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Why are you expecting something good from the war within? I mean, why are you trusting Blizzard?
Wow is not a game «from players for players».
Their strategy is just to make a hype around the new expansion to sell the most, they do it since cata.
How can you think that wow is back for good? Why are you so naive?

Add new gears and new zones untill a new expansion make them empty and crap.
That’s wow since 20 years.
feels good to hit the buttons and do big damage
Well it cant be worse than dawntrail
dawntrails story was so bad im willing to give blizzard a new chance hey at least the gameplay is better
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>wow bad don't play it
sure thing buddy
>New expansion comes out
>Everyone except the usual mazed retards quit a month later after the honeymoon hype period.
It's been like this since at least BFA, let's not pretend like it'll be any different this time.
Even though Blizzard devs hates you gamers.
Anybody actually play this? I heard about a new bronze currency, what's that about?
>Their strategy is just to make a hype around the new expansion to sell the most, they do it since cata.
Cata and MoP were good though
Private servers are a good solution
im not expecting anything
ill have fun doing mythic plus for the first month and thats it
When they hook me up there were at least new features what at least sounded cool - new war between horde and alliance, warfronts, zandalar trolls and kultiras humans. Even azerite armor wasn't so bad. But most of the things were designed very poorly, but at least there was something that I liked. And after BFA they introduced no features that sounds at least as something cool. Craftable legendaries, covenants? You know they are going to suck. New flying mechanic for dragons? Didn't asked, didn't worth a new full expansion dedicated to it.
There is nothing cool in The War Within, it's looks lazier than ever.
Private servers have been dogshit for at least 4 years now.
The raid will be fun with friends.
>getting baited to play another shitty wow xpac
wow, gets me everytime retards and then you spam buyer remorse shit for months. What we got this time? another villiana nd kill some known characters for shock value to pretend we have stakes only for the enemy to later fold like retard in each of max 3 raid tiers?
for 4 or more xpacs it's same fucking game loop you're paying for you retarded blizzdrones. Oh, they learned their lesson so now the jailer v3 won't get killed in the same xpac
isnt actiblizz a retirement home for some us military officials? ion has some weird political ties too. makes sense why the games suck absolute ass
I'm not. Both the beta and the prepatch have been a disaster. They're not ready for prime time. The prepatch was so incredibly bug ridden it makes Ubisoft look competent. The warband bank still isn't working.

They've also made bizarre choices like the changes to the character select screen, map icons and other user interfaces like the spellbook. Dragonflight's launch was also bug ridden but this one is looking like it's going to be worse.
I expect the same exact thing as always: I mostly spam M+ for a month, I have fun with friends, and then quit until the next expansion.
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what went right with blood elves?
>since at least BFA
Only addicted mazed blizzdrones kept playing after cata/mop. Hell even classic players are mazed retards making some decent real life money thanks to 4 years of gdkps ruining the economy and community of the game killing guild raids
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In all seriousness, they need to make WoW 2. Retail can't go back to being good because Mythic+ killed the classes and homogenized them all.
>they, they're,
Not fooling anyone, fuck off.
>creating new things instead of parasitizing till the thing drops dead
never ever
I'm not, for the first time i didn't know an expansion was releasing soon. Until this thread i didn't know the expansions name. I don't know where its set, who the villain is, if theres new classes or races or anything.

Why would i ever care again after Shadowlands poisoned the well forever?
you're better off erasing the game and the whole company from your memory. nothing good will ever come from them ever again
You played Brianna Wu's game and got a fetish for his self insert.
the bore within, the store within etc.

really, classic+ as it's called is the only thing left they can do that I'd actually think is cool, give us the vanilla they ideally would have liked to in 2004 with all the cut content included, make it a vanilla with like 8 tiers of raids etc that would take years to get to the top of and I'd actually be interested.

otherwise this >>683687110 the most sensible thing would be just start it over to get around the limitations of the game.
I don't except anything because I stopped caring about Blizzard a bery long time ago.
>There is nothing cool in The War Within, it's looks lazier than ever.
My thoughts exactly. There isn't a single person hyped to come back.
What would WoW2 even do? Why are there some people who insists that WoW2 is going to be some magical fix button.

Tell me how a WoW2 would fix anything
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Not even the usual streamer shills can be assed.
>Mythic+ killed the classes and homogenized them all.
No, it didn't. Legion, the expansion which introduced M+, didn't do it to classes and specs. I dare to say classes and specs never felt so unique until Legion.

What causes homogeneity are incompetent devs.
They need to make WoW2, with three different "modes" to make everyone happy. And by "modes" I mean three entirely different games that share 90% of the assets, all accessible from the same client.

Modern = Guild Wars 2 clone. Casual open-world content, big focus on the story, instanced end-game (Arenas, Raids, M+), horizontal progression, collectathon.
Classic = Everquest clone. You're just a random adventurer, zero story, dangerous world, "forced" co-op because if you try to adventure alone you get your ass kicked, classes with crazy abilities, slow vertical progression.
OW PvP = Eve Online but Warcraft.

The problem with current Retail is that they have no idea what to do with it. If they streamline it too much, people complain that it's no longer an MMO. If they add MMO mechanics, people complain that it's too grindy.
They are trying to make everyone happy, but they can't because these MMO "genres" cannot coexist. You cannot make a game that's both "skill-based esport" and "MMO with meaningful, long-term progression" at the same time, but this is exactly what they're trying to do. And it's shit.
nta but
>new engine, new world that looks much nicer
>could find ways to do things they never have attempted like player housing, seasons in the world, terrain that can be altered such as planting trees that actually grow etc, each server evolves its own features (natural or player influneced) ecosystems over time
>could try stuff to attempt the single player grindy shit like have AI-generated variations of daily quests, optional generated dungeons
>fuck flying mounts and fuck them forever as a conscious choice because they killed world PvP

some big changes like retconning out shit like LFR or flying mounts and so on would I think require just making a new game at this point because too many people would have a poopy pants melty if stuff currently relied on got axed.
it'll have some fuck around content in the open world, 8 new dungeons for m plus, and a raid with 4 difficulties, I'll probably do some mythic bosses until I get bored and quit again.

If you are a WoW player that plays any version of classic or cata then you get even more value out of it.

There's a reason why WoW has more players playing on any 2 versions of the game than FF14 ever did. They stagger content on 4-5 versions of WoW so there's something people can play.

There's like a mental disability of wow haters where they don't see the strategy of Blizzard using multiple versions of WoW to satisfy all tastes. The mother killing streamer you watch really did a number on your brain.
also I forgot to mention, they need to re-think how raids/endgame goes. reduce trash dramatically or even just get rid of it. get rid of runbacks for raid wipes. that isn't a thing in FFXIV and there isn't a real reason it needs to exist still, in WoW it's always been there but in a WoW 2 they can go "you know what, this is an antiquated thing these days, nobody will miss it." the idea of "well if you wipe too much the punishment is you have lost hours re-setting up things, the trash comes back etc" are literally just artificial time-wasters as fuck-yous attempting to slow down the progress and mentally wear out the players.
You kill raid bosses and you have a chance to get a new currency called Bronze Bullion. You use the Bronze Bullions to buy your BiS weapons, rings, necklaces and trinkets from a bunch of vendors. You can them upgrade them to current content item level with crests you obtain from farming content. Once you have bought all your BiS items, you can use your remaining Bullions at a certain vendor which sells all the appearances of the weapons that were obtainable during the exansion's duration. Hope it clarified everything for you
>Hope it clarified everything for you
It did but I thought from what I heard at the time that you could upgrade your character itself, kind of like the paragon levels in Diablo 3. I guess I was mistaken
all mmos are fun to play during new exp release, you play a bit with your friends, see the new stuff and unsub during the 2nd month. Only addict ghouls keep on playing beyond that point, and this happens in ffxiv too
nice implication about mmuh ahters, but wow is alive because of those retarded streamers and mongoloid retards like you that need their dopamine shot, no matter the game quality as long as it provides your precious dopamine shot like junkei retard you are

obviously everyone knows that it's pure marketing and scheme to farm money. But only retarded nigger like you make it so knowing this validates playing this shit, monkey
Couldn't even tell you what its about and i went to the midnight launches from vanilla to warlords.

WoW's dead dude, let go and move on its been 20 years.
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>Couldn't even tell you what its about
cant blame you, their official annonce cinematic was the most faggy idiocy I've seen
honestly this. no mmo can compare to the feel and responsiveness of wow's gameplay
It's literally the only reason wow is still around. when you weave your shitarse through a bunch of circle and hit the boss a bunch more than every other cunt in your raid you feel like a god.
XIV would have been king if it was as responsive as this.
Don't care. Still playing era.
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dragonflight was a good expansion so im looking forward to TWW
the story was dogshit and the characters were a bunch of boring hags and fags, but it fixed a lot of the problems introduced in legion
im hoping for dragonflights gameplay with chris metzens cringekino story writing

its a shame we got a bunch of diversity bullshit waiting underground
>reduce trash dramatically or even just get rid of it. get rid of runbacks for raid wipes.
>every raid should be trial of the crusader
nah fuck off fag
faerin aside, there is no diversity bullshit in tww
>90$ price tag
>No new features besides AI delves
>Hero Talents are dogshit
>Story is two times shorter than in the next shortest expansion
>Pre-patch is ridden with bugs, some classes didnt even get their trees updated lmao
>M+ balance on beta is fucked up completely
>Art is garbage
>Soundtrack inexistent (wasnt even included in collector edition)
>Early Acess for the first time ever

WoW went from full blown big chunky expansions to the Destiny 2 style set of dungeons/raid under the sauce of an old-school expansion to fool the below median IQ normies.
Its literally over.
there seems to be a lot less than dragonflights endless parade of homo dragons, fag centaurs, non-binary gnolls, every faction leader being a woman, infinity niggers
the marketing makes faerin seem like a very important character. not just in this expansion, but for the future too. i hope her inclusion in the story is just inertia from the 2022-2023 dev cycle and they fridge her in midnight
idk about the future but so far she's only part of the third zone
Because i want to. Simple as.
I used to raid with a group of friends for over 10 years but Mythic+ dungeons made me quit the game in disgust.
I will never return until that abomination is removed.
>gives better items than raiding
>obligatory 2 week farm every raid tier to upgrade your items to higher ilvl
>obligatory farm every week for the rest of your life for that random high level item
The game is played by brown people these days so no.
shes important enough to get a CGI intro in the marketing cinematics
best case scenario shes just being pushed for ESG checkboxes and wont do anything significant in the story, because she is so repulsive and ugly and annoying that i want to throw my computer out the window every time i think about her character
WoW is only played in modern day by americans, swedes and gopniks on welfare. Its literal serf entertainment.
>90$ price tag
>no new features besides ai delves
why do you have to lie?
>hero talents are dogshit
if you're a druid
>story is 2 times shorter
the main story is shorter, but the there are more side stories
>pre patch is ridden with bugs bla bla
it's the pre patch so no one cares
>m+ balance
tuning always happens at the end of the beta/pre season
>art is garbage
>soundtrack inexistent
music is the last thing they add into the game
>early access
people buy it and other mmos do it as well

you sound like a faggot, anon
I forgot this game existed.
I've never even heard of this expansion before. I used to play WoW daily to the point it was in hindsight probably a addiction. Its crazy to have no idea what is even happening at Blizzard in terms of releases anymore. I guess i'm finally out and didn't even notice how out i was.
>Story is two times shorter than in the next shortest expansion
You and I both know that's a good thing with how shit the writing has been since Cataclysm, nearly one and a half decades now.
Isn't she just authors self insert Anduin waifu #8? She's going into the trash right next to Bolvar's daughter and Greymane's.
Bro i'm going to need you to sit down: EVERYTHING in WoW is cringe OC donut steel self inserts ripping off things like Warhammer but watered down for kids. Always has been. You think Illidan Stormrage wasn't some adolescent chuuni shit Metzen probably tried to force into a dozen projects till they finally did it to shut him up?

Its self cringeserts all the way down. Always has been.
greymanes daughter girlbossed super hard in dragonflight and is now the leader of gilneas because her dad is an OLD WHITE MAN who just doesnt understand the new generation of kids who want to be friends with the undead abominations that gassed their friends and family
>you sound like a faggot
rich coming from a world of trannies and fag centaurs apologist lmao
Undeadofphobia is a crime in the Alliance, anon. Never forget the 6 million undead murdered in Stratholme.
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because im having fun
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Yes, World of Capeshit is bad, TES is better
Npc post
Tbc and Wrath story was pure dogshit that doesn't even make sense in their own expac
I didn't say TBC and Wrath had good writing, the writing of future Xpacs was just A LOT worse in comparison.
Simply put, I can't afford it, WOW is actually a very Bourgeoisie-gamer game, expansions, subscriptions, tokens, off-site gold, I don't want that kind of commitment, I'll just play something free and pretend it's wow.
No it wasn't, tbc was by far the worst writing in WoW period
But you're desperately clinging to old NPC narratives
Go ahead and try to explain why TBC had bad writing, let’s hear it junior
There is forced diversity, because "death to white males except for me I'm a good white male ally".
Maybe it's been determined that those are the types of people who can afford and will be willing to buy into all the extras etc, it's not really a cheap game all things considered.
Vanilla fags will complain about later expansions writing, then cream their pants over the Onyxia questline
Something odd I found, playing on EU, English servers, hardly anyone actually speaks English, it's a depressing experience because people's sense of humour is so fucking skewed because of wild cultural differences and language ability, it's just not that great, also having to pay this shit in Euros sucks as a South African.
Also it's cute how Blizzard hides the EU forums apart from the real ones, like giving the weird retards a little containment playpen that nobody gives a flying fuck about.
English speakers tend to play XIV. You have to remember england has always been sony territory and since ff7 the brands been tied to that for them so a lot of mmo players over there now play XIV on their PS5's with a keyboard for chat.
WoW's popularity is more with russians and scandinavians outside the US as that game used to be very good but also a very good way to make income without a paper trail through gold botting. Gil is basically useless in XIV so they never moved over.
they want to make it hard for amerimutts to find it and shit it up
>You have to remember england has always been sony territory
Unironically didn't think of that, you're right. It's weird being South African on EU WOW, it's like being stuck in an ocean of weirdos, not pleasant, the game's okay, but the social experience is not pleasant.
Doesn't Turkey have a dedicated server by now? You seem very loud and numerous.

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