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Apex is better
Aren't the doors sentient and evil in Marathon or some shit
>asian girl in a vidya game
why is this so rare?
Is it dead? Haven't heard of it in a while.
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I thought the Valorant guy became head
then rumor started up of him making this a class-based extraction FPS
Reminder that Concord was made by a studio of a bunch of ex- Bungie employees based in Washington state near Bungie's headquarters.
I want to try it out; I hope they have a F2P option or a free beta or something like that. I have no faith it will be good, but I do hope it is. Would it be too much to ask for it to be good?

I feel like the idea behind the game is squad-based 3 or 4 man teams where you "infiltrate" areas and need to collect loot/etc while surviving and escaping while not dying to other teams of 3-4. Sort of like a battle royale combined with Tarkov. That sounds like it can be good but the game is near guaranteed to have a bunch of bullshit like skins, passes, and other MTX. I also imagine the general gameplay of collecting loot only to get gangraped by another team who is waiting in position/etc is going to be very frustrating.
I thought this was cancord lol. All these live service shooters look the same.
Why did Bungie resurrect a dead 30 year old IP nobody remembers instead of creating something new?
the best part is not even Bungie remembers it

>it's called Marathon because you play a Runner
is it, though
was that how it worked
I like the aesthetic cause it reminds me of something I was working on solo as a mod project for HL2 many years ago, but we REALLY don't need more Tarkov knockoffs trying to cash in on its popularity
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If it's not a remake of the original it's going to be shit. The original seemed to be aged of its time, while this one apparently is trying to be a product of its time.
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>pvp extraction shooter
dead in a week
Nice visual design
I like justice being used in the trailer
It's very cool aesthetically.
One small issue
It isn't marathon.
As a ex destiny player i have no ides why Bungie thinks extraction shooter was the way to go next. They cultivated a community in Destiny that calls everything "toxic", hates pvp mechanics and demands participation trophies in harder content. So their next play was an extraction shooter that is PVP heavy and rewards you for griefing other players and taking their shit. It makes no fucking sense unless this is like CODMW 3 zombies which is a PVE extraction shooter with little to no PVE.

Also this started development 6 months after Tarkov came out. Some DEI hire manager saw Tarkov and bet their future that this is what everyone will be playing in the future
I bet Bungie decided to dig up Marathon purely because of Mandalore's videos making the idea accessible to zoomers.
After the incredible storytelling of Destiny where they took 10 years to build up to 12 people destroying the Megamind with kamehamehas I have full confidence that nuBungie is going to knock it out of the park and create a story that truly lives up to Kirkpatrick's work on the original Marathon trilogy
what a shitty title for a shooter
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I mean it will be a success because bungie makes the gunplay and gameplay
Bungie has never made a good game and Marathon reboot won't change that
I am excited to see this disaster. Destiny was created by Bungies old guard before many got fired and replaced with DEI hires that just kept adding to what the old guys created. This is 100% nu-Bungie so this will be godawful
>hmmm what should we do with our old fucking Mac IP that nobody remembers
>let's make it a Hyenas-like game! join the ack!
That robot is too white and sexy to be a character in Concord
I honestly thought this was camcard
Halo is literally the best modern arena shooter there is, no don't get me wrong quake or ut99 shit on Halo, but every shooter after Halo is way worse than Halo.
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old bungie is gone, man
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>old bungie is gone, man
There was to be one single good west developers left? I can't be all lefties and trannies?
The helldivers guys were almost that but fell
There’s no way this comes out right? Bungie is already on the verge of shutting down due to Destiny failing
Concord was made by Firewalk Studio, a studio full of ex-Bungie Destiny era devs.
People have said the "gunplay" (I hate meme terms ... in this case it literally just means having auto aim/bullet magnetism) is straight out of Destiny
This will fail Bungie will lose all autonomy and will become a support studio for Helldivers 2
I dont know why they thought it was wise to make another game based of Destiny PVP which is seen as the worst part of it
thinking cynically: monetisation purposes
The computer that runs all the basic functions on the Marathon, including every single instance of a door opening and closing, went absolutely batshit from the monotony of doing that shit instead of things that are actual stimulating, like what the other 2 AIs got to do.
I doubt Mandy had anything to do with it.
Its just always easier to scaffold ideas off of existing ones than make something totally new.
They looked into their bag of old IPs and picked one at random to build an extraction shooter out of. Anyone currently at Bungie has no real attachment to the IP, so its just going to be an extraction shooter set on a space ship with art assets based on information and stuff from the originals with absolutely zero of the soul and care from the originals.
I always hear retards say shit like that about Destiny and how Bungie is the best at gunplay
I played Destiny. It doesn't feel any better than any other shooter on the market. I'm fairly sure its just something people parrot because they heard it on a forum or read it from some marketing somewhere.
Theres nothing to talk about. Its dead. Bungie has scrapped it and repurposed its assetts into a Destiny 2 expansion. Gaurdians become the new Navigator of Oryx's Dreadnought in Episode 3 and they leave the solar system to find the last Echo on the Marathon world map. Players will drop in and experience a Fortnite style changing over time map to do soft-seasonal live service content. Sony has really scared them about losing control of the company so they are putting everything back into Destiny instead.
>Anyone currently at Bungie has no real attachment to the IP
Except for Jason Jones, Bungie's co-founder who stepped down into a middle management position in 2019 or so
>They looked into their bag of old IPs and picked one at random to build an extraction shooter out of
The thing that's fucked up about that is Bungie had Minotaur: The Labyrinths of Crete which actually straight up was "extraction gameplay" decades before Tarkov. It was a network multiplayer game where players would go into a labyrinth, get chased by a minotaur, hunt for loot in the maze which would be better and better weapons, then they could fight each other and take other player's weapons and/or fight the minotaur.

Or maybe even a better fit than that, they had Pathways into Darkness, which had US Army commandos going down into a Mayan pyramid that was generated by the dreams of an elder god, where each floor was a maze, in context they're supposed to be generated by the dreaming god which would be a good excuse to make them random layouts, and you encounter the corpses of mercenaries, Nazi expeditions into the pyramid, and tons of weird monsters from the depths of the pyramid where the god sleeps. You have to scavenge for weapons and magical artifacts.

Marathon on the other hand is a pretty straightforward shooter like Doom, gameplay-wise, and the story isn't even a great fit for extraction shooter gameplay - even at a stretch with Marathon 3's timeline jumping. It's really about killing aliens more than aquiring any loot.
Based on the preview I suspect what the setup is, is that its after all of the Marathon games are finished. Earth sends a team to find out what the fuck happened, and finds the Marathon infested with shit but with valuable tech. Queue a scramble to get the cool shit before anyone else.
Or something similar anyway. Maybe survivors grabbing whats left to survive. That sort of thing. The attachment to the old games will be loose at best, with whatever lore they put into nu-marathon just being garbled references to the original storylines and excused as either "a lot of time has passed" or "it was chaotic so no one is 100% sure what happened now"
Will turn out like concord. They already fired the guy responsible for the designs of the characters. Concord is full of ex bungie devs and look at that slop, destiny 2 is currently in a season where the main character constantly talks about his gay lover (he is a 70 year old man and you see them kiss), what do you think this bungie shit fest is going to be like?
I liked the trailer, but that's probably only because I like Justice.
I don't know anything else about the game tbqh
Bungie's art and music people have usually been on point even if they keep changing them out. Everything else is shit.
Pozzed console slop made for low iq console golems. Will be forgotten a week after release, nothing else to say/add.
Face scanning was a fucking mistake.
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>Based on the preview I suspect what the setup is, is that its after all of the Marathon games are finished. Earth sends a team to find out what the fuck happened, and finds the Marathon infested with shit but with valuable tech.
A few issues with that ... first the Marathon ship is only in the first game iirc, unless it shows up at some point in M3. Possible because there's a lot going on in that story.
But it'd frankly be weird story-wise to set it only on the Marathon itself, after the events of 2 and 3. The Marathon universe is much larger than the ship alone. Plus there isn't really too much interesting on the Marathon itself in terms of like ... loot ... it's a colony ship. There is a lot of potentially weird stuff on the Marathon, MIDA conspiracy connections, answers about the Battleroids onboard, but that's more on the lore side of things.
Second of all, I think they confirmed the ship at the end of the teaser *is* the Marathon, the moon that's been broken and has a new construction in the middle of it: so basically the old Marathon is destroyed and is replaced with a sleeker updated version (picrel). So idk if they even could have you explore the old Marathon.
i was kind of excited for an extraction shooter with bungie gunplay because i'm a total shitter at fps games and will never get into something like tarkov
Should have made another shooter but more like Halo. Just straight up corridor shooter with set pieces no leveling system and a more traditional Halo 3 like PVP
Fuck you faggot, I ship the fuck out of Osiris and Saint. You should go kiss a dude, you might like it.
I thought the crazy AI took the old Marathon and updated it with alien tech between 1 and 3 at some point... I might be misinterpreting something or maybe I'm confusing something.
>I ship
anyone that unironically says this should blown their own brains out but we know thats inevitable with faggots like you
"gunplay" is such an awful meme turm
I've only really ever seen it used to refer to Destiny which makes me think it must be a term that originates from Bungie and their many blogposts to hype up their games.
The "gunplay" in Destiny is terrible. It's just a ton of auto aim for console babies and overly polished animations and controls. The timing of every action animation was fussed over so it's this incredibly smooth experience. Smooth to the point of mind numbing. There's no friction or actual fun. A step down even from halo because you never have to drop the weapons you're using for a worse gun, there's none of that meta ammo management that creates a lot of the tension in Halo's combat.
I promise you more than half the devs working on this have neither seen nor heard the word 'W'rkncacnter'.
Durandal downloads himself from the Marathon onto the Pfhor ship in M1. iirc in M2 he's piloting a new Pfhor ship. 3 I lose track because at some point, maybe in M2, he merges with Thoth, and you have the timeline jumping, but I don't think the Marathon itself actually shows up in 2 or 3
Is Bloodborne worth playing now? The only souls game I played was Elden Ring and enjoyed it so will the differences be jarring? Is the framerate shit? Should I just wait for a remaster?
Ah then I'm definitely wrong.
So much for my theory. Carry on.
if these are battleroids then why do they look like that? They were made to blend into society. That's how the Officer and the others were able to be put on the Marathon.

fucking retards. I hate when people fudk up the lore.
man, we didn't know how good we had it

yeah, ut2k4 absolutely mogs it, but the campaign experience was a well-rounded package with music, story and setpieces that hadn't really been seen before in quite that way
I don't blame you for the confusion. By nature the Marathon games drip feed you the story context.
I don't think they're supposed to be. Bungie put out a vidoc where they talk about the teaser.
I can't bring myself to watch it again because of second hand embarrassment, but I think they gave these new robots a name. It's apparently a shell that people remote-pilot, and if it gets shot they can 3D print a new one.

Not that Marathon can't support this new fiction with how expansive its universe is, but I don't know why they didn't just create a new game entirely.
Bungie fucked up making Destiny because now Marathon has to be something really out there so they just don't make the same game despite Marathon having the better lore
Honestly I think there's a diminishing returns factor on recycling Marathon's lore.
Halo did it, it was basically watered down Marathon with way better production value for cutscenes/music/gameplay etc., then Destiny did the same thing ... and it's an even more watered down version of Marathon's lore with slightly worse production. Yes the skyboxes are nice and the gameplay is polished, but the story is a mess and there isn't a single character or visual design in Destiny that's as iconic as anyone from the original Halo games.
If Marathon 4 is just going to be Destiny-tier in terms of quality, and rehashing Marathon's premises for the 4th time I don't see it having much staying power.
Was a sonyfag back in the day, a PCfag and have never been particularly interested in Halo since I always thought it was basically just scifi call of duty
But I started reading stuff about Marathon and was interested, picked it up and its fun, though playing through the aleph version is a bit... difficult. Is Halo as interesting as Marathon, lore wise? Worth playing it now for that reason?
Play the original if you can. We've been waiting for a Bloodborne PC release / remaster for years and we're no closer now than ever, despite the constant rumour-mongering. Remakes of games are always cursed because they get some Literal Who studio to do it and they grossly re-imagine visual elements of the game's designs and aesthetics to the point that it will lessen your experience. The Shadow of the Colossus remake is dogshit for this reason because it was the limitations of the PS2 that helped create the dream-like, light-flooded visuals of the Forbidden Lands. The remake can make use of much more processing power, however, and they foolishly used this to undo this visual element that has all but ruined an esoteric quality the original had that added so much to the game.
I don't like how extraction shooters are all or nothing. I hate playing EFT or some shit, you play for X hours grinding shit, collecting shit, making loadouts, etc. Then you go into a map and get 1 shot by some sniper or some shit and you lose everything.

It's just kind of boring in a way. There's no incentive to keep playing when you lose everything. I think of Dark and Darker. I do find the game fun to play and interesting, but it's so fucking annoying going into a map, and getting ganked by a full team of fully geared players when you yourself/your team aren't fully geared up. You're basically forced to lose.
Honestly yes. But the Halo well has been severely poisoned by Microsoft/343i.
They put out a bunch of garbage books and media and attempted to retcon a ton of the lore.
Basically just stick to Bungie's games for the good stuff.
You also have to interpret the games through the Marathon lore lens, particularly Infinity raising the issue of parallel universes and parallel versions of events: because besides easter eggs there aren't really any direct references. But from the perspective of Marathon's story, Halo is a parallel version of the conflict, with some interesting differences

music unrelated
if I really love halo is it worth it to pick up destiny to fuck around?

or is it really grindy?
Pretty sure Sony is upset that it isn't an over the shoulder movie game
extraction shooters are fairly popular, they have built in marketing because streamers like them, and they've never been developed by a AAA studio (CoD doesn't count, that was an afterthought)

Why do they use common names that could be mistaken for other shit?
It's almost certain that the idea to hop on the extraction looter trend came first and then the idea to put it in the Marathon universe came after
what else fits the description? gun gameplay? it makes perfect sense. different shooter games have different mechanics when it comes to how guns function and "feel". gunplay is a perfectly valid term imo. battlefied, cod, overwatch, etc all have different gunplay
Lukewarm trash that will somehow make people nostalgic for Destiny2 until they announce Destiny3.
i was a massive Halo fan and Destiny was one of the biggest disappointments of my life
it it WAY too grindy and it has this awful feeling hanging over the whole thing like Bungie is controlling your experience through rng. You're going to have exactly the experience they want you to have, no fun allowed. And they constantly patched the game with weapon rebalancing and nerfing fun playstyles, so I never felt like I could get used to how the game would feel. It was different every month. Which also totally broke any sense of immersion, because you're constantly reminded every month that it's an MMO
it's such a damn shame because the world itself was kind of cool at times. But then at other times it legit felt like the whole thing was this cheap knockoff of better series like Star Wars or Halo
No I wouldn't say it's worth it at all.
Not really. I mean, it's free at least so you can fuck around without having to put any cash down but— and I say this as someone who also loved Halo and was a bit of a Bungie crackhead back in the day—Destiny is pretty shit. PvP has never really felt good and PvE feels like waste of time for the most part because of how Destiny is designed. Only in the final expansion did Bungie seemingly recall how to make an engaging story, but most of it is still scattered across various lore books and item descriptions, making it really tough to invest in unless you're supremely autistic (and even then it will just piss you off that all this fantastic lore never made it into the actual game/story for the most part).
It might be worthwhile waiting until the next 'saga' of Destiny comes out but, what is available now is pretty unappealing. In PvP you're gonna get your shit pushed in by this months broken weapon and super-sweats. PvE feels like a pointless affair because you're not really progressing towards anything in the long run, its just a constant treadmill.
Just call it gameplay.
Which I guess is the problem, if Destiny players had to talk about the gameplay in a more general sense they'd have to admit it's shit, so they zero in on how it "feels to use the guns" when it's actually a problem that the guns are over polished and the rest of the game is an unfun underdeveloped mess.
I checked out of D2 quite a while ago but I sorta keep track of lore stuff up until Xivu became an angsty teenager. What the fuck is the current seasons lore besides the obvious homofag shit?
Let me put it to you this way. Every time I meet someone IRL who has also played Destiny, we suck on our teeth and regard one another as if we were survivors from the Battle of the Somme. It's not so much an uplifting 'brothers-in-arms' feeling, it's more like 'this poor cunt has seen the absolute worst of humanity too'. It's like one of your family members telling you they are a rape survivor. There's no joy to be found in Destiny.
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Genuinely the best videogame trailer I've seen in years. The visual and especially the sound direction is so fucking good. Gave me goosebumps before even knowing what IP it was
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The Witness is dead and the traveller is spewing out some fucked up cosmic radiation. Also the Vex are up to something again or whatever. Buy some Silver.
none of the people who made halo good are responsible for what destiny is today, it's just pajeets and women keeping a sinking ship afloat
Let me guess... shot the witness to death after doing a humiliation ritual and standing in le spicy damage circle?
I'm fine with either term, one is more general and one is more specific. In a shooter game, how guns feel is going to be a big focus.
>when it's actually a problem that the guns are over polished and the rest of the game is an unfun underdeveloped mess
That's just a problem with consumers being idiots. Masses of people are uncritical, they will keep playing something even if it has flaws or degrades over the lifetime of the game if it's just good enough
I really don't think you can get around that, it's up the developer to make things good regardless of how many idiots will keep playing and swiping their credit cards
I really liked it too. The faces were a little too cartoony for my tastes but the rest of the modeling, lighting and shader choices were great
I really wonder if Sony is going to try to shift it something like a hero shooter like rumors have said, that'd be awful
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It was a great trailer. Too bad a great trailer doesn't translate into a great game.
I have never seen the term "gunplay" used to refer to any game other than Destiny.
Destiny is shit, the gameplay is shit, and the weapons and character animations being really autistically polished don't make it any less shit. "Gunplay" is a marketing spin term, and so I hate it.
thanks for saving me ten hours
Ghost comes up with the idea of channelling the Traveler's light through himself, resulting in you and your raid blasting the Witness with a kamehameha. As much as I love to shit on Destiny, I found this to be an acceptable means of defeating the Witness and enjoyed his last words, brief as they were. Other than that, yeah, you pretty much just shoot him until that point.
I've seen it used for other games so I dunno. I don't mind it, even if I think Destiny is a mediocre game that isn't worth playing
I don't care for extraction shooters but aesthetic wise it's a really interesting looking game. Super bright and everything looks like it's made from silicone and plastic. I hope the UI lives up to what we've seen and isn't generic safe AAA crap.
There isn't a single game worth playing where I'd refer specifically to the "gunplay"
but you can't deny that guns function and feel differently in each game
that's gunplay
No, that's just gameplay.
gunplay is a type of gameplay
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I agree it looks dope. Extraction shooter just sounds tiring though and triggers my PTSD from when I lost my full zammy rune plate in the wildy
you get over losing shit for the most part
and you learn how to make do with shitty / cheap kits
the risk brings a sense of thrill which never gets old, no pvp game without that sense of risk can compare
Try to use the word "gunplay" without sounding like a twat
never coming out
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you first
That's why I don't use the word gunplay, dumbass.
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you've used it multiple times in this thread while being a twat
The game's director was replaced, showing that the development is going swimmingly and sure the game is not stuck in development hell. And "it was totally always supposed to be an extraction shooter, please believe us"
Go play with a gun.
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Go seek attention elsewhere

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