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*perception check successful*
>female knight
we wuz paladeens n sheeeiiit
Reminder that /v/ will cum over this game but complain about bg3 kek
Kingmaker > BG3 > WotR
My colonizing instincts are kicking in
She doesn't look anything like Trump
Blumpf lost
I don't know how can you still say that when it's literally joever.
Enjoyed this game until you get out of the city and then its pacing grinds to a halt
She's a good companion. But I found her way of speaking too modern.
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Because now he stands against a potential black president and we all know how much americans worship them. It's over.
I FOUND eeeeaaaaa, something?
But she was always black from the moment Pathfinder 1e was published... oh you're a secondary that doesn't play pnp games. Fuck you.
She's from fantasy Africa
She's exception who became paladin only by chance
Her quest is literally about her failure to be both paladin and friend
This is a video game board, nobody cares about your nerdy books and toys fagtron.
Women can't be fighters they are objectively weaker than men.
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Don't bother. These tards are retarded.
next you'll tell me they can't be 6ft5 green lesbian orcs
Most people talking about her here seem fine with her but she just sounds like shit.
Worst voice contest is a tie between her & plebit lizardboi
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Alright pathfinders, where we droppin?
I AM ALRIGH... I am alright...
Don't care. she's black, speaks like a girl from the hood, and her personal quest is filled with overdramatic garbage
But Trump was himself the first Black president.
Maths too hard for you retard? Need a computer to do it all for you? I can run a game where ANYTHING can happen. You are locked into a static world because you just gotta have the computer do it all for you. Now you complain that a character in that static world is not to your liking. If only your brain worked and you had some friends you could enjoy whatever type of world you wish with whatever characters you wish. I pity you.
In the trash, if it is 2nd edition.
Otherwise I still suspect not-japan, via not viking route.
>speaks like a girl from the hood
Because she literally grew in the hood?
Why don't you care? You should care more.
Definitely Cyber Barbarian land.
I don't see white people from the hood speaking like that on this game
>letting you build your sexbot with configurable alignment
Too good to happen.
Ember is more hood than Seelah.
I hope owlcat will never touch pathfinder again and finally make something completely on their own
She talks like a basketball American? I take it back. That's retarded. I never thought of Seela as a US Nigger. That's fucking terrible.
Do not want, all their homebrew is very hit or miss as RT shows
They can in a fantasy game where everyone can dump STR
>I am okay with elves, dwarves, extradimensional frog things, literal demonspawn, furries and mary sue half-vampire snowflakes
>But a black human? That's over the line!
Why are you like this?
For me it was much less grating on Seelah than on Wyll
Because I'm racist you retarded nigger what hte fuck do you think
no mythic paths no buy
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You faggots are lame as shit. Probably gay, too. You want every adventuring party to be dudes? No sexy sorceresses or lady knights? Okay fag.
I kill her every time, when she tries to keep me from killing a deserter.
If you google "Pathfinder Seelah voice" you should see enough people complaining about her.
My problem with you little faggots is that you're like children who cry about toys. Why don't you faggots ever create something? You just cry and cry that you aren't spoonfed what you want. Sad!
Strange stance. Mythic paths are just powercreep that makes the whole system collapse under its own weight. And the content attached to at least 2/3rd of them is undercooked as hell.
strength of thousands sounds kino
>sexy sorceresses
>lady knights
no, elfu soc does the summoning
>BLACK lady knight
hell no
>I don't like her voice, she sounds out of place
>what the fuck anon how could you say that you hate all black people!
I hear crimson throne is the next possible owlcat game. Is it good campaign?
Paizo's best
Mythic paths are the coolest part of wotr and give a ton of replay value.
Because no one wants to interact with you subhuman monkeys
>sexy sorceresses
>lady knight
stupid concept, too retarded to be believable
If she looked and sounded like Halle Berry no one would complain, and you know this, you disingenuous fucktard.
Also they can easily be made to work on other APs if Owlcat configures a few of them scenario-bound for each adventure but uses some like Legend and the actual pozzo myths as a 'core'.
>stupid concept, too retarded to be believable
I don't give a fuck you dumb FAGGOT and neither do you. It's called FANTASY.
>uhm just because there are dragons doesn't mean things won't be realistic
>muh verisimilitude!
as if there aren't plenty of other things you'll look past on the same level as lady knights.
wrong, but I might have complained a bit less
Not saying much. Their adventures are ass.
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Mythic paths are why I have ~2000 hours in wrath and only ~250 hours in kingmaker
Get out my mirror, guy. Have my thoughts repeated is disturbing

I've started to get into Chapter 5 last night and seeing all the [LOCKED BY MYTHIC PATH: SWARM] has got me really curious because it keeps popping up on it's own in strange places. e.g. meeting the survivor from Wintersun who just show up at Drezen randomly to say "we're leaving the village because we can't forget how we murdered people lol" and there's a locked option to do something to them. I know it's just going to be something like consuming them to grow your swarm of something but I'm still curious.
Don't forget to play as Azata -> Swarm
What have you created
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Every single one is "I don't like you, I'm hungry, you die now."
>Game use the “she” pronoun to describe you in character creation even when you have a male character
How many women play crpg’s? And I mean actual women, not “women”
I hate aivu so much I considered doing that
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Your game looks bugged. This is how it's supposed to look like.
the pirate setting would be cool
they already had experience developing something similar with Rogue Trader

I'm doing angel, if I was going to go again it was going to be demon mutation warrior. Why Azata before Swarm?
just play pillars of eternity
I don't like ugly things and I don't like lying.
Someone told me that is a staple from the pathfinder rulebooks
You could be surprised. They mostly get there because of bf-of-the-week and ruin his party, but some stick with it after because they got hooked
Would be better if seelie looked less generic AI-like
Funny how people get all pissy about this, Wrath actually went out of its way to do it right, they tell you she's not a native, they tell you where she comes from, how she was displaced from her native land to this one, how she went from a small time thief to became a paladin, how the crusaders draws people from wherever they can explaining why the crusaders are ethically heterogenius but the citizens of kanabras are more homogeneous. Both Seelah and Sosiel express their difficulties fitting in and adapting to a world so far removed from what they knew.

Contrast that with BG3 where they don't even bother, the whole world is completely heterogenius from the start, with no explanations given as to how it ended up like this, there just are people of every race and ethnicity living in close proximity and they all get along and its always been like this as long as anyone can remember.
seems a you problem for luddits
>Why Azata before Swarm?
For sweet cutscene
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You can have that for the other bugged characters.
But what about voice?
Is there a way to completely disable the diet HoM&M shit without the risk of bricking your save?
This. So much this.
We need to celebrate black kweens in gaming.
Just use mage general and it's easy free loot
changeable on savegame editor /np++ last i checked.
I did try to
it was just kinda bland and unengaging
>Character models, dialog, voiceover audio, banter audio, portraits, etc have been modified to reflect this change.
i just used the cheat mod to edit my stacks to have 99999999 guys, then autoresolved the battles
Pretty sure toybox has an autowin button for it.
But no escaping the loadscreens so you might as well go with the +2000 archers instead
>they put the tiniest amount of effort into lampshading their obvious diversity strong woman so it's totally fine
Sure, I'm totally tricked now.
>banter audio
Now color me impressed, is this available on nonwokeHQ?
this alteration fits better than the seelah/seelie mod
Cool, got it on basedmods
Wokeless Wrath 1.6c — Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous on RPGHQ
Crimson throne. I love me some vampires.
.. oh shit another replay
>chuddies have their shady goblin cave stashes of "unwoke" mods
Yikes, that's pretty sad.
Nice, thanks
Sad for the man-in-drag taking it up the ass in an attempt to control modding perhaps
Same here. Although not that many hours.
I've done Azata, Aeon into legend, Demon, Trickster, Angel and Lich into Gold dragon.
Probably around 800-900 hours.
Meanwhile, I've only beaten Kingmaker twice.
That's because it appeals to charop autists (read: power fantasy obsessed lardasses) more than BG3 does
I'l frequently run 6-12+ month long old school d&d campaigns with 5-10 active players (occasionally rotating). Being a DM is the best outlet for creativity and game design, and just has me laughing at you faggots. Go do some imagining for yourself, buddy. It's fun, and you'll be less angry.
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>7 installations steps with a shitton of manual steps
LMFAO, as if your average illiterate /pol/turd is gonna sit through all that shit instead of opening 4chans and heading to asscreed nigga outrage thread #9001.
Rather have AI than niggers.
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>Nexus removes everything not aligned with their nazi views
>People created alternatives
Crying about drag is such a faggot boomer thing. Trannies and drag queens could not be more different, and even the most transphobic zoomers know this. Your insults just totally miss the mark. Old man
How does that affect you personally?
>go to basedmods
>get a bitcoin miner
>You got to take notice which sort of cockgobbler I am!
Lol. No.
Yes, my campaigns do have evil cults that worship sadistic gods. And yes sometimes there are sexy women in enchanted (as plate) corsets and light bdsm gear leading their cells. Mad faggot?
yeah I'm not doing any of that just to race swap some minor characters and subpar companions I don't even use
I wonder how racists feel using the term based considering it was created and still associated with a black man. Pretty funny.
nigger this, troon that
post >yfw Mythic Power
No, I'd rather just avoid both.
Always keen on telling others about their elaborate grooming parties
What is the difference between a mythic hero and a legend?
reminder that wotr cast is supposed to be the misfits cause only the crazy, the outliers, or the outcasts would live so close to the worldwound.
>a street savvy paladin
>a naive scoundrel
>a good demon
>a hannibal waifu
>a rageful cleric
>a retarded wizard
>a hedonistic assimar
and that's why it's one of the best party in any RPGs
MH is your mythic path before you get to end of Drezen
Legend is the path you get when you refuse your powers in Act 5 and instead gain ability to level to 40
legend is lev40 "eat dick, gods and other influencers, I AM HUMAN MALE FIGHTER" path
how the fuck did you forget
>Waffen SS gnome
>Patrick Bateman (forma de feminina)
Show me how much we totally love Lann without say his name, lel
>eat dick, gods and other influencers
Lol you literally obey a god if you pick legend
Orange isn't the new black
i didnt name them cause i couldnt really think of good contradictions for them. doesnt help that i woke up like 3 mins ago. theres still the mutants too
hes just a noble savage.
people love to shit on him and call him an incel but his only relationship experience has been fucking Wendy
hannibal waifu can get misunderstod
If they made African mythology stuff, and inserted whites and asians, it would look out of place. Same thing.
I'd probably hate Woljif and Daeran in other games but WOTR made them work somehow
Having just played the game again I have a few things to say
Fuck puzzles
Fuck ancient mysteries
FUCK Enigma
did it once and never again
Woljif is hard carried by his VA, and Daeran is just too fucking based
Gets even more fun when you EA and the fucking TILES AREN'T IMPLEMENTED YET
lann is my bro he carried me hard early on so ill stick with him no matter what
Thanks Lann, you're so awesome Lann.
That quest was just shit. Nenio really got let down by that absolute garbage. It's like they thought that just because the demon lord was the demon lord of stupid nonsense that drives people insane they should inflicted the most retarded bullshit on the player too because it would be thematic. But they forgot that that is fucking retarded.
cracks me up every time desu
>a furry redditor
Based DM.
arent those the norm?
This is genuinely one of the most dull and snore-inducing worldmaps I've ever seen jesus christ.
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Are you projecting or is there a reason why every use of faggot in this thread was by you? Anything you want to tell us?
Areshkigal truly is the lord of nothing for she produces no fun in all the content she has you do
Just use the puzzle skip, it's even integrated enigma into it now letting you skip the major headache, there is no shame and it should be considered as mandatory as buff setup is.
Daeran is a shameless debauched reprobate and a broken person, like Astarion. This is the only way to make homos work other than have their sexuality be a footnote: shamelessly flamboyant.

Does anyone know why racists are such snowflakes bros?
I love girl dick too. I'm not projecting. You're the ones hiding from the truth
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because i have NIGGER fatigue
Could have us pulled into some mad shit between her and Pazuzu, or her sister istead, but we clearly NEED MORE PUZZLES
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I spent a whole minute trying to infer who the fuck you meant with rageful Cleric until I gave up and had to look it up, completely forgot this zesty nigga even existed KEK
Yes, I totally would.
I like the puzzles leading up to enigma. Not the ones inside the actual dungeon though.
Also, aside from finding the seventh blue crystal, I actually like the dungeon itself as well.
The boss fight is fun, and the ost is great.
>I am okay with elves, dwarves, extradimensional frog things, literal demonspawn, furries and mary sue half-vampire snowflakes
I'm actually not okay with any of those things.
nobody asked you little sensitive bitch
>grrrrr there are black people in my game!
Not anymore
His quest is lame. And the good result for his quest is adding another nigger to a party.
No. The good result is, fuelling his tard rage so that he kills his own brother.
His brother is good, retarded build but the game needed a full BAB melee martial companion, the game was seriously lacking, if you didn't build one yourself you have to go through 4 acts to get one.
At the point you are getting him, you already can kill everything.
What's the point? Seelah is still a Noggadin that is friends with looters from da hood.
imagine not having a warrior sect to be proud of in your entire history
Yes. But now you don't have to look at her ugly face, or listen to her ugly voice.
That's the real issue.
Fuck! This is actually tough!
This, but unironically
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I know people shit on gold dragon. But I actually liked it.
Maybe it's not to good for most classes. But for a shifter, it was strong as fuck.
Also, I got to redeem mom, and convince Pharasma to send her soul to Nirvana.
>Laputan Machine.png
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Crimson throne or hells vengeance.
If anyone can pull off Hell's vengeance, it's owlcat.
Just imagine how much role playing options they would give us!
>can't fuck the kitsune

wasted game
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i hate that owlniggers literally forces you with nogs at the very beginning of the game.
and the most confusing thing is that this game genuinely be good if not for all those forced troons and niggers.
what the hell is wrong with russians?
Just go with your guts, not like we have anything close to official word that it will happen.
Closest thing to Pf news from the catty owls was a
>which description from our office intern would you like more
survey as I recall?
They actually tuned down an adventure yelling "LOOK OUT WHITE HATING TROON AUTHOR INVOLVED" to mild background muzak of "minorites exist"
Steal the wotr books and you will thank them for their discretion
>what the hell is wrong with russians?
Nothing, they gave the western audience what they want
Original campaign is way worse, you should thank them for making it this tame.
How much worse is WotR vs KM? You still get black companions in KM but they also allow you to go full ethnic cleansing. Not only that it's somewhat the smart choice to pick too, at least for killing all trolls.
Kept her because you can literally make her unkillable. It's pretty funny to see
play rogue trader
I didn't know that knights could have thief as subclass. Interesting.
Why are the companions in Wrath so fucking boring compared to the ones in Kingmaker?
There is an orc-human "lesbian" couple that's part of your inner circle.
I put lesbian in quotes, because the human is actually a man that changed his gender with a magic potion. However, that information is actually hard to come by. I've never seen the dialogue myself, despite beating the game 7 times.
Then there are 2 nigger companions.
One of them is a paladin, that has her backstory being a thief that got another paladin killed. She also cares nothing about honour, duty or principles. She will overlook crimes done by friends. She will get upset if you lecture her friend about looting corpses. She will defend demon cultists instead of doing her duty as a paladin. Basically, as a paladin, she is a failure through and through.
The second is a cleric that is describes as a peacfull, gentle and noble soul. Yet every quest has him losing his shit. Yelling at people, assaulting them. At one point nearly beating a man to death, after he had been defeated, and surended. He aslo cares nothing about honoring the dead, instead thinking it is perfectly fine to play cards, and gamble, while standing on their graves. And he is also a faggot, and you can get his faggot brother as a companion as well.
I always give her a level in thug before I dismiss her from my party.
many such cases anon
no chance, too niche. Fantasy with SCI-FI is a hard sell. Some people love it, while others absolutely hate it
I would if I could.
Huh? They are way better, than kingmaker with slut elf, cuck orc, whiny dwarf and annoying halfling bitch you can't get rid off. I would only trade negro paladin for Valerie.
Ruins of Azlant or bust, I want Azlanti content.
>She will defend demon cultists instead of doing her duty as a paladin
Should I assume the writers aren't clever enough to have said paladin companion lose all their abilities at some point due to being an oathbreaker? Kinda hoping they are clever since KM 100% lets your companions get killed or perma-debuffed due to choices you make.
There's an internal consistency to Daeran that makes him way less annoying than most lulz randumb evil flamers
we droppin in Otari for that abomussy vaults
Is safe to install into an existing save?
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she's so based
Seelah, Sosiel, Anevia and Tirabade are all Paizo characters. Literally all niggers, faggot or troons.
This is just Europe and Africa, wtf.
That's the point. You have North America, Azlant which was a minicontent in the not!Atlantic that sunk into the ocean and left behind islands, fantasy Europe, Fantasy Africa, Fantasy Eastern Europe/Middle East/India, and Fantasy East Asia with a chunk of Asia nuked out of existence and replaced with Ocean.
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Golarian is just another version of Earth, just one with wizards, elves, orc, ect.

Reign of Winter lets you travel from Golarian to Earth during the russian revolution, since in that campaign Rasputin is a wizard originally from Golarion and he opened a portal to Earth.
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>go to earth
>min max and use stinky gouda to noclip through the plot barrier
>go on to save western society against it's destruction.
explain why it cant be done.
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it depends on the classes 'iconic', paladin uses female pronouns because seelah is its iconic while bard uses male because lem is its iconic
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jokes on you, I rolled linkle for my aeon run and she's just going to reincarnate into another bullshit glownogged snafu she'll have to unravel using her jailbroken timejanny powers.
What should I do for my next run, aeon or azata?

Story wise, trickster was kind of disappointing.
What about that succubus saying that goes: A mortal is always lying, if she's not lying then it means she's lying to herself. Or something like that.
uninstall wizard
trickster = power of funny banter with the bros
azata = power of friendship with the gay bros

i'd guess you wouldn't like azata that much either, so i'd say go aeon next.
>rogue trader
That does not offer a pirate/ rogue trader experience. It's just a poorly disguised Inquisitor agent game. Anything deviating from this roleplay breaks the logic of the game and makes you look fucking moronic.
Azata is fun if you don't mind some anime moments.
I like the power of funny, it just felt like I barely got any. The council was really lacklustre and it felt like chapter IV is where all of the trickster options occured.

Plus I think beer is a meme drink. So that was offputting.
Azata is basically trickster but worse, story wise. Go Aeon, I really enjoyed the story, although be prepared for people to not take you seriously for the first few acts, it's been memed a lot, but it's true.
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It's been a while
I finally bought season passes
Hope i wouldn't regret it because i had slight remorse of buying WotR early at full price
Not falling for a meme this time, and will play on lower difficulty
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>get to act V
>already level 20
DLC classes are cool.
>will play on lower difficulty
What difficulty did you play originally?
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>Not falling for a meme
I liked boss fights on this difficulty, but there is too much garbage encounters that turn the game into time wasting slog, i was really exhausted by the time i finished my only playthrough, and i was even doubting buying the DLC because of time commitments on replays
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But I want to play as a cool lich, that's what makes this game better than others like bg3 with their boring progression system and forced neutral playthroughs
But can you ever play as a Lich and get a lawful good ending?
Yeah, while the game turn based combat, it really was designed with RTwP in mind. There are a lot of trash fights. The siege of Drezen being the most egregious
Azata is similar to trickster in that it is all about the goof.
Aeon is cool, if you like to be told to fuck off, after confronting criminals.
lawful good Lich?
By definition you can't be lawful, unless you are in some lich country. And you can't be good, because raising corpses can't be considered good anywhere.
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>character is named Greybor
>he's grey and boring
what weapon should she use
>By definition you can't be lawful, unless you are in some lich country
I can't believe there are still retards that think lawful, in pathfinder/dnd setting has anything to do with the laws on lands....
I mean, yeah?
Early game, glaives. Mid to late game give her a table cloth so she can clean the bench while you make a less annoying Paladin mercenary.
No. That's not what it means at all.
It's about following a code. Have you ever played a dnd/pathfinder game?
Have you even played Wotr?! Because Regil, will explain to you, in a way even a child will understand, what it means to be lawful.
should I get the horse
Yeah, pets on melee characters are good because they can move and make a full attack in the same round.
Rovagug follows code too. even if it's just "kill all gods". But he isn't lawful.
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>Character is named Camellia
>She is a perfect miracle of the universe
Now you are just being retarded.
By design, if you go legend you get 20 more levels to spend, there needs to be enough exp to get to 40 before the end.
To be fair the demon spawn are also fucking gay when you make them not like demons at all (BG3)
Very pointless mod, since that's how the adventure path actually wrote
Mod is mod. It's not canon and no one forces you to use it. People can have all kind of things, even if they are not interesting to you.
Tieflings arent demon spawn and never were.
when does The Last Sarkorians content start? waiting to nab Dance of Masks on discount but I'm considering at least starting my run since DoM is endgame stuff
In Kenabres.
>Perception check successful
>I DID eat breakfast this morning!
cheers anon, I'll grab it now since it's on sale and get started
When you finally wake up in the tavern first time, go to library and you'll start the quest
What is it with caucasians making blacks cosplay as knights? At least with the Japanese they have ninjas, samurais, and mikos.
What dnd archetype do blacks add besides witch doctor and zulu spear chucker?
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Future Queen of Mendev.
Thug, rapist, and dark goblin.
Hey, wait a second. That's a nigger. Her skin is the color of poop!
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I upgraded her during my play through to be far more appealing!
WOTR is unplayable due to bugs.
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Fuck swarms in this game, holy shit. Fighting those cunts on core makes my blood boil, especially the ones from sarkoris dlc
Your own fault for not being a touch attack class in a game with insane AC, get fucked.
You assume a knight of the sun would not have the melanin to withstand it?
It's not the ac, it's the fucking immunities and damage reductions
What's the most broken spell in this game and why is it greater dispell?
Weird with Grandmaster Rod. You insta kill literally anything in a big AoE
>is immune to mind affects
What now?
>smoke detector chirps
*perception check failed*
Doesn't matter, Grandmaster Rod bypasses all immunities if you target the ground.
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just burn them bro lol.

i learned shout spells and cooler splash is also effective.
>"That's a NIG-"
instead of Seelah they should have added a arabic Sarenrae paladin like Kostglyr
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>Wanting to indiscriminately destroy everything in a blind rage is a code
I've seen some stupid fucking things in pathfinder threads, but you're really aiming for that gold medal.
How is that not a code?
She's an almost 20-year-old character.
She is perfect for a lich romance
>how [...] look like
ESL retard.
seelah and her bullshit roguepaladin chaotic lawfulness (and color) are one of those things that owlcat had little to no control over. she is one the pathfinder iconic characters (official personification of classes) so no major changes to her were allowed

it was the same with amiri
That just means he's been fatigued for twenty years anon.

I have too.
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its not fair that he turned my KC gay
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>broke the 15 year curse
I kneel.
>grooms players in the module
how did she get away with it?
desna supports straight shota
How? 2006 was still on the latter end of the time period where the only Black characters in media were token trope types that got a pass due to being fun. We hadn't even hit the circular racism period where black characters were made to be untouchable paragons that weren't allowed to have faults or commit any wrongs.
does Bg3 have a ending as based and Erastilpilled as the Arue one?
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Yep. That's what I did as well. Then change to legend at the goddess summit, so I didn't have to sacrifice her
Urgathoa approved aka. pregger Minthara was cut because the VA didnt liiiike it
how is the multiplayer in Dark Trader? i hope they implement multiplayer in their next Pathfinder game.
>this retarded bitch is spammed daily
>has virtually no porn at all
so /v/ really is just a couple dozen turbo-autists
>pregger Minthara was cut because the VA didnt liiiike it
I hate human women so much it's unreal
>Here Owlkitty, have some more balls of code-yarn you can tangle up!
The "which player is making the plot decisions" will be worth 6 months+ of patches by itself
>leg hairs less visible
>scars, bruises less visible
>natural sun resistance
Why would I want to be white?
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What's the deal with the mandragoras in the wizard's tower? Why are they fucking harder than the dragon??
They don't belong in European fantasy.
Not everyone is forced to live with them, American. It's just your misbegotten kind.
>>I am okay with elves, dwarves, extradimensional frog things, literal demonspawn, furries and mary sue half-vampire snowflakes
>But a Tesla Cybertruck? That's over the line!
Because anon, I know black people in real life.
>dorfs, elves, furry fuacks
>no european
lul. Let me guess books are for faggots, and Siegfried just found the local jew stash?
Pathfinder isn't European fantasy. It barely has an identify in general. It's literally just a bunch of disparate settings glued together with rule of cool.
/v/ would collapse on itself, if there was ever a strength of thousands game.
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I liked Ekundayo, but can't stand Seelah or Sosiel. Ekundayo's cold anger, and troll-racism was endearing, despite his physical disability; usually when you think of an angry Basketball American, your mind immediately goes to 'loud and ape-like', but his deep-seated hatred for trolls was more reserved, and less explosive.
Seelah was just annoying, and Sosiel, well, he was a fruity cleric of Shelyn, eugh.
Coincidentally both Sosiel and Seelah are paizo's characters.
Glad they removed Sosiel's gay demon-drug addicted boyfriend that he'd betray the players for, so he keeps getting more drugs
You should have added Hulron or Ramien as the sacrifice, oh sensei of paint
I heard Tyrant's Grasp has a disappointing railroaded ending where your party dies and only delays the threat so that some other party can actually finish the job later and get all the glory for it

Probably sounds kino for a novel or movie but for tabletop that would probably feel sour. I haven't played it but there's people on /tg/ who are eternally salty about it
>Black people were invented in the 1800's
Curse of the Crimson Throne has lots of hot Mantis assassin bitches, a army of slutty (all female) fascist knights, and and evil bard queen.
>he doesn't know
there's actually a non-zero chance a futuristic truck will appear in this setting.
Rogue Trader or Wrath, which is better?
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I haven't been in these threads ever since ZZZ launched.

Has there been any new announcements or leaks from Paizo or Owlkeks since 1-2 months ago?
but that would tickle their secret ending fetish with making your sexbot become an actual goddess and you her Herald.
WotR =far better class autism and replay, RT = less repeated old bullshit you saw in only 6 other games.
this game gets criticized here a lot you disengenous faggot
Amiri was great
Mythic isn't even that fun.
you lead a rebellion against a dyke queen possessed by an evil male dragon and her army of sexslave lady knights and sentai assassins.
Also it has a Zun Kuthon elf genki girl Cleric. Like Ember levels of bubbly while being completely evil.
>create something yourself!!!
>person who is racist does create something
>Heh, wow racists never make anything!!

I hate you disingenuous faggots.
Mythics are fun, but retarded difficulty prevents you from powertrip fun it was supposed to be
>Pathfinder isn't European fantasy.
Oh, is it vodoo fantasy then? Have Africans invented it? Is it inspired by African mythology?
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That's just the exception that confirms the rule.
>Oh, is it vodoo fantasy then?
Yes, retard, they have that stuff further south in the map too.
So the entire game is inspired by African voodoo and their mythology?
how retard are u?
This is a secondary that's just looking to bitch, why bother responding?
hasn't owlcat been posting stuff that could relate to Crimson Throne or Runelords?
>So the entire game is
diverse and filled with things that makes you butthurt.
Oh look, it's another weirdo who pretends like lariantrannies and owlcucks aren't the same studio who push out the same pozzed slop written by low testosterone and low IQ faggots.
What about her tranny wife?
With that survey being posted with some pozzo art background that could relate to the APs you mention. Think someone said it was Throne art, but I wouldn't know.
Good. Trump won't be able to gut the government so we can give more money to Israel then.
"No more foreign aid...unless it's Israel."

Funny how all of the Jews and Zionists like Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro LOVE Trump and hate Harris? If the left is the side opposing continued funding for Israel, wouldn't it make sense that all the Jews and zionists would continue to bash them?

Trump can stop funding Ukraine and give the land to the Russians. He can stop funding Taiwan and give the land to the Chinese. But GOD FORBID we stop giving Israelis missiles and bombs to drop on children and fuckers with tents.
The lower the difficulty if you want to one-shot everything, retard. Starting from chapter 3 onward, any minmaxed party can start stomping enemies even on Unfair.
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real question is who will be the next iconic?
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/pol/ website. You will never fit in, trannies.
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[Perception - Easy: Fail] The words have already left your mouth.
"You're black."
Tell me why I'd care, when we can't romance them anyway.
Might as use that slot for the mandatory diversity token and plz dont waste money on a VA.
>waste time on shitty multiplayer instead of fixing their game and adding actual content to the 2nd half of the game
fuck you owlcat, fix your shit first before trying to appeal to normies who wont touch your games because you cant tone down your autism
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Half-Elf Gunslinger girl.
>Dad is a bigshot Alkenstar ShieldMarshal which is basically a wild west sheriff in the mana wastes
>Grows up reading fantasy stories about the rest of the world
>Dad gets her assigned to a backwoods town so she wouldn't be in danger after she runs off to also be a ShieldMarshal
>Accident teleports her halfway across the world
>Now goes around shooting monsters and demons in the face with no intention of ever going home
>muh patriarchy ruined the tribe
they made rogue trader, so them making a gunslinger class next to reuse those assets wouldn't surprise me
I think they are about the same.
I would say RT is the "better" game. But I enjoy wrath more.
At the very least, RT is better in the combat.
I actually think RT has the best combat of any crpg I've played.
Yeah I was kind of surprised they didn't add shootie class to the last DLC after RT.

Maybe limited time or
>something something encounter balance
but that last is a mess in all their games anyway
I like both. Fuck the /v/ hivemind
I want owlcats to invade larian and remove all the cucksquad in gory special operation style.
But keep your hands off larian's turbo autist level designers.
Good, not great.
Nta. But I one-shot everything on core as well.
I loved act 1 on core. Because it forced me to play more tactically. But as soon as my build started coming online, it was pretty much the same as normal. Exceptthe few difficult fights, like playfull darkness, went from being hard, to actually impossible, unless you had a very spesiffic set-up for that one fight.
This continued on until the end of the game.
In the later areas, I could literally just put the game on rtwp and walk away form the keyboard. Because I had fear aura, every enemy would run across the entire map, and my group would follow, and just pick everyone up one by one.
Then that one guy would show up, and nuke my entire party in a single round.
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>have a pretty decent ssd
>drezen still takes 2 minutes to load
It's not like owlcat don't have their fair share of cuck stuff in their games.
A knight of the sun would welcome in the sun's energy instead of blocking it with melanin.
What sort of hateful creature blocks out the sun? Vampires, that's who!
>Get improved blind fight
>Cast true seeing
>Cast see invisibility
>Miss - Concealed
>Miss - Concealed
>Miss - Concealed
>Miss - Concealed
Not going there again, Farmboy
the point is you're not using echolocation
I mean no one cucks you in their games. You cuck orc in Kingmaker and that's it.
The point is they are demons.
>another camfag in denial
They have mind blank. You need echolocation.
Oh look it's another Hamasnik who doesn't understand that actions have consequences.
Don't start a genocidal war and then cry because you're losing.
They have Mind Blank or you've been blinded somehow
Arue-plapping killed the cuckposter. No rezscrolls for u, sorry not sorry.
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Valerie telling you about her dates with other men.
Valerie getting nailed by farmers in her ending
Everything about Octavia and her pet orc
Arueshalae ready to settle down after chocking on demon cock for centuries
Camellia's ending specifying that she slept with many of her courters after she leaves. Which, btw, they only mention if you romance her.
Everything about Regina in RT

Sure, only Octavia and Regina is actually cucking, but the other stuff is at least cuckshit in /v/ standards.
>She had to follow up Amiri
Lmao she never stood a chance
He thinks that someone you are not in a relationship with, having sex with someone, is cucking.
So I cucked all of my future gfs?
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>barely literate gobbo you picked up in the woods
>10 INT

>9 INT

According to /v/ yes.
Her being retarded almost excuses how shitty she is, romance or no. Also remember she's dumber than Hulk-speak Amiri
Is there a way to zoom out the crusade map? Its driving me nuts when im trying to find quest locations
toybox freecam mode works on map afaik
Fair warning: It makes finding things more of mess, not less until you get used to staring your view from moon orbit
Doesnt matter, noticed that other bubble mod adds one more tab on the map that shows every location with a quest
Mythic hero is the path you have before you've chosen one of the others, near the end of the game the lawful good god tells you that your mythic power is wrong and you don't deserve it because you didn't earn it like they did and as such you should give it up. If you give it up you become a legend, which locks out all your mythic power but allows you to level to 40 instead.
knight autism hides a lot
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Mummy's Mask just for this fella
>the lawful good god tells you that your mythic power is wrong and you don't deserve it because you didn't earn it like they did
She did not earn that
Tell me about the sparrow, why does he wear the mask?
>I want owlcats to invade larian and remove all the cucksquad
You want for the cuckMasers to REMOVE this fetish from another dev team? Anon, cucking is Owlkek's favourite fetish. How have you not noticed it being included in all of their stories? Have you even seen the sate of rogue trader?
Never full understood the reason why the 'unaligned' mythic hero but 'aligned' source of power trait was a thing.
Guess to not lock you in early, or to enable crazy shit like Angel powered by danse macabre, but it is still strange
Iomade really the 3 int god.
Haven't seen the vodkas tell the world how proud of their shit-tier fetish they are on socmedia so there is that.
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Only if we can recruit the act 1 villain.
It worked for wendu, so tell us about her
I wish I could chose which companions are on the crusade councils. It would be only Regill, maybe Daeran too.

Any council where Seelah is, her opinion is always "Hey let's ask the paladins! I'm a paladin too, you know? The paladins will make everything ok because they're cool!!".
Main gripe about Wrath is the mythic progression is so backloaded, first three mythics are well paced then you get to mythic 4 and play 30 hours before you get mythic 5 for another 15 hours and then the game just gives you mythics ranks back to back to back, it sucks espcially because there's mythics that need mythic 6 to be really good but you only really get that when around the time you can end the game.
Same. That's one of the things I liked about Kingmaker. Being able to select who had which role in your council.
Should have expanded upon that in wrath, instead of just having budget HOMM.
The tl;dr for act 1 is that The Half Dead City is a city built around a necropolis and the local church of Pharasma put out an open invitation for adventurers to come in and take a crack at any lesser undead inside and in return they can keep any non-relic magical items they find. The main group competing with your party is led by a noblewoman from Taldor that's come to Osirian to find a doomsday weapon she can take back home and be an evil wizard overlord with because the country is a giant trash fire of succession crises (It's where War for the Crown is set).
Would be amusing if you got access to 1-2 random-rolled god-tier feats appearing on every rest in early game, because you can't control your myth juice yet.
Yeah, the final chapter in general feels rushed. It's probably the main reason they ended up also giving you several mythic ranks in a row.
The easiest fix would have been to remove the retarded M10 level up and put one after Xanthir instead
>"Here you got Death Magic twice per day now, how fun"
>B-but.. fighter?
I mean, it makes sense. Her whole storyline is about her being a low empath autist who can't understand people having differing world views and to respect that fact.
Nok-nok is the Chad heroes journey about overcoming ones fears and doubts. A true man vs self literary story.
Mh, sounds doable. Bit too much of a female KM gnome perhaps
I'm gonna play a friendly good lich! Everyone will smile and wave when I walk down the streets and all the kids will go
>"Everyone look! Mr. Bones came to visit!"
>Lann is always "let's learn to hunt and make armors from moss and bark"
>Woljif is always "let's let thieves and crooks take care of it"
>Shifter-man is always "let's call savages with wolves and throw rocks at them like in the neolithic"
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You're fucking dumb.
>Verification not required.
2nd and 3rd from left top are in the card game.
>"Oh look he brought Grandma along too! Can I get a hug? Wait dont you need your finger back?"
Is where that usually goes wrong
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>"The Sarkonians lost every major battle they had against the demon forces. The only thing we can learn from them is what not to do."
they're little psychopomps
Take the beard off Regil, we all know its you
in /crpgg/ they still think she cheats on you and says the children are "of unidentified origins"
Autists have low WIS score, not necessarily low INT.
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>no idea what I just perceived
That homo face makes me gag
They could have lil' alu-azatas shit on their beds, those freaks would eat it and say it tasted like farmer
I need a sneak attacker to sneak attack in duet with my sanctified slayer. I've been using Woljif mostly, I've never tried Greybor. Should I?
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agreed, but only if they chase&worship white men
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Nah, it is ridiculed for being woke trash on the regular. By the way, last time I posted this I had some butthurt tranny spend an hour online stalking me. Hey retard, I hope you are here so you seethe and shit your pants again lol.
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I want say IRON GODS for more science&sorcery stuff but Mummy Mask will probably deliver tons of delicious brown waifus and mummies are pretty cool too
I can't keep her in my party because I compulsively think "I see lah and I eat it" every time I read her name
>law autist meets with troublemakers alone
>lose loyalty
pretty sure she just threatened them anon I don't know how your extrapolating this
Dunno man, they are peasants, and we all know Valerie is a peasant slut.
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because I interacted with black """people""" irl and they're a dangerous mixture of fucking retardation and aggression
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>lawful good god tells you that your mythic power is wrong and you don't deserve it because you didn't earn it like they did and as such you should give it up

I like the idea of a Mortal rejecting the power to >>683685720 because it doesn't need extra tricks to defeat demons. But I hate how it was done in the game.
Legend on paper sounds like a fun idea - no gods no masters my own fate kind of story, the problem is just the narrative doesn't really reflect this, but most act 5 mythics feel undercooked having played Wrath across a couple of mythics I do wish they just stuck with 4 major mythics and focused on expanding the actual content within them instead of this major campaign with one big running quest that changes based on your path, but I get that additional mythic paths were an enticing stretch goal reward.
>boss sends you a willing cumdump, you lose loyalty
that one didnt work, back to the drawing board cuckanon
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>Minthara was cut because the VA didnt liiiike it
>because the VA didnt liiiike it
can they do that?
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makes a lot of sense
>"everyone gives me special treatment because I'm beautiful >.<"
>get a scar
>the 15 year curse
before you rage @ her on socmedia and end up causing an international VA protections act or some shit: That was one of the reasons they pushed, but not the only.
Still kind of pissy since it was a solid enough plot part that you could find the companion reactions to her having one in the oven in the audio files, shit is on yt if you care to check
having no kids with your LIs in owlcat games, or at least it not being part of the end slider texts
More like Iomadon't, amirite?
Uh. I mean.... I'm in my fourth playthrough and no bugs yet. Completed the game on three different mythic paths before, no bugs that I ever noticed. So..... uhhhhh. Have you been using outdated mods? Yes you have.
Because language is a matter of culture, not personal intelligence. Valerie being stupid is very thoroughly illustrated in her interactions and person story quests. She really is stupid, she's just been so privileged by her socio-economic status and being beautiful that she could skate by in life. That was the entire point of her quest. The entire reason Shelyn's paladin wrecked her face: to prove that she's been crutching on her looks for her whole life. When it was taken from her, she discovered the value and meaning of beauty in a deeply personal way.

It's ... like I dunno how to explain this any more simply, it's literally the entire point of her story.
Another (black) character who was once a criminal but is now reformed, I'm tired of this trope
He's an absolute monster. TWF with axes / hatchets gets insane with all the mythic perks you can stack on to raise crit mult and threat range... and stacking in sneak attack dice... to also get multiplied on crits. I topped 800 damage in one round with him (he needed to be surrounded by multiple targets for his full attack because I dunno if there's even anything in the game with that much HP all on one creature).
Is he as much of a meat tornado as Nok Nok
being a multiple felon who has been in at least one shooting is the blackest you can be thoughever?
It's not /v/, it's 3 retards from/vg/ which is why the threads often take 20 hours to hit bump limit
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Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good.
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Tyrant's Grasp, but only if they force two playthroughs. Those that have played it will know why. I'm still mad.
I'm interested now.
Does Kineticist have any good synergy with Angel? I heard a lot of people say it works well with Demon but I didn't want to go evil because I want to making fuck with the queen.
QRD anon? Guessing the module fucks your party over at the end or something, how bad is it compared to Iomedae tooting you to death?
You don't need synergy with anything if playing kineticist, just put everything into CON and kill everything with deadly earth.
Never tried, but I'd guess no.
It sounds like a "you can make it work somewhat" build, not anything amazing.
But there's no mention of the kids being yours. Her whole romance is cuckbait so it's obvious their pushing that angle
Kineticists are so fucking broken that you can do pretty much whatever you want. Demon has the most synergy, but it just means you'll be doing crazy insane damage instead of infinite damage.
>you have to go back to drezen every time you want to change your party
god i hate this shit
From what level would I see them being so broken? Right now I do good damage but Lann can still outdps me because he shoots three times.
My lich creates plenty of new skeletons
You get deadly earth at level 12 and trivialize the game (assuming you did take earth as one of your 2 elements early, like you should have), but you should be hitting HARD as soon as you get your composite element at level 7 no matter what.
There was a point where my parents almost became foster parents. We had to go through so many hoops to even start being qualified until they ultimately decided against it. This was a long time ago before I became "redpilled." Knowing what I know now: a big part of this redtape is probably due to black families adopting white kids just so they can abuse them as "revenge for slavery!" I also saw a story from the UK where a lesbians adopted (or sperm donor baby?) and since as an infant they kept them in a cage, routinely abuse him including forcing him to eat shit, and eventually killing him where an autopsy revealed years of bodily damages. They turned out to be man-hating "political lesbians."
>shittiest hair genetics in the world
>complexion is against the standard of beauty in every civilized nation
>considered second-class by every culture, even their own
>skin gets visibly ashy and because shit hair genes, can't bathe everyday without drying out, so stinks
>in fact stinks in general
>creepy yellow eyes
just some counter points off the top of my head
>>a retarded wizard
I also like this idea a lot. I like to imagine that magical ability is a separate thing from intellectual/scholarly ability.
>From what level would I see them being so broken?
When you get Deadly Earth the game essentially becomes easy mode. Before that you're still quite strong. At low levels your kinetic blasts deal more damage than any other single attack, especially if you pick elemental engine and pick fire as your starting element and then pick Fire's Fury. At level 5 you can make your blasts empowered, so they deal 50% more damage, at level 7 you can pick a second element, I usually go for Earth, and make composite blasts that deal way more damage, at level 11 you get the wall infusion which is basically deadly earth lite.
Isn't a retarded wizard just a sorcerer
>Character that's only included for pandering purposes
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i will NEVER forgive owlcat for gating half of the paths especially that one, behind 3 more acts of the game.
>B-but muh story
what is the point of being a legend if I dont reject the power and win without it?
to be honest the law chaos spectrum does have that flaw and particularly while rovagug is a dumb example the example of a pirate ship vs a merchant vessel under the stewardship of the crown is itself a perfect example of why the system doesn't work, because pirates do follow a code, and if you want to say they follow it only loosely you dont know anything about how nobility operate either.
Oh damn you slam her in the new DLC? Might get it on a sale then
Ain't no way did people like read her entire plot line or?
>there where other reasons
why do you nignogs always try to insist that we believe you but then stop short of explaining anything at all. is this the best (((you))) can do?
>before you rage @ her on social media
none of us have a Xigger account retard.
I made ekundayo into a dark elf, his cold hatred for trolls and his stilted slightly british but ethnic speech was almost slav like anyway. also it was funny to me to imagine him being literally the guy who writes home to nal'warn about no being of spider demons in surface land.
people reacted the same way to kingmaker. and for the same reason (your town actually doesnt matter and it always gets destroyed no matter how well you do)
you're thinking of the half orc mall cop who gets promoted by retard queen into the chief officer of the kenebras army.
letting west taiwan bully their mother country would be a moral crime. we shouldnt draft anyone to defend it but if they do it servicemen should actually be compelled to defend it since thats what theyre paid to do as long as it's not another false flag.
>started by palestine
retarded jew your own mossad yids raped and killed southern israelis.
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>I'm putting together a team
i think those retards are talking out their asses but this would legitimately not work if they where using blink/ half ethereal instead of just had a miss chance. however this is owljew so I wouldnt be shocked if they dont credit you the 30% miss chance theyre supposed to have while attacking you.
Except significant amounts of the black vote are calling out (correctly) that Kamala Harris marketed herself as the "first Indian American (yes she's poo in loo) all during her 2016 presidential campaign run and only became the "first black vice prez" the Day of Biden naming her VP, immediately she starts referencing black culture and leaning into "being black" when her entire life until that point she's herself claimed her Indian heritage.
the problem is that she doesn't look pretty in the first place and then adding a scar onto a pretty face might horrify some people I guess but unless its like. yknow, a burn victim treatment I dont see how the scar she got would have been all that problematic outside of a nobles court.
You're not making any sense
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>n-no we wouldnt ever do a false flag
Because I can't fucking remember the details of the larian post where they made excuses for after that travesty was discovered, and if you give so many shits you can own damn research about it?
Most realistic woman ever written.
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Modders already fixed this shit.
no one here gave a shit, youre the one having an autism fit over some shit that was only real in your mind.
>oh no what if 4chud goes and victimizes some woman, she'll have to deal with the consiquences of her actions!!!
we dont have to do any of that, shes already inundated with pajeets catcalling her online if she's openly female.
The last time we had a pregnant waifu was Morrigan.
dila8 harder faggot
I prefer Stealah
man, midnight isles is boring as fuck
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>spams high level spells in your path

fuck this enemy, I get this is the final dungeon but fuck him
how many extra levels does it give you?
That guy is such a fucking faggot, I hate him.
Dunno, playing it for the first time during campaing, just finished island 4 and im bored out of my mind. Its the same thing from kingmaker, but at least i was interested in the story there
Huge spoilers for Tyrant's Grasp module:

Ending has you sacrificing your essence so someone can come behind later and finish the job; to be more precise, you rob him of his fire and leave him with enemies on all sides. You don't kill the villian and in doing this you sacrifice yourself. There is no way out of this. The best you can do is photocopy a small bit of your soul and behind so that you may possibly be reincarnated later on. Resurrection is not possible. In terms of story telling and role playing, it's also fucked up because when most campaigns end you can conceive that your characters would go on and do other things. Hang your mantle as a level 20 druid and go back to being a humble farmer or end up leading a sect, etc. Not here: You're a McGuffin for someone else and you die. You are not saved. Iomedae does not come down and go "I got you bro." GG no re.

The idea on why I said two playthroughs, one for the ending where you die and then you can go once again and actually win this time.
oh wow that's bad.
Oh boy, even better.
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>Galfrey is a good cook

She actually is the best girl, huh
>what to play when you are really sick of your players snowflake chars but don't want to argue or appear at fault for the TPK
The pussification of DMs advances
to be fair to her its absolutely not her fault she was promoted. she just happened to be around the PC who has the spark of destiny and is promoted, you cant realistically hold that against her unless you are trying to roleplay a petty smarmy jew.
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we need these two to shake hands
i dont see why any dm would ever allow this to happen to their group. I dont care what the module says, at that point I would run the fight myself.
can arue cook?
Aside from that giant "fuck you" from our unoffensive pozzo clowns, how is it?
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She can bake cookies.
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cooking is too important to be left to demons
How else is she going to feed the mythic family that she pops out for the KC?
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>tfw Wenduag and CamCam on cooking duty
Any non boss enemy that is immune to mind effects is faggot in my book.
Gameplay wise it's based on world knowledge and I don't think Arue has any ranks invested when you get her. But Galfrey has a huge investment in it by default and gets a boost for her relatively high intelligence score which puts her over Daeran

I guess Nenio could get higher but I usually invest elsewhere for her
around 1-2 lvl iirc, but 1 million gold per run
Irrelevant. You go there for metamagic rods.

I really wish they would just go back to the classic tropes already. I also wish they´d stop writing good aligned characters as dumb as bricks.
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I know someone who played this game and said the story was absolute shit from the very beginning and filled with girl boss stuff. There is apparently a demon invasion and there is no sense of urgency or decision making. You know, the first game had some slight woke shit, but nothing compared to this game after what I heard. Speaking of which, I still have to finish the first one...
Reminds me there is some 'alien outsider' or w/e background feat that only gives malus, but I do not think Arue or anyone else uses it
>There is apparently a demon invasion
That has been going for a literal century. No one is in the hurry, you start the game as yet another status quo gets uprooted. I guess your friend is a retard? Par for the course considering you're a frogposter.
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i do think kingmaker had more gravitas to the story. a million things come together in the end, i don't think a single plot point goes unsolved

By the time the events of the game begin the demon invasion´s been going on for almost a 100 years. There is a modicum of urgency during act I because the city the PC is on is attacked but once that´s dealt with the PC goes on the offensive. There is no rush because, for once, you are the one doing the pushing and honestly i appreciate that.

The timings of Kingmaker were insane. You had just the right amount of time to be able to complete everything without anyone dying IF you already knew the optimal order on which to tackle everything. If you were playing without any kind of guide half your companions would die/ betray you at the end assuming you even made it that far. Be under leveled, fuck up a build or heck, get the build right but choose the wrong spells and you´d have to backtrack and lose hours.

I like the game but that design is stressful as fuck. I take the WoTR power fantasy over it any day.
In defense of the AP this is you fighting the second most dangerous being on the planet (with the first being Rovagug). Aroden kicked the shit out of Deskari and Tar-Baphon is still considered his actual nemesis. From a stat standpoint Areelu in the TT was only Mythic Rank 8 and got there through doping herself with demon blood while the Whispering Tyrant got to Mythic 10 through good old fashioned slaughter.
One of the most looked up topics in regards to that module is changing the ending.

Pretty damn good, desu. When I ran it there were challenging encounters galore to the relatively middle-of-the-road group. The campaign ended at level 18. Up until the 3/4 mark I'd say it was a 8 or 9. The last 1/4 though ramps the difficulty up quite a lot -- and this is before what I marked as spoiler -- which makes sense because you're fighting either the top or second most dangerous being in the world. For reference sake, Areelu ends up at MR 8 and this is while being empowered and doped up (I think 5 or 6 before said doping).

This thing is a 10 on a Tuesday.
The amount of wording that is similar to my post and the one above is concerning. I swear I hadn't read that when I posted it.
Might be something to save the rep of then, if owlcat really adapts it
Owlcat having a changed ending locked behind secret stuff would be good. Their other adaptions had them, why not that one?
You can become friends with the Mythic Lich Arazni. I'm not actually joking, iirc the module actually states (if you ally with her) that the PCs are basically the only people she sort of cares about.
But she'll off herself halfway through so she can be free of Geb for 2E and you're all doomed to die anyways.

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