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Steam users are reviewbombing the game due to the requirement to create an EGS Account to play the game online.
good news actually
total epic death
total pajeet death
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Was it there before? If so, then it's stupid to review bomb. If it was only added after launch - then it's a fraud and review bombing is not enough, and legal action should be taken.
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D3 is damage controlling by mentioning the EGS requirement only hours after release, and not before.

That's what you get for adding vtumors.
EDF might need an EDF
The requirement was NOT there before launch. So i see why people are pissed.

I'm glad about this backlash since it'll go on discount sooner and then i'll pick it up.
Wow japanese fans are vocal about the new EDF and they are not happy
Just create an account then, what's the issue? Use a burner mail if you're some tinfoil retard thinking china is spying on you or something
You don't have to give them an e-mail address, you just press a button and it generates a pseudo account for you
KEK enjoy your /vt/umors steamies :)
Great now even smaller game publishers try to fuck you over as much possible
Can Steam just take away ratings from the Chinese already, they always shit on Japanese games like this and boost their own trash or Kslop like Lies of Penis
it wasnt. I checked 2-3 hours ago. They just added it now
>Talk shit about helldivers 2 when the account linking drama happened
>has vtumors(MAJOR red flag)
>now this
you faggots deserve it
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Off to a great start EDFkeks. Come back to Helldivers it will outlive this cheap looking asset flip in the end.
Kill yourself, you waste of fucking oxygen.
Of course not. It's exactly why people are only talking about it now.
>>Talk shit about helldivers 2 when the account linking drama happened

shrimple as
I don't want to, thus you're not getting my money.
if it was there then the review would be not negative. Are you really surprised that people dont like to get fucked over
I hate epic just as much as the next guy but those people have to be kidding me if just using epic online services is a reason not to buy this game
I bet they use gmail and voice recognition on their phones with no concerns.
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remember when EDF fags were all so smug about Helldivers dying?
I ain’t clicking that shit
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english VA is killing my enjoyment of the game
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Have the swedecucks finally stop nerfing the fun out of the game and fix the Eruptor yet?
Made for getting guro'd by bugs.
I don’t think it’s a big deal but I’ve come to realize that gamers acting unhinged is entirely to my own benefit so I join and encourage the outrage mob
I'm glad you told me it was sad news, I wouldn't know how to feel otherwise.
I dodged a bullet. I would be mad as fuck if I had bought the game.
EDF never nerfed weapons after release unlike HD2. I also remember it crashing frequently
there will never be a game to fill the gap that HD2 did for 2-3 months
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Unfortunately you aren't wrong. Helldivers release was something magical. Peak gameplay when it was new and fresh, peak community, then everything changed when swedecuck autism struck because we weren't playing the game how they intended. The Eruptor is still unusable dogshit.
LMAO this could've replaced Helldivers but of course the japs are cluelessly retarded as usual
Epic Online Services is basically THE go-to for setting up multiplayer, cross-play, etc. If these people think developers are going to stop using EOS, and stop using Unreal Engine, they are absolutely retarded. I guarantee none of these gibbering morons even know what EOS is.

I see them saying, "Remove the EOS requirement to play online". Fucking HOW? What do you slack-jawed fuckwits think EOS does?

Sometimes, I swear, on the Steam forums it feels like I'm surrounded by genuine retards. Just the lowest grade of absolutely basement-bottom retard.
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thanks anon was fun playing with randoms in edf5 MP so looking foward to it again
simply amazing. they just fumbled such an easy, perfect opportunity to be big.
>Steam users are reviewbombing the game due to the requirement to create an EGS Account to play the game online.

and they didn't mention this AT ALL that an EGS account was required
after what happened to helldivers 2 and all the shilling here, i almost bought this. glad i didn't
>and they didn't mention this AT ALL that an EGS account was required
You don't create an EGS account, though. You link your Steam account to EOS. I'm puzzled that some people don't understand what EOS is, and I'm puzzled why people keep saying EGS. They're completely different.
reddit-man here to save the day
>HD2 shot itself in the foot, now is slowly bleeding to death
>EDF6 could've gone for the jugular
>slices its own throat instead
What the fuck is going on with many vidya publishers/developers this year?
I'm starting to think it's actual sabotage.
Edpsister not like this, this suppose to be helldiver killer
make it optional
>smaller game publishers
>$60 + $30 of DLCs on top of it
They are just your regular jews.
No. the japs are that clueless. they have 0 global awareness (for the better or worse). so they just blindly listened to their "consultants" or whoever is the highest bidder for quick money, in this case, EGS.
>make it optional
How do you make the entire architecture that runs the multiplayer "optional"?
it requires EOS, not EGS
epic online services is a feature in unreal engine that enables crossplay multiplayer.
Everyone is using EOS, though. Not just Japan. There's no reason to use Steamworks anymore because firstly it sucks and secondly it doesn't handle crossplatform stuff at all.
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well it sure as hell reads like i need to make an account
EOS is a framework of APIs for practically everything to do with online. Leaderboards? That's EOS. Multiplayer? EOS. Anti-cheat is a component of EOS. It is the only real choice for making a game like this.
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Then what's the issue here???
by using the same architecture that worked perfectly fine for all the other games.
already a thread
people saw the epic account thing and got scared. epic doesn't give a fuck if you actually make an account with an email or not.
it was actually a hassle because i had to try attaching my nephew's epic account to our switch, but the second you open fortnite without doing that first, it just autogenerates an account, making it a real hassle to un-attach that account from the switch to account an already existing one.
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What reaction did they expect?
>do shit
>get bad reviews
"reviewbombing" is a word without meaning, implying some malicious intent and bad faith for creating negative reviews as deflection, even though the customers who make those negative reviews bought the game and just wanted to play it. Also it's just silly, for so many years you didn't need extra accounts with some other service for stuff like crossplay, but now every other game suddenly needs it and conveniently with services everyone wants to avoid by the biggest shitter companies in existence. I somehow doubt we started moving back in time and things just got shittier than they were years ago for no reason.
very heavily implies creating an account you dumb fucking idiot. holy shit. how the fuck your parents didn't decide to back the car over your infant skull is a fucking mystery of the universe.
You cant launch pirated copy without ESG account.
>itt retards who have no idea how complicated it is to implement cross platform multiplayer for a game like this
I hate to say this, but do people not understand what that button does? I know a lot of Steam users are children, but what it does is link your steam account to EOS. You need something to link to EOS (your Steam account) and it needs your permission to do that.

People would be screaming and crying if they were uploading your steam account IDs to Epic without asking.
Nope. They added the EOS requirement a few hours ago.
But there's no cross-platform in this game.
Its not a review bomb its just negative reviews. Stop using this fucking corpospeak.
so this page pops up. says you need to create an account to continue. it gives you a big ol' button that says create account.
And, somehow, you can't understand why people are assuming this means creating an account?
seriously? this is beyond your comprehension?
How did this happen twice in a year to the same "genre" of game from different companies?
It's such a specific thing that you'd think this is a once in a blue moon occurrence.
this looks like a shit helldivers clone pass
Because the genre they're in is heavily multiplayer-focused, and EOS is extremely commonly used for crossplay
Nah, it's a reviewbomb, because the people leaving negative reviews are still getting their friends to buy the game and play it with them actively even while writing the reviews. To flag a game as "not recommended" while recommending it to all of your friends is textbook definition review bomb.

Either way, EDF 6 already peaked at almost 3 times the EDF 5 peak and is still climbing, so it's not very effective.
EDF5 works perfectly fine without it.
Yes there is. PS4/PS5/Steam/EGS (eventually).
>being forced to install a DRM platform that needs to be on at all time that collects and sells my data, SIGN ME IN!
>twice in a year
EDF 6 released 2 years ago and is playable in all regions, and even without an account in single player or couch coop.
People saw epic and think they have to install the ebin game store and got mad.

There was an article months ago about this shit but no one saw it. It wouldn't be this bad if they put that before the game released.
>have to create an epic account
>at this point I might as well get Alan Wake 2
who are you quoting
Please tell me more?
It installs it's services though together with game.
You still need to install EOS to make it functional. It's no good.
i like how your pussy ass is complaining people finally stand up to bullshit practices if anything they need to do this more and on bigger games go cry to twitter with the other faggits
>If so, then it's stupid to review bomb
So I guess you're also mad they force you to install and use steam to play the game?
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>two years old game
>$60 + taxes + tip + DLC
>Need an Epic Account to play online
What a load of fucking shit
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EDF5 was also $60 when it launched and there wasn't as much shitposting compared to this one. I blame that helldivers like article.
It's more like a dummy profile, you can't actually log into the account or do anything with it, and it's assigned a random AdjectiveNoun#### username on Epic's side. All it does is relay your relevant Steam data to Epic's online infrastructure, has nothing to do with EGS.
Do you need Steam to buy and play the game?
Nigger, it installs epic online services when you launch through first time set up and won't launch without it.
>if it was there then the review would be not negative
this vtubers and their loser simp fans are the worst part of the anime fandom + trannies + lefties faggots. It is a perfect encapsulation of everything wrong with society nowadays
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Valve drones are the biggest cocksuckers in this entire industry. I've never seen people so willing to shackle themselves to a corporation like this.
t. Tim Sweeney
Holy fuck THE Epic Services!? This is like a gamer genocide
edf5 looked and felt different from edf4.1
t. Valve cuck
Where is Unreal Tournament 4 ?
It gets better later, the game is dual (quad actually) audio though, set it to JP if it bothers you that much
Yes, i don't want it on my pc.
>Game has something people dislike
>Give bad review because of it

Death to all games that make you open another launcher or another account after already launching it from some shit

fuck Helldivers for trying it and fuck EDF too
pc only gamers are always the most pathetic bunch
The problem was they didn't even announce this on release day. They had to be forced to admit hours after
The login requirement, plenty of games use epic online services without it
Yeah, sorry I prefer publishers being transparent about third party software and helping consumers be informed since I like to keep chinkware off my computer. Glad to know you suck corpo cock though.
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noone is posting clips, this alone shows anyone who defends it are shitposting, i had a webm collection an hour in edf 5 release
>since I like to keep chinkware off my computer. Glad to know you suck corpo cock though.
But you have problem with Steam? Valve the company that outright works with SBI and the CCP is fine?
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I literally CAN"T install EoS. Shit is just stuck at Dependencies installation.
Is my PC actively saving me from Tim's grasp?
>post screenshots
>lmao this guy spend $60 for this look at him and laugh
I can see this shit happening with the absolute state of the game
this. what a fucking cuck. even if they announced it when the game was announced, still worthy of review bombing. fuck epic pajeets
>slopdivers STILL malding about getting cucked by Snoy
You truly deserve the shit that happened to your game. Eiffel Towered by the balance team and the publisher lol
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Can someone answer me?
>the company that outright works with SBI and the CCP
That's Epic.
>live service game that’s been mismanaged by both the devs and publisher will outlive a single player game
LOLOLOL wanna run back to your trooncord and workshop that shitpost?
You mean like Steam?
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Why don't mods respond to reports against absolutely blatant organized discord raid activity against this game's threads?
literally EVERY SINGLE thread since the beginning of this week has been attacked by faggots spewing the same tired baits and doomposts, and now they're literally flooding the threads with waves of flamewar baiting and shitposting
The absolute fucking state of this site
You think that's bad? Even they pirated copy requires you to install epic services to play it
I already have an account from who knows when, but they didn’t post the fact that epic is REQUIRED for multiplayer on their store page, so everyone who preordered it and everyone who bought it within the first few hours was deceived, and that’s why they are mad.
Maybe some slavs will crack it.
this but unironically
Ok but what is wrong with epic services?
>everyone who disagrees with me is a discord troon
>everyone who criticize my goyslop is a discord troon
Ummmmmmmmm uuhhhhhhhhhhhj
After looking into this it seems I’ve already played a lot of games that use EOS on Steam, only they didn’t say anything about it and this one does
>anyone disagreeing with me clearly is involved with the boogeyman I conjured up this week
Go back to Ieddit.
>EDF6 will surely fill the void Helldivers 2 left after going through the PSN account drama
>EDF6 makes a stupid decision that leads to its own controversy that will get them review bombed for the exact same reason.


Is it really that hard? Steam should factually crack down on developers and publishers pulling this shit. If you buy a game on Steam, it should not require a third party account. You don't go on EGS, buy a game, then be told you need to install Steam services and register a Steam account.
Name me one game that required players to sign up for a third party account that was well recieved by players.
>uh turns out I already had aids so I dunno why everyone is warning me about catching aids
its fucking shit, and Tim killed UT, I fucking hate Tim and Epic.
>helldiver killer
Helldivers killed itself and hundreds of thousands of former players already fucked off back to various games, like Starship Troopers: Extermination, EDF 5, and even fucking XCOM. No need to kill that which is already dead bud
Why do I need epic services for a game on steam what do I gain from this
This probably isn't no different than other EOS games. They don't ask you to create an Epic account because they create a psuedo one for you automatically. Just hiding that popup, and putting it in the options if someone really wanted to login to their EGS account, would have prevented 95% of all the bitching. But japs gotta be retarded like always
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>tfw linux
its over
>don't have any friends
>only play offline
I think I'll be OK
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That is what happens when they try to rip off Helldivers soo badly
>They don't ask you to create an Epic account because they create a psuedo one for you automatically
I don't believe you.
yes anon
everyone who disagrees with you is a fedora cuck incel redditor discord tranny indian woman schizophrenic autist
did I miss any?
From what i understand they put it in for PS4/PS5 crossplay when it was released on consoles first.
Back in my day we had to drive an hour to even buy a game. Now these zoomers are throwing a temper tantrum for having to spend 2 minutes creating an account somewhere.
>everyone is using EGS
yeah fortnite kids
So I guess people are also mad you are forced to use Steam to play this?
There was an article saying this months ago. If only they put it up in the store page.

same goes for you, enjoy your vtumor shit and seanigger fanbase, with the extra jeets shilling EGS
or better yet, let people use their favorite API.
>do you want to crossplay with other consoles, you will have to use the Epic Shit Services
>do you want local MP, just use LAN
>do you want to play with other steam users, use Steamworks
Its not fucking difficult to implement.
Let me play and buy this game without using Steam

Online Fix for EDF6, password is "online-fix.me"
Paste it to your EDF6 directory, launch LaunchGame.exe as admin (while having steam opened), you will have white screen, minimize the game and browser will open, log in to your Epic Account and allow the account for access to the game. Yes you can play with legit players and players on consoles. Enjoy.
If you have error about missing files, install epic online services in the game folder.
Slopdiver Trooncord has been seething about EDF ever since their dogshit game died
Back in your day you didn't need an account to play co-op either.
Yep.They buffed the rifles,fixed the spear and made more stratagems viable.The Eruptor is good
Helldivers will still be fine when EDF copypaste number 10 launch and be ignored like any other reused asset garbage slop.
>EDF6 will fail because people think EOS and EGS are the same thing
Too bad for the Japs. It’s funny that the negative reaction is because they inform you of it while most games do it invisibly. If you’ve played Elden Ring or Risk of Rain 2 or half the shit around then your Steam was already linked to EOS.
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>refunded my copy and a gifted copy for a friend who is not interested due to EGS
>another friend refunded their copy
I bought 5 full price despite knowing it was barely different and shouldn't have costed that much. I did the same with 6 but as soon as I saw EGS shit start launching and installing I just force closed. At least I have some money I can spend on something else.
Damn, discordnigger doomposters must be really mad that the game isn't flopping like they hoped if that's the best they can come with.
The thing is, Epic *requires* crossplay if you want to sell it on EGS. I know there are services like PlayFab, but they aren't free like EOS.

Valve should update Steamworks to accommodate cross platform play so we don't have to deal with this shit. I know it technically already has it, but it isn't as well documented as EOS.
glow spear is pretty cool as are the shields
The problem is that the game proudly demands you to make an Ebin Games account, this was only communicated after the fact and the reaction from the publisher was "oh yeah oops we forgot to mention but you HAVE to sign up to Timmy Tencent to play oops our bad lmao". They could've implemented the EOS framework in a billion different ways that are as unobtrusive as possible, but they deliberately chose the one that is guaranteed to piss people off.
Yeah, exactly. Don't.
yeah, turns out your average gamer doesn't casually browse epics dev blog.
>It’s funny that the negative reaction is because they inform you
It wasn't there on launch. It was only added a few hours ago.
>tranny is terrified of vtubers
Many such cases!
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Umm, yeah. I'm going to need you to post WebM's of your online EDF 6 multiplayer gameplay sessions. I mean, if you claim that you aren't bothered by the obligatory epic signup for online multiplayer, I have to assume that you actually purchased EDF 6, agreed with the EULA, and are playing EDF online.

C'mon, go on you Epic shills, post those EDF6 online multiplayer WebM's already..
i don't install any unity games because it installs Unity Gaming Services. literally unacceptable
>requirement to create an EGS Account to play the game online.
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>game already have over twice the amount of max players that EDF5 had
Tim keeps winning baby
>If you use only EOS Game Services in your game, you do not require EOS Epic Account Services. You only need to use EOS Epic Account Services if you want your players to connect to your game using their Epic Games accounts so they can use services such as crossplay, friends, player presence, and the social overlay.
Sandlot could have just not made the account requirement and nobody would have noticed.
not making an epic account and never will. cope, seethe, do what you must
Mirror of the fix:
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No webm but I got this
EOS isn't the problem. It does provide much-requested functionality that Steamworks has failed to implement so far. The problem will always be not wanting to become a statistic that Epic can use to do more anti-consumer shit with their store
Androids/machine men are actually kinda creepy as far as EDF enemies go.
>It only takes a few minutes to sign up chud!
Does signing up actually make the game better for me specifically? Do I get anything beneficial
out of it?
KEK, they won't. I guarantee you. None of these epic shills actually purchased earth defense force 6.
pw: rage
Exactly. And sandlot never mentioned it anywhere on the steam page
>live service game with 14k concurrent players
To be fair, that’s not too ba-
Dropped from 460k concurrent down to 14k concurrent
Ah, I’m sure Arrowhead will be able to subsist off of a grand total of 200 concurrent players by the time EDF 7 is announced as in development LMAO.
>vtumor seanigger calling anyone else tranny
>put the game on steam
>required to make an account for a direct competitor
Please. Can the Epic game store just fucking die already? It's not going to complete with steam. It's never going to be successful. Stop bribing developers with your mountains of Fortnite money.
see >>683698001
just install a game like fortnite onto your switch or playstation and open it. you'll find out you now have an epic account named something like frog39543 attached to your console.
Then why doesn't it say "continue without signing in" and have a little tooltip to explain that it creates an internal ID only used for EOS purposes? That would've avoided like 99% of the entire fucking issue, but instead they had to set up the splash page to talk about having to sign in.
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I preordered this game (a lesson to be learned there) and was never notified that it would require a 3rd party account. Previous game didn't require it.
To be notified of this Epic Online requirement right after release is fraud. I have no stance on if Epic is spyware, but this behavior is by definition false advertising. I won't buy this game until this requirement is removed, and if it is never removed, I'm not going to play a legit purchased game.

And no still not going to install kernel level anticheat to play Slopdivers and have a max of 10 bugs on screen at a time. Kys shills.
Because the devs are Japanese people who had no idea anyone would care
>EDF 6 current player count 17k
>HD2 current player count 14k
OOF. Troondiver bros… I thought… we shitposted… hard enough
Guess I'll refund and pirate it
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>supporting SBI and CCP?
this is fine
>taking 10sec to create an account
>Already twice as many concurents as EDF5's peak during daytime hours
Doom shitposters lost
It links steam for online. You don’t need to login anywhere, maybe you are just whining for whining’s sake
I don't WANT an Epic account linked to my other shit you retard. That's the crux of the issue.
You get an extra overlay running in parallel with the game, no, you can't disable it, but why would you want to?
Japs are naive enough to think western players are not retarded corporate cultists
What does the account provide the customer?
>you need to sign up on a pirated cracked copy
>you literally cannot play without internet
>It is the only real choice for making a game like this.

If only there was another big company that people liked and also had a developer stack like this
if i ever bought a game on EGS and it made me log on to Steam id be equally pissed
just the idea of launching a service when youre already on a service is bullshit
The pre-order bonus was shit, so I didn't have a problem refunding it just to join the bandwagon. The more Epic hate, the better
Same thing Steam does, nothing.
If you played ANY of these games then you already linked up to Epic

>just willingly install malware
no die
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Hold the fucking phone. They never implemented any license checks and just blindly let any arbitrary client connect to the official servers?
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>we're never gonna get another EDF game on PC because the publisher fucked up and didn't mention the EGS account requirement on the store page
please tell me this is a nightmare that I have yet to wake up from, my favourite niche game can't end up like this
So there's no reason to sign up? gotcha.
I don't think many of these games force install EOS when you click launch though
Me when I tried playing the demo of that new Prince of Persia game
Crossplay was the entire reason for EOS.
You use steam tho

The game has sold way more than any other game, what are you smoking?
Yes you can. Legit Steam players who bought the game, even consoles.
Sandlot sold out to Epic.

Lazy, incompetent developers.

That’s exactly what they do.
EOS is not EGS retard
Sorry but it's real bro, they pulled a repeat of the Slopdivers 2 account requirement months after it happened. The utter stupidity.
A dummy account associated with your steam token
Allows you to use Epic Online Services through Steam
Usually it's silent but D3 are inept dinosaurs and brought all this shit on themselves
Rightly so.
Same reason to use steam, they force you
Your doomposting has no power here, nintennigger. Stick to your circlejerk.
I don't believe this, but I will test this with one of these games to make sure.
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>forced epic account poorly optimised day 1 dlc jank dogshit
>forced epic account poorly optimised day 1 dlc jank dogshit, Japan
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I said online MP,
C'mon, prove that you aren't a shitposter and actually own EDF 6 and are playing it online, further proving that you aren't bothered by the obligatory Epic signup.
I don't know, this thread sure as hell smell shitposty, it's full of Epiclowns who don't even own EDF 6. and they are terrible at pretending they own EDF 6.

@shills, do you clowns even know how to shill properly? Make it first about EDF 6 before shifting the subject to Epic.accounts. Be more subtle. Gotta break the mold
Funny how the discordfaggot's favorite weapon, the steam playercount chart, isn't being posted in the thread. Humm, wonder why.
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I could list all the things Steam offers for free that make it the defacto platform on PC but all of your replies are going to be Sweeney-funded "who cares".

I know you fucking Jeets only got the internet in the last decade but at least try and understand why Steam is the top dog on the PC platform despite all its shortcomings.
What the fuck, Outer Wilds used EOS??
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>game has already sold way more than any other games in the series
>Japs will look at this and think it's thanks to Tim-sama (which it is)
APOLOGIZE to the guy saving your dying series.
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>1500 posts into this shitposting storm
>Most people in it still don't understand the distinction between EOS and EGS
Just stop caring.
I didn't buy Sonic Frontiers or Dragon's Dogma 2 solely because they had Denuvo.
I didn't buy Digimon Survive because it didn't have Japanese text.
I didn't buy Megaton Musashi because it also had some weird shit I don't remember the name of I think.
Just stop caring. Don't FOMO. Be extremely petty and move on quickly.
>excited to play
>had it preorders
>sandlot playing the eastern jew card
DAMN it sandlot for fuck sake why are you so retarded
>Didn't make a snoy account for HD2
>Not gonna make a ecuck account either

simple as.
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Post WebM of EFD 6 Online multiplayer.
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HD2 has 18k while EDF is preaking at 17k
>The game relies on Epic servers to play Online
>meaning Steam offers jackshit
Nope, there's literally zero reasons for this game to be on Steam
>he preordered
You will never learn.
I play solo.
Voting with your wallet doesnt mean anything anymore when whales and idiots just buy whatever they want.
>what's the issue?
Just don’t require another account then?
I just dont care desu.
Where the new Unreal Tournament you dipshit ?
This. Stop caring. Don't say anything. Let them do their thing. It doesn't matter. You can't do anything.
just click the fucking button /v/, stop being a little bitch and acting like Tim is going to steal your organs
That's why I said to stop caring.
Don't do it as activism. Do it out of petty spite.
>no EDF 6 Gameplay webm's posted.
>in an EDF thread,
i can't even install EoS bruh
maybe because those stats aren't typically available until the game's been out for 24h
They're discontented with the way Eren cries at the end of the story
Your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you post in this thread again.
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you mean
>REQUIRED for singleplayer
if it was only required for multiplayer, I'd probably not refund it.
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singleplayer games wouldn't. i see rust ended up having a minor meltdown over epic online services.
It's between ps4 and ps5 versions of the game
not even trying to be subtle
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Here you fucking troglodytes
It's been here all along creating dummy accounts silently on over 2000 games
Nips are just too dumb to make it so
>people that bought the game are playing it obviously
>thread is just paid Steam pajeets trying to doompost
>meanwhile the game has already sold way more than any other games in the series
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That's because everyone involved is deliberately encouraging the confusion. D3P is too terminally retarded to understand what they're talking about and why everyone is so mad, so they just put up a post explicitly stating that you need an Epic Games account to play multiplayer, lying to their audience to piss them off even more. Epic doesn't give a shit and would rather have more people sign up for their bullshit, and anons just want to watch the turds fly.
2024 playing a 60 fps game lmfao
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>Forces you to just straight up replay 5
I knew the devs were lazy but christ
first game I have pre-ordered in literally 10 years for the discount. Every single fucking time
>Ai voice acting
Is D3 not doing well lately? or are they just trying to piss off as many people as possible
It's not a review bomb if it's justified. Don't piss off your customers.
Because they don't do it for discord raids on any game?
Because no game would have any threads at all without discord raids?
>steam cultists
>play 60 of these games
>have 60 different epic accounts
are you retarded?
HD2 has 21k right now at its deadest
EDF6 has 17k during its highest
I never wanna see you roaches bring up player counts again
Edfsissies we need to call in more vtuber nendos to epicly own the helldiverGODS
It runs like shit.
Nah I don’t buy it. Elden Ring wouldn’t hand over my data like that.
Just blame epic
They'd make you do the game for every gsme on UE if they could.
>Extremely commonly
I have never had a game use EOS for crossplay until this, and I do basically nothing but co-op with friends. Where the fuck have you shills been popping up from posting this so much today?
Its only 110 levels, you get over 30 brand new missions.
You're a steam cultist, use a epic games store instead.
You're not necessarily retarded yourself but you clearly don't have a grasp of how those kind of online services function
If you bought this epic slop, then lower your voice when speaking to helldiver chads.
so aside from the epic gay service, is there any other shit we can use to shit on them even more?
like server outages, balancing issues, whatever
Now you know how Helldiversfags felt.
Never ever ever ever ever pre-order. Doesn’t matter if it’s a game in your most favorite series in the world and there’s surely no way they can fuck it up. Don’t do it.
anon...elden nig has easyanticheat
(it's buried in the shitty EULA instead of announced front and center)
Timmy had his chance when he launched his platform, too bad it was chinese spyware at the time.
>kneeling to Snoy's sloppy second
I refuse to do anything for either of you subhumans, kek
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Hey pal, blow in from stupid town?
People playing games on Steam don't want to rely on any other launcher other than Steam.
You don't login to Xbox live when you play on your switch.

they are reviewing the game
you can't just make a buzzword up to re-label a normal activity because you don't like the outcome
no clue, most people ended up uninstalling it immediately due to that
the sony boys crying demanding others to "just make an account" will never not be funny. I can't see why it was so important to them.
>Edgelord child just wanting to be edgy
Kindly fuck off and go back to cutting yourself.
no, but you can shove a loaded gun in your mouth and pull the trigger instead
I still use it regularly, it has a niche but it was better when it was the crowd clearer it was. I don't get why they can't just make the explosion bigger after removing the shrapnel that caused the "exploits" they were salty about
That's just Fortnite.
>buy product in X store
>X store gives you a note instead
>note says you will have to go to Y store to get product
fuck you
Thank you Tim-sama for gatekeeping my favourite franchise from filthy normalfags
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You do realize you use Steam, the SBI inc. and CCP store?
>requirement to create an EGS Account to play the game online.
Completely justified.
The first game that uses EOS you play automatically makes a dummy account for you, every following game uses this dummy account.
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I was hoping this would be the new HD2 and Sandlot would get a big break, but I woke up to this retarded news of them breaking their own kneecaps instead...
I bought neither because I didn't fall for the hype lol
translation is half assed and full of engirsh
voice acting is awful, and not the b-movie so bad its good sort of bad like previous game, just really bland bad
game is 90% a reskin of 5
>No, you don't understand, if you allow one bad thing, you have to allow and put up with every bad thing ever!
I wonder how devs/publishers feeling right now.
Probably glugging beer in some bar not giving a shit.
Redefining words that upset leftists is what they do best.
Its not justified reviewing, its 'reviewbombing'. It's not pedophillia, its 'gender reaffirming'. Its not violent niggers, its 'people of color' and so on.
This lol.
I don't think you can even buy the game ion EGS. They are just using it for online.
Hilarious seeing schizos seethe about nothing again while I'm having a blast playing.
They made a client specifically for China expecting that the CCP would try to regulate Steam like they do with other companies but it hasn't happened yet for some reason.
Yes, Steam is a bigger problem than EoS so complain about that instead?
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here you go. it's doing slighlty better than the 5 years old dwarf game on its release day
at least 17k people paid 60 euros for that trash lol they're all happy
The fact that you hoped for this is really fucking stupid, it's better for these games to be niche
They'll get returns on hand signed fax documents in about 3 days
Japan is that modern
The lesson to be learned is to use EOS without telling the customer, like every other game already does.
>Steam is a bigger problem than Epig
Lol, lmao. Mao, touch grass.
You got a source for that?
Steam is a bigger platform which I have already been using for over a decade and will require a much larger effort to change. Not installing a new game has the same benefit for zero effort.
The description of them reminds me so much of the mechanoids in Serious Sam. These two settings keep blending in my head more and more.
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If you are drinking and still giving a shit then that means you haven't drank enough.
the dub (main selling point of games) is shit
Is EDF a dwarflike?
oh so then if i try to make a real account and link it with my steam something would break?
>The thing is, Epic *requires* crossplay if you want to sell it on EGS.
I bet that's because the multiplayer playerbase would be fucking DEAD on launch for literally anything if they didn't force it.
>Game sold way more than any other in the series
they will probably thank Tim-sama personally

Riots platform alone has more users than steam
gotta give it a month when steam send them the charge back for all the refunds
I'm not a hipster, I don't give a fuck if it's niche, but I would like the people who make things I enjoy succeed.

But then they pull this dumb shit.
I think the distinction is how EOS is implemented. Elden Ring uses EAC and is the only extra thing it actually installs, if EOS is actually used, it's on the backend for online play and not installed on your PC, most online games using it works like this, with or without EAC. Games like Returnal and EDF6 installs EOS as a third party software which adds more features and while it is not required for Returnal (you can cancel the install and the game doesn't care) it is required for EDF6 and adds Epics overlay and other shit. It's supposedly required for crossplay with consoles so it's the publisher/devs at fault for not pointing this shit out beforehand, and Epic for being gay as fuck in how this is done.
EDF has more bugs.
Good, having to wait an extra fucking year to play on ps5 just so they could ship the port at the same time was pointless.
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piratebros how do we play online?
Have hope, even after Japan did the fucking retardation of creating and releasing New Gundam Breaker, Gundam Breaker 4 eventually came into existence.
>Game sold way more than any other in the series
every fucking game is like this, the size of the audience continues expanding every year, of course your newest game is gonna sell more now that you're selling to a prospective audience of 100 million people instead of 10 million like last decade, etc.
kinda, if you tried to link an existing epic account with your steam and it already generated an epic account through some steam game, it would give you an error message saying you can't it because that steam account is already linked to an epic account.
>You don't login to Xbox live when you play on your switch.
ackshually you need an Xbox account to play MS games on Switch

Online Fix for EDF6, password is "online-fix.me"
Paste it to your EDF6 directory, launch LaunchGame.exe as admin (while having steam opened), you will have white screen, minimize the game and browser will open, log in to your Epic Account and allow the account for access to the game. Yes you can play with legit players and players on consoles. Enjoy.
If you have error about missing files, install epic online services in the game folder.
Fucking genius.
>Infinte chinese money
>Devs already break even and probably paid in advance for a thousasnd copies.
But yeah you are changing the world with your negative review. Count as much as a sign over petition to stop violent video games or for the enviroment LOL.
I tried playing this and it's so fucking boring, especially the mining shit. So tedious.
You are stealing from EGS, stop it at once.
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>can play with legit players and players on consoles
aint no way
thanks timmy tencent
Epic shills are lying about this
Don’t believe them
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>total pajeet death
Why do you hate Valve?
>Riots platform alone has more users than steam
ah i see so we are just making factually incorrect lies now cool
>Yes you can play with legit players and players on consoles.
ahhahahahhaha thank you Timmy for such amazing service i will spend $60 on pizzas
>every fucking game is like this
Are you sure? Tell that to all the failing devs with their pozzed sequels that bomb, retard
>All it does is relay your relevant Steam data to Epic's online infrastructure
oh yeah, because I want Epic to spy on my steam account
that's perfectly fine
I have a fun question if anybody thinks they can answer it. I'm pretty sure that Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising utilizes Epic Online Services for their online and that game allows for crossplay with consoles. Correct me if I'm wrong and if I'm right, why is it that Granblue doesn't require you to make an Epic account?
SBI is shit
Why the fuck do you care? It's a non issue. Oh no, the CCP got your friends list, ITS LITERALLY OVER
Get fucking dabbed on. It should have been bombed like this just for selling once again the same fucking game for 60 bucks. But i'll take it.
Because it does it silently scroll up nigga
So it it just an account or does it install the epic store app onto your computer too?
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online fix?
hidden from my account
it's edf time
Because they didn't realize they could use the crossplay accounts as a metric to show their investors.

"Hey look how many more people use our platform now that we make them sign up."
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This does not even include Valorant numbers
>b-but bots
All the top played games on Steam atm are botted to hell
In cases like that it just links to Epic on its own without you doing anything.
Cuz we prefer not giving an inch so they can take a mile?
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We are the valiant infantry
These games are already full of shitty players who get carried.
I don't want more normalfags playing these games.
You already gave them an inch years ago when you installed all that shit on your PC and phone, it doesn't matter, they already have everything, WHY THE FUCK DO YOU EVEN CARE ANYMORE
The free money is gone anon, they did this for free…
EDF isn't an Epic Games title, so that analogy doesn't work.
Try again.
It'd be more like if some indie game like Bio Prototype needed to be logged into steam on a PS5.
>people that download a DRM platform from a company that works with SBI and the CCP cares about "integrity"
Alright now with the shitposting out of the way it's time for the serious discussion to start:

How is the EDF singing during battle compared to previous games?
>You got raped in the ass once, so just get raped in the ass 5 more times
You don't even know what I have installed let alone on my phone.
Why do you care about my abstinence and refund request?
Thanks for the heads-up, I just used the search function to look for "Granblue" so I asked the question directly instead.

So you're saying that Epic forced it on the EDF developers?
The game also installs EGS on your system which sucks
Once again playstation chads win again.
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>earth defense sissies thought this was going to mog helldivers 2
Yes. You are a gay now. You can never ungay yourself. Glad you understand. Now bend over.
Ranging from copy pasta from 5 to garbage ai version.
Just make a damned account, it takes 90 seconds tops and you forget about it. It's not a big deal.
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>you still need EGS to play online on the pirated copy
I mean you clearly sound like you're familiar with getting ass-raped
>hiding spacewar
you should favorite that game on steam so everyone can see how many hours you pirated online games
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It's still a much better game.
Some autists crying about irrelevant shit doesn't affect the game's quality, just like having to make a PSN account didn't affect HD2.
I prefer not to. I'm refunding.
It doesn't install the Store app, it installs the Epic Online Service app which allegedly includes some local features like Epic's overlay and some other worthless shit. Games using EOS does not have a hard requirement for this but for whatever reason EDF6 does.

It's trash
Worst song by far, worst singing too.
Probably the one thing about 6 that is just absolutely worse than the other titles.
I say this as someone who thinks this is easily the best EDF game yet.
>Installs Epic shit on your system to go online
>Faggots try to play it off like ITS JUST A SERVICE LAWL
I don't want your fucking garbage on my machine. If it's a server side then thing that's that, but keep your steaming pile of dogshit off my computer.
I refunded HD2 when they decided to force that, Not buying EDF for this reason either.
does the game not work on linux???
Well guys, you can continue fighting over this. Me personally, I have decided to not buy it. I'll go look for other games instead. See ya!
This desu. Also they're getting cucked by buying a repackaged PS2 game for 60 fucking bucks. Imagine that.
Ok, that's your autism and tantrum.
it didn't affect the quality of the gameplay in any way.
Can you buy this game outside of Steam, or are you forced to install and use Steam to play this game?
bro wtf and piratecels are bragging about this???
lol then i know for a fact that EOS list is bullshit. i've played a ton of them and linked my steam to a fresh epic account just fine.
This comic was always stupid. Society never improved; technology did. Improvements in farming techniques and yields are what really improved the lot in life of peasants and paved the way for developed civilisation.
It's already on your machine if you've played any popular online game those last 5 years
>tim epic bullshit
it does not
If it improves the game then I'll consider it. If it does nothing then it gets nothing.
Ah so that was why it wasn't on my PC explicitly until I installed EDF6
Let's go bros.
tfw only at mssiosn 24
Just give me your credit card info
right here right now, next post you make
it takes 90 seconds and then you forget about it, its not a big deal
Installed Elden Ring to test it. It does not install EOS on launch like EDF6. So this is not true.
Yes it was there unexplicitly.
Strawman, these two examples are nothing alike,
i don't have egs and i never will, the end.
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Your mother was here explicitly while you were defending one of the biggest dickheads in gaming.
>took over an hour to receive a refund
Must be busy over in the refunds department
While I am not an old fag, I am still old enough to remember being a PC gamer in the 2000's and remembering when Steam was new and how it was constantly shat on for trying to take control away and change how PC gaming works as we know it. I was really late to give in, about around 2010.
And to cut my autistic blog short: Valve should play a bit offensively for once and make a rule that no game going forward can require a third party account for anything (to be allowed to play at all, to having to play the games multiplayer, or to get content that cannot be earned through the game itself or purchasable through Steam). I had a misconception that a game gotten through Steam would have no other form of DRM ans I was pissed buying Max Payne 3 on sale and finding out it required downloading and running the Rockstar Game store. Trying to enforce "no other DRM at all than Steam itself" may be hard to sell. But not requiring third party accounts and clients should be reasonable.
It does, it also installs EAC which is much worse :^)
Its always like this bro'. Game is still shit and everyone should refund, hell, if you were smart you wouldn't have bought that garbage in the first place
You don't need to give your credit card to make an Epic account, you disingenuous fuck.
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This thread right now
It's not in my files from what I can tell, so I don't believe you. Unlike when I install EDF6. EAC is another story, I'm unfamiliar with it, but I'll take your word for it that it's potentially malicious
>not even 20k people playing
>25% current rating
Yeah definitely swimming in cash
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>Yes you can play with legit players and players on consoles. Enjoy.
10/10 service timmy.
holy shit earth defence fags got raped hard.
Helldivers total victory
And at the end of the episode everyone moved on from the FOTM and ended up with Homer being his only customer. Quite apt.
>way more players than they ever had before
They are up nearly 300% compared to EDF5, that's a fucking insane increase.
Yeah it's great for a small game like that, retard.
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And Homer and his bunch of friends love being there
Very apt
>Steam users are reviewbombing the game due to the requirement to create an EGS Account to play the game online.
It forced me to make an automated one for Rocket League and I don't even know how to login besides starting RL from Steam and then it logs me on automatically.
Never will I use that shit in any other game and never will I buy one that needs it.
I'll admit that. They resold exactly the same game with a few changes to your retards, for 60 bucks. They did fucking rape you. Bless the devs.
And? You reek of a fucking secondary who never even played these games.
EDF having a small playerbase is nothing new. I don't "need" anyone to stay.
the game has an amazing built in normalfag filter and gatekeeping.
People are retarded and don't understand there's multiple ways for EOS to be implemented. Strictly for online play there's nothing extra needed to be installed locally for consumers as it is handled server-side. But if Epic features for users are implemented like EGS login, overlay and whatever else, EOS is installed as a third party software.
As anon has pointed out with Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising however, it is NOT required for crossplay so why EDF6 has it is questionable other than the fact the game does seem planned to release on EGS going by their own webpage.
>They are up nearly 300% compared to EDF5
you're so shit at math it's funny.
This is probably true. To leave a review you had to buy the game so everyone review bombing it still gave them money. Looking through the reviews most of them don't even have "product refunded" so they still kept the game. KWAB
>"B-But it wasn't there till hours later!"
1) Never pre-order games or buy them at launch.
2) Always pirate before buying.
>They did fucking rape you
I asked for this, it's fine
Sad. There are other games that require egs for multiplayer and they don't get review bombed so doing it on this niche game is just hurting them for no reason. Just play single player like normal people.
Just spread your anus, what's the issue?
>I'm a retard
weird flex
Interesting, thanks for the info
Keep saying words you don't know the meaning of.
>dude just create a Steam account, download Steam and let it run and collect Data what's the issue?
Good. Fuck off with that. Any external account requirements should be against tos. But this is better. The game devs can't come after steam for monopoly tactics and they still get reemed by the end users that hate this shit. Helldivers should have made this obvious.
they are both forms of personal information
hint: you really aren't as smart as you think.
EGS or Console version no other choice
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>edf5 barely had players
>edf6 is hitting 17k on day 1
what happened
just play helldivers 2
Retarded japs didn't make it known on the game listing until after release. That's why it's being review bombed
>Looking through the reviews most of them don't even have "product refunded" so they still kept the game
My refund is still pending and I requested it about an hour after the game went live. Give it time.
Hmmm this thread doesn't have enough food analogies desu
Why are people not raging that they are forced to install a SBI program?
It's the best game in the series and Steamies are SEEEETHING over the ROARING SUCCESS
Literally Helldivers 2 happened
they will faint again after 3 hours
What's a SBI program?
>they didn't buyted Alan Wake II
and you dare to call yourself "gamers"...
I think it's genuinely impossible to fuck up a new release in terms of sales numbers. The demographic for vidya has been exploding year on year and has only now started to plateau.

Never trust any scumfuck corpo who celebrates anything being "the fastest/best selling in the franchise". Cornering 2% of the current market is more sales than 20% of the previous one.
That's fair.
But one of my personal rules is to never get games that have pre-order exclusive content. That is one of the earliest possible red flags for a game for me.
Steam, Valve works with SBI so when you use Steam you support Sweet Baby Inc™
Nah. In some context it makes sense. An online RPG for instance should be allowed to have their own sign up thing. But these other games where the purpose for the account is literally just to pull users into a competing ecosystem and only inconveniences users? Fuck that.
Users should just keep refunding and review bombing the latter. They'll learn eventually.
the main reason they removed the shrapnel was because it had a 50% chance of launching straight backwards into your head and instakilling you (which was only discovered after they fixed the glitch where you were immune to your own bullets like it's fucking doom 1)
You don't even need to preorder for the stuff.
>it's normal for every new game to sell 3 times as much as the previous one
Why do you dislike Sweet Baby Inc? Are you racist?
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Oh, so just Steam babies crying about nothing again. Typical.
>50% chance
Untrue and retarded, unless you were insanely unlucky or kept hitting things at point blank.
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Looks like I was spot on, secondary.
Go back to HD, nigger.
So, for example, if Civ VI, Bannerlord or Wh40k Gladius uses EOS but it doesn't feature EGS login and such, it's all server side? I could simply block connections via hostfile and game wouldn't even notice?

But game breaking itself in such case would suggest otherwise, yes?
>talking to subhuman /pol/skins
how come people that post this image never play any video games?
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It was supposed to work just fine on the pirated version but it doesn't.
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>Yes you can play with legit players and players on consoles
>sell out to corpo
>make it easier to pirate
a shame will be the first edf not my steam list but whatever
As they should. Epig is malware.


Epiggies SEETHING.
>dude, you already got rectal examination once, right? So what's your issue with my anal rape?
Yeah I rather complain about the root of the problem that is being forced to use a DRM platform in the first place to play the game.
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Anon you talk about ze anus a whole lot
the Epic marketeer that talked to their publisher's marketeer forgot to mention that EGS doesn't actually have any customers and will only make people hate you
>that ps2 ass menu and font
Why are jap games like this
Why the fuck should we HAVE to baby other races just because they are sub 80 IQ sub humans with crab in a bucket mentality
>game sold way more than any previous game in the series
>all thanks to Tim
>"n-no it doesn't help!"
>Monster Hunter I'm excluding Rise because exclusive vs multiplat
Maybe not three times, but unironically yes.
You mean good? They just are.
Retards call it soul. For real japanese "people" are just retarded and stuck in the past. And not in a good way.
ITT: Zoomers pretending like they don't log into an Epic account every day to play Fortnite or whatever gay shit they play
>He still play Rocket League after Epig bought them
>Writing was on the wall
>CONTINUING to play after Epig bought them
>CONTINUING to play after Elong Musk's DumpsterTruck is thrown in with fucked up hit boxes.
Do Rocket League faggots really?
Tim somehow made more people buy the game on Steam?
It's a recolor of EDF 5 anyway. They could shit out EDF game every year.
If it's responsive and sounds nice i'm A-OK with that shit
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>look at the first series in your list for fun
>it's the total opposite
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>zoomie thinks "PS2-like" is an insult
Never happened to me o once because I used it as a long range weapon as intended
But that wasn't what I fucking asked. I understand they didn't like how the shrapnel damage was calculated and probably too incompetebt to fuck with it without fucking up all the other explosions that creat shrapnel.
But tell me, why can't the base explosions of the grenade just be a 5m radius or some shit? They don't have a reason they just gutted the gun.
They could put in more money into marketing thanks for Tim gifting them EOS. Yes, it was a genius move. The next EDF game will be even better and probably exclusive.
any chance that this gets your steam or epic banned?
It only lets you connect with other pirates but not steam players and console players are nowhere to be seen. What a let down.
the vast majority of fortnite players are consoles and mobileshitters
Tim is actually deluded and thinks he can convert those into PC gamers somehow and dethrone Steam, but you know how that has been going
Because they use fonts designed for japanese
I don't even have the account on EGS yet they made one for me automatically
EpigOnlineSpyware.dll is a symptom of the Epig Spyware Store cancer. EOS REQUIRES an ESS account. That's the problem.
Been using online fixes for quite a while, never a single case of a ban, ever.

Here are mirrors of the fix if you can't download it from filehaus:
Nothing wrong with that.
Hi fellow /fuckepic redditor
it wasn't there before but even if it was, it's a bad thing so it deserves the negative vote
that's like saying "nooo you already knew the game was bad before buying it, you can't give it a negative vote!!!"
Everything is wrong with it since you will be met with "failed to connect" message in 9 out of 10 lobbies
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I'd like to thank Steam for helping fund the next EDF exclusive on EGS.
Note how I said highest/fastest selling.
Google quickly pulls up these results
>Pokemon Sun and Moon is Nintendo's fastest-selling game in The Americas
>Pokémon Sword and Shield is the fastest-selling Nintendo Switch game yet
>Pokemon Scarlet And Violet's 10 Million Copies Sold In Three Days Breaks Every Nintendo Record
You realize they'll be able to track how many people actually pay for video games on EGS, right?
You got that backward
I want to thank them for making it playstation exclusive next time so we won't have to wait two years again.
I'm stuck in the tutorial because steam input is broken and I can't shoot my gun
Love watching edffags getting their comeuppance after shitting on helldivers for adding mandatory PS account link
I clearly stated sale numbers and you replied with that list saying that squels always sell more which is false.
>Sell three times as much
Proof? Because review count doesn't count. Lots of people don't leave Steam reviews.
>i get my thoughts injected directly by console war shitters
>and now I carry the torch
You mean track how practically non existential that demographic is?
Twitch and youtube keep recommending vtubers to me
I can't figure out what I watch that puts me in the algorithm with those faggots
Holy shit is it cancer
Steamdb and steamcharts
not as sad as EDF shitting the bed with an epic account LMAO
No problem. I'll just go to Walmart and pick up a physical cop-
If you watch any form of game streams that counts to the algorithm as it shares genre with vtubers who do game streams too.
Im playing the game. Had an Epic account for Fall guys so cbf about login shit drama going on. You already give all your details to google and corpos its too late to have that muh privacy speech.
Being a Fencer feels good.
How can anyone look at this manufactured and fake outrage and not believe discordtroons are real? You guys don't even play video games anymore, all you do is look for that next kick, that next controversy "I just need a little bit more controversy maaan that's all"
>Im playing the game
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Post yfw you didn't preorder.
>just stop having principles and bend over for the corpos bro
here's your (you) you son of a bitch
I played HD2 even with the Snoy shit. I refuse to install Epic Chink Services on my machine. Shills like you can fuck off, games are still played, just not be shit devs trying to shovel literal trash into our mouths.
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this is just karma for edf fags having incessantly interject in helldiver threads. get used to it, it'll blow over in a week at most.
You broke your "principles" when you installed one of the other 2000 games that use EOS.
You have nothing. You are a pathetic waste of space.
Is discord in the room with us right now?
Are you running it in a different window?
How many games require you to install it? Yeah, that's about right, fucking boot licking faggot.
So I guess you don't use Steam?
All I'm getting is that the game will be free of troglodytes.
Time for some quality gaming for once instead of meme-spouters.
Sorry for the betray /v/ros but I love edf so I'll just bend over and spread my cheeks to timmy.
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>preodering in the current century
Wouldn't ever be me.
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>leftists screech about Trump being a dictator
>nothing happens during his presidency
>leftists screech about epic client
>nothing happens during its time of use
always do the opposite of what idiots say, anons.
Have some self respect you fucking monkey
>But these other games where the purpose for the account is literally just to pull users into a competing ecosystem and only inconveniences users?
It is nothing to do with that. As far as D3 is concerned it's just a matter of guaranteeing you as a customer will be able to play with anyone on PC regardless of where they got their copy of the game.

Epic Game Store is not a requirement. It's just the networking service. This is one of those cases where like it or not, Epic has been doing a better job than Valve in affording cross "platform" services and more publishers are adopting eos as a consequence.

See >>683702821 you don't even need to 'sign up'. It just associates your steam ID with a unique key on eos network.

I'm not a fan of it either, but it's an unfortunate consequence of these bullshit digital 'platforms'. At some point some games are just going to use one service or another for their networking. Otherwise we're all signing up for new accounts with every single publisher, running their own bloated launchers, etc. 2K, Rockstar. Looking at you.
Yeah, you can see those lobbies, but you can't connect to them. Thanks for clarification.
>shill tactics fail
>I know, let's appeal to rightoid politics, 4chan loves that
They need to save their money on these shills and invest some in actually making a new game next time roflmfao
I don't care about multiplayer but I totally get the negative reviews.

As an EDF fan it's a bummer but at least the sales/player-count/stream counts appear to be much more that they were for EDF 5
Am fucking done with them, the delays for western releases after 2027 always grinded my gears and the pricetag of 6 put me on edge but now i just dont care anymore.
>at least the sales/player-count/stream counts appear to be much more that they were for EDF 5
Steam's peak user count when EDF 5 came out was 14.7 million
Steam's peak user count when EDF 6 came out was 33.0 million

Of course it's going to do bigger numbers.

I don't even mind EOS, just use the silent version that 99% of devs already do.
>SANDALOT, my son, you must now choose
>will you use Steamworks for multiplayer with a dedicated internet backbone that provides superior connection speed
>or will you use Epig Online Services to enable cross play with to a store that nobody uses?

So is this timmies new grift? Forcing people to make an account to play online?

Megaton musashi was like this too, you HAD to make an account just to use the MP even though the rest of the game was steam
right on the ignore list
Is there even a single lobby in the game that is tagged EGS:[room name] instead of STEAM:[room name]
>fortnite players are consoles and mobileshitters
Still requires the account
Steamworks fucking SUCKS
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>noone posted a single EDF6 online MP clip.
>yet all are crying about the Epik account creation requirement.
tortanic touristfags, you don't even own EDF6.
>you don't even own EDF6.
You have to buy the game and play it to even leave a review
Why, because they have a scheduled maintenance once a week?
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I'm still deciding whether to refund or not because the whole Epic thing pretty much bricked my friend's account and he can't fucking play online
You fucking NIGGER
>you don't even own EDF6.
Of course I don't
refund and pirate
Correct, I left a review and refunded
i launched it for 1 minute and left a bad review before getting a refund
im not a cuck who gives chinks my info to play a game
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>play both EDF and Helldivers on playstation
>completely bypass all this PC drama
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>aftermath of EDF5 where you time travel to change the past and events of specific missions

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