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>Is easily the most atmospheric Batman game (hanging out in the batcave with Alfred is peak comfy kino, no other game comes close)
>Best interpretation of Batman (I love Conroy in BTAS but Batgod is cringe, which is what the Arkham games except for Origins fall into so readily)
>Best boss fights in the series, though what constitutes a boss fight for Arkhamfags is so inconsistent, because they consider the Scarecrow sections in AA to be "boss fights"
>Best DLC in the series (I'll never forget how sore I was waiting for Arkham City GOTY and it turned out Harley Quinn's Revenge sucked ass)
>Actually has a good version of Bane unlike the dumpster fires in AA and AC
>"Oh but they shouldn't have wasted time on multiplayer!"
>I have more hours in Arkham Origins than some games that are just purely multiplayer and I'd still be playing it if more people could access it and I've genuinely thought of picking up the 360/PS3 versions just to play it again (Yes I know there are mods that fix it but it's not the same)

Having just played Arkham Knight and it's DLCs, it's clear to me now that THIS is the best Arkham game and anyone who would say it's AA is a nostalgiafag (oooh it's da best because it's like a SHITTY metroidvania, so epic) and anyone who would say AC is coping degenerate Rocksteady tard. I have more sympathy for AK fanboys because they probably really like racing. (And I did too)

I genuinely wish Arkham Origins was the first Arkham game, because imagine the absolute bangers the series would have by now if it was, instead of embarrassing shit like the Deathstroke """fight""" in Knight.
kill yourself schizo spammer
Why the fuck you cryin'
I remember playing this jank thinking it seemed like a shitty city mod made by fans. The final laugh was a boss fight which got itself into a game breaking loop.

What a huge pile of horse shit. Do yourselves a favour and avoid this crap.
>bros bros bros titan joker is a hella freakin' epic final boss
why'd they call it an arkham game when it had nothing to do with any of the previous games
??? It's literally a prequel game that accounts for the bad ideas in the core Arkham games (like making Bane a giant retard)
Oh I just realised you hadn't played it, but yes it's a prequel and it's unironically the best Arkham game. Play it when it and the Freeze DLC are on sale. (Or pirate it)
Cityfags stay deluded and losing
I did play it, I just forgot about it.
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>steamies post potos of their drm botnet instead of ingame screenshots

It's the only soulful Batman game
Asylumfags and Cityfags will NEVER have sex
127 hours doesn't seem like a lot for a game you really, really enjoyed.
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>Trying to do "MUH HOURS"

Is there anything you retards won't "muh"?

I think Dark Souls 1 is a better game than Origins and the whole Arkham series, yet I have less hours in it than AO

Unironically touch grass
Why wouldn't I talk about "muh hours" if OP thought of it as important enough to include it in his pic?

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