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Why ia Capcom so afraid of showing her game?

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>I want to play this game for the story and atmosphere...
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I still believe.
don't care but yeah that artist is a feetfag
the last trailer was like a year ago iirc and it showed gameplay
kill yourself shitskin
the girl is pure sexo but the atmosphere is great as well
The setting is amazing and never been done before.
>my dick when plapmata into pregmata
Bro you cant say that
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Imagine if the atmosphere and characters and the execution of the plot is really phenomenal when (if) this game comes out. The threads for it are going to be an absolute fucking warzone between people attracted to Diana and people that like the game but hate seeing pedo posts. I'd be happy to post about both but that won't be good enough, I bet

Oh and hopefully the gameplay would be decent enough too. Typical action shooter probably
>feet way too big
>hands way too small
It's odd that they built a robot with such detailed feet.
why the fuck are her feet so fucking big? Jesus.
Stop talking about her feet, she's self-conscious
This game is cancelled, what is there to even talk about in these threads
I believe it will eventually be released
Why is she so afraid of showing her pussy?
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Her name is Diana Pregmata
Wouldn't make sense that a DEI group got a word on it around that time and the whole thing entered production hell because of it?
Unironically because for what we have seen it seems like the spiritual successor of ICO, which is one of my favorite games of all time..
I just hope it's not over for this game.
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It hasn't been cancelled, it has been delayed indefinitely.
There is still hope.
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Whatever, I like the astroarmor
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Snoyny will be returning to TGS this year
Sam Gideon in astronaut mode
The interne are not doing a good enough job
said no one ever
What's her story?
>Bumps every 10-30 minutes
get a life OP no one cares about this pedoshit vaporware
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It's cool.
If violent video games don't cause real-world violence then lolis don't cause real-world pedophilia.
>4chan is one person
Afraid so
devs were too busy cooming to finish the game
do they have job vacancies? asking for a friend of a friend
No shit, Sherlock.
The game needs to come out and be at least good. We need more games where you play as a pseudo father figure fighting to save and protect a pseudo daughter
the game needs to come and so do I
what if diana did a roll cosplay
b-but lolis can't get pregnant!
maybe we should research this? there could be away
Anon, don't look up the age of the youngest mother...
youngest girl to ever give birth was 6.
I unironically thought the trailer with more action and the robot guy looked interesting and I want to see the game not just for robot loli feets (shes a robot though so its not wrong, fite me)
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>tfw you're genuinely interested in the game but every discussion about it will be infested with subhuman pedophiles
Out of all of the games Capcom teased or released in the past 5 years, this was literally the only game that interested me, and of course it had to become vaporware. Just like Routine. Fuck you, Fortuna.
Why no PragmataxRockman collabs?
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>tfw you're genuinely interested in the game
Because there is nothing to discuss lol
There hasn't been any news for months, so people just come for the cute lolis
>the webms from the thread last week
that's fucked up

you guys are sick
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I just want another Vanquish my good man.
With some Kojimbo inspired weirdness.
You pedophiles have been waiting and hyped up for a moviegame the past 5 years?
>see little robot
Do I really have to post every single time you fucktards couldn't stop projecting your own sickness onto others?
A little robot that looks like what?
you dont play as the loli so it's a no sale for me.
Ohh look pretty promising
No one would care if not for the new 3D cunny model to he soon animated.
lol, you're sick in the head.
You still haven't answered what the robot looks like
It's very telling you're intentionally not answering the question.
You play as two human-like robots who think they are humans and want to return to Earth from abandoned Moon colony turned into quarantine zone due to rogue AI outbreak.
Let me guess, it's Alma if she good?
>pdfiles congregate to force their sickness onto others
Like fucking clockwork.
Robot child pussy
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same, also reminded me of vanquish. honestly from the trailers alone it's the first time in a while capcom made something that genuinely caught my eye. dd2 was kind of disappointing, i think sf6 is one of the ugliest games i've ever seen and i didn't care for re4make because i felt the original still help up super well with the hd project. i hope we get more info
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I remember talking about it with my friend when it was first revealed cause I also found it stood out among all the other Sony shit and he joked I was only interested in Diana.
You've the same trauma story as I
You were saying? >>683694861
>You pedophiles
its a robot
Not with that attitude
Why does the robot have to look like a little barefoot girl?

Why can't the robot be a 60 year old black woman instead?
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>gets utterly BTFO
>quickly writes some stupid inflammatory shit and gives himself a (you)
Please, you sick fucks see a childlike virtual character and are so scarred of your own thoughts you instantly accuse everyone else of doing it.
You make me sick.
Cause that's not cute
After how much crapcom is embracing DEI, i don't see it becoming a thing.
It's going to be a deep down situation all over again
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Trailer this Dec with a 2026 release window, you heard it here first, folks. It'll be a historical example of delaying a game to produce something truly masterful
if you've seen terminator you know it doesn't under the fake skin
>why can't woke shit
not even dignifying that with a response.
>trying to virtue signaling on mongolian basket-weaving forum
xitter or l*ddit is that way, sis.
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This kinda looks like a work in progress female android
>not even dignifying that with a response.
Fucking based
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>Make a little girl coprotagonist
>With bare legs and feet
>In the age where foot fetishism is peak safe horny
>In the age where pedoscare is at its peak
This game is a massive PR disaster in the making
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It's a very easy crossover
>crapcom game
That'll be $10 + tax for the color change DLC.
the westoid anti-loli brigade won and forced them to cancel the game.
Diana Impregmata
Worth it

We, the good guys, win.

You sick perverts are going to have to go back to your caves.
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>meanwhile in honkai starrail right now
You can't even see her thighs, shoulders or navel and yet your first thought was sexualizing her? You're creating a scenario inside your head again , I swear anti-lolifags are more deranged than lolifags themselves.
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This is the only thing I'm looking forward
They aren't exactly consistent with that.
In Monster Hunter you have multiple crossovers where the weapons, armour and event quest are free but for unimportant things like gestures or stickers you have to pay.
>unimportant things
They also put outfits in chunks and weapon skins in that are also not free
They are not crossovers, but still
Actual weapons and armour are important.
Their skins and other social flair is unimportant.
After playing this game, i can die happy
Sry, they will never finish this game
I love how you people always play dumb. It seems you haven't read any post before that.
You need some new material
how her feets should have been
Probably because in typical Capcom fashion they got like 50% through development and decided they didn't like the game and scrapped most of it to just start again. It then got fucked by remote working shit in 20/22 and probably got a second scraping when the remote work was shit.
All potatoes no meat
Like a cute loli
>year ago
Damn, time flies
>it showed gameplay
yeah, like five whole seconds of it...
A hot chick
The pregmata is real
Samefagging so hard lol
Routine got an update either in 2022 or 2023
Because you guys couldn't be subtle about the whole thing
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Verte desnuda es recordar la Tierra.
La Tierra lisa, limpia de caballos.
La Tierra sin un junco, forma pura
cerrada al porvenir: confín de plata.

Verte desnuda es comprender el ansia
de la lluvia que busca débil talle
o la fiebre del mar de inmenso rostro
sin encontrar la luz de su mejilla.

La sangre sonará por las alcobas
y vendrá con espada fulgurante,
pero tú no sabrás dónde se ocultan
el corazón de sapo o la violeta.

Tu vientre es una lucha de raíces,
tus labios son un alba sin contorno,
bajo las rosas tibias de la cama
los muertos gimen esperando turno.
trust the modders
Why do you think they removed IP count?
Every time they have shown the game people start crying, I assume they don't want to upset people any more
so that schizos can be made fun of
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She uses her stand as a dance partner?
The best robots are little girls
>Why can't the robot be a 60 year old black woman instead?
so much this, make it happen Capcom
>The dead moan waiting their turn
That goes hard, I won’t lie.
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What kind of people dislike cute little girls?
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People with literal brain malfunction.
me :)
Is that Radahn consort of Miquella?
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Those who would turn their back’s on Allah. Worry not brother, we shall be free of their ilk.
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Like 99% of the games auidence are pedophiles and people think companies don't fucking notice this, It's the same reason DokeV got pushed back. Even in this thread it's very fucking obvious 0 of you care about the actual game, The designer who thought putting a pants-less barefoot realistic child in a game is a fucking retard and so capcom for giving it a pass before obviously regretting it last second
How do you know she's not wearing pants?
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Literally me.
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dead space 3 lookin ass
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Right here big J >>683693082
lets see honkai the 5th: spinoff's gameplay
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What diana needs is a group that can back her up. A sort of team, if you will.
It's unironically a different company from when they first showed her off. They can't release her game anymore, the demons in charge of Crapcom won't allow it now
>0 art
once I saw a loli with fangs like that irl, I thought it was a anime thing

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