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How did they make a game so full of SOVL? I want this Bioware back.

The game was good but this game was woke af for the time it was released. Like half the characters are gay.
There are four characters for romance and none of them is gay. Two heterosexuals, two bi.
such an annoying word
Armor and weapons in this game look ridiculous, boring combat, everything looks brown
It's dogshit
Brown and bloom is nostalgic
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ugly armor is a dragon age staple
>being nostalgic about the brown filter era
you do you pal
>bro this game is soooooo gooooood
>yeah what about the gameplay?
>Two heterosexuals, two bi
Soo I was right, half the characters are gay.
The gameplay is fun tactical action RPG with party synergy focus.
So you were wrong, because if the character was gay, that means they would only accept partners of their own sex. Bi means they accept both. Being bi is far more common than being gay.
>That launcher art
>That title screen music
It had me hooked from the start
Inon Zur is a legend and all his music sounds great. Shame he's probably cancelled now for being Israeli.
Throwing out spells is amusing. RPGs aren't even supposed to be fun, but interesting. That's like wanting books to be "fun." No, books are above that, like good RPGs.
You arent forced to dye them like that
They went into it 100% straight faced.
Every actor is trying, every line is written by actual fantasy dorks, the game is a fan fiction for its own universe.
There's nobody trying to be ironic or witty. There's no "I need you to go kill 5 giant rats - It sounds like a video game request but go do it anyway ;D"
Sure, there's a bunch of LGBT Stuff in there, but half the writers were queer because fantasy was their space.
It wasn't injected into something that didn't need it, it wasn't there to score points or make some massive bank happy. The people that wrote the characters wanted them to be that way and they were.
Similarly, none of that is forced into main plot points. None of the characters say "Oh no! We can't go save this village because the evil guy is actually my gay ex lover and I still have feelings for his big black dick!"

I actually feel annoyed even bringing it up, because it wasn't really a part of the game, it was just there as optional flavour in the background for those who sought it out.
If you wanted to just stab dragons and fuck elves, the game had every means to offer that to you.
The only armor I remember liking in that game was the one Solas has in Trespasser and since then I just mod him to always be wearing it.
Pretty sure Bethesda has him in perpetuity at this point. Which is sad because you tell from the Starfield stuff that he just doesn't care anymore and isn't given any inspiration by his projects
You're right I should have said half the characters are faggots, my bad.
Probably nabbed him because Jeremy Soule has been cancelled as is a persona non grata in the industry now
>Zoomies 1st Dragon Age was inquisition
I'm sorry you played the worst game 1st
Which is beyond fucking stupid, you simply can't do ES without Soule, if it wasn't for him I would never have even looked at Oblivion.
That's wrong too, because we are talking about two companions here. The game as a whole doesn't have any other gay or bi characters afaicr. Actually Branka is bi, but that's actually appropriate for Oghren's characterbuilding.
I just got through it and I'm legitimately surprised things could get worse after 2, Inq has bar none one of the worst RPG endings I've seen.
Yep. His music is just as part of the elder scrolls as anything else. I dread to think how bad TES6 will be
Did you play Tresspasser? Base game Inquisition doesn't really have a proper ending.
>thinking babby's first cRPG is some sort of old school shit
It's the only one I played and it was so garbage I never bothered with this gay tranny franchise again.
t. 1985
>Wife abandons you
>She becomes a rug muncher
>A rug muncher that used her own people as broodmothers
Poor dude
Trespasser doesn't have an ending at all. The only reason you can't say it has the worst ending is because it doesn't have an ending at all. Trespasser's "ending" is "we didn't know what to write here, if you want to find out how things turn out, buy our next product, goy." Lowest quality of corporative "writing."
the worst thing they did is idiotic "spell" casting animations, kung fu style
looks utterly ridiculous
Yup and even that has a shit ending, one I don't like the whole Evanuris thing, 2 the qunari plot ruins eluvians by making them piss easy to use and exceptionally common if you even stop to think about it, 3 the elves yet again doing something incredibly retarded as a group.
Add to that the Inquisitions status feeling very forced and the ending slides providing no closure whatsoever.
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Development started in early 2000s
That's not really in Origins, do mean the later games?
yeah, the second game and inquisition
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Yeah I don't like how over time the entire series has turned into elf drama. Fucking hate elves, they ruin everything.
And even then it seems as though they won't be following up on that cliffhanger really because they lock Solas away and just pull out 2 "evil" looking randos for the sake of it while ignoring the Inquisition plot.
They can't do anything with Solas because the DA fanbase is aggressively horny and I'd say over half of the players have romanced him.
Kids fucking love it though, gotta make practically all magic Glyph magic.
Bruh half the characters are fucking faggots. You can make the gay guy king.
Yeah, it's fine if the elves had a significant part to play like Tevinter did, but the fact that EVERYTHING was because of elves is just boring.
People who romanced Solas and care about him in that way are a fringe minority.
What are you talking about? I got a strong sense you are some salty BG3 faggot trying to falseflag every game being gay. DA:O has hundreds of characters and none of them is gay, thre are three bisexuals.
I don't think it's that common, I actually think that him being the who he is in trespasser made a sect of the fanbase that's incredibly small just try and force that shit after the fact.
I've seen Biogay types mention how unhinged those people seem to them which is saying something.
Don't bother anon, he's off the mindset that bi = gay
>You can make the gay guy king.
Poor bait
But even if all the bi characters were gay instead, there'd still be only three gay characters in the entire game, not half. It's not like BG3 where a gay guy hops in your view when you pick up a rock.
>he's off the mindset that bi = gay
And he's right. Go be a fag somewhere else.
Nta, Thedas is pretty progressive but that also comes with the caveat that most of the populace felt pretty conservative as you'd expect.
Devs came out and said they wished this game failed because of how hard they were forced to crunch. You want "this Bioware" back? "this Bioware" despises you for making this game a success.
>woke af for the time it was released
Doesn't exist. Woke shit didn't exist.
Please don't mention that faggot game in a thread about good games. Keep the thread classy
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best girl
DA:O Thedas is "pretty progressive" only in a sense bis and gays are accepted. But they are not common or celebrated or paraded around.
I highly doubt its that they wanted it to fail. BG2 has tons of stories about it's Devs willingly working themselves grey to try and get things done because they liked what they had made, this inevitably led to bloat and feature creep which then made things progressively more difficult, one infamous example being the Jaheira romance having multiple pages worth of dialogue intersections.
True, except for Tevinter. .
Shale is surprisingly personable for a character that could have just been a few jokes, I really like how her character development is pretty subtle compared to most companions in games.
Actually I was wrong, even in DA:I Thedas Dorian's questline was about his father not accepting him being gay. So the setting is not all that progressive even in that aspect. And DA:O Thedas can be assumed to be less progressive.
>Thedas is pretty progressive
Mah, it was pretty normal. Ethicities made sense geographically, no ethic salads, no normalized gayshit (faggots can be faggots if noùùthey keep it for themselves and they still nedd to fulfill their duty as heirs), no specifically leftist narrative...
How do you know the plot is ignored? All you know is that they've shifted your attention to something else in the trailer. Once you put down those 2 mooks who knows what will happen? Personally I like the idea of having to deal with Solas Silverhand after him actively trying to get you to do evil things and working against you the entire game, doing actual trickster God shit.
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>best girl
Well she did turned in genderless golem.
>are accepted.
to a point.
>except for Tevinter. .
Those are franch kek
By "progressive"(and DAO has codex entries mentioning this) it mainly constitutes the role of women, women could be leaders and warriors in Thedas. And even then it was a bit of a rarity unlike Inquisition where I swear the majority of the ones you read about or meet are women
Typical token shit. A gay who's backstory is being gay. At least he wasn't paraded around and wasn't gross like if he was from some.. other game.
He was actually pretty nice as a character. Clearly a gay character made to be platable to straight people instead of titillating faggots, as it should be
Yeah Bioware rapidly turning into nuBioware
The character was written by Dragon Age's OG creator, as you probably know. He was an interesting, believable character with a weak questline (they all had weak questlines.) Nothing wrong with actual gay characters if they don't feel forced or politically motivated.
You sound exactly like every redditard trying to delusionally pretend that plot points have been lazily scrapped and reintroduced since 2.

They won't bother to remember that he has an army(which means elves can justifiably be slaughtered again because they suck) or that he has already commited atrocities to get where he is. Due to fan faggotry and writers pet syndrome that faggot is going to have a redemption arc and that's it.
Which they also justify to a certain extent by having Dragon Age's Jesus equivalent be a woman. I genuinely appreciate an attempt to explain why a world is different than our own, even if it doesn't make perfect sense
Please don't tell me you are actually going to buy and play Veilguard.
Tevinter is Byzantium meets Roman empire thesis. Orlais is France.
>women as warriors and leaders (but not in the fantasy Ottoman Empire because they're the bad guys)
>chantry led by women = good, chantry led by men = evil
>nigger swamp dwellers native to the colder region
>le poor oppressed minorities living in ghettos dindu nuffin wrong
>bisexual woman pirate captain easily wins 1v3 bar fight
>it was pretty normal
>Nothing wrong with actual gay characters.
Yes there is.
This "women are warriors" thing is one of the reasons Witcher setting > DA setting. Although Witcher kind of fell for it too later when women wanted to feel useful at the expense of making the world seem laughable.
True, even Flemeth's story in large part starts because she caught the fancy of a noble who then killed her lover out of jealousy.
From what I remember virtually all leadership roles were filled by men and the armies were depicted as being mainly male, women were an exception that filled roles they earned their way into like being a paragon.
>Roman or Byzantine Empires
>ever doing blood sacrifice in any form
More like Carthage if it didn't get destroyed by the Romans and ended up forming an empire.
I prefer that they're going with the other elven gods because they seem a lot more insane than Solas. Horrors of Hormak from one of the books shows how fucked up one of the gods are.
The chantry is hardly depicted as being good, the lower portions of it perhaps where it's just local community serving churches and such but the political machine is a propaganda producing nightmare like the papacy.
>He was actually pretty nice as a character.
As I said he wasn't bad, except for the story/background.
All stories were weak but he was jsut a trite gay being gay becasue they just want to be sure you got that he was gay.
>Nothing wrong with actual gay characters if they don't feel forced or politically motivated.
To a point. If it's the exception and it's made to be palatable to a straight audience. Ans as you said "if they don't feel forced or politically motivated" which is true for every single element in a work of fiction
If you automatically associate some oppressed fantasy race to real life minorities you are as stupid as journalists who think of black people when they see Warcraft orcs.
>virtually all leadership roles were filled by men
Queen Anora is in charge of Ferelden and more competent than her late husband ever was.
The right hand of Logain is a warrior woman.
The Empress rules Orlais.
The Divine, ruler of the Chantry, is a woman.
Branka, only living Paragon, is a lesbian woman.
That's because witchers author is a drunk that likes the idea of using a woman's insanity as a motivation for villainy, the lodge of sorceresses is a fucking awful bunch of people that deserve every bit of suffering they get, for it's all they produce.
>Orlais is France.
Oh, right. It's been years
Women either need to be healers or cast spells in tight spandex, simple as. Don't like it, then go take care of home or farm.
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Who should I go with?
This reminds me, I guess the voice at the end of this trailer is the new big bad evil elf god?

You seem to forget that cults of degeneracy had to be put down first, I forget the gods name but one of the trials involved orgies, human sacrifice and sending undesirables into a noxious cave.
It was a dull and colourless universe compared to the one they created for Mass Effect. It was overpraised because

>a scarcity of games in the genre at the time
>turn based combat meant that many people would support the game on principle even if that combat was a dreary slog at times (Deep Roads)
>Romances and waifu bullshit, the eternal weakness of /v/
>Origins were admittedly a smart feature, never done before or since

But it was so fucking exhausting. Listening to party members droning on about their profession or mother culture was not a pleasant time for me. Detail for its own sake, lore because convention says there ought to be lore, never mind if it's any good. The one thing that would actually have benefited from more involution was the Darkspawn menace, but this was presented as a generalised force of evil without personality. And there was no personality in the environments either, they were so brown and mundane. Something that really irked me was that Leilana's face was used as a generic NPC face, so you'd talk to random villagers and see they looked exactly like her. That is just not good enough.
It doesn't really matter honestly, go with who you personally like.
>If you automatically associate some oppressed fantasy race to real life minorities
I didn't. That was your doing when your wrote this reply.
And do you not happen to notice a bit of a trend amongst those insane cunts? Anora I will grant you but I think that's just piss poor writing, she never comes off as the politician they claim she is.
>turn based combat
You never played the game.
>Romances and waifu bullshit
Both pushed more in Mass Effect games.
I totally agree. Shouldn't we be able to judge this Pantheon for ourselves since they're the whole reason the Veil exists in the first place? Show them being evil, I want to see it.
You are calling a fantasy world "progressive" because of "dindu nuffin ghetto" references. There's nothing progressive about a fantasy world having oppressed people. That's just life.

If anything, it's the opposite. Look at what the WotC are doing with how they handle slavery in their products.
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What about this important decision?
You have to be 18 to post here. Most people have a preference being "bi" only lasts a few years. Most of them are just faggots.
Yes that is Elgar'nan
OK fine, you can make the king gay.
They can be more than that but the moment an author makes the mistake of placing pussy 'pon the pedestal they inadvertantly make awful characters.
I'm talking about combat roles.
Dragon Age was always tasteless slop and did more damage to CRPGs as a genre than anything else
I liked how if you were an elf Inquisitor you'd walk through the temple of Mythal and tell the same old stories about the gods. Then Solas is behind you shitting on every one of them. Dalish cucks are in for a shock once they realise their entire culture is a lie, they were slaves and that the Halla they love are just old elven slaves turned into mindless deer by their fucked up gods.
Witcher 4 is going to be Siri being a woman warrior.
Bhelen, one of themmain issues Orzamahr inhabitants mention is trade, then there's the fact that the lore repeatedly states that they need surface dwarves who smuggle shit in and out to keep things afloat.
Probably, but CDPR is already dead and Siri was always the worst character in the games and only applied to W3.
You are describing Christianity irl.
'tis only natural that I get passed about like a common whore.
>There's nothing progressive about a fantasy world having oppressed people. That's just life.
Happening to have a ghetto within the city limits of people that are supposedly oppressed is pure progressive minded thinking.
The undesirables go OUT of the city, not within the walls. The supposedly oppressed elves get to enjoy safety within the city walls and have probably better life than most human peasants.
I mostly agree, I can be a sucker for Red Sonja types.
Yeah...that's what the chantry is based off of, did you miss the obvious female pope part?
>>women as warriors and leaders (but not in the fantasy Ottoman Empire because they're the bad guys)
It only became cringe when Bioware became nuBioware.
>>chantry led by women = good, chantry led by men = evil
>>nigger swamp dwellers native to the colder region
>>le poor oppressed minorities living in ghettos dindu nuffin wrong
>>bisexual woman pirate captain easily wins 1v3 bar fight
She was a sexy degenerate pirate who got a cringe pirate of the caribbeans action scene in the second game? It wasn't gayshit
You don't know what woke really means, or you're simply another woker trying to befuddle its meaning aka "video game was always woke". Retard.
They probably will refuse to believe any of it. Do you know what I realized is that you literally will not be able to trust any elf in this game. Even your companions could be his agents.
>that are supposedly oppressed
They are. The game makes it very clear. They are essentially slaves. You have been poisoned by real life politics when you can't allow a work of fiction have such thing as "oppression" or "ghettos."
Nta but something that's mentioned at times is that city elves do CHOOSE to live where they live. They don't want dalish shit and they can't really establish their own nations.
But Red Sonja is nothing but a cum bait and she'd get broken in half by Conan the Barbarian.
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My odds are on this bitch
>elf specialising in exploring ancient ruins and veil magic who you meet just after Solas vanishes
Dalish don't want them either
Shame this effort post didn't get noticed because you hit the nail on the head. Dragon age took the absurdity of its lore and the normally immaturity of its themes and treated them with the same earnest..ness of yet another game about world war 2
It leads to a very sweet scene in With Hunt DLC if you do it, and Morrigan admitting she still loves you in Inquisition.
The Dalish shit on city elves and don't care that they suffer. The city elves have no where to go to and they aren't welcome in the Dalish communities. The masked empire book has a city elf meet a Dalish tribe and she's excited to see them and learn how to help the other city elves, but they basically call her and treat her like a human.
The flat ears can live, gonna let the dwarves know what the elves did to them and genocide the others though.
Bhelen is the liberal and Harrowmont is the traditionalist.
Unironically looks like a character in Twilight Princess.
There is tons of stuff that is "woke" about this game in this thread. In fact several anons listed them. Just because woke wasnt a term in the past doesn't mean it can't be "woke". It's obvious that this game's writing was the beginning of the woke trend in video games. Bioware was without a doubt leading the charge before it was popular.
First thing first. Ciri is a magic superowered deus ex machina character that only worked as a side character. It would make sense to have her as a warrior, but it would be boring if she is a main character.
Secondalry, cdpr is dead and the next game will be pozzed, so I won't even acknowledge it
Maybe a little cliche, but I expected that link to be the main menu theme which is god tier
Cum bait is what most of the best female warrior narratives come down too, it's always funny seeing people treat Amazonians as anything but.
Shame. He was a big reason the original Dragon's Dogma had a great and unique soundtrack. DD2 not bringing back Makino and Zur was a huge misstep
The city elves were basically just niggers, let's be honest. They were poor criminals who needed humans to feed them.
But I'm here talking about settings that can be taken seriously. Of course if you just want to play with your dick, you can make deeply silly worlds where bimbos run around beating Conan the Barbarians.
Depends on the clan, not all of them are complete shit heels but at the same time city elves don't really want the nomadic life style nor do they care for the religion.
What if she is the Felassan of this game who was supposed to be working for Solas but then changes her mind in the face of the indomitability of the human spirit
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Agreed. Look how scary and aggressive they are
How globalist of you. Go with Bhelen when he's a scummy little weasel who murdered his brothers in the most scummy way possible, and wants to undo thousands of years of dwarf tradition over a low-caste dwarf girl and muh yearly 0.5% GDP growth
RIP in peace sweet prince

I enjoyed his character a lot.
Name a female warrior narrative you like that doesn't to some degree play up sex appeal. It's very rare for an author to have the state of mind to make something like Briene of Tarth or Annie Oakley.
>Queen Anora is in charge of Ferelden and more competent than her late husband ever was.
She had the blood to rule but couldn't rule without a husband,a nd she wasn't more competent, unless you married her to Alistair
>The right hand of Logain is a warrior woman.
>The Empress rules Orlais.
The evil cunt?
>The Divine, ruler of the Chantry, is a woman.
>Branka, only living Paragon, is a lesbian woman.
The mentally ill midget?

Sounds more like retroactive lesboshit fatigue to me.
He really did seem nice to have around didn't he?
But I'm precisely saying I don't like female warrior narratives in non-comic books because they are silly.
I guarantee this guy gets butthurt when people call him gay for fucking ladyboys KEK
It works in DAO, it can benefit the dwarves. IRL it often just does benefit Martha's vineyard fucks.
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The black city creeps me out bros. I think the lore around the fade is interesting. I know it's likely the prison for the elven gods but hopefully when it's revealed as such in veilguard it's done well
If you say the game is about homosexual content, you should have some facts to back it up. Because there's only one male companion who would agree to male-male romance.
IIRC Harrowmont appears to be the "good" choice, but the epilogue seems to indicate things didn't go well at all for Orzammar with him in charge.
>everything looks brown
that's because you have brown eyes and are yourself, brown
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I legitimately thank my lucky stars every fucking day DAO was, with the possible exception of Awakening, a completely self-contained story and experience not predisposing any sequels like poor Mass Effect did. You can enjoy it and completely ignore the festering diseased sludge the zombified Bioware shat out afterwards.
Ah I see, best to stick to historical stories then. Even the "gay" Athenians have pretty cool stories.
It was made before Millennials were involved in game development in large numbers.
Wait, you can see the Black City during the fade sequence? I played this game a dozen times and never noticed.
One will preserve tradition but it's too anal about trade with surface.
The other is a faggot and a horrible person, probably poisoned his own father but he isn't anal about trade with surface.
It honestly doesn't matter, except for rpg purposes
>interesting, believable character
>refuses his inheritance because he didn't want to produce an heir
His dad didn't even hate that he was gay you unplayer he literally refused to fuck a whore and move on
Not to mention he then ruins religion in Tevinter in the next conversation
>All the stories, settings and works of fiction in the world are about female warriors
What a passive-aggressive douchebag. You should stick to your comic books and not talk about fantasy literature.
>Kirkwalls not brown enough for me
Fuck you too Hawke!
i'm always having fun playing a straight white male noble dual wield warrior romancing Morrigan
cope and sneed
>Verification not required.
So you would have gay sex if your father told you to?

Nevermind, I already know the answer, you would even without him telling you.
>Name a female warrior narrative you like that doesn't to some degree play up sex appeal.
Why are you trying to paint man feature of a character appeal as a negative.
A female character with no sex appeal is just a neutered character
I'm agreeing with you ya ass
>fan fiction for its own universe
What does this sentence even mean?
bruh kill yourself immediately nigger
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It’s hovering in the background in every game and every time you go into the fade. Very creepy.
It's the only permanent feature of the fade, they do kinda flub the detail pretty often though.
I don't know what you are doing anymore but it's also a spectrum. In Witcher, you don't see female warriors everywhere while there might be some exceptions. That's better than 50% being female warriors. I can tolerate sillyness if it's limited and kept in check.
I would also have not gay sex if it meant I got property, money and noble status and a guaranteed cushy life supported by slave labor
It's can't be woke becasue woke didn't exist. It may contain progressive elements that wokeness later coopted and turnet to 11 making them unsufferable, but that's all.
Also most things called progressive are mistakenly retractively attributed to a leftist mentality, but they were mostly just neutral
So you would have gay sex if you got money for it?
If my father told me to have gay sex in return of money and property, I'd tell him he needs to fuck off. I think I'm the reasonable one here, not your dickthirsty self.
>no option to jjust say "im not going to leave you no matter what" so that the DLC ending hits harder
wasted opportunity
Not really, you can make an interesting fem character based on the removal of those traits while still being inevitably what they are, Sarah Connor for example is tough but she's still a woman and believably so, she isn't wrestling the terminator she just happened to run reload drills.
Sounds like a you problem. Nobody ever had a problem "taking seriously" sexy babes in any setting. The fucking were always the default and always will be
>Nobody ever had a problem with sexy babes in any setting
Probably because the problem isn't them being sexy or women? You are confusing a lot of things here.
Pretty sure that you can tell her you'll just look for her, and then you can definitely tell her you won't stop looking during witch hunt.
>muh gay
>zevran is a child sex slave tunred assassin
thats decent writing to see if you arent retarded
find something actually substantual to rage about niggers
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what the fuck was his problem?
No but it doesn't work with parts inverted. One is normal the other isn't
I think we are misunderstanding eachother, I like when it's rare in fantasy settings, I'm bothered by the trend of making it a 50/50 split.
he was too based

Verification not required.
So you think sex with women is appealing to gay men? I'd say not, because sex with men isn't appealing to hetero men.
As someone that played DA:O for the first time recently, this thread is coping so hard. It would definitely be considered "woke" if it had come out this recently. You just don't want to admit it because you like the game.
>I'm bothered by the trend of making it a 50/50 split.
Reminds you too much of your father splitting his cum between you ass and mouth 50\50 doesnt it?
(I think I answered whe wrong anon)
Btw a character with those traits removed would be worse than the same cahracter with sex appeal.
Sarah Connor was't devoid of sex appeal
Shamed himself by having a nigger moment, said as much himself with other words of course.
Also he's based because you earn his respect by not kissing his ass or acting like a pansy.
>It's can't be woke becasue woke didn't exist.
Zoom zoom. You can apply terms of the present to the past. Without a doubt Bioware was "woke" before woke was a thing.
>It may contain progressive elements that wokeness later coopted and turnet to 11 making them unsufferable
They were just as "unsufferable" to those of thus alive at the time who were not aged 11. You can draw a direct line from what we're experiencing now to to the civil rights policies of LBJ, if not shit like The Frankfurt School and the Weimar Republic.
What's woke about it other than it having female soldiers? None in the party as playable characters though.
No the problem is the need "to take things seriously", especially when it begins and ends with female characters being hot.
That's agreeable, but the rare exception shouldn't look like Red Sonja to begin with. Unless you want to make a world for jacking off.
victim of toxic masculinity
>It would definitely be considered "woke" if it had come out this recently
nobody but mindbroken zoomerfaggots care about this shit
its a great game and thats it
fuck off with your culture war bullshit retard
Nobody is complaining about female characters being hot. Except ugly women who feel jealous of them.
No, but one is the rule and the other is the exception, and if someone really really gun to the head needs to bend over it's always the exception and not the rule.
True but her actress notably actually did work out and had more muscle than most women do for such roles, it's just not what is considered conventionally attractive.
>Without a doubt Bioware was "woke" before woke was a thing.
You were a retarded niggerfaggot before you were born
Verification not required.
Oh hundred percent, I prefer a good set of armor to tits but I can go either way.
We agree that Red Sonja shouldn't be the rare exception.
She should be the norm.
Go cover women in middle east
Doesn't change a thing, you can simply imagine a world where the other is the rule and the other exception. What matters is you doing something sexually unappealing to you only because your father tells you to. Anyone with pride wouldn't agree to that, hence you're a cheap whore mentally and Darion is a man of principle.
Dragon Age 1 is the most /v/-bait game out there. And this comes from someone who absolutely loved it back in the day.
There is no game for me which has this many "those parts".
>elf werewolf temple
>temple of sacred ashes whole underground section
>the fade
>denerim back alleys
All of these look like absolute shit and play ever worse. The deep roads is the best part of the game and it never feels like a slog. Everything else is dogshit.
Severely overrated game. It was amazing for the time, but goddamn it is dogshit when you look back.
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using evidence from DAO ONLY did she really love us bros....
This is the most retarded thing I've read today
And the faggot who get angry because "hot women are only made for jacking off" and "go watch porn"
if you have to ask youre already beyond reason
>nobody but mindbroken zoomerfaggots care about this shit
Yeah, but that's 90% of posters on this board
Putting on armor wouldn't solve the actual problem, which is that she's weak and not believable in her occupation. Hence shouldn't exist to make the setting silly.
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How about you try English this time? It's a language most people can speak nowadays, you should try it.
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Sten is based. Also one of the only things DAII did good was the new Qunari design, he looks much better that way.
Hes' wrong and a retard. The game wasn't woke. If it was woke if would have been bad
Culture war is waht woke invader do btw, not what people saying "no, fuck you" do. Those are normal people.
>>the fade
only this is annoying shit that i skip
the rest is great
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One of my favourite games of all time. I love Morrigan.
I disagree. Him looking like a grumpy uncle is part of his charm
Wokeness is very different from just having progressive ideas and gay characters etc. Wokeness has a very disting stench to it. It's the absence of any artistic integrity in the face of pure political brainrot activism. In a woke product, every choice is made for the sake of an agenda, not for the sake of art. DA:O is not like that at all.
Does Witch Hunt count as DAO? If so yes.
Wokeness is essentially a corrupted, evil form of progressive thinking.
Agree, but non conventionally attractive is still attractive, except when they use it as an euphemism for ugly, or Zendaya
As is often the case, novels simply do not get considered when discussing games because they are often poorly written shit.
Good in the sense of cool, where teh body shape is clearly visible, but sexy fantasy armors are also good to me. Bikini armor is sexy and all but lazy
True JRPG mouthbreather who somehow got lost in a WRPG thread
It can in the sense that you can have a character with proper motivation and determination, yes it isn't realistic but the setting isn't either.
Just make it a noteworthy exception, like Sten pointing out that women on the field is an odd sight to him.
I 100% agree with you. Dorian (Darion?) did the right thing.
I was jsut questioning the idea of the opposite scenario being equally valid
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>it isn't realistic but the setting isn't either
A setting having invented elements that don't exist in the real world doesn't mean common sense doesn't apply to it. Settings are created by people, for people. People need to understand and comprehend what is taking place. This is basic stuff.

It doesn't make sense in any setting that lack of muscles suddenly implies strength. The fact you said that line makes me believe you aren't very familiar with writing in general.
I was really confused why Dorian's quest was about his father disapproving of him being gay instead of his father disapproving of him basically going against everything he was brought up to believe and deciding to actively working against it.
Armor historically has had many instances of embellishing the features of the body like Roman musceleta, although full plate can look off to modern people when it has a riding skirt because it makes your ass look big.
>no argument
>attacks words
Struck a nerve?
they should let the player kill him
You can't argue with someone who invents his own topic of discussion and pretends you are somehow involved in it, when I have said nothing of the sort. And yes, your literacy skills are lacking.
More like 90% of people in general. Nobody likes woke shit.
The original anon was just wrong about wokeshit being in this game
The setting needs to make sense. And the unquestioned parts need to work like the real world.
It's basic storytelling
>despite some generic fantasy woke shit setting actually tried to stick with Dark Age/Early medieval aesthetic, from, clothes and armor design (except of horrible plate armor which was obviously added on the last stages)
> actually took plenty of cool stuff from other settings, daemons and magic from Warhammer, racism from the Witcher, feudal strifes from ASOIAF
> actually managed to capture LOTR feelings in plenty of places (Darkspawn, Deep Roads was a rare example of successeful recreating Moria)
>dropped Infinity-engine for more ergonomic interface and mechanic
>AI programming tool and Origin system are still not bested by other game
>Claudia Black
>in general everyone but Alistair is interesting companion
Dragon Age is such a tragic story. it' been destined to be a rising star only to be mauled by retarded corpos hiring cheap diversity writters and designers
I was by no means implying that a feminine warrior should be a waif, muscles and a strong core are a necessary element to making a warrior look good.

Nor was I trying to use the often abused "it's not realistic if it has magic so why do you care?" argument. I was arguing that if you properly attempt to explain a woman who is a warrior then it can work.
Have her grow up as a farm worker, if you want her to use an axe have her be a woodman like many viking were.
Woke didn't exist in DA:O era.
Red Sonja is boldfaced cringe her sex appeal is the ONLY redeeming thing about her, that we're supposed to accept she's not only a super powerful barbarian warrior but on par with Conan is a fucking joke. the ONLY acceptable women in fantasy should be like sorceresses or something that can use magic and not rely on physical strength
There is enough gay stuff in it that if it came out today 50% of the catalog would be about the gay romance options for a couple weeks. Why are you pretending otherwise?
>Witch Hunt
First wind of commng disaster of DA2. It literally hurts how porly and rushed this DLC was made
It wasn't the new hires, Gaider was a fag from the start. This shit was doomed, just no one expected after everything Bioware would be the sole studio not closed by EA. Why they keep beating this dead horse? the world might never know.
If you read into it you see that his dad was scared of what would happen to his son if he gave up everything that would allow him to live as an upper crust member of the society(not a slave), his dad's real fuck up was trying to use blood magic to change him.
>It wasn't the new hires,
It was. DAI, except of Gaider, was made by hew hires.
And let's be honest, despite Gaider being fag he treated fair and truth to Warden and his potential waifu in the DAI, unlike Larian
>You can't argue with someone who invents his own topic of discussion and pretends you are somehow involved in it, when I have said nothing of the sort.
Perfectly agree. No point in listening to your barking, therefore I'll just accept your concession.
Golems of whatever was way worse, but yes I agree. At least it was cheap, and I had gotten it on sale for like $2 so I wasn't mad about it.
Golems were purely PvE DLC.
>At least it was cheap, and I had gotten it on sale for like $2 so I wasn't mad about it.
I've pirated it and still was frustrated
The one good thing about Inquisition is Morrigan being an absolute smoke show compared to the rest of the cast, it helps that her VA outperforms them as well.
I never even made it far enough into DA:I to meet Morrigan.
At least we got Awakening.
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Gaider is nothing but an "ideas guy", but the people he shared those ideas with were far different in DA:I. Put him in the same position and DA:O would be just as garbage as DA:I. You already begin to see this with the DLCs and, worse, the whole game and DLCs of DA2 .
As a recent victim of its time wasting tendencies, I can understand why.
>Gaider is nothing but an "ideas guy",
>You already begin to see this with the DLCs
Awakening was great
Golems were fun to play
Witch Hunt was simply rushed (you can see that there are unpickable locations on the map)
I've always felt that people like him and Avellone need tard wranglers to remind them when they're about to do something really stupid.
I wish it wasn't so damn broken
It's still funny to see how Inquisitor gets mogged by Warden as protagonist figure
>The silent chad
>Vs the the wheel cuck
I think rule of cool is your friend when designing something. Just make it plausible (depending on the setting)
Always a disingenuous argument
If it came out during the ager of wokeshit when everyone have gayshit fatigue it would be grouped with the rest of the ideological dogshit becasue bridges were burned.
If it was made these days it would de facto be woke dogshit.
>Perfectly agree
Thank you for admitting you're full of shit.
Romans would do live, human, sacrifices if they felt like they needed to.
>The Fade
>Deep Roads
I no longer want to play
What's disingenuous? You're literally proving my point.
its good but shit looks generic fantasy as fuck, da2 and to some extent dai fixed the art design but too bad the gameplay themselves are ass
>da2 and to some extent dai fixed the art design
Such weak bait
Baldur's Gate 2 was better than this in every way.
I like the game well enough but I feel like there are more parts of the game I want to skip then actually play
dev teams weren't compromised of diversity hires for brownie and twitter points back then.
Origins was a soulless version of Baldurs Gate.
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Before Origins all other RPG's might as well have been one of those text-based adventures you'd play with a text-input field.
The stories were fine, but combat, graphics and just gameplay overall was so dull.
Origins made RPG's a lot more cinematic, for better or for worse.
>inb4 someone posts a video of Origins clunky animations or glitched graphics.
At least they looked miles better than whatever >pic related is
you didnt play the games which means you are a nigger therefore your """"opinion"""" is invalid
i love both your pic related and DAO
you're just a zoomshitter if you have a problem with your pic
>At least they looked miles better than whatever >pic related is
anon, origins looks even better than most shit released today
both has soul you retarded contrarian fag
I swear 4niggers only likes a games because they are popular here not because they actually likes the game itself, hivemind mentality like reddit and twitter.
>The stories were fine, but combat, graphics and just gameplay overall was so dull.
>Posts a game whose graphics have aged better than Dao's
>Posts a game whose gameplay was also better than Dao's
What did he mean by this?
>BG1 has bertter game play than DAO
you didn't play neither of those games

Verification not required.
it didn't used to be like this. you can only actually discuss games on vg nowadays. /v/ threads seem to be just everyone just jerking each other off repeating the approved talking points
ironically enough, the only consistently good thread in /v/ is threads complaining about the state of /v/
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>tfw you get to kill warden recruits
I'm gonna say it.
Dragon Age 2 sucked, but the story and the characters were great.
Bhelen wants to help the small folk. Harrow wouldn't change the fundamental problems.
One of those games where I hated the gameplay but liked every other aspect and still got like 600 hours out of it. between The cast of origins also blows all of Mass Effect out of the water and I like Mass Effect.
I could see an rpg set in one place over many years being good, DA2 is not that game. Still better than Inquisition tho.
They could have at least bothered to have the acts play in different seasons and change the city accordingly.
Bhelen because I can.
I keep forgetting DA2 takes place over multiple years, and not just during a very eventful weekend.
What was absurd about its lore? And the immature themes for that matter. Somewhat edgy sure, because the world was inspired by ASOIAF, but that's not the impression the game left me with.
it would be at least decent if it was marketed as a spin-off rather a full-fledged sequel
Combat is boring.
only blood magic is fun, but the game is boring overall.
I remember being pretty far into the game then instantly dropping it after reading Isabel's letter informing me that she left the party.
I don't remember a single thing about the game outside of that bullshit. That, and some retarded Alpha Protocol-like narration
Bhelen is objectively the correct choice in terms of outcomes. He may be a dick but he gets shit done
>Alpha Protocol-like narration
The flash forward interrogation maybe?
I mean some guy is being interrogated on the entire story of your playthrough and tells different things depending on your choices in the game. Really makes it harder to follow the actual story of the game if not executed well, which I think was the case in DA2
Yeah, this
Despite Bhelen's bullshit and what he pulls in the dwarf noble intro, he is actually more cool to (You) than Harrowmont ultimately ends up being

>Harrowmont makes a shitty low quality statue of you and just sort of writes you off while making things continue to suck
>Bhelen makes you an actual paragon, gets you a mansion with your potential girlfriend you can plow at the start, and makes the place great.
>Do Ritual
>Follow her anyway and through the mirror
>Make her into a loving mother and wife devoted to you while you head off to solve The Calling problem so that you may continue to plow her without any further troubles
Bhelen is dealing with food shortages and unrest come Inquisition
>still pledges support to the Inquisition the minute he hears there's a crazy darkspawn running amok
he is a giga chad
>no thanks
>not interested
>im a faggot
Wtf hetbros I chose the third option and now my Warden is gay... this game is woke ;-;
The Canon route. Based witch hunter.
It was biowares swan song, their last hurrah before sliding into casualized mediocrity. Don't be sad it's over, be happy it happened.
One of the most defining trait of woke is its insistance on making ugly and tranny character your default romantic partner, also anti-beauty standard. Delivered in a swallow-or-die manner, and none of those are in this game, neither was the term "woke" a phenomenon in video game yet. You're full of shit anon. Just admit nobody is going to pay for your gayguard and it's going to flop hard when it comes out.
The fuck are you rambling about?
Nice gaslighting. Still wouldn't buy your game
Woke didn't exist in DAO era.
>Then Solas is behind you shitting on every one of them
I don't remember if it was in the Mythal temple or that one with the sword but I remember him going IN on Falon'din and just shitting all over him as being a narcissistic cunt. I wonder if he'll be in this game.
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I think we’re only getting Elghan and Ghillanan. Spelling is wrong but fuck elves I don’t care. I have a feeling the other gods were the souls of the archdemons
Well they're the only 2 they showed but if the rest of them are locked up somewhere it stands to reason we may end up wherever that is and be able to have some kind of interaction with them. idk. it would kind of suck if we're only actually exposed to 2 of them in the entire game.
Also that archdemon thing is interesting I had always kind of thought that maybe Solas somehow caused the blight since he's so bitter and cunty whenever it or Grey Wardens are brought up
Shouldn’t have been a worthless drunk.
he was getting hard thinking of Branka and Hespith going at it, dudes a cuck
He seemed really angry when he realised the grey wardens were destroying the old god souls. It would make sense if they were the elven gods based on his reaction
You wish.
Fuck Bhelen. Everyone who is pro-Bhelen relies on meta knowledge. If I'm a Warden trying to recruit for the war do I want the nice traditionalist who clearly is honourable or the asshole who will sell his own brother? Sure, Bhelen is better for Orzammar, but that isn't your fucking problem.
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I'm not sexist, but I've come to dislike women harmonizing, and choir in general. Some of them are good if they're purposely odd like Bound By Flame's OST or Demon's Souls Tower Knight.
Still enjoy Origins main menu theme.
Aside from being angry there's like a couple of times where people are like "if we kill the Old Gods, no more Blight! problem solved!" and he's like "how do you fuckin retards know that won't just make things WORSE?"

He knows shit. I do think it's all his fault.
I always assumed the magisters tripped some kind of defense mechanism when they broke into the black city and bought it back with them
It was a different time.
Well if the black city is actually elf god prison then maybe the 2 theories are connected
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When does this game get good guys?
I got it cheap since it won GOTY 2014 and confused the praise for Origins with this?

Thoroughly disappointed that the best romance options were not only locked by gender (I can accept that at least) but ALSO race, and that I can't play a dwarvern mage due to "lore" reasons. And the combat felt like I was playing WOW by myself or that the game was playing itself while I was either watching or micromanaging everything and running around combat like a retard trying to not die.

How did this shit beat Dark Souls 2, Shadow of Mordor, Stick of Truth, Bayonetta 2, Super Smash Bros., Shovel Knight, and Divinity: Original Sin? I was playing as a female Qunari two-handed warrior and I felt like my character was just always fucking dying and I was forced to do romance with all the B-tier and lower characters. When does the game unironically get good because I was expecting something like Dragon's Dogma or turn-based combat, whatever system this is is just either boring or frustrating. Reminds me of playing Stellaris all over again in a bad way.

I was only in the first forest region. Should I continue with this game and give it a fair chance with my character or start over for a more fun / story fulfilling race/sex/class/romance-partner combo? Or is this game actually trash and I should just dump it?
The game has a lot of filler you need to avoid. Also the forest area, the Hinterlands, is a common meme amongst the fans in that everyone tells you to leave the place asap once you’ve done a mission. It’s somewhere where you can come back to and explore at your own time.
I tried playing this game when it came out and I couldn't stand how it's all just tedious sidequest shit and lost interest in some random desert map that has really fucking obnoxious verticality. I tried playing it again 10 years later and I actually enjoyed doing all the side shit. You are probably playing it wrong like I was. You need to ignore side shit and just progress the main story. Get to Skyhold and let the game actually start and see if you still don't like it.
They had to keep the faggotry under control because that sort of thing wasn't totally mainstream yet. They would have been way more overt and annoying with it if they thought they could have gotten away with it.
I tried to play it on my 17inch Alienware and fuck it looks so damn tiny, I need to adjust it to 720p if I want to fucking read, which is dumb and stupid. I can't play it at 4k on my laptop.

SOVL my ass.
I quite liked the Female Qunari. I remember the female Elf gets the most romance options.
The combat doesn't really get better, tactics are absent, most of the quests are fetch-quests, and the dialogue isn't very good. There are some high moments, like meeting up with Hawke and... uh
Leave Hinterlands and try out the other areas, ignore the collectathons, and try to have fun. If you still don't, then I wouldn't stick around.
There's a mod for the text size
There are mods to increase font size on nexus
Nobody cared back then, Jade Empire and Kotor 1 both had lesbian options and it didn't matter to anyone. Even /v/ wasn't seething about lesbians back then.
Thanks guys!
Might continue to run with my current character then, unless you guys think rogue or mage is more fun. I'm not that far in the game so nows the time to change it. I aim on trying to romance Sara, since she's the most generally well received romance option I can get as a female Qunari, unless you guys recommend someone else.
lesbians are hot, no one in the history of mankind ever seethed at lesbians
Remember the golden rule of any Dragon Age Origins thread:

DO NOT mention the segment with the fade. The game was PERFECT so you CANNOT mention it. It DID NOT happen, there ARE NOT MODS that remove it from the game entirely. The game was PERFECT. It would be endlessly lambasted if it were in DA2 or 3 but in Origins it didn't happen and if it did, it wasn't that bad.
fucking Sera?
by god, anon, please no. Go for Josephine if you're going to stick with Fem Qunari.

i still have the same notebook and paper that tells me what order to the fade in because i played the game so often. least favourite part of Origins, and now i played it so often, the whole game is 'that part'
I personally find Rogue to be the most fun class, but I wouldn't let an anon decide that for you. Maybe try looking up builds for each class to get a feel for how they play, and pick the one that looks the most fun.
And if you're not already turned off from Sera after your first meeting with her, then you'll probably like her romance.
I liked Sera a lot.
I hate the fade because it crashed my game non stop on the disc version I bought on release, and it also crashed my game on the pirated version I borrowed a few years ago.
I buyeded it on steam recently and use the 4gb .exe so I hope it won't crash.
I like the game but get why most don't. Literally a collectathon game in the dragon age universe that's literally nothing but filler. Only the hinterlands is somewhat relevant to the story. Every other maps has no relevance whatsoever. I did a handful of playthroughs where I did everything that's possible to do and by the last mission I still had like more than 200 power but nothing to use it on.
I did the exact same thing. I was like level 26 at the end of it all even though I realized I was overleveling and turned on the XP debuff at like level 14.
>How did they make a game so full of SHITE?
EA. Mass Effect 1 was already finished by the time of the acquisition. DO:A might as well be DE:I.
I'm doing it now. I'm level 26 or near it and I still haven't done a single main quest after skyhold or set foot in Emerald Graves.
The gameplay is FF12 but slightly worse, which means it's still fun but maybe a bit more unattached than people like
The only thing i didn't do in those playthroughs were the mosaics and bottles but otherwise literally everything. The fucking hissing wastes or whatever the night sand map is called is the worst.
If that sort of thing bothers you turn on the Trial for the XP and the one that makes everything to your level. It's like the devs knew no one would actually do all the shit they put in the game.
I don't remember much about Inquisition but I do remember hating that egghead Solas and decking him
After 2077 you're getting a create-a-witcher
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Favorite part?
For me it's the gauntlet. There is something about this section that really fascinates me.
>doing the quest in the Sera romance where you ask party members what gift to get her
>get a -2 disapproval with Solas just for asking
i can't wait for a black, gay female witcher to come up and tell you how racist you are and how the witcher order needs to be updated for modern times because it's sexist and a product of capitalism followed by twerking.
Probably Orzammer. Love dwarf cities built into mountains with lava everywhere. Fun lore and fun quests. I didn’t even mind the deep roads because it’s not as bad as i remembered. Exploring the old dwarf ruins and reading the codex’s on them made me appreciate dwarfchads even more. I’m looking forward to them waging war against the elves in veilguard for the crimes the ancient elves did to them
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>Dragon Age 1
>Brown filter
>be ancient eleven god who basically destroyed the world to liberate your people
>your people are Sera
No wonder he’s so angry
Sera is not his people
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Yea dunno if you're gonna stick with that chief.
tis tis twas twould
Sera is nice when you don't have gay /v/aggots in your ear telling you that she's not
That’s racist Solas. You can’t discriminate nuElves because you don’t like what they’ve become. It’s literally (your) fault.
She’s enjoyable in a way that poopoo from ME:Andromeda wasn’t, despite being the same character.
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>tfw Bhelen is flabbergasted if you side with him as Dwarf Noble while going "lol gg bro"
>He ultimately makes it up to you and gives you the next best / parallel title of dwarven society
traditionalist dwarves wouldn't get involved and would be too busy bickering with each other to get shit done. Bhelen immediately steps up and smacks whoever has a problem with it upside the head. This happens again in Inquisition
so does this mean even if i sucked multiple cocks a few years ago as long as I prefer women now I'm straight? BASED
Bhelen is so based it's unreal
News of the hour! Bhelen sleeps inside an oxygen tent which he believes will give him sexual powers!
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>That’s racist Solas. You can’t discriminate nuElves because you don’t like what they’ve become. It’s literally (your) fault.
That doesn't matter anymore, Rook. Dalish, city elf, it's all the same. They're not even real people, you'd be doing them a favor putting them out of their misery. It's always morally correct. All they do is shit up this world like the vermin they are.
why did they make the ancient god elf look like a bald chud
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>no EA app needed to play
either EA doesnt care or EA has done something good for once, either way still not looking good lmao
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better than their other ideas
The EA app is literally garbage malware that does not fucking work. If anyone actually cared about their game not flopping they'd make sure it didn't need that shit to run
probably took notice of the backlash Helldivers 2 had for needing to link a PSN account
Struggling to see how this is an issue. EA somehow has gotten better of the years and reduced a lot of their bullshittery. Hopefully this is how it goes going forward because the EA app is fucking cancer.
>steam deck verified
Yeah we’ll see. So many verified games run like shit
I'd still wouldnt trust EA (you shouldnt trust any publisher tbqh) but they've been getting alot better as of recently.
It majorly suffers from being open world.
If they had concentrated on the main quest and made it smaller it would be a much better game.
I enjoyed it after a while, but it is a game you have to learn to like.

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