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I tried finding the general but it wasn't there
Now that the dust has settled, was Future Redeemed good? I am asking because I did not play it. 3's plot and writing was a pretty big disappointment to me so I wrote Future Redeemed off and never bought it.
How does it compare to base 3? How does it compare to Torna?
Future Redeemed unironically redeems the pile of garbage 3's last quarter was.
On god? No cap?
Yes. If it were longer it'd actually be peak Xenoblade.
Will Monolith Soft ever fulfill the prophecy and create a complete and seamless JRPG world with a unique story and setting and dethrone FFVII?
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Why is the combat design is these games always such a mess? I remember being stunned that they'd fucked up the balance of the classes AGAIN, then confused when content additions fixed none of it.

Why is Ouroboros so weak? It's supposed to be your ultimate attack, but it gets outdone by a simple fusion combo. Ouroboros don't have damage multipliers, which are the most important thing for any damage dealer in this series. It's crazy to me that the devs could overlook something like that. And what about Ouroboros chain attacks? Completely pointless, and any use they could have is a mystery. It's almost comical that fusion arts are the strongest means of dealing damage, but you only have access to them when NOT fused. Did they screw it up on purpose?
Future Redeemed's story is on the level of the best parts of the other Xenoblade games and it serves as a "closing" to the trilogy (As in, it's supposed to be the end of the Klaus saga once and for all and introduces some spicy concepts for the future, future Xenoblade games will not relate to the first three games much if at all)
Do not redeem
I wouldn't mind of Monolith Soft shifted their focus to making shorter 20-30 hour long JRPGs if they were as consistently good as Torna or Future Redeemed, they'd be able to shit them out more frequently and we'd probably run into less XB3 situations.
Xeno 1 is ok.
Xeno 2 is awesome, lovely cast, awesome world.
Xeno 3 is disappointing, the world is so "fiction" there are no real cities, each area have the same dialogue "this war is bad", boring cast, the combat is too auto.
They need to stop makeing xenoblade and do some real lore shit like xenogears.
Xeno x is cool but lacks a real story.
Oh, and DLC of Xeno 3 is trash, fanservice garbage.
Torna is still the best.
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Future Redeemed is some of the best xeno content we've gotten yet. It pays direct homage to everything that came before it, including gears, saga, and X as well as blade 1 and 2 and is the best possible conclusion to this arc of the story.

>project exodus name dropped
>salvatore/saviorites name dropped
>Vector Industries canon to xenoblade
>Dmitri Yuriev name dropped
>potential KOS-MOS siting
I'm happy for Takahashi, I hope he doesn't blunder his vision again.
Any point in playing it if I lack information apart from xenoblade chronicles sans X?
It pays homage to Gears and Saga but only the Xenoblade parts are actually relevant to the story.
Honestly Xenoblade games would have tolerable if not for the atrocious combat system
It's leterally worse than PS1 era JRPGs
I'd rather play Koudelka than Xenoblade trash combat
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The saga references aren't relevant to the plot. But probably will be relevant in any future games now that Saga is officially tied into the blade universe.
You just gotta see it as 1, 2 and 3 are their own individual thing and it's Future Redeemed that brings everything together
I was initially lukewarm on 3 but now my only major gripe is that the maps are pretty bland
the intricate design of 2 was kino
>half the characters in previous games are missing and never mentioned in 3 and future redeemed because ???
it all sucks
>project exodus name dropped
>salvatore/saviorites name dropped
But do they actually do anything with them outside of namedropping?
When Monolith first talked about 3 being the end of the Klaus saga you'd think it'd have something to do with the Saviorites part of 'the experiment' event and the context of that entire situation since that was the biggest and arguably only really relevant part of the origin of the 'Klaus arc' that was still unexplored and unresolved, but 3 ended up having nothing to do with it and as a result felt more like a side-story or 'Xenoblade Gaiden' spin-off.
Someone needs to tell Takahashi to stop watching SAO and let him know nobody wants any more references to that trash.
They all got turned into inanimate objects making up the fake world.
Yes, it’s that dumb.
When is the next Monolith game realistically being revealed anons?
Because they are dead and have been gone for so long that there's no one left to remember them?
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How did Saitom improve so much over the course of a single games development?
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You have to play Xenosaga
They're dead and have been dead for ages in the setting.

Not really, no. A lot of it's just namedropped to imply that Xenoblade is connected to Xenogears and Xenosaga and there's the theory that the Saviorites are actually the Salvatores from Xenosaga.

It's mostly just worldbuilding that's introduced in the background at a certain point in the story, but doesn't have anything to do with the story that's being told (because it's probably setting up Xenoblade 4 to be about that) The Xenoblade trilogy's about the Klaus/Conduit storyline and whatever's happening next won't have anything to do with Klaus and his experiment, it'll probably focus on what happened to whatever the fuck was going on before Klaus's experiment.
The saviorites don't have anything to do with the klaus saga, think of what happened in Klaus's world/Earth as one big conflict and whatever Klaus was doing was one branch of it.
That makes sense.
Will the next Xeno be a bitch 2 launch title?
I did not Care about nia or rex in xb2 but I want to do things with mio that should not be spoken out loud.
The gap would be long enough if it were a Switch title, but this is Switch 2, add another 2-3 years and that should be the new dev time.
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>I did not Care about nia or rex
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I fully expect another Monolith title to drop in the first year of the successor at this rate.
I'm just happy you found a nice waifu, anon
My bird wife is now adorning my car and I've never been happier
Yeah, and the old cast won't be in XC4 either, so you'd best get over that now.
Did you complain that shulk and crew weren't in xenoblade 2? Or X?
Your waifu a shitty 3rd place concubine
Stay mad
There's a scene in FR where the characters are transported to a snapshot/memory created by Origin of Earth before it got destroyed and you get to run around an American neighbourhood. In the middle of an important cutscene, you can hear a radio in the background (that has nothing to do with the story) that namedrops events and things from Xenosaga in a news broadcast and you can see the logo of a company from Xenosaga on the radio.
The radio broadcast doesn't directly relate to the game's plot but it does make a nice contrast to what is actually going on in that scene.
As Niall rambles about how perfect and beautiful this world is, the radio is talking about geopolitics and civil rights debates and the upcoming saviorite uprising that leads to who knows how much destruction and death and then Klaus' experiment. it's a nice juxtaposition.
Xenoblade 3 is the best one though
It's very good, but even when it came out a lot of people in /vg/ failed to understand what was being shown to them, so if you are smart as the average /vg/ user, you won't really understand. But you will still be pleased, in your blissfull idiocy.
I don't agree, Eunie a best though
>no argument
Elaborate on why it's so smart and good, make a true effort post or effort image in extreme detail
lmao, retard alert.
XC3, FR and Takahashi's interview exposed so many people as idiots, it's really fun
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Xenoblade
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I have a theory about the future of the Xenoblade series. I think MonolithSoft (with the assistance of other company) are going to make an MMO with the Xenoblade universe.
>the character designs are more streamlined (Machina are more human-like) as if they were a custom character/be made into a custom character
>XC3 introduces custom class roles, the idea of changing your class with one character
>XC3's and FC's endings show the worlds merging into one, new world. One that can be used for an MMO world
>Nintendo wants to sell the power of the Switch 2, and what better way of showing that by having an portable MMO (note: Final Fantasy 14 can be played on Steam Deck)
>Nintendo may be interest in that MMO money train
>instead of making a remaster or sequel to XCX, they can bring mechanics and even plot lines from XCX, without the risks of being a financial disappointment
Admittedly, this is partly wish-fulfillment, but I can see its potential.
The game is good first and foremost because it's fun in terms of gameplay. I didn't say it's smart, though.
It also more or less offer some explanation to a few questions left open in the main game, for example the true nature of Ouroboros power, what's up with L7 (though there was a misunderstanding about the latter that is not anyone's fault but the translation), Pyra... But most people here didn't understand shit, since things weren't explained in detail, but only vaguely through "show, don't tell".
Hell, i've seen people thinking all the trinity cores were inside Origin, because they didn't understand they were being shown a flashback. Others who think Na'el just "happened" to find Ontos' crystal on a beach, and thinking it was a completely different one from the original.
People on this site dont even see the parallels between Origin and Project Exodus. Dont get too upset about it mate
Future Redeemed is great because it killed off Shulk and Rex coming back for good. The series can finally heal
The problem is console exclusive MMOs are no longer profitable if you rely only on subscriptions. You need aggressive microtransactions or make your game multiplat.
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>when I'm in a "Misunderstanding the plot and themes of a Xeno game" contest and my opponent is /v/
>Takahashi reuses idea and draws attention to it
>Fart huffers think this is some masterstroke of writing that takes decades to master and that it makes the story of 3 itself good
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People didn't even understand the meaning of Nia pushing away Rex and grabbing Pyra's and Mythra's hands herself
Wait until they hear about Neon Genesis and Astral Chain. Whew lads
>In the current decade.
It's not impossible but you'd be just asking for trouble.
Noah pp in Mio vv
At best he'll get a mobile gacha pseudo-MMO. Which hey, it'll be like Xenoblade 2 but simplified.
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Xenoblade 2 doesn't need to be simplified
Beautiful. Exactly as i remember it.
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It has the fanservice for 1 and 2 that people expected from 3, and also for the larger Xeno mythos as a whole
4/6 of the party are relevant compared to 2/6 from the main game
Story and direction-wise it's not as confused as the base game but it still gets kind of messy as a result of being spun off from it
Do I need to play xenoblade 1 to play xenoblade 3? I really want to fuck mio
absolutely not because xenoblade 2 is peak video gaming because it just is and no it isn't gacha because I said so
Would much rather a fully single pl
Yes. And 2 as well
Not really, XB1 is kinda shafted in terms of representation
future redeemed was great from a gameplay perspective.
most of the problems you may have had in 3 would have been fixed there. lots of fun useful things to find exploring
Ouroboros is very stong, but the vast majority of players will not be able to use the forms properly.

Swapping between Noah and Mio to build up thr talent gauge meter, using glorious wing (power charge) and then mega spinning edge, does extreme damage. Swapping repeatedly between Eunie and Taion and using Raptor Raid and Atomize destroys any mob and even bosses.

anyway, this is copypasta and I', retarded for responding to it
matthew is a cuck
Bold of you to accuse the fightsexual of being a cuck in a franchise that has a recurring cucking theme and in a game with one of the biggest cucks in said franchise.
why the fuck would you do any of that when you can kill enemies with a smash fusion combo + 100% more smash damage
that shit insta kills normal mobs and even bosses
that combo even melts the super bosses hp bar when you use your smash fusion combo at the end of a chain attack
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>using glorious wing (power charge) and then mega spinning edge, does extreme damage
No it doesn't. Eunie > Taion swapping doesn't even deal as much damage as a good AOE fusion art chain. It's only used in speedruns before you have access to better setups. The only good thing Ouroboros does is unique status effects, and that's 90% Eunie and Taion's abilities.

Also it's not pasta, I wrote it. Is that why everyone's ignoring it? I'm really asking, it was one of my biggest annoyances with the game.
2roons lost.
Get woke go broke.
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One of my favourites was using Final Lucky Seven on a group of enemies. AOe smash them all, then wipe them out from like 90% HP because they all hit the ground and create a minefield of shockwaves.
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Much, much better than the base game, 3 fucking sucked but Future Redeemed was great
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I haven't played FR yet because i still have hope for them to release a physical version like Torna..., but i'm about to lose all hope...
>xb2 is made fun of for its UI
>this isn't
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Hands off.
It's good, go play it
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i find lucky seven very underwhelming damage wise
just use Noah as a swordfighter
use the gem for boosted buffs, bigger crit damage and higher damage after canceling your arts
launch a enemy
use shadow eye and then a mighty beat + ground beat fusion art
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What do you mean? You can clearly see what's going on
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How long is it? Does it feel juicy enough or is it too small for what it wants to do and tell?
Can't you turn off a lot of those numbers in the settings though?
Me too vro, me too.
I was expecting it to get one like Torna, but doesn't seem like it's going to happen
No one still talks about 3 aside from the occasional thread on /v/, just like XCX
Ouroboros are fucking strong too? Mio's talent is a pseudo Attacker L7 AOE, Sena can inflict a free Break status, Lanz can do the BreakToppleLaunch combo by himself, Taion make debuffs work, Eunie can revive everyone at the same time and Noah has Bounding Edge and Origin Blade.
As far as I can tell, they all do about the damage as Fusion arts, but at a faster rate and you don't have to wait for your arts recharging. On top of all of that, you are invincible.
So I think you are wrong.
The funny thing is that if you actually play the game you will notice that you won't have many problems understanding what's going on during combat.
Saying otherwise just expose you as someone who didn't play the games.
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Who wouldn't want to fuck Mio?
Anyway, M probably has been having sex with random people just to spite N.
Why do people get filtered by Xenoblade's combat?
If you only care about fanservice, it's good. Story however is pure shit
i loved saga's aesthetic.
we need to go back to space
That’s a leg-up on base 3.
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Not really. You'll miss out on the finer point, but each Xenos are self contained enough to be enjoyed as they are.
>i sure hope the bad guy isn't some butthurt loser who wants to kill everything/become god because his waifu died
I want Mio to sit on my face, killing me.
Stop it, Noah.
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>tried finding the general but it wasn't there
Xenogames General has been dead for months already. I looked for it wanted fanfics recs.
go back to your origin cuck chair
How did they get away with such blatant woman fetishism?
>wanted fanfics recs
You sound like a huge faggot
AI generate some, then get disillusioned, then write your own
now I want to know what DEEP shit comes out when you feed an AI with Xeno game lore
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If Noah is not more than 99% faggot, in the united world he will constantly impregnate Mio, as any healthy man would.
>itt: autists coping over their shitty franchise not wanting to admit it's shit, pretending all three are supposed to be individual when they were frankensteined to be a "trilogy", coomers getting hard over stick bitches (again), 3 defending, 2 dick sucking, takahashi ass eating
I can't believe I thought this series was good.
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You rang?
Definitely something cool, but the more you generate, the more patterns of its writing you pick up on as you slowly begin dreading reading more.
They can't have more kids than Ghondor or else it will mess up the future kids from the city. Takahashi said in his interview that everyone in the city will be reborn again
For that to happen by everyone having the same exact kids is plainly impossible.
So they will reborn one way or the other regardless of everything else.
Meaning Noah can impregnate Mio as many times as he wants, which means at least once every year if he isn't a faggot.
They're probably cooking something for the end of the Switch 2's launch year, which will be first revealed alongside the console itself, like 2 was dor the Switch. Seeing as next year is also X's 10th birthday, I'm hoping for a DE remake.
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I wanted read derivative fiction written by fellow nerds, dammit.
There's something poetic about that.
>For that to happen by everyone having the same exact kids is plainly impossible
Well too bad, that's literally what Takahashi is going to happen. Lmao
*what Takahashi said is going to happen
No, he didn't say every person will form the same exact couples and will give birth to the same exact kids.
Just that they will be reborn one way or the other.
After all, it's hard to form a couple with someone who is supposed to be born several generations away from you...
>Meaning Noah can impregnate Mio as many times as he wants
He will seer the Lucky Seven.
>Just that they will be reborn one way or the other
Which means they have to have the same parents or else they wouldn't be the same people.
Bro, ever heard of reincarnation?
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Sophia achieved a double autisming.
If Monica was reborn to some random fucking nobody family instead of Vandham and Rex's bloodline then she would be a completely different person and look entirely different. So no, that isn't how it works.
Ahem. My ranking.
>XC2 second half
>XC2 first half
>Redeem Sar
>fight against this pre-decided fate and make your own future
>except not here because then the plot device we centered the new game around breaks
XC3 is proof long-form RPGs should be self-contained stories with minimal overlap because retarded shit like this happens when you try to force everything to connect
Lacan was justified
Krelian was autistic and projected his mommy issues into sophia.
Takahashi is genuinely stupid.
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So i guess Glimmer and Nikol must have married soldiers. And ALL their descendants N generations down from them must have married someone about N generations down from another soldier, this across 1000 years.
And wow, this must have been true for every single one of the City people.
Yeah, sure.
>Thread already going to shit
Bye bye.
you need more porn?
They will be reborn because Origin saved their data.
So the way they will be back ihas something to do with Origin.
Origin doesn't have the power to force two people to mate (especially when a lot of them probably belong to different generations so they wouldn't be able to anyway).
What Origin can do is to recreate people based on the data it saved.
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Nah, I want to stop people literally making stupid conjectures that already answered questions.
>WhAT HaPPEn to the peOPLe of the City
>They are getting reincarnated, everyone already confirmed this multiple times.
Its so sad that a game for teenagers manage to filter room temperature IQ idiots just by not infodumping every single details of the story.
You act like it’s his fault this game’s proposed golden ending operates on such a retarded concept.
>So i guess Glimmer and Nikol must have married soldiers. And ALL their descendants N generations down from them must have married someone about N generations down from another soldier, this across 1000 years.
Why not? It's not like that would be the dumbest thing to happen in XC3, kek.
Don't get mad at me, this is what Takahashi wrote and you're praising
>Origin doesn't have the power to force two people to mate
[citation needed]
>What Origin can do is to recreate people based on the data it saved.
Which means they have to be reborn to the same parents because it wouldn't make sense for a kid who looks nothing like their parents to be born to them.
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*I want people to stop making stupid conjectures to already answered questions.
See? They are making me retarded.
This isn't an airport, so you don't need to announce your departure.
Honestly, if you don't understand how reincarnation works in thr xeno series you need to go replay gears and saga and maybe read some books. Or maybe the series just isn't for you.
>It's Origin magic nigga I ain't gotta explain shit
just run with it.
Never thought i'd see someone stupid enough to think that people recreated by Origin are literally born again from their mothers.
If the game is going just imply that Noah and Mio magically wind up together again, what’s stopping that? It’s all literally happenstance at the end of the day.
To their defenses, 3 had the soldiers work that way, so they probably assumed it will be the case for the City people.
They probably don't know anything about the real/imaginary domains too.
Oh yes king, just ignore the bad writing! Stop questioning it!
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Yes anon we all know how to use inspect element/4chanX
don't bother, that's the local snoyschizo tranny screeching over anything nintendo related
'Member when those guys pretended the worlds won't unite again after 3's ending?
Then when people actually said they were full of shit, how they shifted their narratives to Noah somehow being the only one to travel to the other planet(?!?).
it's a magic machine that can rewrite reality, the writer can choose to do whatever the fuck they want with that regardless even of previous different magic machines that can also rewrite reality.
>the writer can choose to do whatever the fuck they want
Including making the same couples have the same kids again.
what annoys me so much about Xenoblade 2 and especially 3 is the lack of freaking mods for it.
YEARS later and there's no sexy mods anywhere in sight... sucks, i guess you need to be in Unreal engine or Unity to get proper mod support for Switch games huh..
>somehow a magic machine lets the people who were unaffected (since it basically stops time and creates a pocket dimension) by it influence their decisions leading them to born the exact same people with the exact same demeanor who will end up with the exact same partners
>XC1 and XC2
>settings have magic systems that are explained in detail
>Uhh yeah, the god computer that was built by the people of those worlds can just kinda do whatever, even if that whatever doesn’t mesh with other things we previously established. IT’S FEELINGS!
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Shall I save the thread?
xenoblade 1 and 2 were fine, 3 was completely unnecessary
x is the game that needs a followup and if it doesn't get one next I'm probably done with this series forever
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Imagine getting filtered by the usual SF wish granting machine.
could a modern CERO C game get away with multiple implied sex scenes?
>Kim and Elly, Ramsus and Miang too
Yeah a wish granting machine that can determine the course of thousands of years of history, following two stories where mankind learned about fighting pre-determined fate. It’s stupid.
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3 was my favorite in the series. Best DLC too and one the best send off in a series.
X is second place for me. We will never get a game like it
>following two stories where mankind learned about fighting pre-determined fate.
That's narrow way of seeing 1 & 2's plots. In fact, 2 wasn't even about a pre-determined fate and neither was 1?
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How 1 should have ended
magic + quantum computers + nanomachines + gnosticism can do anything
I like dromarch if it helps
>1 wasn’t about fighting pre-determined fate
Absolute fucking revisionism
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Needs to be edited into a thought balloon connected to Melia while she looks at a picture of Shulk and Fiora and their kid
She saw the random kid in town (Eunie) and dreamed that she could have been hers and Shulk's daughter, but even in her dreams Shulk would still be with Fiora too.
Man, that's just sad.
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>She [fanfic]
I am pretty sure the actual plot was getting freed from a abusive authority.
Why are the cats and birds so hot?
Rex's harem ending has been a disaster for the Xenofandom.
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Arguably the hottest character in the series
The literal theme is taking back your destiny which is said many, MANY times. This isn't some shit where you go "uh oh the top brass is mean!" you stupid commie.
By doing what?
By defying what thing that the authority held as a God?
By using the central fucking combat mechanic that lets you do what?

Anything to blind yourself? Really?
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Mio doesn't count as a furry right?
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Patroka is hot too
No shit, Sherlock.
how the fuck is origin storing the souls of the cityfags for when the time comes to shit them out related to Noah and Mio having an extra
>Average human sexually active lifetime is between 15-45 years, around 30 years give or take
>30 years times 12 equals 360 months
>360 months divided by 9 equals 40
39 extra kids minimum? Just deploy the souls as normal if origin is so autistic about fate, the city founder is coming out anyway since noah managed to isekai with just a whiff of pussy.
>Cats have double wombs
I'm not delving into that
I fear the next Xenoblade game will be a retread of Xenosaga instead of a proper Xenosaga remake.
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she doesn't even have a tail. she's as safe as a catgirl can be.
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unfortunately no she doesn't count.
Wouldn't be too surprising honestly, considering we already got 3 games retreading xenogears
Mio is such a shitty furry her kid is 100% human.
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Why is Melia like this?
I fear the next Xeno game will be as bad as the rest.
Autistic virgin bird.
The bloodlines have to stay the same so everyone can reborn. If Noah and Mio had more kids then they might marry someone they're not supposed to and mess everything up, and then some people wouldn't be reborn.
He can fuck her as much as they want but they'll only have 1 successful pregnancy.
Thank to Milf Nia, I acquired a taste for smol tiddies.
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What 500 years of no sex does to a person. We're lucky she didn't go full krellian
>The bloodlines have to stay the same so everyone can reborn.
Do you even understand what reincarnation is or you are just that sex obsessed?
They have to be reborn to the same parents or else they won't be the same people. Monica won't be reborn to be an Asian family, for example. That wouldn't make any sense since she is brown not Asian.
sounds autistic. Origin clearly threw Noah into Mio's bedroom in the ending, it can manage the same with each pairing if it really wants to pull that off.
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4 ears
....okay? That doesn't have anything to do with what I wrote, retard.
Delete pls
The soul does not equal the body in the philosophy of xeno games
Melia wouldn't do that because she isn't an evil asshole, unlike Shania and N.
It does, mongoloid. Your autism hinges on the godball forgetting to do its duty because of unrelated butterfly effects.
So I take you never played Xenosaga and you don't know who Shion is?
imagine the ear nibble + cat ear petting combo tho
So your theory is that Monica and Ghondor could be reborn into some Asian or white family? Lol okay retard.
No, it doesn't. My theory is that Origin will make the same people marry each other and have the same kids so it can spit out the same city people. That's all.
You understand it wasn't a serious thing, right? I was just answering to the other anon's joke.
>on tendie hardware/network infrastructure

FR is leagues better than Torna/FC if that means anything to you, it's also very important to the story unlike those other two
>every example in game is complete full exact being cloning
>but it’s just going to be spiritual and nonliteral now because “muh fillosofy”
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Having played the trilogy and absolutely loving all three games I'm going to go and play Gears and Saga too. I got the undub for Saga 1 and got it working on my PS2 so I'm looking forward to that.
The only problem is they both appear to be more traditional turn based RPGs which I have next to no experience with because they usually put me off with tedious frustrating bullshit before long. Here's hoping I can power through that for the sake of the cool settings, worlds and music.
Pic related, some goodies I brought home from Japan earlier this year.
If you want to play a shit game.
This is it.

If you want a game with shit characters and story.
This is it.

If you want a game which ruins everything the previous game did to make itself some what decent.
This is it.

If you want boring offline mmo self played combat.
This is it.

If you want an ending which laughs at you in the end and made the entire game absolutely pointless.
This is it.

It needed a dlc to try and fix everything and even then it was shit absolutely terrible
The amount of seething when the artbook confirmed the very obvious fact that she is female was SO satisfying.
This is bullshit
She only has the cat ears.
You understand mine wasn't a serious thing, right?
>so your theory is that monica or ghondor could be reborn into some asian or white family
Yes. they might not even have the same name. play literally any xeno game without Blade in the title.
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my wife and the stray she picked up from the street
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I have and there isn't any basis for what you're arguing.
the extra kids wouldn't affect that. in fact Origin can shit out souls in other bodies whenever it wants to, see shaniah.
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I don't see what reason could they have to release it physically at this point as much that pains me to say. At best we would get a XB3 DE with the DLC included but that is just wishful thinking.
Dutch likes men more than women. Micah gave better head than his gf or Abigail ever did
You understand that i was understanding that you didn't misunderstood?
>the extra kids wouldn't affect that
Yes it would. They might marry someone they're not supposed to and mess up the bloodlines.
>see shaniah
Hold on, so you think Origin will just spit out a bunch of people randomly into the world, without being born to parents or anything? And YOU are calling ME stupid? Lmao
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>natural feelings including sex start to slowly creep back as the brainwashing wears off after clock destruction
>that "feel awkward changing clothes" scene and past version of Noah and Mio babby and that's about it.
A shame there wasn't more awkward/profound/japanese-humor scenes involving Taion/Eunie and Lanz/Sena or the various NPC villages coping with that

I guess the future of that world was a moot point anyway because muh Origin reset everything but it would have been interesting.
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People on this site think Eunie friendzoned Taion and Glimmer and Nikol got married after FR
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Friendly reminder that, officially speaking, Eunie and Taion never became a couple for what we know.
No, I'm calling you a mongolid because you're arbitrarily setting limits to a ballbot that clearly shits on reality multiple times over the course of the game over a mundane limitation that has nothing to do with the concept of souls, that somehow mingled with that other anon that you're arguing with because you're also saying that for some reason giving the city founder brothers and sisters would obliterate origin's supposed plan that needs bloodlines that wasn't stablished, since then origin can just as easily pair them up just like it did with mio and noah.
Didn't you learn from Bayonetta 3?
>you're arbitrarily setting limits
No I'm not retard. I'm saying the same people have to get married again so the same kids can be born. If Noah and Mio have more kids it could mess up the bloodlines. Same goes for anyone else
>since then origin can just as easily pair them up
If they aren't born to the same parents they aren't the same person
Why the fuck are we spending time on something that isn't PROVEN? Here's a thought: the proven theory is that Takahashi has shitty writing. Cope about it.
I hope they did just to make the insecure white faggots who unreasonably complain about Taion go into a total seethe. Even though I don't give a shit about Xeno. It would be one good thing to come out of it.
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don't mind me, just posting the best girl
*worst girl
That possibility could go as deep as mio jerking off noah at the wrong time, sending the wrong sperm to her wrong egg and making a different person, this shit isn't restricted to just same parents if you're going to be that autistic about this shit. And neither has anything to do with the extra kids, that's a big fat "maybe" in a world full of people that kept falling for each other each fucking lifetime.
Oh, i'm not actually shipping her with Ashera, i just thought the model swap was funny. Also, the Bayonetta 3 thing was hilarious, loved it.

Yeah, that would be fun. I don't have anything against Taion, in any case, and i think they would make a nice couple.

I'm absolutely not about to deny that they have feelings for each other in XC3. And there are very good chances they will again, in the united world. But for the part of the story we get to see, they never become a couple, that's just a fact.
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They had three good games in a row, they had to make a shitty one. Kinda like they did with gears and saga.
It's reasonable that Origin can make Noah and Mio spit out Ghondor so he can have his own kids, and so on. But the bloodlines could get messed up if they all have more kids because they could end up marrying the wrong person.
It's not an unreasonable interpretation to say that Origin will just make Noah and Mio have Ghondor, then he'll have his own kid, they'll have Na'el and Matt, and so on. It's a pretty simple explanation actually.
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I can save her
Having Shulk there is unironically character assassination.
She can't be fixed.
Why is that child?
Malos Xenoblade 4 trust the plan
>1 and 2, two side of the same coin, a complete story
>X, schizophrenic planet, the planet is schizophrenic and shit i don't gotta explain shit
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Perfectly normal behaviour, what are you talking about?
But there was? Did you take Isurd out to find his hotsprings?
>People on 4chan are stupid
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Any ideas on how to fill a 160x80 screen with an up to 35 frames Xenoblade gif? Something pixelated or in chibi style would probably be the only viable options for that resolution.

So far, I only found a collection of gifs of the heroes' icons from XC3, but I don't know if I can make something that looks good by just cycling them through 35 frames. If I was an artist, I would probably just draw a pixel Monado and animate the light, but that's probably above my skill level.

The screen is from a Flydigi Apex 4 gamepad, by the way.
Where did you find these in japan, I'm going in September. Did you also visit monoliths hq?
I was hoping FR was going to be an epilogue to 3 and it was a prologue instead but I still had fun with it and enjoyed the fuck out of it
Most of that I found in a Kotobukiya in Akiba, the XB3 OST was the main thing I was hunting for but I didn't manage to find it until I spotted in an Animate in Kyoto. I got several other CDs as well including the XBX and OG XB1 OSTs.
>Did you also visit monoliths hq?
I didn't actually that never crossed my mind.
1 was the only real great game out of that trilogy. I'd put it at the speartip of jrpg's as a genre even. 2 was hot garbage that I don't even want to think about and 3 had really strong moments but kinda fumbled when it really mattered which was especially apparent in the final sections. Also it was too stretched out which diluted the writing quality overall. If you don't care about narrative that's fine but to me it was always the standout attribute of jrpg's that they need to nail to impress.
What did people love so much about 3s DLC? To me it seemed decent but not stunningly impressive.
3 is the best game
2 is easily the best game. Best gameplay, best plot, best writing, most fleshed out characters with the best motivations and easily the strongest antagonists alongside one of the greatest OSTs in vidya
If piss poor writing had an avatar it would be her
May is too far away.
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What were they plannibg originally with pic related?
You forgot best english voice acting
Scissoring mixed the genes up
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>the tummy
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Hands off, she is mine.
Thread really died after anons exposed how retarded one part of 3's writing is lol
Why do you sound like you are about to fellate them anons?
What in the h-e-double fuck happened there
What part is retarded?
I'm guessing something along those lines >>683702496 but either the people who came up with that idea left or decided it just wasn't the story they wanted to tell.
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why didn't 3 get one?
I could admit that Juniper is supposed to be an ambiguous gender as a joke even though as far as the story is concerned she's treated as a female, but A is so obviously meant to be female as a breakaway of Ontos' female aspect. It's weird how whenever people want to think that a character is non-binary they're always very feminine and never masculine in the slightest.
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Lanz is so lucky...
>Lanz inherit class from a autistic brat, a cute brat and old guy that act like a brat
Is Lanz a brat?
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>>Lanz inherit class from a autistic
Good morning saar!
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Look at how rapable Nia is
Future Redeemed is a massive vomiting up of all of the fanservice that 3's base game held back on, which I kind of respect them for doing.
FR definitely doesn't have the best story ever but it's pretty short and I found the fanservice and set-up for the future of the series pretty nice.
yeah okay ESLfag
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>Two Mias
Wanting a musou/warriors game for this franchise is a MEME wish only by fags that played hyrule warriors and nothing else.
There was that cutscene with the nerd from Colony Gamma or whatever Mio's home colony was at the start of the game wanting to get Lanz naked to study his Machina biology and the only ones having objections to this were Sena and Eunie, though they couldn't phrase WHY they didn't want to see Lanz naked.
Until she opens her mouth.
As a huge Xenoblade and Zelda myself, I played both Hyrule warrior, and while i think they are good games, i feel like i already had enough musouslop, so i hope they never release a xenoblade warriors...
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But her grandkid is a stacked catgirl
It would be in bad taste after Xenoblade 3.
>muh pacifist MC
Vinland Saga did it better
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Ugly art
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*great grand kid
Malos is the savior of the Ganglion and original pilot of the Vita as well as the Masketta Man that saved Lao (who reminds him of Jin), Mira is powered by Origin, L'ciruf is a quirky iteration of the Moebius program (Consul L), the Samaarians are survivors of the Xenosaga universe recurrence and the Ghosts are the ghosts of the Citizens' soul data trapped in Origin/Mira. The Nopons are the universe's white blood cells/antibodies.
When xenosaga?
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20 years ago
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Remember, they confirmed Malos was still alive after 2, was the Black Sword of thr End in 3 and is probably coming back for 4.
It's a very weird situation. The explanation Rex himself gave in the game confirmed that Alpha is male and A is female because Ontos acts as the arbiter for Pneuma and Logos, that's its job. Much like a Pyra and Mythra situation Ontos spawned two beings from its core. While the translation tried as hard as could to not call A her but every opportunity they called Alpha him when they are the same fucking being...
>very weird situation
>trannylators trying to stop blatant genders
There is nothing confusing about this. Fire those obstacle bearers.
I agree with you that trannylators are retarded but even with their trannylation the logic would be to also not call Alpha him but they did because he is evil so he has a gender I guess?
>My bird wife is now adorning my car and I've never been happier
Theres a telia hood ornament?
See, shit like this is why Takahashi is a bad writer and Xenoblade has bad writing. He's not smart enough to do what he wants. It seems clear to me that all of his works are based on what have to be his personal beliefs, something beyond the human realm of labels and genders, rebirth, that the soul is the true person, shit like that. Or at the least, it seems prevalent every time it gets brought up "how deep Xeno (as a whole) is". Using philosophers and belief systems as a basis like gnoticism or whatever - I'm not gonna pretend like I know who they are or what half the shit is. He's so enraptured with the idea of positivity and going beyond that he thinks these topics alone are worth being marveled purely based on principle, and that HIS understanding of it is good enough to be executed. But clearly it isn't.
Point being, if he was so insistent on Alpha and A being "separate" and "androgynous" or whatever, the characters would've said their names every time, or call them "it" or whatever. "That monster", "foolish god" or who knows what. He did the same for Juniper, but I suppose character gags are to be taken seriously for him.
So either Alpha does have a gender, or he just didn't commit to the bit. It's retarded to think about either way, this franchise blows. There's no point in crying about a wannabe creator's attempt at innovation, otherwise you'd be dying of dehydration because of Hitler.
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Will we get the hero version of this?
Xenoblade 3 was trying to tell a story beyond just some fantasy plot because fans didn't notice the messages 1 and 2 had, and the fans missed the point again. XC3 has exactly the message many nerds need to hear and it fell on deaf ears.
>errrmm akshually you just don't get it cuz it's 2deep4u
Are you a kojimafag by chance?
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Why was Nia's great granddaughter and Mio's granddaughter a cow instead of a cat?
I got like 30 hours into this game and then stopped playing it months ago. Should I just start a new game or pick up where I left off even though I don't remember half the shit I did?
keep going, but play through all the tutorials to refresh your memory on how the game works
Melia doesn't fit in her old outfit anymore
I haven't played it since like February. I started drinking a lot and lost interest in my hobbies and just started shitposting on here mostly
You sound like an alcoholic. Get help.
I pretty much am. It's hard to quit when life is so boring. I don't even like drinking, but it's fun and I can do it alone in my room easily, so I keep doing it. If I don't quit it will kill me eventually which sucks, so maybe I will quit. I don't know
Its bad just like the base game and the whole series.

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