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Why did Sega shoot themselves in the foot?
>Half Life 1 + Blue Shift
>Castlevania Resurrection
>Shenmue 2
>Age of Empires 2
>Baldur's Gate 1
>Daytona USA 2
>ChuChu Rocket 2
>Diablo 2
>Fable 1
>fucking GTA 3
>Max Payne 1
>Jet Set Radio Future
>Soul Reaver 2
>System Shock 2
And that's just a few.
There were so many cool games ready to release that could've kept the system alive for at least one more year but didn't or shifted to the ps2 because of the cancellation announcement.
The inner machinations of a sega president's mind are an enigmaa
I'm not reading all that
Imagine knowing the PS2 was coming out

Why even waste anymore money (that they didn't have) trying to compete against TEH PS2
t. Sega's president circa 2001
because Nintendo still did it
They weren't selling that much, piracy everywhere and every one was blown by the Squall&Rinoa dance (there was never ever a game that looked half as good as that in the PS2, nor the XBOX, nor the Gamecube).
So they surrendered.
Ninja Gaiden
they weren't selling much because all the worthwhile games were still being worked on
Gens 4 and 5 were pretty much a series of constant blunders for Sega and by the time the DC dropped they couldn't afford to support their own hardware anymore. If the Dreamcast had enjoyed a full life cycle it probably would have outsold the GCN at least
The dreamcast was so inferior by 2002, it was as if it didn't even exist. The ps2 not only had better, higher res games, it had much bigger games. if jsrf released on the dc, it would have been gimped for it
this logic doesn't hold weight when shit like the Wii U and Switch exist and the latter even sold well
They ran out of money. Years of bad decisions had cascaded into sega being so financially fucked that they couldn't afford any fuck ups whatsoever. Bernie stolar made a dreamcast success impossible because he went behind their backs and sold it at a $50 loss despite soj wanting to break even, resulting in massive losses for the company despite the dreamcast have a great launch. Everything had finally been going right for sega. Great hardware that's easy to work with, plenty of third party support and tons of hype, and then one retard decided to do something stupid and sega had no choice but to leave the market.
Sega was bleeding money and keeping the system alive for one more year would have only cost them more. Dreamcast was not profitable and was never going to be with the sales numbers that it got.
You don't know what you're talking about. Dreamcast often had higher res textures than PS2 and could also do 480p without shitty dithering. PS2 had half as much VRAM and twice as much system RAM as Dreamcast and excelled at visual effects like reflections and blur thanks to its vector units. Faster CPU, more main RAM and bigger storage medium also enabled much bigger and more complicated (but not necessarily better) games that would have been impossible on the Dreamcast. But because of its design, Dreamcast is the last truly classic console. It lent itself well to arcade ports and simpler but faster paced and more fun games. PS2 was really the beginning of the end for gaming.
also the controller itself would've limited potential multiplat games
the unfinished half-life port controls like ass simply because the controller lacked a 2nd analogue stick
Nintendo was smart enough not to sell their consoles at a loss, however. They also had their portable line to fall back on and until 2004 they were the unquestionable kings of handhelds.
>Bernie Stolar
>Bernard Stolar (October 9, 1946 – June 22, 2022)[1] was an American businessman and a prominent figure in the video game industry for many years. Among several roles in the industry, he was a founding member of Sony Computer Entertainment America, essential to the launch of the original PlayStation, and president of Sega of America, where he helped lead the development of the Sega Dreamcast home console.
>Early life and educationStolar graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles where he was a member of the Pi Lambda Phi fraternity.
>Pi Lambda Phi
>Very little is known about the early foundings of the fraternity.[3] After groups of men were denied admission to other fraternities at Yale University because of their religious and racial backgrounds in 1895, Frederick Manfred Werner, Louis Samter Levy, and Henry Mark Fisher were determined to start something new. They decided to start the first fraternity that was "a fraternity in which all men were brothers, no matter what their religion; a fraternity in which ability, open-mindedness, farsightedness, and a progressive, forward-looking attitude would be recognized as the basic attributes."[4] Chapters at other universities started soon after. While non-sectarian, it was predominantly Jewish until the end of World War II.
>predominantly Jewish


>founding member of Sony Computer Entertainment America, essential to the launch of the original PlayStation
>heavily downplayed the Dreamcast in comparison to the PlayStation 2
>sabotaged Dreamcast sales to discourage Sega from competing with the PS2 just before its release
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FPS should be played with mouse and keyboard. And Sega got that right, they sold them as official accessories. Shoehorning controllers into first-person games was another big mistake made during the 6th gen.
>Sega got that right, they sold them as official accessories
should've done what Sony did and just make usb keyboards and mice compatible with the console, maybe through a usb addon
Reminder thar Peter Moore was allegedly given the decision to kill the dreamcast and went over to Xbox afterwards.

>until 2004 they were the unquestionable kings of handhelds.
Nah they remained the unquestionable kings. PSP did remarkably well but the DS did even better at a near 2:1 ratio. The numbers were even more damning on the software side. Both platforms suffered in part from ease of piracy but the PSP by far suffered worse.
Curiously, the PS2 was also the very first "always-on" console as far as I'm aware. See that red light? As long as its on, some chips inside like MechaCon continue receiving power and functioning as normal. By contrast, Dreamcast draws no electricity while it's off. Its power button just uses a simple spring mechanism to close a circuit.
>'CSK chairman Isao Okawa replaced Irimajiri as president of Sega on May 22, 2000.[198] Okawa had long advocated that Sega abandon the console business.[199] Others shared this view; Sega co-founder David Rosen had "always felt it was a bit of a folly for them to be limiting their potential to Sega hardware", and Stolar had suggested Sega should have sold the company to Microsoft.[7][200] In a September 2000 meeting with Sega's Japanese executives and heads of its first-party game studios, Moore and Sega of America executive Charles Bellfield recommended that Sega abandon its console business. In response, the studio heads walked out.'
>oy, such a shame I blew our legs off with a double barrel right in front of an oncoming freight train driven by my "old" employers
>we should really just sell out to pie face poopjar Bill Gates tho don't you think haha just kidding but what if???
>this company was founded by Jews in Hawaii anyways, you japs should be grateful!!! I'm gonna make Barbie licensed shovelware now, bye!!!
it's a (((big club))) continually eating itself
Yeah great mouse and keyboard. But you're still playing quake 3 at a blurry 30fps while everyone else was at 1024x + at that time, with double or more the frame rate. What's the point
The USB standard was is its infancy when the Dreamcast was being designed. First mass consumer USB devices appeared in 1998, the same year Dreamcast launched in Japan. Making it compatible with PS/2 (yup, ironic) mice and keyboards would have been a much better idea.
>But you're still playing quake 3 at a blurry 30fps while everyone else was at 1024x + at that time, with double or more the frame rate. What's the point
If you had the best 1998 PC , the dreamcast was still better
If you had a high end 1999 PC, the dreamcast was likely better
If you had a high end 2000 PC , your pc was better
The question is how many people had high end PCs, most people? no most people were running on obsolete CRAP, maybe if you compare an average 2003 PC to a 5 year old console you would have a point(years after quake 3 released) lol
>while everyone else was at 1024x
The average computer gamer was a kid with the computer that his father wasn't using, or that they bought for homework, those toasters had problems at 800x600.
The point was that you couldn't get a PC that could play it even at those settings for $200 when Dreamcast launched. Same as with any other console.
>you're still playing quake 3 at a blurry 30fps while everyone else was at 1024x + at that time
and by "at that time" you mean around 2004? because most people in 1999 were still stuck with computers that could barely run Half-Life 1 at 30 fps
was already mentioned but it surprisingly just didn't sell that well, it was the wonder of the world for like, a year flat, before the PS2 came and stole the hype. so you'd think maybe it had a year to recover while people got off the PS2 honeymoon and could more seriously compare the consoles right? ok but then the OG xbox and gamecube came out the following year. the dreamcast was just crushed as old news at that point and it did not have the hype games needed to keep its head above the water.

I had heard about how easy it was to pirate for it too back in the day but honestly even by the time I had heard of this, the console already felt like "whatever" because I was way more interested in PS2 and xbox. in an ideal world if I had all the money and space I would have gotten a dreamcast too - in like 1999, I wanted one a fair bit after playing powerstone and SA etc and at the time those certainly felt like the next step above my N64. but within two years the original Halo really to me felt like a next level beyond the Dreamcast's capabilities almost as much as the DC was above the N64, because bump mapping and the crazy texture resolutions etc were just way way WAY fucking more advanced than anything I had ever fucking see at that point.
Everyone was at the mercy of the PS2 at that time.
Microsoft only made the Xbox because they were worried consoles might take over PC's.
Nintendo only survived because of the Gameboy Advance and the DS
>The ps2 not only had better, higher res games,
What kind of bullshit is this? The Dreamcast had native 480p, while most PS2 games were stuck in SD. Dreamcast graphics mog most of the PS2 library when they're upscaled to 1080p.
I own 2 copies of Shenmue 2 for dreamcast, what are you on about.
are you european by chance?
So all these poor people who had to get a dc rather than a toaster were cool with spending out for mouse and keyboard for one game, plus paying per minute for online play. Seems like they needed another hobby like playing with rocks or something
a dreamcast, mouse and keyboard, and an internet connection were still significantly cheaper than decking out a pc to play Quake 3
You really didn't had a choice, you had your homework computer and played what it could, then you had your console and played what it had.
Computers for gaming went big after the PS3/Xbox 360 went AAA and the obsession of having FPSs in consoles as the main genre. So people moved to computers because why are you wasting your time with a controller on a keyboard and mouse genre.
None of those games would’ve saved the Dreamcast, not even GTA 3. If anything the console would’ve probably died in 2003 and whatever released would be regarded as cult classics.
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Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 were extremely ambitious. Sonic Adventure 2 is a much, much, much more robust game internally than SA1. I cannot stress that enough. It is much more flexible in every conceivable way, and it is really impressive how much Sonic Team improved on in such a short time frame. But it is still obviously based on SA1 and shares a lot of infrastructure, albeit greatly improved.

In the Tokyo International Forum, you can see the Ninja Lights system in action. Dynamic shadows, lights and other effects that aren’t seen in the final game.

The final game removed most of the Ninja Lights system, but some of it is still leftover. Some objects like the TVs still use Ninja Lighting.

The Dreamcast had the ability to perform what was called Order Independent Transparency which SA2 used extensively for things such as item balloons and artificial chaos. When SA2 and SA1 was ported to Gamecube, many of the transparency features that the Dreamcast had couldn't be replicated and they were never fixed for the PC port.

>Sega Dreamcast had order independent transparency implemented in hardware
Because the top brass at Sega made a devil’s deal with Microsoft to sponsor Xbox and the Dreamcast had to be taken care of first.
The dreamcast was just a console in the right place at the wrong time. Sega had thrown all their advantages away with retarded squabbling between regions and not knowing whether to keep the mega drive on life support or to jump ship to the saturn and commit to that. I would be curious what a world without the domination of the ps2 would have been like, I imagine sega would find some way to piss their good fortunes away somehow.
None of these games would mean anything to the console chimps you have to appeal to in the mass market
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>GTA, Diablo and Fable
>mean nothing to the console market
Could Dreamcast run Fable or GTA3?
Probably, Dreamcast didn't had much bottleneck, and had more VRAM than the PS2.
Apparently so.
According to Rockstar GTA3 originally began development on a Dreamcast and apparently it got pretty far before switching gears to the PlayStation 2 because Sega quit the console market.
There’s been rumors about Dreamcast prototypes still being out there but so far nobody’s found anything yet.
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Why is Xbox considered Dreamcast 2?
Mainly because it got a bunch of sequels to Dreamcast games that no other system got like Jet Set Radio Future, Toejam and Earl 3, and Panzer Dragoon Orta.
because many executives jumped ship from Sega to Microsoft and made deals with them to port a lot of cancelled Dreamcast projects to Xbox
*Technically 2 of those aren't Dreamcast sequels, but the point is they were Sega exclusives that were only on Xbox.
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The lighting system of the original release was even more impressive in pre-release footage, but had to be scaled down due to hardware limitations. Two companies worked on the Dreamcast's chip design, Nvidia and NEC. Aparently Nvidia's chip was more powerful, but Sega of Japan wanted NEC's design, which was used for the retail Dreamcast.

the original xbox was pretty much a intel+nvidia pc. funfact: the sega chihiro arcade system is just an xbox with more ram.

>OG Xbox was an upgraded version of the BlackBelt (Sega of America) Dreamcast Prototype (lost to Sega of Japan's Katana console which went on to become the dreamcast, even though it was slower, harder to develop for and would cost more)

>MS insisted on replacing the PowerPC 604e with an x86 chip (for obvious reasons, MS was an Intel shop) and 3Dfx was gone by then, but the engineers all worked for nVidia so that sorted the GPU, otherwise the OS was very different (BlackBelt not actually having an OS, everything was coded to the hardware)

>Later after lessons learned with the OG Xbox, MS decided to go back to the original PPC idea (but a far newer chip) and moved to ATi/AMD for graphics as nVidia royally screwed them (issues relating to die shrinks and asic integration)

>Xbox division was headed up by former Sega of America personnel, including their head, Peter Moore.

>Xbox IS the continuation of SEGA (of America)

Why didn't we get Xbox ports of SA1 and SA2?
>Why didn't we get Xbox ports of SA1 and SA2?
Because Peter Moore told Yuji Naka to go fuck himself.
>because many executives jumped ship from Sega to Microsoft

SEGA died when Peter Moore told SEGA JP suits to their faces that based on brand marketing analysis he believes SEGA is becoming an uncool brand to their target demographic. This is the sane story of when Peter Moore told a translator to tell Yuji Naka to go fuck himself for being in denial.
Thanks, Patrick.
Everyone except the most extreme tech nerd adults had a shitty computer their parents bought at Sears.
How did Sega get such strong third party support when Nintendo couldn't get a fraction of that for the Gamecube, a much more successful console?
When did the game industry become obsessed with FPS?
Wii U had a retarded gimmick and had a practically nonexistent library for the first two years of its life.
Obviously when Nintendo decides to release a console with an actually good gimmick and frontload Wii U's library (which may as well be new games since no one bought the system) the console actually does well.
Sorry you can't sell a system on fucking nintendo land and zombi u
The Dreamcast has a DirectX 6 level GPU and WinCE for DC uses DX6. The Xbox GeForce 3 tier GPU on the other hand uses Direct X8.1, and DX8.1 basically rolled out as a PC update on the same day as the release of the Xbox.

Peter Moore clearly took his Sega of America and Dreamcast experience to lay the foundation for the Xbox. It's notable that the Dreamcast was discontinued in America the same year the Xbox dropped and the Dreamcast's internet support was Windows-based and Developers could choose between a Sega developed Katana development environment or Windows CE. Katana had significantly less overhead and was faster, but Windows CE made porting games from the PC significantly easier

>Microsoft developed a custom Dreamcast version of Windows CE
>Was released right after the Dreamcast was discontinued
>Literally uses the Dreamcast controller layout minus the VMU
>Sega offered backwards compatibility for Dreamcast games
>The Dreamcast was a testbed of sorts for Microsoft, with some of the console's games running on a custom version of Windows CE
>Peter Moore who worked for Microsoft on the Xbo was the president and COO of Sega of America
>The ESPN games, Gunvalkyrie, Headhunter Redemption, The House of the Dead 3, Jet Set Radio Future, NBA games, NCAA games, NFL games, NHL games, Otogi, Outrun, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Phantom Crash, Puyo Pop: Fever, Rent-A-Hero No. 1, Sega GT, Sega Soccer, the Sonic games, Spartan: Total Warrior, Spikeout, Super Monkey Ball: Deluxe, and Toejam & Earl 3 were all released on the Xbox
>Hell, Jet Set Radio Future was even bundled with it
>It went for the same audience of cool, hip, eXtreme jock gamers that the Dreamcast did
>It fully realized the online gaming feature Sega ambitiously set out to popularize despite lacking the resources
>Right at the end of Microsoft's E3 2007 conference, exec Peter Moore revealed a special edition Xbox 360 to be branded with Halo 3.

They've been making PC games all along.
not to mention that Nintendo would've followed Sega if not for the 3DS keeping them afloat until the Switch released
It was hilariously easy to port into, they simultaneously did it easy came it from arcades, computers or the PSX (this one even opened the door for Bleemcast, Dreamcast emulating the PSX and making everything look better and load faster).
Literally the easiest console to code ever.
PS3 120fps announcement
QRD on the Wii and Wii U era?
By throwing money at anything that moved. And it cost them. Nintendo was stingy.
>Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi has claimed that the PlayStation 3 will be capable of running games at an unprecedented 120 frames per second

To be fair, they can on RPCS3
xbox will never be dreamcast 2. It doesnt event have Sakura Wars
>CODE Veronica Dreamcast exclusive
>REmake, RE0, RE4 gamecube exclusive

Explain this
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Capcom released a lot of Gamecube games.
>xbox will never be dreamcast 2. It doesnt event have Sakura Wars

How comes Microsoft went after to Nintendo to buy them instead of Sega? They already had a strong connection with Sega from Dreamcast era and Sega even some gems exclusive for Xbox 1.

Microsoft basically took over the lineage of their controllers from the Dreamcast to the Xbox
>Max Payne 1 without at least a second stick
No thank you
>Explain this
Capcom wasn't too happy to pretty much become a second party in the PSX.
Guess Sony annoyed them between "the Saturn is dead" and the Saturn getting Marvel vs Capcom and other arcades, they also ported a couple of games to the N64 after when they despised the cartridges and made sure they didn't have too much exclusive love to the PS2 after that.
What Dreamcast games deserve good modern DX12 ports?
>Why wouldn't Microsoft buy an unprofitable company that they can already just license their games from if need be
>make a new console
>name it after the previously successful console
>only advertise the controller
>forget to use your big IPs to advertise the new console
>the main selling point besides the controller was HD gaming on par with the 7th generation
>one year later the 8th gen launches and blows Nintendo out of the park
>notice that the 3ds isn't doing that well either so they spend several years making games for it
>3ds becomes your main device keeping the company afloat while the wii u is bleeding money
>start working on the wii u successor to compete again with the home console market
>they didn't have too much exclusive love to the PS2 after that.

PS4 may as well be a Resident Evil console
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Shinji Mikami hated the Playstation 2.
>>start working on the wii u successor to compete again with the home console market

What went so right with Switch and how can Nintendo follow up?
you'd lock on to enemies
Mikami should be happy now that REmake and RE4 are considered GOATs
>pitched to normalfags as a way to get their children to move instead of sit while playing video games
>is in reality a Gamecube with slightly higher clocks and motion control support
>the discs can now hold as much as a normal single-layer DVD
>no HDMI support whatsoever
>still sells like hitcakes in spite of it all because normalfags are easy to swindle
>an avalanche of shovelware aimed at normalfags ensues
Wii U:
>a significantly more powerful console with HDMI; still very, very underpowered compared to PS4 or Xbox One, which released a year later
>because of the name and because of how much Nintendo showcased the new tablet controller instead of the console itself, dumb normalfags think that it's just a Wii addon and don't buy
>no one wants to make games for it
>Nintendo never makes a 3D Mario game for it (Wii had two) and the only Zelda it got releases at the very end of its lifespan
>sells about as well as Saturn, Dreamcast or PS Vita, would have driven 'tendo into bankrupcy if not for the 3DS
ABXY to move and analog stick to aim
>good marketing
>interesting and innovative gimmick
>actual 1st, 2nd and 3rd party games
To quote another anon from /v/
>If the console has Metroid game then you know it's doing good
You think if Sega didn't give up on it that they'd release an updated controller with a 2nd stick to keep up with the other consoles?
>Metriod Prime gets based remaster
>Sunshine gets a garbage emulated release

What did Miyamoto mean by this
I was thinking in the PS2, by the PS4 Capcom wasn't the same than then, they already had a couple of big management changes by the beginning and midway the PS3; Inafume, Mikami, Kamiya, etc where out the company and all of that.
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Reminder that Dreamcast's design eventually became the standard controller. Even Nintendo copied it with the Switch Pro
Miyamoto does not work on Metroid
It was the only real portable console when it released and still is. No, portable PCs are not consoles. As for the follow-up? If Switch 2 isn't backwards compatible with the Switch, they will shoot themselves in the foot. If it is, they can pretty much do nothing but give it a faster chip and better 1080p display and win.
when Halo 2 released
One of the biggest criticisms of the saturn was that it was too hard to develop for, so they went out of their way to make the dreamcast as easy to develop for as possible.
ironically that's the exact opposite approach Sony took with the PS2
the PS1 was known for being the easiest console in its generation to develop for, while the PS2 was known for being the hardest
Sega has max luck stat but no int.
Turns out none of that shit actually matters, and it all comes down to your marketing budget. Thanks huge corporations for destroying video games.
That's retarded and you're a retard.
Half of this is true. Dreamcast died because it had no library, let alone good exclusives. It's why PS2 is still emulated, while we can't even name a single Dreamcast emulator.
The dreamcast sold fine, sega just ran out of money.
>Nintendo never makes a 3D Mario game for it
It had 3d world
Sega was dead LONG before the dreamcast came out.
Also if Sega stayed around then Microsoft would not have launched Xbox.
it ran out of money because it sold fine
that is to say it was being sold at half the price behind SoJ's noses
You're right. But 3D World was basically just 3D Land (3DS game) on a big screen and people were tired of that style of gameplay together with the "New" 2D games back then. 3D World wasn't something to match 64, Sunshine or either Galaxy.
You don't know anything about retro gaming and that's why you mentioned western games on a Sega console, as if those ever made a difference or anyone ever gave a fuck about them aside from sport games.
>we can't even name a single Dreamcast emulator.
Speak for yourself. Redream and Flycast both work better than PCSX2.
They were already out of money before the Dreamcast even released
wow what a convincing argument
The PS2 has an off switch in the back
the newer slim models don't
Not to mention that the reason they leaned hard on the 3DS was precisely BECAUSE they already lost a ton of money righting the ship on it from its horrible launch. They probably didn't wanna have to do the same shit AGAIN for the WiiU right after, when shit was still choppy for them. Even at the time, I could tell to a degree that Nintendo basically gave the fuck up on the WiiU around late 2015, though of course I wouldn't know until after that that's when Switch development began.
Other anons already touched on the big reasons why the WiiU sucked ass and torpedoed, but another big reason:
>most of its new first party lineup were spinoffs, experiments, or second-tier or lower franchises INSTEAD of new mainline entries in major and semi-major franchises; a reason why WiiU ports went over so well on Switch is because they were now existing ALONGSIDE the types of games that Nintendo players craved, not INSTEAD of
No one forced sega to choose a kike as their ceo
3d World played more like a top down Mario spin-off than a true successor to Galaxy
The Saturn and all the add ons made for the Genesis already bled Sega lots of money.
No one forces you to have it on all the time. Just unplug the power cord. Simple as.
Mario fans will buy any slop to get their bing bing wahoo fix. Metroid fans actually expect quality on the other hand and won't buy any game with the metroid name like what happened with federation force or other M.
Nintendo, Sega and all the other console makers were essentially toy makers playing with toy budgets. Sony coming in and bulldozing the competition and using their connections to block games coming to other consoles meant there was no real way for them to compete against them. So they gave up and just sold games instead which were more profitable.
In 1999, no. The PC divide was insane back then, children had no idea what was going on. Go back and cross-compare what media top 10 of all time type lists looked like in the late 90s
After Xbox and PS, no other company has taken hold in the home console business, every single one who tried, failed. Even Nintendo technically only makes handhelds now
Except the PS1 was cheap to make. They dipped their toe in and Nintendo's draconian partner behavior drove devs to it. If the PSX had taken a bath it would have just been another 3DO. Maybe Sony would have gotten serious after that but they were able to get in on the toy level anyway.
I wish they focused a little more on online multiplayer via their broadband adapter, especially with all the arcade games.
Somehow the PS2 became the early pioneer of online console games (coincidentally with its own broadband adapter) instead of the Dreamcast despite the latter coming out first and running a modified version of fucking Windows. I liked playing SOCOM II online but I would've liked Hydro Thunder and Marvel 2 online more even if they would've been barely functional.
Xbox did get an exclusive game from the Sakura Wars devs. They probably would have gotten SW5 too if Xbox wasn't already dead in Japan by then
Imagine if Microsoft didn't get into the games industry by sabotaging Sega from the inside and the Dreamcast got Halo

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