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Why is manface so prevalent in western female character designs?
because american women look like right
I like it more in between. The right's eyes are cuter.
>culture known for shaving jaw uses tiny jawed anime women
>cries about culture that doesn't shave jaws not doing the same
You pretend to like women, but deep down in your heart, you're a fag.
they are both fugly
still not fat enough
not brown enough
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It's almost like women naturally have jaws and to get the gook look you literally need to shave bone off
Current western devs still go overboard on it though
I love all of them so fucking much.
I think its because they just face scan now instead of actually designing characters. Since most games are going for "realistic" aesthetics it's less work.
is it just 1 guy making the same thread?
what's his problem with westerners, bros?
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the color of the gooks skin is weirding me out.Same with those soulless black eyes it has
Both of these are fucking hideous...
Not true. You can find fit and healthy people in the liberal cities. Its a wealth thing.
Right doesn't look like a man, let alone like a human.
Female game designers can't cope with women accomplishing life goals before menopause.
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I see white boys are still in denial about their women having what they consider manjaws.
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Here's another one for ya.
left looks like it was put through multiple filters in Ulike
Women view female video game characters as competition to themselves
The only attractive one on there is Audrey Hepburn. Rest is sub-par
IRL women with strong jaws are actually much sexier than weak ones

of course modern woke DEI games have to give them ugly man jaws.
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It is what it is
>Why is manface so prevalent in western female character designs?
Because every woman in America is a man.
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Quite literally because tranoids will threaten to kill themselves if they make their video game women look like actual, real, female adult women.
The problem isn’t the jaw in a vacuum, it’s that they make the jaw as wide as the forehead (square face) instead of the forehead being wider than the jaw (heart face)
It’s extremely noticeable once you notice it; it’s not that there’s an epidemic of manjaws, it’s that there’s an avoidance of heart face.
trannies have infiltrated western media and want to feel represented
I would marry the right woman and let her birth and raise my kids who would actually look like me. Left girl probably doesnt even know english, would act very cold with me and would leave me after spending all my money on makeup clothes and plastic surgery
The right women does look like a real woman though. She's not idealized i agree but don't pretend a regular woman doesnt look more or less like that
Total Kike Death
One comes from a culture that deifies supermodel celebrities, and worships and glorifies beauty. The other comes from a culture that deifies inclusion, and considers compassion towards the underdog to be the highest virtue. Both of these philosophies aren't inherently bad, and can be good in the right time and place. On one extreme you have segments where you play as a deaf black side character to a side character, and on the other extreme you have (ironically I don't believe Stellar Blade is guilty of this) a shallow empty waifu collector with the most barebones JRPG gameplay. There is a happy middle ground, but we are living in a period of extremism, so finding those is becoming a rare thing.
>he thinks right wouldn't do the same as what he imagines left would do
Damn son! Have you ever even met a female?
right looks hotter
They should kiss each other
>real women -ACK
stopped reading there. videogames aren't real and don't have to limit themselves by what's real
Maciej Nowicki and Eve, perfect relationship, artificial hyperintelligence
>Get facescan from outsourcing studio
>It's just static and basically a point cloud, so you send it to an Indian outsourcing studio
>indian outsourcing studio uses a community tool for making Oblivion mods to load the face model into ye olde Oblivion character creator and exports the result
>Get asset back and tell devs to ship it
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Hollywood kikes started pushing the manjaw look with Jolie. These 'women' are handpicked by homosexual Jews. You are a faggot if you are attracted to them.
kek, the west really is that absurd. its now canon in my mind all manfaces be coming from one pajeeti contractor using oblivion modding tools
And no one can say "this is shit" due to not wanting to offend the face actress, the pajeet or generally feeling disempowered to speak in favor of upholding beauty standards. this is my new favorite conspiracy theory
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Also, it's the same reason why fashion models have manfaces/look weird. They're just androgynous sticks meant to wear clothes. Fashion designers are faggots 99% of the time.
Serious question. If manface is so prevalent in western games why do I only see the same two or three examples of it in every thread like this?
Post a woman from a western game released this year without it.
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>The only attractive one there is Audrey Hepburn. The rest is sub-par
I want a sizeable jaw. Not a wide as a boat German woman size one nor a plastic shaved off 80% of my jaw ayy lmao doll look. I think several games from both hemispheres have it for example DoA girls and Lara Croft are good looking ones.
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Too easy
Accurate ngl.
It's always Balloon head ayy lmao vs Quagmire's dad in these.
>whites are the most tranny race
>their women look like men
Both are awful, deformed freaks
I don’t even know what’s come out this year. I’m asking if it’s EVERY character why do you only post three examples? Why wouldn’t you do a different girl every thread.
I accept your concession.
Shaved gook jaws are just as ugly and unnatural as huge manjaws on women, including in gayming
eve looks ugly here wtf
because he gets free (You)s from retards like (You)
Yes, why have women in videogames at all.
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The tranny fears the neotenic woman. Lying to yourself and calling it 'alien' when it's just what babies look like. You have a fear of youth because of being buckbroken by feminism.
>ask for an example
>person does not post a single example
>claims victory
There’s so concession accepting but I don’t think it’s going in the direction you think it is.
“She’s not an alien! She just looks like a little baby with an adult’s body!”
I want to fuck lolis, not babies, you fucking freak
Perfect relationship. Eve, wife of Maciej Nowicki
This Pedophile freak lacks the self-awareness to realize what they've just said
These guys want to rid the entire gene pool of any trace of testosterone and then wonder why there are so many trannys
I acceot your concession and failure of my impossible challenge >>683700614

her jaw is quite wide idk
Whitoid faces freak me out. White men look like inbred monsters and white women look like mutant goblins. Meanwhile you guys cry about darker skinned people, Asians or Jews for looking better than you. Imagine genuinely liking playing as Seuna from Hellblade or Aloy from Horizon. They're apparently both an 8/10 in the West.
Women cover your gd foreheads
I genuinely can't think of a single western game released this year with a woman in it
I would never fuck a jew tho.
If you had an iota of testosterone in your body you wouldn't care what videogame women look like
Both extremes are fucking disgusting. I'm fucking tired of extremists ruining everything. I just want truly beautiful women in my games created by people by people that have soul and passion.
fertilephobia has no place in this community, please remove yourself
Right is a grown jewish man.
funny how all the self proclaimed corporate haters always rush in to defend their favourite corporations when they get criticized
You mean you failed my impossible challenge? I don’t accept your concession anymore. Give me more examples. Post ‘em.
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Because tikkun olam jews want to erase the differences between the sexes, and are complete retards who think that if they actually succeed at complete global homogenization and gaslight everyone into thinking there never were any distinctions in the past, it will help cause the metaphysical big crunch and return the universe to the singularity (Adam Kadmon) before it reflected upon itself and fractured into the universe as we know it.
I'm not joking. This is what they actually believe.
>prime jennifer connelly
muh fucking dick
Incels just have no taste and want to fuck anything that looks like AI porn at this point.
You in the wrong thread? No one has talked about corporations at all in here.
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Suspicious lack of Anya taylor joy as she appeared in The Witch
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I like mines with balance. Man jaws and generic anime girls don't do it for me.
You want me to post every western female to prove by exaustion what you could disprove by a single counterexample? Curious.
You're an incel. Nobody wants to have sex with you. Not even other disgusting whitoid women.
I like mines with an ace of spades tattoo and carrying a mixed-race child
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>mutt so mindbroken by manjaw posts he had to compile a list of ugly women to "prove" it wrong
actually hilarious
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>making the character less femine, than the real female it based on was
delusion cope
That's a well proportioned one except the eyes.
It's actually a grown white woman.
It's only white people pushing the tranny agenda.
She started a mukbang channel between games.
I'm sure you don't care at all and are overflowing with it, troon
You don’t have to post every girl, just examples that aren’t posted on this board every day. Should be easy because it’s every girl, right? I mean it seemed like it would be quick and easy when I asked but you got defensive about it immediately which I didn’t expect.
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>Whitoid so mind broken by manly white women, all he can do is post a meme

Your women look like men.
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>he's replying to himself
brownoids are weird
I don't care, beyond being entertained by hideous incels crying about digital women
Your premise is just wrong, every manface character does get posted and dunked on.
please im not an incel I had sex once

with ur fkn mom lol
It makes them look like uncanny aliens
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Nah. She's just as disgusting IRL.
Ewww, shave that thing.
both old hags, not interested at all
I also don't care at all and do it for the same reason, sister
So you are saying that my challenge was indeed impossible. Ok.
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FBI here. Noted.
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Why is ayy lmao plastic face so prevalent in eastern female character designs?

Right looks like a woman at least.
Both look grotesque and inhuman
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They hate beauty and they want to change "beauty standards". It's all ideological.

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Blonde girl brutally fogged the uncanny plastic human doll.
Western cultures biggest fear is teen pregnancy. So they try to ever living fuck, sweep horny interactions under the rug
Cool I'll take mine extra small, white, red hair and extra fertile thanks
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this is just realistic you absolute fucking CHUD
You know what I don't get? Why is it between fake doll plastic and realistic ugly?

Why can't games just pick the most beautiful specimen real human genetics can produce at prime age, maybe enhance some traits by 10% and call it a day?
I always thought she was odd looking. Jews pulled a massive psyop by trying to convince everyone that she was a beautiful woman. Her kids are even uglier than she is. Not surprised one of them trooned out.
I don't understand why she was re-designed either. Maybe to not "offend" people but who the fuck knows why they would be
She looks fine
This pic isn’t fair. The blonde one is clearly a barely passing trannoid.
now you're asking the right questions
gigachad radical centrists realise that leftoid feminists and bible bashing puritan conservitards are both equally evil
Explain to me why many white men fly to SEA countries to get a wife.
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They make them ugly on purpose to avoid hurting the feelings of ugly women and looney troonies
Because the self-described """woke""" artists actually hate women.
>being attracted to women
>a faggot
You aren't a bright one, are ya?
Cause men would like it and it would anger feminist women and "women"
>in the liberal cities.
lol and the other 99% is a blue haired hambeast or dysgenic freak
She was beautiful at her prime age, around Tomb Raider film. Especially because she has a really unique face is what made her beauty stand out. The only psyop is to pretend women don't drastically fall off out of prime age.
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are chuds pretending that sydney sweeney is ugly now?
from 2010 onward is really grim
Because it looks good
I never liked white women, I was born with yellow fever
Nah, never saw the appeal. Not even during the Tomb Raider days. Brad Pitt was a retard leaving Jennifer Aniston for Troongelina. I bet he’d be happier and would have better looking kids if he had stayed with her.
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According to western devs, goddesses like picrel do not exist.
That's what you get when you have a bunch of seething jealous talentless trannies and niggers calling the shots.
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>Jennifer Aniston
At least you finally expose yourself, tranny.
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>should we shoot her from an angle that makes her look feminine?
>what a silly question, you know the agenda
>find the worst angle and make her look like a man
I like square jaws as long as it doesn't belong to a horse faced woman.
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Westerners love realistic faces!!!
Make realistic models ugly too.
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>retards now realize white women have manjaws
right looks like a normal IRL white women.
Imagine how masculine the son would look if a chad decided to fuck her
she looks like a baki character in that photo lol
Friends era Aniston easily mogs Troongelina. Interesting that you didn’t use a pic of her from her younger days. I wonder why?
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>retards now realize white women have manjaws
Incorrect beta, Mongoloids have big and broad jaws, Caucasoids have average ones, this is human physical anthropology 101.

Unfortunately you don't know it because bugpeople celebrities chop half of it off. lol
Brad Pitt needed to fuck someone that has completely neutral features so that his godlike genetics get passed on completely. Mixing strong features + strong features always produces shit. You need either strong + neutral or too strong + counter.
Aniston literally always had a very defined manjaw, even during her prime. I also used an unflattering picture because the same was done for Angelina. Absolutely retarded to cry about this.
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she is
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White angels, the most womanly and feminine race.
That's disgusting
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I hate all women of all races for denying me sex
>says caucasoid instead of just white
Hey look, it’s that Arab shitskin that wants white women to notice him really badly. I don’t know why you take part in these debates? Arabs are subhuman compared to both whites and asians. you’re borderline pajeet tier and horribly inbred.
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The greatest feature of the Caucasian race is how many unique looking specimen it can produce. It has the most variation in literally everything. That also means it can produce ex-ordinary ugly people as well.

Sure, if you put asian beauty as your ideal and never get tired of it then asians are superb. But for people with god tier taste who will rather have 20 amazing beauties that all look distinct nothing tops caucasians.
Cringe. I can smell your brown people odor through my monitor. No actual white man would ever refer to his women as “angels”. Have sex.
The only good looking caucasians are white people though. Arabs Jews and pajeets are almost abo tier ugly and should be counted as a different race. Anyone using caucasian over white is probably a shitskin trying to fit in with the master race.
I like happas better.
White people means Caucasian. I know what you're referring to though. You mean white people as in /pol/ incel terminology for "white people I deem as good representatives for my race despite being an ugly neckbeard".
I don't understand this joke. Is it just one schizo constantly posting it?
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>Hey look, it’s that Arab
No idea of what you're talking about, I'm not an Arap.
Haha, I'm less "shitskinned" than half of South European "whites". lol

Brown skin is more masculine and virile than pale and light skin though, suits males more, fortunately I can tan naturally pretty well, unlike so many North Europeans.

>that wants white women to notice him really badly.
I don't care about anyone noticing me in particular, my latest ex-girlfriend was literally half-Moroccan. Although I have to admit my other girlfriends were all of European heritage, which isn't synonymous for white.

>I don’t know why you take part in these debates? Arabs are subhuman compared to both whites and asians. you’re borderline pajeet tier and horribly inbred.
I'm neither an Arap, nor an Indian, so I don't know what to say about this schizo babble.

>Caucasian race
There's no such thing as "Caucasian race", even Europeans are not a single race, let alone "Caucasians" that range from Africa to India.
Not going to lie, side profile is kinda shit.
They're more like awful bipolar succubi. They literally have sex with everything, and everyone.
You can easily tell the posters whose experience with women is limited to kpop and jav
So like literally all women except for my mother.
While all whites are caucasian not all caucasians are white. A lot of shitskins like Arabs and jeets try to latch on to our accomplishments and beauty by trying to claim that they’re the same race as us. Caucasian is a retarded outdated term that needs to be retired. You’re either white or you’re subhuman. Period.
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White women are angels though.
All that matters is being attractive looking. Statements like yours are almost always made by ugly people whose opinion just doesn't matter.
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>They're more like awful bipolar succubi.
White women have the best faces, bodies, AND personalities.

I have no idea of what you're talking about.
Are you the brown guy from /int/ who is obsessed with white women because he lives in a third-world country and cant fuck one?
Yeah it's a pajeet.
It's quite funny that this is a perfect description for people on this site that are into asians.
>bogged to hell
Kek, brownoids have the absolute worst taste in white women. Jesus Christ. I don’t blame you, though. I’d love white women too if all I had was fugly ass arab and jeet women. You’re not fooling anyone, Achmed.
Yeah, he’s an Arab schizo who is obsessed with white women and seethes overa asian women. he spams in every single one of these threads. He’s been banned multiple times but always comes back. He’s genuinely one of the most mentally ill posters on 4chan.
What makes a woman beautiful for a man is a little spice called love :)
Yup, knew it was him.
Are you the same guy?
Most white countries posters with euro flags on /int/ love black chicks or latinas for some reason. White girl chasers and posters come from Bangladesh or Saudi Arabia for some reason.
>offend people
They are not people. They are an it.
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>Are you the brown guy from /int/ who is obsessed with white women because he lives in a third-world country and cant fuck one?
Probably not, since I'm not brown and I have no issues to fuck women regardless of race.

I did learn to call white women "angels" with /int/ posters though.

I'm Lebanese actually, I look similar Dani Carvajal (off-white looks), but uglier.
I tried to spread the news about their love but got banned, so probably yes.
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>love black chicks
>for some reason.
it's called having refined taste
Also correct
ALSO correct
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>Most white countries posters with euro flags on /int/ love black chicks or latinas for some reason
>for some reason
They're desperate and need to cope with women with lesser sexual value.
I never understood the manjaw meme. Right is just ugly, it has nothing to do with the jaw.
>Quite literally because tranoids will threaten to kill themselves if they make their video game women look like actual, real, female adult women.
Good. More cuties and less trannies. Win win.
Yeah what the fuck they're all disgusting.
Kazakhstan save us
>ass and hips too square
into the trash
>I’m not brown
>I’m lebanese
LOL. I knew it was some delusional shitskin. Every time you see someone white knighting over white women on this site it’s either an Abdul or a Pajeet. No wonder he uses “caucasian” instead of just “white”.
>I'm Lebanese actually
Whatever, you're brown and you're not exposed to white roastoids. Which is why you idealize them.
>all eye colors except for dark brown and all hair colors except for black are 99% exclusive to white people
>muh jaw cope
Fucking lmao.
You forgot mixed race.
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>I never understood the manjaw meme
Beta males that look like Michael Cera.

I even ignored this >>683709514 poster here, because I have no issues with women with square (proper developed) jaws, unlike the yellow fever beta males who obsess over plastic Korean women with trimmed jaws.
The attractive ones are honorary white. The ugly ones are ugly mutts. Simple as.
Wow literally a blockhead
At least she looks like an actual woman thoughbeit, just a retarded one
>I even ignored
>gives him a (you)
I see you’re putting that sub 80 Arab IQ to work.
What's with her dead fish eyes? Looks like a goat.
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As a guy who somehow saw shit-tons concept art well before the game was ever announced and was giddy with excitement I feel such loss.
>Looks like a goat.
That's the reason why that Mohammad likes her.
>I’m Lebanese actually
Gonna screencap that post for the next time he starts spamming. The absolute state of brown “people”.
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Beta, I have literally posted my skin colour: https://arch.b4k.co/v/search/image/FnuXQGZmJlP2IOjwI4LQ6A/

I have been to South Italy (for example) and I literally looked lighter and whiter than over 50% of the people there. lol

Not that I care about this "race" (race doesn't exist among the Homo s. sapiens subspecies though) obsession Europeans and their American spawn have though.

>you're not exposed to white roastoids.
I'm a EU citizen sweetie.
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There we go. Feel free to remind him of his subhumaness and brown people simpery every time he starts up with his “angels” faggotry.
>I'm a EU citizen sweetie.
You will never be European. You're an equivalent of a chincel weeb that moved to Japan because he worships Jpop whores. You're already brainwashed.
White females(males feminine) make the best partners according to Nordic posters.
>being proud of having lighter skin than the biggest shitskins in Europe
Southern Italians are borderline arabs. No wonder you blended in. The absolute state of camel jockeys. Seriously, though, get the fuck out of Europe. You don’t belong here and you’re the reason why everything is going to shit.
>le rotten women they only care about looks and big cocks
>meanwhile this thread is what men discuss on the daily
>for some reason
Pretty simple. Indian and Arab women are mostly ugly af. They lust after what they can never have. It must kill them to know that white women see them as “creepy” and unfuckable.
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>I-I will remember him... e-even though he says what he is all the time!

>brown people
You know what's funny whiteboi?Shitalians, Iberberians and Greeks lowered the "white" standards so much, even actual white-looking people like North French people think I'm white because I blend in with an average Iberian and look whiter than average person from Sicily. lol

>You will never be European.
Yes? I'm a EU citizen, but I'm not a European, I'm a West Asian.
You have criminally dogshit taste. Stop posting.
kek Audrey Hepburn is the only one without a manjaw
>all that plastic
i swear you’re the brown version of kpop spammer fags. kys you stupid dune coon.
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Indian women indeed have lower than average beauty, I would rank them the same as Black (excluding Horner "Blacks", who are prettier) and Asian (Yellow) women.
>and Arab women
Moot point, the only real Araps are from the Arabian Peninsula and no knows what they look like because they're all covered due to their disgusting religion.

"Arab" women from the Maghreb (aka arabised Berbers) are some of the prettiest women in this world, although still not as good as white angels.
Yeah, that's you whan they looks like something a normal person would like, troon
"fine" is 10% of what a character should look like
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instead, they limit themselves by by whatever anime slop looks like
me on the right
>the only two choices are child head on hot body or man face on walled body
This is the worst timeline for men who just want attractive women who aren't caricatures or ugly.
Why is shaved jaw plastic surgery nightmare so popular in Korea
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Why do you keep posting this ancient render of Eve that doesn't reflect the final game at all?
Incels think this is a manjaw
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>You have criminally dogshit taste.
I have the best tastes in this thread, noticr how I don't have yellow fever. Funnily enough, even though I consider borealised white angels very attractive, I actually prefer women like this (South Italian, a "white" in the USA, even though she looks browner than me lol).

Imo, the best-looking women are borealised white angels (like many Scandinavians, Balts and East Slavs), woggish Med angels (like many South Italians, Sardinians, Greeks, Turks) and North African Berbers.
>Stop posting.
These threads have to be the biggest incel bait on this entire site. You can just feel the “looksmaxing” faggotry and mental illness. I bet every single poster on here has an account on looksmax and that one incels forum. I genuinely feel sorry for all of you and hope that you manage to have sex someday.
Most nafris look like borderline niggers to me. I don’t see the appeal at all.
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fucking anvil
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Manjaw is the thing that makes you dysphoric in your mirror
All that bullshit in defense of ugly female characters.
Touch grass and have sex, freakshow, if you can
Probably because this dead-eyed mouth breather isn't much better.
And yet, mysteriously, you don't post it.
>first thing in her mind is niggers
why are white woman like this?
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You're a fag/low t. High t men are attracted to women with feminine faces.
who is this she looks familiar
I sometimes wonder what it must be like to be an alien disconnected from reality and humanity. They're literally considered among the most attractive women of the years listed.
because gookland totally 10000% percent isn't an american vassal state and is le bazed trad anti-sjw anti-woke utopia but also please join the moon cult and sign up for mandatory military service because you are an evil moid ok
Wake me up when the East can make proper older women
Korean women exist in America idk why you act like they’re mythical creatures
You can peruse tik tok and find lots of cute girls there that don't have manjaws and are plenty neotenous, shit, you can just go outside and find lots of cute girls that are hotter than these ugly bitches. I don't care whatever meme woman Jewllywood is pushing, there is no way anyone takes this shit seriously, fucking Zendaya? I could go to Latin America and find within the slums several mutts more attractive than this ugly whore, fuck off. The only good one there is Connelly who only looked attractive in that one movie where she had massive tits.
>be Sony
>constantly self sabotage
>still have waifu of the generation
How the hell does this keep happening?
white women mogged so hard
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It will take one of the models to get dysphoria and kill themselves to change this
We will only buy eastern games. Stop making these pig ugly fatties!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I don't know. But that gooks on the left doesn't look much better.
and not at the 0.1% they occupy in the population
which should be 0% because it's an ineffective treatment for the underlying disorder. this has been known since at least 2013
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>Most nafris look like borderline niggers to me. I don’t see the appeal at all.
Incorrect, but then again Americans (and other americanised Westerners) call even people like Halsey and Adriana Lima "black" women, their blacks can be so diluted they don't even know what actual blacks look like. Good-looking black woman = Anok Yai, not Adriana Lima, the latter is merely a light brown woman with 25% black genes at best LARPing.

Outside a minority who mixed a lot during the Arap Slave Trade, Amazigh and Nafri "Arabs" look mostly Caucasoid, but with an African stain. Negroes actually have a very good feature: fuller lips, so a Caucasoid with minor SSA might not be a bad thing if they luck out with their genes. Pic related woman, a gorgeous Tunisian "Arab" is just a more exotic version of this Mediterranean angel >>683713802

It's incredible how yellow fever beta males have the most cookie-cutter tastes a man can have.
Anime characters are literally based on European features dumbass.
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>>whites are the most tranny race
"Whites" (don't exist as a race) are the most autogynephilic "race", not necessarily the most tranny one.

There's a lot of black and asian (not races either, but I'll keep it simple) trannies, the difference is that black and asian (like the kathoey) trannies are usually former gay men, among whites it's the straight males who troon out and want to become women to become lesbians.

>>their women look like men
Incorrect, white angels are the most feminine women, white features (which isn't exclusive to what you would call white people) are feminine-leaning.

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