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edp sisters not like this
chuddivers2 won
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You trust linking your steam account to epic of all places?
Steamies just take it in the ass
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>check out why EOS is required
>because apparently Sony Network is too retarded to handle crossplay between PS4 and PS5
what the fuck do you think they're going to do with it you retard?
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>requires Epic account to play
Why though, its not an Epic published game, was ever exclusive to Epic platform and they have nothing to do with the studio making the game. Why does it require an Epic account?
>outdated graphic
>requires EGS
>vtumour faggotry
lmao no wonder game dead on arrival
Because fuck you that's why
What are you going to do about it, cuck
im telling you steamies are bunch of mindless sheep
Epic alone had two fucking security breaches in their network where the everything got leaked
shut the fuck up you retarded third world monkey
If it gives anyone solace, it autogenerates a dummy epic account that ties to your steam if you don't have one. I didn't even create a password or use an email. Still sucks to even have some third party app running in the background.
yeah, epicjeets are working overtime lol
Of course it did, the entire franchise is garbage.
>first vtumor shit
>now EGS requirement out of nowhere
yeeeeep, waiting for next summer is paying off
>It's Sony's fault my Steam version is inflicted with Chinese spyware

It uses Epic's online network.
I mean an easier solution would be to keep it on PS4/5 and not port it to PC trannys and their shitboxes, I’m thinking they should have just done that, don’t you girls have countless other games to play for free via PC Game Pass?
Helldivers raped them.
Hahaha, no fucking way they made you link an EGS account.
>Bombed for using EOS, a service it actually needs for crossplay
Steam users are fucking cranks jfc
>wanting crossplay with subhuman console players
haha fuck vtumors
It's not even console crossplay. It's crossplay with the 5 weirdos who actually buy games on EGS.
and those 5 weirdos deserve the same experience as everyone else, on principle I think if you buy a game on PC you should be able to play with any other PC player no matter where they got the game from
oh wow it requires a third party account that's crazy
won't be playing it then
no thats wrong
its crossplay between PS4 and PS5
EDF 6 isn't even on EGS
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Epic won, steam trannies lost.
No I think all EGS customers should be lined up and shot actually
Nah if you buy games from EGS you're a retard and should be reminded of that.

>EDF 6 isn't even on EGS
It is.
We don’t want this Helldivers 2 at home ahh game
Pure dogwater bruh fr fr
Are we actually going to be talk about this game or are threads now just going to be retards seething about needing an EGS account?
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oh lmao, it is NOW
like an hour ago I googled that shit and it wasn't
And yet this game will be relevant long after Helldivers 2 is discontinued for meme appeal alone.
This trash isn’t even relevant now kek
>Epic won by being so hated it causes a beloved niche franchise to bomb simply by being associated with it
People talked about the game 2 years ago
People really pay 60 bucks for Helldivers (a $40 game) with PS3 graphics?
It’s the same reason people buy gacha I guess, just retarded weebs with brain rot
unfortunate, I was looking forward to the game
but until they get this Epic shit out I'm not touching it
It didn't even make me create an epic account.
They are going to let some asshole steal my data and hack my steam account that's what. >>683683440
This, and add on the cluster fuck that is sony somehow involved in all this? Fuck that, I found a torrent and got my refund
I guess you can't spell steamies without timmy kekw
you have to if you want to play online
if you're just going solo you can skip it
>he says while he's got 10 ccp chinkslop gacha "games" in phone
>he says while he's PC uses wangblows pajeet selling your data edition as his OS
>he says while he's posting on 4channel, owned by hiroyuki the stupid nigger who sold 2chan user data and totally not doing the same thing to this site btw *wink* *wink*
>Hmmmm, helldivers 2 players really hated making ps account
>I know, we will require them to make EGS account!
Devs are retarded
you dont get it, those don't count. this one does because it inconveniences me because now I have to make a new account for something before playing my video game
Because they were bribed by Tencent to implement it, simple as
>just add even more unnecessary risk factors into your life
Don't care having a blast
>he says while he's got 10 ccp chinkslop gacha "games" in phone
Not a single game on my phone. I don't play gacha.
>he says while he's PC uses wangblows pajeet selling your data edition as his OS
Winjews lmao
>he says while he's posting on 4channel, owned by hiroyuki the stupid nigger who sold 2chan user data and totally not doing the same thing to this site btw *wink* *wink*
>he doesn't have noscript installed or buys 4chan pass
Retarded steamies DO be like that.
The HD2 hate was also because it was a retroactive change after the game was already out.
I did play online. I clicked one button and it autogenerated a handle for me and that was it. Not a hassle in the slightest
you literally just click a button and you're done
all that waiting and for nothing
i guess when august 16th comes i go back to helldivers to check the new content.
they finally added another enemy type instead of a shitty weapon
>>he says while he's got 10 ccp chinkslop gacha "games" in phone
no I don't
>>he says while he's PC uses wangblows pajeet selling your data edition as his OS
no I don't
>>he says while he's posting on 4channel, owned by hiroyuki the stupid nigger who sold 2chan user data and totally not doing the same thing to this site btw *wink* *wink*
this is a good point, I'll delete my 4channel account immediately
>60 bucks
90 actually for all the DLC in it
Meanwhile in Helldivers 2 the only thing you can't get without paying real money is a meh weapon, a suit of armor thats a reskin of a existing free one, an ok helmet and a minigame
I want my comfy EDF threads back...
Yeah, well, Timmy said no.
So when progressing through missions for the first time do you usually go through them all with one class and then swap once you're done or do you go back and repeat missions with other classes?
Just go through them. Doing each mission 4 times right from the outset is madness.
>click button
>account stolen
>it's Sony's fault
But that makes no fucking sense. Why would Sony want this hell divers 2 direct competitor to flop?
>As if there are not other games on Steam that are better than EDF and do not require an EGS account
better games, such as previous EDFs that work just fine without this shit
>hell divers 2 direct competitor
But EDF is a structured campaign, and HD2 is always online live service slop.
oh so it's ok to pirate? Neat
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There is a "Report this Product" button on the steam store page that includes "Fraud".
Part of "Fraud" is "Gathering sensitive data from consumer without informed consent." Epic games launcher being smacked onto it without it being listed is exactly that.
>inb4 "We're sorry. We're a small independent company. Please understand."
Yeah, pretty much this. EDF series is the very definition of asset flips, so buying the previous installment, gives you the same experience. Thanks to EDF6, sooner or later you will find EDF5 in a reasonable price on a key store.
Reminder to report doomposting and all other shitposting directed at the game
all threads about this game on /v/ are currently under attack from a coordinated discord raid
All the reports before this point would be evidenced on Valve's side since they have a change log of every game's store page and could see that was added after.
>requires you to sign in to your Epic Games account
Bold of them to assume I have one of those.
That's not saying it's Sony's fault, it's saying their own netcode wasn't competent enough to handle cross-play. So instead of redeveloping their netcode to support it they went and got Epic's system instead.
hi tim, yes, it's all DA DISCOOOOORD, totally not people who just don't want to use your shitware
Works on my machine
Are you guys not aware that you're just a very loud minority?
EDF is not that popular
Holy underaged
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I'll give it a few days to see if they backpedal and if not I'll refund it.
God damn, this sucks.
/pol/troons on suicide watch
I was hoping this was just a shit post and now I'm bummed out that I'll have to skip this game unless they get rid of the epic shit.
They won't backpedal, it's essential to their online. They've added it to facilitate FUCKING PS4 PS5 CROSSPLAY because they were too incompetent/lazy to figure out their own solution
considering they just added that it needs it i doubt it
So is it
>Extreme incompetence
>Legitimate malice
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They just doubled down. It's official now.
>neglects to mention that EOS being installed and running is required to launch the game at all even in single player
Going with >Legitimate malice
then. There was no reason to do this other than to fleece people of pre-orders. The little amount of work that went into the asset-flipping for the game combined with lack of online compatibility makes me think they had zero confidence in the product and wanted to squeeze as much money as possible out of it in the shortest amount of time.
Soon we'll hear that the studio is shutting down next year because of "financial troubles".
My problem with it is that on release day has 12 dlc. Wtf?
It's just another background process, don't worry about it. :^)
100% willing to bet extreme incompetence. Sandlot themselves have no idea and almost certainly had nothing at all to do with the steam page. D3P are absolutely bottom of the fucking barrel when it comes to publishers, hilariously incompetent. They probably just straight up didn't know, and didn't think of it.
you will never be a janny
Sell my fucking credit card information for a third(3rd) time. And reading the replies, I can see that's just common practice for Sweeney.
It's been like that since 4. They're all useless weapons that will be outperformed by the time you've played ten missions. The only value they have at all is the novelty appearance of some of them.
I don't even know why they do it at this point because it just makes them look bad.
They're an outright scam, they're weapons and items that are like level 10 and will be outclassed and useless like two hours into the game. I think in Japan they were preorder exclusives from different stores, but don't quote me on that. Skip all of them. The actual DLC (which adds a bunch of new challenge missions and level 100+ gear) isn't even there yet.
>Review Embargo'd
Oh baby
shit sucks but gotta be honest, I'm having a blast
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why are steamies like this
why is it so difficult to spend 10 seconds making an account
what are you so scared of
have you actually not claimed the 300+ games timmy has given away?
i will never in my lifetime understand
>steam isn't a monopo-
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Steam reviews have reached Overwhelmingly Negative.
It's fraud to install spyware on a person's computer without warning.
meanwhile don't care mission 11 so far, feels like mission take longer or just not used to early game and no dmg/speed
>what are you so scared of
Sony doesn't support PS4/PS5 crossplay natively so in order to link the consoles together, they used Epic Online Services. So, Sony. Again.
Yeah, I'm thinking it's malice
Nobody actually cares about the account thing. It's just that it's cool complain about this because it makes people feel like they are activists.
>2012 graphics
>60fps lock
>EOS needed

lmao the graphics i wouldn't even mind but 60fps lock? fuck off incompetent japs
>Let's not complain about the lead in the water.
The disclaimer under system requirements wasn't their before either.
>pretending there's lead in the water so you can complain about it
>D3P are absolutely bottom of the fucking barrel when it comes to publishers, hilariously incompetent.
see Custom Mech Wars
How you can fuck up a game like that is beyond me.
>go to the pizza store
>order a pizza
>the pizza comes in a box

That's you, idiots
brownoid shills love their false equivalences, don't they?
False equivalences are pretty cool
>food analogy
More like the box is covered in shit all over and there is no way to open the box to retrieve your pizza without touching the shit
Because that's all it really is
>buy pizza one pizza restaurant
>but you have to go to another pizza restaurant to eat it
Literally don't give a fuck. Having fun and will spend another 500 hours with the game like the previous ones.
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Are these shills just Snoys mad because Steamfags can bitch and force devs to kowtow to them?
we're all happy for you and the credit card details you've given us
Sorry you're stuck here moaning while I'm playing the game.
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I was looking forward to this game for months, man.
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>implying I bought anything from Epic
You're a dumb fucking faggot you know that? I just collect the free shit.
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i've been playing with buddies for 4 hours anon it's fun
You pay with your soul.
Nothing is free.
What happened with that? I just thought it seemed overpriced for what it was, completely forgot about it until now.
Helldivers 2 really broke you chuds.
So about the video game?
people are dum
just never give anything but your email to epic and that is it
there you idiot proofed your account
That or employees who hate that customers actually still have some semblance of power when united.
>Ahhhhhhh noooooooo you mean i have to click four times the first time i start the game and never see it again it's the end of the world
Steamniggers are something else
>13k players in game
Not bad for a bombed niche game
It's EDF; if you've played 4.1 or 5, you've already played 6.
The game attracted both the anti-vtuber schizos AND the anti egs schizos. Just post lobbies
I fucking hate timmy but this is frankly getting rather silly. I notice it's never the big name releases this kind of thing happens to either.
>itt: Buyer's remorse, and the seven stages of grief.
Lots of bargaining.
What does acceptance look like?
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>requires EGS account
Nice try Timmy.
I'm NEVER EVER going to use your service.
vtuber simps are dumb.

Man, I'm glad I got out of EDF after the disappointment that was 5. Whatever talent the devs had clearly left after 4/4.1
This thread sure is full of shitposting, thank god no civilians were injured.
I urge all the "muh spyware" niggas to open their services.msc and tell me EOS wasn't installed beforehand
It's already there man, and so is every kernel anti cheat you installed without knowing
Your PC is a big fucking block of swiss cheese and it's too late to fight back
>people are simply going to ignore your game
Nice "win" epic sisters.
I just got off, at mission 12 for SP
There's no way you can do hard without cheesing shit with how the missions are like and the weapon restrictions
Sorry bro, you rolled the 1 on a d20 and now the discussion regarding one of your favourite franchises is forever poisoned
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>having fun with the game
>alt-tabs to /v/
>all the drama
wtf is going on
Best post ITT
What was the critical failure in?
How many people in this thread are paid to be in this thread?
Got any more random cope?
i care
i would've bought this if it wasn't for that
I thought it was perfectly feasable as the fencer.
>that monopoly that also requires that you install a bunch of other installer and accounts owned by other companies to access certain things

they are doing a very poor job of being a monopoly
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So why is it okay when Elden Ring installs EAC which is used to connect to the epic online service and creates an account without your permission?
Easy Anti-Cheat is owned by Epic too it is L I T T E R A L L Y the same shit.
I'm more concerned with needing to link my Steam account to an Epic account than that. Because I would rather not wake up in another two weeks to find my Steam account has suddenly been compromised because Epic can't keep their shit secure.
Bullshit, they are just lazy scum. FULL price AAA game cant do networking but every other game can? Fuck you.
>no mouse controls during building so you awkwardly use your controller or cursor keys
>only small size parts drop - medium and large ones need to be captured from enemies on normal difficulty
>"then git gud and play on very hard and nightmare where they drop!" - well, those don't unlock until you beat the entire game
>iirc, you can't group weapons so "shoot everything in one category at once" is the only option
>only Japanese VAs, so have fun with having to read subtitles at the bottom while shooting shit
>even worse graphics, animations and AI than EDF - it looks and plays like a bad doujin game from the early 2000s
>game company does things I dislike
Not buying, maybe pirating and if I do, I'll seed for weeks.
>denying there's lead in the water because people who complain about it annoy you
>still pretending there's lead in the water
How would epic know your steam credentials
Hell even then how would they get past MFA
Oh so we're pretending EDF is AAA now I see.
You expect retards to know anything?
It's the type of retard who is too scared to pirate because he thinks he'll get viruses.
>Fight this bullshit in HD2
>Now have to fight it in EDF 6
I wanted to fight aliens, not corporate stooges
if this wasn't a japanese game every edf thread would die in 30 mins
Japanese game developers are retards still living in 1990; More news at 11!
I'm so sick of these shovelware level titles get lauded as masterpieces just because they're Japanese.
Yeah, the $60 price tag already scared me away but at least i was expectant of a sale, now am not even gonna touch it.
Elden Ring's audience is way larger and way more casual. EDF is extremely niche and autistic by comparison. I'm sure there were people who complained and left negative reviews about EAC in Elden Ring but they were drowned out by the overwhelming amount of people who don't care.
you do realize epic doesn't restrict regions from playing right?
>have to fight it
top kek leaving a negative review = fighting
>can refund 100% of the purchases because the game tells you within 0.005 millisecond of launching that you need an Epic account
>morons still cry and pretend like they've somehow lost money
The best part is that they would've bought it no second thought if it stated that on the page anyway.
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holy drama
If you charge $60 for your years old game, you're AAA and deserve to be judged on that level.
>wait 2 years to play this game
>shit in helldivers 2 threads in the meantime
>game finally comes out
>it's the PSN fiasco except with EGS this time and the devs actually never informed people beforehand
>the steamie's worst enemy
>have to refund the game and complain about it instead of playing it

Even better.
>fighting=crying about it on /v/
As always video games enjoyers are the winners
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Will I get some free (you)s from the schizos spamming this thread if i post vtubers?
I agree sir, just shut up sir, don't say anything sir, game company good sir
Actually I refunded lol
it's not the same thing as PSN at all, PSN banned regions from playing it because you can't make a sony account there
I didn't give them a credit card the second time, then again it was around the RedShell controversy so maybe it was moreso to do with that. Don't really care, not risking it either way.
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>Timmy trying to sneak in his chinkware
Nice game.
I was finally going to buy one of these games after all this time and they did this. Japanese can't figure out the gaming industry at all
are you stupid? just buy edf 4 for 3 euros it's the same game
this but 5
then get 5's sequel, this game, after it's discounted and the epic shit is sorted out
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>pirates can play with steam lobbies because epic online fix is retarded
status: blasting
Hey fags, if you're going to kick people out of /v/ rooms, put a password on it so I know not to join
Ooblet file.
So many shills defending this. Guess we know where they put the $60 now
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Imagine not having fun right now
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torrent when?

waiting for the ruskies to deliver

This will steal my account?
>the year is 2024
So futuristic. I wonder what society will be like in 2024.
>queen in mission 4
>bees in mission 6
>nest in mission 7
shit sure is scaling fast
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>you literally cant launch CRACKED version without installing epic and logging in
i am speechless
You really were the Earth Defense Force 6
The real problem is that the Japanese are technologically retarded. Plenty of games use EOS, but not in such a retarded way.
i was so close to buying the same $70 game for the 4th time.
just play warframe
>triple A price for literal shovelware
Japs are fucking insane
my wife works in international business and she said japanese people don't even know how to use email. They have to send written communications to them via fax and ACTUAL MAIL.

They have to do business with the JAPANESE from the EAST COAST of USA by ACTUAL MAIL because they REQUEST THAT
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Now we're talkin
AAA price is $70 now, where have you been?
why are they insane? look at the weebs in this thread that bought the game
they should've put it to 70 euros not 60
The EDFags were so happy talking shit about helldivers, karma is real lmao
and WHAT got leaked, retard, what?
Some basic telemetry data? Who cares its useless and has no value to anyone but then
You DONT need an email
You DONT need a name

SO WHO CARES? Answer me honestly you FUCKING COWARD (you wont, you WILL just deflect again)
it's AAA price for shoverlware port three years later
>like 20 people
do you really think linking your steam account means giving epic your password??
>>triple A price for literal shovelware
That was first released 2 years ago
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>still can't rebind controls
Oh well, maybe they'll allow rebinding in EDF7.
wtf i love helldivers now?
paid 60 euros for this :) do you not have any shame
>literally edf 5.1
>"dude, its fucking SOUL, stop complaining xd"
>that will be 60$ + 100$ of dlc
Yeah, no.
See you in two years on steam slae for 5$.
It was 50$ you fucking nigger
>creaminstaller the DLC
>it doesn't appear in my weapon list
I think that's just because that's already bound to something in the generic controls. Maybe.
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Boomer incompetency and outdated ways as per usual.
the HD2 thing had no effect on players, though
Didnt even dip. No one who plays games actually cares LOLKEKE
you should be embarassed to take a pic of the game and let others know you paid 60 euros for it
not even because of epic but the game is horrible and the same thing as the last one
>overwhelmingly negative
>he admits he has a phone
>he doenst know
anon, its 'spying' on you too.
>the tranny used this game to attack HD2
>game flops out of the gate
Back to crying about Stellar Blade selling better than Ninpedo tranny gaymes...
>anon has had 5 years and still hasn't figured out what he's doing wrong
so any difference with 5 besides maybe 2~3 new enemies and maybe 2 new fun weapons per class?
It doesn't mean giving them your password but it means giving them an access token to view certain account details. Usually this stuff has a list of permissions like if you've ever used sign in with google/twitter/facebook/etc, it will say stuff like "permission to see your username" or "permission to read your friends list", etc. Does it ask you permission to sign in to epic with steam? What privileges does it specify?
has nothing to do with boomers other than the fact that japanese defer 100% to them and doin't do anything themselves
I see lots of jesters on the ones giving a negative review because EGS.
inb4 cope
>The little amount of work that went into the asset-flipping for the game
you didnt even play it, it has 3x the unique content that 5 did
For such an industrial people, japs sure are fucking retarded
They did this shit with Gundam Versus, got absolutely dunked on, then released Maxiboost which is what everybody initially wanted from a western Gundam VS release.
Hopefully the same happens with EDF
I didn't think it'd keep going down.
Good what did they expect for $60 lmao
you paid 60 euros for this
get a refund and buy some food or something
You need to link your steam account to it.
No name nor email sounds too good to be true and I can't hardly believe that the button telling you to create an account would do nothing.
The only logical conclusion is that you link your steam account to it.
This is literally edf 5.
/v/ doesnt play games, they dont have fun, they just complain about non issues.
Discord raiders were given ammo with the EoS thing and now are pretending its bad
>Does it ask you permission to sign in to epic with steam?
>What privileges does it specify?
Not a single thing. I guess this is one area where phones are actually a bit more secure than PCs.
EGS literally provides a better service than steam for both customers and developers. EDF6 is £5 cheaper on EGS and you get a 5% cashback in addition to that (and more cashback on DLC). I can understand the seethe with having to make an account for Ubisoft, EA, or Sony (especially sony who require an identity check). but the seethe in regards to EGS is unwarranted and flagrant valve fanboyism.
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PC trannies really deserve the rope.
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Those arrogant jap fucks think their game is worth $60, at most its $30 and that's being lenient with the DLC.
Can you elaborate?
Nah, I've lifted restrictions. The phone is properly purged.
Japs being "industrial" is a total meme, they just spend more time at work and are not exceptionally competent in the slightest
God damn you kids these days are whiny little shits
based and true
I know you're all very interested in being angry, but for those few wondering, it runs out of the box on Steam Deck. Text is a little fucked in menus, subtitles are fine. I didn't look for a way to fix it yet. And typing in a save file name requires arrowing over to delete "Callsign" first. EOS prompt doesn't appear until you select online play.
sandlot has declined...
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>the japanese dont actually care abou-----

Uhhh bros?
The ebin games store account thing gave assloads of ammo to shitposters. As if keep repeating about muh $60 since HD2 came out wasn't bad enough
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>EGS literally provides a better service than steam for both customers and developers.
ooo i love games that look like they're from 2000 and cost 60 euros im having so much hecking fun its like im japanese
grown ass male that wants to be japanese so bad he forces himself to like edf
>Not a single thing.
Do you have a screenshot? I'm somewhat familiar with OAuth (at least conceptually) so I'm curious what they're doing.
Like the previous games, edf6 support multiplayer with other steam players by default.
Ebin is only required for crossplay that no one care about but they don't actually give you a choice.
it literally fucking says it on the page it tells you to make an account, retard
>no email or username required
all you are doing is making a proxy account to play through epics online service, while playing EDF6 specifically, you dont even need an epic account, just make a no-email-no-name "account" when asked
I didn't look too hard but the most intrusive thing I saw was access to your friend list.
Uhhhh your login information and payment information? Do you not remember epic sending emails telling you to change that shit lmao?
>consolefags ruining vidya again
you dont provide either to them, you lying dishonest retard. They do not have access to those things through EOS
>all you are doing is making a proxy account
Said account is linked to your own steam account and has access to all the data there.
He means the screen after that where it displays your Steam name and specifies what from your Steam account this link will access.
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You have EOS confused with the epic store you silly billy
>air raiders so good at bombing, they bomb the reviews
kek, now you know how strong phobos is
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Shills being on the board didn't used to be believable
How much is Sweeney paying you fucks?
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Why does EDF6 require you to create an account, when other games (like Palworld) don't? Palworld uses EOS too.
Is this just a retardation thing? Is Sandlot retarded?
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>we're getting a repeat of picrel
Just dont bait and switch your customers. It's literally that simple
They do have access to your login info actually, otherwise a single account would be used and shared by the entirety of the people who don't want to make an ebin account.
no, they dont.
Stop lying. or prove your schizo nonsense, steam doesnt allow anyone access to that data.
The epic "email" was from an EPIC ACCOUNT leak, not an steam-through-epic leak
and again, this is NOT linking EGS, but EOS
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>shitty unpolished full AAA priced shovelware with 2009 era graphics
You deserve this
>Still $60 bucks after taking 2 years to port
D3 can shove it up their ass, I'm glad their getting their comeuppance
>All the data
Man if you're gonna make shit up either back it up or make it believable
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>still no fov slider
>still locked at 60fps
>forced mouse acceleration
>anti aliasing on/off
>possibly forced dynamic v-sync like in EDF5
And I wouldn't be surprised if it still has GRID BASED AIMING like before. These games are fucking ancient, not just graphically but technically, having a low-fi style is kind of endearing but having a game that's on the technical level of a budget 2003/2005 AA game is fucking atrocious. And they have the audacity of demanding 60$/€ for this garbage and already have a bunch of day-1 dlc.
I figure they just wanted an easy solution to the cross-play thing, and did not think things through at all while implementing it.
no, they dont. Stop lying
They have your steam ID as a sort of passport code so they know what account it is, thats it kek. Thats literally all they get
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>the amount of EGS shills in this thread
Tell me how much Timmy Tencent is paying you to defend EOS inclusion
>to make crossplay happen on multiple platforms
>we let epic do all the work for us because we're lazy slit-eyed fucks
Bravo smarr indie company.
it's retarded because steam has refunds lmao, what the actual fuck were they thinking
Yes and it's a big bullet to shoot yourself in the foot with
PC gaymers regularly install bucketloads of spyware with every game but boy do they make a ruckus when they're actually shown it's there
>In August 2016, hackers stole user names and email addresses from 808,000 accounts. Additionally, they were able to grab scrambled password data, along with birth dates, post histories, comment histories, private message logs, activity data, IP addresses, and join dates. For users that signed in using a Facebook account, Facebook access tokens were also in the dataset.
Ebin has a lot of skeletons in their closets, this is more than enough to make them untrustworthy in my eyes.
If anything they should be the one to prove that nothing is collected since they're the one that have a reputation to cleanse.
>this is NOT linking EGS, but EOS
And guess who own both?
Kek, more steamcel COPE
Dude, it's SOUL!
not an argument. you cannot deny EGS provides a better service. it's not shilling to state a fact.
>and again, this is NOT linking EGS, but EOS
>Epic Games account
Yes. There's a version of EOS that doesn't require linking your account and Sandlot didn't choose that one lmao.
Wait, niggers actually think valve just hands over credit card info and login info when you allow access to an online service?
kek how can you be that dumb, valve would be sued and committing a crime.

guys, all they get is credentials for your account to connect to online, thats it. No personal information, no account passwords or emails, nothing.
Paranoia is rampant amongst the retards today
>still locked at 60fps
How can people pay 60 euros for this and say shit like "IM HAVING FUN /V/ !! HAHA"
So epic store data
AKA not EOS dummy accounts
This is already too much if you knew anything about how big data work.
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>your purchase has been refunded
>EDF5 has finished installing
Kill yourself shill
I'm gonna play the game and have a blast but i'm glad they're getting bombed for this shit
>le quirky and funneh friendly fire xD
Nope, still not gonna buy it.
Cool story bro but the only thing you give to epic is your steam user name.
read, you stupid, lying, dishonests nigger. READ: >>683692329
>The epic "email" was from an EPIC ACCOUNT leak, not an steam-through-epic leak
That wasnt steam users, you fucking sperg.
Sorry, but I'm not going to buy it.

I know, I know. Ugh. But I'm just not, okay??? Hahaha
>Dont worry, guys! it's just a little data they're taking!
Kek how cute
Fuck off jerma
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You asked what got leaked from epic retardbro and I answered.
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>Well they already got hacked once, there's no way it'd happen again and they'd lose other stuff.
It's like you don't even remember why people didn't want to make accounts with Sony for Helldivers.
And what is that data, coward?
Tell us, tell us what data theyre taking. Go on. Tell us.
answer: just an id to sign you into the online service that means nothing to no one
Is having a big baby melty over every little thing on an image board any better?
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This is NOT okay.
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>you cannot deny EGS provides a better service.
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>was looking forward to comfy launch threads
>instead it's just (You)'s baiting, doomposting and general retardation
>all without any actual game discussion whatsoever
it's over
you will never be japanese
thanks doc
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>And what is that data, coward?
see >>683692703
>linked account display names
you know what has those? Linked accounts!
You really should read the thread before making a fool of yourself like this, stupid shill
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I'm just not gonna spend 60 fucking dollars on the rerererererelease of your ps2 game.
Maybe in a year or two on steam sale.
They'll move on eventually. We'll have our comfy threads back...
All because of one button. Sandlot's isolationism has been the undoing of us all.
What else to expect when nintendo still has NO GAEMS this year? All they have is shitposting.
Whats the appeal of the series?
Played 5 and i was killing ants for 5 missions and i dropped it so i could get my refund, the risk of rain skillset makes the game too repetitive too, serious sam mogs it when it comes to mindless shooting
An EOS "account" is a birth date
What I find funny about the original edit of this is that it implies that Steam users are attractive chads and EGS users are fat losers
>windows trannies crying about spyware
What does it show after you press "create account"? I can envision a theoretical system that actually requires no account details to be passed to Epic:
>Steam guarantees your identity to Epic by supplying them a signed token
>this token is unique per Steam account so Epic can verify it's the same user
>but the token itself contains no identifying information

But that doesn't mean that's what they're actually doing. What does the next screen say? There should be something from Steam asking if you authorize using your Steam account to sign into Epic and what privileges you are delegating.

This seems like it's a slightly different screen. It looks like it's asking you if it's okay to share details about your Epic account with EDF6. Is there one that asks if it's okay to share details about your Steam account with Epic?
What the fuck does epic have to do with ps4 and 5 crossplay?
I will not even consider buying it until all of Tim's taint has been stripped out.
>nooo you don't understand
>it's bad on purpose!!!
>In August 2016

EGS wasn't around then, faggot. And most of the steamies in this thread wouldn't have made an account when it did launch.
Crack is up guys
looks like a crack is up on rinru. If it's anything like Remnant 2, it should work regardless of EOS
>we're sorry we didnt tell you this earlier, it was an honest mistake!
the beatings will continue then
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so something that does not affect any significant number of people
Read in >>683692842 voice
support japanese companies you stupid fucks
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>display name, linked account display name, list of friends

Yeah, it'd be great to combine the above with that.
dont make it mandatory to download EGS then
>Elden Ring, Palworld, Hades and plenty more games all use EOS without ever telling you. Doing the exact same dummy account creation with no email and username
This is fine 99% positive reviews.
>A game actually shows you its using EOS while having you create the same no email no username Account with just a date of birth.
Are Steamcels actually retarded?
>you still for some inexplicable reason can skip every splash screen except the havok one
what's up with that?
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I'm sure the 2 people who bought this game on Ebin are happy to crossplay with steam users
It literally stops people from countries that can't buy psn from playing. You literally lose all access to the game if everything goes through
ok it took 2 clicks and a date of birth to play, it's not that bad
Sorry if I'm a bit skeptical but could you please put that into practice and provide a recording of it? I can see the steamapi64.dll there, but that's not complete proof of the game actually using steamworks for multiplayer when you have Epic reportedly baked into it.
Lol this retard trusts steam, the store filled with malware and scams. Also the epic servers are use for the cross-play functionality
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>mission 8 as a dual gatling fencer
holy KINO
>60$ for a rerelease of edf 5
Fuck no, bro.
>PC homosexuals review bombing games because they can't spend 1 minute of their useless lives to make (and link) a different account is somehow consolefags fault
Based trannysis, better waste your time troubleshooting for games that won't run on your potato!
Well i'll concede that but know that you've already agreed to that kind of stuff dozens of time before
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>Ye olden time
>Create a ebic account to try fortnut with friends too poor for PUBG
>Fortnut is absolute dogshit
>We stop playing 2 hours in
>24H later
>"Someone from Iran logged in your account"
Nothing epic could do would ever make me go to it's platform again.
They had to use Ebin online shit because they couldn't figure out PS4/PS5 crossplay themselves
Don't forget that they censored the wing divers
Palworld doesn't if you play single player only, but for multiplayer it uses EOS iirc.
I don't remember any account creation for Palworld.
Better controls, around 10 new enemies not counting variations, near gear mechanics, double the maps 5 had.
It was localised by actual chink ESLs. Fucking abhorrent.
Havok-sama is too powerful.
I will give my full sapport if they stop charging 70$+ for these games, remove EGS and vtumours
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>forced to make another account with an account already
>forced to play with faggots using EGS
>forced to have crossplay with faggots on other platforms I wouldn't play with anyway
>requires epic gay store account
unbelievable, how did they fuck up this badly, all they had to do was just release the game, not buying, at least normalfags won't buy it now anyway i guess, that's a silver lining
Stick with the ammo epic gave you discord tranny.
Would you rather have the tranny localizers instead
I've always assumed because they're a third party
why didnt they just use the hidden one fucking retards
I guess that's a no buy from me. Where do the cool kids torrent games nowadays?
>you've already been tricked into being raped in the ass before, why not let us just rape you again?
This is not a compelling argument
I'd rather an English speaker, and not some pajeet who THINKS he speaks English
torrent is already on igg
Can you play multiplayer with it
So what?

Just make the fucking account.

You fucking autist.
>16k people in game anyway
Isn't this big numbers for the franchise?
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Is it really that hard to get a native english speaker to proofread this shit?
its not the gooks, its the chinks thats are always sniffing up your ass for any shred of data
learn your slant eyes
You're talking to people that don't know what encryption is and don't care
They just want to shitpost
i won't support jewish nips that forces me to pay $60 for nerfing patch dlc for the 5
It turns out most people are playing the game instead of screaming about an admittedly stupid decision of the publisher.
The "Helldivers 2-like" article brought in tons of fresh interest.
Arr rook the same
White people think they arr rook same anyway.
Then again Japs/Chinks think all white people are the same in return
nice MTL translation LMAO
Kill yourself
I was told it was the vtumor support.
Another reason to hate vtumors.
>gets caught lying
>so what?
typical chink cockroach
Pretty sure AI based translation would have done a better job and its probably free. So they dont have even the excuse of "its too expensive to hire a gweilo"
At least try to bait better, anon.
would be the truth, considering how unnapealling egs is compared to steam. but keep crying about your fortnite launcher failing, enjoy your metaverse ;)
>514 reviews
>400 of those negative
>over 16k in game
It's a relative nothingburger
>woah, so many people. A western game with this number I would screech and claim is dead, though
You creatures are so pathetically disingenuous it actually makes my stomach lurch
Gamers are so fat and lazy they cannot be bothered to login to an Epic account once. Pathetic.
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this game is such a shitshow disaster, i'll still put 300 hours in it in the following month though
i dont think mtl makes those mistakes, so its even worse than mtl
If they're not going to do anything with your information they don't need it.
kek, stinky thieving Polack, you can't make that shit up
Dumbass they have 3 costumes and the newest one shows the most leg
i dont even care that much about the account sutff
its the purposely hiding it until and only until there was backlash
The real Earth Defense is the Force we made along the way.
I'm not saying it's a lot, I'm saying it's a lot for EDF and this is despite the fact this shit with the account is going down
As I said, I blame vtumors personally
>oh boy time to pirate and play EDF6
>download the tenoke release
>start game
>get a failed to verify files error instead
I was planning to buy this but not any longer. I will just pirate it and play it split screen with my wife.
Because all those games do it in the background using dummy accounts. EDF 6 just has you click a button and enter a date of birth to create the exact same type of dummy account all those other games make with no personal info tied to it.
Blame Valve for refusing to make Steamworks usable for Crossplay.
I'm fairly certain that was incompetence, rather than malicious intent.
It's not it's just a Helldivers-like outrage
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>been making the same pc game for a decade or more
>the ports continue to be ass
same shit with lego
why do they insist on making pc ports while refusing to improve kbnm controls?
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What the hell is this word I keep seeing in this thread?
>I was planning to buy this
No you weren't. You don't need to justify your piracy here.
its funny how HD2 crashing, burning, screaming in agony, dieing, its corpse charring, its carbonized muscles curling its body into the fetal position, its remains flaking away into ash to be blown as dust into the wind, and leaving a sad humiliated skeleton that everyone points at laughs at as dogs piss on is unironically the BEST thing that could have happened for EDF. Sandlot litterally fucking HD2's widowed wife right now as we speak
open up bitcoinminer.exe first
I'm honestly convinced at least parts of the VO is AI too, it's just too dogshit at times to justify "it's so bad it's good" shit
The difference is this time you know you're being raped in the ass ;)
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>have you actually not claimed the 300+ games timmy has given away?
No, I actually I didn't claim a single one because I'm not a retarded NPC
Everything else is "just suck a dick bro, it's literally 10 seconds???"
Imagine being this guy lmao
I thought igg were untrustworthy?
oh well
Game's heavily marketed by them
Yeah, sorry, we didn't mean to, it's not like practically everyone does this scummy shit to get more pre orders, it's a honest mistake
>PCmaggots hurting another game with their fake outrage
When will devs learn their lesson and stop porting games to steam? Let them play CS and indie slop.
okay but if I already have an epic account do I sign in with that or just click the create button instead
Storm-1 really did just take a gamble on the chance of timetravel, just so we could have a salty runback with the ayylmaos.
A rhyming play on for vtubers. vtubers vtumours. Vtubers means virtual youtuber or something, people who hide their 3dpd bodies behind a virtual avatar.
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Gonna assume it's vtubers, how that's relevant I don't know.
>what's a vtuber?
You know how it suddenly became popular to have a webcam show you actually sitting at the computer playing?
Well now there's a "virtual avatar" thing where people will watch some tranny play a game and the avatar will be some anime girl in the bottom right(or left). These are called vtubers - "virtual youtubers".
It's all very pathetic.
But simps and weebs (redundant) loves it.
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>the same audience that got pissed off at one game's attempt at forcing third-party account integration is now dealing with the exact same thing
but i don't even own a pickaxe......
Why are you zoomers so fucking stupid? Think for yourself, dipshit.
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>sign in with my actual EGS account
>it doesnt work
>Token invalid
>You are not connected to the internet
>people who clicked "create account" can get in just fine
>no option to go back and click create account, my game is bricked
This is my own fault for having an EGS account
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>expended all the budget on vtrannie instead of the campty staple voices
its over
but i think you'd be a fool to not assume malicious intent until proven otherwise in this day and age
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Daily reminder that any vtuber hater never played the EDF, oneechambara and dream c club series hence they're are:
A) a fucking tourist.
B) a salty Helldivers troon
C) Both.

They're just here just to low tier bait. Ignore, report and move on.
What the fuck is happening to D3 ?
Edo Zero was a mess, now this, maybe they are bleeding money.
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tell me what to do
I played thr JP version so I knew the general plot but it's pretty hype getting to the first Ring ship mission and the professor starts saying "You know what to do. We've done this before right?"
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>actual EGS account gets bricked
Come on you got to be joking. Really? If that's real then sucks to be you.
kek, same happened to the friend I was going to play the game with. Hope he can fix it because otherwise I'm honestly just refunding this shit.
you are worst than bronies
thank you for telling me this, I'm not gonna sign in with mine then
i am so grateful that every FROM PC release has been slightly better than the last.
not quite 'good' ports yet but the right trajectory
No one knows, EDF 5 was perfect release.
Why is this one such a mess.
No one asked for this crap.
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Epic will bend the knee even faster than sony did
edf heads doesn't fuck around, give it one week before a personal video apology from Tim as he has to cut off a finger and offer it to the japs
>Can't launch the game, it just white-screens and shows me an error about missing game files, error code 2_0. I'm using the TENOKE release, btw, applied crack too.
tenoke are legit useless. i'll just wait for a dodi repack or something
$60 is actually fucking outrageous and may be a death blow for US releases. Nobody in their right mind is dropping that much for an EDF installment.
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>not only the JP devs are incompetent, but even epic themselves
>this shit was priced at 60 USD
>it's a reskin anyway
>"I'm having fun with a piece of shit scam!"
Drooling /v/ drones will never cease to amaze me
What's retarded is they made us wait an extra year for the global to push this port out no one is gonna play. Sonysisters could've been playin the game a long time ago.
Oh I agree in general certainly. I just find it very plausible that a bunch of dumb jap boomers legitimately didn't realize.
>we are sorry
>now bend over
>forced to play with faggots using EGS
>forced to have crossplay with faggots on other platforms I wouldn't play with anyway
The game isn't on EGS and there is no crossplay except PS4/PS5, so you're just being a cum guzzler.
60, i repeat sixty fucking frames per second lock on a fucking pc game, if i wanted console experience i would have gotten one of these.FUCKING JAPS I DONT WANT TO PLAY CHOPPY 60SHITFRAMES PER SECOND MY FUCKING EYES BLEED
They're gonna pretend I'm a user of the Epic Store, what's worse than that?
the handful of games my friends and i share in common tend to cause some lunacy in me, i can admit
Yeah, i'll fucking wait. And mission packs too.
Maybe they will remove this crap.
the anime girl .png can't fuck you bro
horse fags vanished, but v-cancer retards are never happy to stay in their containment board.
>So why is it okay when Elden Ring installs EAC
It's not and people were trashing ER for it, but you're retarded and/or disingenuous
and you will never be a woman
What are the odds they actually reverse this shit?
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And this shit was priced at 60?
>Vtumour shit
Pfff holy shit LMAO
>it's not required to sign in past the first time
So...why is it necessary at all again? Just to prove you're a good goy who sold your data to china in order to gain access to crossplay?
There's no way to get out of the hole they've dug.
>more than 10k in game
D3 already won
I don't have any problems with this. Is it THAT bad? Like, what's bad about it? Can it be quantified?
So why is it still okay? Why does elden ring not have a overwhelmingly negative score
Not if they are stupid. I don't support stupid lazy developers.(I haven't bought a game in over a decade)
They released it on EGS today. In some countries, not everywhere. Had a friend check, it's available in mine, not available in his neighboring one. It's fucked.
Nigger nobody gives a fuck about your steam name
Wouldn't they have to either remove crossplay or implement it themselves? The latter seems very unlikely.
they knew they were taking to much time
after two years if having a shit dub and technical fiasco
decided to hide behind vtubers fag, those cooomsume anything and will defend their waifu
They are...
Leg? Their ass was hanging out in 5.
Thank you for not redeeming sar
Zero, it's been in the game since the JP Snoy release
They use it for crossplay so not high.
>people go "WE FUCKING HATE DO THIS" with the same thing happening in another four guys shoot aliens game earlier in the same year
>"Okay, but you have to sign into your epic account"

Honestly, hope this game bombs.
Does this mean the game has crossplay between PSN & EGS?
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Well, been looking forward to this for a good long while so friends could dig into it like we did EDF 5, but seems they decided to shit the bed. Guess it's more HD2 after the big update.
>Captcha is THYWAR
So true, Captcha.
>Wouldn't they have to either remove crossplay
There is no crossplay. The only platforms that can play crossplay are PS4 with PS5.
They really want access to your steam account.
and steam
>ITT: Schizos who think Tim is going to rape them while theyre asleep
Just fucking link your Epic account and shut the fuck up already
I will now buy your game
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being shit is GOOD actually!
They won't do anything.
Epic News already covered the game using the EoS, this essentially put the devs into a deadlock in which they can not revert the implementation.
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Is this real
genuinely violently disgusted by 3dpd disguising themselves as anime girls to take advantage of simps, always have been
if they really put these attention whores in this game then im out, its been a fun series
you don't get it, they own your account now
..just 2 more weeks
the 5 outfit is still there
I don't have one. No, I'm not going to make one.
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Yeah the epic thing isn't actually a deal breaker for me, this price is

fun fact: they increased the price between pre-order and launch by 5
Fuck you from the bottom of my heart.
you've never played the edf series newfag
Never giving your kind my data
>boots up valorant and path of exile
>D3 shit the bed, scaring the meme game enthusiasts and guaranteeing EDF stays niche
Yeah you will tomorrow when you recover from your meltdown
using the tenoke one?
>Install epic services from game folder, then launch LaunchGame.exe as admin.
so basically not really a crack at all if you have to install spyware to a pirated copy
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we got fucked over
it's like I'm really playing dark souls
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oh, cool.
The franchise was always shit and nobody cares, shocking
curious but how does online work with that?
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I was really looking forward to welcoming new edf friends and having comfy threads....
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>"J-just fucking d-do it already! P-please..."
I read it pirated online only works with other pirated copies.
It's the same dub as EDF 5. It's a direct sequel. It's named Earth Defense Force 6 because it's supposed to be a surprise that it's Earth Defense Force 5.1.
don't ever get excited for anything ever again
Can I play EDF if I'm scared of bugs
>"it was always dogshit like this"
Thanks, I guess
>if users clicked a phishing link
>associated payment cards
That's pretty scary, you should turn off your internet just to be safe
>just bend over goy
kill yourself
you will never be japanese
Yeah just turn on "arachnophobia" mode
The dub is fine. Some of the new characters kind of suck with their delivery but they still have the cheese that they should. I heard a different team handled their localization than last time.
So at first I thought for EDF5 characters on the flashbacks they were using the original clips from edf5... then I was pleasantly surprised to hear those same voices for your support team in later missions talking about the new enemy types. They at least went out of their way to bring back the VA from edf5 to reprise their roles.
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there's multiple /v/ lobbies playing rn
Look up gameplay and figure it out. They're so comically large I find it hard to believe all but the faggiest of fags could be scared of them.
>Epic is... LE BAD!
kill yourself schizo freak
You are a fucking retard and got everything wrong.
It's pretty cathartic if you are. Just put it on easy and blow them to kingdom come.
Me too buddy, me too.
I know I won't.
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where is Unreal Tournament 4 ?
Go fuck yourself Tim
You can play without EAC
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this is a EDF5 picture
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>here's a link to make an epic account
>hope this helps
Dunno what you retards want. EOS is free, easy to implement and stable. They are a small developer so this is a no brainer to them.

A billion other games on Steam use EOS as well, including dogshit like Elden Ring. Yet you don't piss and shit yourself over that.
Its literally EDF 5
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they wouldn't....
>copying helldiver
I hope whoever suggested this is currently on his knees before his bosses at Sandlot waiting to hear if he'll merely be fired or if he'll need to commit hara-kiri to preserve his family's honour.
>Dunno what you retards want. EOS is free, easy to implement and stable. They are a small developer so this is a no brainer to them.
Steamworks is free, easy to implement, stable and Sandlot has years of prior experience making that shit work. MUH CROSSPLAY is a brainless argument if you're not going to actually implement crossplay.
> A billion other games on Steam use EOS as well, including dogshit like Elden Ring. Yet you don't piss and shit yourself over that.
Does Elden Cockring shackle you to yet another shitty useless account?
Elden Ring doesn't require me to make an Epic account.
Didn't have to make an Epic Account for Elden Ring
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wrong again, /vt/
why are you even here
don't you have a 3dpd bitch to paypig for? Get that wallet ready
You don't have to make an account here either shitlords
There are small graphical improvements here and there
why reinvent the wheel when unreal engine already has an API that enables crossplay built in?
You do, there's even a dedicated button.
>he says while he's got 10 ccp chinkslop gacha "games" in phone
joke on you, i only play one korean gacha game
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wait so i have to play all edf 5 AGAIN?
does it alleast import my save with all my niggas leveled up?
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Well this might just make the next game take longer to release or just not come out on PC at all.
Then why does it say "create account"? If it explicitly laid out that linking your Timmy Tencent ID is completely optional and the button said "continue without signing in", the entire fucking shit hurricane would've been deftly avoided and instead they're doubling down on plastering the Steam page with OH YOU BETTER SIGN UP FOR EBIN GAMES GOYIM
>thinkin there will be a next game
There are like four/five missions from EDF 5 and then it starts getting weird
They don't care at all
To D3 publishing this in the west is an afterthought it's why they don't give a shit we waited 2 years for it. Majority of their sales came from otaku neckbeards and they already got em.
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Grim future ahead, lads
Shut your dumb fucking mouth, you tech illiterate retard. Don't ever talk about software ever again.
It's been said earlier in the thread, there's multiple ways to implement EOS and those retarded nips picked the non-silent one out of sheer incompetence
doesnt match the subtitles
its inferior to 5 and 4.1.
game itself is fun
All phoneposters need to be banned.
if it's going to be another $60 UI reskin for a two year old game, then they can keep their trash
>Earth Defense Force 6 shipments and digital sales top 300,000 within first week of release
the west was never the market for edf
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The only thing they can reasonably do is make it hidden which is too late because faggots like you will seethe forever about the mere existence of the service being installed on your computer anyway.
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>Dunno what you retards want
Make it optional for cross platform matches, you can play with your steam friends using LAN, or the Steamworks, or their own network calls.
If the only reason I stopped playing Helldivers 2 is that they kept nerfing everything that was overpowered and fun, would I like this game? I do not give a single shit about EGS or Sony or DLC or balance or challenge I want the option IF I CHOOSE TO BRING THE OP CHARACTER OR GUN to steamroll the hardest difficulty, solo, but I don’t want the entire game to be faceroll. Is this a game for me
This tracks lurkers too, r-right?
This ain't actual posters. Surely..
>Mostly negative rating on day 1 and at minimum dozens of refunds along with a quick statement addressing it and the store page being updated to reflect the requirements
You're retarded if you think they don't care about this.
>Majority of their sales came from otaku neckbeards and they already got em.
4.1 sold better on PC than all previous releases combined and you can guarantee at this point that their console sales have been reduced as a result of people waiting for the PC releases.
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Just under that, it says "create an account"
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>Epic is... LE BAD!
always has been
What does a phone autocorrect fuggggg :DDDD to?
if it's like switch, when you create the account it just generates agfjk43098543j account with no email that's linked that allows you to access unreal engine's online features through steam
air raider bros, the drones are actually way more fun than I expected
>how dare you not let tim and his rapefugees into your home, how DARE you not be grateful for getting giant HIV nigger cock up your shitter
Bro i don't understand how you think like this and just keep living your life like its normal
>blah blah blah still seething about the EOS service

Keep seething.
how about they make a dummy account and don't bother you with this shit? there's a reason for this crap, like in two weeks they'll ask you link the account to your email, for uhh,, security reasons, yes!
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that's what surprised me, on consoles as far as i'm aware it just creates the dummy account without saying anything.
Rocket League has been like this since Epic bought it, they've never asked for email addresses and it's been years.
>Keep seething.
Judging by how sony capitulated, seems an effective strategy. Will do.

its always been "bad"
its meant to invoke old B-movie feel and thats what they have done literally every time
These games are full of references to old 80s and 90s sci fi films and media most people miss.
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at least the drones are new....
It's not meant to be bad. If you switch the voices to Japanese they're not deliberately trying to be bad. And it's pretty obvious Japanese is the version the devs care about, given that it took two years for them to release it over here.
Are you going to pretend the script being shit is a deliberate choice too? They left typos in the subs because they wanted to give people a bad experience? Come on.
This is normal, much easier to shitpost from a phone device than in your desktop, you can do it everywhere
If you click on it, it literally says that you have to link your steam account.
i was campy dub, but i was done with emotion and high quality
that shit is a salaryman recorded in a bathtub
I unironically like Finns as people.
2017 had a campy dub. This dub is just shit.
There's a difference between campy and bad. Something intentionally trying to be campy can be well done.
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goodbye old friend
Previous games had "bad" and campy voicelines but their delivery had effort put into which made them work. The commander in EDF5 is still one of my favorite voicework in games.
what the fuck...its the same game with diferent models
yes, that's how it works, normally your psn, or switch, or steam account is linked to a dummy account that allows you to interact with unreal engine's api through that account.
your first EDF game?
i mean the missions
those are the same missions
they're not all the same, only a handful of them for plot reasons
You're still giving your steam data to Timmy, he doesn't care that your account is a "dummy" because your steam account is very real.
Fuck off, weeb

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