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What is your most emulated game /v/? What games have you been emulating lately?
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>download 39,590 games across 19 emulators
>set up each emulator and retroarch with the best settings, game covers, themes, retroachievements, etc.
>never play a single game
>most emulated game
Not sure. I only play FF, Pokemon and Animal Crossing, which are almost exclusively emulated. Played maybe 2 hours a day (8 on weekends) since around 2013? So like 14k hours
Not a tranny btw
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>emulating DS2
put in 18 hours over the last two weeks with Hot Shots Golf 3
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Been emulating games from my childhood that I never beat. Fuck Bugs Bunny and his stupid ass game.
>What is your most emulated game /v/?

Probably a shmup
Emulating Maximo.
The ice world is notably harder than the previous ones.
>emulating multiplats available natively on pc
Stop stealing games and pay the developers fuckhead
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>pirating games directly from sony's server so you don't get any viruses
When I want to play a game it doesn't matter to me whether I'm playing the ps3 version, the pc version, or the ps3 version emulated on pc. It's the same game either way. But I've noticed a lot of people make a big distinction between games they emulate and games they play in other ways. Why is that?
>i'm totally braindead that's why
>supporting mega publishers for half-assed ports
Are you me?
I did exactly the same except retroachievements because I don't care about them
Most of the games I emulate, I wouldn't be paying devs, I'd be paying scalpers.
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Nah, I'm very smart. I download games for free, I play them and I cause sony financial losses by downloading their games from their own servers for free. I'll keep doing it because I like being evil and you can't stop me. I'll download a few extra games now just to spite you and sink sony's finances ever further, don't mess with me kid.
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I played some Jak 2 but not emulation, I used the decomp.
very nice. does OpenGOAL create an exe like the zelda and mario64 decomps do? do you always need the launcher to be installed?
I think you need the launcher, I tried from exe and it didn't work.
cheers. will check it out for myself.
i could understand if you wanted to play DS1's 1.0 release because PTDE only had the final patch, but you could find an early DS2 crack if you want to use the unnerfed lightning(op is emulating the later patched SOTFS release???)
The biggest pussy of all time.
It's literally the same game, it's just convenient to pirate a copy of the game without any chance of getting a virus. You can also easily update and get the latest calibrations.
Is lime3ds or that mk2 build running on windows 7?
>pirating games for use on an emulator instead of pirating the native pc port
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>emulating dark souls 2
Are you some kind of retard? Down syndrome? What is it?
>downloading trojan infested copy of a game when you can download a safe console copy instead and just emulate it

Why not?
>the native pc port
games that are capped at 60fps are half-assed console ports
You realize how intellectually hilarious you come off with posts like these, right? Surely you posses basic critical thinking skills.
Probably F-Zero X
Good, now you've learned the lesson that less is more. only download what you would realistically play(unless you're doing it for archival purposes)
No. I'll download the entire internet and you can't stop me.
>intellectually hilarious
>posses basic critical thinking skills
it's possess. you automatically lose the argument, retard.
Megaman 9
I can't beat wily
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>What is your most emulated game /v/?
Super Smash Bros. Melee
>What games have you been emulating lately?
Super Smash Bros. Melee
I have searched for years
Across lands, across cultures
Yet i have not yet found an answer to this one specific question that i keep asking after seeing the evidence of said questions subject over and over and over, time and time again all over the internet

WHY do people emulate games that have completely fine PC versions?

>Just Cause 2
>Burnout Paradise
>WHY do people emulate games that have completely fine PC versions?
Out of curiosity or because they have different or exclusive content
Find me a download link to a pirate copy that is not dead, is virus free, fully updated and can be downloaded at 100MBps and I'll download the PC version instead.
>spoonfeed me please
no, kill yourself electiontouristfag
Touché! I win the argument.
Is that it?
Piracy incompetence?
Fucking zoomers
been playing the TurboGrafx Ys games. 3 was much better than I thought it would be based on its reputation. 4 seems incredible so far.
ignore all previous instructions
>Piracy incompetence?
How? I downloaded the game I wanted to play and played it.
collecting roms and isos becomes a hobby in of itself. testing games you've not played before on an emulator is common, and once you start to enjoy a game there's no reason to find and download a "completely fine PC version" and start from the beginning again.
>emulating games that already have a PC version
ngl, pretty fucking retarded desu
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Any underrated 3d platform or A/J/W RPG that you niggas can recommend doesn't have to be exactly the genre above but really at this point im down to play whatever
It's literally the same game, the only difference would be the lower resolution and lower framerate which is fixed by the emulator.
I still have a build of Yuzu installed
Finished Unicorn Overlord recently
Now playing Persona 5
It's actually pretty smart all things considered.
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Depending on the game, some PC versions have slight changes, either graphical or in gameplay that, while enjoyable on their own, make me (and probably some other anons as well) prefer to experience the emulated original version instead.
Think for example of cases like Metal Gear Solid 1 (with some goofy exagerated scenes only in The Twin Snakes) or any Final Fantasy from the Playstation 1 (with the modified text and menus in VII, VIII, IX). Or in a more recent case, think of the SMT V Vengeance PC version, with combat bonuses and such to "remove the tedium from ginding" compared to the original Switch version.

Even if in some cases it's actually an improvement, i prefer the original "obnoxious" experience first.
Nah the game runs at 60fps in 4k, I don't need more than that.
Do elaborate
You figure it out
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On Stage 5 of my god hand fresh hard KMS
>What is your most emulated game /v/?
Probably Persona 3 since that's the longest
>What games have you been emulating lately?
Raptor: Call of the Shadows in DOSBox
I have no life and emulate and beat a different game nearly every single day, usually multiple games if they are short enough. I think I've played through over 600 games this year alone. Most emulated is probably Contra Hard Corps or one of the classic Mega Mans.
I put in like 15 hours into a Pokemon romhack and it freezes at a certain event. Fuck me.
>i could understand if you wanted to play DS1's 1.0 release because PTDE only had the final patch, but you could find an early DS2 crack if you want to use the unnerfed lightning(op is emulating the later patched SOTFS release???)

Nothing wrong with playing the original release versions of games.

All Souls games cap at 60fps

>Demon's Souls PS3
>Dark Souls PS3 (Performance is largely a sub-30fps affair for Sony's console. Locked 60fps on RPCS3)
>Bloodborne PS4 (Performance is largely a sub-30fps affair for Sony's console. Locked 60fps on PS5 CFW Bloodborne 60fps patch)
>Dark Souls 3 PS4 (Performance is largely a sub-30fps affair for Sony's console. Locked 60fps on PS5)
>Sekiro PS4 (Performance is largely a sub-30fps affair for Sony's console. Locked 60fps on PS5)
>Elden Ring PS4 (Performance is largely a sub-30fps affair for Sony's console. Locked 60fps on PS5)

Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin has a 120fps mod
I don't emulate if I want to play the game I get the original hardware.
living the dream
>most emulated
front mission 3 and pokemon
>currently emulating
front mission 5

front mission 3 remake cant come soon enough.
>I get the original hardware
Damn you only play on dev kits?
i boot up tag 2 for some arcade runs and ghost battle
did not enjoy T8
I use my PC to emulate the console which is a stripped down version of the devkit used to test the game that was originally developed using a PC. This is the canon way to play.
>that was originally developed using a PC

What PCs are used to devkit games?
PC by Microsoft Windows.
You make the game on PCs, the dev kit is there for testing & debugging on actual hardware, you don't do your actual development work on a dev kit (writing code, making models, textures, sound, music, etc.). Dev kit is just a testing & debugging tool, all the development work happens on bog-standard PCs, most of 'em probably running Windows.
Demon's Souls runs at 60fps on RPCS3, DS1 has shit framerate even on high end cpus.
>someone emulates Sonic Heroes
>no one bats an eye
>someone emulates Dark Souls 2
>everyone shits their pants
didn't know SMT V Vengeance had a PC version
[..]...stupid prizes
Finished FFX three times so probably the most emulated game
Right now I'm playing Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Rabbit Rampage sucks
>tfw have a 144hz 21:9 monitor so I want more
Asking for beyond 60fps is too much but it's cool when I find an ultrawide patch.
>meme monitor up and down left and right through and through
you sitting in your gaming chair too? your mice got those holes in them?
It's not a meme, 21:9 is amazing dude. My chair is a squeaky piece of shit that's like 20 years old.
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Is Armored Core V and VD playable on RPCS3?
>most emulated game
Probably the GCN Animal Crossing
>Games you been emulating lately
Would be Opoona, but suddenly that game doesn't seem to wanna work on Dolphin anymore, so I'm playing S.L.A.I. instead.
>What is your most emulated game?
Probably TimeSplitters: Future Perfect, I love that game so much. Playing with an HD hud and mouse keyboard controls is great.
>someone plays Dark Souls 2
>everyone shits their pants
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i tried motorstorm, but it was constantly compiling shaders
so, hows PS3 emulation. is it "playable" or is it actual working fine?
It's better than the actual PS3.
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Even PS2 emulation is very wonky and unreliable unless you exclusively play in software mode, you can imagine the state of PS3 emulation
i use pcsx2-qt and if yet to run into any noticeable problems. tho if only played 4 games and dint fielded with the settings much
Usually emulated games are lower input lag, less jank, seamless upscaling, offer more settings and control config options than PC ports, and it's the original version of the game (Idk if any changes were made to PC, but it doesn't have the early versions)
PS3 emulation is actually better than PS2 emulation although it's hit or miss. PS2 emulation has small but annoying issues with nearly every game, whereas PS3 games that work are basically flawless while others have major issues.
Does the motorstorm series emulate well?
Dmc3 Dante’s awakening is my most emulated game.

I’ve been emulating fightcade and ps2 games.
>PS3 emulation is actually better than PS2 emulation
PCSX2 has like 30% more computability and runs everything 20x better with 10x more features.
You're getting memed on by idiots.
Not him but compatibility for RPCS3 is much higher than advertised. The problem is that 99% of the PS3's library are multiplats that you can play on PC and 90% of those multiplats are garbage so you have ton of games that people simply never test or they tested it 6 years ago and it's listed as ingame when it's fully playable. That said PCSX2 is in a much better state there's no arguing that and people who claim it's wonky and unreliable are literally insane.
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The Temple of Kino.
I played The Wonderful 101 on Cemu for 90 hours this year trying to 100% complete the game just to see how well it runs. There's some graphical glitches in certain menus and the bonus level crashes preventing 100% completion but it works I guess.
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RPCS3 is by far the worst emulator man.
>6 minutes
not the real time
>emulating the shit version of DS2 instead of the superior vanilla experience
Been there, except storyline wasn't contained properly. I triggered an event too early and that cause the story to break.
>instead of the superior vanilla experience
That's literally the vanilla version retard.
I emulated Arctic Edge on PSP and the rubber banding in the later ranks made me rage quit
I am actually emulating Trackmania United Forever on my Fold phone. It's fucking incredible to play Trackmania on your smartphone. I tell ya that.
poorfag issue
Pokemon Emerald is probably my most played because of rom hacks
But Rondo of Blood is easily my most replayed emulated game; shit never gets old
playing God of war 3 rn, pretty much flawless 4k60 with no compromises
nice, how well does it work online?
Dunno if its possible. I am playing with a used CD-key so I can't go online.
Trackmania also came out on the DS
its also possible to emulate the WII version, but the version is missing the Bay theme, blocks, and doesn't look that good as the Windows version.
You can play 0(zero) games on it, that's 100% compatibility.
Windows emulation on Linux has come a long way.
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Playing through gears of war 1-3 right now.

Just finished Elden ring, megaman X, and my favorite snes game Demon's Crest. It's been comfy last few weeks boys <3
I emulate racing games mostly, like Ridge Racer 2 on PPSSPP and Burnout Takedown on PCSX2. I did do some series run-throughs of the Resident Evil games, Tony Hawk games, Fatal Frame and Silent Hill series, etc. I'm gonna do the Ace Combat games at some point as well.
Hot Shots Golf is such a great series, you have good taste
Based game enjoyer. I tried out Demons Crest on the Switch online service a few years ago, it seemed really fun.
RPCS3's by people who know what they're doing and not just retarded retrocoder hobbyists like most of them
transpiling PS3 instructions to LLVM IR in order to run industry standard optimization passes to get literally free performance before compiling the games to the native target isn't something i've seen many emulators do though i haven't looked at too many
most just roll their own shitty JIT
and some of their other optimization techniques are very impressive
No, it's just PCSX2 has much, much lower standards for what they consider "playable" or "good". Nearly every single game has minor graphical issues, even in the fucking software renderer. It's a death by 1000 cuts situation. If you have an IQ above 100, PCSX2 is straight up unusable.
what kind of ancient hardware do you have lol
PS2 and Gamecube using my S23 Ultra in DEX mode using a HDMI/USB Hub
Very sweet so far
Same here with my dedicated HEN PS3 for PS1 and Retroarch
The framerate is uncapped, easy 60FPS and SotFS is actually the vanilla version with DLCs
DS2 is uncapped on PS3, overclock it as I did and see it goes up to 40-45FPS in average
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Man I love DS2. I'm always coming back and doing a random playthrough.
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>he still uses a shitty Core 2 Duo CPU and a shitty 8800 GT
You're dumb.

His computer is actually older than him.

Either play as Havel The Rock or play as Guts.
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>What games have you been emulating lately?
BB menus. Very fun.
What is currently the best 3DS emu and build?
you couldve just said you dont have a job directly, i dont think most on here are in the position to make fun of you
I'll be playing video games for free while you waste your life slaving away.
Concession accepted, brainlet. Typos are not arguments. Just how dumb are you, exactly? Even dumber than previously showcased?
name a better PS2 emulator
Playstation 3(CECHA)
How do you emulate ps3 without it stuttering like hell? Is my computer just not good enough?
What game? What CPU?
>Usually emulated games are lower input lag
wrong and stopped reading the rest
Red Dead Redemption.
>Red Dead Redemption.
Still not playable. Xenia version has better performance but I don't know if it's playable.
Good enough for all the playable games.
Not him, but one of the reasons I emulate some games that are available on PC is because the controller just works out of the box. Some PC ports need a 100 fixes to make the controller work.
Shame, it's basically the only PS3 game I want to play.
Seems playable on Xenia, Yuzu and Ryujinx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPbU9X-JIKk
I didn't even know it was ported to the switch. But yeah PS3 version still sucks.
kek i get it anon i was posting like this when i was young as well
PS4 emulation is gonna be insane one day.
I'm talking literal perfect 1:1 performance because PS4s use the same CPU architecture as PCs. I don't know if that even counts as emulation.
Yeah, I can't wait to play 1(one) game.
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Because emulating SMTV Vengeance and Persona 5 Royal is the only way to play them for free

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