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>S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 delayed to November 20

didnt read, russias fault
not surprising, gotta milk Microsoft and investors, just like old GSC milked THQ with Shadow of Chernobyl
They fled to Prague. All of the war sadposting is a grift
Xylyl bros.....
To be expected
>russia invades poland, confiscates GSC workstations
Just carpet bomb those incompetent fuckers once and for all. ffs
I will laugh at whoever preorder this shit.
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Good riddance.
Just play Anomaly and\or GAMMA.
They're everything S.T.A.L.K.E.R. should be.
Xbots have to wait another 4 months for a 3rd party game that will be on the PS5 after 3 months KEK.
We would but they fled the country
Yup it's guaranteed fucking garbage. I don't think there's a single good game that came out where they had to start rationing short delays right before release.
This scam of a game is never gonna fucking release.
I hope Russia bombs 100 more ukrainian families after this.
spectacular visage
>They're everything S.T.A.L.K.E.R. should be.
A shitty Tarkov ripoff?
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You tell em Xister!
Anomaly and Gamma are just gun wank bollocks and aren't in the spirit of STALKER whatsoever
modders are fucking cringe
Milsim fag, just give me good AI, good graphics and allow me to play the original story. Fuck having to strip weapons for parts or learning how to do field medic shit
weak bait
here's a pity (You)
>I don't think there's a single good game that came out where they had to start rationing short delays right before release.
elden ring?
you have never played tarkov.
That's one and you could probably chalk that up to actual unexpected issues and not ongoing terribly managed development. That and I remember terrible PC performance at launch near the first horse boss dude.
Cyberpunk got delayed a bunch of times a few months before it was supposedly going to come out each time. Stalker 2 is now up to 3 delays.
It was woke shit that flopped. Blame Russia xirxem
>Stalker 2 is now up to 3 delays
That sounds way too low. Original release date was April 2022.
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It's gonna be shit, isn't it?
Well yeah, that was clear the moment they made shoving in NFTs their highest priority before even having a game.
any bug found on release will get them such a big shit storm
how many delays is that for unexpected bug fixing now?
He said good game.
what, again?
Reminder, Igor, you're not allowed to play this game.
oh no wont somebody think of the (((investors)))
Did everyone memoryholed how they tried to use NFTs and cryptos a while back? These guys are grifters through and through.
>simultaneous console release (any console release at all really)
>almost 20 years after the original
>original wouldn't be anything special if released today anyway (and only remained a niche title instead of being completely dead due to mods)
At least they're using Unreal instead of trying to make their own engine which would lead to a Cyberpunk tier disaster, but which one of the following do you think management picked?
>we're using Unreal now so lets put those thousands of hours each the low level programmers would normally use to reinvent the wheel into adjusting the engine for our purposes
>we're using Unreal now so lets fire most of the competent programmers and hire a bunch of cheap retards who can't do any low level work and use bog standard Unreal assets so it looks like every other asset flip Unreal game

Has there ever been one of these has-been games that came back and was anything more than middling?
More like it's never coming out.
Please go be underage somewhere else.
I hope there's a drone strike minigame
>ugh, I wish I was talking to liberal jewish faggots
I don't care about your third world shithole politics, ameriturd. Stupid fucking zoomer speak should never be tolerated here.
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>zoomer speak
It's literally normalfag social media speak you reddit cancer.
The word you're looking for is 'forgot'
I don’t believe their story that Russia blew up their offices. Stalker 2 never existed. The war was just luck on their part.
>hates normalfag social media speak
Absolute KEK
You are straight up too fucking stupid to turn off auto capitalization on your phone you underage troglodyte. Calm down.
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I am LITERALLY sitting at my PC lmao
Yeah, I'm sure you take the time to hit shift when starting a sentence and then never bother to end it with proper punctuation.
Stop embarrassing yourself you underage faggot.
They get both ukrainian refugee as well as EU game developer funds. Its never going to be released since ukrainians like all (no exceptions) are chinese-tier corrupt.
Absolutely malding LMAO
like all slavs*
Certainly I'm the one malding when you feel the need to end every sentence with kek or lmao just to let us know how uncaring and calm you are.
You need to lurk moar.
>original wouldn't be anything special if released today anyway
this is some top tier subtle bait
ever heard of the Seinfield effect? nigger
I can just hear your heart palpitating with rage when you read these replies lmao
>At least they're using Unreal instead of
Imagine unironically posting this as a positive thing
inb4 they delay it again in two months
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Did they even show something about how the A-Life works? If not then who cares
>A-Life works
That'll come in the developer showcase 2027
Of course not. The latest """"""""""""""""""gameplay"""""""""""""""""" we got to see was 20 seconds of nothing happening in a brown and bloom field. This game is probably just an asset flip at this point.
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pls understand we need more money for more bodypillows
it will be a disaster i should give up on the series

This site really just is brown teenagers now huh?
is gobbling dick all u do? get off his dick damn
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this game is gonna be a disaster isnt it? No gameplay pre-rendered trailer was already a red flag but now delays too?
This game has as much warning signs of its development as Cyberpunk 2077 did.
and ur riding his brown teenager dick like crazy too
the healing system is actually good and easy to understand though
>ukraine bros are so fucking scared of space marine 2 releasing (russian game) that they delay release AGAIN
ain't saying someone should worry about rats
all I'm saying is nuGSC has learned a thing or two from old GSC
>unreal engine slop
30fps on consoles and unplayable on pc confirmed
>NFTs debacle
>ingame advertising for irl products
>promo material shows more of a movie game than a sandbox game
yes, abandon all hope for Stalker 2
We knew it was coming, but it's still sad to see. I hope it doesn't overlap with KCD2 now.

Analmeme and GAMMA are dogshit and are not Stalker at all. People who think they are don't like Stalker.
Based, don't listen to mad storyfags
I want to be excited for this but the things they have (not) shown us makes me think it's going to be a complete disaster.
Fucking rushits sabotaging the goty again
How many times has this game been delayed now?
billions must squat
Billions must cheeki breeki.
who would've thought
No refunds goyim.
>turns out, /pol/ is yet again funking right an Ukraine was not something ideological, but rather ZOG playing its interests
wow, I totally never saw that coming
Which part of Total Hohol Death didn't they understand?
the slav meatgrinder must not be allowed to stop spinning until genocide levels have been reached
I just hate zoomer newfags so much. Video games died after Mass Effect 3.
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Bet it's because someone bought a sports car and used up all the budget on that.
It's just like with M&B Bannerlord. They were getting government funds the whole time, so rather than release the game they milked the grift for 10 years until (I'm assuming) Turkey told them to release the game or fuck off. And lo and behold, Bannerlord ended up being almost the exact same game as the previous one.
>an entire division was encircled and destroyed
Doubt it. Even Saddam would doubt it.
Not Trump.
Correct. And anyone supporting Ukraine or flying one of their flags is a gullible idiot who has been duped into supporting the extermination of an entire people just to line the pockets of the MID.
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Stop noticing incel, you fucking chud, you are a danger to our righteous democracy
And don't forget to vote Red (Israel good, war good, racebait d&c politics) or Blue (Israel good, war good, racebait d&c politics).
>Stop noticing
No one told Putin to invade Ukraine Anon, the war bonds ramping up are just a result of his autism
You're aware the the Ukrainian have identical names to russians, dumb West tranny?
>They're everything S.T.A.L.K.E.R. should be.
Overrated garbage?
Russia lost
China lost
Palestine lost
Trump lost
Deal with it chuddies
get off our dicks u old fuck we run shit now go to the bingos they need u
They need another $100 billion from Biden before release
Russian bot posts
Do your job jannies
well... I hope they keep politics out of this game.
>Sorry we can't release the game, we are just too busy having to do stuff like make sure a video walkthrough of a quest is recorded which is literal months of additional work. Thank you for understanding.
Absolutely lmaoing, this shit ain't coming out
Who cares, it will be shit. GSC has been dead for over a decade.
Link to the NAFO discord, /k/ tranny?
You will lose, Putler dog.
oh no, stiyiiilkiir shadyiiiiyvvv of CHORNObyyiiyllllvlll is delayed!! I will have to wait even more to see niggers and women in the zone!!
Pathetic, I really hope wherever these faggots are get blown to bit by the ziggers and cancel this retarded attempt at one last squeezing of stalker's tit.
Apologies before it's even out. You just fuckin know.
Why aren't you on the front?
If you don't yet realize they will keep kicking the can down the road until at least half of next year and even then it would release in a sad shitty state that will still require patches into 2026 and even then it will disappoint the entire community, idk what to tell you
All russians are subhuman niggers.

Stalker 2 is still a massive pile of shit made by seial grifters though.
I'm American. We pay for the drones.
They'll delay it so far to 2025 that this game will end up as russian game.
This must be a record so far, a STALKER 2 thread that instantly devolved into a /vpol/ shitfest. It's impressive really.
It's never coming out, they'll be dead on the Ukraine front lines within 6 months.
Within the week old men will run the world.
We had that Russian gamer thread earlier that must have gotten them stirred up.
Does anyone really thinks what mongoloid mongrels are capable of creating something of value? Just at their faces ffs, the ukranian is like a downy mixed with turk and mongol. Complete abominations trying to claim mod workers as their won achievement.
>lefties: not like this
everything is politics sweetie :)
I should have bought some then
Multiple delays is a huge red flag. Was excited to play but I pulled my ultimate edition pre order. Get fucked gsc you grifting faggots.
Devs and journos will blame it on the Russia war.
>Poor ukis couldn't do their best for this game because of the ziggers!
>N-no, there were no red flags before the war even started, like them trying to shove NFTs into the game, that's Russian propaganda
newfag wasn't around for the endless delays of SHoC
Anyone who didn't see this coming is braindead
This game is going to keep getting delayed until GSC can't grift anymore investments/government grants and then they are going to vanish
larper wasn't around when the buggy, unstable mess released
non sequitur, anon
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This. But you know they'll dig their heels in and deflect/project and say some generic line about living in a different reality or something
It's illegal to propagate or proselytize faggotry, not to be a faggot yourself. Although flamboyant attention seeking trannies and gays can get in trouble if they stick out too much.
inane headcanon written for the sake of it
I can't wait for the game to turn into a pile of shit because all criticism that the devs should face will be directed to some random cabbage farming war general from 1970 and probably putin as well
Shadow builds were leaked all the time, which is why people were interested in following its development process. This time they've got nothing to show while maintaining the same shitty work culture
Russians are degenerate as fuck
They have one of the highest aids rates outside of africa
I have no idea why western conservatives look up to them as some sort of paragons of conservative values
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It is all going to plan.
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I was 20 when SoC was released and was obsessed with it and both expansions. It’s too bad I had faith in fax but it seems the Ukrainian grifting stereotype is holding up in this case. It’s not even made in Ukraine and made in Czechoslovakia now. It’s just bilking people for feels causing of bleeding hearts investing in anything Ukrainian now.
because western conservatives are generally low-IQ which is why they worship Trump and now dicksuck China as some sort of own against the liberals
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I keep telling you fuckers, this game is never going to realize. This is literally a scam. There isn't a real fucking game.
>Just play Complete
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Just like the first 3 games
You don't pay for shit, pablo
Shut up Ivan, go get your monthly loaf of bread and HIV medication.
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Stolkor Shodow of Choronobol
Lmao I'm going to start using this every chance I get. Describes exactly how disgusting that o change is. Fucking pig sounding motherfuckers.
pesiman is a scam artist
These useless slavshits would be more useful defending their country than developing game
There is going to be a game, it will just get the Duke Nukem treatment
I get the same vibe. The game was supposed to be released in less than 2 months, yet we haven't seen a single trailer about their new implementation of A-Life or just a walkthrough of a minor side quest. All the footage they have shown us is full with jump cuts or heavily scripted, clearly they have no confidence in their project and trying to hide the actual game for as long as they can.
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only thing you have accomplished here is outing yourself as a absolute mongoloid ape that pre-orders games
Ukraine needs our help. We must support them by buying game. Dont be ruZZian chud
It'll come out the day Ukraine gets Crimea back.
How was I being a mongoloid when I was going to buy it anyways but now after multiple delays I’m over it? The previous stalker games were objectively amazing games. It’s obvious NOW that the devs are grifting faggots.
Based Holy Russian Empire
Ukraine is winning bros
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Its not that bad, only a child would be upset at having to wait only 2 months more.

Also we'll have a Deep Dive in August.

Get excited!
Well Russia ruined my favorite game series with their retarded war they did because they don't wanna admit they're a declining world power.

Tarkov fucking sucks waste of fucking time game for people who wanted to join the military but couldn't to cope with and pretend to be cool.
Hey mods how about checking your reports once in a while?
There's simply no way this game isn't going to fucking suck. The Russian head developer was the only reason the first game was good.
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>we wuz stalkers n shit
don't care not buying or pirating this hope it flots harder than saints row

Would you rather have the new stalker release as a good game, or have it release as an unfinished mess? Let them cook, it comes out when it comes out. You all need to learn some fucking patience.
AI's thoughts on the matter

He's right

Most of the games you love, you only do so because of nostalgia
But we're at the 2 year mark for delays, not 2 months.
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>release as a good game
It's not going to be. It's
>published by Microsoft
>a console game
The fact they added in this >>683717191 black guy already shows Microsoft has gotten its BRIDGE initiative hands on the game. That means merit and good gameplay lose to DEI interests.
Every single thing points to the game being a disappointment, and it's amazing how people don't see this.
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Oh No! Who would've guessed?
>Pre-order campfire songs
>Tries to put NFT's in the 'game'
>Gets called out
>Goes radio silent
>We'll release it on April 28th 2022 we swear!
>Guys our tech demo is now using UNREAL 5™
>Support the war goys give us donations!
>Hype dies down
>Here’s another ‘gameplay’ trailer!
>Uses literal Youtube tutorial Starter Content Assets for blood splatter and effects
>2023 unknown timeline release
>Hype dies down
>Another bullshot trailer
>Pushed to unknown 2024 release
>Hype dies down
>Look guys another Unreal Engine™ demo trailer!
>Hype dies down
>Look guys another bullshot trailer
>Q1 2024 we swear!
>Hype dies down
>Look guys another bullshot trailer at the xbox showcase!
>Delayed until November 2024 we swear!

4A Games was founded by former developers from GSC Game World: Andrew Prokhorov, Oles Shyshkovtsov, and Alexander Maximchuk; they, together with Sergei Karmalsky, formed the core team of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, which was in development at GSC in the early and mid-2000s.[3][4] Prokhorov had disliked that Sergiy Grygorovych, the chief executive officer (CEO) of GSC, prioritized money over his employees, withholding royalties for games the company had produced.[4] The situation came to a high point when the two fell out over wages in 2006, leading Prokhorov and two of the company's lead programmers—Shyshkovtsov and Maximchuk—to leave the company and found a new studio, 4A Games, with the intention to treat its employees better than Grygorovych did.[4]

Anyone who falls for Grygorovych’s scam deserves to be buttfucked.
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>so butthurt they even changed the names on the xbox release
fucking lold
Anyone with sense knows it's gonna be shit by the fact they are trying to appeal to the cod crowd with all those shitty cuscenes
lmfao pre-ordering games is mongoloid, shithead behavior. There are NO EXCUSES that can justify your actions, NONE. Stupid nigger mongoloid.
You don't ever pre-order, that's just fucking stupid, especially now that games get a million post-release patches. Stop being a braindead consoooooomer.
It's never coming out.
Ukraine lost.
Death to all hohols.

If it's gonna be garbage anyway why complain about the delay? It's not like you're gonna buy a game that you hate.
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Guys, new release date just dropped
First game was in development hell from 2001 to 2007
CYKAAA. Develop faster, hohol blyaaaat
Just play Tarkov retard.
What is GSC gonna do when Ukraine stops being "The Current Thing"?
It'e been delayed for ages. It was originally announced in 2012.
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>losers in 2024
At least one of them got shrek'd some time ago
is it just going to be impossible to talk about this series going forward due to seething ziggers?
going to pirate this trainwreck anyways

the delay was foretold



please make it so this game has LGBT quests
>Anyone who falls for Grygorovych’s scam deserves to be buttfucked.
He bailed out himself this time. If this doesn't tell you how bad it is, nothing will.
el maooooooooo
Sung to the tune of what song?
>How was I being a mongoloid when I was going to buy it anyways
Buy it AFTER release not before, you dumbass

this is a designated when will we get to kick Zelensky's dead lifeless body in the streets thread
magnificent bait and it works every time
you amerifats can't tell the difference in spoken russian and ukrainian
I will mod the game and remove anything ukraine related, even the credits

if there is a little scent of anti Russian propag in the game the devs of this game will get it too

simple as
cringe af
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>pre-ordering a game because other people like the franchise

Owning a game is not some fucking social status of acceptance. You either like it yourself or don't. Secondly, for years now most AAA titles are released with game breaking issues and endless buyer's remorse from paying full price for an unfinished product. You should wait at least a year until the game is polished AND cheaper. And lastly, learn to pirate, especially for single player games. If it had a great affect on you, cool, then you can decide to support the devs with a purchase or not.
>Owning a game is not some fucking social status of acceptance. You either like it yourself or don't.
Yes it is, dumbass. In the same way I would go to a theater for a new premiere I will buy a new game if it's talked about enough.
>You should
I don't owe you or your kind shit. Video games first and foremost are a social experience for me. Old games get their discounts for a reason. They lose their relevance.
look at the pre-order piggy meltdown lmao
oink oink
It hasn’t been “The Current Thing” for a while, everyone has moved onto the new FOTM that is Gaza. Give it another 3-4 months and they’ll be moving onto the next thing
>I can’t think for myself I MUST CONSOOM AND FOLLOW THE CROWD
oink oink piggy
Jews and big corpos, as always.
Fucking good. That's gives me enough time to learn Russian by then.
>Who's winning
The military industrial complex.
You paid before it even launched?
The usual suspects.
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Put these lyrics into SunoAI, here's the result:

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>learn Russian
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why Russians need to scream so much on internet that they are winning...can't they just win?
Pretty sure it originated on /pol/ you niggerfaggot.Like everything else on the internet it all comes from /pol/
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Lose, Win, I'm just here to laugh at lefties!
are the recent remaster/rereleases good to play out of the box?
>Russian rekt, same for piggers
what a strange coincidence, someone who is not pro-Russian uses slurs against non Russians, but doesn't call Russians vatniks/ziggers/vodkaniggers/etc.
Russian are russians, their country's name is more infamous now than ussr and commies combined, the HIV low IQ golem bootlicking analy raped untermensch snownigger monkeys if you wish to call them that.
Why are slavs (who are not white btw) so bad at making video games?
It's nuclear union 2.0
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I'd just like to say, called it. Called it when the last trailer dropped. Feels vindicating.
It usually means the game runs like dogshit. It might be dogshit in other ways as well, but a two month delay two months before release is almost always desperate attempts at optimization.
Convince me why [country] is bad by posting feminine (not ugly tranny tier) femboys from that country pls
The launch is going to be a disaster
Jesus fucking Christ STALKER is a cursed topic
I want all /pol/niggers to go back to Twitter
Don't forget the krokodil!
And thats a good thing, /v/blyadkys must suffer

there's literally nothing to talk about, what were you expecting? We have like 2 mins of in game unreal engine footage and a short cinematic they released.
We have leaked build

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