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It's getting delayed, isn't it?
I got hundreds of games to play, I'm happy with a delay if it makes the game better. A delayed game is eventually good and all that
For some reason, people tend to forget the absolutely disastrous state of 1 at launch
Delays tend to mean the game is at a base level, catastrophically cross wired; there is no fixing it. It will release as a janky mess no matter how much time in the oven it gets but the longer they mess with things that were designed to work in harmony with other components, it will get worse.
who cares, they fucked it up,by simplifying the combat. by appealing to a "wider" audience, they have now lost the o.g. hardcore audience that put them on the map, to begin with. shame on them. shame!
combat was always simple. high skill rank = win. all that business about directional blocking is an illusion
combat in KCD 1 kinda sucks. when it works it works well but most of the time it just boils down to "press Q to win" because attacking puts you at risk of being master striked. yes you can fix it with mods but that's irrelevant. games shouldn't have to be modded to be good.
No Theresa, no buy!
im sad the graphics in 2 don't look nearly as groundbreaking as the graphics were when 1 came out.
>high strength grapple
>push enemy
>downward strike to the head

That's 95% of the combat after 15 hours.
>A delayed game is eventually good and all that
Maybe back then, but now in today's industry they're basically telling us that they are fucked and are scrambling to fix as much before the inevitable shitstorm thanks to the execs forceful hand.
The game straight up lies to you in making you think the combat is skillbased while it's actually a statbased numbers game based on level and equipment.
Fuck off casualfag no one's talking to you
You can fuck off, too!
Nobody played KCD for the gameplay
>people tend to forget the absolutely disastrous state of 1 at launch
Worked on my machine. I hope you don't mean the consolebabbies crying about lockpicking and people getting filtered by schnapps.
Why are you like this? People present a true counter argument and this causes your brain to go into animal mode?
Possibly, we're in the second half of the year and there is no release date available. I'd rather have them take their time to polish the game first rather than hastily release it out there.
it needed a lot of polish and reworking enemy ai
also doing something about when fighting more than 1 enemy
I gave up on learning the combat in 1 and just grugged my way through with high strength and hitting people in the head with a mace

it worked wonderfully
i bet they are adding darkies and trans
watch them make the game more diverse by including Frenchmen and Russians and going "well that was pretty diverse for that day and age"
Because either things are dumbed down, or they're not. It's just that simple. And the combat in kcd2 has been dumbed dow, that's a fucking fact! A whole directional-point has been removed! That's dumbing down the combat! Sorfy, but it's just that simple. Kcd2 has been made for the casual fans, not the original fans!
>no actual gameplay is out yet
>they ruined it!!!!
as long as the protag looks like a retard i wont be playing these games

they had a design originally where he didn't look like a huge faggot and i dont know why they changed it
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Remember when people were defending this troon "SxyBiscuit" and saying he was based?
Funny how he came out and demanded that Warhorse add blacks and diversity to KCD2. So much for your "based" tranny.
>Remember when people were defending this troon "SxyBiscuit" and saying he was based?
I don't
They won't add anything that makes no sense because Vavra is still the director. They can't even add Jews despite Vavra wanting to because they only lived in a designated quarter in Prague and 1389 there was a pogrom which made most of them fuck off to Poland.
I played it years after release and it still had a ton of bugs, even mission-breaking ones, and I imagine that the situation was much worse at launch
I ended up loving goofy henry tbqh
Your queen
thats a man tho
You really want that don't you? It's like you're begging for it.
how sandboxy is the original? and more specifically, how sandboxy/interactive are the NPCs/AI?

I read it has the soul of Oblivion but just never got around to playing it myself.
There's no character creation so idk about having the soul of oblivion
The combat sucks too, unironically takes 10 hours just to become somewhat threatening to your average overworld mook
which of course, is because you start out with no combat training and the overworld "mooks" are trained soldiers

you're getting the peasant vs soldier experience at first until you train up
They changed it because they changed Henry's age to be like 14(but still in a man's body so they could release the game in yurop). Henry looks weird because he's got a kid's head on a man's body.
Your future wife
Delayed to fix the lack of black trans knights that historically lived in bohemia at the time
No? They changed it to look like the guy that voice acts Henry, you dweeb, he in no way looks 14
meant for
Ok, 15. jeez.
Delayed to when? It has no specific release date yet
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you people don't realize if Vávra says something, he won't take it back, so if he says it releases this year it WILL release this year, besides the game is definitely gonna have an announcement about the release date at Gamescoms since it is in Europe and right beside the devs's country.
God, what an absolute trash thread.
I think it's about time we admited that KCD - a franchise firmly standing between AA and AAA gaming, is literally WAY too niche and obscure for what /v/ is today.
It's just not mainstream enough. To be discussed. On fucking /v/.
That is how low this board has fallen, and that is just fucking depressing.
the threads are usually fine but from a certain point in time ( discord ahem ahem ) some threads become a shitfest thanks to certain individuals
at least there will be some comfy threads when the game comes out, but yeah this board only loves AAA slop and visual novels
its not dumbed down. i said so.
of course its not gonna look as good, KCD was in Cryengine, that shit is literally eye candy
Every single thread I've seen in the last four months has been trash, or died before reaching 50 posts, or both.

I do not fucking believe discussing the game is in any way possible for now. We might have a short resurgence when it's out, but we all know that it's going to be a a shitshow as well, because really, the release will just generate the impression that you can crave out some anger-engagement for the shitposters who don't actually play weird nerdy shit anyway.

There really is nothing left of this fucking place, is there?
but 2 is also in CryEngine, newer version of it even and objectively it looks better even if not by that much.
>KCD was in Cryengine, that shit is literally eye candy
So is KCD2. It's the exact same engine. Which is not a good thing, by the way. And of course, it does not look as impressive (relatively speaking) - it's the same engine, but 6 years later. And that engine was frankly, already pretty fucking old back when KCD1 came out.

According to Vávra, the game really "only" made major technological improvements (visuals-wise) in three areas:
Better lighting, "drastically" better facial animations, and - most importantly, or most worryingly depending on how your hardware is - the sheer density of content. As Vávra put it - "it does not look dramatically different (aside from those facial animations), but the sheer amount of stuff happening on screen is much higher. This being vital for the Kuttenberg specifically, as the density of both clutter and NPC's there is several times higher than in the most demanding scenes in KCD1.

Which honestly, worries me. Because I do remember how KCD1's performance tended to massively dip in Rattay, and now we are supposed to have a town about 5x as big and about 4 times as dense... performance is in general what worries me most about KCD2, personally.
henry and hans are both around 15, they're both described as almost of age
it just seems stupid because they're just played by guys in their mid 30s
Same, I'm worried about another Dragon's Sigma 2 situation. CryEngine is famously badly optimized and even KCD1 is still pretty hard capped by CPU performance
performance is already looking good since Vávra has shown the Main Menu of KCD2 with FPS numbers enabled and it had around 400 fps in there alone, in comparion the first game had on average 70 fps in its main menu, you also have to take into account it was their first experience with CryEngine.
>Henry is 15 years old
Have you seen the facial hair options in this game? There's no way a 15 year old of Central European descent can have facial hair like that.
It was a different time
>henry and hans are both around 15, they're both described as almost of age
Hans is 20 or 21 in KCD.
Hendry's age is never explicitly revealed, but it's safe to assume he is around 18-20.
Neither of them are "of age" because there actually was no formally agreed upon definition of "being of age" in that era, but in general, men would be considered adults between 22 and 25, around that age. People both physiologically matured slower, and the idea where mental maturity was achieved was much higher than it is today, contrary to what most people think.
Fun fact. Real world Hendry was actually married in 1403, and had his first child born in 1404. Never mind the Czech Wiki by the way, the statement that Hendry was born in 1388 is straight up wrong.

>Same, I'm worried about another Dragon's Sigma 2 situation.
I didn't really follow the DD2 situation, but yeah, Cryengine is garbage. I don't fucking blame the people nearly cancelling the sequel outright just to avoid tackling the engine.

>performance is already looking good since Vávra has shown the Main Menu of KCD2 with FPS numbers enabled and it had around 400 fps in there alone
I don't think that is really that reassuring. I also know a guy who worked as a QA on the game and performance was a major problem.
Now - there is absolutely no reason to panic yet, because optimization is something that is most heavily worked on in the very final stages of development, and the build he played was good 10 months away from shipping - it would be completely bizzarre if it WAS optimized well. But... it does tell me that the one screen Vávra shared isn't telling us what you think it is, and performance does remain my biggest worry.
>It was a different time
True, but the other way around. Kids looked a lot younger than they do today, puberty was significantly delayed to what it is today. Even more so for girls, but boys also did physically develop slower.

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