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1 thing is all what I need to know

how "WOKE" it is ?
But /v/ told me it was never ever gonna come out, what happened?
>no gameplay
Miss me with that shit.
Bongistanis are so fucking cringe
>make fallout game in noguns country
>make for the fallout game with the worst melee combat in the series
Could they not have gotten a different guy for the narration
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Should I redeem
Who asked though?
>they modelled the dog's balls
Looks really boring and shit. Why would I ever want to be on London?
why would anyone ever want to be in America?
Guns, but other than that you got a point.
>Get to now kill Britbongs in Fallout
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Please mind the gap between the train and the platform, saaaaaar!
The map looks really good from those leaked videos. I was legit impressed how much it really did look like london granted on a much smaller scale.
Plot wise it does make sense london wouldn't get wiped out they built bunker systems. And China would be hitting America the hardest.
>we're all the same colour!
>we're so diverse
I don't get it. Wouldn't multiple shades be more diverse?
I have it installed, it instantly crashes upon loading a new game, when the intro video starts
the important question is: does it have an SMLE to use?
The script in the trailer is way too much. Don't swear in your trailer retards. They made the narrator sound like someone doing an impression even though I think he's actually English.
So why isn't Beth pulling a Nintendo and taking it down?

i second this
because Bethesda support this kind of thing
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The fact that giving this choice in a videogame is making a "statement" is surreal
Did you remember to downgrade sar?
Chud bros, we won
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what happened to genders?

holy fucking BASED
Holy shit
>ooh look FO:L is out
>see how to install
>use downgrader
>wants your steam credentials
>ask for any other solution
>here's a 20 step guide to manually downgrade FO4 and a degree in autism to go with it

Yeah Im going back to zog slop until they figure out how to do a simple install button like the modders that made Enderal did, simple, clean, one press and it was downloaded.
What a bunch of fuckin retards to gimp your own game worse than bethesda ever could.
Why would the downgrade need your steam credentials?
The downgrader is taking

Imma make a thread on plebbit whinning how using the words male/female is disturbing
enjoy the hotfix
I was kinda excited about it a month ago, put in a full FO4 playthrough in because they failed to launch when they said they would, and now I cba.
I'll wait until I don't have FO fatigue and try again, I'm sure that'll be enough time for them to iron things out as well.
Maybe you'll get some mods specific to London as well. Waiting a few months is always the best choice
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>here's a 20 step guide to manually downgrade FO4 and a degree in autism to go with it
holy retard, it's a single command in the steam debug console
the reason the downgrader needs your steam credentials is because it's doing the exact same thing but with a standalone console version of steam (called steamcmd) to do the exact same thing.
you are a complete spineless faggot
not giving bethesda another $20+
sounds like you just wanna spread hate and misery. go back to to plebdit
>Someone uploads playthough on youtube
>Massive eclebs face is taking up 1/4th the screen
>Cant watch the fucking video because my eye is constantally trying to look at his face because he's is speaking
>It hurts to watch

I fucking hate zoomers so god damn fucking much I fucking hate how people upload this shit to youtube no one wants to see your fucking face let alone your face taking up most the screen. I want to see what this mod is like how can I do that when its human fucking nature to look at someone speaking and your fucking face is takingg up most the fucking screen to a god damn video game.

Whatever, seethe more anglo mutt
>mad your shit install method is shit
go back to your shit discord
which one are you, Sunny? Toast fag? Wolfy?
yeah you seem like Wolfy, an absolute retarded nigger faggot.
OH my god that narration sucks a cock
Why the hell do you need to downgrade? Didn't we have to wait like 3 extra months just because they wanted us to update to the
>next gen
Fuck.. I'll probably spend more time modfing the game than playing
>Why the hell do you need to downgrade?
Because rather than actually update the mod, they actually took it as an excuse to delay it so they could finish it. Leaked Discord stuff showed it wasn't finished when they originally planned on releasing it and they were rushing.
>the reason the downgrader needs your steam credentials is because blah blah
yeah take my credit card info as well mr. russian
>here's a 20 step guide to manually downgrade FO4 and a degree in autism to go with it
you need a triple-digit IQ to post here
i'm not defending it. i'm just explaining that they are using the laziest possible solution, it's not even really a downgrader. it just downloads an older build in it's entirety using steam.
So they were unnecessarily antagonistic towards Bethesda and drummed up shit for attention, I'll stay away from this one.
>Britain colonized a bunch of countries
>Those countries are now colonizing London
Kind of poetic when you think about it
This is what happens when you colonize or enslave people. they're enculturated then latch onto you like a parasite. Europe and America deserve everything.
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jews are racist towards white people
>jews are racist towards white people
jews are racist towards white people
>jews are racist towards white people
jews are racist towards white people
>jews are racist towards white people
jews are racist towards white people
>jews are racist towards white people
jews are racist towards white people
Is any name you mentioned supposed to ring a bell or is your schizophrenia acting up and you're just screaming the names of people you're convinced are gang stalking you?
how are the ww2 guns
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will it have sharia zones?
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>haha we're going to turn an entire country into an unliveable nightmare shithole to epicly own a bunch of dead royals!
Shitskins once again doing nothing to dispel the notion that they're all petty savages
If anything this only proves that colonization was right.
if this takes FO4 and keeps the density of the open world, ill play the shit out of it. bonus points if they make crafting actually interesting (e.g. make gun mods do fun shit instead of pointless stat boosts/reallocation) and/or make settlement building matter. role-playing faggots who nostalgiafag for FO3/NV are just delusional that shittier FPS with multiple choice dialog was somehow good. just let me roam, scavenge and build random shit, and dont throw poorly written stories in my face
Gonna wait a few weeks before trying it, there's bound to be bugs and errors, probably some ctds too
>leaves off their African colonies
Saying London being part of Britain's colonization as being "London went to many places" is so comedically fucking stupid.
Anyway, here's a question I wonder: how different would the world be if third world countries were first world?
>what happened?
it came out
>The writing is already awful
It's like they got a guy to watch some old London gangster films and just threw in the random cockney slang while hoping it made sense.
If everyone sounds like this it's either going to be hilarious or awful depending on my mood.
mad cuz your ancestors got buck broken by the plantation owner?
I'm not touching it until I get confirmation it's not woke
What language is the trailer?
downloading mod right now
Somebody is going to make a "pirate" version of it without any sorts of installers and drama will be glorious. I can already see the developers crying on youjoow.
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>Install downgrader mod
>Requires your Steam login to work
Yeah, nah. I'll wait it to be compatible with the current version.
Europe didn't commit genocide although towards africans and asians. But the lesson was taken. Next time war won't stop until the last brown mess was removed.
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lookin' good.
Oi oi oi dogmeat, the institutes killed me' wife and taken me' bloody son.
there are non-whites in it, it's over.
falseflagging faggot
Christ, they modelled the dog's actual bollocks
cope, I'm right.
What would be the point of doing that
so how is it
post axe wound
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It's got LGBT representation. At this point I've pretty much given up on backlashing, I've come to terms with the fact that fags and lesbians are just part of normalcy now.
Just like Fallout NV which everyone on /v/ dickrides non-stop, so shut the fuck up.
they replaced gman from trailers to woman
Not dealing with Gog or the downgrader.
NV is one of the best games ever made, not really a point in your favour.
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>STILL yet to be topped
How did HOI 4 modders get it so right?

>we do not commit crimes in London
>London committed crimes on us
were back in 2015 boys
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>dude le zogbot shadowgovernment BUT WITH STRIPES AND STARS!!!

Amerifats are so fucking dumb and gullable it hurts.
couldnt they make this with real english?
>Mercy kill a Vagabond
>Now the faction hates me
What the fuck man, dude was dying anyway I just sped it up and got some XP
Yeah, fuck those guys who brought trains, ports and all kinds of infrastructure to the rest of the world!
did you.. finish it?
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>t. Didn't play the mod
You're a fucking retard
It's Jewish anti-European propaganda.
>butthurt at fictional characters
this is really pathetic
That's literally my point you colossal cock goblin, get some reading comprehension.
>this is (you) worthy for /v/ now
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>yank squeeling in pain as his bullshit is being called out
How janky is it
>needing to downgrade
You niggers actually bought fallout4?! Even if you did you should have been using a pirated version anyway.
>open new window
>resize window to cover [faggot]
>mute volume
Only way to handle it.
>Doubling down on being a retard
Once again, you're a fucking retard
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I thought the lore was that Europe was left in an even worse state than USA because of the urban density and "nukability" for the lack of a better word. London being a prime target.
>I've come to terms with the fact that fags and lesbians are just part of normalcy now.

weak, that's what they want you to be.. but guess what? they will never stop at this line
>literally posts pro-zogbot propaganda

Are you being obtuse on purpose, Amerifat? This is why the world's laughing at you.
is sneedclave in?
Your argument falls apart because while teh Enclave looks like badass space Nazis with power armor and cool underground bases, the NCR look like fucking homeless soviet conscripts.
Please enlighten me what I'm supposed to feel then. Because getting mad at trannies and fags without it ever changing anything just makes my hairs go grey early. I don't see you bringing about any social change.
It's easy to talk big but in the end, we're not in charge of anything impactful. "Voting with our wallets" is a meme.
someone should have chatgpt read the manual downgrade instructions and get it to code a program that auto does it for you
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>missing the point this hard
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Thanks for proving his point, retard.
Ncr is decentralized and constantly eroding due to internal partisanship— the enclave, in contrast, has a stronger centralized government that focuses on long term thinking and survival for the faction.
Retard the best ending and path in the mod is Granite reforming the Enclave and the United States to no longer be corrupt tyrannical genocidal assholes and actually live up to the ideals of America, you would know this if you actually played the mod.
Can you fuck her?
>retarded strawman argument
No surprise there
I personally never really cared for the 'representation' in NV, it almost feels like they went out of their way to hit a quota. It is still up there for me as one of my favorites however, it just means that their can be very specific parts that make me roll my eyes.
So they just cuck out to the libtarded views of the NCR?
Great game discussion going on here.
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The amount of seethe from the enclavefags is delicious.
>NV is one of the best games ever made
the fact that people unironically believe this is why vidya is so goddamn shit now.
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>FO3 contrarians are still bleeding out their asses after all these years

>fucking ice spice
>those nails
Goddamn I hate acrylic nails so much.
This, I wanted to know if this mod was shit or not and all I see is a bunch of politics fags sucking eachother off. I hate what fallout nv done to the community. TALK ABOUT THE GAMEPLAY AND THE WRITING
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No, you are missing the point, retarded cunt. Almost no one gives a shit about the actual content of an ideological system. Only aesthetics matter. Both the Nazis and the USSR, among others, understood that. Same with the Catolic Church and many other religions.

All you have to do to get people to follow you is repeat whatever lies are convenient loudly and often, and look badass while doing it. That's it. It works on 99.99% of people.

Ideologies that fail to understand this very basic and ancient principle are doomed to failure.
>male or female
>body type
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DEI xisters, this is like another trannycaust.
>blaming it on NV for no reason

NV wasn't even brought up until the last few posts. You're just seething at superior games for the sole sake of being angry.
shit mod but you can massacre british "people" so its at least a 7/10
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See >>683726515 you dumb reddittor. Keep preaching your politics to the average voter and watch him not give a shit, because who would listen to what a skinnyfat balding retard has to say?
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>whining at New Vegas
>not the immediate "IS IT WOKE!??!?" /pol/baiting
>some how blames NV for this thread
Some people need a day away from the internet. At any rate it may be a poor time to get first impressions, people may be busy right now and then have to actually get in some play time when they have the chance. Given the nature of a mod like this, that could still take a good few hours spent playing.
Anti-NVfags are the absolute worst.
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Thats much more relevant to the quality of a game (or mod in this case) than an entirely separate game. Stupid faggot with your gay little bugs bunny picture
>no hordes of paki/jeet/nogg thieving rapists
Not immersive
>I thought the lore was that Europe was left in an even worse state than USA
I vaguely think you may be right about that but it remains to be seen how they handle any such lore in the context of the mod itself.
Dude if you're gonna cherrypick at least do it right, "passing" trannies are rare but not so rare that you can't line up 10 of them for your gay collage. Half of these have stronger jawlines than Schwarzenegger.
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Might as well check it out. I'll go larp as a modern Knight. At worst I'll be a post-apocalypse Don Quixote
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you see, that's what you're wrong at
never get "mad" about them, they are faggots.
the right move here is to never NEVER accept them for what they are/play their games/ letting them know what they are doing is alright/ letting their propaganda get into you or your loved ones
and that's about it, chillin'
>150 posts in and still not a single screenshot from the game or any discussion outside of /pol/shit based off of assumptions
I hate this board so much it's unreal
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The mod devs are shilling GOG hard, didn't update the mod to work in the next gen cuckdate even though they delayed the release for that (bullshit, the mod was incomplete).

Apparently there is also fully 3d modeled dogs balls.

I seriously hope it's not going to be another frontier
>women leader
no thanks
>mentions F3 out of nowhere
LMAO completely buck broken, typical tranny behavior.
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we must ban all tranny vegas fags
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Can you side with the cute fascist mosley girl?
The NCR and Enclave should not be in this thread at all. I’m tired of people talking about the same factions for the past 10 years just for a new big mod to come not set in America just for you fags to discuss the same factions AGAIN
does it really? can you confirm and post something
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All right /v/
You made me install it
>They haven't changed it even though I called them out an year ago.
"Suggestions" my ass, they don't want to hear voices of fans and prefer to stay in their echo chambers instead.
So far the only thing I’m see is people struggling to get the mod running not sure if its people who cant mod their games for shit or the mod being jank. Likely both
If it doesn't have a ton of Monty python references I won't even give spin.
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You haven't even seen what an actual gay bugs bunny pic looks like.
Even in his own cartoon that bunny could get gay as hell.
Real Fallout game would let you be a rapist slaver desu.
They have a roundtable faction so they pretty much already have an entire faction for the references.
did you also install ERR, Rustbelt Rising and East Coast Rebirth?
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You may want to get a few submods to go with it.
I don't get this either. Seems now they are going after the "Sex" since they are done with the "Gender"
Best you’re getting is a slaver, though the fallout show did mention sex slavery
>cute fascist mosley girl
What? If such a character exists, I demand a pic be posted at the nearest opportunity.
Get Enclave Reborn Redux then reform Enclave and kill Commies as Granite.
Based, don't install and play it right away but after you've played some of the nations in base OWB I'd definitely recommend the sub mod Enclave Reborn Redux. Very high quality and the Reformer path has a ton of content. There's also the East Coast Rebirth submod that adds nations to the East Coast.
They banned me from their gay-ass discord literally yesterday for telling them to either release the mod or turn off their patreon
And now they release the mod
What the fuck
Do they let you kill anyone. If the answer is yes then I’m happy
Pic related, her concept art (cont.)
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>Make contact with China
>Be friendly with them and enter peace talks
>Just before officially bringing an end to the war switch up and execute the Emperor on stage
My president.
Hello sirs!
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and here's what she looks like in the mod.
Relax, there is little to currently discuss about an entirely new mod set in an entirely new worldspace and culture, given that it has just released. People don't have time to play atm or are just getting into it. A few memes and jokes about general Fallout lore is to be expected in the meantime.
She still got the robo limbs?
>short hair
okay Johnny K
I'm thinking I might approve of this character, but I'll have to interact with her and her faction in game. Her side may make for an interesting group to side with.
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>inb4 you can’t side with her
but its woke
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I'm not gonna lie, communists look pretty interesting
Christian-Marxism crusaders sounds badass
Man these looney tune niggas are freaks
Saar please...
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For me it's the Pioneer Company, God bless President Johnson
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>tfw no anglo mosley tomboy gf
romance option?
This shit crashes so often I don't feel like modding it further to fix it I'll just wait until they do it.
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>Christian-Marxism crusaders
What's next? Islamic Communist Jihad?
I could be wrong but she may has a daughter.
>If you want to bang my daughter you have to help me install a fascist government in London
Well /v/ would you take that deal?
That gay/troon shit was done in gag purpose which Bugs Bunny tend to do since the dawn of the time.
>Islamic Communist Jihad?
>he doesn't know about literal commie muslims
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Oh believe me I do know it.
Her daughter is too old for /v/
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who the fuck complained about lack of direction last thread? immediately as you get out of the tutorial you can either follow the gang or get a quest marker toward this street shitter and he gives out another one.
also, fallout london definitely checks out.
can you say "good morning sir" to him?
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O shit this mod has cutscenes?
I hope they are not as cringeworty as those of Frontier.
my disappointment would be immeasurable and my day ruined.
hopefully loverslab mods for her come out
Tell me the jeet isn't part of the fascist faction
Anything Fallout related has to crash on you at least 3 times shortly after release, this is a near universal rule.
You know they were going to name him Pajeet if things were unhinged
I'll need to see a picture of her daughter before I decide
>even modders pay for 4chan shilling
This website is never gonna recover, is it?
I think it's the one on the left. >>683727989
Can you romance the daughter instead?
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Ohnoooo people are talking about a big mod for one of the most popular western franchises
As long as retards like you keep invading the board and calling any videogame discussion "shilling", probably not.
>Loid's Ministry
Yeah that entire region has a lot of content going on, although I haven't played them myself. Always thought the focus trees looked really well done.
>He doesn't know that Artist Dross (probably) paid /v/ mods&jannies not to delete his lewd artwork shilling at SFW board.

Genocide indian playthrough when ?
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I'd definitely recommend playing Pioneer Company, they've got 3 paths and all of them are pretty fun. Luv Johnsons path
>that 1% chance that they released it because an anon threw a fit
Yo wtf, maybe we have you to thank for this thread even being possible.
So what do I do? Which version of Fallout 4 must I pirate to play this?
Isn't it part of the most recent update?
They really should rework old factions, a lot of them look very grim compared to the new stuff, at least some nice new artwork
Yea the Canada stuff is part of the newest update, and I'm pretty sure they've said they plan on overhauling the West Coast nations so they're on par with the new ones.
TrannyGirl version.
Because it's a mod ya dweeb
>They really should rework old factions
That Cascadia area with the Broken Coast is my pick for next group to get an update. I feel like the region is lacking without submods to supplement their focus trees. One such submod is Darkness Falls for the Washington Brotherhood if anyone is interested, pretty expansive focus trees.
Who cares
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immediately after this screenshot was taken because alt is apparently melee attack. he oneshot me with the gun bash because im lvl3 and at +30% damage taken with 1end.
Deepstate glowniggers vs some mutts larping as an old world democracy. The NCR is not aging well
>Load into game, escape to London streets
>Crash at train
>Reload, train is gone
>Run along the tracks, title plays and I get into the game
>Crash twice in different buildings
>Get insta deleted by a dog I found in a random building
God I fucking hate Fallout 4 but the new mod game ridiculous
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>Mod hasn't crashed one for me
Maybe you guys should get better rigs
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I just jumped off the tracks because I wasnt gonna hoof it for miles and I got ganked by 4 raiders with pipes who chased me across the city until I got stuck on a shrub
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yeah, just upgrade your pc's faggots
Post all uve got like this plz
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Anime is woke, you cartoon fapping freak
So far, just Body Type Male or Body Type Female. Otherwise not nothing you wouldn't see in FNV or FO4. But I only just made it out the starter town.
Guns you'll never use while claiming you will do something in two more weeks, lard ass
They always were. Read some history books instead of playing video games.
i would bend bugs over and shoot several loads in his ass
'ate the wastelands.
'ate them ghouls.
'ate them radiation.

luv me Nuka Tea.
luv me PipLad.
luv me armor.

Simple as.
There are no trannies in fnv.
faggotry conquered america and europe in just 50 years. the middle east continues to slaughter faggotry on a daily basis. islam is clearly the best cult out of the 3. as soon as america folds, islam can destroy israel.
I bought F4 on steam how the fuck do I play this without them stealing my information
> LGBT representation
What a bloody euphemism for decadent propaganda.
now THIS is next gen
3060 12gb 8700k 32gb ram, runs pretty fucking poorly at 2k, feels around 40fps. ideas?
Wish they made it in America playing in London is cringe
stupid fat stinky mut
A LADDER! But that's supposed to be impossible!
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brown people should be thankful for getting a tech boost.
>One of the graffiti textures is an "OwO? What's this?" reference
Not surprised they snuck that in desu
Wait for the pirated version, i'm sure somebody is going to make a repack out of this mod
fallout series is american as fuck. this just doesn't feel right.
Fallout is ripe for being set somewhere else other than Mutterica
Sold. I'm literally downloading FO4 now and watching a video on how to downgrade it on Steam.
nah it really isn't
There are 10 versions of the game set in America, go play those and stop whining.
how many trans flags are there?
can i kill every street shitter?
Nuclear war was a world event. Seeing what happened in other parts of the world is good.
Yeah, Canada and Mexico.
Maybe China if you really want to push the boat.
fallout japan would be pretty cool
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Anyone else crashing at the loading screen once you get on the train after the starting area?
What do you need to play this? FO4 with all DLC on steam?
you need to manually download a previous version off steam + previous versions of dlc
britbongs hooligans had enough balls to stop black lives mattering the churchill statue and that faggot deserves every single bit of it,
churchill literally led bongs on frontline of WW2 just to cuck them a bit later beyond repair for jews
Thought this got delayed because they wanted to update it to the next gen FO4 version?
>Britain came to us
Yeah, and left. Your turn.
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Did they add a traffic warden outfit?
>Faction of ghoul American soldiers who are trying to either find a way back home or want to turn China into America 2
Could be kino
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>Step on a puddle of water
>300 rads a second

The river is clean saaar, pls redeem the water saar
>no A/B
So if Britain came to you and this gives you the right to go to Britain, then doesn't that give Britain the right to come to you again?
desu desu
from what I've seen there is too much city and not enough wasteland
Over 20k people are on their trannycord right now apparently. Bet some of you 4chan incels are on there.
>he doesn't know
cloth mask with 2 holes is always cool
>Anyone else crashing at the loading screen once you get on the train
I'm seeing a few posts that seem to be having a similar issue as the one you're having. May be a common point to experience crashes.
Hate this baiting piece of shit movie I wanted a story about this guy who looks cool not some whiny woman crying about being raped or buried alive or whatever.
>Thought this got delayed because they wanted to update it to the next gen FO4 version
A heroic anon went on to their discord to shout at them to release it now or face his wrath. He took a ban and sacrificed himself so that this would release early.
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You see, Granite plays the Long-Game.
He knows Super Mutants and Ghouls can't breed so he plays a "tolerance game".
S'Lanter gets a pass because they are useful and also accepted the fact They Will Never Be A Real Human nor they care to be one.
Granite also created his own Deep State so he'd continue to rule the country even he is 6 feet under.
(Last but not least, Granite also fucked Diana's robotpussy whom has been longing for human contact since her brain was shoved into machine over 200 years ago.)
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noice, keep us updated anon
Someone said that running the game as admin using the scrip extender .exe i stead of gog fixes some issues and the random crashes during the game can be possibly fixed by installing buffout.
what's this pic from? threads?
I will now play your mod
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>Help some blind ghoul fix his radio
>Once it's fixed he starts it up and hears some shit about how some Vagabonds are gonna be executed
>Starts getting pissy and blames me for the bad shit he hears on the radio
>Three seconds later starts asking me to help him
These Vagabond guys fucking blow, I better be able to stab them in the back
Going somewhere as a refugee beggar bum and living on wellfare and shining white peoples shoes doenst make you a colonizer, Ahmed
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Oh shit he finally added Granite being able to bang Diana? Yea I think it's time for another Reformer playthrough.
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What the fuck
>Stabbing Fallout version of Peaky Blinders from back
>Oh shit he finally added Granite being able to bang Diana?
You could say she is first lady now along with VP Hayes
Spriggans have aged like shit
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>running as admin using the script extender .exe instead of gog fixes some issues
>the random crashes during the game can be possibly fixed by installing buffout
Worthwhile for anyone experiencing issues to try this advice. And everyone should be installing mods like buffout honestly. A few others that may help with stability are mods such as Baka Scrapheap and Fallout Priority.
>Expecting anything else but crashes
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Churchill Library, restricted books section, guess what else is there.
The enclave looks cool
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Is Granite slamming that androgynous bussy?
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>shitting on frontier
wtf I thought these guys weren't based
That's just a typical british crackwhore
>the world
No one cares what a bunch of sandniggers and shitskin spics think, sorry to burst your bubble.
>b-but I’m European
Cope ranjeesh, you will never be European
America was founded on liberal values
There's also Catcher in the Rye, Catch 22, Lolita, Brave New World, Tropic of Cancer, The Well of Loneliness, Howl and other Poems, Doctor Zhivago and how can I forget THE ENGLAND BOOK/

So far there are only white people in the game. I'm sure it will be an issue later on the internet.
>white people are the only race to have enslaved and colonized other races, not like peaceful Asians, Africans, and Indians
>also let’s viciously attack nations like Ireland who had nothing to do with colonialism too
You’re not against racism, you obviously have it and want it to be the only one rewarded for it
Alright, that one made me laugh.
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>Every NPC will sperg the fuck out if you bump into them
Holy shit that's annoying, makes me just want to kill everyone I encounter
Don't care, you're not getting my login and password. Steam irksya
s pretty clear on this
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Fallout doesn't work in Britain, it's a uniquely new world franchise.
They should've done an original world instead, maybe treat it more like the slav games do post-apocalypse.
looks like shit
>thread is about some other Fallout mod
I wasn't aware there were non-tranny fallout fans in 2024
Oi mate, watch where you're walking bruv or I'll smash your gob in.
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Do you need to have Fallout 4 installed for the GOG version to install/work?
>Fallout doesn't work in Britain, it's a uniquely new world franchise.
Okay, explain why.
this is super woke
will there be non-woke mod for this?
>everyone is autistic in a fallout mod

Color me surprised
So, is it any good?
So, what does bong PA look like?
How the hell do you think Hayes convinced him to integrate NCR cabinet into Enclave admin?
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>Workers rioting for better work conditions
Holy pozzed woke slop
Just fuck off you terminally online loser, the rest of us normal people are trying to enoy games
you're right, but I think modders can do whatever they want
People wants a Enclave route for years, Todd
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normalfag more like
>mod team prides itself on everything British
>No women NPCs have fat British tits

For shame! Also I'm not making a joke. "British tits" has been a thing since the Victorian era and was revived in the 60s.
2/10 bait
>bunch of pedo shit
>no mein kampf
Not downloading this wokeslope
is this a real rpg like nv or more similar to Bethesda's fallout games?
It's a certified Bri'ish thing to do so it fits
Did anyone say they should be forced to make it in America? Shut the fuck up faggot
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A little more subtlety with the politics baiting would be just fine, mate.
He riled up this retarded leftoid sperg Incel, so it’s at least a 5/10 >>683736935

I don't know. Maybe it's like how Bob has a mutant attached to his roots.
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Not my problem, I'd rather not deal with White Americans trying to write Canada or Mexico. Lord knows Western kino's been fucked into the dirt for years thanks to Someretard taking a bite too large to chew.
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>Mind the gap
>Mind the gap
>Mind the gap
Is this really a thing? Its like making a catch phrase out of "Look both ways before you cross the street"
Are there beans on toast in this mod?
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>fallout london
>trans bathroom
>pajeets street shitters
>all somehow existed before the bombs nuked the world in the 50s and 60s time that fallout was inspired
even fallout 4 tried to push bullshit like the crazy amount of blacks and boss bitch women in the game, yeah sure
Yeah, sounds like it's a Bong thing thanks to the subways allowing for fast travel across the city.
Can I install it on a pirated gog-rip?
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Uppity peasant down, factories productivity up.
no, but it sounded like you're a whiny faggot, and it turns out I was right lol
>1950s world
>has robots and nuclear cars
what da heck
Anon, there's unironical fascist faction in the mod.
By fascists, I meant it's not something like modern trope of "muh ebul fascists" NPC talk, or ww2 nazis at all. We are talking about post-apocalyptic version British Union of Fascists whose leader doing Mosleymaxxing here.
fair point, anon
is this mod worth the installation hassle? looks mostly like fallout 4 with a different map
Says the incel bootlicking a bunch of tranny modders
yeah you can, install Buffout 4 on top of it so it doesn't crash

It was also founded on wanted to own guns and not pay dumb taxes.
>not using the int check to promote the union leader and force him into a hell of his own doing
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>makes mod to add LOLITA as a consumable
Its easy but requires a fresh install downgraded to before next gen and gog account
>inspired by
retard moment
Gog is promoting it, so probably
Except if it's an older version, because Bethesda published a modbreaking nothingburger update to celebrate the show.
what was that, retards get filtered by my list of words because they use low-bar retard words, speak up
>Factory manager docked me 50 bucks for taking to long to kill him
So this is what 2 centuries of diversity looks like
Because it was about post-war America from the start. the UK is irrelevant in the games lore
does the fallout london file on gog-games just work with the fallout 4 file on gog-games?
No, liberals conspired to overthrow their government with uppity ideas like having representation for the colonies. It's not the Crown's problem that their retarded, ostracized (for good reason) forefathers took on the rights and responsibilities of being a British colony before getting to the New World.
No it works with Steam also but requires a fresh install
Then it's a good thing a fanmade mod doesn't impact the game's lore.
literally called the 5th column. Are they the good guys? if not its definitely woke
silence, retard
Does this shit work without downloading the GOTY High Texture DLC?
>laziest possible solution
The laziest possible solution is pointing people to the downgrader that uses delta patching ala Fallout 3's, no credentials required.
Once again, the modders are out of touch fucking morons.
The entire reason they delayed the whole thing was because they wanted to avoid this shit, yet they went to fucking GOG instead of doing what the Enderal people have done almost a decade ago.
Let only people who own Fallout 4 download it. And make the mod contain the bare minimum base game files required.
>Le war never changes
Nice argument anon
All he’s saying is it doesn’t work, bootlicker.
>I don’t think it works
>why not?
>because x reasons
>well if you don’t like it don’t download it chud! It doesn’t affect the lore chud!
Why are you such a retarded sperg?
you are such a retard it's unbelievable you don't exist to get boxed on the ears for your downie-isms
Fallout franchise is dead bro, let the modders have their dumb concepts. Just like Wasteland and Underrail are sort of Fallout-ish games
They actually reccomend not downloading it IIRC.
Wait a few days and you'll probably get a pirated standalone version
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>We're going to need to delay the mod to update it to the next gen version of fallout 4
>Several months later
>You're going to need to downgrade anyway
So...what were they doing?
You don't even know what that word means you stupid nigger.
woman behavior
Maybe you should try listening to the other things he says right after, fucking retard.
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>>well if you don’t like it don’t download it chud! It doesn’t affect the lore chud!
But how does something that exist affects you so much to negatively speak out on it?
Does it personally affect you?

Because it's based on Cold War propaganda and paranoia of the time as well as the cynicism of looking back and seeing how close disaster was.

Brita during the Cold war was not the same place. It was assholes pretending to be allies with the US but actually being the biggest intelligence leakers to the USSR. It was a nation of triple crossers with it believing one thing but never going out of its way to stop betraying the west.
learn what words mean before using them
? takes a woman to call something for women, fuck off to the kitchen and make me jello ham
I can't bring myself to pay fallout 4. The no rog elements are difficult to swallow. Is this worth it?
The fuck does this painting have to do with brown people? This is from the Charge of the Light Brigade, when British cavalry charged Russian positions. Battle of Balaclava, Crimean War.
>OMG he mentioned Germany and Spain
You're actually an idiot
>heavy gun and science perks show female not-pip-boy icon even when playing as male
>all essential quest givers are black/fishpeople/minorities/women
>can't join skinheads or do anything even remotely edgy
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They literally want to revive British Empire like in the mems
>because x reasons
which boil down to "IT JUST IS AMERICA MMMKAY"
You fuckers have the mental capacity of flat-earthers
Underage detected.
1/10 bait
Thanks, good as it looks like Todd shit and seems to fuck the game up.
If I wanted to play in a post-apocalyptical London where I will be getting stabbed or shot at by subhuman creatures then I would just move there myself.

Same problem I have with Fallout 4 and taking place in Boston.
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>Because it's based on Cold War propaganda and paranoia of the time as well as the cynicism of looking back and seeing how close disaster was.

Yes. It's almost like Fallout 1 is in fact not about the US, but about the human condition, which you would fucking know had you actually played the game.

The average nu-fallout fans, gentlemen.
> threads?
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>US/New World
Post war boom, America takes its place as a superpower, Beginnings of the new better world (in their opinion), consumerism takes off, makes for a good contrast to the post-apocalypse, while also being examples of why the resource wars started.
>Old World/UK
Collapse of empires, Europe becomes divided between two foreign empires, nations struggling to recover from the war, living standards still below before the war(UK still had food rationing well into the 50s)
Why would post apocalyptic bongs want to emulate the worst decade?
Never said they couldn't.
they're too pussy to fly the union jack, its fucking woke
It’s sad how low IQ you are. This is like asking why can’t we have a stalker game set in America
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It's sloptent dude, it's not like it's kosher to represent Britain's military conquest and colonies with a painting of browns getting curbstomped, or a painting of Roarke's Drift
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They also hate the (((Gentry))) too btw
you lost and will go extinct in due to your own worthlessness
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how do even gauge a game's "wokeness"
yeah that's a 4channer par for the course, stop reading hentai go watch porn of actual women for once
and no, step family and teen counts watch actual women having sex it'd do you some good
jesus fucking christ were right back in the 1940s, this is literally nazi tier
I'm interested in Fallout Miami, but I don't care about this london game at all
Americans are the softest people you will come across on the internet.
Trying to get it to work on the next gen version.
>why can’t we have a stalker game set in America
There is zero reason there can't be a STALKER game set in America you stupid fuck.
That is like saying FF cannot take place outside Midgar.
How do you even get through the day without choking on your on drool, being as retarded and gay as you are?
[Capitalism] was never part of the original Fallout premise despite what you may think - capitalism equaling evil is a very modern shout topic, and it's not surprising that Hollywood leans on that for a big reveal - Chris Avellone.
>Fallout: Swampia
No fucking Thanks, I'd rather have Emil's wacky shacktopia than that shit.
survivorship bias
You’re a retard who doesn’t get the point of stalker or fallout
I’m not even American you stupid browncel. But the American setting is the POINT of fakoout
I never played Fallout 1 or 2 because Underrail has better combat and writing
The series started at 3 (if you're a boomer) but it actually had its start with 4 and the TV show
>Fallout: Swampia

Fuck you, Fallout: Nawlins Bayou would kick ass
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Shut the fuck up, pseud. You just wanted to be included, that's ok. Bongs do it all the time.
Case in point you fucking pussy.
> Yes. It's almost like Fallout 1 is in fact not about the US, but about the human condition
What retarded cuck video essay did you get that from retard
why are you trannies so slow?
Rightoids are sopping wet pussies that want to critique media endlessly, leftoids are sopping wet pussies that want to critique media endlessly, the center and everyone uninvolved from labels are herd animals fit for caning and cajoling, Americans are a fucking blight on the internet I'm surprised their Congress hasn't taken a weekend off to vote in a bill that creates the Great Firewall but to keep out the Chinese and the Iranians (keep them in)
Are you ok? Are you having a schizophrenic episode?
>steam creds needed to play it
Eh, I'll pass.
>how do even gauge a game's "wokeness"
It's very easy to spot when developers inject their own ideology. Not to mention that they usually present it as "this is normal you are bigot if you say otherwise" even there's a good constructive criticsm.
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For anyone who is playing vagabond bit, optional book is on the second floor under a box that you need to move.
woman behavior
"They just have to take place in Ukraine, and America respectively"
"Nuclear power plants cannot fail anywhere else in the world."
"Rest of the world doesn't exist."
You're a fucking idiot that cannot think outside the box. I doubt you can even draw a fucking apple in your head.
I would just play Vipers and Jackals and bring back the vault 15 legacy to NCR.
>engaging with that pilpul post in good faith
Kill yourself retard.
>how do even gauge a game's "wokeness"
Your own strawnan explains it quite well

Is this accurate? Wouldn't surprise me.
I'm right wing though, I'm just not some fat retarded American who thinks he's the center of the world and throws a hissy fit whenever the focus of something isn't on me.
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I mean... all of them? gotta eyeroll everytime then, I don't think modders will replace them anytime soon
>can't join skinheads or do anything even remotely edgy
I really really hate that voiceover. Did he have a sock in his mouth or something? Why does the voice sound like that?
>Hurr durrr maybe the next lord of the rings game should be set in america and not middle earth hurrrr durrrrrrrrrrr
You “people” are 100% brown third worlders if you can’t understand this concept

I assume they were trying to get it to work with the update version but since all the team members with technical skills were gone they probably tried to hire a code monkey or learn to code themselves.

Telling people to downgrade is an admission of failure.
fallout isn't for you anymore chud. go back to your isometric crpg slop
No, only retarded brown people are setting & lore purists to a dead IP
There is no way you can make me believe that this comment isn't bait.
only good fallout after 2 you fat fuck
I found a bar where you can find it
>but since all the team members with technical skills were gone
I know Russians and Ukranians gone due to war but what happened to others?
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>I've come to terms with the fact that fags and lesbians are just part of normalcy now.
What fucking others. Only slavs write code for free for some dumb mods.
it's skyrim
I'm tired, Mr. Bezmenov. I really do.
American ones?
Did they troon up and kill themselves?
>waaah I don’t care about anything waaah I’m so edgy and hate this series
Then your opinion is utterly meaningless. As meaningless as hearing the opinion of a r*ssian about the special three day operation

Well, Hanford and Three Mile Island. Those weren't as bad a chernobl
>the guy whining about it being set in London is a NAFO Ameriboo leftypol faggot
Can't make this shit up.
>shitskin noises
>bizarre pivot about the SMO
Uh huh, keep going. Definitely proving my point wrong.
>brown people are the only people that dogmatically believe dead IPs should adhere to the lore and setting
can you have sex with deathclaws?
You see, I'm gonna ignore all of you and form my own opinion on this
Yeah lmao what the fuck is this guy's problem? Is he German? Surely my observation can't strike that bad of a nerve.
So where can I find a companion (besides that dog he's ugly as hell)
>Left is mad that it's not wacky American Todd slop
>Right is mad due to gender politics and faggotary
Is Fallout: London, dare I say: Centrist mod?
Nah there is multiple people shitting on you
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True. The worst part about being a true & honest russophobe are all the bandwagoning leftist trannies who were sucking Putin's cock and worshipping the USSR for being HECKIN' ANTI-IMPERIALIST ANTI-RACIST ALLIES just last year.
>taking /v/ seriously begin with
we are all here to funpost and have time, anon.
Not America but I also pick Fukushima. + It is Japan. Imagine the Kaijus and other weird shit that would make the mutations at the zone a joke.
Ukraine's not getting that land back and Trump's a shoe-in since the Dems want to insist that America's a country that hates niggers and women
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I know it's off topic but
>Stalker got delayed again
Fucking hell man
kek both too scared to reply to the ukraine chad
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Uh huh, don't remind me that brown people are the only people that religiously insist upon an IP staying dead by keeping it to the OFFICIAL lore and setting
At least poop won't get into my wounds when i get stabbed
so is it actually good so far? don't give me any political answers, I'm not a retarded culture war faggot like most of you
>ctrl+F "@"
>9 matches
holy shit, what a faggot
What are you spooks doing?
Even with the Buffout 4 mod slapped on it's a fucking crash-a-thon fest left and fucking right, it's not playable yet
A retarded nugget of shit with arms and hands and a phone tried to throw me and other anons off about the fact that he's personally affected by a mod that he doesn't need to observe, discuss, or download
But how does that affect you personally?
the white majority is implied
>t. live in London and know many "browns"
these people are wagies or poors, look up what colonising is idiot
London is the financial capital of Europe, it is obviously going to be diverse
also colonising was a noble act and and a net good for 99% of the world
Because he spoke up in the first place. If you got nothing good to say don't say it.
>he’s still crying his little slanted brown eyes out cause I called him brown like 200 posts ago
Guess I struck a nerve
What are you going to do about it?
the white majority is implied
>t. live in London and know many "browns"
these people are wagies or poors, look up what colonising is idiot
London is the financial capital of Europe, it is obviously going to be diverse
also colonising was a noble act and and a net good for 99% of the world.
Another trait of brownoids.
Despite all the moaning, Russians withdrew forces away from the Finnish border AFTER Finland joined NATO. They know NATO won't attack, it's all just posturing and propaganda for the home public.
>so is it actually good so far?
People are still just getting into playing the mod and this thread is going under real quick due to derailing. I'd wait to hear more in new threads as more anons actually play it.
Keep it up, it's obvious he's butthurt enough to point out what I do as if it's a counter argument to his reasons why Fallout should stay in America (despite being a dead IP, like it's not fucking unbelievable there wasn't a DLC or AA game ready for the show).
They needed to delay it just to add more woke shit anon, not fix the mod.
Gonna cry paki? Sorry but I’m still voting trump and I’m not gonna download your mod
Eastern europoors are the most pathetic people on earth.
Let us know how your 300 posts special autism operation goes comrade slava ukraini
Just spent about a hour playing. After you leave the opening segment area the game is crash city.
i don't care about the retarded nigger drama, is it any fucking good?
Woke slop
Euro slop
I hate people like you just reply to the person you dummy It makes it impossible for other people to follow your conversation. You're worse than the people on Reddit with your I'm not gonna give you karma bullshit
Anyone find any companions yet?
Pathetic. Alll of you. Pathetic.
>Large scale fallout mod that actually came out
Of course not dipshit. These things are always made my faggots who think because they got a B in a short story they wrote in school they're a good writer and have the most basic bitch choices and consequences.
Lmao leave it to a single shit-hued "person" to seethe repeatedly as a thread is about to be archived
Fallout is a dead IP, how does a mod being set in Europe personally affect you
Fallout shouldn't be in Europe. Simple as.
At most you should get a DLC related to china, but that will never happen since Todd, Microsoft and Amazon are too paranoid to offend China.
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The post I am responding to besides your own has some advice that may help with crash avoidance. I have already personally seen Buffout be a major help in mitigating crashes.
And another thing retard, if you're not the same dung-skinned retard I've been replying to across this thread, it's as simple as CTRL+F the numbers how'd you get this far in life without drowning as you drink a glass of tap water
>Anyone find any companions yet?
The only one I know about is the dog named Churchill.
>he’s still mad I called him brown like four hundred posts back
I hit the jackpot with that one LOL.
Although there is a 'femMosley' character who may be a companion or is at least a significant character.
>taking what I stated was fact as yours
Yep, shitskins never change.
Kinda has to be, considering the game gives you the ability to get the Lone Wanderer perk. I think the Vagabond Leader and the Ferryman give off big companion vibes.
I agree, the whole reason for the 50s aesthetic in the US is to invoke a sort of golden age facade on top of a troubled society, but that doesn't really work in europe since the whole continent sucked cock until the soviets died
You faggots really are just right winged ResetEra
I thought the Ferryman was going to be a companion but he just pointed me in some random direction.
This, europoors never had a golden age. They've just been fags their entire lives.
where is the extremely regulated safespace? where are the bans for "boys club rhetoric" and "actually trying to talk about the game despite drama"?
There's at least two, a dog and some guy with a weird metal mask going by a video they posted since he's asking "shall we venture out again matey?"
I'd say their golden age is probably like the 1800s
>tfw amerilards can't make good fallout mods

I wonder why all the good mods are made by europeans and slavs.
They can't afford to buy a new game so they have to make their own from existing ones
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Who the fuck made a plushie out of cthulu. There's also one for Azathoth
Cope and sneed
Europoors think fallout is just muh Lovecraft
>new games

American left wing slop or japanese weeb shit ?
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>Cope and sneed
It can all be so tiresome.
As for the dolls, they make for interesting collectibles so far.

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