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Why did it flop?
It's censored despite the main hook being dressing up the korean doll in slutty costumes
Why is OP desperate to say that Stellar Blade flopped when the devs have expressed multiple times that they were very satisfied with sales? Do you think OP will kill himself when Stellar Blade 2 is announced? More importantly, will he livestream it? Will he do a flip?
>the devs have expressed multiple times that they were very satisfied with sales
>Stellar Blade 2 is announced
nobody wants a half hearted attempt when fighting the woke virus
either you're trying to kill the woke or join the woke
the game tried to appeal to both and now both parties became it's enemies
the only retards still defending this crap is brown turd worlders shilling snoystation
Turns out....coomers don't even buy games. They just jerk to off model r34.
Gooks can't into vidya
>atleast 2 threads a day
Fucking mindbroken.
>niche SK coomer action game sells over a million copies on PS5 of all platforms

How is this bad? Woketards thought it would sell GTA numbers or something?
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>They just jerk to off model r34
This. Do you really think I'm going to buy a POS5 when I can just go to rule34.xxx, goon for a bit, then play an actually good game?
Kys Nip monkey
Korea is better than Japan
>resort to making a cross platform gacha
Yeah, it flopped. The rest is just PR speak so their IPO price will be boosted.
So has the censorship actually been that bad?
ugly characters
>devs: this exceeded expectations, we'll probably make a PC port and a sequel so its doing so well
>buckbroken anon: UMMMMMMM IT FLOPPED!!!
Lmao, get raped
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Mid gameplay, wierd pr, sony exclusive
Uhh trannyxisters??
That game has been in development since before stellar blade even released. Do you understand game dev at all? Are you retarded?
Its funny you've all settled on this game being a 'massive success' at selling 1 mil in 3 months when you were all hyping this up to be the woke killer that brings coomer games back and was going to sell 5-10 million in a few months.
>had one success
>immediately off to make a fucking gacha
those asians just can't help themselves can they
1 million physical copies for a new IP, PS5 exclusive, is great and they made a huge return. So much so that theyre making a sequel. You lost.
They didn't have a success. Stellar Blade flopped. They are now praying they can cash out with an IPO before total collapse.
They were working on a gacha long before the game came out. For fucks sake, they do Nikke.
I might try their gacha game but I'm not playing this trash.
lol get fucked >>683686182
Make sure you do a flip when Stellar Blade 2 is announced
I'll play it once it's available on PC
This thread reeks of samefag holy shit. Why did SB break so many people?
Main character is an ugly skank
Lol gooks really thought this bitch was gonna be the new 2b
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But it made Tomino Yoshiyuki(first gundam,Z,ZZ,cca,greco)'s concern right. Fukuda(seed,ange,grendiserU) is pushing stellar blade too spite he hated Korea, but he changed his mind when Japan got bikini banned from anime and console games since 2023.
Tomino Yoshiyuki has concerned that Japanese anime will be doomed due to working condition and China will take over, but Video game got hit by this first for not only working condition(since Western AAA industries have same issue) but for DEI,SBI and LGBT, localization issue. While Korea and China takes over for Korea and China has 5000 years of history and have robust belief so that they never kneel to wokism and SBI, and love freedom while Japs don't know what freedom is and Japs are like lemmings and slaves without their own thought.
FF7RB flopping due to SBI while Stellar blade outselling this is the proof that Tomino's concern hit Video game before anime.

Pic rel shows all if u cannot/don't wanna read.
not being DEIslop doesn't suddenly make it not generic-looking chinkslop and everyone with common sense treated it like it is
SB didn't break anything
nintendo fanclub will mindlessly hate anything that doesn't have the red logo on it
Day 90
Stellar Blade is still censored
It certainly broke a few journo minds. Well, I guess not since their minds are already broken
Concession accepted.
Was this game even profitable? AAA games budgets are bloated as fuck and selling 1 million copies at $70 isn't going to put a dent in those expenses.
i've seen so many posts mentioning DEI these last few days on this board
was there an update for the npc vocabulary?
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Yeah. Why does anti woke guys like grummz, vara, endimyon, cabbage guy, sankakucomplex feels like Arcturus Mengsk recently? They shill bikini banning nation like Korea and China, spite Korean slop and Chinkslop cannot have bikinis. Blue archive has no bikini since 2023-24, Maple has bikini removed from cashshop since adventurer renewal, and Mihoyo and Arknight has no bikini. Their censorship seems worse than SBI for banning bikinis. Reminds me of Arcturus using nightmarish creatures like Zerg to destroy confederate, spite he said that he fights for humanity.
Some retard got buttmad that Stellar Blade did well and is now trying to fool people that don't know anything about the industry that it failed.

Why the fuck they're doing this instead of moving on? Who knows.
A few outfits are slightly less skimpy. Which sucks, but its maybe like 2% of all the oitfits and the skinsuit is untouched. Dont get me wrong, would have liked it to be free on snoy meddling completely, but people are overexaggerating hard
Concession accepted >>683686182
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anti woke guys like grummz, vara, endimyon, cabbage guy, sankakucomplex feels like Arcturus Mengsk recently? They shill bikini banning nation like Korea and China, spite Korean slop and Chinkslop cannot have bikinis. Blue archive has no bikini since 2023-24, Maple has bikini removed from cashshop since adventurer renewal, and Mihoyo and Arknight has no bikini. Their censorship seems worse than SBI for banning bikinis. It is not so different from Arcturus unleashing Zerg to Tarsonis to destroy Confederate spite he fights for freedom against confederate.
The devs themselves said it was such a hige success that they are making a sequel. Its an AA game, their marketing budget isnt hyper inflated like AAA and they dont have a bunch of DEI HR faggots draining money from them daily
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it sold more than princess flop
See >>683686182
what is weirder and more annoying on the Internet: indians or koreans?
If it was they wouldn't be trying to IPO. They lost a bunch of money and are praying to get bailed out by investors
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Japan used to make great games like Persona 5,Nier:Automata,ACNH,BoTW, Xenoblade 2, dark souls 3, Sekiro, MHW, RE7, DMC5, like a dragon 7, death stranding, Smash bros ultimate, splatoon, three houses, Elden ring, SF6, Atelier Ryza 1-3, Mario wonder, pikmin 4, Armored core 6 to be on par with Western games since 2017,
but how can they get dominated by genshin, starrail, ZZZ, Lies of P, Stellar blade,The first descendant ,Black myth wukong, Phantom blade zero so easily? Pathetic, shamefur dispray. These Black ship fleets mog even elden ring, the hope of Japanese game.
Japanese game's glory doko, when they had revived in 2017 and used to be on par with Western games?

At least we Westerners still make good game like Helldivers 2, Avowed,Hi-fi rush, Diablo 4, Halo infinity, AoE4,
Modern warfare 3,Sea of stars, BG3,Mortal kombat 1, Spiderman 2,Remnant 2, Helldivers 2 and Kingdom Coom 2, Assassin's creed shadow, Dragon age veilguard and Doom dark age so that they never get dominated by Korea and China.

Phil Fish was right. En taro King Sejong.
En taro Xi jinping. My life for Dokdo!!!
korea and China are is the Protoss/Eldar of Reality.....but is Hi-fi rush Japanese or Western anyway?

Japanese game is dead. The time is for Korean game like Lies of P, Stellar blade, Scarlet desert and Chinese games like Black myth wukon and Phantom blade zero

What is left in Japan?
Anime? Solo leveling S2 will be AOTS.
Comic? Webtoon is better
Weebstuff? BA has 1800 comicket booths and the most pics in pixiv.
Entertainment? Car? Electricity? Korea makes em better.
Porn? Banned from Japan by new law on AV.
Japan is nothing. But vassal state of Korea for everything getting mogged by Korean Black ship and K-Admiral Perry.
Area 11 of Korea and China just like Code geass.
Yami ni Ochiro, Eleven domo!!!
they even make coomers feel uncomfortable
Oh look, the bikinifag is here. Why didnt you kill yourself after P3R had bikinis despite months of your claiming it wouldnt? Or oh wait, you're totally "not him", right?
interacting with indians irl is a little worse than interacting with brainwashed kpoop worshippers online, but not by a large margin
koreans themselves are fine
lmao going public is the #1 way to get forced into putting pozzed shit in your games. It's over.
Unless it's a game in a very popular franchise, every single exclusive is destined to flop.
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>people are surprised that the hundredth unreal generated, korean made game using tits and ass to sell its shallow gameplay flopped
This the same guy that shows up in tekken general asking why they have bikinis but hjs gacha girls dont. A true skitzo
Bros, should i start screencapping these threads to post when stellar blade 2 gets announced?
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Bikini is banned from Japanese console game since 2023 by Kishida and SBI. Source? Grummz,Vara darkness, Cabbage guy, Sankaku complex...
Sure, I'll see you when it gets announced never.
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>gets BTFO
>b-b-but t-they w-will *sniff* b-be p-pozzed *sob*
You lost.
this will never be a meme spambot
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It worked for first descendant. Its as if most of the people who play korean games play it on pc. Lies of P never had this issue.
Christ. I swear, he might also be "panservice" fag from /a/. Similar unhinged takes and doubling down. Thought bikinifag seems more ESL...
>changed stance to "console games"
Say you were objectively wrong about P3R. Say it, pig. Admit you were completely and utterly wrong.
Wait until the board of directors is filled with a bunch of blackrock consultants kek
Why do threads about asian games always have schizos posting in them, is it cause east asians are more likely to have schizophrenia?
If you wanted to be in the screencap, you could have just said so
oh no
this kills the tranny
>xhe valiantly defends gookslop on 4channels /v/ board 18 hours a day
You at least get oaid for this, right?
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Why cannot Korean slops have bikinis when they claim themselves anti woke? Korea bans bikini as BA has no bikini since 2023-24 due to feminist censorship. How accurate is the chart?
Because western media is getting mogged by eastern media. See how the western comic book industry is being beaten out by shit like demon slayer and Boku no Hero. Because they cant compete culturally, they are now aiming to strike down their competition.
Every company that goes public turns into DEI wokeslop. Sorry lil bro
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It's a very niche genre, the Sexy Protag game. It's not slop for the general audience, you really have to appreciate layers of videogaming history AND be emotionally and mentally mature to enjoy putting Eve in an ass-baring leotard.

It's too hipster for normie yokels like you, THAT'S why it didn't sell well.
I defend a lot of games, both west and east, simply because /v/ has shit opinions.
>he keeps repeating that a game is a flop when the devs said it was so successful tat they are considering a sequel
Seriously, how do I get a job shitposting on /v/? Tell me.
More like Stellar Flop
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That's why GKmas cannot have bikini unlike other Idolmasters? Seems that consultant is involved in GKmas. Lacking bikini in swimsuit event and filling them with all rashguards. Not even one pieces. It broke "only Jap gacha can have bikinis while Korean gacha cannot have bikini"...
Lol get raped, goalpost moving faggot
Nobody likes plastic faced gooks
It sold well enough for devs to consider a sequel, not every game is AAA slop and spends 10 gorillian on marketing
>xhe valiantly seethes at koreanKINO on 4channels /v/ board 18 hours a day
You at least get paid for this, right?
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Wrong. Because ult bunny right now is the most profitable non gacha vidya character. Nexon earnes millions just from coomers buying her skin.
at least i dont get paid to shill gookslop like you
see >>683687668
You get paid $0 to seethe and spread misinformation about a game you hate, how sad
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But Korean gacha cannot have bikini. Korea bans bikini due to feminist censorship. Top is Japan while bottom is Korea. Only Japanese gacha can have bikini while Korean media cannot!! Blue archive has no bikini.
Not a single person disputed this. The fact that they cant and immediately backpedaled to "muh gacha" and "muh IPO" shows that they cant. Stellar Blade was a success, objectively.
P3R had bikini and you said it wouldnt. Kneel.
I still don't get how it completely mindbroke someone. It isn't like elden ring where whole discords deluded themselves into believing it would flop
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But localization muddles this, ma'am. And Only Japanese gacha can have bikinis, while Japanese console/steam games cannot since 2023, and Korean gachas cannot as well...
If it flopped why are you making this thread everyday
>but local-
It had bikinis and you said it wouldnt. You were wrong. KNEEL.
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Because it made Tomino's concern right but with video game, that Japanese anime will be doomed due to working condition and China will take over, but Video game got hit by this first for not only working condition(since Western AAA industries have same issue) but for DEI,SBI and LGBT, localization issue. While Korea and China takes over for Korea and China has 5000 years of history and have robust belief so that they never kneel to wokism and SBI, and love freedom while Japs don't know what freedom is and Japs are like lemmings and slaves without their own thought.
FF7RB flopping due to SBI while Stellar blade outselling this is the proof that Tomino's concern hit Video game before anime. Stellar blade will outsell even Zelda, Mario, Pokemon and MH. Japanese console game got bikinis banned since 2023 by Kishida and SBI's DEstIny plan.
Probably some disgruntled journo fuck that is mad that the "toxic gamers" won
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And any Korean gacha with bikini, anyway? One with bikini top exposed, not ugly shirts.
>bikinischizo is an iphone toddler
lol makes sense
>but Kore-
P3R had bikinis even though you said it wouldnt. You were wrong, I dont give a FUCK about your other schizo babble. You were objectively, inequitably wrong. Say it, pig. Say you were wrong.
Even if cabbage guy, Vara, grummz, endimyon, sankakucomplex claims that Japanese consoel game bans bikini?
>Even if-
You made a claim, you were wrong. Say it, pig.
En taro Grummz!!! En taro Trump!! En taro Elon!!
You will never be a woman.
You made a claim, you were wrong. Stop squealing like a pig and admit you were objectively wrong and that youre sorry for shitting up Persona threads for months. No need to bring up any other schizo babble.
Squealing? How dare u filthy Terrans who should poo daring to call divine Protoss' Khalani "squealing", primitive beasts? Do u wanna be purified?
>schizo babble
P3R had bikinis. Say it, pig.
*stop war crying like Templar
After Matriach Vorazun purfies yer arse with void ray.
That gook skank will be LGBTQ++ once they go public and blackrock's consultants run the board (assuming a sequel ever gets made, which is a stretch).
Why does nexon have low risk on ESG score?
Didn't this spam post just get deleted
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>its a flop!
>*gets BTFO*
But why did Pokemon SV sold well in Japan with lots of niggers and bugs?
Spot on.
Months of nonstop shilling kn this board and all it will be remembered for is flopping kek
You lost >>683686182
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What drives someone to be this autistically obsessed? Did stellar blade really break you this badly?
Well just from the looks of it most people probably just rightfully assumed it's soulless gookslop and played something else.
Does this game even have a story or is it just a ladder climbing simulator?
It tells a story while climbing ladders
So the answer is no
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Deserved Flop
This place is full of mindbroken people
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>another thread where astroturfing troons from /r/gamingcirclejerk are STILL seething about stellar blade
Yeah they have to do this to please their ESG gods ahead of their IPO.
why are you replying to yourself
I'm not but I understand why you'd project that since you've been replying to your same post for the last hour
There' s a PC-Port and DLC coming.

It didn' t flop. Your axe wound does.
weeb shit doesn't have mass appeal and the game fucks verisimilitude/immersion in the ass at every possible point
>ps5 exclusive
>the entire advertising campaign was about the MP Ass
mmmmm can't really tell
These devs should stick to gacha instead of this flop. I don't think the nvestors are going to want to waste money on it.
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Snoys only care about COD, Fornite, GTA and FIFA.
So what are the most recent sales?
12m? 15m?
99% of gamers in 2024 are trans and actively hate any type of straight people product
The transexual still at it?
Yeah xhe's still pretending Stellar Flop wasn't a flop.
Holy projection. This is all you because you couldnt handle that SB was so successful that they are considering a sequel so you moved goalposts
No one ever asked where the fuck this 'source' even came from?
every day with this fucking bait
Censorship and it being locked to PS5.
>Stellar Blade 2
>Ninpedophile is still spamming SB (1) threads
Stellar Blade 2 never ever
It's a Sekiro knockoff that is easily outclassed by Lies of P, it tries to sell a sexualized fantasy to the worst possible market (PS5 users), the censorship drama was a huge middle finger to its target audience, all of its discourse was drowned out by culture war bullshit (Without an AAA fanbase to back it up) and generally despite all of that it could've gone way worse
>It's a Sekiro knockoff that is easily outclassed by Lies of P
Metacritic says otherwise and it sold less despite being on every platform. Nice try pedo.
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>Stellar Blade demo: 690,000 (nice) peak
>All pick related combined: 35,000
It's looking grim for Troonsisters.
How many times did this spam post get deleted now
Google it retard
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>"You need to get a commissar from MY SIDE to confirm this!"
And you are incapable of typing things on a search bar why?
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>Based manga poster
>Mentally ill tranny can't stop thinking about SB's success
Why did it *headcanon*
Good thing you're here to defend this games honor
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Every SB thread like this, I bathe in delicious losers tears.
We did it bros!

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