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in awe of the size of this lad. absolute unit
Gurfurlur is a funny name.
Sex with Black Cat how do we feel about that?
how small is his dick
The giants English voices are annoying as fuck
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>most of the concepts of the story are points ishikawa made and handed to him to expand upon
>he completely fucks it up and wastes the setting and all the characters
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I respect Erenville because his mom is hot, and he never called Wuk Lamat Lamaty'i
Wuk Geddan > Wuk Lamat
He even looks like he's completely incompetent
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these male lizzers dress like SLUTS
>resolved the thirteenth in post-patch content
>resolved whatever reflection speen's is in DT
boy we're really flying through them now
Whats his crotchpiece for? How doesnt it flop around its only held in place by the top.
its not getting fast enough.
dont wanna waste another expansion in an uninteresting filler world with shitty characters like ShB.
I really would prefer if we didnt do shit with and of the trash the latter half of DT added. Let's just forget any of it existed...
>>resolved the thirteenth in post-patch content
Can it still even be called the thirteenth if it shits on and discards all preestablished thirteenth characters and plotlines?
God I fucking hate hiroi
okay now this is epic and not cringe

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xiv sisters.... dawntrail is the worst rated expansion in history of ffxiv....
Good. May it never fucking happen again.
The bottom ends with a buttplug.
in what patch are we going to marry Wuk Lamat?
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I thought Zoraal was supposed to be the only blue whateverthefuck?
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Another different one.
christ this community is so fucking cringeworthy it hurts
Thank God. I hope next live letter yoship bows and apologizes a minimum of 100 times for every quest in DT MSQ, followed by a public flogging of hiroi and a promise ishikawa will fix it all.
7.1, as Hiroi had already written it before release.
7.2 is the patch where they'll finally be able to react and change the story according to reception and game critics. As such, it'll be the "Wuk Lamat falls down the palace stairs and WoL becomes a widower" patch.
stop skipping cutscenes
>always thought that animation looked weird
>slow it down to half speed
>it's literally just the end of primal rend, looped a few times
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He is, that npc is an entirely different tribe.
why would they change the story? doubt they read 4chan threads.
Don't act as if 4chan is the only place speaking negatively about DT.
They don't need to.
The audience they pay attention to, JP players, are also pissed
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why would anyone speak negatively about DT when its the best expansion since Stormblood, especially the MSQ?
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I started Bozja recently, only just reached 10 before I got off. What a fun little rush some of those skirmishes and critical fights are. And keeping people alive or staying alive to rez them so nobody loses exp is really fun.
Did people really not like it at launch? I much prefer it so far over Ultimate/Savage/EX shit already. I hope the new dawntrail exploratory stuff is similar and has more actual MMO'y things like this.
I doubt it.
Here's your (You), since I'm feeling charitable.
This is still unbelievable to me
They already made CT mandatory for MSQ, why not void ark too
The game would've stayed better off if the shards never got involved
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XIV girls for this?!
i hate map watching and running to blue circles when they appear
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what did they mean by this?
so no arguments besides parroting?
let me guess, you actually think the scions are interesting.
I don't remember the fights being anything special other than the red chocobo, and it becomes really boring down the line because all you do is jumping on a FATE train. Bozja was okay, Eureka was worse, even though revisionists would have you believe otherwise.
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Anything else? Go on, get it all out of your system.
I think it means "I can fix him"?

Cursed af.
Bosnia was great, same with Eureka. The fight design is much better when it can include lots of deaths and not just be bodycheck after bodycheck. Lets them make very challenging but not tedious bosses. Having actual world gameplay is also fun
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The Lies of P
There's a thread on the JP forums bitching about it, 72 pages long.
>Official forums is shitting on the story, has a 200+ page thread on how Wuk Lamat is ruining the story and a 180+ page thread shitting on the English VA, JP official forum and other JP communities are also very vocal when it comes to shitting on the story
>People in-game shit on the story, early expansion PF was filled with complaining and people meme on the "speeeen" scene every time it happens in the lv100 trial
>Metacritic and steam reviews are shitting on the story, DT legitimately has a worse score than ARR
>Content creators shit on the story, even shills like Mr Happy say it was only "alright" or "decent"
>Even fucking plebbit is angry about how shit the story was
The only bastion of people coping about how DT was actually a brilliant masterpiece is xitter and that's mostly just trannies sucking off to Kate and the ENG Wuk VA
If it was just 4chan obviously SE wouldn't give a shit but the massive amount of complaints from almost everywhere is hard to ignore, especially since a lot of it comes from the Japanese players so SE can't just wave it off as dumb gaijins. Ultimately though whether or not they make an actual effort to correct course will probably go down to if the sub drop is noticeable enough otherwise get ready for more slop
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>They already made CT mandatory for MSQ, why not void ark too
Because hiroi hates everything that was created by anyone else. Scions getting shafted was not just because he's a retard, but also because he needs to shit on everything he didn't come up with. Cloud of darkness? Nope don't need that. Vrtra being an intelligent ruler but plagued with doubts? Just make him a retard who screams NEESAN every other sentence.
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Obviously that Y'shtola lass that is a famous member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Sadly, I can't ensure the continuity of her bloodline as her sis- I mean, ahem, because I lost my genitals in a tragic accident during the Bahamut calamity. However, a brave and mighty adventurer who belonged to the same organization and could actually match her aetheric potency and help her with her work would be a great fit. I've also heard pregnant women have a tendency to find tomestones around! Wouldn't that be worth checking out?!
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So anti-scionbros was it worth it?
This is your new favorite character since you hate the scions so much right?
Ymithra is only pushing her sister to have wol 's children because she would feel bad to have them before her.
>Vrtra being an intelligent ruler but plagued with doubts?
Man it's still wild to me the ridiculous drop in Vrtra's dialogues' quality that there was going from 6.0 and 6.1 to 6.2, where suddenly he got lobotomized and only ever said SISTAAAAH.

At least his cameo in DT was one of the few genuine hype moments in this expansion. Wish him and Azdaya had stuck around longer.
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Why are DC travel restrictions still a thing
>no gathering
>no retainer
>no fc
>At least his cameo in DT was one of the few genuine hype moments in this expansion.
They couldn't even be assed to play the dragon music. Where did he even get a whole brood? Him completely rolling the alexandrian fleet also made them feel like even more of a joke than they already were. Remember when midgardsormr put himself in a coma bringing down an imperial ship?
That's because you misunderstood Yoshida, by saying that it was a new start he meant that it was the new 1.0, not ARR/2.0, so DT clearly is outperforming.
Same reason we don't have DC party finder and won't get it anytime soon according to yoship. Fucking game is built on sticks ready to crumble. Hate traveling to dynamis/aether to do content and can't get my buffs, call retainers, or gather nodes.
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>Where did he even get a whole brood?
Guess he made a quick detour through Dravania on the way and just said "Yo WoL's in danger, come with me".

Or it's just yet another case of Hiroi actively ignoring all previous lore he didn't write and not even noticing Vrtra doesn't have a brood, really the more likely case.
I wonder about that translation, cuz it could be a case where he's like "Yeah there's limitations on how much we can have the player emote so expect some head nodding" in a roundabout way, not that there's literally only a few situations where the player character will only nod.
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He is cool
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Because DC travel was a mistake.
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I've noticed that the majority of people that are fine with the wol not being the main character are women.
Why is this?
I don't mind the nodding but there are two things they desperately need to work on.

>Instead of sticking every single npc, including your own character, in a cutscene in their base standing pose give them different cposes so things look a little less mechanical
>When placing multiple npcs in a shot please stop making sure they are equidistant from eachother and standing in a hard locked formation that would make the blue angels proud

Small touches that would make scenes look a lot more natural and interesting.
>no new JamJam art in weeks
So he really was a gifter...
Yeah it was worth it to hear MSQandies whine. Content is good which is all that matters. I hope they double down on Wuk because of how comedic it would be, both from their POV of "ok we gave up on Lyse too quick but we can still fix Wuk, just one more patch" and from the frothing rage it would send storyonly players into.
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Your low stakes vacation expansion has been served.
But it's milk.
Chill he's just sad about how bad Dawntrail was
Y'mithra memes are probably my favourite content the XIV community has made.
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>mfw Smile started playing during the ending credits
>Remember when midgardsormr put himself in a coma bringing down an imperial ship?
How dare you bring up 1.0 Tanaka lore? Did you not get the message when Yoshi-P deleted the Twelve? He should've removed the dead dragon from Mor Dhona for you to get the point.
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Dawntrail's reputation is already ruined even though pretty much everything other than the story has been good so far.
That's how much power storychads have.
We decide whether the expansion is good or bad and 'content enjoyers' are free to cope as they like.
That's how Fran talked, and he wasn't a native Turali when he was added in EW. Turns out not planning ahead does have consequences, but if Yoshida realized that then EW main MSQ wouldn't have been a dumpster fire.
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Is dc travel opening back up properly on Tuesday? If so that means going to have to go to aether all the time.
The entire point is that they were a joke, despite having superior technology they lost because their commander was an idiot.
Everyone already came around on SB despite it being considered the absolute worst irredeemable piece of shit back in 2017. Storyfags have no real power.
It's just a repeat of Stormblood then. It took 2 expansions with lackluster content for the "SB bad" meme to end because MSQ chads had condemned the expansion.
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>EW calls back to ARR by answering "Answers", meeting our mommy God who watched over us from the start, scions praying,etc

What will 11.0 call back to in DT?
>Endwalker was an abborrent expansion from a gameplay perspective but storyGODs alone successfully made it critically acclaimed.
I kneel.
Velkome to Nordik languages bRotheR
The story lasts 3 days but the content lasts 2 and a half years, I care more about the content. In this case the story was ok so I'm not going to fuss about it.
I hope so. Dynamis markets are fucking dead so having to buy anything last minute is a nightmare of going to seraph and praying they have what you need (at a hugely inflated price too)
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Only thing that has been ticking up has been Y'shtola art and I don't think JamJam is too fond of her.
>Content is good which is all that matters
Biggest cope of Dawntrail. You fags will be back to whining how boring the jobs are in no time.

When it's revealed the alliance raid is taking us home and the msq follows suit.
Is that why people always say Stormblood has some of the worst story in this game?
People only came around because the patch story was a lot better.
Content isn't even anything special. Just more annoying in parts.
FFXIV will never successfully replicate FFXI kino because FFXI is an RPG and FFXIV is not.
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Wuk lamat will be transformed into a beast and it's up to us to kill her
Smile will play
You just made me realize if DT's release resulted in an uptick of mamool ja/Erenville art for the women, and Y'shtola art for the men, and yet the actual biggest and best Scion-related scene in DT was probably the G'raha gondola ride... that means a whole bunch of G'rahafags probably just abandoned their catboy for mamool jas/Erenville.
Bad pacing and Lyse was 10x worse than Wuk, people dispute this only because shes hot. DT better as a whole it just has a more annoying fanbase that won't shut the fuck up about how much they hate a character. It took two expansions to "redeem" zenos, garlemald was ended offscreen, but the one thing that lives on is the content.
>2024: experience another life changing event
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Just did the FATE that plays the Friendly Monsters song
Why is it that FF9 got so many ripped tracks and so few remixes?
I admire your wilful denial of reality
No matter how much you kick and scream it doesn't make a difference.
SB was still considered the weakest expansion until DT released.
>Lyse was 10x worse than Wuk
So retarded it's not even worth a (You).
Considering it was only needed for cutscene fodder there wasn't much of a point to remake it. If it were part of the raid tier then you'd get something new, maybe. I do wonder what they'll do about the FF11 tracks.
Me on the left and also me on the right
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>Lyse was 10x worse than Wuk
80% of what he's written before has been good. Everyone sees right through your ploy Kate.
>6.X defender
Does anyone have the leaked voice lines for the savage fights?
>80% of what he's written before has been good
Zenos was certified kino by SB post-patch.
That's a weak excuse. Zero's domain is an FF4 remix and that was used in like two scenes
Not that anon but I don't think he wrote the EW patches, I could be wrong but I thought that was someone else, didn't they say it was a group effort between new writers?

It was bad whoever wrote it.
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>He hasn't started having honey with every meal
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>Lyse was 10x worse than Wuk
People were already saying the SB content was better at the end of SHB, although most of that was attributed to covid delays (even though a chunk of regular content was outright stated to not return before pandemic was declared like DD and Manderville), but EW really solidified that a good story can't carry bad or mediocre content, while SB was fondly remembered for quality content despite the bad story.
>Kate defender
>He's still subscribed to 78trail
Kek FFXIV players are subhuman
correct. i continued
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>Egads something is growing from her body
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Is this problematic?
Contentfags are a minority, no one talks about Omega
I liked Lyse a lot more than Wuk
I liked all of Stormblood's story more than DT's
But I think they got the message (from the JP players, they don't give a shit about EN feedback), and will hopefully improve in the post-expansion patches
I rest my case
one post really set you off huh
>Bugaal Ja went full retard
Based and true.
To retards who unironically say "problematic" I'm sure it is.
If you didn't enjoy Zenos in Stormblood you're either a woman or lgbt
how did wuk lamat break in to the final boss fight like dragon zenos, save the WoL from certain death and then proceed to give the WoL the resolve required to see the battle to its conclusion with heavy artillery support from wuk lamat LB3s?
Omegascape is considered the last good raid tier, has the best ult that pushed players to the limit for the first time since UCOB week 1, and its importance in the plot comes up multiple times since. It's a rare content and story win.
Still so fucking mad about the "Yeah so mamool jas actually always just faked talking like ESLs as a prank bro" retcon.
I don't mind it, mostly as I don't imagine it not becoming annoying, and the jp vas probably would not come off well doing it anyway.
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Apparently she didn't break in but is was Sphene weakening that made the barrier weaker.
Either way they should have had G'raha and Krile come in as well
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The Warrior of Light is fucking dead!
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Are the extreme fights too hard without a static?
>G'raha and Krile
I finished all the role quests. Tank>Melee>Healer>Caster>Ranged I think, none were standout amazing though.
I don't think Jamjam dislikes Y'shtola, she's just not one of his favorites the way Venat and Alisaie are. But he still draws her about as often as the other not-his-favorite girls and has made pics where he implied he thinks Alisaie and Y'shtola are the "official wives".

Only girl I think Jamjam actively doesn't care for for some reason is Feo Ul, the only fucking fanart he ever made of her was getting mocked by Alisaie.
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>skip non voiced cutscenes
>skip queues by playing tank
>skip non msq stories altogether
>avoid sweaty savage raiding

this is how you enjoy ffxiv

Vrtra might not have a brood but his sister does.
They already gave up on the leveling content to farm Aglaia instead because the dungeons are the same old shit after all
I like bozja for the most part but the zones look like dogshit

It's not the first time dragons have dabbed on big floating glowy airships.
>Allagans fear the bad dragon
Not sure if any of you will be here from earlier I was asking about raiding, you guys gave a load of really useful information helped me out a bit with nerves. Told you I've never done any content outside of Normal before, but managed to sweat through my nerves of the Party Finder and got my clear for my first ever Extreme.
I know this will mean nothing to most of you who do Savage and Ultimates, but I'm super casual, solo player Dawntrails lack luster MSQ pushed me to find something else to do in the game while I'm still subbed.
Anyone still playing with English voices at this point is a certified retard anyway. The whole "actually the English voice acting is the best!" meme has never been true and more and more people are starting to wake up to this fact.
remembird us... remembird wuk...
technology is weak as fuck in this setting. Don't forget the ARR cinematic where a magitek walker gets one shotted by a single fire 1.
This, I hate brits and ye olde Shakespeare crap. Really takes me out, just talk normally like they do in JP fir fucks sake. Localizers need to be beheaded for their garbage embellishments. FF16 tried way too hard to be GOT and failed miserably for it.
Only shills say this. Lyse was crap, but she didn't hog the spotlight for an entire expansion. Yeah she got the glory in the end just like Woke Llama, but she wasn't even relevant for like half the expansion, the story wasn't just about following her around, and she didn't make every scene and battle about herself.

The only thing Lyse did worse than Wuk is that she effectively replaced a diferent (better) character, while Wuk is entirely her own thing.
>FF16 tried way too hard to be GOT and failed miserably for it.
lol how are people still parroting that crap line when the GOT part was literally the only good parts, and the game takes a huge dump and turns into generic kill god shit.
>msq rating
Couldn't care less about scores from people that barely play the game. Dawntrail is going to be king when it comes to content.
No, it's just luck finding competent people on pf. Shit happens too

I was third highest dps on gnb yesterday and we still beat the dps check with a breeze. I'd say no
>the GOT part was literally the only good parts
It demonstrably was not good, it was less bad then the other parts of the game.
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What is Y'shtola doing here?!
The only thing it killed is its future lol. No celebration for 5mil sales, PC port locked on ESG for a year. That "good part" being a handheld tutorial with more cutscenes and less action than the first 5 hours of DT.
based gnbchad
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>open the Gate to Sphene's World
>Krile's earing only works when someone with Alexandrian Royalty holds it so why the fuck would Krile's parents even expect it to do anything
>Scions are all there and last second Y'Sthtola makes up stupid excuse why they can't go because they aren't meant to be in this shitty story really
>Alisaie is fine with not going because Wuk Lamat is with you
>Wuk Lamat gets to name the shard

It's like the writers sat around wondering how to piss of the player
gathering quest are extremely good this time around.
>Wuk Lamat gets to name the shard
Yet when we did this irl it was racist and colonialism and we didn't even genocide the entire population just a few of them
Wish they didnt make him as retarded so he would've gotten the simping levels of bakool
they really need to fuck off with the tailing missions - this shit is not fucking fun
>Yshtola calls Wuk Lamat someone she met 2 quests ago on linkpearl instead of me
Huh wtf
Gotta make sure Wuk get her voice lines in.
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People still seem to like him, but better writing definitely would have created a singularity. He's probably the most conventionally attractive of the lizards before his time skip.
Never have I played an RPG or really any video game where I sat there thinking why the fuck am I even here. In the rare quests where it wasn't "speak to Wuk Lamat" I initiated some cutscene with a random NPC where Wuk basically comes out of nowhere to do all the talking. Same with all the fetch quests. What an awful MSQ likely one of the worst written RPGs I've ever played and I played Shadowlands.
Surprised she didnt call her Shtola
did wuk lamat ever get humbled during the story? i remember she got parried by bakool ja ja but that's nothing. her kidnapping could've worked but it was more a failing of the WoL
kidnapped I guess, but everyone had to be a total retard for that to happen
Too busy remixing the DT theme for the 47th time
Why have we never been offered to call her Shtola? Why did they pull this with Wuk Lamat already? Why is this all so tiresome...
nah they're piss easy which is why they're pointless wastes of time
So what do you get for doing all the zone quests in a zone?
Not even an achievement?
by what
shit is boring
xp :)
It is canon that Garlean magitek gets completely knocked on its ass by wizards, that gilded magitek reaper mount brings up that Thunder is such a hard counter to magitek they had to start gilding everything as a form of insulation against lightning spells. Garlemald wants to destroy Eorzea more than it wants to conquer it because they can't actually take it by force and they know it
The first half of the game is all about her being a sheltered child who doesn't know jack shit about anything going on outside of the main city, despite her "I'm a great hunter actually!" spiel. She's constantly the butt of the joke early on, to the point where you have to wonder how such an incompetent is even being considered for a leadership position. But then she learns the power of peace and friendship and nothing can stop her anymore.
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Remembird Corvos?
A clean map
jesse what the fuck are you talking about
Man I wish I had that totem to make other people sleep my sleep.
>Alisaie is fine with not going because Wuk Lamat is with you
I am so mad we could have had beach adventure time with both the twins and now people are already back to "its time to retire the scions" again
Reminds me of https://youtu.be/7qYckI0YV-0?si=OJ8dK4vOgJ8W2hFk can't have people thinking fictional races are different.
Sorry, every Viera is nordic now because of Fran. Just like how every Amazon in Wonder Woman is israeli because of Gal Gadot.
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Longer quest complete journal
i hate lightoids
Why doesn't black bun mommy and fussy bun bun sound similar?
I'm expecting them to cram what we really wanted in the patch MSQs. If they don't, they really are a lost cause. My sub runs out next week. I'm taking a year off. I'll come back for the foray exploration zone and hopefully the cosmic exploration thing is cool as well (and has Nero in it)

but I'm half expecting to quit the game for good.
>80% of what he's written before has been good.
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Still feeling happy and good about my first EX clear from an hour ago, so this is why raiders raid?
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Could she do it?
Remember west shroud?
You fucked up. You may now never enjoy normal content. its over gg.
It was only the first Extreme, people told me it's very easy?
i'm gonna see this in like 20 minutes being spammed in localization staff's replies on twitter aren't i
I think DT would have been better received if Wuk Lamat was a cute non-furry girl. But just slightly.
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>FF16 tried way too hard to be GOT and failed miserably for it.
Zoomer take.
Even if they were her erasing every established characters personality instantly would still remain.
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>Y'shtola, our companion since the very beginning, quite fucking literally the first npc you talk to in the game for some 1.0 players, who has never once failed us in her loyalty and support going above and beyond for our well-being, even got told by her own sister that we're the person she values most.
>G'raha, our companion who spent literal centuries on a time traveling plot to save our life, who'd risk his own to protect ours and who has the absolute wildest story of all in line to protect us as well, had to give up everyone else in his life along the way due to circumstances.
>Both of them have gone with us to the depths of another world, to the edge of the universe, and even beyond death.
>Can't call them Shtola and Raha yet.

>Wuk Lamat.
>Met her about a week ago, maybe.
>Really haven't had any meaningful talks with her because she just hypes herself up as Dawnservant in conversations.
>Literally introduced last patch, has never done a single thing for us.
>We're really here just because she hired us as a professional.
>Already telling us to call her by her family name.
Fuck you Hiroi.
Actually come to think of it, variant would be a good way to visit west shroud I guess (outside of second coil)
A modern XIV area connected to the shroud would be such a depressing decline in map design anyways
Nah, what would have truly been better is if instead of us going with Wuk, we were hired by dad to spend time with all four of the claimants and developed each of them equally.
kill yourself
Orchestrion roll with the zone theme
I still remember my first extreme kill, enjoy the feeling anon.
Absolute brain rot take.
Urianger talks the way he does because it speaks to who he is. 1.0 Loisocks tells you that Urianger is very shy, he spends a lot of time in books. He's a fan of prophies, which is why he became an Astro and the old World before the 7th Calamity. On the source, at the time of the 6th Umbral calamity most people spoke the way Urianger does it's all to add depth to his character of who he is.
You notice the more he's become confident and comfortable with people the less he's speaking in prose?
If you're not a native English speaker and using the English dub I could understand your frustration but if you are a native speaker then no I don't understand it at all because you are advocating for the regression of literature among the English language.
Thanks Anon, I'm sure half of it was definitely because I was carried three people left after the clear and new people came. We tried to go again and only got down to 50% and kept wiping. I'll do it again later today I enjoyed the fight, and want the wings and weapon not sure if I can do the other Extreme, I was Melee/ Viper and really benefitted from no positionals in Worlo EX, won't be so lucky in the other one.
>which is why he became an Astro
That was because he needed to sell the lie that he had a vision showing the Scions' deaths. Not that he didn't take well to Astro learning, it's obvious it fits him.
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how do i cope with the graphics update killing my ability to play the game
that makes no real sense with the aim of the contest and how it's laid out, it would most likely lead to the exact same assessment anyways that wuk lamat is the best choice but too immature
Finally drudged through the MSQ, please bros tell me I've seen the last of Wuk Lamat
no, theyre both really doable even without a lot of communication
Absolutely will be involved in the next patch, it's too late to course correct.
It's embarrassing they are reusing so many models from ff11, I thought they said they would spend the money from the cash shop on new content?
make use of the FSR/DLSS feature and/or buy a steam deck or upgrade your shit
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try not being poor
We don't know yet. I'm sorry to say anon, but usually the first patch is already written and set in stone by the time the expansion releases so she's probably still gonna be the center of the universe in 7.1. Maybe we'll have luck in 7.2.
You get 1 chapter with no wuk lamat, celt you are trying to find a bracelet for her nan. She is always there otherwise.
Uhh where?
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proud of you my man
i am grabbing your shoulders and shaking you around and trying to scream at you through your deafeningly loud tinnitus that asset reuse is not actually a problem and is most definitely not a problem when reused assets are completely covered in new assets
You're not missing out on much
jobs are at their worst ever lol
I felt the same bro. It's funny, I did Ultima EX when I was a sprout and had fun then never bothered with another until now.
I am now EX pilled
>3 more years of ShB/EW job design
please yoshi, drop some of the 8.0 reworks early...
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Literally how.
Ultimate sand some of the savage 4 fights are hard. The trials are always pretty easy in EX and most of the savage content is easy too.
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These framer kits you unlock for getting max rank in fates are neat
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Thanks Anons, your kind words are nice to read.
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Quest reward for some of the last quests in the zone
And not all the zones either
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if youre not into leveling every single job, gear grind and crafting, fishing ect type jobs what is there to do year round in this game?
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why would wuk return in 7.1 anyway isn't her story pretty much completely reached its climax, why on earth would they bring back such an unpopular character, like doesn't she have queen things to do like I don't know, govern her nation?
>just realized they probably made koana co-elect so he can do all the work while wuk tags along with us forever

oh dear god no
Honestly should just do all the blue aether quests in each zone fully just for the lore
it's a university laptop don't make fun of me
are people still doing those? arent they like 5 plus years old at this point?
Just get a ps5 bro
Good job bro, proud of you. Good luck if you're going for wings.
trolls look fucking weird with teeth
Bozja is still good exp even if the zones are ugly and eureka is still good money and the elemental sets are cool
I genuinely cannot imagine what it looks like inside the head of someone who enjoys this absolutely braindead content.
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XVI fucking failed
VIIr catastrophically FAILED
Dawntrail failed and keeps failing harder the more you think about it.

Yoshida, now is the time to release dating content.*

*With the scions not some shitty side NPCs.
TO is actually a good game and an RPG, two things FF16 will never be.
whats the point of doing them if youre not interested in leveling up multiple classes and getting gear/mounts?
Nice goalpost moving there.
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You probably haven’t been playing mmos for long if you don’t understand that some people just like to mindlessly grind stuff to a long term goal.
xiv sucks as an mmo, do the msq then leave and come back when there's more msq
The botanist and miner questline are prime example of what dawntrail should have been.
>Adolf, look, you can eat delicious blood sausage and eels. You don't have to eat saurkraut three times a day
She could do it and I say this completely unironically.
joyless faggot sneers at somebody who likes things, many such cases
Anon what are you even asking? That’s what you do them for and if you don’t then you do not do them?
Prepare for WoW's War Within to get even worse reviews, players on the beta said the main quest lasts around 6hrs
Having never done one before, how likely am I to clear Savage using PF?
You will take Jullus and a bunch of unnamed garlean refugees as your legally wedded spouses and you will like it.
Definitely possible with enough patience
No fucking way kek
We hate it, forums hate it, reddit hates it and jp hates it
the other one has a couple sections that require some quick thinking, might be a little harder. but id say its still worth trying out
All Adolf has to say is that he doesn't consider jews to have souls and she'll eagerly join him instead.
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>Wuk Lamat is even in crafting side quests
Please tell me this was legit pure chance that you just posted the first pic before reading the next lines, that's fucking hilarious.
It will take much longer and you will want to kill yourself but you can do it
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Jotaro's voice + i can fix him
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But that's the problem.
Bozja and Eureka isn't just a mindless grind.
If I could genuinely just turn my brain off and go to town on slimes for 5 hours to get some cool shit like in RO I'd probably like that.
But XIV's basic gameplay mechanics are fundamentally incompatible with mindless grinding, your rotation is like 20 different steps long with a bunch of procs and situational abilities and resources to keep track of, and if you want to effectively grind in these zones you're gonna need to do your rotation for hours and hours at a time.
It's like too brainless to be fully engaging but also it requires too much focus for you to be able to fully dissociate, so you're just stuck paying attention to a really boring activity.
Reminds me of when Feo Ul got namedropped in the pixie quests, except obviously that was ok because one Feo Ul is only relevant because that's her particular one area instead of her being the entire expansion and two Feo Ul is actually likable.
swear to god, I did the quest like 5 minute ago. wish the screenshot showed minutes + seconds. I literally didn't expect this to happen lol.
there was a dialogue option about joining the two bunny bois in a future adventure. And since I really liked those two characters, I said yes waiting for a copout answer from the writers, only to be gifted with this fucking shit
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What kind of person likes Wuk?
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You cant make this shit up lol.
lol what ever you say NERD
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Why is your Wol a nigger?
Actually a very good summary what really bugs me about XIV. The flailing attempt to make it an action game just doesn't work. Same reason Eureka was such a fucking slog: You want to have the grind of XI but also the retarded rotation based gameplay and DDR fights and you end up with the worst of both worlds.
This nigga fruity as hell. This nigga ZESTY.
the very first one is usually pretty comparable to ex in difficulty. 100% doable.
i'm glad people that can't handle an unliked but relevant character being mentioned are chopping their cocks off. that patented wuk filter substrate in effect
Depends on how much patience you have for idiots who keep fucking up over and over until the group disbands just as they're beginning to learn
And how good you are at dragging these idiots over the finish line for four fights

It is a test of patience more than a test of skill
What has we written? All I remember are a few class quests like bard (lmao)
Even doing the EXs I could tell its luck of the draw mixed with patiences
Big bird took three lockouts because the other DPSs were shit
Got Zoraal Ja done in one
her story was done when she ascended the thone and they still shoehorned her in
I mean generally speaking I'm fine with rotations in XIV when you're doing content that fully requires you to pay attention to the game like EX and raids, but when they're asking you to kill 50 boars and each boar takes a full minute to kill while not really having much else going on in terms of mechanics it's just kinda torturous.
You will have a similar experience with savage first week and then after that it will only get worse as people who can clear will only do the fight once a week for loot, in groups that require that you've already cleared to join them
So you either clear at the same time as the people who can clear, or you're left behind with the idiots who don't know how to do their rotation
I only got into Bozja after Endwalker came out but I like it a lot. I think my biggest gripe about is wasted potential, i.e that you have all this cool shit contained entirely within two zones. The entire overworld should be like Bozja is but instead it's basically empty and there's no reason to go there. This team absolutely CAN make engaging MMO content, but chooses to only do it sometimes. It's infuriating.
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what was the life changing event?
why are you asking, you already know if you're asking about it at this point
joined square enix
Joining SE.
Something that required him to quit his theater career which probably wasn't making him much money and get an actual job
based, if you were the guy asking about light parties last night I'm glad I was able to help
Mayabros wtf is this????
>the Melee role quest is about the importance of having glasses
very cute, shame her senpai fucking died
I'll take it over Mamool Ja continuing to speak like retards for the entire expansion, but surely there had to be better ways to justify this. I'd rather they went with "yeah those silverscales that went over to eorzea are drooling retards, everyone hates them".
>I'd rather they went with "yeah those silverscales that went over to eorzea are drooling retards, everyone hates them".
My only guess is they didn't want to do this since that's already what happened with the matanga, where in Thavnair they're highly intelligent and educated, and in the steppes they're retard berserks with an inexplicable hate for au ras.
I follow a lot of g'raha artists and none of them hopped over to randomly draw scalie bara
>this guy is probably earning more than 3/4th of the posters in the thread
The Castrum is a great example too. Freefrom splitting up top and bottom, splitting up everyone to try and save 6 prisoners on a time limit, the last fight where only a handful of people get to go fight a duel against Lyon while everyone else fights, just way more going on.
The problem with that is even non-Silverscale Mamool Ja speak like that in Eorzea. Like the blue mage guys.
Ok then note to self: clear it in the first week or don't bother at all
so genuine question why did they put the glasses slot below the feet on the menu it drives me insane
doesn't the echo/blessing of light translate everything for us anyways?
her and that chocolate bunny from Cids workshop just continuing to prove we need a female viera in the main cast
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Vergilia will be my wife. I will put snow capped trees in my front yard so she feels at home.
got into a motorbike accident and got brain damage - exactly why SE hired him
too much hildi humour on then
We got Erentown instead
Probably easier to code. If they put it at the top, they would have to move the other slots as well.

I'm not a front end developer pls no bully.
I never vibed with role quests... ShB got a pass because it heavily recontextualized the HW patch MSQ and taught you more about the ShB MSQ, especially Ardbert.

EW was shit and so was DT.
they're all in on it

though the blue mage mamool ja let slip more than a few times talking to them they aren't dullards at all
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>guy applies to your company for a position on the writing staff
>check his resume
>he's a playwright that couldn't sell any tickets to his plays
>hire him
>put him in charge of the most important story your company produces as training
What the fuck were they thinking, honestly? Was there really no one that stopped and thought, "Maybe this is a bad idea"?
>she doesn't know nothing about her country but it has the balls to navigate to another continent.
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Looked up Shale and found out she was a subhuman duskwight... My day is ruined, I fell for a piece of cave dwelling fungus.
who are you talking to
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What part of "unnamed" did you not get, bitch? Sit your ass back down and eat your fucking garlean cheese wheel. You're lucky I didn't say you'd have to marry Eynzhar and Hyllfyr so they could gape your every hole.
is there something I can use instead of penumbra? I just want to use some basic outfit mods
I'll dwell her cave fungus.
All femezen are queens
To all of existence, bent to my will.
If this isn't trolling your PC must be 10 years for that score and with a very dying HDD with those loading times.
Real crazy part is that you look at his resume from that live letter and he's been with Square Enix for 10 years already. The fuck was he doing?
penumbra is the easiest and most seamless option
I like the new face wear so I can always wear the grapes hat with glasses now
making badly written side content and failing upwards
Why do I always have 2 next to my agro bar as dps?
Does this mean I'm the best in the party?
You're the second best.
Tanks do the most damage.
Yes its pretty great how seamless it is but its still down from launch, unless I missed an update.
Second in line for aggro so probably doing the most damage, over healing or tank
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>tanks do the most damage
It should've been
>Mamool Ja in eorzea were manually speaking the common tongue of eorzea
>When you're in Tural you're getting the nice smooth echo translation, everyone else either studied or could already speak it
No, tanks do less damage than DPS but generates more aggro with their stance on.
that's crazy i'm doing the most damage i'm leveling an alt job and have no idea what i'm doing and just wearing whatever autosorted gear i had
right click in menu and check "receive testing versions"
They shifted all of the talented writers to other projects since the main story arc is over and Hiroi is who they had left over.
What side stories was Hiroi in charge of anyway? Please don't say Paladin Job quests.
good job bwo
Literal conspiracy theory. Tanks just shit out that much damage.
Great, succesful writers generally don't end up writing scripts for videogames anon. People like Ishikawa are rare occurrences, more often you get hacks like Hiroi, or nutters like Nomura and Nojima coasting on weaponized autism.
>koana shooting bakool
damn, are MCHs that pathetic?
right clicking it just gives me a "reset plugin data and reload" option
BRD ones.
You know, the ones where you become complicit in hiding warcrimes to spare mhigger feelings.
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>consider getting into FFXIV from scratch
>check out how long
>speedrun is 100+ hours for someone who knows what they are doing and is specifically going as fast as possible
Are there account skips and would anons recommend them? The only reason I would play an MMO is to take part in the current emerging endgame with the community. I don't want to collect boar asses by myself for 300 hours to catch up.
There are skips, but in all honesty this game is not for you.
>I don't want to collect boar asses by myself for 300 hours to catch up.

Then you're playing it wrong. Fuck off we're full.
There really isn't much ass collecting, it is just a several hundred hour VN with occasional voiced cutscenes
what rank do you need for them?
see wuk lamats dps in the last trial
This is a story-heavy game. Skips are not recommended. Just take your time and chill.
If it's a particularly hard tier you can even get decent or good groups for two or three weeks. But eventually party finder becomes just people who couldn't clear
Good luck
>Hey guys, are you really sure you're understanding everything they say? Krile? Twins?
>Of course WoL, we had time to study it on the boat trip. We're Studium prodigies, remember?
>Thancred? Urianger?
>No worries my friend, remember I'm a master spy, I am used to adapting to foreign enviroments on the fly.
>And I doth knoweth the rudimentaries of the language from previous explorations of Tural culture.
>Y'shtola? G'raha?
>WoL, I'm offended you'd even ask. You know us.
>Yeah of course.

The endgame treadmill is unironically the worst part of the game and the story is the best part. It doesn't matter how long it takes you to hit endgame because gear is replaced every 6 months.
He forgot to do flips while shooting for extra damage.
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>assistant for Bozja
>caster role quest for SHB
He did post story for Stormblood and Shadowbringers which I guess is what he's coasting off of but moat of the side content he worked on is laughable
Pandaemonium isn't too bad honestly but the rest is not great
Why would you a first timer speedrun/skip everything? You’re going to be awful at the content
such a simple bit of world building and they couldn't even do that much right.
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this sums up this clusterfuck of an msq. They better course correct as early as 7.1
Here's your official damage report for the characters this expansion
>Enemies of Wuk
Zoraal Ja, Bakool Ja Ja (mostly)
>Had nothing or almost nothing to do with Wuk
Estinien, Urianger, Thancred, Y'shtola, Cahciua, Otis, all the raid niggas (for now)
>Not really Wuk worshippers but cursed by association
Erenville, Alphinaud, G'raha, Gulool Ja Ja, Gulool Ja
>Wuk Simps
Most sidequest NPCs, the Warrior of Light, Krile, Mablu, Wuk Evu, Sphene, Koana
>Tempered into Wuk's thrall
If a character was not listed, he/she was either irrelevant or won by not being in the MSQ
Got my hands on an abyssos weapon coffer. Should I get the axe, greatsword or gunblade?
For me it's the shot where the camera angle makes Wuk's axe cover both Alisae and WoL's faces

tural like cul-tural

4.2, 5.1, Tataru, mdps role quest, potd

5.5, Panda, bard, dancer, black mage, bozja
I didn’t watch the live letter but does he ever smile?
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if you aren't interested in the story at the start you won't be interested later
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He's such a good twin sister.
massive lie
I skipped like half of ARR and loved HW
The story in ARR doesn't even really start until you defeat Titan
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He also most likely (though this isn't confirmed) wrote Myths of the Realm, which is conspicuously uncredited
The 6.2 Tataru quest was... the Sky Pirates?
Yeah, that was the weakest of the Tataru quests. Four Lords and Werlyt parts were better.
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don't bother
Honestly don't do it if you're not interested in the story.
Stop this, Alphinaud is for strictly heterosexual relationship with femWoL only
Black Cat Plap
Did she groom him?
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This place doesn't have any wind, tall, pointy hats
still no proof for that statement aside trying to attribute more bad stuff to hiroi
reminder that all of them (especially the women) were killed except the fujobait
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Max in all zones
Its not gay if its Alphinaud.
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why do they hate us so much?
cute moonie
why did the elephants want to rape and torture the lizards so fucking bad anyway
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Will square ever top ryne?
I want to know what horse-thighs feel around my waist
Where's the best sister?
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Maybe it was also just a prank.
I wish I could top Ryne.
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Alphinaud is for my maleroe WoL.
Check your glasses, she's right there on the left
>Clipping on the arms
I don't know why this bothers me so much
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>Screen fades to black
>Hear gulping sounds
>Drink's gone
Cheap ass fucks.
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Goodbye Alphinaud...
English VA for Alphie just finished base ARR on stream a couple days ago. Soon he'll meet himself in game.
Not every expansion can have Buuz cutscene budget.
They changed nuMNK's basic rotation from 2-3-4 back to 2-2-3 even though they had to change the new gauge in the process. They know exactly what people are complaining about, down to the smallest autistic details.
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Man... I miss his first costume with the thigh opening... so slutty.
Man all I wanted was some cute scenes with Alisaie and instead she lusts over Wuks fuzzy snatch
they were buttchugging it you don't want to see it
>viper ogcd skill decides not to come out cuz the server took a while to transform the button into the usable skill
They need to code this garbage better.
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I don't get it.
If you want good stuff you have to grind goy, also need to do it now before they start closing instances
Just get better ping anon
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So uh
Anyone else notice all the arcadion bosses are black?
They're all American, so it makes sense they're mutts.
The existence of xivalexander proves that the issue is their coding is ASS.
Alphinaud is for broship and nothing more
None of those characters are black
Brown skin doesn’t just mean black
>fucking them so hard a soul cell is expended to restore them
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>everyone who lived in a place that have alot of sunlight are tanned/black
Wow I’m so shocked
>Tan/Mediterranean skin color
However i wouldn't be surprised to learn that Kate pushed them to be slightly browner than usual.
Have you ever seen a black person anon?
Are you going to claim all of Ala mhigo is black too, because they're tanned?
Enjoy your (you)
European features with dark sink are a goated combo tho.
It's great, isn't it? Us chocolate enjoyers have it good this expansion.
Do they have large, flattened noses? If no they're not black
No, Ryne was peak female design. Sphene is good though.
Native Americans aren't white.
>character literally called Black Cat
But I liked investigating Ifrit with Thancred. There was good world building there
She's native american
Not all blacks are negroids.
>characters in the South American expansion are brown
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>American mutt is so retarded he thinks the word "Black" can only be applied to black people
Sasuga, retard-kun.
>BLM quests were shit
>Void Ark was a bunch of pretty setpieces with nothing to them
>Werlyt was shit
>Zero was putrid dogshit
Yeah no, kill yourself.
The story is shit in any language. Both him and Kate should be fired but I'd pick him first.
She doesn't have black fur.
She has dark skin.
What could it possibly mean?
A black cat is a yknow a recognizable symbol?
>3 sisters
>2 of them have prolonged exposure to beast souls and are starting to physically change from it
>noticible features are the hair color, eye color (or heterochromia) and skin darkening
>the little sister is white as driven snow
Now I ain't no soulicist but i think I maybe seeing a pattern....
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Which one?
She should have gotten a new outfit for DT
I have no idea why any of the scions are still using their ShB clothes. Did they magically re-materialize with them when they came back?
Miner outfit
>Writer for the worst job quests becomes the Main Story writer
Looking back at the BRD and DNC quest lines we should have known.
1, but 2 is fine too because of the thighs.
I've always liked her HW outfit because those thighboots and delicious ZR.
>Did they magically re-materialize with them when they came back?
Literal cutscene skipper...
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All of them in order of appearance incessantly with no pauses for rest.
Captcha: POOON
Idk why, i normally dont get turned on by miqotes but these 2 sluts do things to my dick
I can't even do the 1st jump
Info only non skippers would know.
>Did they magically re-materialize with them when they came back?
Anon they go into great detail explaining this
It was 4 years ago my dude, I'm sorry for not having an encyclopedic knowledge of a story that changes writers on a weekly basis
They got them recreated once they returned to the source. There’s a line in the cutscene after they return.
1 >> 3 >> 2
Anon they literally explain it...
Feo Ul went into Tataru's dreams before the Scions returned to the Source and showed her how they all looked so she could make the clothes.
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Why would they give Y'shtola a new outfit when they literally just standardized everyone's designs?
I guess you could say it's unfair she has 1 less design iteration than the twins but they were just using leveling rags during Shadowbringers.
AND the weapons.
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>Alphinaud says Alisaie's turn to get a new job will come soon
>That was back in 5.3
She didn’t make the weapons
Bozja has duels and eureka has BA. BA has gotten much easier now but the Bozja duels are still tough and enjoyable
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I think 3 is the most thematic and best one from an identity standpoint, but execution wise I like 2 more, if that makes sense. 3 feels the most like her, but 2 feels more practical from the adventuring and practicality side. 1 is nostalgic as hell though.
Picturing her being a Picto is hilarious seeing as she is canonically shit at art
She got new clothes that’s good enough
White woman…
Tbf what other job would you give Alisaie that could fit her more?
And how sad would X'hrun get?
What the fuck did they do to MNK
>Have good relationship with my parents
>Every story this faggot writes is about relationship issues with parents
>Can never relate to any of it

Imagine being THIS mindbroken by your parents, the dude is in his 40's or 50's too, get the fuck over it dude.
>72 pages
that is absolute peanuts for a forum thread of a game of FFXIV's size
Rune Fencer
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Her wrestling name is Kuro Neko, for when she turns into a literal black cat. you actual retard.
Her name is Yaana.
made it more big brain(let)
I want Mystic Knight
why is she floating?
Im so fucking glad I finished the MSQ. I have no need to play this game now. I hate Wuk and the writing with all my passion.
And then there's this faggot.
Why aren’t you floating is the better question
>giving money to shit enix
what cutting your dick off does to a tranny
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If anyone deserved a new look in Dawntrail it was Estinien.
Bitch has been rocking the same outfit since 2017.
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Lyse was a hot blonde woman. That puts her at least higher than the furry.
Probably a model swap
>Endwalker MSQ is a step down but the patches will save it!
>Okay so the patches are shit but they are hard at work on the next expansion!
>Dawntrail is the start of a new arc, its like ARR again!
At this point its getting to be bad longer than it was good
myths of the twelve is only bad for flavor text and if you're a zodiark trancer trying to sell newfags on the idea the twelve were ever particularly important to the setting beyond humans being hesitant to summon primals, probably unable in 1.X when they were waffling on whether the primals were legitimate gods or not which would carry the heavy implication the twelve were fabricated while beastman gods were real since the plan was always for louisoix to thwart the summoning at carteneau and divert the energy elsewhere, desu
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I'm already free, just here to shitpost
>Endwalker MSQ is a step down but the patches will save it!
Literally not a single person has said this, albeit.
Shit eating trannies will lap it up because nigger piss has programmed them to open their mouths every time he squats
His armor is named after Ysalye he can’t
yeah but it looks great
Estinien needs to put on a helmet again. Dragoons should not be scene without them
I would like him to get a new look too but I just don't see how it could get justified in story, that's the only one of all the Scion outfits that has actual sentimental value and a story behind it.
Alisaie's only real path forward for a new job is to have her finish her RDM training and actually wear artifact armor
If it ain't broke don't fix it
Is this story told in game? I don’t remember it
They were talking about new clothes lol
Her hw outfit highlighted her tits the best and gave thighs so it was objectively the most alluring she's been outside of miner
Four days left on my sub, I really wanted to like this shit but goddamn
Found him
I honestly think none of them should be wearing artifact armor. Give them unique stuff, it's cooler and makes them stand out. Can always just sell it on the online shop for everyone that likes it so much they can't live without getting it.

No, it's a lodestone story, but tl;dr: he went back to Zenith after recovering from his possession and Hraesvelgr gave it to him as a way to honor Ysayle's memory one last time, and they named the armor Iceheart.
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That scene specifically has Alisaie state that she "feels she's lacking in personal development".
Just for that I’m update to the collector edition of DT
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Trueblood armor is a Kain set, he ain't giving it up. That being said, I'm amazed the Trueblood helmet never got a remodel to look closer to its art (the chin strap and sides of the helmet are way too fucking huge), I'm 99% sure Estinien would be wearing the helmet if it weren't really ugly in-game.
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I wish they kept his helmet on more. He looked cool with it.
the patches will just stuff wuk back into our faces. not even worth it
Dragonlancer will never be surpassed as the best DRG helmet
I dislike myths purely from a standpoint that it's removing mystery from the game world. That kind of thing gets a lot of mileage to making a game world interesting, and having an alliance raid story dedicated solely to removing a big mystery from the game left a bad taste jn my mouth
Nice balls, Mr.Skelly.
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It's kinda hard to justify them not wearing artifacts when those are emblematic of the whole job and have lore reasons for being shaped and designed the way they are in ways perfectly suited for each job's needs, like how Gunbreaker wears a trenchcoat, Samurai wears kimonos and Paladin wears capes or butt-capes because they're magically inclined jobs and those are close in shape to mage robes. Alisaie doesn't wear Red Mage AF or anything evocative of it because she's a shitter who dropped out of training and she's half-assing her job (this is canon) while Y'shtola wears something that could reasonably pass as a BLM AF and is a Lulu reference because she's an actually competent Thaumaturge now and she's probably casting the First equivalent of Black Magic
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think of it as yoshida telling the writers to get rid of the junk from 1.0 once and for all
just like garlemald, the ascians, ala mhigo, etc.,
from now on, everything is completely his and his team
if they nerf reaper next week im going to kill myself. i've already coped and understood blm is ruined for forever.
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The story of the SB AF is good but it's also kind of dissonant with what the design actually looks like.
If you were to ask me which of the Dragoon sets we've had in the game so far look like they're entirely made out of dragon scales then the SB one would rank among the bottom, it's too obviously man-made with all the leather straps and chains and ornaments.
Now if you'd told me the Dragonlancer set was fully magically made by a dragon I'd believe you.
how do you get dyeable Trueblood set, and can be done solo?
Upgrade Trueblood set to Anemos by playing through Eureka Anemos, don't need to be in a party necessarily but by Eureka's nature you aren't going to be doing it truly solo
Eureka. You could probably do it solo but it’s infinitely easier to just join a random party and farm some FATEs
Why would they nerf Reaper?
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I just can't fuck with the Dragonlancer set beyond the helmet, it's a Dark Kain referential set and I loathe After Years.
Do endbryos really believe that the Twelve aren't one of the foundational aspects of the setting that informs half the lore, or are they just lying to themselves because they can't accept their first expansion was shit?
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Only good part of the Dragonlancer set is the helmet, and even then its the pvp one since the color zones are better.
There is no reason TO nerf it, but its somewhat strong rn, but definitely not OP. changes that should happen

>qol changes
>slight mobility increase in the form of ice paradox, thunder revert, etc.

>dmg nerf

>slight dmg buff

>slight dmg buff

>slight dmg buff
You forgot MCH...everyone forgets MCH....
Ok, you've got a pretty good point there. I don't think Alisaie is half-assing the job though, I mean, don't you literally fucking explode and make a mess of the environment if you don't do red magic properly?
Also let's point out it's kinda cute that Y'shtola learned ronkan sorceries but still renamed every single spell to "X of the Seventh Dawn". Gives some added meaning considering what was going on as she learned those spells.

I always assumed Hraesvelgr just told the moogles to fucking pay their rent for once by helping him with the finer crafting details.
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am i the only one who likes cornservant? every time i see him i drop everything and do his quest.
>damage buff
Melee balance is great right now except NIN, no reason for anything to get overbuffed or nerfed.
Ranged balance is a fucking shitshow and PCT needs a nerf real bad. It should do melee damage not destroy every job. It's too easy for the damage it outputs.
I don't give a shit about mch its an awful job in both design and having in group. ranged cucks are meant to be buff slaves and do low dps.

SMN damage is almost DNC tier right now.
SMN is lucky it has the damage it does. It's a retard job that plays itself for you. There's nothing to it.
Alisaie is half-assing it in the sense that she's running off of half her training, X'rhun brings her up in RDM quests and says she was awful at swordsmanship (the key component for actually casting most RDM spells since you need to magnify aether to scrape anywhere close to black and white magic potency) but a natural talent at both black and white magic. Red magic uses your own aether so if you fuck up you pretty much just flub and get tired, you aren't drawing off environmental aether and at risk of burning yourself alive like black magic or pissing off ambient spirits like white magic
I didnt think it was a mistake to kill the twelve but they should have birthed a new god to replace all of them instead of just a machine
Virtu's got a way better texture job too, it's insane how much higher definition the Virtu helmet looks compared to the stock one even though they're both the same polycount.
is it great though, DRG after losing some key parts to it's kit has dropped to near the bottom of melee rdps
Good. It can have more damage when it gets more cast times.
I agree, but you can't just have all of casters fucking suck

>dmg is complete ass
>new 100 ability sucks and isnt fun or cool
>even if buffed will still have to deal with the ever creeping mobility struggle.
>works 3x as hard to do slightly more dmg than pct post buff/nerfs likely

>only good caster atm, but OP

>boring, lame, brainless, shit dps, rezbot

>smn 0.5
I'm kinda sad they've skimped on AF gear lore for so long now.
Having First!Gerolt craft your gear for ShB was a nice nod to the ARR relics and Tataru doing it in EW was a good way of tying a bow on her whole story but with DT it's literally just "yeah we comissioned some gear for you LOL enjoy"
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I do think it was a mistake. They've been a mystery of the setting for more than a decade and they finally introduced them only to immediately kill them. They could have done ANYTHING with them, a whole pantheon of fucking gods, come on, that's material for a whole expansion even. Just come up with a story for them. I'm not mad in the sense that it doesn't make sense that they'd want to die, but I am mad in the sense that it's a huge wasted opportunity.
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Here's an old filter I had that I want to share with all of you, it's so impossibly niche it can't apply anymore but it got me through a rough few threads.
>Melee balance is great right now except NIN
It's decent, not great. VPR should be ahead of SAM. It doesn't even have a defensive. It's the glass cannon melee, it should have the cannon part.
>No new dialogue for running dungeons with different trust members
Absolutely soulless
It's probably Tataru again since Koana says it was commissioned from Sharlayan
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The upgraded texture seems kind of like... plastic? At least I thought so when wearing it with a metal set
VPR is fucking brainless and obscenely easy to play and almost impossible to mess up. It should not be ahead of sam by much if at all.
BLM needs insane buffs. I don't want to say it but RDM deserves a buff right now.
In 8.0 RDM should be lowest damage with huge support potential and SMN should get more damage but long cast times on all summons.
kek he looks like a chocobo with his helmet on
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It's still a bit dated, the texture was updated but not the material. Here's the original helmet for reference.
I don’t understand how they let blm just rot away
>myths of the realm apologists
What material is Dragonlance even supposed to be?
I know how you feel, but I do feel they deserve rest and they're ancients that truly have lived their lives and now they can return to the star.
That's why I wanted at least a new god, like they all had an orgy and make a new ancient to be responsible for maintaining the realm.
Make it super ambiguous, an egg of potential or something so there's a looming higher power like middy which the writers can pull anytime for future worldbuilding.
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Why is Erenville darker than coal tar and appears to have a Scandinavian accent when literally every other Shetona Viera is barely tanned and have american accents including his own mother?
So my outfit mods work now with Textools seeing penumbra hasnt updated yet but now my face is gone. I just want my fat ass back
Gotta love/accept dogshit if you want to keep playing XIV at this point
SMN should get cast times on the summons along with more of them. Having at least Ramuh would help round out the rotation a lot, if not Shiva and Leviathan too. They can even be copy/pasted from the original three, just with different astral flows
They haven't been much of a mystery from the moment Gaius accused them of being primals and Little Ala Mhigans threatened to summon Rhalgr.
Yeah but they're only ancients who were desperate for rest because the very story that introduced then killed them revealed they're ancients desperate for rest. That's what I mean. Before that there was no reason to think the Twelve might have been suicidal, so the whole thing just felt like "Aight, let's get this shit outta the way before we start DT".
Anon, the Twelve weren't Primals.
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Sure but even that's kinda lame.
Is Tataru just gonna be the resident AF manufacturer for the rest of the story? I want another Warrior axe made out of a meteor from space.
There are people who unironically love ENG Wuk who post here.
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It just feels kinda disturbing with how they did it. We never tell anyone about it so you still hear people all the time going “by the twelve!” and such, not even like modern people saying God, people in side quests still talk about how they’re preying to the Navigator and all that, and they’re prayers mean nothing. It’s kinda fucked to think about, at least if we were going full atheist figure that’s an idea we can work with, but this weird limbo zone is uncanny.
>they stopped being a mystery when one guy made an incorrect assumption about them
He was made before they knew he’s from tural
>cry about the demystification of the golbez armor
>post a skipping cassette image like it isn't self-inflicted
True, I agree that it was a mistake to make them ancients instead of just some aliens or even primals. Really limits what they could have done with them
I mean they've said they're going to alter BLM in savage patch (next week), but they're so fucking lame for making it rot for 4 weeks when it was clearly the worst job overall.

That being said, as I posted above, if they don't adjust things other than potencies why the fuck would you play BLM over PCT? PCT has everything.
Metal of some kind. Lorebook says it's a foreigner's idea for an improved Drachen armor that was met with heavy approval from the dragoons that demoed it but shitcanned by the Holy See because it wasn't a Drachen copy.
>People still praying to the Twelve even though they're no longer there to receive all that faith energy.
What are the chances Eorzea starts accidentally summoning Twelve shaped primals?
Retarded thing about RDM is that it's forced to melee range during a lot of awkward burst windows, but that doesn't give em any tax breaks.
I wouldn't honestly mind dualcast not affecting Verraise if that was needed to balance it, but you can't usually allow that many raises to begin with for clear on harder floors.
SMN can atleast stall their Ifrit dash.
They're not really Ancients, they're crafted from fragments of those Ancient souls that were part of Hydaelyn. They're more like Hydaelyn-egis kinda or the adds you see in other primal fights.
>one of the foundational aspects of the setting
The Twelve showing up literally nowhere and being barely referenced from ARR and Gaius' accusation of them being primals all the way up to Endwalker does not mean they aren't footnotes in the setting all the way up to their raid

You can lie your asshole off, but the Twelve are really not that important to the vast majority of goings-on past 1.X, they were brushed over until they got their own alliance raid that exists to brush them over permanently

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