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What message is this conveying?
>bald good
>fat bad
Don't simp.
an untucked shirt is more stylish than unzipped pants
I will now buy your game
Virgin vs Chad years before the memes.
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>Hey man, what's your problem?
>Well, A.D.D., primarily, but also life, my parents, this school, western civilization, but really, honestly, enough about me.
how did Jimmy Hopkins get so many girls when he's a turbo manlet? did the internet lie to me?
it's conveying after my own heart for tall girls
She is wearing high heels.
He is not wrong.
This says a lot about society.
Me on the right.
how do we know she's laughing at his pp?
In the game Bully, girls prefer bullies
It's saying that manlets can get the girl if only they hit the gym.
His dick is honestly pretty big.
For you shrimpy boy.
That when you're that much of a unit, rape is the go to answer.
He's not bald, it's a buzzcut.
If she pulled that off, would he die?
confidence is key. Jimmy is a manlet but he has confidence. The fatfuck below has nothing.
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a kind reminder that we will never get a game like this because half of the American devs are faggots AND the rest are pussies (scared of 4 letter word)
the good guys retired already
bad boys get the girl and the nice guys don't. also don't be a fat fuck.
confidence and brute strength
>be de new kid everyone picks on
>adapt and fight for yourself
>rise through the ranks of every clique
>suddenly the females begin noticing you
looks aren't everything
It was made by Canadians not Americans. That's why it's kino.
Balance reasons. Jimmy would be even more unstoppable if he were tall.
Very unrealistic tits. Girls don't have such huge knockers at that age.
Yeah, they are wearing pushup bras in the original pic.
no wonder it's good
sadly US/CA and France became one giant union
I can't tell their games apart
judeo-freemasonic gnostic satanic inversion
That she'd beat the shit out of the two manlets
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bullying is based as fuck and there are literally zero negative life consequences from learning at a young age how to put beta in their place.
I renombre having a school full of girls with massive tits...God those were the days
wheres the ugly bastard edit where he's packing and shes shocked
When I was like 14 I was playing through Bully and God of War 3 which are both high T games, I was getting verbally bullied at school so I slammed the kids head of the corner of a desk and he was bleeding. He got in more trouble than me and the school councillor tried to have me checked for anger issues even though I described to her if I had anger issues I wouldn’t have waited so long to retaliate

The kid kept saying I did stuff with horses
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I want a hd remaster so bad but Rockstar would tarnish it
All the guys who made me school life hell got married, got good jobs, had kids, while I still live with my mom, am terrified of women and two years away from being a wizard, and constantly think about offing myself. I wish I wasn't such a spineless pussy.
This is a blue board.
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Yeah I don't understand either anon it looks similar to mine and my ex said that was more than enough
I'm sorry Takeshi. In my class most girls had fully developed chest by the age of 16.
One girl in my class once wore a traditional dress from her mom and it was too small for her, you could see her tits squeeze out of the top.
She was probably not even 16 then because school ends here at that age
But Japanese girls are busty.
You are either born a villian or you get to have a villian origin story.
I hate women so much it's unreal
His balls and dick woul just be full of piss.
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I remember that a few girls in my class had nice tits but they always covered them up, no cleavage or anything.
In our glass only one girl had big boobs but I wasn't attracted to them back then.
Feels weird.
Nothing wrong with being gay
what movie?
It's not gay to fuck femboys.
Still such a kino game even to this day, I doubt it will ever stop being kino. It's a fucking crime we'll never get a sequel. AI game Dev tools need to hurry up so some indie Dev sperg can make their own GTA school Sim
I was always scared to retaliate because of getting suspended, I actually wanted an education. But people wouldn't stop fucking with me and destroying me socially. I didn't do much wrong, I was just picked, and that shit has followed me through my life to this point
my friends sister got double Ds at like 12. and that was a looong time ago now, they put something in the water since so it like the average now, plus women are starting to get nig lover asses on average too (disgusting, I prefer smol and tight)
He kicked the shit out of everyone else, women respect violence
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When I was 15 this kid would pick at me in front of the whole class and people would giggle. I wouldn't call it bullying but it was annoying. One day walking into class he did it again and I just stopped and told him to meet me in the bathroom. We traded like 5 punches each and then shook hands. Was never bothered by anyone else in my school, or ever again in life really which is kinda funny
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He's gay
very based
haha brony lole
>did the internet lie to me
I've seen a lot of manlets with girls slightly taller or same height as them, I'm not American though. Honestly I see it all the time.
>went to the bathroom to trade lumps and shake hands
Every dispute in Starship Troopers
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thats Camren Bicondova playing in a 2014 film called Girlhouse
No actually, it was because he found out I’m related to Irish travellers (gypsies)
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ayy lmao
lose weight and zip your pants.
President of Finland is a known school bully. Normies love the redemption arcs. Bad boy growing to be ”presidential” is what they love. In reality he never changed and is obviously a narcissistic asshole, but normies are very bad at detecting assholes (see Trump or Musk, or any female hollywood star).
Life lol.
thanks for making me feel better about myself
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>What message is this conveying?
Your life is decided before your birth.
If you have good genes, your life will be easy, pleasant and interesting, barring any unforeseen event like an accident or aggression.

If you have bad genes, your life will be nothing but a sad, pathetic trudge through the mud. You will never know real happiness or fullfillment, th best you can hope for is temporary, artificial pleasure, like video games, drugs, or porn.
I did this to a girl one time and ripped her underwear clean in half
Hope you kept at least half to sniff later
incel-to-gay pipeline is real
For a moment, I thought you were talking about Sanna Marin and got hard, but then I remembered she got fired
How come Finland gets to have coombait politicians?
>slasher horror
into the trash it goes
Thats only if you fall for the "world is good" lies that keep you under control, if you realize people will hate you regardless then you can take advantage of that and all the perks that come from being a sociopath asshole.

Become the demon people treats you as, it feels great.
what a dirty face
she should wash up once in a while
None because its not even the same girl you stupid faggoty ass nigger
He’s literally schizophrenic.
i beat a kid with a rock once for stealing my water
That betas are destined to die alone
Nice cope
Based. I threw a kid down some stairs cause he kept calling me a ladybug.
Later I became friends with him and his brother.
Uh huh.. odd how the bullying only goes one way, though, right? Whdnever the bullies fight back, that always causes a gigantic stir, doesn't it?
>become known as the friend who never fights back
>parents divorce
>get into a big fight with a kid i don't like
>get into a relatively minor fight with a friend
>all my mental anguish pools together, throw a handful of rocks at his face at max strength
>teachers and principal all totally shocked that I of all people would do such a thing to someone I was such close friends with
that's how i learned i didn't have any healthy means of venting stress, and I've never figured it out.
this man browses /mlp/ and wanks his willy off to that nonsense
Kill them before you kill yourself. It's the least you can do for your 14 year old self.
Stop being a fat ass autistic nerd.
I got bullied once or twice but my older brother had me take boxing lessons one summer and from then on we'd spar and he'd show me what to do in a fight. I got into one fight and people left me alone in school after that.
This one girl in high school gave me a wedgie a year later because I didn't give her my sandwich then smacked my ass. I'm pretty sure that fucked me up worse than any form of bullying ever did.
>girl demands your food
>makes physical contact with you

she wanted more than your sandwich, I think
Oh trust me, I'm well aware of that, we hooked up once or twice but nothing after that, she's cute and thick but kinda flirted with everyone so I don't think I missed out.
She lifted me in the air while doing it and kept me hanging for a while. It was the most confusing boner I've ever had.
>top: reddit
>bottom: 4chan
You would think, but no. Bully 2 was actually cancelled because GTA 5 was generating too much cash from shark cards. It's the same reason why they cancelled 3-5 GTA 5 singleplayer DLCs as well.
is this game still worth playing in the current year?
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>how did Jimmy Hopkins get so many girls when he's a turbo manlet? did the internet lie to me?
it's fiction anon
>stepping on the less fortunate literally jumpstarts a successful life
>whole system tries to gatekeep you from learning this
Pretty funny how the world works
She only ever gave me a wedgie 3 times but it's the stupidest kink I have and I kinda cringe at myself for getting turned on by it. I like to imagine either myself or vidya waifus giving and receiving wedgies. Like I said, it fucked me up worse than "usual" bullying lol.
>bully but you get to blackmail and sexually bully girls
I wish I was smart enough to code and make indie games.
She's laughing because he's not related to her
>i beat a kid with a rock once for stealing my water
Are you a caveman?
I want rule 34 where she gets fucked in bondage by the fatty.
She's laughing because he's fat and his pants are unbuttoned, you schizo.
>only actual instance of bullying was in elementary school
>culminated in us beating the shit out of each other on the playground (thankfully we were smart enough to do it on the one part that wasn't hard concrete so we didn't smash our skulls into the pavement)
>became bros for life immediately after and played lots of Maplestory together
Never saw or was bullied outside of that instance but it's obviously dependent on where you grew up and went to school.
women have preferences that usually involve someone that towers over them. but like all preferences once you put anything in front of someone, their focus changes, and they realize their standards weren't that important. that is until the relationship starts to fail and a more successful and more physically attractive person makes their head turn. Really you can be a turbo manlet or a turbo planet or both. It just means you have to try way harder but also be natural since you're way more reliant on genuine personality. That's why people recommend joining hobby groups, meeting people in classes, or just being recommended to people via friends or find people in the friend group (if it doesn't cause a disaster.) there's a lot more common ground and youre around the same people a lot more. cold approach/apps/bars/clubs/whatever the fuck are often just for giga chads that can break the ice with their looks alone. either that or you end up with someone desperate, inebriated or both, and if by some god forsaken chance you form a relationship, and you're not just fucking them the one time, you'll probably be in for hell on earth.
okay how do you make friend groups as an adult then
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play video games
Why have zoomers consistently propagated this retarded meme? I remember the girls in my high school having hude tits and ass at 15-16. Women stop growing at like 17-18, it's all downhill from there. "Muh 17 year olds are literal children, women are only fully matured at 30 years old"
I need to replay this for sure,so many jokes that flew over my 14yo ESL head
zoomers are completely brainfucked by social media
imagine how fucked you have to be to come to an anonymous imageboard to make virtue signaling posts
they're completely cooked
maybe where you live
when I was 14 there was the bustiest girl in class already used DD
she also had a thight body but unfortunately had one of the ugliest faces in the school:
>long face fully covered with pimples and pockmarks
>strong square jaw
>thick eyeglasses
>dental braces
>sandy hair (poor man's blonde)
and despite all that, in gym class I had to keep a grip on myself not get a raging boner
butterfaces man...
Charisma/Confidence. He's basically a more brutish Bobby Hill
>zero mention of parenting
This is a shitpost, right?
See >>683716872
>>zero mention of parenting
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Women can never be bullies. Weak men will get off from it and strong men would just rape her. Tired of people pretending a Bully game with a female protagonist would work when all they want to do is jack off to their pre-teen mommy dommy femdom fantasy.
>Bully game with a female protagonist would work
Anon, it's a videogame. 99% of them inherently "wouldn't work". What you can get away with in the first game "wouldn't work" in the real world.
t. would 'raise' a shitty child
>prevents me from socializing
>makes me hyperfocus on computers as a career
>canada doesn't hire computer people locally and everything is outsourced
>have no conncections
>"we figured it out, you can to"
>dad got a job from his dad, worked there for just under 20 years, has been getting paid to be sick for the last 15 years

yeah bro it was my bootstraps all along guess i'm a /cruzmissile/ now
never mind i'm clearly mentally disabled and don't know what i'm talking about
please never have kids
women are social bullies anon.
it would be about spreading rumors, lying, fake friendships, manipulating simps, public humiliation, betrayals, etc. not direct bullying.
It doesn't matter in school. as long as you don't have acne you can get a gf easily.
Are you serious, anon? Human beings are born helpless; we can't even move around on our own at first. When you reach adulthood, everything that you are is a direct result of your upbringing. If you're a passive fag with no self-respect who can't make independent decisions because the only thing you were ever taught was "shut up and do as you're told", then your parents have some explaining to do, yes.
the message I'm getting is I need to go search for fat bastard ntr rape hypnotize impregnation creampie tags RIGHT NOW
Grunt shit get hit
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>Decent-size school
>Lower-middle-class area
>Heard of like... 2 fights ever the entire time I was there
>Never witnessed any fights or proper violence myself
>No suicides or deaths
Sometimes I feel like I had a really boring childhood
I have no idea what the assholes get up to nowadays because I don't use social media and I will probably never meet them again, so I don't care
remember to thank your mom for the 'great' live you had, anon.
>"you arent starving!! what else could you need?!"
>tfw you're mom never give you a greet live
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>Be a fat loser with no social skills at 23
>Just Snap and start starving myself, running 5 miles every day for a year.
>Lose a ton of weight.
>Start going out at bars and clubs alone.
>I have no idea how to talk to women.
>Cry in my car alone after the night is over.
>Eventually something clicks and I start actually getting girls.
> Average a new girl every 1-2 months
>Frontal lobe finally finishes development.
>Go back to college to get my bachelor's degree.
>Land a good job.

At 33, not everything is perfect but it's much better than when I was 23.
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>bullying is based as fuck and there are zero negative life consequences from- *BANG* *BANG *BANG* AIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE SAVE ME NIGGERMAN ACCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
And this is why niggers are always killing each other because they take it to its logical conclusion.
It says a lot about SOivilization when sometimes the only way to get these upstanding moral soivilized people to leave you alone is literally the threat of violence. muh ethics, muh soicial groups, muh laws, what a fucking joke
Bully was so fucking good
Bullying is code word for chimping out

>10 vs 1 is based
He beat up the biggest kid in school
one of my best friends who is a gigachad now that fucks a new chick every week was saved by bullying in middle school. he was absolute cringe before it happened to him.
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>did not have to try with women
>was probably most likeable when i was most sarcastic
>did ok with work
>hit rock bottom for raisins
>vicious cycle of full hermit mode until i got horny, found a chick then got bored
>super bad times for everyone starts
>look around at literally every other family member within my age range
> every one of them got crazy handouts that gave them huge steps in life and/or strong safety nets made for them
>just fucking give up and wallow and fester in misery
at 33 everything is fucked and i wish i was 23 again
>fucks a new chick every week

just lift and then play numbers, it's not hard
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>Take language class as extra subject just because we get a trip at the end of the year (no, I don't remember anything I was supposed to have learned)
>Find out we're joining other schools on the way
>Start talking to girl from one of them while I'm there
>She likes writing so we send letters back and forth after we get back (it was pretty blatant we were already into each other)
>Send less and less over the years (mainly my fault), eventually stop
>6 years later she finds the letter stash under her bed, sends one on the chance I get it
>I do because >implying I moved out
>Meet up
>Going out for near 3 years now
Luck is more powerful than hard work, I haven't talked to any women outside of work and never asked any out
There is school and school, a lot of thing are called "bullying" but if you are pheriphery kid in a shit neighbourhood, the bullying there can be basically micro criminality, with shit that scar you, because you just notice "wow, humanity is shit"
>get the girl
what girls ?
lifting and playing numbers get you laid in general, but not to the degree of this dude. he looks like the bad guy rival love interest from a 90s romantic comedy.
Nobody fucked with me in high school because they were convinced I would shoot them if they tried.
and don't take (((antidepressants))), they can really fuck up your system.
mutts are retarded
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>Hates bullying at a young age
>Likes bullying now because they're finally doing the bullying
same question for wolverine
if you were small enough for another kid to effortlessly lift you up and parade you to the class like some sort of a pet animal then i'm afraid to say that the punches you threw with those pillow hands of yours did nothing
the other kid probably didnt expect you to sperg out and would have stopped if you just told him
Where's barneyfag? Hes late
I love this guy's art
lmao, cuck
>talks about zoomers as if they were a group different from himself
>uses the term "cooked"
heh nice try...
Remove tits and it's perfect
people can talk shit on their generations
my aunt used to bitch about how cynical other gen-x'ers were
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My grandmother tried to learn to read when she was 22 years old. Her boss was a teacher and put her on a special course for adults. Even so, my grandmother died without knowing how to draw her own name. She was born illiterate and died illiterate.
And all because her learning window had already closed.
Based on this empirical experience, I affirm that nothing complex is learned after the age of 18. Music, singing, drawing, painting, programming, other languages and so on.
Bros I get a "The Boys" joke here.
Bruh on god deez zoomers be cooked AF
>I affirm that nothing complex is learned after the age of 18. Music, singing, drawing, painting, programming, other languages and so on.
It's perfectly possible if you are not a dumb frogposter.
>people can talk shit on their generations
they sure can.
all this incessant seething over zoomers is milliennials getting frustrated with the fact that they are no longer the generation with the center of attention, are rapidly approaching middle age and have less to show for it than their boomer parents.
Well yes, games made for zoomers are gay as fuck, of course we don't like that they are now the main target audience for things. When it's brand new things made for them I can't give a shit, but when they take something cool and zoomer-fy it of course it pisses me off.
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how over is it for me, bros?

>25 years old, kissless virgin (did hold hands with my crush, but I don't think she was ever into me)
>recently got onto a full bus and stood up near the back
>2 gorgeous beauties, one white and one black girl, that were chatting all the way at the front, suddenly came super close to me
>so close that, if I lost my balance, I could unnironically have slammed my chest at one of them (I'm 6 foot 3, or 192cm tall, and their heads were at my chest level, so they were both pretty short, I'm also overweight, got a bit of a beer belly, and an extremely shit beard that I've been wanting to shave)
>my social anxiety kicked in so fucking hard that I maxed the volume on my earphones so as to not listen in on them
>there was a weird moment where the both of them scanned the bus in my direction at the same time with the same head motion
>the white girl would also sometimes rub her thighs together or with one of her hands, and that shit made ALL of my neurons active
>stayed the whole trip fantasizing about asking the white girl out
>as soon as the bus reached my stop, I jumped out as quickly as possible
>now I'm here, all alone, sitting in the dark, playing videogames

Is it truly over for me?
we're still gonna have it better than zoomers and gen-A's even though it will be relatively shit compared to how good boomers had it. gen-A's are fucked, they will be a literal slave caste when they're adults. such is life after 11 terms of reaganists.
I imagine everyone who still posts cats to be about as autistic as this Anon.
your grandmother was a retard. My brain is male and larger than hers and it spends a lot of time learning new things
Getting a wedgie from a hot girl is a dangerous path, Anon.
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hmmmmm... nyo
their kids are gonna get life'd dont worry man kek
i am an adventurous lad
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>getting bullied in middle school
>hid a carving knife in my lunch box one day and attacked the bully with it on the playground
>got suspended for a month
>had just been gifted pokemon silver shortly before
>dad understood why I did it and didn't really punish me
>whole month of playing pokemon
Good times.
Did that specific bully stop?
Yeah we became decent friends later in highschool. Looking back I definitely overreacted and I'm glad I didn't seriously hurt him.
I guarantee he stopped
most bullies quit at the first sign of their victim fighting back, let alone getting attacked by them with a knife.
I just know the punchline of this is going to be she's actually into it and that turns her on.
I never got payback on my bullies and now I'm just a useless 40 yo NEET in my mom's basement
It's so over
Checked, it was. Also i find it endearing both of those characters are the artist's and his gf's self inserts.
Oh yeah?
Name 5 waifus who you'd let them do that to you.
Don't be fat or she's gonna laugh at your penis.
There are a lot of fags mocking people for social points or just to pick on the odd man out, but there are a lot of actual psychos out there who will meet force with a greater force. Fighting back is still the best option.
The turbo manlets were cleaning up at my school between ages 14 and 16. I'd tell you why but fuck knows, I don't understand women.
wasn't he supposed to be on the younger side compared to most kids at Bullworth?
They were right about you and you deserved it
sakura street fighter
the green bitch udol from splatoon 1
black hair girl from river city girls
rebecca chambers
Why did they make him attractive?
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Shorty jel of the tall, many cases
brutal boobs mog
how will the kate messnercels ever recover from this
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I'm sweating profusely
All women have an ugly bastard fetish your problem is you're a short ugly bastard
women want shrek not a goblin
that was the moral of the story
men are good on the inside but women are ugly on the outside spite being hot
Really, all of them? Gosh, I'd pretty embarrassed getting bullied and hung up by underwear by them, Shermie especially. She'd manhandle you with no problem, loser.
At least Rebecca would be able to heal you.
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test 2
Why did they design high school girls to be so hot with tight, sexy bodies?
autists are so pedantic they are the only ones that can look past their opinion on someone and tell that they are a massive fucking cunt
haha yeah so gross lol imagine touching them loool that would sooooo gross heh
>someone tried to bully me
>I started beating and biting them and had to be pulled off by the teachers
>people acted mostly nice towards me afterwards
it's literally that easy
I genuinely can't understand the mindset that leads too getting bullied for years like just use those teeth you got and people will stop immediately because no one fucks with the guy who will go feral on your ass if you provoke him
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>Your attention please: Jimmy is a complete human TRASH
>James, I've been waiting. Let the games begin
>I won. I tricked everyone, staring with you, the headmaster, the loser kids in town, and the prefects. ME! I won.
>I might be sad but I run your world, moron, and don't (You) forget it. YOU did all my dirty work for ME, Hopkins. You're like a puppet, only dumber.
>You're too trusting, Jimmy. From the start, you were pathetically naive.
>Poor little Jimmy, all alone at big scary Bullworth. Under fire from Russell and his goons, desperate for help.
>So sad, so hopeless, just needing a friend. Any friend. You were so easy to manipulate Jimmy.
>Once we were friends it was all so clear. You had your lust for power, but without the intelligence to back it up. Using you as a pawn was so wonderfully obvious.
>Let Jimmy have his fun, let him play his childish stupid games with Edgar, Johnny, Earnest, Ted, and Derpy, and just wait for the right moment to swoop in and take it all
>It was like lining up dominos, it all fell together so perfectly.
>While (You) were off wasting your time with WHORES like Lola, I was in the dorm, planning.
>While you were racing bikes, while you were playing at the carnival like a child, my plan was coming together
>The thing is if I win, you're just another punk. If you win you'll be sent away even quicker for beating up the head boy.
>I did it because I can. Making little people like you and the MORONS who run this place eat out of the palm of my hand feels great!
>Face it, I'm smarter than you. The headmaster likes me. I tied him up, turned his dumb school into a battleground, got kids unfairly expelled, put several others into therapy, and he still likes me!
KINO. Gary lived in society back in 2006, studied the blade, and clearly watched Death Note. He's literally a personification of /v/ in the purest form
>Be algernon
>Have flowers
Ah, kino.
it's not over until they are worm food if you catch my drift ;)
and by that I mean take a shit and throw it at them
Women love abuse but will turn on a dime when they find someone more abusive
Whats funny is that he's basically the perfect archetype of villain that modern viewers love. If he was in some high school drama series he'd have millions of people saying how he's the perfect gay coded villain or whatever
you can still make it, hit the gym before its too late (your body stop producing growth hormones after a while, so right now you can atleast build some muscles)

if you were any shorter it would be over
169 cm, what should I do?
>demoralization pic
>just give up and kneel to us incel
Elliot had the right idea even if he was extremely cringe in his execution. If more incels would strengthmaxx and violencemaxx and brutally murder and rape chads and staceys and their children and erase them from the gene pool they and their uppity normalfag simps would shut up and play nice real quick. You might not be able to looksmaxx but you can build gigastrength and wield the steel and bring the normies to heel as long as you have discipline and will.
It's the same reason faggots will stop bullying you when you fight back. They just want to make you suffer without receiving any well-deserved retaliation from you. It's absolute bitch behavior.
wear a skirt bbygrl
Early 2000s rockstar was so good at getting the vibe of places. I remember the nerds in this game being the most bullyable nerds I've seen in a game. They waddle around saying dumb crap and none of the other cliques are any better. They nailed the vibe of being in school and thinking how everyone else is stupid but you.
>no cute ADD incel mastermind bf
Why live?
I'd play a jap version of this called Delinquent. They have chick gangs there (in very limited numbers).
Is there a chance Jimmy might be a GTA protagonist in the future?
it's honestly hilarious how much my femboy boyfriend is like gary
>hates his parents
>western society failed me
>extremely political, hyper-critical of both sides
>thinks weak people should be punished
>sociopathic to a degree
>was a menace in school
all these types need is a hard dicking and a strong masculine hand guiding them. my boyfriend goes on huge political rants criticizing every part of america, and when i've had enough i just pull his head down to my cock and remind him that he's the wife in this set up.
Imagine being greek.
when he was a fat nerd he wasn't good enough for her, but now that he's blown up she wants a piece. basically that women like this are vapid cunts who assess your worth according to what you have rather than what is in your heart, and they can generally behave this way because they have a line of dudes that goes around the corner just waiting for her to pick one of them to do her bidding.
3 times? when else did she do it?
Your friend is literally me up until a few years ago
No, Dan Houser talked about Jimmy's future after Bullworth.
>Although Jimmy's actions after the events of Bully aren't known, Dan Houser of Rockstar Games discussed Jimmy in an interview. He specifically mentioned that he "didn't see" Jimmy turning out to become the type of person who would make a Grand Theft Auto protagonist.

>"I never saw him as being that level of degenerate...I saw him as a bad teen, because he comes from a tough home, who could go either direction. He's not going to be a carjacker. He's too white collar for that already. He's at a shit private school, but he's going to end up being really happy because he's at the worst bit of his life, or being a sort of messed up white collar doofus. He was an unpleasant soul, but he had a heart. To some extent you could say the same was true of [Grand Theft Auto 4's] Niko in a bizarre way. But [Jimmy's] not trying to burn down the school, he's more trying to stand up to injustice."
>— Dan Houser
Any man can be a 7.
It's about the attitude.
Don't sell yourself short short KING.
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How can I not hate women when they're like this
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That baby dicks need not apply
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>Wolverine is 5'3
What the fuck, he's actually shorter than Spiderman, and Spiderman is supposed to be a teenager who goes to high school.
How come nobody mentioned his height as much as Vegeta?
Being short is his whole thing, it's just that in the films he's played by Hugh Jackman
Has there been another game or show with this art style
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Just check the opposite and realize how much of a hippopotamus you are.
Rocket should be at least a foot smaller.
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I can't think of one at the moment but I'm trying.
He would've loved /pol/
What are we doing tonight, Brain?
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I wish they kept Zoe's original punk design.
>Girls only like tall guys
Is propaganda by the biggers to demoralize manlets, the truth is stop crying over the
>I will never be the epic 6 foot Chad
Meme and get wide, like wolverine
>guy bullies whole school
>i was the only one bigger in the entire school but i was the gentle giant type
>one day finally have enough and fight back in the only way i knew that couldn't hurt much
>push him on the ground
>grab his legs
>initiate a giant-swing
>throw him a few meters away
he stopped bullying people after that
I was generally the 2nd tallest guy (and a blond, blue-eyed white guy, at that) in my grade all throughout school (including into my graduation year), and since I was a military brat, I went to a lot of different schools.

I was never bullied. No one wanted to.
I also slept with my swimming coach (a small woman) and my French teacher (she was hot).
>All the guys who made me school life hell got married, got good jobs, had kids,

Literally anyone can get married & have kids, though. Why do people treat this like an accomplishment? I don't look at trailer trash families on welfare wrangling their screeching brats at Walmart & think "god, I wish that was me, boo hoo!"
Hi, been in and out but if you're still here, I can tell the story if you want.
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all these people are like this but it's kinda understandable when you think about it? like they are suffering from severe cock withdrawal (yes even the virgins) that is driving them insane contantly
>So long gaybully!
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I was born in a shithole country and I'm hated just because of my ethnicity. I inherited my mother's introverted nature and interest in arts, which got me bullied until I was 18. When I turned 18 and met new people, I began being treated very warmly, especially by women. I guess I just grew in.

But then I got into an accident and I became a recluse. I never fully recovered and the amount I spent alone put me into a void. I feel like life cheated me twice.

You imprint on your parents, or parent figure, almost immediately after birth. Stuff that they do when you're 1 year old remains in your brain, even if you don't remember it. If you were abused young, or had a rough childhood, you'll turn into a wreck and you'll not even know why. Bad parenting is the most insidious sort of abuse you can inflict on someone.

He's got ultra-rizz. Rizz beats height, weight, income, alpha-ness, all of it. If you know how to talk to girls it doesn't matter how much of a disgusting fuck you are you'll get pussy.
If you go back and watch the first X-Men, they tried to do the height thing. They half-assed it and gave up at some point, but they'd occasionally put the other actors on an apple box, or have them standing on different steps or something.
I'm 6'2" and girls love me. They talk about me and about how they want me.
There's another guy at my work who's 6'8". They're explosively happy if he's around and would "trade-up" from me to him ANY chance they get.

Yeah. Girls like the tallest guy.
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what did you mean by that
she's so cute
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>Femdom... is based
american niggerballers are: niggers/gay/cucks
I was molested by my older cousin when I was a child. I almost got molested again by an in-law. My childhood was pretty messed up now that I think about it.
My little cousin got his pecker sucked by his older cousin. Are you gay now by any chance?
Ah, just like really life
Imagine the teacher giving him disciplinary actions after class
That is my wife
that fat loser look anglomutt just like the american pie
I was surprised to see how well Bully held up in its own little universe, having played it last year for the first time. It probably referenced movies/ideas relevant of the era (similar to GTA), but I didn't feel like I was missing out not catching a lot of them. I don't know how you'd make a sequel to it though.
This desu, if you weren't a bully you're a fag.
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I wanna ask how in the fuck did they get away with the sexual harassment button in the game, you can even use it on the non-teenage children, that's insane
Meant for >>683736526
I'm not listening to your lanklet cope
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>I didn't do much wrong, I was just picked, and that shit has followed me through my life to this point
Same shit happened to me. Eroded all my confidence to nothing. Kids are cruel man.
Just like me, she's laughing because my dick is too thick. I'd rip her in half =(
Do tell
being fat is immoral
This post is propaganda to keep manlets wasting money on dates and self development stuff.
god i wish a tall preppy girl physically bullied me in high school
um, I volunteer for Ms. \\\\\\\\
I'm gonna make a WEG based on bully. Should it have femboys?
>bullies actually are morally superior to you sweetie
More like they just have better genes, you gaslighting nigger. Bullies do have standards because they tend to care about image a lot (that's why they're bullies to begin with). And of course incels don't ask women out, they just would get humiliated becauae they're ugly.
High school setting is not allowed on itch or steam
does he have a humilliation ritual fetish?
I believe subscribestar doesn't care too much.
This, too. At least one of my bullies immediately got married out of high school to a solid 4/10. They're not getting married to bikini models.
The MC wasnt even a bully, he was just a dont fuck with me kind of guy, the opposite of a bully
>Should it have femboys?
Never be a pathetic, no woman likes pathetic man.
No matter what they say.
nobody in general likes pathetic men. They'll use them but also ridicule them along the way
Angry Manlet> Nerd Whale
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Just cum on a photograph of them to send them to hell. Acording to Native Americans wnd other pagans photographs capture the souls of their subjects. According to Jews cum is unclean and having your soul cummed on is a sin. And according to Catholics the only way to not go to Hell is to confess every single sin which they can't do if they don't know you cummed on their soul. It's an infallible way to send anyone to hell with no counter.
>Should it have femboys?
The answer to this question is always yes, anon.
they probably are morally superior. Bullied people are generally not morally sound, thats why they shoot up schools all the time.
Jews also swing a chicken over their heads to pass on their sins and fool god.
The whole ceremony over that did more to ruin my impression of them than anything else.
Not living a good life, being kind to others, doing good unto the world, but instead blame an innocent creature for it and celebrate getting off scott free.
>just have better genes
Most people are not aesthetically unfuckable they are just not amazing looking AND are boring, socially inept retards.
Several people could easily have sex if they just acted better. Bullies tend to have higher confidence.
>Be me, around Freshman year
>Skinny and tall, already a target alongside being quiet but getting more comfortable
>Hanging out with the aforementioned cutie at lunch, she's very flirty with me and pretty much my first time being with someone who is so grabby.
>During lunch she mentions she's starving and this is after the first time she gave me a wedgie so I'm getting a flashback, I'm about to eat my sandwich and sigh before telling her I'm not giving her my food.
>She grins and smacks my ass, knowing I'm awkward about it before grabbing my waistband and yanking up again. I grit my teeth and look around to make sure no one sees us while I'm being lifted in the air pretty much, hear her giggling.
>You enjoying yourself, Anon?
>She lets me down, still holding on to my waistband and makes me give her half my sandwich and when I do so, she pats my butt and walks with me, adjusting my shirt.
>Tells me I have to leave it like that until the day is over.
Like I said, most awkward boner ever, when she held me up and my knees buckles, I nearly screamed.
None of you faggots were bullies lmao, you probably weren't even bullied either, you were just nobodies.

Wasn't this nibba a raid boss in wrath of the lich king
>I affirm that nothing complex is learned after the age of 18. Music, singing, drawing, painting, programming, other languages and so on.
you can absolutely do it you just need a decent iq. your grandma was just a bit of a tard, sorry
God patched that exploit out when he forbade idols. The chicken god holds as much power as that calf that pissed off Moses.
I really ought to pick this game back up. I rented it a few times as a kid and loved it but haven't played it since. I already have it on my PS2's hard drive; I really have no excuse
There was a kid in middle school who was way smaller than me that fucked with me all the time and one of the teachers told him if he did that to someone else in high school he'd get the shit beat out of him lmao
nah if you don't have the fundies like writing and reading it's way harder. that's the basis of everything. there's a clear time when you can develop that shit where it's intuitive rather than someting you have to thin about. Perfect pitch as well. all that shit.
that's only two times....
>if you were small enough for another kid to effortlessly lift you up
You're the sperg here. "pick at" in this context means to tease. He would make jokes at my expense and people would laugh.
>the other kid probably didnt expect you to sperg out and would have stopped if you just told him
lol maybe but I wanted to fight him so we did
Did you do things with horses, pussyboi?
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No, it isn't. You just say that because you wish you were the bully and not the bullied. Those faggot kids with parental issues fold immediately if you fight back.

Every single time someone tried to mess with me, I retaliated with physical violence and they stopped. It was so liberating when I first found out that punching someone makes them stop bothering you.

Only niggers, queers and abused children are bullies. Which one are you?
death to blogposters
I punched a kid in the eye in second grade because he took my pencil. We became best friends later.
>ywn have a short chubby bf who lets you make fun of his tiny penis
Why even live?
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why does everyone want to fuck the red-haired bitch who literally does not exist in any of the game's missions

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