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Maybe I'm weird, but I'll trust Japanese historians over what should be in a game set in Japan, over western supposed experts on Japan.
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Japan likes the game
>What you're allowed to put in games has to be decided by committee
Making the protagonist a nigger was retarded but they should still be allowed to do that.
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They like Nep and Compile Heart more
No, because the crowd always whining about "cultural appropriation" cannot sit there and then culturally appropriate Japan, especially since it's the first AC game set in Japan. The west is always trying to tell Japan how they should make their games and now this?
I can't wait to beat up Asians with a black guy while blasting shitty hip hop. You can't stop me.
It's a assassins creed game about feudal Japan, it's going to sell millions because normies don't care about forced inclusion. All of the outrage will go nowhere. Ubisoft will make many millions of dollars and vast numbers of normies will enjoy playing a nigger samurai.
Stellar blade flopped
>implying any aspect of a modern Ubisoft game isn't designed by committee
I bet it wins GOTY at the game awards.
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They are. It's the other stuff around why there's a black character there that irked people off.
It's a Ubishit game so that's all the reason you need to never play it.
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Meanwhile in japanese games.
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You don't need historian to tell just from the trailer that this game is just some white women rape fantasy. Just the typical black worship from white.
This supposed to be some kind of gotcha?
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No Anon, that's a gacha
yes, now lick my sperm faggot
>asking faggot to lick your sperm
Wouldn't that be a reward for him?
Maybe he's a faggot too?
>typical black worship from white.
Only americans.
Ubisoft's "experts" couldn't even correct square tatami mats.
Why would anyone trust them on history?
japs are fucking chudcoded. Nao will be impaled by yasuke's black rod, and they will like it
The French company that makes asscreeds is funded by Canadian taxpayers.
ubisoft should pay taxes not poos
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Is there a single videogame website not filled with retards? It's a videogame.
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>Japan likes the game
No, they don't. Japanese have been shitting all over it for weeks.
Doesn't matter the majority will believe us mroe than you
Video games are supposed to be escapism, an idealized world. Adding black people to them kinda defeates the purpose.
Did they fix the signs that were in Mandarin or did they argue that since 'kanji' means chinese character they're the same thing?
Yes, so that mutts will buy it too.
Japanese historians think they did nothibg wrong during WW2 either
Who's "us"?
Yes, japanese games make fiction with extremely loose ties to history to the point where even saying it's historical parody would almost be a stretch
This is not what Ubisoft does, and not what the people who support them do
No wacky anime girl game has ever prompted people to try and directly alter the real life historical record to align with its marketing
They would be right.
Post the song, the /v/ one.
>waaah waaah muh pearl harbor
bro has the anal passport
I don’t give a fuck what a bunch of privileged gooks have to say. Yasuke WAS part of their history and the sooner they accept that blacks were integral to making their country what it is today the sooner we can destroy their racist and xenophobic bullshit mindsets and work towards a better multicultural Japan
Are you telling me the world is better off having China become a major superpower over Japan?
Japanese people are shitting on Ubisoft as well, a Japanese game store was even found playing this on loop
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me, here's the game shop
Kek "the views and comments are all white guys"
How are there still people out there that play Ubishit?
Sure yeah, they didn't give a fuck about that though, they would've made a "Yasuke Bring the Pain" game where you beat the shit outta dudes to a hip hop back track, I would've played that.
And it's not about diversity or representation otherwise they would've just given you a character creator, made you a ship hand who's ship was wrecked and you washed ashore, let you choose whatever diverse back story you wanted.

No, if you're going to shove marketing in my face about how it's historically accurate and call me a racist when really I'm just autistic and can smell marketing bullshit, im going to go out of my way to fact check it.

I just wanted to be assassins in Japan, If i wanted Dynasty warriors style "I'm a massive dude smashing skulls in with a club" i'd go play any number of those games.
It's not just about them being hypocrites and falling on the "ya'll just racist card"
I wanted a damn Stealth Ninja Assassin game in the home of Stealth Ninjas.
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Unendingly based.
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I wonder how many Japanese stores will refuse to stock this game.
God I want to cum inside Suzuka so bad
preach brother
the car?
who buys games in stores? do they not have internet in japan?
Hey ubi shill, have you went to 2chan image board that's having multiple Yasuke threads everyday, and it's always hitting the bump limit
Nips are also the one that found out about Thomas Lockley
>japanese historians
we wele victims in wold wal two n shit
Ass creed games were never historically accurate outside of historical figures. It's called historical fiction, but because it's a black guy some weirdo racist needs to cry about it.
Saar please report to your English instructor.
Saar I saw you repost, please report to your supervisor for failed performance.
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>yfw pressure gets so bad in Japan that Sony is forced by the government to NOT let AC: Shadows out on the PS5
Be honest, how badly would Ubisoft panic?
Auto correct got me
it's a videogame not a history documentary
Two weeks ago liberal faggots were saying Yasuke being a samurai was historical fact though.
When did Ass Creed get so violent?
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Would be unironically based, but highly unlikely due to Californian employees controlling PlayStation.
Gotta amp up the Black on Asian violence to get those young thugs to buy their slop.
Videogames are designed for people all over the world, and all walks of life. Ubisoft is a French company, their games are designed for people that live outside of Alabama trailer-parks.
It is
Ubisoft said it's "a topic of discussion and up for debate", so no, Thomas. It isn't.
Probably none of them, they're capable of understanding that this is fiction and a video game
Lol no. Been proven to be false.
No, they're for fun and entertainment. Not escapism.
Shadows is developed in Montreal, Canada, retard
Is it historical fact and can’t be contested or is it historical fiction and nobody should care about it? I’m getting conflicting answers here
Tell that to Jewbisoft, saar.
Am I the only person that's noticed the rather odd amount of shilling and defence force retards for Shadows lately?
Yeah, also remember when Fate marketed itself with
>Historic Legendary Female Daimyo Oda Nobunaga
with several media outlets doing the same and then those dastardly Fate fans swarmed official sources to make sure it says that Nobunaga was the first female Daimyo to revision real history based on a complete fabrication? Oh wait, that never happened.
I'm talking about the game dumbass
You mean a revisionist larping as a historian?
>it’s both
Disingenuous shabbos goyim nigger cattle
the shojo on the left. for me? it's mizuyu
I'm just glad that apparently we're over seething because white women are wearing chinese dresses or whatever. Now asians can use nigger hair again without seething, woo!
Took them long enough to realize that cultural appropriation is a retarded double digit IQ mongoloid nigger faggot concept.
The funny thing is that all of this would have been avoided if the game set in japan had japanese main characters. It's not even like people are asking for a white self insert, there have been zero japanese male protagonists in AC, unlike black men. It's the actual minority in this context, the actual inclusive move.
Black samurai babble aside, why are people defending the shitty goyslop multibillion-dollar company called Ubisoft again?
I'm genuinely puzzled every time I visit Yasuke threads and see these people, but they never seem to answer my question
>Company that defends my politics = good even though I'm a revolutionary warrior
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>why are people defending the shitty goyslop multibillion-dollar company called Ubisoft again?
Some are paid shills and others are mentally ill negroid worshippers. A few are also negroids themselves, who can barely wait to rap when Yasuke's hip-hop battle theme starts playing.
Ubisoft is getting desperate because this and the new Star Wars game that comes out next month have not been well received
Liberals are ironically the bourgeoisie the complain about, support multibillion dollar international corporations despite campioning communism, and hate the blue collar working class they claim to fight for. It’s all social pageantry. Always has been, always will be.
kek that pic
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Nobunaga didn't have good enough relations with the Emperor to make fucking Toyotomi Hideyoshi a samuraii, one of the most prominent figure and general of Japanese history, how the fuck could he have made Yasuke one?
Tokugawa Ieyasu is the only one who could.
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kind of funny I never get answers or response from shills themselves about questions like this >>683693150
even though they are 24/7 available to argue about black samurai or ubislop haters not being Japanese or some shit

every time this question appears they fucking poof out like pic rel
from now on I'm going to use it as a shill repellent, this is fucking hilarious
Afro Samurai had soul. And killer sound track.
more images like this will show the reality. when the giganiga walks diwn the street and bumps the nips, they fly back in a stagger. its so insulting lol
For real.
If they wanted to go with a big badass dude with a really cool story, they should have went with Nobesawa Notonokami, he was fucking huge. His armor is in a museum and the man was fucking massive judging from it.
If they wanted to do something subversive yet realistic and pretty cool they should have made the girl a samurai. Funny they make her a fucking kunoichi or some shit and not an actual samurai despite there being a lot of pretty cool female samurai especially during the Azuchi Momoyama jidai
Leftist don't hate the working class.
I'd bet money on Ghost of Tsushima having higher sales than AC Black Samurai. Can't wait to see the final figures.
Because some people are so racist they're mad at a video game for having a black guy
They loathe the working class.
In Japan sure. (Picture is from best selling ps5 games on amazon.co.jp)
They pretend to love the working class right up until they're faced with actual working class people and beliefs
They have no principles other than tribalism and death to those who make them feel bad
You mean right wing beliefs? Why's that working class when people have differing views?
this, and I will be proliferating as many black-on Asian crime visuals as I can to sow chaos and discord
Boy I sure do love the working class millionaire influencers and college degree speds
Yup, the left are feckless dullards who love seeing the lower class suffer.
Yes people like things sometimes.
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Not true.
Vaush is a pedophile, Destiny is a pedophile, Chris Tyson is a pedophile.
Big fan of the gore
CERO might ban the game based on the gore alone. They banned the original Dead Space games for that reason. Even Callisto Protocol was banned at one point. Might still be banned to this very day.
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I have no idea who those people are
Why are we pretending to care about AC in the year 2024?
It's empirical fact.
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he isn't real, just like your argument. Take your meds
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He was a pet monkey dressed in rich clothes brcause Nlbunaga thought it was funny. Afrocentric niggers like you need to kill yourself ASAP.
>Japan likes the game
They've been shitting on it so hard they had to issue an apology.
Why are you defending racism? Why do you hate Japanese people? Why are you defending a racist company? Why do you think cultural heritage should be discarded and thrown away for the benefit of those with privilege and power?

Because you support those with privileges' and power and racism.
Since this whole thing started their stock also took a sharp drop. Ubisoft has been on downward trajectory for awhile now, but this recent one was pretty notable and coincides with the increased discussion around Star Wars Outlaws and AC Shadows.
When both games inevitably flop I get a warm feeling inside at the thought of Ubishit finally biting the dust. All the Canadian, French and German subsidies wont be enough to sace them once the shareholders pull out as one of the cancerous blights of gaming gets what it fucking deserves.
>under 2 minutes

Bro I need my OCR...
They won't "technically" bite the dust. They will probably split the company and sell of IP piecemeal. It will be sort of like when Fox sold to Disney.
Doesn't every AC game start with
>this is fiction
It's not real and you aren't Japanese. You probably werent even planning on playing this, the last AC i played was Black Flag. Move on.
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I will thrust into Naoe's armpits and soles!
You lost.
They are literally suing ubisoft for making a joke out of their culture what do you mean Japan likes it?
I don't care about race. I have blond hair and blue eyes. I'm better than every other race by default.
Anyone can file a lawsuit regardless of merit. This means nothing.
I haven't heard anything about suing, but I did hear that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology are running an investigation into private universities and will be revoking accreditation. Examining Ubisoft for willful and intentional maliciousness wouldn't be a stretch if the embellishment in AC Shadows ends up classified as culturally damaging. Should also mention that it's rare for a game to get banned in Japan, but it occasionally happens.
Nah that doesnt empower black people desu
This is good bait, because its literally what they are trying to do to every white homogenous society. Yes japanese are white asians.
If this game actually does get banned from Japan that'll be the cherry on top of this shit sundae.
I don't care who you trust, but it's been proven that Thomas Lockley made everything up. No historical facts about Yasuke exist other than that he was black and that he was sold to Nobunaga as a slave. "Historians" can claim all they want that he was a samurai, but so far they couldn't produce a single piece of historic evidence supporting these claims.
Not you
I think their lawsuit is about Ubisoft stealing assets from japanese work, such as giving Yasuke Zorro's sword design from One Piece and the samurai armor he wears is also stolen from somewhere. AFAIK, they have some pretty serious plagiarization laws over there.
No, they hate the working completely. When they say “working class” they actually mean ethnic minorities. Most liberals are privileged and have comfy desk jobs with high pay while blue collar working class whites are the ones voting against liberal policies that are actively hurting them and killing their jobs while stagnating their wages. They are literally the definition of everything they claim to hate.
Yasuke was never a samurai and Shadows will bankrupt Ubisoft.
Quebec tax payers will cushion their fall
As long as we white exists, we won't let that happen.
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>Sars, Japan like game sars, do the needful and buy game
Illiterate leftist, checks out
Well obviously that's wrong, they lost, hard.
All primary documents about Yasuke, translated into English:
This is what they get for turning king arthur into a girl.
I don´t think that he had that in mind when making that statement....
In america yes, but neither Ubisoft nor the country of japan are american based are they?

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