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>Wide pelvis, small jaw - a woman, gotta be
>"hmm, driver's license say's she's a man. what hell is going on here?"
No joke, there are cases where dogs who are careful around men start to growl and bark at trannies because they can smell that it's a man.
Truly the straight mans best friend.
not funny
No joke, there are cases of retards believing whatever they read on the internet.
Found the troon.
that's why he said it's not a joke
>"The pelvis is the only bone in the human skeleton that is different between male and female."

>"It is a distict sign that you are either male, or female. Not both, not none. You are physically MALE or FEMALE."
that's why I said not funny
yes? don't you know human anatomy? are you a fucking alien? what solar system are you from?
I apologize for disrespecting you
apology accepted
>"Driver's license? The hell is a driver's license? Maybe some new thing people on wagons use... We're in a fantasy world after all. I better go ask around."
He's from planet Faggot.
>small jaw
Don't take that to /tv/
They prefer manjaws like Kiernan Shitka and Margot Robbie
why haven't they invented pelvis reduction surgery yet?
>Margot Robbie
Most people just call her a fridge
It's both an interior and exterior issue with the pelvis, the surgery would also be invasive as fuck
I appreciate when a woman is that willing to do foot stuff for films, god bless Tarantino
>Wide pelvis, small jaw
literally me

t. male
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>Mmmm.... The victim is mutilated. Made to look like a suicide, yet the poor bastards crotch has clearly been amputated. It appears partly healed, though is clearly rotting.
>Uhhgh. Stinks.
>Maybe captivity...? Unlikely a vampire. Can't rule it out. Needs more investigating.
now kiss
youre also gay but who asked
there's cases where animals that only attack women for some reason will also attack trannies too so gg i guess
not after I'm done with you
/tv/ prefers small jaws because they're a den of genuine pedophiles mate
NTA but dogs recognize other aimals, including humans, by smell first, sound second, and sight only third.
Even if you pass, the dog can smell your body odor, which will always be that of a human male. Dogs have a sense of smell 50 times more powerful than that of a human.
shut the fuck up amredditfat
>A woman is weaker, smaller, slower and dumber than a man.
>You lose to it.
>Not ashamed.
Are the dogs smelling the trannies rotting orifices?
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Reminds me of this
This whole post reminds me of when I was doing dishes once and thought "the sink helps you with water" and I had to take an actual physical step back, because that thought was so stupid it was actually frightening and I knew I wasn't gonna make it.
Both "the sink helps with water" and "Dogs can tell men from women thanks to their sense of smell" are obvious statements, that doesn't make them stupid. Mine at least is necessary, evidently, since you seem to think an anuimal that has evolved to track prey with smell only cannot tell that you have a festering wound between your legs.
You aren't gonna make it either. I recommend not bumping this thread the next time it's about to die.
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I will bump it until you join the 41%, retard.
Did you know these differences are hormonally driven and don't develop until puberty? Prepubescent boys and girls do not have this difference in structure. This means a person who receives gender affirming care including hormone therapy at the correct stage will have a skeleton that aligns with their gender identity! The more you know.
Jannies, this one too
Trans seething.
This is an urban legend, and the actual fact of the matter is that putting a child on hormone blockers accomplishes nothing but completely fucking up their physical development. Your body isn't designed to say "oh welp guess I'm a woman now" at any stage of life outside of the womb.
You say it's a legend but then nothing you said proved it false.
I think the more interesting thing than the information given by this post is the information that was not given to the poster
I'm curious, do kids have B.O. or is that also determined by hormones?
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Dunno about that but Komodo dragons are really good at smelling blood and decay. Because of this menstruating women are advised not to enter their territory as they'll smell the blood and attack. Trans women who have successfully transitioned are targeted regardless of menstruation, suggesting trans women are even more feminine than cis women.
>My axe wound makes me more feminine
Ironic shitposting aside there are mentally ill freaks that actually think this.
You literally wrote yourself that they are good at smelling decay, but you couldn't connect the dot that they smell the festering axe wound?
Thr burden of proof is on you, what he said is true
All I said was gendered differences in skeletons are hormonally driven, so hormone therapy would affect how a person's skeleton aligns with those gendered differences. Nothing he said addressed that in any substantial way. Is he implying hormones have no influence on making a body male or female since it happens after birth? That's worth backing up if we're conceding the skeleton thing and moving on to this. The post I replied to asserted the hormonally driven differences in skeletons defined whether a person is male or female.
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meanwhile Ves gets soaking wet if you beat her up in a fight
Wrong. You are already pumped with the appropriate hormones before birth, why boys have dicks and girls pussies. The brains are different too. Retard.
That's a big lizard

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