiplayer.
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>that dub
They're deliberately withholding them, reportedly so they get people all playing at once when they come out rather than piecemeal.
Torrent real?
You faggots could not be anymore blatant.
It usually takes them a while to release them, I think give it like 2-3 months. I think the longest we ever waited was 6.
>discord raid out in force
these faggots all need to get raped by feral nogs
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Oh boy.
>a game is ruined becuase I need to have an account and be signed in
PC trannes being complete and utter morons as usual. Actual buckbroken cuckolds you are.
>nobody joined
it's over
>doesnt realize the next step in Microsofts consolidation plan is to buy Steam and rebrand it under Game Pass
tik tok, Steamtroon, your days are numbered anyway…sign up for another account and eat ze bugs, your social credit score depends on it
He looked so happy running back to tell his friends :(
I loved EDF 4.1,
Liked EDF 5 (I hated that hardest mode was locked out),
I barely care about EDF 6 unless it's 10$
Im still downloading the game, I have to sleep too anon.
>Are the mission packs not out yet?
probably not dropping till around March-May next year
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>FORCED fucking crossplay between digital STORES
tim epic needs to die
>steamies having a meltdown over videogames
Those drones the air raider has are pretty good
What? Fairly certain even beating it on Normal or doing the final mission on hard unlocked Hardest.
discord raiding faggots need to DIE
>have to do limb breaking in the second mission
This is painful to do with shitty weapons in hard
ignore the shitposter, he didnt even finished the game on easy
Yeah, it's obvious lmao.
yeah they do not fuck around, those shitty little things will delete you quick
Consolecucks are much worse. On PC, people have a chance to speak out and have community hubs. Consoles players have no say in anything.
I love those animations too much.
the NUMBERS what do they mean
what are the other 2?
not him, but my third one is metal slug tactics. i haven't played this many new games (3) in years
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Also like to point out who the hell would we even cross play with from the EGS? Most people who have an EG account are only using them for two things, Free games and or they spend money in Fortnite.
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>using a drone with bomb attached to it to kill a wounded froghuman soldier

4.1 had more varied buildings in cities.
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At least it's not denuvo, huh.
nope I won't buy it, sorry hahaha but not sorry.
Pretty sure you are supposed to disclose but will steam actually enforce, I vaguely recall doom eternal hiding denuvo
Cream is still my go to in general. I'm still installing so can't confirm for this.
>not a single elite soldier
>the guy that punched god in the face t-posing right in front of him
what did he mean by this
Thanks doc
Why the fuck are Steam cucks like this?
these frogs are beating my ass
>>the guy that punched god in the face
That's not John "Ranger" EDF.
Refund sent. Absolute dick move to not disclose this requirement.
>punching a scout is something worthy of praise now
Oh, how the mighty EDF has fallen.
>Epic requirement.
>Load up game anyway
>Verify cache cause of missing file.
Lmao. What a shit launch
those are some tiny ants, also ruuuuude
You know what's funnier? It's not even on EGS.
Was he okay?
Just how could this happen?
The early missions SUCK
Push ahead a bit then try again when there are more people on
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there are already 2 full rooms, but that's it
The Japanese Twitter account says it's releasing on EGS.
The English one doesn't mention that anywhere.
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I just wanted to shoot some damn bugs with the bros man why cant we have anything nice anymore
Not looking forward to World Brothers 2 now, given that is on the epic store.
nah, it is, just not featured anywhere on the front page
apparently this wasn't a last minute thing either

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hey guys do this to get the region locked DLCs such as the vtumors from SEA
Can you CreamAPI the mission packs yet? They're already in the game.
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>You know what's funnier? It's not even on EGS.

If that's the case WHO are we crossplaying with that requires the EG account sign in?
Holy shit I had forgotten how much early game fencer sucks
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Serious question but the answer could be hilarious do the pajeets on EGS need Steam account to play multiplayer as well?
not until they get listed as steam DLC with their own IDs
They're not quite as strong as they used to be but definitely a change from simple bugs at first.
>this localization
>Epic games shit
I wanted to say with chinese botnet, but why would they care about whooping 50 players who will not refund this clown fest.
playstation, probably
this was about crossplay between ps4 and ps5, but probably applies to pc too
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I hate Sony and Epic so much.
This is only happening because Sony and Epic are butt-buddies.
oh no, you have to spend 5 minutes making an account on a website and forget about it forever to play online.
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They localized 4.1 retard, and they did an immensely better job than whatever backwater studio was hired to dub 5, and now seemingly 6.
Steam accounts are functionally just wrapped to an EGS account. As far as anyone on the network is concerned, you're all EGS
Console obviously.
Who cares about dub, it's japanese game.
At least they brought back the good VA's that there were in 5.
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oh no bros....
Cream? I tried it and my game wouldn't launch but I might have fucked it up somehow.
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Timmy can't keep getting away with it.
But he will.
Piracy it is I guess
is this your literal first time with an edf game?
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anons, why does this game look so bad?
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Looks ok to me.
Spent too much money on hiring whores for Tim Epic.
Retarded backend complaints aside it feels like quite the jump from 5. Air raiders got all the love though.
Fuck Tim sweeny. Refunded and waiting for it to get cracked.
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I'd rather spend a hour doing this...
The AA is shit for some reason, the jaggies are way worse than they were in 5.
Joke weapons, ignore.
You'll understand in a couple levels.
>ant NTR
this is a blue board
Tim won.
>just make an account stupid
We already made Steam account, it should be enough to play the game.
I wonder if this was made as a direct response to people using Goldberg and CreamAPI. Or does it have crossplay?
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This english VA HAS to be an AI. Jesus christ i cant believe it.
It has to be in order to have more than 150 enemies and allies on screen anon.
and then how many more playing alone like a loser? tard
I wouldn't be surprised if it is.
Depends on what you mean. The aliasing could be a 1080p issue, the game is not supposed to look so jagged and doesn't on my 1440p display
If someone just spent 5 fucking minutes uploading their steam folder like this retard >>683679980 that thinks you need cracks for non-denuvo games you'd be done in less than 5 fucking minutes.
Not an issue for Helldivers 2.
Same here, I wouldn't mind it if they gave you an option to disable it/turn it off.
It gets better past mission 13. If you dont like it still just change the audio to jap
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Anyone find a way to disable the EGS overlay at least?
>apply epic online fix
>play with friends
Is it just me or is this game sooooooooooorta stealing from Limbus this time aronud?
The CCP janny looking through your files.
>you need an epic games account to join lobbies
holy hell wing diver weapons feel like ass
pre-charging weapons are no fun
>refuse to bent the knee to sonyjews and epicjews
buckbroken cuckolds
>suck big corpos dick and make whatever account they ask even when there's ZERO reasons to do so
actual healthy upstanding citizens
Of course you troons are still here being dishonest.
Remember when yesterday people genuinely said EDF6 would have more players than Helldivers

The plot of this game is about lone Ranger going full Serious Sam so that's perfect.
WHY THE FUCK IS IT UPDATING EPIC. I BOUGHT THIS ON STEAM. What the fuck is happening. Surely they uploaded the wrong file.
Let me guess, you played Resident Evil instead of Biohazard too huh?
already closing in
tick tock helltranny
>steamies refund en masse when the PSN account requirement is finally enforced for Helldivers
>steamies are required to create an EGS account to play EDF
>just make an account, it takes 120 seconds

Karma. So much for those principles you bragged about.
>Epic Account required
>P2W cash shop items
>$60 for a rehash with barely any improvements
This is the worst EDF ever made
Always has been.
it's literally just crossplay with EGSfags, not even consoles
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Except that nobody ever said that about a niche game series retard.
Yup just refunded fuck EGS and fuck Timmy
The dubs have been DOGSHIT after XSEED stopped publishing them since 4.1

As for EDF6, I wouldn't surprised if CLE took the lowest possible effort to do it since this is just port of the Asian version that they did, which included EN audio (as they advertised)
im not a subhuman never played slopdivers
You got absolutely BTFO admit defeat and cry about it lmao
My antivirus identifies the epic dependency as a virus
>it only takes 5 min to suck a dick
sorry, but I don't swing that way
I can barely hear the fucking solider chatter, why is it so damn near silent? All I hear is Biggums saying DAS RITE

This is another but WAY steeper misstep in the same direction that 4.1->5 was. Slightly better controls, WAY shitter everything else.
maybe i'm too used to 4.1 WD weapons
air raider with drones is my new favorite now
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good morning sir! please do the needful
They at least brought the good VA's from 5 back.
>Be retard
>Say retarded things
Go back to your discord.
I'm going to kill myself.
>NPC voices are completely silent unless you're directly facing them, actual distance is a non-factor
I really like the new air raider not gonna lie
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I see anons saying that the english VA is bad, but is it bad in a funny intentional way like 4.1 and 5, or is it just not good?
So is this objectively a downgrade from Kino Defense Force 5?
They're mostly the same as 5
To be fair, everyone should've expected an epic account to be required after people found that blogpost about it. I don't even think they offer accountless eos anymore for new games. (Yes, YOUR FAVORITE GAME could be using eos just without a login prompt, and you have no idea)
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>see white soldier
>black jamail voice comes out of it
You're a buckboken cuckold cause they live rent free in your head. They have buckbroken you.
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get dabbed on steamies
timmy wins again
You've got your sound set up wrong somehow. Works on MY machine
The complete opposite.
4.1 and 5. But it's rougher earlier on so the complaints aren't unwarranted
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Ok so i wasn't the only one that noticed that.
Doomposting aside, will I like this if I really enjoyed EDF 5?
So am I the only one for whom it seems they game is locked at 30fps?
It doesn't seem right given my computer specs. I can run the previous games at 120+
No, the game's audio is just fucked. All other sound comes through my other speakers as it should. NPC voices do not.
You will.
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>people bitching about the epic game account thing
>it makes a dummy account that dosn't use an email or anything
>it dosn't even install the store frount just a few files that let EDF 6 use the Epic game servers
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I fucking told you fags to not buy this shit on launch at full price, this is the kinda game you buy at 75% off at least.
Yes, gameplaywise it's more refined 5.
Are any of them fun enough to throw away twobux to play with?
>t.newbab starting w/6
Maybe they will remove it after backlash.
It was 10% off, dumbass.
The waifupillows are my choice for any shittery.
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>garbage weeb game comes out
>predatory microtransaction DLC
>awful, dead online

every time
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So this shit doesn't even actually use your account for anything, it's just an arbitrary gate check of making sure you have one before going online? Then why even HAVE the check? You could safely remove it from the game and nothing would change, just like with Sonic Superstars.
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How do I get rid of the epic games launcher
it keeps reinstalling itself
The whole
>the zero art direction and low graphics are because we can have so much on screen!
Excuse gets less believable the more console generations we pass and you realize the devs are just lazy as fuck
Yes. I won't spoil it but it's kino and gets better the more you think about it after the reveal. Kinomaxxing.
Nipponese console boomers can't code PC that well
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>>it makes a dummy account that dosn't use an email or anything
>>it dosn't even install the store frount just a few files that let EDF 6 use the Epic game servers
So why is the account required?
>P2W cash shop items
Those have been in since forever and they're still useless early game crutches that become obsolete 20 minutes into the game, unless you're actually playing the entire campaign on Easy like a gay retard. The only actual P2W shit was the decoy launcher in 4.1, it was still super low level but it had a silly muzzle velocity so you could stick them anywhere on the map and confuse the hell out of certain enemies.
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But the game is not even on EGS.
the epic backend itself probably requires a sign in before it allows a connection
If I got a choice I don't want chink spyware on my computer thank you.
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wtf this looks just like 5
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>it only takes 5 minutes to install the spyware
>I bet you have some other spyware installed already
>it's current year you should just expect this by now
>your own government is probably spying on you already so you shouldn't care
>ignore the discord doomposters guys
Jap spaghetti code please understand
>they look just like us!
This. Give people choice.
Ah right, it's too hard for jap programmists.
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not available in every region yet I guess
They look like they browse /v/
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>Windows 7 users cant play the game because it requires Epic
Oh this is rich.
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>shotgun frogs on the first mission
>ant queen on the fourth
They are NOT fucking around
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i fucking LOVE tim epic now
You probably have an iphone or an android, while using windows

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Name: /v/df
Passcode: rage


Less shitposting, more protecting civilians
Yes it is
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>60 eurobax
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Why are they like this every time
I got completely blindsided by that shotgun frogigger as a wd. Flew right into him because he was green instead of red.
I can't believe tortanic fags were right
And here I am actually saying tortanic faggotry exists for a change
literally the same levels too LMAO
Also horde of bees in 5 or 6.
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Not in the USA
The UI in 5 is blue, 6 has a green UI
When they were saying cross play I thought that would include console but it seems not.
There's definitely something wrong with the AA. I don't remember it looking this bad when I tried it on the PS5.
Is EDF basically the only co-op kaiju-kinda game around?
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that's the entire PLOT of the game
you go back in time
understandable i havn't played helldivers 2 because of this exact same thing
>it seems not
how did you come to this conclusion?
No, there's Helldiver 2.
I did, talking purely about current players of course I would never have expected a higher peak
>awful, dead online
Must suck not having local friends who can come over and play it split-screen with you.
No, you mean it's lazy asset recycling that they pass as being part of the "plot"
>how do we reuse assets and save money Yusuke-sama?
>make a time travel plot
>auto reloading drones so can fight back extremely well compared to rangers/wing drivers
>A4 armed multicoper pretty good AOE with not a long downtime
air raider is STRONG
>steamies have to take 10sec to create an account
>they act like it's the end of the world
I hope some stock market fags at D3s next investor meeting demands to know how much they even sold on epic
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>EDF5 and prior doesn't require a EGS account while on Steam
>now it does for 6
Are the publisher and developers retarded on purpose or are they being misguided to being this retarded?
PS5 probably just renders at a higher resolution and scales down. AA was always dogshit on PC in their games. The GPU usage is basically nonexistent, it flounders around 50% on a 1060 which is the minimum requirement.
I don't want to.
I'm playing on steam.
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HD2 doesn't even have the bosses from 1 yet, none of it would ever have the scale EDF has in general, I bit into blatant bait didn't I?
You said the same thing about troondivers and look where it got them.
It's set in the future right? Accent is pretty much entirely cultural rather than genetic so it could be excused as the damage from the war leaving him part of a small isolated group as he grew up
There are more missions than ever to account for this kino. Dilate, doomtrannies.
So what did the Ranger steal from the Air Raider this time around?
Holy fucking shit, I can forgive D3 for a lot of shit but needing a gay malware account to play multiplayer isn't one of them.
>It only takes 10 seconds to let me piss in your mouth
>Why are you acting like it's the end of the world?
>Just get on your knees and open your mouth
>Don't forget to swallow, goyim
waiut a moment this game is max 60fps locked? i am downloading right now please tell me its not 60fps locked
The shit thing is as >>683681080 proves it doesn't even matter for Americans, but they're forcing EVERYONE to make an EGS account
Ordering 10000 primogems right the fuck now

heh :))
japanese gave devs have heart attacks if they have to code above 60fps
>accused Helldivers of being slop
>uses the biggest thing in cape movie slop of recent years, TIM TRAVEL!
wow, so not only is it an asset flip slop its also a sloppy ‘member this???’ appeal to boomers fading memory slop

>Being forced to download a DRM platform that collects your data and need to be online at all time
>have to take 10sec to create an account
I didn't realize, but it also just automatically installs epic only services onto your computer. If you uninstall it, the game won't even start.
Is every PvE coop game doomed to mismanagement?
instant refund i could have lived with EGS but 60fps like what the fuck is wrong with bugmen
You don't even have to create one.
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>NPC squad shows up to show the badass vehicles
>They get wiped the fuck out by the queen
Fucking genius.
if you’re on PC-only like a faggot troon vegan, yes
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um it looks like 5 because i'm playing 5...
>this time we will totally take you to a safe location.
Why play this game when you can just play Helldivers? You're not even forced to make a Epic account.
I loved my flame roadbumps.
So true, instead we get the Snoy cock-cage!
Nigger edf plot has always been a b movie what the fuck are you talking about
>PC gamers whine about 30fps only ports
>increase it to 60
>wtf why cant I play on 120fps???

You just can't please Steamtrannies.
epic online services*
sorry, I'm tired.
Stayed up for this shit to deal with this
>your own government is probably spying on you already so you shouldn't care
This but unironiclly, why the fuck would I care what private businesses know about me beyond the ability of the state to access that information.
This is bad because it's a pointless requirement and was not properly disclosed, who gives a shit about much spyware, Timmy isn't gonna come to my house to burn my kids to death and shoot my cat, the state is doing that and they don't need Timmy to tell them things they already know about me
I mean, this is a pretty quick and simple demonstration of how quickly and easily ants can get way the fuck out of hand.
The shill defense and coping in this thread is hilarious.
Thanks for the laugh guys, enjoy your re-release asset flip, at least the UI is a different color
Yeah, good thing I haven't launched the game yet. This is so fucking disappointing.
Yeah you're forced to make a Playstation account which doesn't even have a store or gives free games. I'd rather kneel to our chink overlords. They make the good games now anyways.
is it very common now for pirated rooms to appear? i dont wanna spend money on this because my friends dont play janky games
alright so the best I can do is fuck up its registry edits and call it a draw.
very cool
>The shill defense and coping
It's the resident Indian Epic tranny shitting things up as per usual, on top of some die-hard fans of the series who delude themselves into thinking shit like this is acceptable.
t. die-hard fan of EDF until this entry.

But you don't need a psn account for hd2...Did you somehow miss the psn account drama a couple months ago?
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Time to upgrade son.
There's bound to be some people playing when it first releases but quickly dies out after a few weeks.
Watch out for the noose tranny
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>mission 2 hard wing diver
>I'm killing myself with the pulse machine gun
Refunded, ill find the torrent
except it's entirely optional retard
Until a shitton of people bitched about it yeah.
>Washington, USA

He's american with an indian name.
>Borderless window
>Resolutions up to 3440x1440
That's all people want.
Why the fuck do you need a torrent when you've already downloaded it? Do you have brain damage?
>60fps lock (in fucking 2022 when it originally released)
>EGS required
>60 pricetag

they have to be joking
So where's the torrent?
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i'm genuinely impressed how effectively they blindsided me with retarded bullshit.
"must sign up to EGS to play" sounds like some meme bullshit that someone would say as a joke. did they see the controversy with helldivers and take the wrong inspiration?
>mission 4
Tenoke has made Scene release. 3DM has one torrent, I believe it's the only one at the moment.
I'm going to wait for Ksenia or someone with a proper Steam rip...
3DM one downloads really slowly anyway.
Japs don't expect western people to be so retarded and fanatic they seethe because they have to take 10sec to make an account.
>Implying publishers see things and learn from them
Haha lol
holy fucking shit japs truly can't make good UI
anyone playing it on a shitbox?
does it run any worse than 5?
Remember to change the camera type to go back to the classic camera
LMAO why do they keep trying this? The most successful gamer war of the last handful of years was fought over telling PSN requirements to fuck right off, and we won it. Why would you walk straight back into that mess and expect it to turn out alright? How tight do these execs have their ties on lol
Persona and SMT are the only modern games with good UI though
It's pretty much the same shit as 5
t. 1060
I didn't notice a difference and I was playing 5 quite literally 5 minutes before. Am I brain damaged?
yes nigger the default camera is way closer in 6
Thanks, but im just gonna stick with helldivers 2
5 is better, and probably will be keeping its title as GOAT considering how lackluster EDF 6 is so far. I’ll play more when I get back from work, but hoooly hell FUCK Epic and FUCK not being able to bring vehicles on the first 3 levels. Total Human Like Alien death is non-negotiable
Are EDF players chad enough to complain about EGS requirements or are they just going to accept getting cucked?
Helltroonies did it, can you?
The file is corrupt. Everything with a 6 in it. Gta6. Look at 33 at 0:33 in the trailer. Totally pozzed up. It's sexual gaslighting.
Yes. Camera type 1 is akin to 5's default camera. Camera 2 is an OTS variant, though I don't remember if that was in 5 too. Camera 3 and 4 are absolute dogshit as they zoom in even more on your character making him take up like 1/3 of the screen at 4.
I didn't either, I noticed something was off but until I swapped it in the setting it didn't click
Check out the reviews
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Well they're trying.
Playerbase is too small.
Already refunded, looking for torrent now
Glad to see you’re one of the *checks notes* less than 2.5% of players who stuck with that FOTM slop for so long. Guess you’ll be leaving the thread now! Bye :^)
You can play the game without an Epic account though, unlike always online slopdivers…
Wow even the Japanese are giving negative reviews.
Steam has become worthless.
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Not gonna lie, pretty bummed about this. Obviously not going to pick it up but maybe I'll see if I can send some sort of feedback to let them know my disappointment.
That should make it even easier
your facial structure significantly affects how you talk. This is why you can identify the darkest bongs or the palesy wigger in compton on accent alone. you gonna tell me you didn't know the real slim shady was made of mayo before seeing him?

Go listen to a kid missing their front teef. Now tell me mandible structure, strongly affected by genetics, doesn't affect accent.
>as opposed to Snoydivers, which was on the Snoystation and was mismanaged both by the publisher AND the dev…
Does edf 6 have a better ass cam? This is important.
I woke up early for this? oh man at least i can play it singleplayer for free, tsk.
jesus the bloodstorm is ear-raping
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>At this point, you understand. There is no place safe on Earth.
>Are you a onions-sauce or a ketchup?
How the fuck did these two occur one after the other?
1800s called, they want phrenology back.
Accent is artificial you stupid mongoloid but how would you know because you have never learned any other language in your life or you haven't even travelled anywhere.
Go to Britain and you will see what I mean.
>Are EDF players chad enough to complain about EGS requirements

its an incredibly niche commodity where the main bulk of players play as females in panties flying in the sky like fairys, they will bend over and take it the in ass like good sissy soldiers, Timmy won

Nah im gonna stay here and continue to shill my game the same way you edf fags would in hd2 threads. Did you make your epic account yet?
Why is this 'ys' thing so fucking common now?
you fucking idiot
I doubt they heard anything about Helldivers at all. Or Epic paid them for this.
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Are ants actually pretty smart?
>~9000 players on the first day up
>Reviews are going to end up outnumbering the number of people playing.
thanks tim very cool
At least you are an honest Troonshill.
>Why is this 'ys' thing so fucking common now?
I blame >>683677853
Rent free
Helldivers 2 was also big in Japan. Their dub is also miles better.
"smart" probably isn't the right word but they are capable of some pretty neat stuff. Ants are the best at teamwork. They're pretty cool and terrifying.
>Steamyie troon malding over vocabulary
It's hard as hell to aim the drones correctly in camera 1, so sticking with cam 2 for air raider
Imagine being scared of a little ant. What's it gonna do? Crawl in my ear?
I already mentioned bongs.
We have more ESL shitskins on the internet nowadays, it's to be expected
Most Japs play on consoles, the only ones that play on PC are the hardcore otaku who absolutely won't stand for this sort of shit.
If they actually wanted to ants could wipe out all life on earth. Ants are lowkey the apex predator of this world.
Are they bitching about epic again lmao?
I’ve had an epic account for years. Did slopdivers stop sucking yet? If so, then I’ll consider re-purchasing it. But on the other hand, that steam refund was mighty tasty
Wow the japanese are vocal about the epic account requirement and they are not happy
Slightly different here. No mention of a third party being absolutely required to even run the base game on the steam store page.
Ants can taste bottles of my ethyl alcohol any fucking time.
>the Japanese
haven’t they had access to the game for two fucking years already? lol
wait you need to fucking log in into epic game store?
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>Still no ultrawidescreen support
When's the fix coming out FUCK
well i play single player anyways
still sucks though dont get me wrong
haha yes praise tim
yeah, but it's actually justified if they don't tell you about it on the store page
yea if you want play online you have to log in
dunno about offline though
So what's the problem? Making an account is free. I swear you chuds just complain for nothing
>enjoy paying almost a weeks wage for something that looks like it was made in 2003
What kind of shit job are you working that $60 is almost an entire week's wage? Is that a roundabout way of admitting you're an underage faggot who's never had a job and your sole income is a small weekly allowance from your parents?
>well i play single player anyways
The game installs Epic Online Services when you boot it. The game will not run without Epic Online Services. Even in singleplayer, there's spyware running.
is it still toaster friendly like edf 5 ?
or they made it more resource hog?
A bit more intensive but I think a toaster would still do fine.
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you are in for a surprise
>looks like an xbox 360 title
>looks like a DLC for EDF5
>60 €+28 in DLC
>less graphic options than the average japanese game
>runs like ass
>undisclosed Epic games requirement
I'll just keep playing EDF5.
>bro just make an account ;)
No, instead I think I'll leave a negative review and refund. Fuck you, faggot. Go suck Sweeny's STD-riddled dick some more.
If you could run 5 chances are 6 will run the same, pretty much nothing has changed between the games other than maybe a few more shadows or something
double nigger
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China already knows that you play WEGs, Anon. Just make an account already.
Your loss, chud
That thread explicitly says you don't need one in every single reply.
jaja even.
kekekekekeke perhaps
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that's not the POINT
You don't need an account.
You do need the Epic Online Services (spyware) to even launch the game.
That's true but you should make an account anyway
You don't need to log in to play single player
However it will still install the dogshit Ebin services and won't launch without it, even if you just want to play single player
You're the only one who uses ultrawide
>but you should make an account anyway
Eat my ass, I'm not making an acccount for shit.
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>can't refund copies i gifted to friends
bros i fucking did it. i fucked up and fell for the preorder meme. i thought edf would be safe but it wasn't. I WAS A FUCKING RETARD FOOL
i use ultrawide and almost all the games i play support it, ultrawide is the true master race monitor setup and you're a shit eating poorfag to say otherwise.
Make a new thread
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So is EDF just Helldivers 2 but bad and gay?
No they didn't you dumb piece of shit. 99% of the shit in 4.1 comes from 4/2025 which was localized by another company.
they can refund for you
surely if you ask them to, they're good friends and will comply right? :^)
Don't tell me what to do.
yeah, Snoy account vs. Epic account is all that different
Better game and without the reddit influence, so no.
much more indepth upgrade system
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Then I will have to resort to violence.
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these things look like SHIT
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me too, ultrachad bro
I think it's funny how much they're hyping them up as the latest model before they arrive
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>60 USD game
>with 12 DLCs for half the game's price
>it also supports vtumours for some reason
It's dead on arrival, not even meme'ing
>devs don't even care about it

sip on deeze nuts mang
will the release be able to top palworld's current 30k playercount?
it's a pretty high bar
gayest post i've ever seen
>devs deciding what's chad or not
guess dei shit & epic-game store is chad, concord bro
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>will the release be able to top palworld's current 30k playercount?
5 didn't hit 9k and 4.1 didn't hit 6k
>I trust some 3rd world vatnik not to riddle my PC with malware from a country notorious for it instead of epic
I would laugh at you, but then I remember this is Timmy we are dealing with
budget cuts you know how it is the ants ate all of our money and our stock brokers
Post-Apoc "EDF" makes do when everyone else is DEAD.
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>Cancel Epic Game Installer on launch
>Cannot even boot game without it
>Can't leave a review either
How did they fuck up so badly
how much of this would have been avoided had they just specified that you needed an EGS account to play online in the first place?
>we have new Nix!
>chatter about getting stuck
>wonder how the fuck a walker gets stuck
>turn my camera to see a truck fucking ramp over my head
>see a Nix on it
>oh they're trucking them in
>oh...they're the truck
I welcome the Nix Technical
The equipment DLC was in the previous two games as well and it's utterly useless outside of two niches:
1) you're actually stupid and/or bad enough to play on Easy
2) you want to severely annoy your friends by using the decoy launcher to stick oversized inflatable anime girls on their buttocks

The only DLC even remotely worth a look is the mission packs for ultra hard post-endgame missions, everything else is little more than bait to fleece people.
There would be a lot of complaining still, but not the review bomb. Blindsiding everyone like this was moronic.
EDF's aesthetics remain that of a ps3-era title it seems, without the artstyle to back it up.

I was extremely unimpressed with EDF5 so i dont think i can justify a $90Aus purchase with another ~$50 worth of day-1 DLC, disgusting.
release the squids
People would still be pissed because this shit is gay.
>don't want to make a worthless account like an NPC
>"uhh r-rent free...?"
What kind of retarded cope + projection is this
Please tell me you're just pretending lol
>See Helldivers get shit on for having to make another account on a different platform to play online
>Do the same
Why are the Japanese so retarded?
The DLC is a meme, it's all joke weapons and garbage that'll be outclassed like five missions into the game.
anon, you don't need any of the DLC
it's like seeing monster hunter world and thinking you need to buy hundreds worth of hairstyles and gestures
dlc mission packs though?
they fucking your ass
i still have nightmares of the 7 monarch bugs mission
This. People would also ask why EDF6 requires EGS but not the other ported games.
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It would have been significantly less of a fuck you because we wouldn't be blindsided.

But just like with helldivers they decided to delay and then kick us in the balls

I hope they get fucked and change it again just like helldivers somehow. Corpos cannot keep getting away with lying like this.
>I hope they get fucked and change it again just like helldivers
EOS is baked into the game bro. Can't rip that shit out.
Other games use EOS without requiring accounts though.
They have options to unfuck this
This shouldnt be 60 plus DLC, if you keep giving them money is like buying the latest Fifa or Pokemon, is enabling them to just keep making the same game without ever solving any issue with it.
This. I don't understand why do you need account now since it was working fine without one in many other games.
Really? Either way I wouldn't hold my breath.
make an actual EDF competitor then, I'm gonna keep giving them money because Sandlot is the only company that fills this niche
I'm just going to replay 4.1 or 5.
Don't financially support bad practices
Pretty much every online game that is both on Steam and Epic have EOS, even ancient single player games line Nioh 2 have EOS
my love for EDF is bigger than my hate for EGS, I will bite the bullet
>they turned carian glintblades into drone weapons
>just suck a dick bro, it only takes a couple of seconds???
Your average /v/irgin drone, no self-awareness at all lmao
>everything else is little more than bait to fleece people.
>Nioh 2
They stealth changed it, it now default to Epic and you need an account to be even able to change it to steam.
>Queens at mission 3
Yeah Im thinking Hard is impossible to start on.
what is that number? damage done? I like how it goes up

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