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I just uninstalled soul calibur 6
Don’t care plus didn’t ask
tits too small, i'd uninstall as well
I only played it for a few hours
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Get some friends, tell it to them, fag
lizard property
What didn't you like about it? As someone who's played the older games first (3 was my first one but I also played the previous ones later on), I can tell you that there are a lot of things I dislike about this game.
I did not uninstall soul calibur 6
sc2 was the last good game in the series. No real point playing sc6. The story has already been told.
I did not uninstall my DODI repack either.
Who are you quoting
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I want to actually learn how to play it but the game has only walls of text and 100+ long movelists instead of any proper trials or tutorial
I don't have the patience to google search how to play a fucking game
A lot of people fell for SC nostalgiafagging. You are not alone.
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ackshually sc3 in a version with the save corruption glitch fixed (pal or ntsc-j v2.0) is the best game in terms of single-player content and would have been a satisfying conclusion to the plot if they just made siegfried's ending canon.
Just play the arcade mode on insreasing levels of difficulty and experiment. I'm pretty sure that's how I learned back in the day. Also I'm pretty sure the tutorial is in the Libra of Souls mode.
I don't want to do that
I want to know what's fundamentally possible in the game
I don't even know if the game has quarter circles or other universal motions like 2d fighters and it doesn't fucking tell me anything and the online is horrible so I uninstalled
what game is she from?
>I just uninstalled soul calibur 6
Yeah. Tits too small
It's like tek
Every direction+button combo produces a move
nta but i didn't like the crush counters or whatever they were called
big bonkers are disadvantegous when pugilizing
yooooo but they added hwang after 20 something years, with his own moveset for once. and before you ask...yes Yung seong is a faggot and is not a proppee hwang replacement.
Tekken Tag Tournament.
You can see the full move list in the practice mode, man. If there's a quarter-circle input, it's bound to be there. They aren't as common as in SF for example. The Alexandra girls and Siegfried have a few. Literally just play and experiment. Why do you zoomers need your hand to be held all of the time?

Reversal Edge? Yep, it's one of the worst mechanics that ever made its way to the series and not because it's easy to abuse but because doing so slows the gameplay down several times.
Hwang was also in 3 as a bonus character. As was Li Long, as a matter of fact. That's the only other game with Li Long except Soul Edge.
Cool, I just "installed" Soul Calibur 2 (all 3 versions) with a game save so my friends and I can play as spawn and link. Heihachi is for Tekken only.
I've never played Tekken specifically because of this convoluted bullshit
I don't even know what the universal mechanics are
if the best the game can do is dump a fucking encyclopedia on me I'm not playing it
>Tekken Fag Tournament
Fuck Tekken and fuck Harada.
Do you think the games gave you anything more than written instructions on how to play if you walked into an arcade in 1990s?
Should I play it if I'm not a fighting game autist?
skill issue
>Every direction+button combo produces a move
But if you move in a certain direction instead of simply holding the direction together with the attack button, it's going to give you a different attack. It's called 8-Way Run and has been a staple feature of the series ever since the first SoulCalibur. You can also enter the run state immediately by pressing a direction quickly twice.
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You should play SC1 first because it's more soulful than 6.
>What if the holy sword was... le evil?
Thanks IV.
Yeah sure, SC is one of the more casual friendly fighting games. Soul Calibur 6 is admittedly kind of bare bones beyond the character creator. I'd reccomend SC2, or maybe SC3.
well, it is a 6 year old game. understandable.
The worst thing is not that plot point in of itself but the fact that they introduced it too late. Soul Calibur (the sword) spends the entirety of II in Astral Chaos and then the entirety of III in Soul Embrace together with Soul Edge and it would make sense if it turned evil after that because of corruption by the latter (like Inferno always always wanted to do evr since SC1). The problem is that there is not a single indication of it happening outside of some really obscure references that could only really be taken as hints if you know the full story. Also apparently Soul Calibur was always evil. But that doesn't make sense. Because Soul Calibur being forged by Algol from a shard of Soul Edge contradicts what's in Olcadan's profile in III, which says BOTH of them were normal swords at one point.
>t. the only person who cares about SoulCalibur's story
Soul Calibur needs an RPG game
Perfect tit size for BWC
I haven't played a SC game since 4 but I still fap to the girls
no one gives a fuck about the arcades or their retarded archaic bullshit
Here's the thing: RPGs are boring. I really love how SoulCalibur has fast-paced action-oriented gameplay in a jRPG-like setting because it's the best of both worlds for me. But apparently that's very rarely done for a reason and the death of this series is the proof.
I just bought it and all the dlc on sale last year
and then only played it a few hours
How is the online nowdays?
Maybe I'm buying it the next sale.
the pal version doesn't have the save glitch fixed
>t. europoor
And that's a big mistake because Namco were the MASTERS of arcade design back in the day. Nintendo practically made their brand by stealing ideas from them. Arcades dying made gaming MUCH worse down the line. Harada agrees with me. In that blogpost about SC he said that good gameplay mechanics now matters leas than the ability to market the game and get people to buy it in the first place and it's all because people can't rent a game for low cost for a couple of minutes to check it out because the arcades are dead.
Nah, just bring back 3's Chronicles of the Sword with refined gameplay and a better difficulty curve.
The original PAL release doesn't, the PAL Platinum does.
>But apparently that's very rarely done for a reason and the death of this series is the proof.
Soul Calibur died because of diminishing faith in the brand (3's game breaking bugs, 3-5 decline in core mechanics and 5's general story direction) along with 6 releasing at the worst time possible to be a game with bad netcode.
Has that actually ever been confirmed?
I thought it was up in the air.
>3's game breaking bugs, 3-5 decline in core mechanics and 5's general story direction
But I'd argue all of that happened because Namco higher-ups were never satisfied with the returns they got on the games in the series and relegated it to second-rate personnel. And they were never satisfied with the sales because they were never as good as Tekken, but I think SoulCal games sometimes took more money to produce because of the motion capture stuff involved. And the sales were never as good as Tekken because the series had very mixed appeal. It tried to appeal both to casual and hardcore players, both to HEMA nerds and your simple fighting game bros all at the same time. This approach is very much "do or die" and the series died.
Also I should add that the lack of talent wasn't as much of a problem for 3, it was the fact that the talented personnel was given too little time to complete a project that was too big in scope. 3 with the bugs fixed and the balance changes fro the arcade version would surpass 2 in game quality.
>look up for sauce
>no matches
>look on yandex
>it's a fucking screenshot

oh my fuck.
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I made some of Cassandra in a custom outfit too. Really, the best thing about VI is that I can use the character creation system from V to customize Sophie and Cassie and not just Pyrrha.
I've done some testing on this, I wasn't able to trigger it the way people usually say it's triggered. I started a new Chronicles save, deleted some saves that were older than the SC3 save off the memory card and I didn't get any corruption. Maybe there's another way to trigger it and that isn't fixed in the PAL version, who knows. AFAIK this version is safe because I never got that bug, even when trying on purpose.
Ivy or Sophitia?
File deleted.
I usually love female characters in fighting games but nobody in SC really appeals strongly to me. It might just be because Nightmare/Seigfried are just so fucking cool I can't help but play them.
I think an action adventure or even just a straight character action game would work better.
Sophitia is used goods, Ivy is a pure virgin maiden.
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Did you lose to Miko?
Certainly Sophitia for me. She literally sacrificed everything for her daughter.
>Sophitia is used goods
That's not a certainty in the new timeline. For all we know something could have happened before her and Rothion had their wedding night. Yes, I'm coping. But it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility if they were suddenly attacked after the wedding took place.
Built for Lizardmen.
I wish this game wasn't dead
The online still has active players, it's more accurate to say that the series is in perma-haitus
Sexy baby
For me, it's Xianghua
I have it on ps4 and PC haven't played in a while I hope it isn't a ghost town. Last time I played I only ran into the same guy on ps4
How many of those go online though and how often during the day?
Probably not many at all, and the few who do experience horrible netplay. Sa, but that's how it is.
huh, thought it was a mouth to mouth rumor.
I just have a regular copy but it's good to know, I'll try getting myself a plat one and test it out as well, I have memory cards to spare.
If this game didn't have reversal edge, it would actually be pretty good. the single player content is pretty garbage for a soul calibur game though. heard 5 was like this too (only one I haven't played)

2 is forever going to be the best one
Perfect BWC breeding cow
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>2 is forever going to be the best one
We need to practice gratitude and just be happy it happened
I wanna make out with Ivy...
>I want to actually learn how to play it but
No you don't. The game's piss easy to learn and you can't even be bothered to read basic shit? Are you fucking kidding me? Then you think you need to memorize the entire movelist, anyone with a brain can tell you its not required. A 4 button fighting game and you can't even be asked to learn that. Ridiculous.
How easy is it to emulate Soul Calibu 4 and 5 on either Xenia or RPCS3? I never played them and I'm curious about the story.
>Plays fighting games for the story
Yes, I do.
Holy shit it's you
>Horrible netplay
Maybe I'm just the boy with the golden ping but I've never experienced enough connection problems in Soulcalibur to complain about it. Every once in a while something jank will happen but it's about as frequently as any other online game I play.
>heard 5 was like this too (only one I haven't played)
5 is definitely worse than 6. Most Soul Chronicles in 6 are bad to mediocre with some (mainly DLC ones) telling pretty good stories. 5's story mode is just a 2-hour sequence where you get to mainly play Patroklos, sometimes Pyrrha and there's also one fight you do as Z.W.E.I. I guess. The story sucks all the way, but it slowly goes from bad to irredeamable. 5 doesn't have a big secondary single-player mode as was tradition in the series. 6 has Libra of Souls, it's just not very good when compared to the likes of Weapon Master or Chronicles of the Sword.
This dude pops up every once in a while, gets fucking mad that Soulcalibur doesn't have "combo trials" and makes a thread saying he uninstalled it because it doesn't have combo trials.
God I love Pyrrha
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I'm pretty sure she eventually learns how to turn lead into gold given that she achieves immortality with her alchemy.
not enough lewds and no version of the base capturing strategy mode, or other fun things to do. Mostly not enough lewds is the most important.
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I love her too. A tragic character, just like her mom and aunt. And she actually inherits their moves unlike Patty.

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