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Capcom's final good game before they will become completely infested with ((their)) ideals
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This is why they focus on MH and RE.
great game! i am loving this game! First few levels were retarded baby mode but its picking up. I like to pet the animals and give the girl sweets.
>spam sorcerers
>instadelete everything
nothing personnel, seethers
Just got done with getting all achievements for the game, took ~35 hours. The final boss of NG+ was fun but don't be stupid like me and actually make a manual save before doing the final boss because as far as I can tell you can only beat them once per cycle and my auto saves got overwritten when I was grinding out the last few achievements. Also anyone get all the maizo talismans? I've still missing like 4 or 5 of them
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Love this game, NG+ is the perfect tension and challenge if you do the optional objectives.
Sorcerers saved my ass in a no-yoshiro damage run in that snowy castle courtyard level, holy fuck that shit gets BAD
They are already infested when it was made. See the "goddess" and check your prude-o-meter and see how many bare skin you could see on her.
https://howlongtobeat.com/game/129966 this you?
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fuck meant to link this https://howlongtobeat.com/game/129966/reviews/u-wismahobby/1
who are the retards marking down 19 hours as completionist? No fucking way they beat all the NG+ challenges in less than thirty hours
Tips? Right now I just maxed out the woodcutter and archers and use them almost exclusively. I grab a thief if there is a box, and maybe ill grab a shaman but I havent touched sumo wrestler outside the one mission where I needed it for an objective. Also, just unlocked upgrading the MC. Anything specific thats super worthwhile to get? I grabbed the extra accessory and special attack slots, bow attacks, and the charged heavy attacks for stance breaking.
woodcutters and archers are surprisingly strong when maxed out and are very cost effective (and cost absolute penies if you get the -15 crystals talisman), but you should also max out marksmen and spearmen when you get them, spearmen have absurd burst damage for stronger enemies and marksmen are perfect for towers, and make quick work of strong flying enemies.
I also have one thief in most stages for sheer convenience. Ascetics are underrated as well imo, slows are super strong and makes it super easy for both your villagers and you evading and counterattacking.
I didn't get that many upgrades for Soh but the charged attack dance style, the charged teleport shot as well as perfect guard + punishing strike. Also the "Worship" skill for Soh is very good for boss fights since you are invulnerable for at least half a minute you can just burst the boss.
Otherwise I don't know, I tried to keep a balanced set up.
Also don't be afraid to max out thief if you can afford the crystals, having one thief villagers throughout a stage is nice, helps rack up crystals and gives you more crystals from chests too.
Priests are worthless until NG+, then maxed out priests become a borderline essential pick up whenever you have more than 6 villagers on a level.
I haven't bene overthinking the talismans too much and just used the "detect hidden items", "detect nearby corruptions" ones for convenience.
I've never even heard of this so clearly it's not good.
Oh man the NG+ final boss. When you fuck up and both you and the villagers are all down I can't describe the pain of corrupted soh slowly walking up to yoshiro and unleashing the thunder slash that's been carrying most of my boss fights. Pure heartbreak . It was worth it though to see the title screen change from NG to NG+ to NG+ completed, minor change but its worth it especially with yoshiro healthy in camp again.

Woodcutters and archers do a lot of work for their price so no harm in keeping them upgraded. IIRC woodcutter has the lowest HP of the standard melee roles so sumo(if you only want to budget 1 melee on the team) or spears maybe more useful in holding the line, meanwhiile archers have the shortest range of the ranged DPS masks so they have the unfortunate tendency to eat some return fire. Pretty much the only thing thats a priority for the soh upgrades is the charge attacks for your dance of choice, the skill that lets you invincible for when you interact with a fountain and the bow + teleporting shot. Maizo and Tsuba slots are nice but you likely won't have the frags for all the slots until later on at least not without skimping on the upgrades for the later units.

Other than that though just experiment. Despite how the challenges can feel at times the game isn't exactly on the harder side of things so you tend to have room for less optimal play. Granted the less optimal you play the more you'll have to pick up the slack as soh but the challenges aside from the completely RNG ones are all pretty moderate at worst in terms of difficulty with the worse ones being things like don't get hurt.
>Capcom's final good game before they will become completely infested with ((their)) ideals
stop it with the doomposting. DRDR is around the corner and that one looks really good too.
That's how you know it's kino. The yokels aren't playing it.
>make a manual save before doing the final boss
are any achievements missable?
what exactly happens after NG+ that's different with the ending of NG0? I mean gameplay wise, you could still freeroam after beating the last boss in NG0 and finish upgrading the bases and racking up bonus objectives, etc. what's this manual save thing you're talking about?
As far as I know, no. Its more that in case you ever want to replay the final boss best to make a save since unlike other levels the final boss stage disappears so even though you can still play the other stages in that cycle you'll have to NG+ to fight the final boss again.

Basically the same thing but for the final boss and new final boss you can't refight them once you beat them, so you might want to make a manual save at yoshiro's tent before finishing the game
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oh yeah fair enough, also something super weird I noticed on steam achievements.
How the fuck do people get this achievement BEFORE NG+? Or did I manage to miss something in my first playthrough?
I'm currently halfway through ng+ myself and having a fucking blast with the bonus challenges and harder encounters in general.
I'm not sure either. Maybe something bugged out but I'm fairly certain you can only do that on NG+
any tips for the spiderboss? what is the best strat for time?
unironically probably going full sorcerer and just unleashing tsuba guards and then when sorcerer fills up use it, should either kill it or have it close to dead, haven't tried it yet but saw a youtube vid that kills it in 50 secs this way
thanks, gonna try that.

what about the boss rush stage in 20 minutes? do I have to redo it from the start if I die or use to much time and let yoshi get killed to restart that boss? Not certain how that works exactly
It's not the boss rush stage, I randomly got it after replaying one of the boss fights, I believe it accumulates all your kill times of the ~10 bosses and whenever you hit <20 the achievement pops.
Wait are we talking about batsu or the bitch that likes to run around a lot? If its the latter I did it with 1 ascetic and the rest woodcutters, before the fight command you troops to cross past the boss barrier to where the boss spawns and then get ready. 3 of the heavy hitting tsubas are recommended for it but the idea is just chain staggers and the ascetic slowing it down to lessen the chance of it breaking the cycle. For the first one since its locked into the gate summoning animation you can maybe get away with kijin's specter to pump out more damage but its not exactly consistent

The boss rush isn't part of the 20 min achievement thats just your best time on all the bosses during their individual fights
second one, thanks

I meant the stage with all the bosses, thought the challenge there was 20 minutes too, I might be wrong though

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