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what's mr beast's appeal? he seems like the most unremarkable person in the world. is he a comedian? is he good at games? what does he do that makes him outstanding from the millions of other youtubers?
i never watched a single video of this guy
He understands the algorithm, and how to appeal to kids and sub 80 iq third worlders
I doubt he figured out the algorithm
youtube is pushing the guy artificially for some reason
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leaked video of the monster you're hunting
he looks like child molester
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don't give a shit about this idiot, call me when monster hunter has a collab with the real beast
Age limit?
>youtube is pushing the guy artificially for some reason
Ding ding ding. Gotta have someone to replace Pewdiepie after the nigger bridge incident, right?
Is he going to cure Khezu blindness?
Who? Is this the next pewdiepie? These ecelebs are coming and going so fast they're all kinda blending into one.
All jimmy had to do was let chris suck his dick and all of this could have been avoided.
For sure this remarkably boring guy is some drone being controlled by some hidden power
15 and under
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mfw shadman was trending on twitter
Troons are trying to make him a scapegoat.
Literally who
That's a big phone, what the fuck?
the antichrist
Have a good day
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He has the (((connections))) in all the right places.

Or Beast!
>we have a BEAST of a news for you
Is this game even managed by English speakers?
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>These tracks... The imprint of women's shoes, but the stride length is that of a man. I'm getting close...
He dumps large amounts of money into creating his product that is designed to hit the current algorithm, then reinvests to do it again. All with some particularly strong backing and direction of course.
[Camera pans to MrBeast standing in a lush, jungle-like environment with an epic backdrop of Monster Hunter's world.]

**MrBeast**: "Hey, Beast Gang! It's MrBeast here, and today, we're teaming up with the ultimate hunting series – Monster Hunter! You know I love a good challenge, and what’s more challenging than taking down gigantic, ferocious monsters? That’s right – nothing!"

[Cut to gameplay footage of Monster Hunter with players taking down massive beasts.]

**MrBeast**: "In Monster Hunter, you get to gear up and face off against the most incredible, beastly creatures you can imagine. And just like in my videos, teamwork, strategy, and a bit of Beast-ly determination are key to victory!"

[MrBeast holds up a customized Monster Hunter controller.]

**MrBeast**: "We’ve got some exclusive MrBeast Monster Hunter gear just for you! Whether you're a seasoned hunter or new to the game, these epic items will help you conquer even the fiercest of foes. Ready to unleash your inner Beast and join the hunt?"

[Cut to MrBeast and friends playing Monster Hunter, cheering as they take down a massive dragon.]

**MrBeast**: "So, are you ready to embark on the ultimate Monster Hunt with me? Let’s show these monsters what the Beast Gang is made of! Download Monster Hunter now, and let’s go Beast mode!"

[The screen flashes with the Monster Hunter logo, followed by MrBeast's logo.]

**MrBeast**: "Join the hunt, unleash your Beast, and let's make history together! See you in the game!"

[End with a call-to-action overlay: "Download Monster Hunter today
>big corpo attempts to force who stays popular
So nothing fucking new in pop-culture then?
He just made videos of giving homeless people money with cheesy music in the background. He was doing it before others and now look at the mother fucked, he's rich as shit.
Mr beast isnt with Night Media anymore so this is already outdated information
>Mr Beast's tranny friend gets caught trying to rape children
>rightoids call it out while sporting Trump avatars left and right, despite Trump being a frequent flyer on the lolita express and partying on Epstein Island a bunch
>leftoids try to divert attention away from the fact the tranny was caught trying to rape real kids to the fact he had a shadman poster at one point, and are trying to blame everything on shadman for his loli drawings and memoryhole the tranny being a real life groomer
everyone is a fucking retard with cognitive dissonance
This isnt funny because Mr Beast doesnt talk like this unfortunately
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Same energy.
just let the ai do the voiceover then
16 more years
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qrd on the tranoid problem?
he's supported by a team that figured out how to exploit google's algorithms for max profit
look up who else they produce
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oh my lord capcom first you kill dragons dogma 2 now you kill monster hunter
idolatry is a sin you retarded pedo lover, trump is just as bad as the tranny, so is Matt Groening, so is Bill Clinton, so is anyone who flew on the lolita express with the 12yo girl air hostesses giving foot massages and partying on child prostitute island
What the fuck is a "content creator"? Might as well call him a "guy that does stuff".
Agenda 2025 will cancel all elections and install trump as the god emperor until the end of time
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Imagine having to be the poor lad who has to write that absolutely soulless announcement text, trying his hardest to sound enthusiastic
A jewish person did something very jewish.
His chocolate kind of sucks
guys I don't think that mr beast guy is living his happiest life...
What about his burguers?
you mean childhunter
>pewpipe or whatever the fuck his name is got blasted and had EVERY major media outlet calling for his cancellation for saying "nigger"
>this fuck had a legit tranny groomer and most likely knew about it, *silence all around* or "you know it happens, life goes on, deal with it, etc."

The hypocrisy of it all..
Never had one, or his zaxbys meal. And zaxbys is like fucking Crack in chicken form
Why doesn't every other millionaire and billionaire reinvest all of their wealth back into content? Do they not see how fast Mr Beast has grown his empire? Are they stupid?
he gives away all his apparent hundreds of millions of dollars to anyone and everyone and people want some of the pie
>pewdiepie does antisemitism
that's bad
>mr beast does semitism
that's good
Bill Gates is literally buying up all farmland in the usa to starve the goyim
its basically a job title that says "professional clown". I mean look at him, put on some makeup and a red nose and he's a clown for children.
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>co-host fries his brain from cooming
>divorces his wife and leaves his family
>comes out as a troon
>MrBeast is forced to keep him on the show to avoid being "transphobic"
>multiple people warn the public that the troon is about to do troon shit and become a PR nightmare
>anyone who does so is immediately dogpiled by letter salad squads
>fast forward a year, the tranny is found out to have been sexting 13 year olds and trying to troon out his own son
>tranny apologists are now trying to downplay it as a pure coincidence and having nothing to do with the guy being a part of their dick-chopping cult
He wants to buy black people as slaves and works with pedophiles to trap kids.
Based as heck actually.
I think there was only 1 location that actually sold burgers that were unique to the brand. Everywhere else was a ghost kitchen. The one near me was Red Robin.
Chris was young, had a beautiful wife and kid, and access to one of the biggest content creator on the planet...and yet he still trooned out and groomed a kid. Why? Is trooning out really THAT alluring?
ofc he had, look up mr beast burger
it's a "phablet". its a weird hybrid of a phone and tablet. you don't see them much in the states but they exist in japan and china.
Industry plant 95% of his subs are bot accounts
it's a mental illness anon
That too, I've heard people mention that he needs to pay them a visit. It would be nice, but beggings kind of lame. Kind of removes the philanthropy part of it
His cactus video is terrifying
Capcom has went full in with their streamer/e-celeb strategy, this can be seen in DD2 and SF6 as well. The company is becoming the next Bioware at a fast rate.
Pajeet marketer thread
>Dr D messages a 17y364d old
>the beasts dudes friend messages 10yo
>media silence
Knowing the right people is truly the most important thing in your life.
who is it?
he was a mega-weirdo even before trooning out
nta but lmao
invest in some reading comprehension retard
If that's true, he might as well have told them "here, have some money and go buy some drugs and fuck your life even further." Homeless people don't need money, they need social help.
he is just somebody pawn of influence and a grifter
At least I'm not a frothing retard who laps everything up his side produces. You are literally a useful idiot to the system.
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nobody cares about mr beast's tranny friend
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what? you said he never had a mr beast burger and i told you he did
>bunch of schizo "connections" that have nothing to do with the actual point
>and guess what I found out! this guy that works in social media used to work at another social media company!
/pol/tards aren't the brightest bunch are they?
Hey Chr.. I mean Ava, how's hanging?
same, wtf is with that grimmace and dead eyes? it's like a fake ad from tim and eric show.
>oi vey stop noticing
Good morning sir you will kindly do the needful and revert soonest.
more like child hunter
more like mr mark of the beast
Do you think that's some sort of complement to him?
He's a nobody, and he got fired
They aren't all like that. So.w can't get jobs because they're homeless.
>why do I have two swords? One is for men and the other one is for monsters. But in reality... they're all men.
mr beast is a sociopath and he doesn't hide it anymore. every ad or interview you see of him, he has that same soulless stare and smile.
>destroys the biggest jewtuber in the process
Yeah brah, NOBODY CARES so let's all just shut up!
Yes don't actually engage with ideas just keep spouting your cute little catchphrases mindlessly like your gay little doomsday cult taught you to.
I only know of him because a coworker in my last job says her son watches him. He looks like a pedo.
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the eyes of a man who's dead inside
>why do I have two swords? One is for me and one for my hooker
>le youtube algorithm faec
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>you don't see them much in the states but they exist in japan and china.
I fucking hate being in Asia and having to deal with those fucking retards walking around with giant-ass phones that they keep on speakerphone while walking around yelling into them as loud as possible. It's particularly bad anytime you go somewhere with a bunch of rich chinks who just rolled out of the family mudhut with twenty billion dollars because someone wanted to make a fake development project in that spot. The only time you see that shit in the U.S. is when you go to a place with a bunch of black people.
why is capcom collaborating with pedos wtf
The mrbeast tranny accused of being a pedo was bragging about buying loli+blacked prints from shadman
Guy wasn't responsible for it but obviously, but also don't go drawing loli if you don't wanna be accused of being a pedo
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>why is capcom collaborating with pedos wtf
Why indeed.
Didn't some guy on his crew troon out? Did it slink off into obscurity after that or has he been gritting his teeth and bearing it this entire time?
advertising agent and feel good charity scams (e.g. water cleaning crew that releases pollutes seawater more than the bottles they fish up via nets)
it's all publicity stunts for PR. everything is paid for by advertisers and meanwhile he gets paid handsomely for it
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talk about fucking videogames!!!!!!!!!!
mr beast is fine
The troon was outed as an actual pedo about a month ago and both he and Mr. Beast purged their social media accounts. I imagine that all of the retarded marketers who hitched themselves to that wagon are in a panic.
Monster Hunter is a video game.
I am NOT playing mobileshit MH for an e-celeb collab.
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Asmongold always going full shill and spewing out the most NPC of takes the moment there's even a slight chance a situation might make his audience commit wrongthink suddenly makes much more sense desu.
Jewish Robin Hood
Or for the retards,Fake Robin Hood
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Maybe it's because I'm old but the guy creeps me out.
I want to punch him and others who make these thumbnails. Youtube is worse for letting thumbnails be user created.
This is what I'm talking about. The guy is fucking eerie, holy shit. Even when I was listening to him when he was on Joe Rogan he was unsettling.
>also don't go drawing loli if you don't wanna be accused of being a pedo
It was either that or women buying wonderbread.
I'll only consider myself a successful smut artist once if I ever get noticed by the wonderbread guy
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he always reminded me of this guy
Smile doesn't touch his eyes. That's the biggest takeaway. It looks utterly soulless.
Cancel this chud
It's because you're a withered old woman.
no sound.
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>and most likely knew about it
lol, lmao
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How could we have known, the science is in it's infancy!
this guy has a face like a caricature of a psychopath in a comic book, and he looks the same in every single picture too

probably because it's an obviously fake smile and people who are fake should make you think twice
Me neither
Oh? Do you hunt minors in this quest?
LMAO! This is on the same level as Sanfran police not releasing mugshots anymore because they fear they'll turn people racist.
He bought that shit art over half a decade, why are retards only bitching now? Especially when Shadman's been dead off the internet for years, the fuck are you going to cancel?
For whatever reason, all of the thumbnails of this guy in this thread look like they are AI generated, but then when I expand them he just looks like a retard with a fake smile.
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it's a beautiful world we're creating
i personally prefer the light bulb video
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at this point i am 100% sure capcom is filled with child predators
he is an mk ultra agent or a clone with no free will, he may not even be a he but a she you will never know
It's really funny how often that happens, you expect the whole "oh he was so quiet, no one suspected anything..." and no way, everyone who's free to speak about it just says "the second time we met he asked me if I liked hardcore porn and then he stared at a nearby 14 year old for ten minutes straight in a stupor". It's completely open, basking in audacity and knowing everyone's afraid to speak out of line.
not as beautiful as that fire fighter's head exploding and leaving brain matter all over his daughter.
Why does he smile like that?
Perfect timing
>trying to troon out his own son
Probably the most abhorrent shit in that list
>boyfriend bleeding out
It gets me everytime
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100% this
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>>rightoids call it out while sporting Trump avatars left and right, despite Trump being a frequent flyer on the lolita express and partying on Epstein Island a bunch

One of Epstein's sex slaves never saw Trump at the island (she services all of Epstein's high profile clientele) and Trump supported a lawsuit against Epstein.

Not saying it's impossible, but at the moment it's unlikely.
who is mrbeast, even?
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heh that'll show those chuds
But they were close, so Trump having a lawsuit against him doesn't make sense
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Tranny pedophiles and their enablers deserve the rope.
>leftist can’t open his mouth without sucking megacorp cock
Retarded tool
Trump is literally on tape flirting with 10 year old girls "call me in 5 years". Dude was knee deep in 15-16 year old cunny because of beauty pageants he ran.
wtf, is this man indestructible or something?
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He cured that blind kid is what he did! He once built 100 wells in sub-Saharan Africa. On this board, Mr Beast is a hero! End of story.
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>would give you capture quests
>he would then make a video where he eats the captured monster
>dipshit doesn't realize companies adapted leftist views and marketing to make more money
> not knowing anything they say is bullshit
> muh megacorp
You know people can have views that aren't pushed by the msm right? I was a leftist way before occupy.
the crystal pepsi video will live in my head forever
>all those excuses
>still defends megacorps
Not only you are a fucking idiot, but also an hypocrite. Well, most leftists are both so no surprises here.
nu/v/ is nostalgic for pewdiepie.
Kek, I remember all the Trumpgoys on X thinking that guy was the shooter and celebrating that he was dead and thinking he was an illegal because he was slightly tanned. Imagine being that guy's family and seeing all the MIGAtards cheering the fact that your dad/husband is dead for hours.
I wonder how many of those wells are still operational. I mean at least there's no copper wire in them, so maybe.
y'all chuds are like the autistic version of karens lmao
I watched his channel back when it was a smalltime thing by some teenager making videos laughing at channels with those really bad animated intros. After a while he deleted all those and pivoted to chasing the algorithm with "last to leave the pool gets $1000!!!!" crap and escalated from there, never watched those.
As a person? Nothing, he's the most sterile corporate boardroom non-person there ever was. The appeal of his videos is that they already fit whatever is trending, but with more money thrown into it, because he's a whore for the algorithm.
I'm not defending them you fucking idiot
The other side is just as retarded with their why the fuck did he miss posts alongside the staged ones
>do NOT engage with minors in any way
>mmmmmmmmm I think I actually will
Is it just me or Capcom is always seeming to align themselves with pedo personalities from the west?
This guy is the personification of Kino
Is Capcom redemption arc in the room with us right now
a pattern is forming at capcom :o
>"it's just a drawing, loli isn't for pedophiles"
>troon into loli turns out to be a groomer
weird how that works
What pesos? I'm genuinely asking.
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Is the monster we have to hunt the tranny Kris that is a pedo?

It's always a tranny.
Not a jannie
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They haven't changed at all, kek.
>Trump is literally on tape flirting with 10 year old girls "call me in 5 years"
You don't even have the proper source for this
He's ashes now, no need to care about a random retard that decided to become paste one afternoon.
>ban lolis from DD
>invite actual pedos into company
Remember anti-loli and pro-pedo always goes hand in hand.
>we get to name our captured monsters
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mmmm paste
he's projecting and self reporting
Also funny is the fire fighter was a shitposter that loved Putin, who went to a rally that is supposedly all about "America First". Trump didn't even care about that retard enough to call his family until he needed to get a jacket from them to use as a stage prop. KEK.
you mean 3d actual flesh and bone kids?
american no less?
sounds lame
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I can't wait for mommy Kamala to start locking up weedfags and nigger filth like she did when she was San Fran D.A
Has Mr. Beast been to Epstein Island yet?
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>Trump didn't even care about that retard enough to call his family
It's amazing how you can CLEARLY see a turbo retarded leftist dumbfuck enters a thread just by his retarded fantasy posting.
so close that trump banned him from his properties and placed bids on properties epstein was trying to buy just to deny him
She was warned enough times.
It does. I got one on sale just to try it and it tastes like chinese knockoff Hershey's
After he got caught
Honestly, the whole humiliation ritual with Israel's PM and congress yesterday made me so depressed I want this whore to win now to accelerate downfall of the US already.
Didn't know that
in 2009? whatever
Wait thats kamala in that Pic? What the fuck happened?
who is this?
i wanna suck on dem big sweaty nigger tits so bad jesus
If any of that Epstein shit was real, you think the media wouldn't report on it? Kys tranny.
be a woman
Trump loves shanking ripe and fertile cuties like Epstein, what can I say?
Does this guy have facial paralysis around his eyes or something?
I was I was on the lolita express and bang hot girls.
He does the job of giving free shit much better than the government so he's okay in my book.
Hey Steven Bonnell, your wife left you for a faggot instead of Aba and it makes you sad
seriously. as a parent and widower it makes me absolutely sick to my stomach what this faggot did to his poor wife and child. there is no torture that would be too extreme for this sick motherfucker.
i hope hell is real so this fucking degenerate can burn in it forever
He is genuinely popular in third world, there are official channels that dub his videos to other languages and rake in millions of views. Content where people just spend fuckload of money are really popular in third world countries in general, they think it is chad behavior to be rich and waste that money theatrically which might partially explain poverty of those countries.
it's an easy way for narcissists and lonely autismos to get a lot of attention
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>loli porn
So was the guy preying on *actual* minors or just a coomer with zero social awareness?
All his creepy messages that are floating around as proofs seem to be directed at loli hentai, but jerking it off to drawings or commissioning >Shadman to make you some isn't exactly a crime, you know.
we need to strip the right to vote away from all leftists and turn our elections into sane white people choosing between different based candidates
why the fuck are we subjected to having literal not only the mentally ill be allowed to choose who runs our country, but also fags who will never reproduce and thus have no stake in the future, and all other forms of subhumans? i'm tired bros.

Kek. Look at all that empathy Donald has for his nephew. Dead, head blown off firefighters deserve nothing less than to he shat on lmao.
If you don't like our democracy you can fucking leave
>but jerking it off to drawings isn't exactly a crime
i'm a lolichad myself, and you're right, it's not a crime. but in the case of some freak tranny like this, i will get behind anything that smears his image or gets him closer to 41%. we already know he's a child abuser, he's trying to groom his own son
It's the messages to 14 year old girls and shit man. Public comments on twitter of sending nudes to minors.
I honestly think that main problem of Chris is and has been pathological porn and masturbation addiction, and him trooning out is just a terminal stage part of it.
Him hanging Shadman art on his wall isn't even all of his old coomer power level showing. One of his old videos that resurfaced is him as a younger guy making a video about Jennette McCurdy's leaked nudes, showing his own face in a video where talks about cooming to leaked celebrity revenge porn in a "I don't endorse this lmao but check the hot pics out in description" tone.
I have been a dedicated coomer since my teens too but the level of porn brainrot where I would make youtube videos about that kind of things showing my own face never would have crossed my mind even in my most horny and shameful teenage coomer phases.
Dunno back when I watched him in 2017 he just did dumb shit like microwaving a microwave in a bigger microwave.
I mean 14year olds are hot, legal to bang here and feels great. Especially if you marry later rather than US roasties.

Still fucked because obviously different intentions.
you think this is a democracy, retard? every single option is a puppet of israel.
illusion of choice is NOT democracy
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>main problem of Chris is and has been pathological porn and masturbation addiction, and him trooning out is just a terminal stage part of it
Yeah, pretty much.
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>go to shop
>see new type of chocolate or whatever
>"mr beast" with an angry animal logo on it
>wait, i've heard that name before
>google it
>the guy looks like the sóyest of boys possible
fucking lmao
WTF How the hell does this guy have 300M views every video??? The comments are also weird as fuck like AI or pajeets.
I hope this troon shit kills his brand. Tired of seeing his face everywhere.
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Or Beast
A lot of them are pajeets and other third worlders, rich people throwing money around is content that really entertains them.
He has no appeal. YT cheated him to the front page. Why? I don't know.
Jimmy always has that sort of expression to be fair. How he's become such an online personality despite having next to no personality himself will always be a headscratcher.
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They arent trying go cancel anyone.
They are trying to divert the attention from the tranny by throwing others under the bus.
his entire career is literally built upon "I want to exploit youtubes system". he even dropped out of school to do it before he took off.
Kids will never know the days when Youtube was actually good and just people dicking about having fun with no care for the algorithm
I blame Smosh and Fred. They're the first ones who started the downwards trend of it all being corporation controlled
>But they were close
He cornered Trump at a party and talked him into letting him take a picture with Trump. Then offered to let Trump fly (domestically) on his plane one time. That is the extent of their relationship.
That's not (entirely) the point, the focus shifting to Shadman is partially due to Keemstar capitalizing on situation and trying to railroad people into it due to still being vengeful about Man of the Shad drawing loli art of his then 8 year old daughter years ago.
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>tfw this fucker exchanged having my dream of having a family for my cope mechanism
I hope he gets hanged
Nah, xittterfags are now starting a witch hunt on people who associated with >shadman
Some creators are already getting rid any shit they bought or collabed with him on, though nothing of value was lost.
Just another case of zoomers discovering something for the first time ever.
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hopefully the mom has full custody of the kid
I wonder when Zach Hadel's gonna be cancelled for cohosting a podcast with Shad.
Based lolifaggot
Kevin > Big Ounce (rip) > Gabonzo > DaBaby > Gort > Homelander > Poggers & Queen > Patrick > everything else
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Fucking disgusting
if you didn't follow him during his rise then you wouldn't get it
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It was a simpler time back then, I knew less
This is kind of correct, but I don't like the way it almost frames AGP as an excuse for degenerate behavior.
Having mental issues's never an excuse for deranged behavior, you're still in control of what you do, no matter your impulses.
t. agp coomer who's at the point where going on hrt and killing his libido sounds preferable to wasting time on porn consumption
How many have been subjected to Mr Beast's immense and terrible flesh? The world may never know.
Do they realize that the whole Fallout troon fanbase jerked off to Vault Meat?
>Vault Meat
wth is that?
Shadman's porn version of Vault Boy. Just go to Fallout 4 Nexus and search for "meat."
>Actual person outted for texting actual minors
>People start hyper focusing on an artist and art
Literal brain worms
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How did american conservaniggers become so utterly buck brocken by trannies?
Dababy is biding his time.
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i hate ALL ecelebs and jewtube cancer, but pewdiepie is based. especially now.
i will not tolerate any slander about this man, especially by anybody who 0 white children
He looks like a serial killer. Also I can't wait for the Resident Evil/ Suzi thetesticlehunter colab tbhwyf.
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that ending
who has*
I don't know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't Pewdiepie trying to turn into Mishima
That IS pretty based kek
>spent 10+ years learning how to game the algorithm
>tons of corporate sponsors
>appeals to Ipad babies who watch his shit on repeat

I was confused when this guy starting taking off, but it all adds up. Not really a conspiracy but I think Mr Beast is pretty coy about the role corporate sponsors like Walmart and Youtube itself is resposible for his rise.
also while i was searching up that video i just found out he made a video 6 years ago about how Mishima is his favorite author. pewdiepie is absolutely /ourguy/
this dude looks like my bosses son that gets paid 20k a month to piss and moan like a bitch
what actually happened to shadman? where is he now?
>some sourceless retard wrote an article on Time, that mean Trump doesn't like his nephew and the Fireman, trust me bro the media won't lie right?
>uwotm8? the firefighter family thanked him and wished him the best? umm, that's white supremacy conspiracy bro, you better listen to this literally retarded libtard instead.

Is there a more retarded species than leftist
who is that?
he draw someones actual 8 year old daughter sucking dick or something
personally as someone with a daughter i would've hunted him down and tortured him
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japanese author who wrote Sun and Steel
look him up, he along with his group attempted a coup and he ended up committing seppuku afterwards, but his second botched it and was hacking at his neck with the sword like a dozen times
my qrd is shit though, read his wiki page
his writing is based as fuck
fun fact: Yuuki Mishima in Persona 5 is a reference to Yukio Mishima (obviously)
He was also a flaming homo and hated women
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The light is getting dimmer, isn't it?
Was there any doubt that he's planning to go into politics eventually?
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So did this bicentennial man make an official statement about his groomer troon bud yet?
the first part is inexcusable but do you blame him on the second point?
not voting for someone who tolerates trannys, sorry!
ah right, thatg uy
The man behind vidoes such as “ Can A Human Drink A Gallon of Spoiled Milk w/o Vomiting into A Washing Machine?” Spoiler, the answer is [SPOILER]no[/spoiler]
Fuck, my spoiler, well you get it
He's a Christian just like us dumbass
This is some I'm 14 and this is deep shit.
>I would have advisors
>I wouldn't just do what advisors say
would you do anything at all for anyone
That nigga out of jail yet?
This is unironically how i think zoomers think politics work.
He got out of jail a long time ago, and he got mindbroken by belle delphine and only made drawings of her until he eventually left the internet for good
Why does that section of the population always say X is going to or is literally killing them? I don't think about them at all in my day to day life, rich as it is coming from this website
It's the same demonic look as with Jimmy Savile. Both have the public personality of an eccentric philanthropist. With his tranny sidekick exposed, I can't even imagine what the main man himself is hiding.
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It was amazing how he came from nothing. I used to be recommended videos from him where he would just read the dictionary all day or count to a million in a sitting, was hilarious but he got the algorithm to work like when someone else did those hot steel into ice videos was also popular at the time. Now he’s just a shill with millions but hey you either die or live long enough to become the villain.
He should run in India. Poos already love him.
>have been jacking off nearly every day since I learned how
>have lewd artwork and collectibles in my apartment
>porn interest is still just sexy fictional ladies either solo or engaged in sexual acts
I just don’t get what makes some people go to such an extreme. Is it like alcohol where some people or gambling, and some people just need to keep going harder and harder?
>trying to troon out his own son
yup. needs to have his head caved in for that alone.
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>randomly bring up the fact that he wants to fuck a 14 old.
>his right hand man was revealed to have Shadman merch hanging on the wall, then trooned out and got divorced, then was outed as an irl pedo
So I guess he'll just stop putting him in videos and pretend nothing ever happened?
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this was his reply
Even if you can look past them being girls shoes they're also footwear designed by retarded nerds to deform and debilitate the natural biomechanics of the foot. Terrible parent.
If I was president I would just be good and competent instead of bad and incompetent.
Autogynephilia. I guess the difference is you can't coom to the idea of yourself as a woman.
>Even if you can look past them being girls shoes
i can't look past this
this faggot needs to be literally skinned alive
Who the fuck is Ava
The tranny?
Why can't they ever choose real names?
No joke, take up an extreme sport if possible.
>Shadman gets addicted to heroin
>Sells all his shit
>In a druggie-fueled rage he randomly assaulted a person with a metal pipe
>Gets locked up
>Gets bailed
>Leaves internet for a bit (presumably for rehabiliation)
>Returns and only makes NSFW art of Belle Delphine for a couple days
>Leaves again
he started off using the name "Kris" but now he's "Ava Kris"?
I go to different youtube videos of this topic and comment "HIS NAME IS CHRIS", personally
Absolutely nothing, he's backed by some shady company that's in cahoots with YouTube that's it. The content his channel makes is low brow garbage designed to generate buzz amplified by an army of shills.
His popularity is 100% smoke and mirrors, compare him with someone with organic subscribers like pewdiepie and it's clear that he is clearly forced to be the face of YouTube.
I look exactly like this guy lmao he could easily be my cousin or some shit
One of the last bastions of old youtube, I cherish this nigga like you wouldn't believe
It really isn't that complicated, he just kept doing various different things until he found what worked. He used to be a CoD channel, a prank channel, all kinds of different things before he landed on getting sponsors to fun him giving money to people.
can't disagree
Is Chandler still around at least?
who? i have never watched one of this faggots videos, but the drama around the troon is entertaining
i was more wondering about his obsession with belle delphine. but thanks either way, that was more than i expected. truly generous
I suppose it does probably depend on paraphilias you pick up at a developmental age, but some people seem to pick up more and more of these well into adulthood. Like I feel there’s a point you would stop picking up abnormalities unless you were fucked to the point of seeing how far you’ll go IS the fetish.
maybe he's got an ex whose butthole looks like hers. that's what did it for me
how the fuck can you run the biggest channel on YouTube and still be so non photogenic
The funny part is that the pedo tranny used to be a stereotypical gun-loving truck-driving redneck family man.

This is what the porn pipeline looks like. It could happen to you.
Tell me about it, Mr beast triggers my uncanny valley response.

he signed a contract with (((Disney)))
Why is his face always like that?
No, they do, that is what Tiktok is, or at least what it was before it turned into youtube 2.0 for zoomers, which happened real fast.
Firefighter went to the trump rally with his family. Jumped on daughter to protect her after the gunfire. She ended up covered in his brains.

Apparently that's comparable to the irony of a progressive who sees all blacks as victims being stabbed by a black teen.

It's not. Progressives are just angry violent people.
Unarmed woman killed by black cop with no warning. Progressives think it's a good thing because she's white.
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Mr Obeast
smoke&mirrors from the people who direct youtube mainstream
He's going for that dusty rhodes gimmick
>ruins his stomach and esophagus lining for clout
His fall-off will make shoenice look tame
Oh he just like me fr
oh damn, so it was just last week this happened? i thought it was a long time ago
if he manages to become president he is the fucking antichrist
how did shoenice fall off?
best at money laundering. just wait till you look up (((night media))) who manages him
Funniest part about this entire thing was all the people defending the tranny pedo because it was a tranny
Then the amount of evidence got so overwhelming even they had to admit he's a sick fuck
I look like this
bros... i never watched mr beast, am i old?
no you're just based
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why be so disingenuous?
he could easily beat all of you up at once.
Looking way better but he gotta work on those pecs asap
kill yourself
He can't even beat up his tranny "friend", lol.
>only youtuber who gives away millions helping people
>has a policy of taking no sponsorships, only sells his chocolate bar and merch
>/v/ still hates him

MrBeast is the closest thing to a non-jew eceleb
Same, only more hairy
No he wouldn't. He's trying to maintain a spotless record for his future president run, so he wouldn't dare to get in a fight. He won't even say shit in public.
why has no one arrested dr. disrespect or tranny beast yet? or even goonclown? why do the glowniggers not act, /v/? you literally have beast troon admitting to this shit but he just gets to walk away?
You forgot:
>Promotes trannie degeneracy to an audience of children
He is as jewish as they come
At least it blew up in his face, kek
He dumps tons of money into most of his videos. Both building sets/scenarios and in cash prizes for participants.
If there’s a million dollars on the line, the stakes are high and that generates interest.
his eyes betray the emptiness of his soul
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Can't take /v/ serious after the defense of this pedo trannyfucker
Pretty sure he drew a fully sfw pic of her making a potentially suggestive facial expression, nothing quite hardcore like that
>youtuber gets on TRT for free
>haha see look all I had to do was lift and walk haha
>13 year old kids believe this
>TRT and ozempic chads win again

does anyone believe this or?
>has a policy of taking no sponsorships, only sells his chocolate bar and merch
then why did i walk into zaxbys the other day to see a cutout of this idiot offering a meal that costs more than what i was going to get for less because it had some totally special chocolate bar in it?
>has a policy of taking no sponsorships
Are you fucking retarded? He went to Antarctica to scale up a small mountain then plucked a flag down in it and named it "Shopify Mountain" because Shopify was the entity that was sponsoring that specific video of theirs you fucking retarded subhuman.
> Progressives are just angry violent people.
No they arent
>that physique
>TRT and ozempic

just how fucking fat and dyel are you
You're right, they aren't people
Bro is homeless or was at one point
Any chance this guy gets cancelled for partnering with a tranny child molester? I'm tired of seeing his retarded shit everywhere outside the realm of Youtube. I never saw Pewdiepie cereal at the grocery store or had him infest Dota.
Their BBQ boneless wings/nuggets are to die for. Get the hot space and ranch, mix them, thank me later.
Running like crazy last summer didn't help with that. I don't think more extreme sports would be different.
And eventually with age you're gonna slow down and do less of it, so in the long term it wouldn't work.
Literally my exact body what the fuck.
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is this you?
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Yes they are, being a racist and phobic asshole doesn't make you a person. Just an asshole
Craziest part about this is that him being a degenerate porn addict and pedo was all in the open for over a year, but it's only now people started caring about it
I remember reading all this stuff on Kiwifarms last year
is that the guy who shot trump?
No, but strange you keep pics of Trans people on your hard drive if you hate them so much. I've perked off to Natalie Mars too, it's cool bro.
I randomly watched SomeOrdinaryGamer's video about this thing and was confused why he talked about the tr00ner for liek 5 minutes but then kept going on and on about shadman and loli art. I was just left confused about what the point of the video about MrBeast and his friend when he just kept going on about Shadman.

Turns out the only connection is a poster on a wall and this is their defense plan to distract you from a dangerous predator is a heroin addict who draws pictures who has 0 association with the people in question?
They really don't want to talk about Chris himself because they'd have to talk about how he's a tranny and how he or Beast just blatantly paid off one of his grooming victims to say it was all fine. They want to pivot the drama away to Shadman and fake loli porn in general instead.
Tranny privilege basically
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>kids having sex changes
Fuck no, I don't agree with that
good that you admit he was trans and a leftist
Chris is the final stage of lolifags. You retards better stop now or else.
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95% of loli is made in Japan, which has far less child abuse rates than most first world countries by UN statistics, and far, far less trannies than your shitty country

So...it means nothing?
I bet mrbeast is glad that the freak got canceled and removed from his team. It wouldn't surprise me if he were digging dirt on the freak.
>lolitroons have begun their cope
you will transition sooner or later pedotroon
I didn't admit anything
damn alright
Nips won't prosecute unless they have a 100% conviction rate. Most child molesters probably go unreported.
shadman is japanese?
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>degenerate porn addict and pedo
so /ourguy/?
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Yes, I am an asshole. And you will never be a woman.
Why is his smile always so alien-like?
rightoids do love having sex with minors, its true
Brown people love children. Semites in particular have a dark history with them.
First of all, MH wasn't niche since 3
Second, it was always a Cowadoody of japan
Third, it was shit since after 4 AT BEST
You're a retard for sticking with this shit series after it stopped being good. Get some taste, get some standards
he pays like 10+k for every youtube thumbnail
don't care, don't fuck with someone's actual childdaughter
i would fucking kill him
This. Nobuhiro Watsuki pretty much got away with possessing actual CP.
Shadman hasn't drawn loli in over half a decade, and back when he did, it didn't even make up close to 95% of his own porn, imagine lolishit in general
>literal 17 year old
kys retard, the only thing he did wrong was disrespect his white wife and family
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>this whole thread
Is this what happens when /x/ breaks containment? This has to be one of the stupidest conspiracy thread I've ever seen, and that's saying a lot.
>this is the same country that has seperate train cars for women btw
/x/ doesn't talk about dumb shit like this, this topic and level of intellect is /pol/ territory.
>One of your friends get brainrotted and troons out
>Can't remove him from team because you'll be accused of transphobia
>This happens
Mr Beast won
I wouldn't be surprised if he planted half the evidence, too
This post violates United States law. Reported.
>/v/ on ecelebs
Fuck off to your containment board REEEEEEEE

>/v/ on ecelebs (tranny)
Holy shit guys, what's the newest gossip on this??
literally was never an age of the minor revealed, pedo apologist
Part of me does think he orchestrated this. There's a rumor that the tranny threatened to sue him if he was fired.
yes it was dumbass, she was 17
The fuck is this??????
I laughed so hard I have myself a headache
90% of pedo allegations against public figures are made up. It's the easiest way to remove someone from the picture while silencing any possible objections. They've been doing it all the time since MJ.
literally never happened, cope more lmao
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>look up Asmongold/Mutahar/literally any commentary channel talking about the scandal
>"Now guys before we begin I want to ask you for some BASIC DECENCY in the comments alright this whole thing has NOTHING to do with the guy being trans mmkay?"
It's honestly fascinating just how utterly mindbroken normalfags are.
Own investigation means Mr Beast is going to destroy all lines of evidence and let the news cycle move on. He's paid for the silence of the main accuser and his troon friend. He isn't going to abandon him.
>eceleb (pedophile)
>eceleb (tranny pedophile)
>fucking disgusting pedophile troon
>any of these people
Those aren't normalfags, they are grifters. 7000 fucking commentary channels across the globe that all share the exact same opinions but pretend to be original.
They don't wanna be cancelled by their zoomer audience.
>across the globe that all share the exact same opinions but pretend to be original
so /v/?
when comparing dr disrespect to the troon be sure to remember
one was a man talking to a fertile girl that would be legal in most of the world and sought after for 99.99% of mankinds history
one is a literal faggot trying to groom a boy (male)
nigger no one knows the age. nobody even knows if its a girl too. stop listening to grifters like sneako
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Dont forget they excuse his trannyfucking because they think fucking trannies is cool
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Today we are going to lock up 100 anons and 100 slutty brats in a mansion but only the true /v/irgin will win that gorillion of dollars.
you don't know anything about japan nor will you ever go there
>he fucked trannies
"she was 17" bros... our response?
She actually was THOUGH
Easy money ngl
I don't care
anything bad that happens to ecelebs is good in my eyes even if it is complete fabrications
did he really? i've literally never seen a video from this guy because im not a fucking zoomer who watches eceleb cancer.
i absolutely agree with you sir
I tried to warn you guys last year.
Why do you lie on the internet?
Trump raped me when I was 6 years old. This is not a lie, this actually happened.
I don't like him too but you have to give him the credit that his success comes from pure pretty much pure skill instead of dumb luck. He looks like a child molester for fucks sake.
this is what the entertainment industry does to people, and yet it is the life that so many yearn for.
That's because japanese men are herbivores and don't even have sex to begin with. But that doesn't change that japan has most pedophiles. Those videos where children are put into swimsuits and filmed from every angle are 100% legal over there for fucks sake.
>says things like this
>still thinks he's the good guy
>pure skill
>I don't like him too
ok ESL
>Those videos where children are put into swimsuits and filmed from every angle are 100% legal over there for fucks sake.
wait what?
t. neckbeard who just cries every day about not being given opportunities for free
>ok ESL
NTA but i saw someone post a clip of those on /jp/ before and it's basically softcore (child) porn. Nothing happens to the kids, but they're just filmed in very provocative angles while they prance around in latex swimsuits. Japan probably has alot more pedophiles than people like to think.
what? it should be "either", not "too"
nice projection faggot.
That fucking smile
Shit's weird yeah
they were screaming this shit in 2016 and all through his four years. "TRUMP WILL KILL US AAAAAA" and yet they were alive and kept mouthing off and never faced the sheer torture they claimed was coming for them. and they still genuinely believe he'll kill them. either the social media brainwashing worked too well or the overall IQ of humanity is indeed dropping rapidly.
Based centrist
Hide the pain Jimmy.
Of course they do why do you think 4chan thinks they're super based
Go back to where you came from.
>hot steel into ice videos
That unlocked a memory for me how back in 2016 everyone did "1000 degree hot knife vs x" videos and they would get tons of views. It was like the precursor of the hydraulic press videos
>people still repost this despite Assmon reading it live to make fun of schizos on stream & Mr Beast leaving Night Media
you can't reason with /x/ tards
I always believed you, Sunny.
>visible panic
Haha yeah totally proof that it's all deboonked.
Why do you keep bringing up /x/ when these screencaps are clearly from /pol/? /x/ doesn't have flags.
The modern right's epistinomology is almsot entirely based on absurdist metaphysics and grand narratives, and have completely co-opted the supernatural conspiracy modem as it serves their delirious nature.
everybody sane knew it was a matter of time the moment the faggot trooned out
He's the Antichrist
Because mentioning /pol/ itself is cursed, everyone is aware that the most deranged mentally ill people are lurking on there. Saying /x/ as a synonym for schizo is oldfag terminology.
Lmao you pedo loving freak
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a buddy sent me this like 6 years ago, but was never official that shadman drew it
Whats the downside to this? Wouldn't women want trains for themselves.
He's a legit methead, he got in jail for assault back in covid years
>everyone is aware that the most deranged mentally ill people are lurking on there
you're right, there are constant kike and reddit raids going on at all times. very deranged.
Its the nose.
There was a video recently explaining it all. First is advertisers, he is good at that and advertisers want sales so youtube pushes him because companies wants his ads on his videos. Second is that he does "giveaways" for subscribing, most of them in cash or car prizes and of course 3rd worlders retarda and kids think they'll be lucky and get it.

A guy in my country "won" a tesla but the prize of shipping was so high he instead got cash, allegedly
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you honestly, bold face, believe any of the bullshit you just posted. Hoe old are you?
monster hunter is fucking COOKED
Only a retarded normalfag would buy shadman loli porn. Even a regular nerd can easily find and fap to actual good free loli shit,
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Maybe the real monsters where the friends we made along the way
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There's nothing wrong with loli or kemololi
It's kinda weird how some of the most well known people on earth are associated with trannies. Is this an american thing?
this is not your board third worlder
So... How about we start talking about the game?
This, I argee.
It's more of a whiteboi thing than americans in particular.
>kids choice awards
Kek, the jokes write themselves
Talk about a shitty pokemon go clone?
you could say that about all e-celebs and yes they all suck and should be round up and shot
god mickey roons are so uncanny
The future president of the United States of America.
we desperately need an e-celeb board

it will never happen though because it'd just drive more traffic to a site that gookmoot and his handlers treat as a containment pod
We might be entering a new puritan age where the censorship will come from the Right again.
>How he's become such an online personality despite having next to no personality himself will always be a headscratcher.
That's actually why he succeeded. He has literally nothing other than his content, so all of his focus goes into it.
The fact that they need to exist in the first place.
>t. Chris
Next you'll save women and men should share the same bathroom.
Ah damn, sorry to hear. The adrenaline rush from MTB helps me a tonne
Lolifags dont like shadman retard, that faggot only draws ugly ass western trash.
His self-insert gay stuff was better anyway.
>false equivalency
So do you think women should also live in seperate cities then?
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Yes? They'll never have to worry about walking outside ever again.
>Champion level
Too old.
>more cope from lolitroons
kek it doesn't matter. chris has admitted to jerking off to loli to hentai. he is one of you.
>It's honestly fascinating just how utterly mindbroken normalfags are.
he was probably too young for that unless he was the one getting fucked
>No one likes shadman retard, that faggot only draws ugly ass western trash.
Mr. Beast? The child molester?
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Their diversion from the main topic has been working quite well so far. Not sure if it is even intentional, but I have seen too many threads about this portray the topic as though it is all about Shad, an artist who hasn't even been active in years. It took too long going through the discussions about this to get to the heart of the issue and the individual who is suspected of engaging in the grooming of a minor. At least I think that is the actual problem based on what I have seen, not sure if it goes deeper than that. Everywhere I look, it is Shad this and Shad that, seems ridiculous. All on the basis of a poster and some art that was purchased.
Its Youtube, they'll ban you for anything these days.
surely it's a (((coincidence))) and nothing malicious.
>All on the basis of a poster and some art that was purchased.
It was one piece of purchased art, it and the poster were the same thing.
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cope. blacks and hispanics have a larger rate of becoming trannys. only white trannys are in the spotlight though, because they don't want to damage the image of muh masculine blacks that they've worked so hard to build.
I like how you have a problem with that, but don't care about anon before him making fun of the other guy being killed. Obviously because you don't actually care about the harm of others and making fun of their deaths as long as they are people who don't hold your views. Which makes your "le you not good guy" bullshit all the more subhuman.
whitebois are statisticly known to troon out more than anyone else, its true
>55% of whites are trannies
not so fast, shlomo.
>We find that adults who are African-American or Black(0.8%), Latino or Hispanic (0.8%), and of another race or ethnicity (0.6%) are more likely than White adults (0.5%) to identify as transgender.
Yeah, Mangakas are like the west version of YouTubers. its like everyday a mangaka comes out as a pedophile.
please tell me you are pretending to be retarded?
>despite being 12% of the population, nogs account for 16% of the trannys
spics rate is even higher. let me guess, you also don't know what per capita is? whites have the lowest % chance to troon out, yet the media/entertainment business only show white trannys. pure cohencidence
That or they die from the Japanese common cold.
Cope all you want. Not to mention Whites are the ones who explicitly celebrate and advocate for trannies. Blacks and others don't do that. They actively shun and avoid the shit. Any one of their race who are homos/trannies are majority spotlighted by White people. Now time for you to cope and say how actually it's the heckin jews that are forcing Whites to actively celebrate and push trannies and other mental-illnesses.
what are they putting in that whiteboi water?
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absolutely dead inside lmao
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Look at his oldest videos and you'll see this fucker was trend chasing on YouTube his entire career hellbent on making it big. That's how you know he isn't genuine or shit. He only was chasing the YT money and fame and spent his entire damn youth chasing after it. I respect his grind.
But all the charity shit that people see him as the second coming of Jesus is more him milking charity porn for views instead of genuine want to help the lesser.
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>social media brainwashing worked too well or the overall IQ of humanity is indeed dropping rapidly
So many people in general and especially on the internet seem to barely recall specific events of the past eight or so years. They more often believe politicized or overly hysterical revisions of recent past events based on where they get their news or what social networks/groups they are a part of. No one even really talks to each other unless they are part of the same group sharing the same ideals by default, everyone existing in a little bubble of dialogue and critique that they pre-approve of.
I am not only increasingly convinced that the average IQ online is dimming, but that the conversations online probably veer towards a younger aged audience on average. The kids grew up with ipads in hand from the start and have probably been mind rotted by all the media content they consume. I bet there are literal young teenagers posting on the internet these days who subscribe to far left or far right politics and feel an outright zealous belief in the righteousness of their side.
>gets btfo by actual statistics
>tells me i'm coping
>Whites are the ones who explicitly celebrate and advocate for trannies.
jews aren't white
>They actively shun and avoid the shit.
blacks are so closeted that they can't even make typical gay jokes that men say with eachother. it hits too close to home for them. blacks have a much higher rate of homosexuality than whites and they are the most effeminate race
>Any one of their race who are homos/trannies are majority spotlighted by White people.
jews are NOT white.
>the heckin jews
nice try shlomo, implying it's not kikes behind it is the cope. hows the weather in tel aviv, faggot? or are you just a nigger?
of course, its white culture to troon out, kek
What the actual fuck?! Someone please explain
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cope. you greasy faggots will never be white btw.
another white boi, sad

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