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what can fromsoftware do to improve their combat system?
Stop developing Souls games.
Get rid of spirit summons, and input reading.
It'll make their games at least 40% more fun.
>input reading
Didn't even (You) me. Fucking coward. It's best if you commit suicide right now.
They can't.
They don't want to rock the boat excessively because the one time they tried that with DaS2, they got stuck with an incomplete and experimental system.
Even Sekiro, the biggest departure, is stuck with the same unfitting UX exported from DeS.
Bring back poise and make it so the character can handle more than one enemy at the time and move faster. Cut the cancer that is pvp.
I want MORE spirit summons!
>Even Sekiro, the biggest departure, is stuck with the same unfitting UX exported from DeS.
Git gud at programming.
Stop rehashing animations and pigeonholing themselves into the same templates.
Stop listening to the fans.
Actually put a modicum of effort and forethought into the design, rather than just making things as flashy as possible to woo the braindead journos.
AIDS mechanic.
>I should be able to roll backwards twice and heal while the boss slowly walks towards me
I hate you faggots so much, how about trying to dodge a combo before you heal instead of mindlessly spamming estus flasks you retarded niggers?
just copy lies of p combat
its the pefect mix already
Just stop making it feel clunky. That's it. There should not be an input delay between me pressing the sprint button and my character actually sprinting, there should not be some shitty slow non-cancelable animation when my dude is drinking a flask. If everything is so combat centric then at least make it snappy.
>I should be able to roll backwards twice and heal while the boss slowly walks towards me
You made this up out of thin air, and then responded to it epicly. Good job buddy. You sure owned us!
Slow down enemies. Remove weapon arts. Lower HP bloat for both player and enemies. Not combat but tone down the high fantasy and spend more time on smaller interconnected maps. I want a true sequel to DS.
Whoah i didn't know some shameless DS ripoff literal invented combat now
I want Dark Souls II 2.
In Elden Ring you need to wait for the opening to drink potion (and that's good), but the problem is, openings are inconsistent. Enemy would start a combo and your options are:
>wait till combo ends, drink as fast as you see opening, enemy input read it and start another combo
>wait till combo ends, don't drink, enemy goes to neutral and waits to attack you when you drink

With this unbalanced shit it is too easy to just spam potion button for 2-3 sips, get hit anyway, but at least you ends up with more HP than before manouver. Less risk than "waiting for opening".
They perfected it in Sekiro and have only taken steps backward since then.
You wasted your time responding to bait. Idiot.
I would like to think that every stupid take is a bait.
It's not the take, it's the tone. If you see them open up with a sarcastic greentext, just hide the post and ignore.
Post humiliation ritual
Nothing, they know what they doing better than a bunch of losers on /v/ who don't even know how to program.
Guess which game was edited by Activision
Guess which game has no Denuvo and not $1
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IMO they need to trim the fat and just remove all the useless shit that they've never gotten right.
They get a number of things right in a few games but then almost always fuck it up in other areas.
The DS1/2/3/ER method of having a million weapons that all do the same thing is tiring. Bloodborne did it better, you only have a few weapons, but they're all very different from each other.
>Magic, ranged
Either useless or overpowered in every game. Again Bloodborne and Sekiro didn't suffer at all from leaving it out.

BB and Sekiro did plenty of good things but also some stupid things as well.
BB's health vial system is more of a hindrance than anything.
Sekiro's prosthetics were largely useless except for the shuriken, and the double-death system is kind of a bizarre mechanic that doesn't really serve much of a purpose except to knock you on your ass longer.

In terms of combat I think LoP would probably a good example to follow because it incorporated elements of both Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro into a whole that doesn't have any of the useless bloat. There isn't a single bossfight that's unfun because you have multiple avenues of approach for every fight.
I think it's far better than ER in that regard where some attacks like Malenia's waterfowl or her ghost attack are basically impossible to dodge if you don't know exactly which way to roll and when, and will almost certainly kill you the first time.
For starter, stop binding the roll/sprint key on the same button.
Having just played more of the ER DLC, it doesn't need better combat, it needs enemies that fucking care about playing the same game the player is, and it needs developers that care about minimizing RNG in these encounters.

They are genuinely, unironically designing ALL the bosses based on the player exploiting hitbox gaps in the large character models in order to avoid attacks. Rolling doesn't even fucking work. They don't even care that it adds massive RNG to do this. If the boss dice rolls the right combo you just fucking die. What used to be maybe one or two bosses per Souls game that were designed like this, are now 90% of the DLC bosses. It's actually a shitshow.

The developers need to care about giving enemies hitboxes that aren't fucking retarded and hit the player before they connect. They need to care that the player is button mashing jump attacks and roll spamming to barely avoid damage. They need to care that the player is using a heavy weapon class that they DID NOT FUCKING TEST the boss with, which leaves the player completely unable to attack or recover. They need to care that some encounters are made nearly impossible with certain weapons because the swing arc can't hit the enemy's fucking hook-shaped hurtbox.

The combat is actually great when it works, the problem is that it almost never does and the player instead dies an unnecessary amount of times. I'm describing actual flaws in coding and the Miyazaki jocksniffers will try to crucify me for it even though I love the game anyway.
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It needs a spell casting wheel. Fuck's sake.
It is never a good experience slowly scrolling through spells 'in order' just to cast them during crackhead enemy encounters.
Instead of improving the combat system they should do the opposite and go back to focus on environment, level design and atmosphere. Elden Ring is the soullest game they have made since the original Demon's Souls. Abandon the rollslop garbage and focus on what made the games so special in the first place.
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>make knight game with all the build and weapon variety from Souls/ER, the trick weapons and flashstepping from Bloodborne and the combat system from Sekiro but even better
By adding guns
Use Sekiro as the baseline for combat.
well fromsoft is done with the souls formula so there's no point in this
>keep Sekiro combat
>keep BB combat
>mash them together
>throw away everything else
It's just the retarded roll away to chug that gets overly punished.
Most times you can heal yourself under the boss and I don't even think it's less retarded.
it's on the same button in Sekiro and it works flawlessly.
This, it's time for King's Field V already
Why do discord sisters keep crying about hitting their skill ceiling like this?
This and don't let Miyazaki touch it otherwise we'll get another rollslop.
ER literally has bosses that glitch out and kill themselves from fall damage.
I never got to fight the Godskin Duo fair because of the bleed bug in 1.04.
>Dude this guy only make like ten hit games and his newest game make billion of dollasr we better ignoring him
Yeah, Fromsoft better hiring some /v/idya developer who don't even know how to use RPGmaker
You should take his balls out of your mouth a little bit anon, this is not healthy.
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Good game doesn't reply on delay attack and roll catching
>inb4 because Souls game did it so it's a non issue for my shameless ripoff too waaaaaaaah
>Sekiro parrying and tool switching (instantaneous and can be done mid combo)
>Bloodborne's aggressive combat (Rallying, Speed)
>Dark Souls 2's Weapon variety and equipment handling (actually good weapon/catalysts and Power Stance, (not the shitty Elden Ring Dual Wield)
>Armored Core V mobility
Well, there a reason why Toby and Notch leaves this shithole and never come back, anon. It's not too late, don't be such a hardcore gaymer like this guy >>683693632
You're supposed to perfect guard it.
they just need to remaster bloodborne to 60 FPS and add more tiles to the chalice dungeons. that's it, that's my perfect From game
It's not about healthy, it's just reality. No one will suddenly give a fuck about some random guy and leave out the honorary billionare director
>duh what if DMC but MARIO
Make more Sekiro, Armored Core or Bloodborne like games and stop making souls games.
>in Lies of P
lmao, Fromdrones never cease to amaze
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>delay attack out of the ass
Fuck off
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What is wrong with gooks, anyway?
>Gooks failed attemp to create weapon transformable animation like trick weapon and CB blade
Bro, it's ok to be bad at the game.
But you can literally just block that and then regain your health by attacking.
Or you can just use one of the many fable arts to do an easy perfect guard.
This is the beauty of Lies of P.

It's absolute kino.

Well, let's see what's going on over in the world of Slopsouls...
>ZANZIBART... FORGIVE ME... (turns into a flailing mass with 200 arms with 30 second long combos)
Oh... well, different strokes for different folks I suppose...
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Talk about 30 second long combos...
Also stop typing like a faggot, troon
>game made by literal who devs has fewer players than a game made by developer that has been around for 30 years and has been making non-stop mainstream hits for 15 years
Just take his balls out of your mouth man, it's not that hard.
Man, Lies of P is literally full of the same Zanzibart forgive me too with hilarious bad voice acting too. Why are you lying?
most importantly:
>NO stamina
>1038 employees
>listed on KOSPI
Damn, didn't know some indie dev has 1038 employees which is five times bigger than From 200 something employees lol
Delete all i-frames.
Yeah sure, come back to me when your DLC sell 5 million in 5 days, then i will
Nigga start acting like LoP isn't just the same Slopsouls clone lol
>schlop schlop
>hmmm Miyazaki, your balls taste so good
>schlop schlop
>hmm so musky!
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You need to suck him off harder, anon
>Also stop typing like a faggot, troon
*perfect guards your gay reply*
*you become Groggy*
*I perform my finisher on you*

Epic fail, much?
See you in the streets of Krat, buddy.
But beware... it's not for the weak.

they're mobileshitter devs that made lies of p as a pet project. they did not have all 1000 employees working on it. use your brain for once.
>they're mobileshitter
They shit out plenty of shitty MMOs with much bigger budget than DS or ER, retardo-kun.
I want them to actually have a physics engine for combat to emerge organically and for this to free up the devs to polish everything else.
>Game dev admit in the interview that LoP is a AAA game with the budget of typical AAA game around 60-80 million USD
>b-b-b-b-b-but muh pet project
Sure, Mr. Industry insider
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>schlop schlop
>aaaah yes anon, suck my balls harder
>schlop schlop
>yeeeees, suck it good, suck it clean!
Kingdom hearts solved this 20 years ago. Magic is so easy to use in that game.
They sold 20 million units. They aren't done.
Give me the boss moveset, isshin has all this cool moves and I'm stuck with the most basic shit
Joke's on you. You will die, over and over again........

Heh heh heh heh heh heh........
I only played BB and DS1, and even though im not a total newbie to the series, I have less devotion and experience than most of you
first off, ER is one of the best games I ever played, but combat could be improved by allowing you to do more

I think there should be combos that can be swapped out as well as skills. most of the times, I found myself dodging and power attacking, or using weapon art, or landing some quick light hits. no matter the weapon. and you can only use one skill during combat.

for example, L+L+H could've been an ash of war as well as the skill, and this'd have made the entire game more fun to play.
I'd also make perfumes and pots WAY faster to use with the right load
From are still making the same mistakes with their combat they have been doing since DeS. They aren't very good at action so should just revert back to DeS/DS level and bring back the immersive adventure in a harsh, decaying world.
Get rid of the multiplayer. We are still stuck with the "hit and roll" shit mechanic because otherwise PvPcels would cry about the game being unbalanced.
How do i stop being shit at Sekiro? Fucking Jinzo and those faggots with spears. I'm giving everyone the cough
1 estrogen pill has been added to your proscription
Can we have an actual criticism thread without the disingenuous shitposting and cock sucking, thank you very much?
You have to get good at deflecting, nothing more to it really. Do you have mikiri counter yet? That does wonders against spears but thrust attacks in general (warned with the red kanji). As for Jinzo he's a pain due to so many stragglers. Sneak to the left and clear out the house, then go all the way to him and get a sneak attack on him or at least one of the shield guys. Run around picking the stragglers off, you might even have to try and hide to break aggro.

Sekiro has a very rough beginning with Jinzo, the giant and the boss of Hirata Estate.
>reduced iframes
>have combat with multiple enemies at the same time
>introduce a score system
>design enemies that are actually dodgeable through players positioning
>expand player moveset for position
>let player throw enemies around
>let the player have shockwave attacks
>reduce damage dealth by enemies but increase enemy count by 3x
>rework stagger and make less things stagger the player
>reduce damage dealt by bosses but increase their health
cope, incel
>introduce combos
>remove stamina altogether
>introduce some sort of hyper mode with a power currency gained through succesful comboing
Devil may Crap sucks and no amount of coping will make it even remotely comparable to Souls
of course a zoomer would think those systems are exclusive to dmc because you've never played good action games ever
>no amount of coping will make it even remotely comparable to Souls
yes, you make it good by not making it like souls
sekiro only works because it's not an rpg
if you make DS a fast response action game it would completely fuck up all balance and there'd be no reason to have different builds ever (i.e. bloodborne)
make it slower and more methodical, not faster
Fire Tanimura. Let Hamatani direct a game with Miyazaki as his producer. Give it a new setting and stay away from dark fantasy or anything Souls/Elden Ring related entirely. The biggest thing is to add actual interactivity to moves, make enemy behaviors more interesting (like Sekiro as opposed to Elden Ring) and not build the game around a universal defensive option involving iframes.
>play Crapcom slop
>calls others zoomers
git gud
sekiro was probably the best game that fromsoftware has ever developed and its all because you are constantly engaged in a fight besides just rolling out of an attack and waiting 50 years for some aids spam to stop to get a singular hit in
>doubles down on retarded take
This. I can't go back to rolling, it's too gay. The Sekiro tear in ER improved the game tenfold. Sekiro deflect needs to be a staple
throwing enemies and increasing enemy count is based but I'm not sure by the rest... but iframes should be reduced I agree
compelling argument indeed, tarnished
im honestly surprised that miyazaki didnt put sekiros combat system into elden ring. ive never played that shit because of it
Because in Sekiro it's a quick dash step that comes out on the button press and leads into a sprint.
armored core had the same issues and tanimura was not in it
>Make blocking viable against bosses
>Stop making every attack pattern have trick attacks with stupid delays
>Remove perfect tracking
>Make armour actually meaningful
>Make poise meters a standard in every game going forward
By understanding that good videogames are all about decision making. Take this game, for example - it has 3.5 defensive moves instead of 1.5 like in other souls-likes, which are relatively well-balanced:
1) Dodge - quick, but too short for some attacks.
2) Roll - long, but has huge recovery, more like fat roll in DS.
3) Parry - not punishing, since you'll just block if you miss, like in Sekiro. Unlike in Sekiro, you can't spam parry while blocking.
(there's also jump that is less important)
Wow, it's almost you like you have actual choices in combat! Like combat isn't just clicking the button at the right moment!
It's honestly an embarrassment that a star wars soulslike of all games actually understood something so simple, their neither Froms and nor other soulclones (some of which will introduce more complexity with much less depth) can get.
Star Wars is a legacy franchise which I'm not surprised have outdone alot of games since they have unlimited resources to make their games better or more playable. Sure some of them have stinkers but they have alot of good ones in the past way before Fromsoft's rise of fame.
leave combat alone, improve enemy ai, make another bb and sekiro
Shut the fuck up all of you. Nioh is better than both souls games and the gay femboy soulslike.
is the dick ur riding good?
>isn't just clicking the button at the right moment
Perhaps video games aren't for you.
How come Team Ninja is going under? Wo Long and Rise of Ronin weren't good business decisions since no one bought them.
Platinum it up, just a little bit. Doesn't have to be full on yahoo pizza man character action but how many more times are we expected to just play Dark Souls expansions?
Because they made 2 dogshit games back to back.
Nothing. They need to go in an all new direction.
I want my knights to move like knights not half demon gary stus who stay up in the air for 1000 hours. Take the good parts of Kingdom Come Deliverance and make the levels interconnected and crank up the movement a little since knights don't move like tanks irl.
>single point gimmick solution
Sekiro was great, but come on. Every action game has to be single player 3rd Strike?
>hoo, ha, huah light attacks
Maybe if we got away from literal NES logic with the attacks and controls, realized you can add more hits, combos, verticality, speed, etc. maybe then could souls combat improve beyond "tap-tap-dodge" and "slap the big thing's ankles"
Copy Lies of P with DS3s movement and bloodborne quickstep dodge instead of that stupid rollslop animation from Gears.
>DS3 movement
You may as well just say subnautica's movement at this point.
Better movement than your favorite one clueless zoomie
I want them to do a knights with gun game just for the sake of it. They can reuse weaponry from souls and bloodborne which will not be out of their domain.
My favorite one is your favorite one. Enjoy your paradox boomer.
Naraka Bladepoint has really good dodge system I want in other games:
- short dodge (hold button): very low i-frames, only dodges attacks with quite short active frames or when done perfectly, short range. Puts you in a running state. Fast, which can allow punishing enemy after successfully dodging their attack.
- long dodge (tap button): long i-frames for dodging big attacks, long recovery, making you vulnerable afterwards, more punishing for dodging at bad timing, doesn't allow direct punish after dodge, puts you into walking state.
- (the hold and tap inputs work so that a dodge starts as tap dodge and transforms into a hold dodge, so the quickness of the tap doesn't affect the timing)
- You can chain dodges to extend i-frames, resulting a roll or backflip depending on weapon, extending i-frames. The roll is similar to long dodge with a lot of i-frames but long recovery so it can be caught.
- Overall weaker frames compared to Souls, and max stamina is limited to about 3-4 dodges. Attacking doesn't consume stamina.
just copy nioh
They need to upgrade and optimize the engine.
Elden Ring combat is great
ER combat is dogshit, even by From standards.
>>reduced iframes
based on what?
>>have combat with multiple enemies at the same time
there's already combat with multiple enemies except maybe Sekiro, where you are actively punished for it
There's already combos, you just have to learn how to chain them
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Nope. Beat it then fucked around on NG+ for a while to laugh at how terrible the AI and mechanics were.
>85 results found.
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>Mom I posted it again
In your own words. What does UX mean?
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>>reduced iframes
You realize that the number of iframes a game has depends entirely on the general and average number of active attack frames enemies do have? Everything in Souls games is slowed down, rolls are very long committal animation. If in most games all enemies just quickly swipe with a sword, that animation takes nearly double the time to perform.
>>have combat with multiple enemies at the same time
>>introduce a score system
>>design enemies that are actually dodgeable through players positioning
what the fuck does that mean?
>>expand player moveset for position
there's already tons of options
>>let player throw enemies around
>>let the player have shockwave attacks
already a thing
>>reduce damage dealth by enemies but increase enemy count by 3x
skill issue
>>rework stagger and make less things stagger the player
skill issue
>>reduce damage dealt by bosses but increase their health
skill issue
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I pirated ER to see what the fuck is this about, i don't even like the shitty game but the seething on /v/ is so hilarious.
>Mmumboo jumpboo why did my chosen battle royale bing bing didn't win iof the year instead of this buggy AI stuck on the floor game
In a perfect world, we're all have become world famous video game developers now instead of stuck in this shithole
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Say no more chief
Your asspain won't make ER any less shit.
>he keeps going
(you) are a retarded soulsbab that hasn't seen good combat in their lives
Best thing they could do at this point is remove roll iframes entirely.
After 6 games of the same combat (even if the pacing changed and there's a couple added on mechanics throughout each game) I think its safe to say that there's a general fatigue among the community, admittedly I was kind of disappointed that From didn't add any of the Sekiro or Bloodborne mechanics to Elden Ring because being able to deflect incoming attacks with your weapon or even being able to transform your weapon, like how can morgott do 20 different things with his sword but when you get it you can only do one special attack? they kind of tried to make boss weapons more interesting in the DLC with messmer's spear but jesus its like they didn't want to have more than one move for each weapon.
All the interesting moves are tied to spells/incants.
>introduce score system
>do nothing with it
skill issue
what is it with the french retard, LoP takes place in Italy
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Sekiro doesn't work, it's boring and stale and half your shit is useless. Once you perfect your reaction to the boss you are left with minimal agency for a prescribed use of prpsthetics that are otherwise underwhelming as fuck and all that is left is punch out gameplay in a pointlessly 3d enviroment.
What makes Elden Ring so inaccessible to play solo without cheese but also so much more interesting is how every attack and counter ties to movement and positioning. It's just a different breed and now we are seeing more and more games like MHRise and Wo Long that are overly focused on pressing the right counter to the axtion the AI decide over the classic fundamental fo Action RPGs which Souls games wholeheartedly embrace
actually great gameplay
>but also so much more interesting is how every attack and counter ties to movement and positioning
Oh, fuck fucking irony. In Sekiro, boss attacks and counters actually change based on where you are and which direction your last swing came from. In ER, they boss does the same spaz attack that you iframe roll into (like every attack in every Souls game) with the occasional input read punish on heal.
Parries > iframe rolls
Always and forever.
no way, the sprint lag is hella satisfying
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it was already perfect
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nothing really, combat peaked with bloodborne, the only thing it lacked was dismemberment.

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