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How would you fix the Spy?
big black oily spy
He's french, he's already black
i wouldnt worry about it cause its not a fucking hero shooter that punishes you for switching classes and you can switch to and from him as the sitaution arises so its fine if hes kind of niche.
does anyone else do that? switch from spy as the enemy grows alert and then try again later?
no other game makes me feel this sneaky. you would be ruining interactive art if you changed him.
I don't think spy is fundamentally broken or anything, just fix the million bugs with disguises (Especially the one that makes you emit smoke while invisible), give him a button that speeds him up to his normal speed while disguised, some light balance changes like removing YERs cloack penalty, and spy would be fine.
Butt Sex!
He gets a new knife that penetrates razorback shields and kicks you from the server if you were sniper. You can buy the double razorback shield that protects you from that knife for $19.99, monthly subscription.
i think spy should do things to effect the other team in ways instead of just kill and sap
like maybe have a fake flag or increase the spawn timer of the enemy team
>Disguise kit
A hotkey to walk at Spy speed regardless of disguise while held
Increase the range before damage falloff penalty
Remove the cleanse effect upon backstab
Can't crit while disguised + only gets crits from stabs

Spy doesn't need much more than this
Revert the retarded ambassador nerf
Revert the retarded enforcer nerf
Revert the retarded eternal reward nerf
Revert the retarded dead ringer ringer nerf
Revert the retarded red tape recorder nerf
Revert the retarded Meet your match spawn wallhacks that give away spy's location for free
Let Spy fake fire through disguises
Make backstabs silent and kill the retard who thought announcing spy's presence to everyone in the solar system for getting one single kill is a good game design,

There Spy is fixed now.
Is engineer canonically trans now?
>remove sniper
not only fixes spy, but also fixes every other class and the game is 100% better
Yes, always was, his friendliness with Pyro's was a dead giveaway.
Retarded idea, Heavy and Medic will go unchecked too easily.
I'd rather 'fix' people who'd play tf2 in 2024
that's what's the spy is for. I've seen more spies take down pocket medics and heavies than snipers
You lost, tranny botspammer
He's male-to-texan
By fucking him
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>It's another "I'm dying and instead of just using the medi-gun the medic misses the crossbow" episode
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If they have any situational awareness your idea is useless
Remove sniper
I do feel like he's a very unintentionally weak and underpowered class and that they didn't take into account that the average player would learn to check their backs, shoot at teammates and spray fire everywhere
Engage friendly fire on all servers.

I don't care.
He's designed around the enemy player not having hundreds of hours put into the game, AKA everyone who still plays the game today.

t. someone who played the game over ten years ago
When will I be able to sell my shitty pathfinder i unboxed for like 2 ref
word. i havent played this game for like a decade (or after the first couple batches of hats), but spy was absolutely crazy. a terror
running backwards towards/through the enemy's frontline... worked damn near every time
>implying people are more skilled at tf2 after ten years.
Two cigarettes.
>Shorten bounding box while invisible
>Invisibility on all watches is increased by 50%
>Spy gets short ranged wallhacks
>Your teammates are given a prompt to not shoot at the enemy if they’re behind them along with their team’s Spy.
personally i think instant backstabs are holding him back from being more useful than the
>get a backstab, die
shtick he's forced into playing (besides kunai chainstabbing new players in pubs), but he really can't do anything else because having an instant kill move, a really good primary, tools to bypass sentries and disable them, AND on demand invisibility is too powerful so
>Remove instant backstabs
This is really gonna suck because having to charge up backstabs was removed in beta for a reason (eternal reward can keep its insta stabs to make it not horrible) but in return
>Decrease the intensity of revolver damage falloff and slightly tighten firing bloom
Helps spy be more useful outside of the range he's most vulnerable at
>Boost cloak charge value
L'trange is the most used primary unlock for a reason, reduce the cloak charge boost from the weapon to compensate
>Add damage resist to slower disguises
Makes them more useful besides being a mixup due to lack of use from better spies, could be unbalanced idk
>Low hp enemies now have an outline you can see through walls in a certain radius
Helps spy focus on cleaning up low hp targets
But yeah like I said, losing out on instant backstabs are going to feel awful so i don't think most players are going to want these changes anyways
TF2 is over
>firing bloom

It's called weapon spread, zoomie.
I don't. Fuck spytrannies.
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Jungle Inferno is over
I don't think Spy is salvageable in the modern age, everyone has a billion ideas to make him sneaky and believeable and it gets invalidated by one click, if you think spy schizoing is bad now wait until he can do anything your real teammates can, shooting everyone you see would become second nature and Spy would
be even worse than he is now
The only way to buff him is make his base HP 150 without increasing Kunai overheal
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Deleting razorback and jarate would go a long way.
Being the dedicated sniper counter is more than enough to justify playing him.

On top of that I would
>Remove spawn wallhacks
>Reduce spread on his revolvers
>Remove shimmer on touch and chip damage
>Make disguising much faster
>Give cloak afterburn immunity (doesn't extinguish existing afterburn)
>Fix the long list of bugs with disguises and cloak
>Let him move at full speed with any disguise
>Let him fake a reload at any time holding R
>Remove the cloak damage and debuff reduction and make his base health 150
>Rework his retarded unlocks like diamondback and kunai
>Lower cl_interp cap to remove the lag exploit
>Spy is immune to weapons that build off damage/kills. Can already do this with disguises but it's very tedious.
>Extended voice line menu
>Give him a support tool unlock for the sapper slot
>No automatic voice lines (push the payload etc)
>Delete homewrecker (if you backstab an engie being guarded by a pyro you deserve those saps)
>More HUD elements so you can play without viewmodels on
The biggest problem with Spy is that nowadays the disguise kit is borderline useless because everyone knows how to spycheck and it's absurdly easy.
Also, in TFC/FF the Spy had much more tools in his arsenal to make him a menace, like the grenade that makes enemies hallucinate explosions and projectiles.
IMO, these few fixes should make the spy more than a gimmick class and an actual support class worth as much as a good sniper or medic

>disable collision with enemies when you're disguised
>when you light up a disguised spy, show the appropriate glow for your team, not the glow for the enemy team, so he properly looks like a teammate on fire
>give the spy a tranq gun that slows down enemies (if you feel crazy, make it turn the screen grayscale like in FF)
>>disable collision with enemies when you're disguised
I think making his collision box smaller would be good. This shit would be broken.
give spy a shotgun
Add +1 damage to the gun just so retards stop only using the knife. Then wait for the inevitable flood of "SPY WAS ALWAYS OVERPOWERED HOLY SHIT NERF THIS CLASS", sit back and laugh.
This is also how I play him. I pretty much only pick him when I really, really need one or two specific people dead or when my team just can’t break a sentry nest with explosives alone.
>spy has hallu grenades to piss everyone off, especially throwing them at the sniper deck
>has the super shotgun so he's a threat in combat
>tranq a bit of a joke in TFC, in FF it actually does...a bit more
>spy in FF can hack enemy buildings, letting you take over a sentry for about 5 seconds before it self implodes, or explode a dispenser to instantly kill the engineer when he's nearby
Shit was pretty funny to pull off. Less practical than TF2's sapper, especially since in TFC you had to awkwardly stand there in front of the enemy team priming grenades to throw in order to kill sentries, but you're right in that spy was actually pretty versatile beyond that. Having trimping and grenade boosting in FF made every class mobile.
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Perhaps play better
Heavy medic is still slow af and can't be handled via projectiles classes like demoman

Heavy also has only bullet damage wich would let Vac medic roll over heavies

Engi sentries has resistances on his sentries and heavy can only target one sentry

Even without medics, 2 damage classes specialised in close aera control such as soldier & pyro could take down a combo heavy medic at the same time

Perhaps a scout can also flank and just take down the medic wich leave the slowest class of the game alone

Tldr: Sniper never stopped a class from being op. Heavy never broke the game and never will

You can kill yourself now
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Spy need no fixing
The melee hitreg system need a fix tho

Perhaps change the diamondback and ambassador and that it
I fix spy by making the game cost money again and f2p players can't play until they buy it
incidentally this also fixes TF2 as a whole
90% of the people killed by spies are f2p players, you're nerfing the spy
How so?
The last bot infestation proved that third worlder are ready to pay 5 bucks to let their account be premium just to be niggers in game
>>Your teammates are given a prompt to not shoot at the enemy if they’re behind them along with their team’s Spy.
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I wonder if it would make the weapon better or worst
>Dead Ringer
>+You can now collect ammo and use dispenser at a slower rate for the clock
>-it doesn't recharge automatically
I’d probably buy the game a second time if they sold it to me.
make his melee attack instakill from the back
the game itself mentions playing spy optimally means changing off from spy when the team is too paranoid iirc
a lot of times the winning move is to change class and this is perfectly good, you're not playing highlander 9v9 where you're forced to keep running him
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>firing bloom
the spread doesn't even expand as you continue to shoot, underage.
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This thread proves that /v/fags get fucking filtered by spy
I don't know how to do a fucking matador yet i still recognizes that all the ideas in this thread are dogshit
Nerf soldier
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Why are taunts so expensive and why does Spy a class where you need to be sneaky and get away from danger fast have the best taunts
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give him dmg reduction while disguised to be the same as while invis (20%, 150 effective hp)
give 10% of victims max hp as healing when backstabbing, cant go beyond the max +30 from a heavy. can overheal from this.
increase knockback taken while invis
reduce knockback taken while disguised
have sv_alltalk 1 for spy while disguised. Voice chat while disguised appears to enemy team as coming from who youre disguised as.
thats about it.
questions, comments?
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>give him dmg reduction while disguised to be the same as while invis (20%, 150 effective hp)
just remove another unintuitive hidden mechanic and make his base health 150 to start with
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Make a deployable spybot whose only purpose is to distract attention away from you. He is more resistant to fire and has longer cloak so he will be harder to kill
making him "good" at an even playing field dm is not in his character. If a spy is shooting at you it should be because hes caught you in a bad position and is an opportunistic snake, not because he could beat you in a fair dps race.
>making him "good" at an even playing field dm is not in his character
He isn't. He is still significantly outclassed by every power class and is on his own in enemy lines it's just less one sided now. If he dies after a single pick there's no reason to play him over sniper.
>he is still significantly outclassed by every power class
he's supposed to be
>if he dies after a single pick
gaining hp, damage reduction and the extra knockback to surf out should be enough to keep him alive. If the enemy team is clumped up enough that backstabbing means instant death then he's not the class for the job, that's for heavies or pyros or soldiers or demos.
>there's no reason to play him over sniper
sniper needing nerfs isnt clause for imba-buffing spy
Reminder Gabe Newell's favorite class is the spy
>he's supposed to be
and he still is? what's your point here?
>gaining hp, damage reduction and the extra knockback to surf out should be enough to keep him alive
Unnecessary mechanics that make spy more confusing than he needs to be and snowball mechanics are extra stupid. Everybody already complains about kunai letting spy farm bad players risk free he doesn't need it on his base knife. I have no opinion on extra knockback.
>If the enemy team is clumped up enough that backstabbing means instant death then he's not the class for the job
Having to go for backstabs on clumped up players is unavoidable in most cases. Not every map is upward or thundermountain where it takes 30s for players to walk to the frontline. "lol just dont play him" is just an excuse to not fix him.
>sniper needing nerfs isnt clause for imba-buffing spy
Stock sniper doesn't need that many nerfs to be balanced. His unlocks are the real issue.
Stock spy is extremely weak and if it wasn't for the steady supply of deaf 70 FoV F2Ps he would be unplayable.
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>Carried my team through Canaveral
>Was going to detonator jump and cap the last point after killing like 4 people in a row
>my ping spikes to 600 and I die and then the match ends in a stalemate because 5cp
>Unnecessary mechanics
tf2 has been full of 'unnecessary mechanics' since day 1. Heavy deals reduced damage to sentries. scattergun is identical to shotgun only it has more ramp-up. soldier receives reduced self damage while demo doesnt. spy has damage reduction while invis. demo stickies. It's a non-issue. If anything, giving spy disguised dmg reduction only makes it more consistent with his other source of dmg reduction (ie not attacking).
>but kunai
people hate kunai because it brings spy's hp to 210, well above most dmg thresholds. Him having a polarising knife that farms pubs is irrelevant to giving him a small but necessary reward and survival tool tied to his baseline stats that he clearly deserves considering his trope of "get a backstab and then die". Another issue that I didnt explain was kunai overheal stacks on itself so any chainstab will end with him having 210, while my idea was for his overheal to simply cap with what his targets hp was - backstabbing 10 snipers would still just give spy +12(.5) overheal. It's just a means to bolster him a means of necessary self-sustain instead of turning him unkillable.
>Having to go for backstabs on clumped up players is unavoidable in most cases.
flatly untrue. If it was then scout wouldn't be as strong as he is. There's always someone in the back to abuse, be it an engineer or a sniper or a medic. If there isn't and the entire enemy team is legitimately just clumped...then yeah, soldier or demo is obviously the required choice...this is basic design that tf2 was based on
>Stock sniper doesn't need that many nerfs to be balanced. His unlocks are the real issue.
are you seriously implying that snipers biggest issue is jarate...?
baguette bat like scout
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I would not buff Spy in any way. I would delete the Diamondback and I would make it so backstabs don't give extra points on the scoreboard.
demo does have reduced self-damage, but not nearly as much as soldier does.
>Let Spy fake fire through disguises
ehhhhh, give him the ability to fake reload (more easily) or fake fire, the ability to go up to his normal speed while disguised if he chooses to and a melee unlock that lets him change up his playstyle in a similar way to the huntsman or the shields, for some variety.
and spywalk dont forget spywalk
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Pressing jump mid-air fires a grapple hook that hit above ledges and pull you towards them, take a page out of fellow frenchie widowmaker's book and have the gapple add additional upwards velocity so it can be used levy over and onto of said ledges.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. It is retarded that classes can shut spy out by blast jumping onto inaccessible areas. ESPECIALLY when one of those classes is engie who spy is meant to be able to counter.

And no this is not some weapon idea I'm suggesting. This should be a core part of his kit. It should have always been a core part of his kit.
I never liked trickstabbing. That’s the only thing I’d really want to fix.
>reduce knockback taken while disguised
it's already literally 0 tho
>fake fire
I’ve always thought that some kind of disguise gun in the revolver slot would be cool. Something like a weaker version of the revolver that lets you shoot fake bullets while disguised.
Maybe, but I think it should have some other extra use too if it was an unlock, I just think spy needs more tools to fool people, even the best of actors can't fool people for more than a few seconds before the fact that they aren't doing any of the things a normal player should gives them away.
I think a better way to tackle that problem would be to give him some kind of tool that helps him escape once he’s been found out. Like a smoke bomb or some kind of “nothing personel kid” teleport; I dunno.
I don’t think his basic abilities need that much tweaking, is all.
I think spy should get the rocket jumper for an unlockable primary, but your engi point makes not a lot of sense because demomen and soldiers can easily destroy his nests, and Engis usually build teles in their nests which spy can easily go through
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>I think a better way to tackle that problem would be to give him some kind of tool that helps him escape once he’s been found out.
Letting him mimick walk/run speed and fire the fake equiped weapon for zero damage.
Obviously, but anon wants more. With how radically stuff like the Eternal Reward and Dead Ringer shake up his game plan, I don’t think my suggestions are really that outlandish.
The smoke bomb could be some kind of sapper, maybe with a cooldown.
This is probably a stupid idea, but maybe he could have something like the teleporter that Sombra has in overwatch? as in, lay it up in advance then activate it after a kill to get pulled out of a situation, would have to remove something big for that though, maybe the disguise kit or his watch, idk, a smoke bomb could also be useful in general for spy, but that'd also be pretty strong in protecting his team from snipers or covering up a chainstab, might be a bit much.
Nah, that would kill the game like what happened to day of infamy.
>and Engis usually build teles in their nests which spy can easily go through
[laughs in eureka effect]
>but your engi point makes not a lot of sense because demomen and soldiers can easily destroy his nests
So you're argument is to play soildier and demo instead of spy? That's precisely the problem.
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Reminder we need more weapons
And you're forgetting that even soldier and demo are going to have difficulty because if he's up there that already means he's got a wrangler.
I think that’s a little much but not necessarily stupid. I think something like that would have to be a watch replacement, and maybe the most it can do is turn you invisible for a few seconds and teleport you a few feet away. Being able to do that much would cramp the engineer’s style.
If my half-baked smoke bomb were to be added, I imagine it wouldn’t be anything like a smoke from CS. Maybe like two spies wide, disappears in a couple seconds
spy should get the pain train as a melee
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Unironically. Heavy, spy and pyro in that order are all dying for QOL. It would take Valve like 5 fucking minutes to throw pic related in the game, but they won't do it.
Isn't that the tf2c weapon that everyone agreed was broken as fuck?
nerf the diamondback
nerf the wrangler
nerf the tomislav
nerf the vaccinator
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you can't, it's conceptually flawed. It's still funny when it actually works but it doesn't 90% of the time
My longest killstreak on a pub in this game was 19 as the spy. It’s exactly as you say, though; that was a hilarious, one in a million experience
spy when disguised only takes knockback from airblast and the FaN. this is easily verifiable.
Any experienced spy will tell you that you cannot damage surf while disguised.
spy isn't flawed conceptually and more flawed intentionally. He's not supposed to be a full-time class everyone picks.
His strengths and weaknesses are VERY defined.

If Valve wanted full-time spies they wouldn't have taken away his shotgun and he'd still have the same hp as medic.
Revert the ambassador, dead ringer, and kunai to how they used to work
Maybe, I like the TFC speed watch actually, it could have a niche in TF2 for these kinds of things, either getting away fast or getting in quickly, the smoke bomb is a fine line, its easy for it to either be too weak and ask for too much to be worth it or too strong.
Medic also needs something good or at least fun enough to use to make it so running the crossbow and ubersaw isn't the obvious choice every single time.
lol you just reminded me of the time Valve tried to do this with the Vita saw and fucked it up irreparably in the process
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There really was no reason to continue the thread after this.
People complain about Spy being weak but Ignore all the changes that have been added over the years that completely fuck over Spy and half of his kit has been nerfed into being useless.
I remember the days when Spy was actually feared and Dr.Enforcicle was a thing.
Yeah I don't think you can really give medic a melee with anything better as it relates to ubercharge, not without it being broken, I don't like to keep on saying "just look at TFC" but I think the melee weapon they gave medic in that thing was pretty fun.
I change to the Amputator a little often when I need to help on a choke point, but yeah, I think they need to buff his stock melee in some way its just completely worthless
Nope, med is perfect. The crusaders crossbow is masterfully designed so it's ok it's your go to best in slot. You have plenty of different mediguns to choose from depending on the situation. Also you can totally run the solemn with the quick fix. Heavy, Spy and Pyro are all just noticeably shittier and less fun to play than the other classes so they need QOL the most.
Pyro is fun as hell to play with the detonator
I run the solemn vow over the ubersaw. Honestly, I rarely miss the ubersaw
Still doesn’t solve the issue of the Ubersaw being best melee in standard play.
how about making his kit ACTUALLY stealthy?
make silent backstab the default for all knifes except maybe one of them as a balance point (but make it stronger in other areas)

remove the *zac* noise that currently plays even when backstabbing people with the YER (or butterknives) so i can backstab people on the point without 3 people turning around

Silence all revolvers except ambassador or maybe the enforcer and a crit-boosted diamondback

big damage reduction when disguised and uncloaked, so that spychecking requires you to shoot the spy for a bit instead of sneezing on him and blow his cover in 2 attoseconds, things like afterburn can remove this ability to highlight pyro's role as a spychecker

find a use for the sapper when no building are around. don't even care what, sap players, wallhacks, SOMETHING.

buff ambassador damage and reduce bullet count to highlight the role of a one-shot one kill gun, buff enforcer so it's not completely fucking useless, rework YER to have a different downside or a much milder one.

make big earner not a suicide pick because the speed boost is actually good when it works, but you die to a stiff breeze.
turn it into a speed knife, extra speed when cloaked or a eyelander-style damage stack on backstabs
Yes, the crossbow is a good item, I think its balanced, but giving medic some other options would be more fun, gets stale to only ever really change my medigun.
Dead ringer nerf was justified
Split pre/post YER into the YER and wanga prick
Slightly buff amby
why are spy players such whiny faggots
>Dead ringer nerf was justified
Which one of them?
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what new weapons would you give to the Spy?
Baguette that works like the chocolate bar heavy has
Neon Annihilator but for Spy. I think he could use a dumb meme weapon.
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A disguise kit that lets spy disguise as objects/props.
Give him the ubersaw, it fills up his uber meter, which he can not use, because he doesn't have a medigun, but it still fills it up
>Soldier has rocket jumping
>Demoman has sticky jumping and grenade jumping
>Engineer has sentry jumping
>Pyro has detonator jumping and the jetpack
>Medic has quick-fix which allows him to rocket and sticky jump with his friends
>Scout has the triple jump with the atomizer
>Heavy has nothing
>Spy has nothing

Do they deserve something? didn't mention Sniper because the obvious answer is he doesn't
just use the cloak and dagger at that point
Make the Red tape recorder take 2 extra hits to destroy. That is all.
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the only thing I could think for heavy is if you give him a weapon like Opposing Force's M249, which causes self-knockback that you can use to sort of pseudo-bhop backwards.
he's fine, the idea the game should be balanced around people with thousands upon thousands of hours is ridiculous, tf2 is fundamentally a casual game.
It's an OLD casual game, casual players (like me) have thousands of hours in it too
Give spy a toggle for regular movement speed while disguised and call it a day
>make silent backstab the default for all knifes except maybe one of them as a balance point (but make it stronger in other areas)
>remove the *zac* noise that currently plays even when backstabbing people with the YER (or butterknives) so i can backstab people on the point without 3 people turning around
mmmmaybe. I'm lukewarm on that.
>Silence all revolvers except ambassador or maybe the enforcer and a crit-boosted diamondback
Fuck no.
>big damage reduction when disguised and uncloaked, so that spychecking requires you to shoot the spy for a bit instead of sneezing on him and blow his cover in 2 attoseconds, things like afterburn can remove this ability to highlight pyro's role as a spychecker
Can't say I agree that the spy should be harder to spycheck. This change wouldn't buff the pyro as you're suggesting.
>find a use for the sapper when no building are around. don't even care what, sap players, wallhacks, SOMETHING.
I do actually agree wholeheartedly with this. There is a lot of untapped potential with that item slot.
>buff ambassador damage and reduce bullet count to highlight the role of a one-shot one kill gun, buff enforcer so it's not completely fucking useless, rework YER to have a different downside or a much milder one.
I can't say any of these are really speaking to me. Maybe buff the Enforcer.
>make big earner not a suicide pick because the speed boost is actually good when it works, but you die to a stiff breeze.
>turn it into a speed knife, extra speed when cloaked or a eyelander-style damage stack on backstabs
I like this.
I don't play spy, but the amount of times the spawn wallhacks gives me a free kill is ridiculous.
They should be removed except for payload / teles / intel.
500 cigarretes
>tf2 is fundamentally a casual game.
But nothing about playing spy is fundamentally casual.

These arguments are annoying. We aren't saying spy is a weak class because we're trying to hold him to some unrealistic standard. We're saying that even taking into account that idea that he's not meant to be played full-time and he's meant for casual pub environment, he still comes across as weak.
gentlemenpilled post.
Comically over the top Creepypasta knife
>Longer melee (and this backstab) range
>On Butterknife hit: minor bleed effect for 3 seconds
Not sure what downsides this should have. Any ideas /v/?
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I kinda wish for a minigun for long range
Something like the shard diffractor from DRG but of course nerfed like

>Putting a overheating mechanic instead of ammo
>damage buildup if you keep the laser on the ennemy
>The further you are, the lowest the damage cap on will be

Perhaps a weapon who will lower for close range but would be better for medium/long range and people who abuse healing cheese strats such as kunai spies or medic combos
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>make silent backstab the default for all knifes except maybe one of them as a balance point (but make it stronger in other areas)
>remove the *zac* noise that currently plays even when backstabbing people with the YER (or butterknives) so i can backstab people on the point without 3 people turning around
I agree, Backstabs need to be silent. Spy is entirely reliant on stealth to save his life and backstabs just throw all the stealth aspect of spy out the window. How is spy supposed to be good when he is supposed to die after getting a single kill? Backstabs should always have been silent from the start

>Silence all revolvers except ambassador or maybe the enforcer and a crit-boosted diamondback
Revolvers are more of a last resort option imo, when you can't knife the target, you shoot them down. Spy should get a silenced revolver like a dart gun that highlights enemies to teammates, but turning all revolvers silenced would be a overpowered I think

Agree with the rest of the changes.
I'd prefer it if spy was about stealth and not played by retards with bhop scripts, stab scripts and interp abuse with the kunai and dead ringer
A Kick-Me Sign sapper that works only on players. Causes Friendly Fire to be turned on
Heavy at least has the sort-of justification that he's a fat fuck who has trouble getting about as a defining class trait. Spy literally has a good chunk of his class mechanics requiring getting close to his targets and let has nothing that lets him actually do that if heaven forbid his target jumps to an inaccessible area.
Ok and how does it get removed?
You wait until the player notices and tears it off themselves
Nerf kunai.
Remove interp abuse

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