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>game has a small niche, but tight-knit community
>popular e-celeb makes video about said game
>community is now forever ruined
I hate this, has this happened to a game you've been playing?
>Fear and Hunger 1
>Very little streamer traction, mostly super fringe streamers, rumor circulates that twitch will ban you for streaming it
>community is decent, mostly people that plays the game, focused on lore, suffering, and getting good

>fear and hunger 2
>trannies latch on to tranny character
>dev realizes that tranny is the most popular character, gives it way more dialogue and scenes that any other character
>streamers release video essays
>community warps, now focuses on roleplaying, trannies, porn, and shipping.

It can happen to you.
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>nooo you cant ruin my super secret club
No. For some reason games I decide to try were popular all along
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>>community is now forever ruined
Your community was already garbage if that's all it took
SS13 faggots deserve everything they got
Sseth making a video on SS13 was like 9/11 for the community, but it was like 3 years ago. Those people are gone now.
No, I don't join game 'communities'
>SS13fags still bitching that their diarrea comunity got specks of shit for a couple weeks
kill yourselves at your earliest convenience
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ModDb still asshurt over this, now auto updating all your mods can be flaged as spam in shit like Mo2? Or at least it was the case awhile ago.
>SS13 faggots deserve everything they got
This is correct, though OP is on the mark anyway.
>why yes I welcome trannies and nignogs infesting good games and ruining them
>say your an incel without saying your an incel
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>I cannot enjoy this single player game because of its community
I could understand if it was a multiplayer game, but what kind of autism pushes people to be like this?
Without SS13 I would've succumbed to muh depwession, he's a hero... even if I'm basically the equivalent of an invasive species.
Because people have opinions that don't match mine and that's wrong
Name 1 game ruined because of sseth
And no SS13 wasn't ruined, it was already shit
>releases a video on factorio
>the only people still playing factorio are automation autists
the games i play are immune to your charms
this is a copy paste thread
even the cooments
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I don't know if it's just rumor but don't they have some trash OCs they forced into the game too?
You're a literal faggot. Go back to twitter, reddit or wherever shithole you came from.
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i just play obscure doujin games that nobody else plays so I don't have to worry about the fanbase getting ruined since there is no fanbase to begin with.
All the time. Any kind of good, niche, game will always blow up or if the franchise has a dedicated audience it gets cucked when the developer decides to appeal to a broader one even if it's already a well established IP. Seriously it's happened to nearly every everything and anything.
It's because the game fundamentally gets changed to appeal to the new people or curate a larger audience, that's all. So what you originally liked is either bastardized, watered down, or just obliterated through design by commitee or simply trying to dumb everything down. Then usually if the devs do care they'll try to return to their roots a few years later then immediately double down on their retarded design philosophy they previously scrapped to reinvigorate their franchise. Just look at Capcom.
>I play shit games so you can't shit them up
Uh, maybe they're obscure for a reason.
Hey hey people
Sort of. The dev rewarded streamers who played the first game. Heartless One is a reference to a youtuber who not only streamed the game, but helped play test it. However, they deleted their entire channel after getting upset that another streamer beat fear and hunger's hard mode on the hardest route at a time when the dev wasn't sure it could be consistently done. Heartless accused the other streamer of cheating, despite the entire unedited run being on youtube, and when the other youtuber ignored Heartless, they deleted their entire channel.

Somehow this warrants getting the second biggest cameo in the game.
let it go ss13faggot
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The games are great, just because they aren't popular doesn't mean they aren't competent fun games.
the starsector community was full of insane degenerates then and it still is now
>Just look at [big company that has to appeal to investors]
Bad example
What's the first cameo?
Then stop talking about it here retard
was it really that bad besides a bunch of assistants joining?
>look this up
>it actually looks pretty good, not that i play these kind of games
>gameplay seems good
>twintail sword character comes up
>named Lucrezia
ssethtide was a lot of fun
2b2t. I liked to just wander around but all the retarded videos about the server fucked it up.
The biggest cameo is the fucking mandatory furry bossfight. Some sergal furry youtuber (who made actual animal sounds while streaming) got a bossfight with equally cringey fight dialogue, but its also mandatory. No matter what route you take through the game, you get funneled through the room the sergal is in and youre forced to fight it and it even runs away before you can kill it.
his audience is like 90% zoomers, I doubt even a tenth of them actually touch the autism sims he covers
what's this one about anon?? Keep talking about it unironically
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allegedly. I tried it out for an hour until I realized it's not my thing, but I can see a lot of people getting off on grifting in that game.
Starsector's fanbase got infested by trannies because of him. Even the head dev is being manipulated by them. Now we have trannies as unkillable important characters in the story quest.
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Yes casual guano ruins everything ut touches. It ruined gaming and we had 7th generation. It ruined warhammer, it ruined movies.
Nawwwww somebody has shit taste
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I c bajs
Somehow managed to one up that one undertale cameo
It's a fun hack and slash arena style game where you climb a tower and there's various paths to take. It's a pretty simple game and it only takes around 20-30 mins to probably finish a playthrough but it has lots of replay value since the core combat is a lot of fun. it's very similar to the 3d Ys games if you are familiar with that combat.

it also has great music.
I dunno, sometimes the community deserves it.

Looking at you, Caves of Qud.
absolutely wild about SS mod community, wasn't there a fucking killswitch modded into a modpack by one dude to fire every time someone ran his mod with another mod made by some other dude he didn't like
the fucking amount of salt in this community could power the american food industry for decades
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Honestly stumbling across some super niche but really fun indie game is extremely satisfying
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>Saw some eceleb video about the game
>It looks like fun, so I play it
>Developer gets money and publicity
>Eceleb gets money from ads
>I get fun
>Some retard bitching about it in his basement
Yes, that actually happened.
Marathon, but Bungie kinda ruined it too by announcing a dogshit extraction shooter reboot.
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Where the fuck was HoMM3's explosive population growth then?
>sseth's fanbase is so bad that not only did his discord get nuked twice but an SS13 server that spawned from his discord burned down a day after a popular tgstation streamer made a video advertising it
>somehow this leads to trannies
It's a direct sequel
Pretty sure they stopped doing that, or maybe having an account tied to your IP got you through the filter
Not the first time Iā€™ve heard of this happen. The guy behind H-Doom purposely made it incompatible with Brutal Doom.
First of, SS13 is on one of the worst game engines ever existed, that folds over itself if too many players are on the same server, so you want to limit access.
Secondly, most SS13 players are severly autistic. They hate change, they hate novelty, they hate seeing new faces. Also, they really want to RP, and there is nothing more RP unfriendly than a new player fucking around, learning obtuse controls, that probably can't free himself from a normal chair if you force them to sit down. These players get a meltdown every time they see a greysuit, now imagine if they saw dozens of them. RP is basically impossible, the server slows to a crawl, rounds degenerate to a battle royale or a "grief the entire station" speedrun.
yes, the secret club was cozy
Ssethugees are honestly some of the biggest fucking losers I've met on the internet
if only more games were actual counterculture (racist) and not made for money.
About quarter of a century ago.
it isn't and that shit that comes out isn't going to be anything like the actual trilogy. Fuck of back to Destiny.
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lost technology is one of my other favorite hidden gems. it's a shame it will never get fully translated but atleast all the story campaigns got finished.

there's another game on steam like it too that i may get around to sometime when it goes on sale.
Destiny is a direct sequel to Marathon and there's nothing you can do about it
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One of the recent mods being maintained has a brick code that destroys your save file if it detects you have a mod they don't like installed. It's gotten so bad that that only recently, Alex had to step in and implement the "Good Citizen" rule where the use of crashcodes, brick codes and other shit are now effectively banned. It took a while, but he finally grew some balls to stand up against the modders. Now all modding business are done in Discord because they don't want to post their mods there due to the new rule
>mfw part of a small English and japanese playerbase to a niche Nintendo switch game
>devs are also communicating with the playerbase
>5 year anniversary coming up next month
Feels comfy. No one will ever ruin this.
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>almost never interact with online communities
>see a game from an e-celeb who covers hidden gems
>find amazing games like starsector
>ignore the (supposedly dogshit) community and just enjoy the game
The problem is with (You). Maybe try enjoying games instead of caring about random people on the internet?
is this thread going to turn int a discussion about Marrow?
my friend tried to lure me into that game all the time, but I just don't enjoy that kind of thing, despite me liking Sseth's video about it. Also don't really like RPing in games like that.
I forget the name now but there was another game I used to have that used the same engine
Sseth somehow has the worst degenerates from here AND the weirdest redditor autists coexisting with trannoids, jannies and other folk. It's wild. Didn't they get a lawsuit going on because of some dox+something, they sent loliporn to company fax machine too or do I not remember it right?
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I hope the "movie" flops so hard it ruins everyone's involved career
>ITT: People who think discord servers are video games and only see video games as a means of finding new discord servers.
Why? I should check out hdoom
>Starsector's fanbase got infested by trannies
Where do you think we are?
Whats funny about the tranny character is that is literally a product of grooming the child.
>Child born to a cult, as child of one of the cult leaders
>Boys are groomed into becoming new cult leaders, and do unspeakable things
>Girls are saved from this fate
>The mother forces the child to act like a girl, pretends its is a girl etc
>Grooms the child into a tranny
Its a relatively nuanced take, but it all gets thrown out of the window because troons think this is a healthy example of their illness and not someone being forced to pretend to be something they are not to escape a life in a cult.
But nothing happened in the official forums?
Diable and Exotica got removed, as well as other high profile mods containing shitcodes
>kike shit
Coders were already doing a fine job of killing the game as a whole for over a decade before the back to back eceleb videos. Besides, the eternal grey tide has had a built in solution for a long ass time and its on server hosts to actually turn on the bunker feature. They could've easily locked their server down to people who made accounts before a certain date but didn't want to miss out on getting new hogs to rape.
Diable was in on that stupidity? Fucking hell man. SS was comfy with all the mods and of course people have to ruin that tiny but neat community
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>Diable and Exotica
The build up in ecelebs and social media was the worst thing to happen to the human race
jesus lord may zoomer never infest your favorite games
When Diable's development was finished, he left the mod on maintenance mod. Some modder picked up the mod and maintained it, but also did some other things like buffing weaker stuff into something decent. Then starts implementing the shitcode against a mod he didn't like.
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Oh no!
Not the things that have nothing to do with the game!
>how dare people wish to preserve a unique vibe and atmosphere of a space with like minded people over turning it into homoginised shitshow of drama #481318
if you believe that then I have a bridge for you
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Main story has a tranny hacker who is hecking quirky xd
>verification not required
Are you drunk again?
I like it, it's win win:
>I get exposed to a game I might otherwise have not heard of but may enjoy
>it gets a lot of people mad
>eceleb makes a vid on obscure game
>calls it shit
>peole post eceleb quotes on other vids of the game but never play it
>actual player community remains niche
Ur game is already too casual if normalfags ever decide to play it
Old Doom modders can't stand Brutal Doom for some reason, they have been flaming each other since the mods inception. My guess, from what I have played of both OG and Brutal Doom, is they hate it because it makes the game feel more "modern", ruining the feel OG Doom had. Also from what I read the dev can be a bit of a cunt, but that might just be shittalking.
This game's soundtrack is really fun and the arrange album is kino, but I had no idea what I was doing.
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I don't give a flying fuck about fandoms, and Starsector and Highfleet are amazing games
>fear and hunger 2
considering that and how this elusive update is going I think next game it's on him
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he attracts /pol/tards with his jew jokes and ironic /r/4chanfags with his meme spam. He attracts trannies by discussing the most autistic shit he can find. It makes good patreonmoney but even sseth got sick of all the mentally ill treating him like a friend

>they sent loliporn to company fax machine too or do I not remember it right?
Yes, but it was one of his mods I think
fucking amazing, is this what weapon-grade autism does to people? this is hilarious as fuck
This has happened to me several times so while it hurts it also feels good knowing that I have such excellent taste.
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There's a fair few meta reasons for why given Doom communities show some disdain towards it and its creator, but more often than it's massively blown out of proportion than what /v/ would tell you otherwise. The worst of it was over a decade ago when you'd get a lot of new blood trying to run BD with content their designer(s) never accounted for and then complain about it.

Technically you'd get a broken mess if you load multiple, distinctively different gameplay mods at once anyway. So stuff like HDoom calling out the player for being an idiot, and Demonsteele making you get chased by an invincible boner, when loading either of them with Brutal Doom is one parts an easter egg, another a lesson, and the other a reaction to the limited patience with dealing with the crowd at the time. We're well past the worst of it anyway until Doom gets another modding renaissance, and last I checked /vr/ did praise its latest few updates for getting a guy on board that did some great weapon sprites for the mod.
>ladder climber makes long ass cope posts after getting kicked off the rungs and having their power revoked
Always a funny sight, wish it happened more often
I don't care. What the fuck kind of games do you even play where this matters in the slightest?
I can understand the hate for this if it was like a small, tight-nit community like Space Station 13. I get it, but if it's a single player game who actually fucking cares? Grow up.
Obviously literally any game with multiplayer of any kind, even for singleplayer games this can suck a lot because it effectively deletes any chance to actually discuss the games at all, especially for niche titles where they barely had a space to begin with. It's not a difficult concept to grasp, outsiders coming into a community and fucking it up sucks for the people who liked that community.
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Oh no, he did it again!
Underrail has a violently autistic cabal of retards in a discord getting things nerfed because it makes the ground they land on too soft for their liking.
>say your an faggot without saying your an faggot
This is typically why anyone who gets their start on here starts disavowing 4chan as soon as possible, and I get it.
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>Mfw I tell other people about a game I enjoy
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You got me, congratz.
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Not yet. There are some I can see getting a bad rep if it gets popular.
However, being a FNAF fan, Iearned engaging with the community is usually a let down. It is either drama, trying to cancel people, or shtting on Scott these days (many people seem to hate him). And I recently learned there there are literally children posting online in said communities too, which baffles me. Like where are your parents? Get off the internet you kids, this place isn't safe and you don't know what you are doing.
That said, I am looking forward to the new FNAF games in August.
Nope has only ever improved my gaming experience. If the game goes to shit because of some e-celeb it was always going to go to shit and at worst this just speed up the inevitable. This just means I can move on to better prospects faster instead of wasting my time with something that was always going to end up shit.
remember when he made that horrendous company of heroes 2 video? i thought he was actually going to discuss the factions, units and content. instead the whole video he shilled anime tank skin mods and discord funny moments. i am pretty sure he was paid for the video too
>community is now forever ruined
Can't wait for the Teraurge review
more games need official forums of their own
discord was not made for in depth discussions nor do the people there want to engage in it
>doctor big-nose at it again
>Ace Attorney
Nope, the clussy types stayed away from the games.
Trannies and nignogs watch Sseth now? I thought he was based?
It's a singleplayer game, the only interaction you have with the "community" is if you seek it. Bit different to multiplayer games where a certain level of community interaction is forced.
name one
caves of qud was slightly more active for a couple weeks and now it's back to traditional roguelike enthusiasts and furry troons.
visit any slav country's countryside
welcome to /v/ everyone /v/ hates is a tranny nignog or jew regardless of evidence to the contrary.
if you associate yourself with any gaming community you're a fucking faggot and deserve it for being a fucking faggot
Pic unrelated.
name one game that was ruined by sseth
Highfleet is esentially an arcady version of an autistic sub-sim, so troons didn't really latch onto it.
That review brought a lot of sales when it was really struggling when it came out, Sseth probably saved the dev's ass.
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>Lobotomy Corporation
>small, niche fallout shelter-ish monster management simulator with focus on trial and error grind and bit of strategy with some jewish mysticism sprinkled in
>Tower of Babel
>dead, gone and forgotten lmao
>Library of Ruina
>memey, funneh card gaym bout le heckin ebin holesum couple of holieer then thou mtf/ftm mcs riddled with halfbaked unearned loredumps with a single goal of shitting onto first game
>Limbus Company
I just wanted my Lord of The Mysteries game...
So, literally another Bridget situation?
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>tfw your ss13 server had instakick script for ssethbabies
>many people seem to hate him
Documents leaked online around 2016(?) that Scott donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Republican party (and guess what republican candidate won the 2016 election). A lot of people didn't feel right knowing the money they spent buying FNAF games was going towards Trump, so Scott was bombarded with shit, including people doxxing him and sending his family death threats.
Even to this day, people cannot let this go.
His video made scout unplayable for a while in DRG but they mostly fucked off by now.
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you had to be there bros
I remember him flat out stealing memes from the DRG threads for his video.
crazy how every game they made comes with at least one or two caveats
Limbus being the easiest to just jump in and play but the gacha shit will probably turn off most people in the long run
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He copied pic related almost word for word.
he does that shit all the time
the worst contender is probably the Elden Ring video
His Amazing Cultivation Simulator video has a bit where he literally reads an on-screen 4chan post.
Yeah, he copies his homework, but I don't think he gives a shit.
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>not a single living soul on youtube actually finished galleria
I fucking wish this series was popular enough just to have a full review, people don't know how good they have it.
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I finished galleria bwo...
He used other peoples videos and stories for his Dwarf Fortress video as if they were his experiences with the game and then had to backtrack and credit the ones he couldnt get way with after people and other youtubers pointed out in the comments
yeah it happen to black souls even if trans character being treat as mental illness
And nobody cares because it's funny
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there was like one person that did an English review on youtube that actually finished it and it was some jap girl with an onlyfans giving a review in broken english while showing JP gameplay that actually showed shit like the cathedral and the apartments.
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Those who complain about gatekeeping are exactly who the gate was made to keep out.
It was pretty obvious that he had absolutely no clue about the game and was probably e-handled by some Lelic tranny into a bunch of custom games.
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Have you experienced this feel /v/?
This is madness
I miss the early days of FNF.
>what the fuck is so funny about telling "coping"
>I really might be getting too old
top kek, it's not funny anymore because it happens to (You), disingenuous faggot.
They are enjoying things wrong.
I've seen some basically no subs english speaking lady review the games too, though I'm not sure if it was specifically Galleria or Refrain.
It's crazy that they use the Alice engine
Normally caring about the community of a single-player game is retarded, I agree. But when a single-player game is being frequently enhanced with a strong modding community, that's when it becomes concerning. Like the aforementioned Starsector incident where numerous good mods are now locked behind tranny discord servers because one retard decided to put a killswitch in a popular mod (that didn't even belong to him, by the way) all because he got butthurt over people raping his precious mary sue OCs in a sex mod.
So, yes, the community can absolutely impact the enjoyment of a single-player game. Just not in the ways a lot of disingenuous posters would have you believe.
I see it as a similar case to his Dwarf Fortress video where he didn't really want to make a video
for that game but that's where money was at.
It's pretty naive and narrow-minded to believe that the playerbase changing for a game wouldn't have a direct and recordable influence on either the game in question specifically or the franchise as a whole. That argument might have flown many years ago when the communities were small and there was no direct line between people, but it doesn't make any sense with how the internet has drastically altered social interactions and videogame development.
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No meme is dead if there is someone to remember it
How so?
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a huge part of the fun for a singleplayer game is the community
not every game has it but when it does.. it adds a lot
it's like watching a shitty "drama" anime original show but with /a/nons
Because Sseth really hammered home that killing scouts is funny so there were alot of newfags going around exessively c4ing scouts. I mean it happened before but usually only bad scouts and not to that extent.
No, because people who watch e-celebs do not play video games
The jp elona thread pretty much didn't change at all back then
I was worried about this after his video on Songs of Syx. Thankfully, zoomers are too stupid to be able to play that game to ruin it.
>I hate this, has this happened to a game you've been playing?
No, because I have never been part of a video game community and never will. I play the game until I'm bored and then I move on. Noobs are the lifeblood of multiplayer games so I will never ever complain about an influx of newfriends.
State of Decay was a popular, but janky and isolated 360 downloadable game. It gets a later port of Steam that I and several others reliably enjoy as a fun bit of escapism. No politics. No current year bullshit. Just zombie open world silliness. Peak relaxation.

State of Decay 2 is made and is the most bullshit DEI piece of garbage to the point you literally cannot play as a straight white person despite having a dozen selectable scenarios to pick from at the start. Game gets massively hamstrung by bullshit online service features. Oh, and the zombies are literally 100% white people. Because reasons.

Now, State of Decay 3 exists just as a trailer of the blackest woman you ever fucking saw running around the woods while diversity checkers greedily rub their hands in the background and literally nobody who ever initially cared about the game gives a fucking shit about it anymore.
But OP and that anon are referring to situation from top
Guilty Gear, 40k and Persona
Crash team racing is kinda like that. Weird nerds suck the fun out of everything.
>a huge part of the fun for a singleplayer game is the community
Zoomer opinion.
it's a man though.
nobody stated he was anything but a dude or anything before being a dude.
if the wiki says "ackkshully" then I'll kill a fucking spider
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God forbid people discovering games and enjoying them
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It ain't sseth that's ruins niches.
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why you didn't gatekeep the community?
look at now, it filled with normies/braindead zoomers
it's dead now, no music/videos/games are being made and snipers are leaving
I swear every time normalfaggots touch something it dies
You absolutely can play as a pair of white dudes out of the gate in SoD2

Or does the last name Sanchez prohibit him from whitehood despite his voice and behaviour being waspish as fuck.
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Correct, however these are chuds who's first thought is to throw a hissy fit over something rather than think about how to avoid it.
I like pathologic and it's community at times cringe and obnoxious so I just don't fucking bother with that part and stick to looking at themes and ACTUAL analysis
sseth has made videos about every /v/core niche and they all remain /v/core niches
Why didn't you, anon? You could have saved vidyagames, but instead you gave up the fight and surrendered everything to them for nothing in return.
Once the big bucks came in it was gone.
How could you ever gatekeep the decision to not click links for less then three money?
forsen's streams have been stale for a long time and you can't just blame the viewers when forsen himself doesn't care about cultivating the chat culture anymore
dude's just showing up every day for 6 hours to get the paycheck and then he's gone
>snipers are leaving
havent watched 4skin in like 2 years, but last I remember a lot of his snipers were trying to leech off of him by streaming(some of them even streaming at the same hours as him and taking away viewers). he even had that one fucking troon sniper with the cat ears leech off of him. so good riddance. his stream died along with hearthstone and along with his personality about a decade ago(his Battle royale streams were a nice throwback though)
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I hope you are not implying 4chan is a small community because sseth is basically a /v/ advocate
>one game in the franchise gets mainstream attention
>everyone plays this one, not the others
>they try them, they are different

very common with turn based games or with clunky gameplay. One fortnite rizzler commented under the silent hill 2 Remake why the protag is so slow, doesnt parry and fight like Leon from res 4.
I hate those little goblins
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SS13 was ruined years before Sseth
friendless perma-online fags BTFO
Sseth didn't kill SS13, servers getting hijacked by mentally unstable fags did.
breeders of nephylym
that's a strange word you chose.
he just uses /v/ culture to make videos that appeal to the edgier audience and make fat stacks out of it. and he doesn't even try to deny it, in fact it's part of his whole persona. his videos are admittedly enjoyable though
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you only hate him because he "steal" /v/'s jokes and makes money from it, and you are just jealous because you didn't do it before him
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>>game has a small niche, but tight-knit community
>>popular e-celeb makes video about said game
>>community is now refreshed with new blood
>>old modding clique that was running shit must face the reality
>>dev is forever funded now and can finish his game in peace
Seeth really helped Starsector tho
Cope SS13 oldfag.
Sseths videos and community is pure shit
Sseths entire thing is that he only pretends to like video games so he can impress his discord friends. He doesn't like the games, he only opens the video game to see how he can break the game while in voice calls with underage zoomers. When he has found the exploits to just ruin the game and speedrun it, he will look around to see if he can find any references to sex and edgy shit to impress his discord friends. It doesn't matter if there are women or furries or shit in a game, he will go ''heh, I find this hot, please laugh. please please laugh!!!! big bara poopies!!!! I like feet!!1'' when in reality he is only attracted to underage boys on discord.
This sense of ''humor'' is so fucking shit. It's so repetitive and just lacking any humor. If there are no characters in the game and the game is just doing gear puzzles he will go ''oh, oil those gears!! those angles on that gear do....something to my peenus weenus, oh yeah stick a gear up my ass.''
Just braindead retardation
>Enjoy Game 1
>It stays in the dark for a decade after a shitty sequel, Devs and Fans alike silently agree it's best the series dies in glory than continues as seasonal slop
>Suddenly normalfags get wind of it
>Huge demand for forced sequel to a story already closed leads to poor, rushed sequel with barely any rhyme or reason to the original apart from some references and some returning characters
>Game is now on it's 5th installment with DLCs on the way, game does well financially but the story and characters are retroactively ruined
Name it, /v/...
Do not socialize online. Make a post an move on if its necessary, they'll switch topics anyway after a few seconds since their brains are like a soldier hit by a shrapnel. Still barely functioning, but damaged and ripped apart, and unlike a dead one, its a problem to someone else too. I learned this as someone who draws for money the hard way, that people absolutely love wasting their own and your time. Besides they'll move on to the next shiny bauble very quickly even if you give attention to them. Online friendships are the biggest LMAO of all, as its walking on eggshells, and they can use that against you (and they will) . If you surround yourself with a pile of shit sooner or later it'll be smeared on you.
Isn't BS already being surrounded with trannies and the likes?
Since when have blacks ruined a fan base?
he doesn't just uses /v/ culture he is, probably lurks and maybe posts here too, but that's not even rare for popular youtuber nowadays.
Most of his fans were or are 4chan posters and he initially catered to exactly that audience.
>>game has a small niche, but tight-knit community
who gives a crap? games are meant to be played, they're not a token subject for people to hang out in their little groups
>but it's MP
fuck MP games
Reading this thread and you all need to touch grass
>game has a small niche, but tight-knit community consisting of third wolders from SEA, south america and maybe eastern europe
>practically immune to ecelebs and trannies
synthetic was insufferable for a good while after he made a video on it
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This is unironically why discord is a blessing. You can gatekeep your own server perfectly and some random youtuber can't have any impact on your community.
>review obscure games from 20 years ago
>playerbase is maybe 50 people at this point
>collective REEEEE when people who never even played said games now feel the "community" is ruined
the actual people who play those dead games are overjoyed they got someone to play with
No no you done understand discord is le bad because it's popular
My server isn't popular so that's not an issue.
TS3 is the ultimate gatekeeping yo
Life imitates art, as they say. It just shows that despite what they say, Trannies actually agree with the idea of grooming children.
>keep playing old gem and ignore whatever garbage was released later
oh no anyways
>a huge part of the fun for a singleplayer game is the community
This has to be the dumbest shit I've ever read.
(something something) Media Literacy (something something) Pattern Recognition
This was fine back in the day before games were "updated" all the fucking time. Now you don't know what state your single player game will be in next time you play.
>a huge part of the fun for a singleplayer game is the community

What the fuck?
>>game has a small niche, but tight-knit community
Name 5 games.
It's a secret
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Bill says trans rights!!
I mean if you let a single player game be ''ruined'' because more people like it now you might be a colossal faggot
>New dark souls comes out
>It goes from grim atmosphere adventure with "Hope amidst the darkness" theme like in DKS1 and DKS2 to anime-like combat and story that was previously muddled but understandable to "what the fuck am i reading?" with Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring
And that's just one example, I could stay here all day talking about franchises I like who had their successors and story destroyed, what kind of retard plays the same game for years on end? I want innovation and betterment, but that's too much to ask for nowdays I guess
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>Be part of niche community about niche game
>Not a lot of new blood, small amounts usually find it and get into it, usually underage girls because they find the main character haha quirky and relatable
>Most get filtered out because their modern sensibilities get offended and start wanting the community and by extension what makes the game itself what it is to change
>They get pushed out and the ones that remain gradually assimilate with the community
>Popular youtuber makes a video about it and immediately get flooded with eternal summer and modern day internet cancer
>No way the gates are going to withstand this flood, community tries it's best to hold out and keep shit from getting worse
>Overtime more and more of the OGs and new members (see: anyone that joined before the youtuber video) get pushed out by the torrent of shit
>Comfy times are over, all the newfags are starting infighting, headcannoning, getting offended by what is the community's culture, doxxing, etc.
>The community now resembles nothing what it used to be, none of the OGs and new members that became part of us remain, all pushed out or doxxed and forced into anonymity, theres no fixing it and no way to return to the good times
The worst thing that can happen to any group or community is it becoming popular and entering the mainstream consciousness.
That's just femboy coping
Bill needs a facefull of cock
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I lurk in a series of incredibly cozy wargaming discords.
99.9% of you fags will never find your way inside, and that's an unambiguously good thing.
>Even the head dev is being manipulated by them
Sure, he is manipulated. The seth review got him more free exposure without even having to pay 30% to steam for every copy sold, he can later put the game on steam when it's ready and enjoy even more popularity since it won't be early access.
There was post by the guy doing the art explaining why everyone in the game looks like ugly nigger mutt and how in future attractive people won't exist.
Fuck this stupid question, you ever had to just sit there crying and watching your favorite game burn down thanks to incompetent decision making
>want to talk about said game
>only met by retards
or even worse
>people think i'm retarded for playing said game
Gatekeeping your part of the community, sure.
what's this
The only community that matters.
you wouldn't know, nor will ever understand the feeling of being part of small niche with 0 faggots
unless.. you got lucky
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agreed. Pretty much the whole answer to the Wonderland, really: When the dragon tries to play princess, correction is mandatory.
but there will ALWAYS be faggots there.. right?
>Starsector's fanbase got infested by trannies because of him
if anything sseth bring fresh blood wave that opposed old faggy modder clique
also unofficial discord was already trannified
this, he shot his own leg
lazysen ruined everything for the rest
the people who use discord are the problem though
>starsector sseth vid was 5 years ago
>go to their website
>preorder startsector for 15$

im guessing this game is DOA
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Why did he do it?
Revival imminent
>Compstomp only showcases where they actually got fucked by the AI
Horrible video.
i mostly agree if it's self contained. However if the dev browses the subreddit or god forbid the discord server he's gonna see what these new comers want the sequel to be like or things to change in the game which, infact, ruin the game. This happened to me a few times, but the biggest was cod zombies (yeah call me a shitter) I've been playing that mode for nearly 12 years (never played the multiplayer and sometimes the campaign), every game was better than the one before it until black ops 3, after that they started casualizing the mode and it got progressively easier in all aspects that it became boring as fuck and i haven't touched it in 4 years now after playing everyday for more than a decade
The main reason is because the creator is brazilian.
Ssethtide was healthy for the ss13 population, but I wish it didn't instill the mindset that anything under 100 players on a server is dead. Servers creak over fifty and we were just fine calling 20-30 highpop before.
My claim to fame is getting sseth into Starsector knowing he'd make a video about it eventually, pushing the devs into releasing updates faster
Four years later the joke was on me
Nah I was there to see him spamming chat for his PoE review, which he was pretty in-depth with and correct on most counts
>that spells
I would jump from this magic tower too if i didn't have any other town and choose magic character
I don't believe this because in multiple occasions he reviewed very obscure games I had played before, he showed in depth autistic knowledge that he couldn't have stolen from a wiki because those games were undocumented
Brutal Doom was made by some Brazilian who is an unironic neonazi with history of calling everyone who didn't like the mod niggers if I remember correctly, I think thats why
Some people irrationaly hate e-celebs for whatever reason all the while keep watching them.
This has never happened a single time.
i can enjoy all souls games but refuse to acknowledge ds2 exists so your comparison is shit
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>game has a small niche, but tight-knit community
>popular e-celeb makes video about said game
>the game is too autistic for zoomer brain to grasp so they don't play it
>community remains the same
Factorio chads stay winning
This is your brain on Dark Souls 3
>being in communities
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>buck breaks your server clique
>forces dev to ban your crashcode mods
>rapes your self insert donut steel oc
>is the only alternative for prisoners since original author got buttblasted by rapesector
Is factorio really that hard to get into? It's a pretty simple game, specially if you don't care about perfection and optimization.
I imagine that a lot of zoomies just see it as work and not a game.
I played DS2 almost 10 years ago and these retards who supposedly hate it cannot help themselves from talking about it all the time.
This must be some medical condition, it needs to be documented.
I'm glad it happened to Caves of Qud because the devs are fags and deserve to be harassed.
I'm also glad it happened to songs of syx because the only thread was a /vst/ one that barely got any posts and the dev deserves more money.
Only one I really noticed a negative effect on was SS13 and that has happened quite a few times. It's also a game where you really need teammates who know how to play and aren't brainless 12 year olds.
There are 2 things I dislike about it:
1) Everything stays within it unless taken outside by someone. In a forum, all the content the fans make is searchable. But if it's posted on Discord, you can't find it.
2) Discord can enable despotic moderators. I like 4chan because I know I can speak my mind here. But on Discord, I feel like I'm walking on eggshells. Sure, same applies to many other platforms, but it's especially bad on Discord because moderators there tend to be a lot more personal.
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>start as a love letter to the 2000's and newgrounds
>now filled with sonic.exe. and derivatives of it's derivatives
I fucking hate this planet dawg
making the game entirely around rolling through every attack was a mistake but not as much of a mistake as ds2
CoQ deserved it
I wish he remade his CDDA review, that game truly needs some new blood that will bully the devs. I hate that the only way to have fun now in the game is with Brighter Nights.
The devs are truly borderline retarded.
The modders being fags had a much more negative effect on the starsector community than any new player influx did.
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>Anonymous Agony
Easy to get into, hard to master. Zoom-zoom will play 2 hours and give up.
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>Only like niche games with 30 year old graphics
>This filters 95% of zoomers instantly, even if their favorite eceleb covers it
Feels good.
>fucking killswitch modded into a modpack by one dude to fire every time someone ran his mod with another mod made by some other dude he didn't like
Ever played paradoxsloppa like Vic2 or HOI4? This is very common
There are literal arms races between modders making "troll" events and code to brick the game if you use specific submods, then the submods add countermeasures, and so on.

Also Rimworld had a situation where the fat faggot Oskar Potocki made his mod intentionally incompatible with another mod that added sex specific stat changes (male colonists were stronger, had higher limb health points, women had better social skills and fine motor control etc.) because it was heckin sexist
All modders are mentally ill btw
>muh community
who gives a shit?
games aren't a water cooler
they're for playing
we knew what we doing
Not really, no.
Newgrounds and games released on it are the only notable things to come out of the living nightmare that is Philadelphia for over a century. I'm glad Fulp got one last hurrah for his website even if it was faggy zoomers.
That fucking noodle armed faggot couldn't even pass medical exams.
So you're telling me trannies watch Sseth videos? An openly racist and antisemitic "4chan incel"? I don't believe it for a second.
>that game truly needs some new blood that will bully the devs.
It seems to be the case with a lot of games that are in never-ending development. They reach a high water mark then start adding bloat and breaking shit until you get to the point where it's universally recognized that older versions are better.
Is there really a reason to master it? without mods I mean. Once you launch the rocket, the game is over, there really is no more progress, no more buildings or new chains. Factorio never felt like a game with replay value unless you like doing the same thing over and over.
And every game plays the same way, there are no other ways really of progressing, there are no other asymmetric options, if you introduced trade or if you could finish the game with some alien tech from fighting them that would make it cool.
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didnt goons ruin EvE Online or something back when the game and the forum was still relevant?
The guy who does the dogshit art also does the entire dogshit story that everyone ignored and all of the surrounding dogshit writing + he convinced the programmer/lead dev to ensure that the official game would never support significant faction changes in game like invasions and wars with meaning, so that the story remains the focus.
Oil refining is a major normie filter. Most of them won't reach bots, which is when the real game starts
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You're right OP, think about all the fans of Kamidori Alchemy Meister!
Think so, that was long ago before they pretty much overnight discovered the wonders of HRT.
The most important lesson any artist or craftsman has to learn is when to walk away from something and call it done.
>read it as fartless one
These people donā€™t have friends. Youā€™d be shocked how many people here genuinely have zero friends. That is why they yearn to build discord ā€communitiesā€ around anythinf they do, including single player games. Its the same people who post in general threads and their peak is when someone ā€remembersā€ them and calls them something like x-anon.
The only thing that ruined eve were CCP Games.
>didnt goons ruin EvE Online
No. People hated them because they were a large hostile power bloc, but those kinds of interactions make the game fun.
>tfw Sseth never made a video on KoDP even though he has livestreamed it several times before
Thank God
Give me other games like Kamidori
What the fuck is with children and shitty video game creepypasta, like what in the actual hell, why does such an incredibly specific thing appear everywhere?
Is there even an active community to ruin?
I'm assuming you're talking about Kingdom of Dragon Pass
Every retarded fuck on /v/ bitches about ss13 admins but NEVER hosts their own server.
shit taste
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It would greatly disturb the 5 old farts who played Six Ages.
Play Six Ages.
it's all secondaries bitching about other secondaries, complaining about their community being violated and then they've never played an SS13 round in their lives
>Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind is a 2018 strategy simulation fantasy video game developed by A Sharp, and the sequel to the 1999 game King of Dragon Pass.
What the fuck. I'll look into it. It's been nearly 2 decades since I played the original.
His art is good outside of the portraits, once the game hits 1.0 mods like nexerelin will be mandatory since the game gets boring too fast.
Both Ride Like The Wind and Lights Going Out are a bit more railroady than KoDP but they're still really fucking good and Lights Going Out is hard as balls. My GOTY 2023.
which niche game was ruined
name one or you die in your sleep 1 hour from now
The community isn't the problem in that image.
Type Moon.
I want to say it's a mix of nostalgia, irony, and that moment in your life where your old enough to not have to watch Dora and want to prove to everyone you're a cool guy, so you decide to read edgy things, but you only know about your favourite videogames
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As if I would ever be a part of any video game community. The only reason to ever interact with the community of a certain game is when an old game stops working properly on PC and you have to find a way to stop the game from crashing during one specific cutscene.
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the opposite
it's annoying when it becomes popular enough to actually get discussed but that popularity also attracts the most degenerate and disingenuous shitters looking for attention and/or easy (You)s

It's far worse if it's a game still being updated and patched regularly because then the devs will see stupid shit the "new community" screams about on twitter and start acquiescing to them, which tends to result in the games actively being made worse as a result
It reminds me of when that guy who makes the "____ is perfectly balanced" videos did starcraft 2 and "broke the game" by spamming....void rays

RTS is genuinely too complex for ecelebs, they stick to rpg and fps shit for that reason.
bro, I'm just trying to learn janitor
>be me, new, start as janitor because everyone suggests it
>someone wants something
>I ask them where to get it, the light replacer I think
>they just steal my ID from my belt and take the item, ditching ID on the ground after
wow, great game
games self-filtering themselves has always been absolutely hilarious to see in real time
while gay, a good game shouldn't need mods to be playable
faggots locking themselves in their 100s person discords should be seen as a benefit to a community, not a negative
How do single player games even form "communities"?
Dont you retards understand the game you played so you need to talk about it?
SS13 is full of powergaming nogs that throw a fit if you want to RP in any way that isn't full aggro or funny clown haha and even more dangerously autistic and intolerant mods that can't stand the thought of losing power over a dead game on an engine older than its players

The biggest barrier to learning it and its execution will always be the people that already play it
What kinda tranny character does termina have? An actual modern day pastel color flag waving man made horror beyond our comprehension? Why do you even play that shit if that's the case?
Hey retard, why are you on a board about video games if you can't understand the concept behind talking about a video game?
Oh wait.
Downside is sometimes the game in question gets review bombed because of said filtering.
Really pisses me off to see some negative review complaining about the entire point of buying the game in the first place.
You can't ruin a game where organized fuckery is a mechanic
>Playing goon server like 10+ years ago
>Play a lot
>Mods were biggest power trippers
>Get antagonist role changeling, they decide to have a goofy round
>Let me run around as werewolf next round for 5 min until they end the round again
>Messing around chem
>Find secret chemicals
>Get banned from chem for finding them out because Im not in their friend group
>They change recipes

Still mad about that shit
Not him but you deserve this. If a tranny van barge in and ruin everything - that's because you were too weak to stop him. You couldn't speak out against him. You couldn't bully him into either leaving or behaving. You couldn't maintain the healtg of your community. You keep running and hiding and hoping that the tranny will pass by this one, and then you shriek in terror as his gaze locks onto your new refuge and he breaks down the door that you didn't even bother to lock. You should have been stronger. You should have done something. And now you're paying the price for your complacency. You've made your reeking, festering, rotting bed, and now you will lie lie obediently in it, stewing, boiling in the filth, as the trannies snuff out the ever dimming light of your "indomitable" human spirit and plunge the world into darkness. You chose this.
Zoomers can't have anything good in their lives as they were born into a post 9/11 apocalyptic world with a lobotomized, gay and lame internet aka net 2.0 . They discovered newgrounds and it was their WOAH moment, as they realized art and animation wasn't flat humans and puppet dragging like family guy only. They didn't even know flash existed for that matter, or Adobe was the standard default go-to software. It was a glimpse of net 1.0 for them. Mind you this is the same exact reason why heavy leftiods and normalfags come here too. Because their safe internet aka net 2.0 is boring as fuck, and they know deep down the shit there is just a facade. It's like a tiktok where a chink starts collecting trash, in front of the camera, while she littered it previously to appear nice.
Remember how we joked about "internet is serious business"? Well the internet DID became serious business, along with Microshit paying a fortune to indians, and chinks became online further ruining it.

This is the same exact shit why people are obsessed with fear and hunger and make a shitton of videos about some obscure crap and whatnot around it. It's another WOAH moment for most people, as they got a glimpse of something which is outlandish. Like alchemy itself.
99% of cases, this is caused by whoever is in charge of the community cucking out hard to troons, just something about admin roles turns people into submissive faggots
Tranny revisionists are trying to convince you it's the chuds that Sseth brought who are to blame for SS's decline and not the feral trannies running the community making anime wench OCs and malware mods that brick your game for trying to run the chud mods.
>They didn't even know flash existed for that matter
Flash games are zoomer shit.
>Now we have trannies as unkillable important characters in the story quest.
Care to elaborate? Is it Gargoyle you speak of? Is there any actual proof he's a tranny? He's never referred to by any pronouns ingame as far as I know, so the wiki article is just troon headcanon.
Fear and Hunger...... BROKE me
No it's millennial shit, he's right about that. I was born in the first zoomer year and while I did play flash games, they were already on their downward turn when I was very young.
look at undertale
i perfectly fine unremarkable yet servicable rpg with some charm
now look at the community
just fucking look at it
now tell me your enjoyment of undertale hasn't been hampered by knowing those people exist
go on, tell me you're okay with them with straight face
it'd be like trying to enjoy a light snack while everyone in the room is smearing eachother's face in shit and vomit
Can you source that post? I'm kinda curious now.
This is why no one who begins here and ends up in an actual good place in life wants nothing to do with you freaks
What is this lol
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Didn't the creator hint he knew what was going to happen eventually?
The truth is that sseth doesn't bring trannies to these communities. Trannies bring sseth to these communities.
The only reason sseth does videos on certain games is because people in his discord tell him to make videos about those games. The trans freaks lead him to these communities when they've already been infiltrated.
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they don't care about the game anymore. they got used to the hierarchical structures of their small clique and now there are suddenly new people there, talking about the game and not giving a fuck about the daily, unrelated blog of some fag. that's why
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Then you shouldn't have allowed a community to grow under his leadership. You should have made your own. Poached his people.
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Its a spreadsheet simulator, nothing interesting in doing the same shit hundreds of times

Gonna happen to Wooden Ocean next.
That Oneyplays SS13 video still angers me as he was absolutely dogshit.

>Makes himself the second clown not realising that will compound suspicion/eetribution on him for anything either clown does.
>just attacks people aimlessly with out any nuance or imagination.
>Gets handed access to restricted areas and opportunites due to incompetence of other players and still doesn't manage to do anything.
>gets complete outclassed by the other clown and tricked into a glass blender.

Only good part is that faggot Mick pointing out how much better the other clown seemed. Must have been the beginning of the end of their friendship, exfucking just expedited it.
>they were already on their downward turn when I was very young.
They really weren't. The early 2000s were when most of the good ones came out.
Are you stupid? People have been forming communities around videogames since at least Tetris
Lmao, thanks for the money dummies
Shame we can't gatekeep 4chan from discord
>just make your own government bro!
All it takes is the slightest mote of peer pressure to turn "epicbasedman1488" into "troonsimpACABBLM-Xe/Xer"
and most of them were your pre 2010 'oldfags'
>now look at the community
no i wont
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/sg/ could use a few more users
hackers have a 1000% higher chance of being trannies than the average population
so it kind of fits
>it'd be like trying to enjoy a light snack while everyone in the room is smearing eachother's face in shit and vomit
Have you tried just not being in the same room and enjoying things in your own space?
that and you get lonely autists that see you as their epic internet bro and get confused if you dont treat them as a friend.
>error duplicate file exists

to be fair he is very upfront about it being a money thing to him.
i thought we were frens...
>because the game fundamentally gets changed to appeal to the new people
What? That doesn't happen in a single player game. Silent Hill for the PS1 is still Silent Hill for the PS1.

Obviously not gonna mention who, but I am kinda friends with some E celebs and this is absolutely the right thing to do. I know one specific guy who agreed to meet up with this dude cuz his kid was his fan and he started giving him fucking back rubs, invited him to his house, started fucking MEASURING him and shit - it was fucking weird. He is way too nice and trusting. Some girl is also accusing him of wanting to fuck little boys and it is entirely out of spite (I know for a fact that it isn't true). It is never ever a good idea to become friends with online fans as it will only ever lead to complications or insincerity.
ewww low and mid tech
>game has a small niche, but tight-knit community
>popular e-celeb makes video about said game
>community remains the same
Feels good.
Sounds like your community was never good in the first place. Just a gaggle of social whores adapting to what they think is the consensus.
Anime and manga

>bruh jjk is peak!
>Denji is hypersexual due to sexual abuse
>no one is going to watch undead unluck there is SA in the first chapter :skull: bro is a rapist
>one piece is mid
>they did her dirty with this outfit (refering to momo from mha)
>I know it is was part of your childhood but Dragon Ball was really problematic.
>Fixing X character design!


how the fuck did that work?
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That's why you gate keep communities.
Best example is goths.
Few years ago NOBODY wanted to associate with them let alone fuck them. Now it's
And millions of tards flooded the community because it never gatekept and now you can still be goth if you wear Supreme shirts and listen to mumble rap while sporting face tats and a broccoli haircut because the nu community says so and the old community is now powerles.
Name a single game community that ISN'T infested with faggots?
>but I'm not telling you muh sekret club
Then your community was never good in the first place
>the game is too autistic for zoomer brain to grasp so they don't play it
I know one eceleb and he showed me projekt melody's old cam site account. She was a tatted up camwhore that won big time with the lewd tuber shit.
Not sure, it's probably comes from the save people who say that SP game is "dead" if doesn't get GaaS shit, updates.
Although, they might mean when sequels get shat on to cater to normalfags and non-original audience.
god I love mallgoths
How do you 'gatekeep' dressing like a retard?
To be fair, every single Doom wad that does this is usually not compatible with Brutal Doom by default because they just wouldn't work properly.
There's two types of anime fags I hate shounen normal fags that just hype shit up like bocchi or frieren and seinen fags who's taste consists of vagabond berserk amd vinland saga. Maybe a bit of baki if they're especially quirky.
Rogue's Tale had a bunch of shitty chud jokes that give trannies the ick. I haven't seen any in there, neither in steam nor the unofficial discord where I reside. Problem is it's a literal who game with 500 reviews, so I'm sure you'll just cope about it in some way.
>Lord of The Mysteries
Man, I can't believe I actually found someone else that read that and it was inside a SSeething thread too.
Are you up to date? What do you think about the recent shenanigans in book 2?
>Zoomtrash defending their internet daddy
Nothing new
Trannies have inf free time on the internet, of course they watching all popular/semi-popular YouTubers, streamers etc. At least, thanks god, this road ends up in rope for them.
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>niche game series
>trannies infest western sphere outside of 4cah
>western youtubers are gay as fuck and do pride fundraisers in june
>eastern fan sphere is completely normal and cool
>devs even admit they post to the eastern 4chan equivalents
>games have 0 gays or anything that isnt straight relationships
>trannies will still insist that X, Y or Z character is trans/gay/whatever and rabidly attack each other
>whenever I check the dev twitter for patch notes I will see them in the comments screaming and begging for trans representation or some gay shit
>devs just ignore them entirely and have never acknowledged they exist
I dont get how a secondary community could pop up to this degree. They dont play the games or even understand the story and just use the settig as a faggot barbie doll set where everyone is gay or trans and if you disagree you need to be harassed into fucking off
Im really really looking forward for Panty and Stocking season 2. Just from the poster niggers tried cancelling it because Gater has "donut lips"
The fashion was a tiny part of the community.
It revolved more around the music and events that used to occur within it though these are largely dead or coopted now.
watching an eceleb video is not discovering games
haHAA fags were truly saving us from the irony poisoning
i will never forgive aguero guy for convincing everyone that one man spamming is cool
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Haven't picked up circle yet.

Some relatives of mine worked in TV so I got used to meeting actors and shit in a casual setting so I rarely get star-struck and because of the nature of my job I interact with Youtubers sometime (cannot say more due to NDA).
I spent a lot of my youth in really niche online spaces and it shaped my worldview and my sense of humour as well as who I interacted with, so naturally I just became friends with the odd E-celeb (my first girlfriend is one that dated a popular /pol/ cartoonist and I've even seen her own work posted on here sometimes, which is really fucking odd to me). I can say with certainty that if they're wise they would rather not deal with fans the vast majority of the time and probably regret doing so because it comes back to bite them in the ass. In every online space I've been in with them there are weird politics between the members and they're fight and bicker over who gets to be their bestest bud. They'll bend over backwards to be mods on their servers or do favours for them. It's horrifically parasocial. I've only seen one healthy community like that and it's the only one I chill with now.
he means sequels
Gikkuk has done so much damage to the Type Moon image that gatekeeping is useless now
>that spells
priviet ivan

I used to genuinely love clowns since I were a kid and even shoehorned in essays about them at university, but then it became a meme and clowns got ruined. Clowns are really so interesting socially and there are clown archetypes in every culture globally.
Where is LobCorp vid?
What game in particular are you referring to?
The weird thing about the Sergal bossfight is that it is something Miro came up with entirely by himself. Said Sergal youtuber wasn't even aware of it until after the game came out, stating that he'd probably would have changed the Sergal's dialogue to fit the setting more, given how much he liked the lore of the first game.
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>aguero guy
given his pic, I would assume he's speaking about Project Moon's games
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You'll probably like this book then.
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You should, the new protagonist is really entertaining. Also the new "evil" paths are really interesting.
That's not how that meme works fag
Then donā€™t play those. It has no bearing on the game youā€™re getting mad about in this theoretical situation.

Thanks anon, I will check that out. I am sad that clowns in societal conception are relegated to either porn or horror. Nobody really gets them anymore. At best they think they're kinda lame children's entertainment and don't differentiate a party clown from an actual pro clown.
>Project Moon's games
damn, it got that bad?
How exactly do you faggots plan to keep people from playing your favourite game?
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A great part of new goon is the pride locker saga
>They add a "pride locker" filled with fag rainbow jumpsuits, even though you can just choose to spawn with one of said jumpsuits if you want, or print them in an autolathe
>People burn or blow it up every round "accidently"
>Coders get pissed and make the locker invincible
>People start using it as a bomb suit, point-blank exploding bombs next to it and jumping in it
>Coders remove the invincibility, force mods to ban anyone who fucks with it in any way

It makes me depressed that I started playing SS13 on goon after watching Plumphelmetpunk's videos on it.
Not him but Adam is OP Mary Sue nigger. If he doesn't get hit in the face for it by the end of Book 2, I will be disappointed.
Otherwise, a good twist technically but I just don't like how it takes a lot of agency away from Lumian, even if it is more "logical".
Still, the chapters are pure kino, as is the Lumian Demoness switch. Red Priest is honestly kinda boring compared to Demoness anyway.
search for "hollywood"

It's just he/him fag failing to understand that attractive people will always get preferential treatment by men in power and natural eugenics will happen especially in places like the universe of starsector where you can just buy some good looking slaves for breeding
It's how they reproduce... Actually now that I typed this, the idea of a mental illness spreading through indoctrination and memetically like some sort of zombie plague is horrifying.
I don't know, I'm not on twitter and I only have a small group of friends to talk about the games, so all this tranny shit is foreign to me
Do you have a favourite clown archetype?
its weird how quickly SA became troon haven
i still have no idea what happened, just over night they suddenly had control over everything and what was a funny joke the day before was now a ban
i guess they lived in some subforum somewhere until they managed to get enough mods in their pockets
im glad i got out
>samefags and acts like a retard in the other thread
>comes over here to cry and whine
fuck off retard
>t. also read LotM and DSE
It's a game I SHOULD love, but the combat just kills it for me whenever I give it a shot.
Sequels almost as a rule are worse than their predecessors, it's a tale as old as time.
I agree 1000% with you also I'm pretty sure that the reason Adam always wins in the end is because we are going to get a huge payoff where it blows up in his face
He knew what he was doing and it was for money. I would do the same, but my autism would burn it all down sooner.
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Reminder that they banned "bitch" and "cunt" because they are "gendered language".

At least I can fuck with trannies on other servers as DAD, and always call people son.
You made me piss outside my toilet faggot
Until one of your friend's +1s wants to invite one of their friends and then it opens the flood gates, I've seen 3 discords go from chill 20 people hangouts to 60+ because of this. This is why I only hang out in the one my highschool friend's made, not that I'd go anywhere different, we've pretty much been in the same vent server since 2005. Hot take that would absolutely upset zoomers: Unless everyone agrees on someone joining a discord server, they shouldn't be let in, even if one person dissents, for even a reason such as 'I don't want more people here', then that should be an immediate "No".
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Reminder that (You) - yes, (You), anonymous - are not fucking welcome in ss13 and your subhuman twitternigger neofag tier roleplay will render you valid
LC had it's problem with the lategame where you just wait for dogshit endings
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SS13 was a dead game taken over by insane tranny mods years before he made that video.
>>memey, funneh card gaym bout le heckin ebin holesum couple of holieer then thou mtf/ftm mcs riddled with halfbaked unearned loredumps with a single goal of shitting onto first game
this is such bullshit lmao
lemme guess you think LoR "ruined" the lore because ayin wasnt portrayed as the christ godking savior of mankind (despite him being an exceptionally shitty person in lobco) or how carmen being corrupted beyond reason was somehow a retcon (despite this being shown in the binah cutscene)
Here's my favourite locker prank
>lie down in a locker, drop a banana peel or preferably clown PDA on the floor
>close locker
>when someone comes near, open the locker and click drag to stuff them inside, slipping them
>close locker
>when they get up and open the locker, the game treats it as if they've just stood on the PDA/perl and slips them again, allowing you to close the door again
You can get an entire department inside one locker if you're quick, then you can detonate an explosive implant and take them all out with you.

>as is the Lumian Demoness switch.
The taste of a demoness isn't bad
die in a fucking fire newfag

I like the Auguste because he is a bastard. You?
Ssethswarm didn't affect super secret club Age of Wonders discord. Which is probably for the worse, they couls use new modders. Heavengames forums are ded anyway.
One of those weird porn games where you want to skip the porn to get back to the game.
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It's impressive how these two make basically the same content, yet Mandalore doesn't summon hordes of cringe to knock on the door of the games he reviewed
More troon modders*
He's rather monotone and doesn't throw in memes into his videos.
>doesn't summon hordes of cringe to knock on the door of the games he reviewed
I like the tramp/hobo clown.
I mean, he tasted two already before the switch...I guess its time for Anthony to join in.

I love the hobo clown too man, great taste. We would be buds.
Embarassing and pathetic. All they all buckbroken Russians, or is it just Alexander?
Also since you're in the know, do you happen to know what another post was referring to when he said they added an unkillable tranny to the game? I suspect he meant Gargoyle because he doesn't have a sex assigned to him in the code, which made discord trannies write a wiki article about him being a hekkin enby, but there appear to be zero records of him being referref to as a tranny in any ingame dialog. As far as I saw it - he's just a flamboyant fag male, but I wanna know for sure if I missed something.
>story and characters are retroactively ruined
The simplest solution to this problem is to stop being autistic
Haha, yeah, about that...
Goth fashion is not that sexy. Just do pale skin, darker shades of makeup and due hair raven black and it's enough.
Mandalore makes serious reviews. Sseth just shitposts about how he broke the game.

I have no fucking idea how anyone thinks there's any similarities.
>ban this retard for mentioning /vg/station
>admin the other retard for mentioning /vg/station
I blame s*wb*n*s
Because his audience is transgenders who don't play videogames.
One makes videos about video games, the other makes videos for /v/.
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already parroted by other anons, but ss13 and BYOND as a whole has suffered irreparable damage from being in the spot light over the years

oranges is one of the few reasons tgstation is no longer /tg/station besides the infection of tranny terrorism into the admin leadership and now we can't have anything nice
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>its weird how quickly SA became troon haven
It's autism. Any community that is dominated by autists will have a large tranny population because most troons have autism. Just look at speedrunning.
>the other makes videos for /v/.
I mean, how many memelords are THAT interested in the sound design of games?
>Mandalore makes serious reviews
>Let's speculate about if X character is a tranny
>Serious reviews
>assessing your sex life is all I ever think about
Post tits. Or is HRT not working for you?
Let's not pretend /vg/station wasn't already mentally ill by the time he made an underground review on it
No. caring about what other people think started the problem in the first place.

Nigga nigga raped my OC
Nigga nigga removed mod
Nigga nigga complains

Remove the community aspect and you solve the fucking problem to the root.
how do i find good niche games
but Marina doesn't have more content? in fact, she has some of the least, most is Karin, O'saa and Daan.
>game made by a furry
>with the money and help of degenerate furries
>the community is made up by degenerate furries
Wow, shocking.
Also the game is shit, find better stuff.
Does this prevent you from enjoying the game or are you just being a fag?
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you dont
you are being gatekept
i found it already
but im glad some anons are still hostile to newfags, thanks anon
Retards are confusing it with art and fandom clout
I'm still angry SS13 was literally completely taken over by furries. It's in fucking every server now, it actually killed the game.

I unironically think all the furries congregate at that game now, I haven't seen a furry outside SS13 in years.
You're missing out on MC fucking 2 demonesses.
Yes unironically
/vg/station hasnt been good in awhile anon, it's time to let it go
i havent touched it in a long time because it suffers the same problems most servers do nowadays
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I got an @ for saying "lynch" from picrel subhuman. He is 40yo and is happy someone said he looks younger.
t. 2000 hours in cow rp
Are you still surprised that the majority of people on /v/ don't actually play videogames, they just scream and drool about them? We've been telling you for years. It's not a meme or a joke.
>there are problems
>I know! Let's become a literal reddit server like TG
Forsen RUINED the GTA V chaos mod community.
some stations have no furries in it, TGMC has no furry races and is relatively unassociated with nuT(roon)Gstation since it is the black sheep of the serverbox
usually these people are loud and annoying and they keep being loud and annoying until the devs change the game to make it appeal to them
but even when that's not the case, it ruins any discussions. Some games used to have good threads here, they all went to shit immediately after Sseth made a video about those games (using the memes he got from the threads)
>Does this prevent you from enjoying the game
Yes, read the thread faggot
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>why are you gatekeeping? Let us in
>alright now that I'm here, time to gatekeep!
Normal people call this hypocritical.
Security people call this a Trojan.
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>Be into a super obscure/niche game series
>Wonder why it isn't more well known, people would have loved this series when it first started
>Do some research
>Ends up some popular Youtubers were really interested in covering the series, but never did
>Realize that the very first game in the series involves a pedophile for a character
>tfw I don't have to worry about my favorite niche game series being flooded with normies because the first game includes an unironic pedophile who is one of the good guys
Take notes if you ever make a video game.
Sseth is a right wing chud that trannies hate though
ss13 was ruined by troons, furfags, and nofun allowed mods long before this guy ever made a video about it.
>youtuber has a "small, niche" community
>becomes popular enough that their content starts making a serious difference in the sales of the lesser-known titles they cover
>contrarian retard fagoids cry about "MUH COMMUNITY" (that they're not part of) and "MUH E-CELEB CANCER" (that they themselves consume and start conversations about on korean basket weaving forums)

Why are you gay?
>single player game """community"""
You eat dick for breakfast, dinner and supper, faggot.
now you're making me wonder how many games have pedos as main protags (that aren't porn games)
or mayby lolicons as main protags
HxH also has an unironic pedophile as one of the main characters and everyone still gushes over it.
People only care about that shit when they don't like the show/game. Notice how when it came out that Miura had actual CP, no one was outraged or started bashing Berserk?

People only have morals when it suits them.
why are you on /v/?
And yet
>Brings troon modders and faggots who nuked SS /vg/ thread by abusing DMCA
To remind you you're all faggots.
>OP is a niggerfaggot
Daaamn, shocking.
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but can they not shut the fuck up and let things run at it is?
I have a strong compulsion to tell other people about the things I like. It fills me with strong happiness to recommend something good to a person who might enjoy it. The only reason I don't do it all the time is to not annoy a person I'm talking with about recommendations they might not like.
I also don't really think quality of a community impacts the quality of a game in any way, and if I don't like the community, I just walk away and talk about something else. I don't even think more people necessarily makes a community worse anyway.
I don't get gatekeeping. I think you are all retarded for thinking it accomplishes anything good. I like obscure things but not because I like that they're obscure but because I like novelty.
This has been an opinion I held since the first day I saw this site, many years ago. It hasn't changed.
But you do you, I guess.
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This is peak roleplay.
vgstation is good on fridays/saturdays when people are on
IDK who the Ivaylo guy is but the name is Bulgarian, the artist is just some freelance white fag it seems.
Since the family Mosolov can also found in Bulgaria and Alexander (common name in Bulgaria) says that he is high school friend with Ivaylo this leads me to think that Alex may be Bulgarian or Russian who is raised in Bulgaria.

>do you happen to know what another post was referring to when he said they added an unkillable tranny to the game?
no, I just happened to stumble on the post I linked because I googled "why are starsector portraits so ugly"
Stupid fucking retard with no media literacy.
They existed long before sseth
Remember that AGPs are just autistic males with porn addictions and no gfs that have memed themselves into having a fetish for seeing themselves as women
That exact sort spontaneously appears on 4chan for what should be obvious reasons
(The other type of male tranny is the hats which is just a bottom who wants to be a woman because he doesn't feel like man since he takes it up the ass and also wants to get fucked by straight men)
>it gets popular
>community gets infested with trannies
>trannies force the dev to add tranny shit into the game
>game is ruined
this happened to multiple games I like after e-celebs made videos about them

Sorry I am not familiar with SS13 at all or know how it works - is this a particular mod or server or something, or does the game overall have shit like this in it now?
literally every server is taken over by communist tranny porn addicts even VG is shit
>look at undertale
Shit for faggots by design, shit for faggots after it got popular.
>it's an rpg
lmao no
>Drakengard also has an unironic pedophile as one of the main characters and everyone still gushes over it.
It's specific servers. But 99% of servers now are furry, and I'm not exaggerating.
>muh community
fuck off
get friends, play games with friends
there is no reason a man should give a shit about who else is discussing a particular video game
either socialize with a group of your choosing or don't socialize at all, the only people who complain about 'community' are the faggots who browse the most public/official forums and pretend every rando there is their friend instead of finding a few people you vibe with and breaking off to form your own friend group like all well-adjusted people do.
>if I don't like the community, I just walk away and talk about something else.
Then you don't like games, you just like the easymode social interaction. Fuck off you failed normalfag.
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This applies a lot more on movies than video games
A lot of game sequels are better than the originals
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The complete opposite happened to me

>buy Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor
>game is comfy, but has zero community whatsoever
>niche e-celeb makes video series about said game
>community now forever has a severe case of mass hysteria (it's been saved)

It helps that the video series helped showcase the one great aspect the game had, which unfortunately got patented by WB and now no one is going to use it ever again
The game is open source, and most servers use their own codebase, usually forked from one of the three main ones Goon, TG or Baystation. Nothing should be taken to represent the game as a whole since you can go from your "standard" SS13 to dark fantasy to fallout erotica just by jumping server.
I could never tell if his SS13 footage was staged or stolen.
Even streamers get their shit kicked in on RP servers for playing like he allegedly was and Le wacky adventures he got up to would have been 0.5 seconds in length of queued up commands during lag spikes.
Most servers are either one of two forks, TG or Goon. They both play rather differently, both are all run by troons or furries except for vgstation, which is dead except for weekends.
Join Kiwi Station you niggers.
>running a fork of 2015 baycode
>option to make female characters removed
>certified Troon Freeā„¢
Every Saturday at 6 PM EST 10-13 people hop on, which is the perfect player count for comfy. It's the only hope for ss13 considering how hard /vg/ has shit the bed in recent years.
>>niche e-celeb makes video series about said game
Which one was it?
some of the footage is clearly playing on an empty local server with spawned in test dummies. Mandalore's one uses actual gameplay.
never thought i'd see him mentioned in here
How can you patent a gameplay mechanic? What sort of judentum is this?
I'm not saying I walk away from games. I walk away from community.
The game I probably have already beaten before I made a single post, and if not, I just play it without chatting.
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>third game in series
>never ever ever ever
>and if the stars should align it will be GAAS and microtransactions
i want off this wild ride
The same way you can patent interactive loading screens
Goons trooned out in their thirties as is the millennial modus operandi for social rejects from this age group.
Kek. Well, thanks for the help. I'm collecting red flags because this game might end up the same way Terraria did and I wanna see it coming so I don't waste time investing into it.
>How can you patent a gameplay mechanic?
ask sega, who patented the Crazy Taxi arrow
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I hate this patent, trademark bullshit. Barely made sense in the past when paten time was shorter and it was given to inventors, not these corpos.
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Just because CD-I games has a community that makes funny maymays, that does not change the fact the games are trash.
You sound like one of those fags that don't even play certain game series and only there for the community (which I assume the case since you posted Yakuza pic), otherwise you wouldn't give a shit about communities beyond changing the game's content to appeal to them.
Second post meant for >>683686991
CM is still fine
first: I never played a Yakuza game other than 0 (which I thought it's pretty overrated)
second: true, some games will ever be "trash" regardless of what
third: you have no idea what you are talking about nor what I meant
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>Monolith is developing new Wonder Woman game
>with the Nemesis System ever so slightly featured in it

God knows they'll find a way to fuck it all up
You'd be surprised at the amount of systems that are patented. The dialog wheel from Mass Effect is patented. Everything Katamari-related is patented.
If I became world dictator I would stop this gay bullshit at once.
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Wasn't Shadow of Mordor shilled to hell and back by every game reviewer ever including Yahtzee for having an incredibly mundane mechanic where each boss paces back and forth and has a different garble of dialogue the second and third time you encounter him, whilst the entire game is Arkham/Asscreed fights and the occasional cameo to remind you this is set in LotR?

Why yes, the game only threw the "I'm INSAAAAANE and can't say words!" orc at me and ruined the only redeeming part of the game for me that everyone advertised as to why to play.
just don't buy it, take the seth code and play it for free. It's good game even now.
I miss when /vg/ station wasn't as cripplingly autistic as it is now.
It was always autistic but now it's dead empty with a bunch of trannies kind of autistic.

I'm surprised they can even maintain a thread still.
Then explain what were talking about then?
Why do you care so much about single player communities?
It sounds like you value communities over the games themselves
the /vg/ thread has been killed by a single spammer who the jannies refuse to sanction
it's not alive
I would take the retard that posted about pomf being a tranny over this cancer
it was killed by rule lawyering admins
Did he really do it?
It really can't, have you seen the thread? The spam is so bad it's on /vm/ now too.
He did.
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> Exanima's controls are so filtering that even several videos couldn't ruin the community

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