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We stand with developers y'all.
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Fuck the rich assh*les ruining gaming.
qrd so i can laugh at them asap
Unironically based
Fuck corps

Usually this would be based but both these devs now are 99% DEI ESG diversity hires so we can never expect a good game ever made again.
Good. Total capitalist death.
What's the point of a union if their output is dogshit? Won't they just all be fired? Like a bunch of squatters.
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Good thing. Worker rights are important
>"B-But game prices raise because of unions...!"
That's corpo's decision and greed. The moment Capitalists whine about "it not being sustainable" just means they can't keep up constant growth and profit.
Sadly, /v/ will still take corpo and billionares side. Mainly because anons see rich people as good people despite the CEOs and shareholders having no involvement with making a game, except making profit
hopefully they all get fired and the companies shut down
People we don't like can do based things
But yeah blizz games will be shit no matter what unless they smash that reset button
>unionize because you’re incompetent
What's your stance on trans people.
Why does /v/ hate unions?
This, the shield of the oaf
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To each their own. Doesn't really affect my life so I'm too lazy to care
Bet MS regrets not closing Bethesda now.
very subtle, trannies
But I prefer to lick corporate boots....
Explain why I should be upset about this without sounding like a shlomo apologist
reset the clock!
what are they asking for, more HRT?
Based. Better wages = devs downsize teams and stop mass hiring failed bloggers and journalists since they need the money for the actual people making the game. Less devs and resources means they need to scale down dev cycles and the scope of a game and need to focus more on core gameplay.
>To each their own. Doesn't really affect my life so I'm too lazy to care
soooo why do you care if game devs unionize or not
how does it affect your life at all if they arent unionized
why are you so obsessed with them unionizing
People unionizing are the bloggers and journalists tho
imagine gobble the culture war cock so much you side with the big corpos lol lmao even
unions make it impossible to fire incompetent people (everyone at blizzard and bethesda)
It's unironically over for Microsoft. Between this and Blizzard, the inmates are now running the asylum
Yeah like siding with ubisoft over Yasuke right?
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t.has never worked under a union
unions are for coal miners not latte sipping e-mail senders
what point do you think you are making?
Kek it's so funny how all the far left marx worshippers are sucking off Blackrock SweetBaby Ubisoft etc.
I accept your concession. You started the culture war which means you don't get to complain about it.
based unionizers
they're not people, and don't deserve to be alive
Means better games, and I have friends who work as devs. So I hope my friends gets to unionize for better workplace health.
I don't really understand your argument and why trannies was the first thing that came to your mind in general when talking about unionization and criticizing rich people.
the eternal left wing useful idiot does whatever a jew says
you behave like a bot no point discussing this any further
Do you think a man can become a woman? Yes or no and I'll stop talking about it.
>Only unionise after Starflop
Those diversity hires gotta protect themselves I suppose, but unions are genuinely good and it’s Bethesda so who cares, good for them.
I am not part of the Union at my local job and keep getting pay rises lol, I said I would quit if I did not get better pay then the union retards. So they have to pay union rates to get less pay then me and the same benefits.
I had this union guy try to talk to me when I was going to my car one day and he got in front of me trying to get me to join.
Gave him the lightest push ever to get him out of the way of my car door and he falls over and pretends to be in agony. Real fucking gay. Nothing came of it too.
So honestly I love unions, you little bitches pay money to some criminal to do the same thing you could do if you had a backbone and a firm handshake.
Would never join one ever.
Unions only work if you’re doing a good job
so you complained about all of these >>683693661
no of course not, you vehemently defended those corpos
Btw that Union is owned by BLACKROCK
>Means better games,
no it doesnt
>and I have friends who work as devs.
how does that affect you personally though
We're talking about the US anon. The only places this are true are in established blue collar mafia-run unions.
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It has nothing to do with vidya or topic.
Why don't you address any of my points? You just keep talking about trannies nonstop.
a MAN can, which means you cannot.
>It has nothing to do with vidya or topic.
it does when video game companies keep pushing tranny shit in and outside of their games
kys dishonest troon retard
I don't give a shit as long as workers get treated well
are you retarded or something? i made fun of the people itt that were against unions
How nice of them to line up so the executives know who to fire.
Ok since you avoided the question I'll take that as a yes which means you are just astroturfing and unions are actually a bad thing in this case thanks and kill yourself.
Unions are nice because they provide a safety net in the fact that you cannot really lose your job unless you set out hard to lose your job, but that same benefit is a downside because it means that you cannot get rid of bad workers.
The video game industry unionizing right now would be an utter shitshow because there is so many people in there who are doing a bad job or you wonder why their damn job even exists. and companies are definitely always looking to cut more staff because line must always go up.
>deliver nothing but slop while making 6 figures and doing 0 work
Yea they were worked to the bone…
What are your thoughts on trans people negatively affecting the quality of video games?
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>how does that affect you personally though
I want my friends to be happy. Don't you want your friends to be happy?
That is the point of a union - all of the worthless fucks get "job security" and can't be fired no matter how shit they are, even when they are a massive fucking detriment to the company. They drag down everyone else.
Bethesda might make shit games but this is pretty based
given how long bethesda has been incompetent I don't see how that would be a difference
Microsoft just sacked their DEI team, cos it was always just about taking money from the wave, they didnt actually care
You just know a seething tranny wrote this post.
you have a very simple world model
Fire them all and then rehire the few competent ones and a slightly higher wage.
why do you refuse to answer the question
because i'm correct and you're a corporate cock sucker
Holy shit
They have a set of T-51b instead of the T-60 on display?
would this prevent MS from sending a studio to the COD mines or pulling a Tango and shutting them down? cause if not I don't think it affects their overall plans that much
Unions used to be necessary when workers were paid literal pennies for back breaking labor in factories. Now it’s used by armchair political activists to cheer on “their side winning”. It’s a fucking joke.
and white supremacists have such a good track record of making good video games?
>Decide to look on X to see who is celebrating the news
>Lgbt flags, pronouns, journalists, SBI defenders.
Yep it's bad news. I hope they get laid off anyways.
It would pretty much mean that if the union was company wide then if Microsoft shut down a company then Microsoft would be responsible for shuffling these people around to a new company. The key part of union is that nobody can really be fired anymore which is why the video game industry is screaming for unionization now because they know the axe is right above their neck.
>If you are not a communist you are a white supremacist
Blizzard in the 90's use to be 20-30 frat bros coding in their mom's basement, pounding beers afterwords, making some of the best video games ever made.

Now it's 500 DEI hires, that need therapy and coloring books to preform basic tasks, for their sterile nu-games and micro-transaction storefronts.

Absolutely pathetic
>Microsoft just sacked their DEI team
Do you honestly believe that? It's a lie to fool anti wokes into spending more money on xbox crap
>The key part of union is that nobody can really be fired anymore
Life would be crazy if we actually lived in the world conservatives dream up in their head
KCD is good yeah
Life would be crazy if we actually lived in the world liberals dream up in their head
>every major video game company operates at a negative bankrolled by federal money
I’d say the world is pretty insane anon.
Well yeah why would they need them when the culture doesnt support it. Theres big layoffs anyway and the DEI teams are always gonna be the first to go
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These are the people that call you a manchild.
>where's Jeff with the updated character concepts?
>he's coloring with crayons, he might get back to us later
Inconsequential and irrelevant, none of this is gonna lead to big dicked monsters raping shota in my vidya.
Should just fire all the devs and get a fresh crop employees, easiest way to deal with unions.
How does having Unions lead to me playing better games?
well anyone that doesn't vocally support woke leftism is complicit in white supremacy so I'd say the nazis have a lot of games on their side
It doesn't, these developers are still going to make the same uninspired crap. Unions only pad their wallets. We see none of the benefits.
You’re a manchild because you have hobbies and like tits. He’s an adult because using crayons on a pride flag is what they stormed Normandy for.
It doesn't.
They are going to be worse and take even longer to come out.
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Bethesda is one of the last white studios staffed by the original people who have been around for decades, unionizing is a good thing because they wouldnt be forced into accepting DEI or having their work outsourced.
It will lead to possibly worst games if anything. The amount of effort that it takes to get rid of a bad worker once they are in a union means that most managers won't even bother trying.
Stuff like crunch also won't be allowed anymore because of how most Union's handle overtime.
Most of my family, my uncles and grandparents were coal miners. They were in a union. Coal Miners. Blue color labor needs unions, the screen actors guild, writers guild, game developer unions are all bullshit. Let me know when a Blizzard developer faggot gets black lung.
starfield was clearly made by indians
Everybody that isnt a tranny freak that is for unlimited brown horde invasion is a nazi, so yeah. normal people are nazis now.
i approve of hollywood unions because of the harm they’ve done to hollywood
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>having their work outsourced.
Have you seen Starfield's credits?
>unionizing is a good thing because they wouldnt be forced into accepting DEI or having their work outsourced.
in theory if the union actually cared about protecting their competent members, demanded higher standards from employees, stricter employment guidelines and generally protecting and promoting the quality of their work to gain a stronger position towards the employer.
Guess if this is the goal of these unions or if they just care about literal gay shit and working less
You're telling me, I used to work in film up until about 6 months ago. Unions fucked everything.
Why'd they wait until Arkane died before unionizing?
Man fuck diversity. Give us a focused team with similar mindsets to carry an idea further. We got va1-hall-a from a bunch of Venezuelans who know dystopia first hand. Give me that localized passion. Give me A and AA games with focused racial groups and we'll see some good shit come out. Japan's been doing it for years with exaggerated anime shit, as have the slavs with their eurojank and gray depression dark fantasy. I get that I'm advocating cultural segregation but damn if it doesn't actually give people things they want.
Bethesda workers formed a union to hopefully prevent themselvesfrom getting replaced by street shitters.
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/thread hate corps more than unions even though they both are corrupt
hold the fuck on
you're telling me bethesda might have a purge and can make a good fallout/tes now?
Too bad the studio will just be shutdown instead. Woops just wanted the IP. Good luck out there.
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>and can make a good fallout/tes now?
Reminds me of The Invincibles ending credits. Seems like most american media is made by Asians nowadays.
Moonman Doom is a classic
No you shit huffing dumbfuck it means they're doubling down
what's her name again?
>talented people will be attracted to a company that fires people that want more money
Who cares if blizzard unionizes, they're shit anyway
diversity/globalism should be dirty words by now, only jews want it
Same studio that worked on starfield also worked on Elden Ring and Baulder’s Gate 3. This is a white mutt problem not an Indian problem
The devs are unionising because they are under risk of getting fired.
Not with creation club being a thing you just know those fuckers will hold off releasing the ck for a year or so to make sure the popular mods are all p2p.
>there's only two options
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I fucking hate modern devs. These people literally go to 4 year universities, grind leetcode and linkedin, and then somehow end up working at the biggest dev companies on the planet. How fucking soulless. They have no agency. Why not take that time and money and make a fucking game? Because they're soulless. They don't want to make games, they want to be a game dev.
Socialism is dead
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>Means better games
yeah just like how teachers unions have given us great education and construction unions have given us excellent quality infrastructure
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this is your brain on leftism
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DEI is being rebranded as BRIDGE.
Search for "Differences between DEI and BRIDGE" to find info on BRIDGE.
If you just search for bridge you get things about actual bridges and I feel as though the name was chosen for that purpose.
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It was obvious modern devs were fucked when the news started reporting on "crunch" like it's a bad thing. If you want a stable 9-5, go be a database administrator. Game development is a creative effort, and people are passionate about it. No shit they're going to start working harder when there's an impending deadline.
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I just know Elder Scrolls 6 is going to come out and -outside of graphics and setting- be completely indistinguishable from Oblivion, Skyrim in terms of innovation
How many months until Microsoft shuts Bethesda down? Mr.Shekelberg is going to be furious at the next shareholders meeting
Unionizing doesn't prevent people from losing their jobs. I heard a lot of desire for unionizing at Microsoft was the closure of several game studios a little while back. People are under the impression that if the were unionized, they could have some power in preventing those studio closures.
This is delusional. If a business unit is not providing any value to the company, no union is going to prevent it from closing. The UAW is one of the strongest unions in the US and they raked the big three automotive companies over the coals in their latest negotiations. But even they weren't able to prevent several plant closures and plants being moved out of the US. American UAW workers lost their jobs and there was nothing the UAW could have done to prevent that.
After seeing what Starfield turned out to be Elder Scrolls 6 being just resin of skyrim would be improvement
Nah, AAA game development hasn't been a creative effort in years. If the publishers want to treat video games as souless product, the devs should treat their time as workers accordingly.
>getting pay rises
Thanks to the union, but don’t let that stop you from being a good goy and making shit up on the internet
They should have laws to break up people who abuse the unionization system, it’s original purpose was to protect workers from being abused and put into dangerous conditions / over worked / not given time to spend with your family

None of this applies to tranny freaks, sitting at a computer is not dangerous, they have no families to spend time with, and their job isn’t hard
The amount of onions in one pic kek
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>American UAW workers lost their jobs and there was nothing the UAW could have done to prevent that
Violence is what was needed. Find the decision makers and give them direct consequences for their decisions.

People forget that everything we have now including unions themselves came at the cost of blood. Unions were supposed to stop the bloodshed but at this point if the unions can no longer influence the corporations then it has to come back to the old gritty bloody times.

This isn't me advocating for violence but I am acknowledging that it is an inevitability along this course.
The corporations are hoping everyone is distracted by the rainbow brigade and Cletus will bash in the head of some demiqueer non-binary blue hair instead of all the suits at the top.
This fact alone makes me pity the idiot gays that just cozy up to the corporate pandering that uses them as a cudgel.
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>He thinks this will stop they from being replaced.

Microsoft can still shut down the devs/publishers, rebrand them, and hire all new staff that must sign a "we will not form a union" contract.

Walmart does it with every store. The few who do unionize get shut, and a new store opens up across the street.
Kill yourself commie
socialism is death
Considering the teacher are rarely the problem, and government oversight tends to be a major fucking issue (Which I have to deal with because I actually teach), I am perfectly happy with getting a union for my underpaid job of trying to help kids with shitty parents understand the world.
That's why I went for secondary education - the amount of kids that don't know anything about being an adult when they're about to become one is both staggering and frightening. If only a couple listen to me on how to not immediately fall for credit card scams and understand that college isn't 100% mandatory in a town with a lot of factories nearby, then I've at least done something for them.

You might have a point on construction being a money sink, but when you look at unregulated construction options in eastern Europe, Asia, and South America, I think we're dealing with the devil we know versus the alternative.
This is the real reason why DEI is dying off. companies think they get cheap slaves too busy fighting each other in pointless culture wars, but instead they just demand unions and higher pay collectively. Companies in tech and finance cant support this at all, even with the billions they get.
>You might have a point on construction being a money sink, but when you look at unregulated construction options
union doesnt mean regulation
the problem is teacher's unions protect shitty teachers, just like a lot of unions protect shitty workers. they shouldn't do that, if someone continually sucks at their job even after the union has tried to address their deficiencies (as a good union would do) they should get the boot. and yes government oversight is a huge part of the problem. standardized testing means standardized education. teachers often have little say in what or how to teach, or at least they have to have their students prepared for certain things that will appear on tests.
I think both policing and teaching should be high paid professions to attract higher quality candidates than the general midwit sea we have now but that will never happen
policing and teaching cant be high paid or be considered professions (like doctors, engineers, lawyers, etc.) as long as they are state funded jobs
there's already high paid professions that are state funded though
Unions are an old idea that doesn't work anymore because the poor have been convinced to support the rich now. Now, innate "ability" or "skill" is all that matters. What if you're a game dev who's just not very skilled or high iq? What then? Then you'll be fired. Your own people will not be on your side. Same with when people talk about the unfairness of nepotistic practices and how the system should be "merit-based", what about the people who have no merit? What about them? The stupid people, the people who will never be more than street-cleaners? Who's on their side? No one are. No one ever has been and no one ever will be. That's the ugly truth of this world. There will always be a permanent ubder-class who are so far behind the rest that no one wil ever want to be associated with them.
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Why is the dichotomy bootlicker or commie?
I'm not a commie...I'm just not a bootlicker.
Sometimes the currency of the marketplace is violence and blood.
Those people don't give a single fuck about you, fancy themselves and aristocracy, and are actively driving the working class into a state of serfdom.
You can join your corporate masters in the mass grave since you love them so much.
No one's upset lol. It's just funny because of how shitty these devs are now, but they believe they are in valuable.

These dev faggots are about to get a rude awakening
>so we can never expect a good game ever made again.
so inline with all their previous releases then
Name 3 ways unionising will result in me, the consumer, benefitting?
Everything you people claim to hate about developers was forced on them by their corporate overlords.
>DEI hires
>focusing on marketability and dumbing down games
>shitting out games before they're ready
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looking at what wow turned into is all the proof you need that faggots run the show now.
You are a commie. None of this working class, aristocracy, corporate masters bs is real and the only people who think it is are the commies. Kill yourself or move to Venezuela.
>things that didn't happen
i don't
fuck devs
i hope they get fired and go homeless
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God damn I can't figure out who is more insufferable...leftists or conservatives. Fucking retards.
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Daily reminder that whoever stands for corporatism also stands for making you eat the bugs, living in the pods, and owning nothing so you will be happy.
Unfortunately, there's a critical lack of teachers in America. It's only gotten worse and worse recently, or specifically, after COVID.
Schools are closing down and classrooms are getting packed to bursting. I'll take some shitty teachers, if the alternative is having even less.
Hell, the school district in my city doesn't even require a degree anymore. They just need warm bodies at this point. It's why I'm looking to move. Pay is down, again, and retention is at an all-time low.

Weirdly enough, this also means teachers unions are pointless. The school district isn't going to lose any teachers if they can help it and are willing to do everything they can for anyone that does have a real degree.
not true, the reason why unions are so successful everywhere outside the U.S is because better working conditions and pay = more talented people are willing to work for your company = better situation for literally everyone, even the company at large
the only thing taking a hit are the paychecks of the executives and admins
which is why they seethe about unions because they'd rather watch their own company burn to the ground so they can jump out with their golden parachute
just like Kotick
>None of this working class, aristocracy, corporate masters bs is real
You're either an actual kike or a certified retard. Either way, you're getting thrown into the oven with the rest of the hooknosed tribe.
it's only going to accelerate their replacement
We let corporations hold sway over the government and we are now being turned into a third world shit hole.
baaaased! now they can not get fired when they make DEI slop that completely flops

we did it, discord sisters. we're permanently in
>oh no this might kill Bethesda
yes, what of it?
>I'll take some shitty teachers, if the alternative is having even less.
shitty teachers are worse than none, because they keep pushing propaganda
and those shitty teachers cause all the normal teachers to leave
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more of a globalization thing, chang lives in a soulless commie dictatorship and has zero human rights, if you want to be paid a fair amount in the west bossman will just threaten to outsource your entire company to some third world shithole (initially as a bluff, then he'll do it anyway once the numbers are good regardless of if you unionize or not)
I've heard that some Obama era regs make it almost impossible to discipline kids. That and low pay are probably the biggest reasons people are gtfoing. I don't think there's any way around it, charter schools and homeschooling are going to become more popular because who wants their kid going to understaffed public schools when they already weren't great when staffed.
it isn't just corporations though, it's ideologues too and other factions. a huge amount of waste in spending is entitlement related. it's also a problem that certain governments won't police various crimes or allow schools to discipline kids.
this idea that it's just one thing that's the problem is overly simplistic. the problems come from many angles and that's why it's so hard to sort out. things will eventually change, but probably not before a time of severe crisis
Where at? I wanna impart my ideals on a generation of children and hasten the collapse of society
How much do anti union shitposters get payed to defame organized labor online all day?
I sincerely hope they're not doing it for free...
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>make absolute garbage
>flops disastrously
>don't want to get fired for it
>make union to protect muh workers
>continue to be unprofitable
>Microsoft shutters the studio
>lose job anyway

capitalism has failed xisters, it's over
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>i heckin hate corporations!
>wait, corporations put niggers, ugly women and trannies in games? wtf i love corporations now!!!!!!!!
>shitass developers causing trouble for shitass company
So in other words, we're getting even more pajeet spaghetti codes in years to come.
>nooo don't join a union just learn2code I did a 3 month webdev bootcamp, just trust the free market I'll get a $300,000 starting salary tech job any day now anyone can do it
Good morning, saar.
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>you lived long enough to witness corporations turning USA into The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of America
I want worse games at higher prices and I'm not kidding.
Unions are only as good as the people they're made of.

This will only end badly
they should form a union
This is true.
Exhibit A: NHLPA
they don't get paid
tptb have an obvious interest in preventing workers from organizing
leftists don't help with this, they have genuinely ruined the perception people have of them
of course part of that is a psyop but part of it is that many leftists are fucking retarded
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That's just the cover. They're turning the USA into a feudalistic system. Basically cyberpunk.
The US government is just a formality and figurative thing like the UK monarchy.
>Replace all the workers with AI or imported jeets that will work for pennies
>Maximize shareholder profits
>Fuck society fuck the workers and fuck everything
We are heading towards the shittification of everything. Companies making mountains of slop as workers get displaced and have no money to buy things. I work as a programmer so I have job security but I can see the writing in the wall. All these AAA globohomo companies will start churning slop after slop after slop
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I don't care that much. Games won't be better either way, so let them do what they want.
Wait until you find out how many union jobs there was in the 1950s.
>you will eat the bugs and be happy while 1% of elites own/run everything
that's basically China rn
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Oh it gets better. The whole thing tumbles down once they rot the base out.
This pyramid scheme only worked if people could still pay for products and services.
See all of this wouldn't be a problem if only a hand full of companies did these practices but they ALL are doing them. What that means is that they're basically all exporting the purchasing power of their domestic customers.

Who's going to buy the video games that they're producing if nobody has a job and can't afford them?
Well whatever...line must go up just look at this quarterly report!
They're all climbing this mountain only to go right over a cliff.
It would be hilarious if the mountain wasn't made of us.

They all honestly should have taken a step back and reevaluated things once they saw how people were celebrating a bunch of rich fucks dying in that carbon fiber can in the ocean.
and most of these were in manufacturing and industrial sectors, construction, transportation, mining. vidya dev and majority of corporate jobs today are literally bullshit jobs compared to these.
I don't get why they're doing it when all they have to do is go into work and do nothing. Considering fuck all is happening at that place.
that's not going to work if it doesn't lead to good games
sure some IPs will be able to succeed because they're that popular, but even good names can be ruined with enough failures
plenty of AAA games have failed in recent years, that's enough evidence for me
AI and outsourcing has to maintain a certain level of quality or the products will flop
Corporations haven't been the problem with schools, at least. Unless you count kids having smartphones and wanting to have the newest slop they won't ever use or ever fucking put away when they're supposed to be working.
But education mostly comes from the state level. Big GloboHomo doesn't tend to focus on the smaller states.
My hat's off to California, Texas, Illinois, Florida, and New York. There's no saving them.
Tinfoil hats off, no, they're not. Overworked teachers that can't reasonably do their jobs are worse than shitty teachers in some areas.
Shitty teachers were always a thing. Now it's just official. Teachers left because the burden was getting too big, which made more teachers leave, and so on and so on. It's a doom-spiral. I'm just trying to level things out before it inevitably crashes.
And it most likely will, within 20 years. Hopefully I'll be retired by then.
Disciplining kids was already gone when I got in, and that had less to do with Obama and more to do with Bush.
No Child Left Behind kneecapped schools, hard. Obama just kept it going, when it should have died.
Truthfully, NCLB didn't stop disciplining, but it began a downward slope of "None of this shit matters." If they don't need to try to succeed, what can discipline do? They're going to graduate, anyway.
Honestly, it wouldn't be more than a drop in the bucket at this point.
It's weird how the huge globohomo corporations get praised for adding this sort of "destress" and "happy time" shit that makes their workers 10% less likely to kill themselves, yet nobody questions the societal issues that led to it in the first place.
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They'll run it all into the ground and when people stop buying they'll just say people don't like this stuff anymore and jump on to the next thing.
They absolutely will not course correct or even consider that their product quality is the problem.

Steve Jobs for as shitty as he was had it clocked when he said that companies turn from product companies to advertisement companies and no longer can deliver a good product.
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Globohomo is a corporate invention. It infects everything because they are in everything. This is a poisonous vine and you are busy with the leaves when the roots are right there.
the executives get replaced long term as those china/india firms take over, they get the expertise, they’re doing the work, why pay useless american managers
>selfrighteous commie
Stupid faggot.
Take your meds, Pajeet.
Said the grown man who lives with his mom
Most of the time unions are worth it to keep highly experienced workers in a specialized industry who are masters at their craft. Zoomer sub-3 year devs at these companies are not really worth the hassle, and senior devs who are worth keeping have way more career mobility to get a job somewhere that doesn’t suck. Like they can just go work for a bank and immediately work half as much for twice the salary.
True but the issue with games is that there’s a huge amount of enthusiasts who will actually care about the quality of your games and they are very influential even on casual consumers. It’s not like smartphone users where 95% of buyers know literally nothing.
I've seen enough good indie and AA games recently that I'm not pessimistic about the future. Companies will either learn to produce good games again or they will eventually get outcompeted by smaller companies that do. The big companies have a decent moat because of the budgets they're able to pull off but that won't save them forever
Globohomo isn't just corporate, it's think tanks, administrators, and ideologues too. You can't have globohomo without ideology that is a diluted form of western marxism. Even if it is focused on spreading neoliberal economics, it takes social messaging from western marxism
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Inflicting misery on the goyim is a religious commandment, it isn't logically motivated.
What does 'wall-to-wall' mean in this context?
>Bethesda shills still coping that it was the pajeets fault even though the worst part of the game was the horrid writing and game design
it's honestly crazy how many executives were convinced to take a bet on this subculture
You need to look up Larry Fink. Who he is. What he controls. What he wants to do.
Understand that he and his friends control the economy and all of this is their little pet project. It would never be like this if people like him did not want it.
I'm guessing it encompasses all the different aspects of the game development in question (3d-2d artists, writers(?), programmers etc.)
Yeah yeah Jews and what not.
The thing is this pyramid comes crashing down with them too.
you're right. there's definitely reasons to poke at jeets but the problem with Starfield wasn't props or art, it was just fucking boring to play and the story wasn't interesting enough to interest me either
This. It can only hurt Microsoft. I'm all for it
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What do you mean by "his friends", friend?
Not crazy at all when they were offered basically free money.
Larry Fink. WEF people.

This isn't crazy conspiracy shit they loudly and openly talk about what they're doing and the influence they push.
I know who Larry Fink is. I'm just saying these ideas didn't emerge from nothingness, they came from somewhere and that's largely western marxism. Sure, before western marxism there was some social movements like this in the west, but that came from different ideological origins and isn't as influential today as this diluted form of western marxism. even if it is ironically being coopted for non marxist means, it still comes from it
I wonder, Do vidya writers get in the writer's guild of america or are they considered lesser.
I hate Microsoft more. Seeing them get hurt makes my dick hard. Watch it all burn to the ground
>Who's going to buy the video games that they're producing if nobody has a job and can't afford them?
Complete fantasy. You're projecting your poverty.
The biggest psyops I’ve ever seen in my life was how THEY managed to convince /pol/tards that unions are a Jewish thing. It’s fucking amazing. Jews convinced the biggest Jew haters in the world that one of the ways to fight against Jewish domination is actually bad and Jewish.
Why not just quit and make indie games?
and it's not just cheap credit but stock buys too
if your stock gets purchased by big funds like blackrock or vanguard you are pretty much set
because of how passive investing is structured
Can someone explain to me why he writing "priDEMONth"?

How are his pozzed globohomo jewish CEO masters not shitting themselves in pure anger? Or is it just faggots admitting they're possessed by actual demonic forces?
>make jaw-droppingly bad games for a decade straight
unironically what did they mean by this?
Ok Mr Schlomoberg
Kikes took over unions
Found the tranny
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Peers. Mostly belong to that WEF club.
These aren't conspiracy theories they publish interviews, conferences, and articles about what they are doing and what they want to accomplish.
Literal James Bond villain shit.and everyone applauds.
imo it's largely because leftists have ruined their brand by falling for psyops that made them into twerps. their messaging is more focused on social issues than benefitting workers. the leftists that focus primarily on class issues get called racist and sexist. unions get associated with this dynamic, and thus unions become bad too
because that's harder than clocking into your 9 to 5. indie dev typically requires a more generalized skillset and the ability to work on small teams without middle management breathing down your neck.
Why are ther unironic commies in my videogames board?
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All of the unions for blue collar workers were subverted by communists, which both destroyed bargaining for middle class whites and damage domestic production in the US. All of the ultramegajewish unions, the Hollywood ones, are still incredibly effective bargainers for their workers today.
Really jogs and activates the old noggin almonds.
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Gcj tourists
>Those foolish go- I mean Union Members are all up and organizing MY wage increases while I don't have to pay a single sheckel!
Truth is, None of this happened, And you're just profiting off other people's labour like the leech you are.
More reason to watch it all burn. This only hurts Microsoft and impotent sòi faggots that buy their products
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make no mistake, those 20-30 frat bros eventually got into senior roles and fucked up the company by subjecting everyone below them to retarded high school politics antics. everyone intelligent who has worked at blizzard has said it was an unprofessional shitshow, hence why they all left, leaving behind only the retards and their wranglers

presumably some of the old guard weren't retarded assholes, but enough of them were that it ruined the company
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I make low 6 figures and live in a 3000 sqft house.
Get out of your bubble and take a look at the road ahead.
Get your head out of the sand and open your fucking eyes.
While I don’t doubt that the leftards bad messaging has something to blame for it I’d rather look at the literal BILLIONS that Jewish CEOs invest yearly in anti-union propaganda and union busting tactics. When you have Jeff Bezos bombarding you with “Unions… LE BAD” 24/7 it makes sense the midwits will end up believing it after some time
Teachers have to be funded properly before they can be considered a problem. Half the time teachers have to be makeshift accountants because they always have to figure out how to deal with the new, lower budget.
>b-but muh mindless left right jewish owned politics...
they will fired and replaced with 6-months long contract workers.
Game quality will cease to exist.
>the eternal right wing useful idiot does whatever a jew says

Both sides are no different
Them titties tho
Fucking based
the average person is entirely uncritical and so they're extremely suggestible
it doesn't help either that both community and senses of shared identity have almost been destroyed either intentionally or just through entropy
I tentatively buy into Howe and Strauss's generational theory and that we're currently in a fourth turning. so if they're right we're going to see major changes in about 10-15 years that will be better for most people. but they won't come until some kind of major crisis develops
The government has more than enough money to increase teacher wage, the issue is there is a faction (conservatives) that don't want good public education. They want education to be another area where class gives an advantage and look for any excuse to kill funding. If the working class stopped being literate, they would not bat an eye.
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Name a economic system that isn't communism nor socialism that doesn't fuel white supremacy.
This just in: Microsoft lays off 241 people.
>blizzard milk thief wishing he worked for todd instead
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>and white supremacists have such a good track record of making good video games?
Yes, you faggot.
Bethesda games gonna suck even harder now because now they can do whatever the fuck they want

Its literally just outsourced work for tech support from India. You telling me they didn't know they had to do some real development?
nah, that's not how unions work lol
there's no way Bethesda or any other major studio would allow unions to bargain for creative freedom. this is more about pay, benefits and how hiring and firing works
honestly game studios did this to themselves. other software development companies hardly ever see anything like this and that's because they pay their employees really well. gamedev pays like shit and you have issues with crunch. it was only a matter of time before people wised up
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good for them I guess
don't think it will affect the (shit) quality of their games, so I'm not buying Bethesda slop
it didn’t help american syndicalism was synonymous with the (((american communist party))) for it’s entire life
not sure why I care
I don't know why you think that unions aren't capitalistic, but ok buddy.
How does this affect you personally?
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Thanks for the laugh. Grownass adults acting like preschoolers.
It also doesn't help when you have a major publisher that's only known for buying studios and killing them. Microsoft's track record is dogwater when it comes to success and talent retention.
probably because joe hill and Big Bill Haywood, the latter dying in the Soviet union

Cesar Chavez was based though
Can I get a QRD on this? Is this demonic?
>implying the titans can even see the ground anymore

It's not just individual money men, it's tens of thousands of money men all pushing and shoving forward to be at a higher spot on the mountain, which in turn pushes the highest guys further towards the edge.

Even if they wanted to stop, and most of them don't, they can't. It's like that korean concert or whatever where people just mindlessly crushed each other, but financially. Right now, a few smart investors are climbing the walls, and the compressed swarm of fat-fucks are all looking up going "Wow what a dumbass."
Is that a fucking ghoul?
is this a chudpost or should I actually be looking for something?
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Don't unions just benefit the lowest performing employees while harming or not doing much for the highest performing ones?
Very rarely do high performing employees get rewarded normally anyways
We're never getting new vegas 2 or elder scrolls 6
I hope my grandchildren will enjoy them
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>useless trannoids and niggers now basically in corporate welfare mode
well the kikes at the top deserved it. there is no coming back from this. quality will be even worse.
lol good luck making that work, maybe AI can sort that out, humans certainly wont, they'll just divide people in easily identifiable groups and go with that.
Almost every western game made 5+ years ago was made by almost exclusively white men, since diversity became a thing the entire industry has produced crap.
Nothing to do with globalism. People are just selfish cunts and will always betray each other when it's convenient to do so. The lower classes have been especialy guilty of this post-ww2.
i would say since the leauge of nations, perhaps a little earlier that's when true globalism started
isn't the solution to axe or diminish the teachers and make parents the teachers again, that would solve actual lack of teachers
unions work
but only if the country isn't shit
aw yeah worse games made by people who are paid more I love mafias!!
what's the difference between a union and HR departments?
its either a "demons good!!1" sort of thing that these types get caught up in or you're looking at the last conservative male in the company letting off steam
desu i do agree that most of the reason why we are fucked is because our idiosyncratic economies reward non-jobs that don't provide any betterment to people's lives, but don't forget that the people who made it so ARE the rich and powerful, who are either too indifferent or too stupid to stop it, or they outright benefit from it. these problems would largely have to be regulated away, but that would require the government to have money and also not hate its subjects, which is a no-can-do in like 98% of countries
unions serve employees interests, HR serve company interests
a union is supposed to work with the government to secure rights for workers
an HR department is supposed to work with the company to make sure the company gets the best people suited for the job and to ensure they dont fuck shit up for the company
so now it'll take these incompetent morons 14 years and 900 million dollars to make unplayable slop.
Most HR departments are just an extension of the legal team. They are only there to protect the company from lawsuit. They don't care about problems that don't potential involve a lawsuit. Unions try to bring issue to things beyond that. Like in most situations, you can't over an extra week of PTO but the strpngest unions may get that.
/pol/ is filled with actual 80IQ boomers and 16 year old zoomers
*of 241 people

HR is owned by the company, and must prove themselves valuable to the company or else they lose their jobs. This mostly mean their first priority is helping the company, and the workers second.
>eg. "We know you've been sexually assaulted by your direct boss. Please sign this NDA and take the $1.000 bonus or you'll never work in this industry again."
Unions are run by the workers, and are therefore not beholden to the company.
>eg. "We know you've been sexually assaulted by your direct boss. Don't sign anything, we're gonna help you file a police report and if they're putting pressure on you to sign an NDA please write down all instances and we'll put them on file and threaten them with a law-suit unless they stop."
Something like that.
Not my fucking problem, I don't play trash
>boomers had a booming postwar economy without mass immigration or outsourcing
>so entitled they still fell for jewish communist rhetoric
Unfortunately, I don't see that happening in the near future.
Given how poorly home-teaching or learning from home went during COVID, as well as the feedback from guardians, Parents aren't in the mindset to teach their kids.

It may have worked in a one income family situation, where the mom or dad is home all day, but that's far from the norm in the world today.
Cool but i really wonder if the union will actually do anything usefull or if its just a nominal one
ranjesh is coping again
Yeah Noita freakin rocks
Microsoft loves to kill studios, so it's probably a smart move.

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