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/v/ - Video Games

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video games are drying up
Your balls are drying you worthless 30+ manchild.
then how do you explain wetrix?
Nah you are just a jaded polfrog
L take bozo
>he's not in the beta
also you missed it >>683680000
same with 4chan gay weeb culture
>mmmmm is that jewish slop

not true in the slightest unless you're a nolifer who plays video game 80 hours a week
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>Your balls are drying you worthless 30+ manchild.
They're for people who have sex. Artwork is actually sexual gaslighting. Doesn't effect people who have sex. God didn't make anything for us. Not even the thing that's literally sold to us. Slaves are made for profit, not sex. When a slave buys a new toy, the money is actually going to sex havers. I'm being totally serious. It's a product. It's almost a joke. Too fucked up.
Yep there's no longer any point in being invested in a video game series.
I'm not waiting 10+ years for some lazy devs to make an uninspired and unfinished sequel.
Did the created of Nintendo have sex? Whenever he wanted. Like 80 years of it. That's actually pretty normal. So the guys in this bottom bracket. Totally confused. We are slaves with brains.
you are obsessed with sex
The indie scene has never been better you frogfag
Not really, both my neighbours do it every night, all my friends. Very strange to be living in the body of a purchased soul.
No, your brain is drying up from all this /pol/ browsing. Tons of good shit coming out this year and plenty of good shit you haven't played has come out in recent years.
>knows op is full of shit
>goes back to page 10 to bump his shit thread instead of letting it drop off to archive
>he thinks I went back to page 10 instead of just reloading once then checking the catalog in-between two work tasks
>he's causing the thread to be bumped not once but thrice by himself
You should have sex with OP and make aggressive mini retards with anger issues and /pol/ brainrot
the gaming industry is diseased...rotten to the core, there is no saving it
Nobody cares about your opinion on capitalism, we're still destroying everything you love no matter what
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No they aren’t retard
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>we're still destroying everything you love no matter what
>pol is going full 180 and claiming trannies are convinced capitalists now
name 3 games
/pol/ just wants to “own” other team they don’t actually have principles
Only third worlders get offended by being called gay online little buddy, so when you post this you're just telling everyone brown hands are typing, lil protip for you
Good job bumping the thread again tho
BG3, Pizza Tower, Lies of P to keep with well known ones that came out just last year
>multi billion dollar company waves a rainbow tranny flag
>soijak face
don't forget your daily tranny meds sponsored by big pharma
Coffee AND cigarettes? Choose ONE you sick FUCK
Nobody understood your post, you have to make actual sentences not just string /pol/ brainrot buzzwords together expecting it to be coherent
>indie scene bestest ever
>no FTL successor
lying cunt
Anyone else notice women love this insult?
Projection maybe?
>Pizza Tower
I do agree the only saving grace of modern-day gaming comes from the Indie scene.
>Lies of P
Out of all the soul-likes you could have picked, you pick the most uninspired sterile one.
As expected no matter which video games I list you'd have bitched about them using subjective opinion. I'm looking forward to the factorio expansion myself in the near future, I don't give a shit about AAA games.
The fact remains video games are doing great, if your brain hasn't been completely taken over by /pol/ brainrot. OP is retarded and being easily manipulated.
Holy shit man remove cock from ass.
>As expected no matter which video games I list you'd have bitched about them using subjective opinion.
We're talking about THE most optimized game ever made, with the best modding tools, a free mod hosting website maintained by the devs, devs who made a point to fix every single bug on their tracker before 1.0, who routinely fix bugs that only affect mods, devs who immediately tell any retarded mutt from either tribe coming to annoy them with their dumbass fake politics to fuck off, etc.
And you're STILL crying.
Like I said, naming good video games here is pointless. The response will invariably be cheap insults with 0 arguments even if it's the literal perfect game.

Oh and again, being called gay by some retard online only offends your brown hands. It doesn't work on whitey, sorry.
Need a big change like VR or something. Part of the reason things used to be so much better was that the novelty was that much greater.
Your moms pussy is dried up too but I make do
i agree, the problem with VR is it came far too early, the technology and userbase just wasn't there
now we're seeing more and more great games like boneworks and alyx and it's seeming better and better
people need to start making dedicated games for the platform, not minigame collections or spin-offs, games that are proud of VR and take full advantage. the hardware also needs to get cheaper, more convenient to use, and less intensive on the hardware
it's a shitty 2d game for autists who like crunching numbers
>not the biggest Jew enablers
They are not, you just only play AAA trash like every other frognigger normalfag tourist.
i really enjoyed cyberpunk but other than that pretty much nothing else kept my attention in many years, maybe i'm getting old but i think gaming is just shit now
All you're doing here is showing your IQ fits your brown hands. You're not saying anything about the game.
A game being for autists is a compliment by the way, autists tend to play games with deep mechanics that can keep someone interested for hundreds/thousands of hours. For the low IQ ones and tourists like you, there's the AAA industry and Paradox games.
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>They are not, you just only play AAA trash like every other frognigger normalfag tourist.

literally no one plays indie games aside from autistic losers that were good at math and never made a single friend growing up, you will never be cool or, uh, you know...a woman
FTL is shit, good riddance
you would dismiss any novelty coming your way, like the boomers dismissed video games
Literally everyone owns Terraria/Hollow Knight/Minecraft
You're projecting way too hard
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ah yes, every one of your live streaming friends
Good job showing everyone the type of content you like to browse for and save from tiktok but it has nothing to do with the conversation. Literally everyone still owns Terraria/Hollow Knight/Minecraft no matter how much it makes your brown hands seethe.
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sorry ma'am, you got busted
Look at this bitch's eyebrows
If you say so, muhammad.
Guess I'll have to go back to making 350 yuros an hour mostly playing factorio while you continue displaying your retardation here, my metaphorical tail tucked between my legs. Sure sucks not being a normalfag.
We NEED to start shaming homosexuals again
enjoy never being able to spend money other than onto gifting subs, stay fruity ma'am
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if you can put up digging through the mountains of shit indies, you will find alot you like
Literally just enjoy old games and quit being a depressed faggot about it
Blissfully embracing toxic positivity? Sad shit.
I only play games that were released when I was twelve or younger. Anything within the last almost fifteen years is unplayable.

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