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Finished my first playthrough of Three Houses in the Azure Moon route.
I can't believe it took me almost 110 hours, all because I went ahead and grinded tons of supports.
I think I'll just look up playthroughs of the other routes.
Three Houses*
You could always just leave the game for now and do a different route whenever you feel like another playthrough. There’s no obligation to rush through them. Although if you don’t think you’d enjoy it then that’s different
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Play Engage
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My first, and only so far, playthrough took almost 300 hours.
i plan on doing cindered shadows next week and taking like a month off
My biggest issue with the game is that the monastery isn't implemented well. It's supposed to be important, but it feels too long at the beginning.
>My biggest issue with the game is that the monastery isn't implemented well. It's supposed to be important, but it feels too long at the beginning.
I'd say it's too long at the beginning and gets even worse later since the further you go the more shit you unlock. And sure, you can not do the extra shit, but it feels like it drags even more the more you play simply because familiarity breeds contempt.
hope you enjoy it
I kid you not, it took me at last 25 hours to grind supports because of how tedious it is.
Based Catherinechad. Best girl.
You finished the only route with a good story
It only gets downhill from here
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*before DLC
I picked her because she's a tanned tomboy who's religious.
What's not to like?
I don't look how edgy and tropey these characters look. I wonder if I should get the DLC.
It's wild how much worse the Monastery is than the Persona 4 map designed like a decade earlier.
Enough time has passed that I might finally be able to face another run. The time management side is miserable on subsequent playthroughs, I only did Edelgard and Claude and then gave up on Dimitri before hitting the timeskip.
Not to mention how she banters with you. I like how she invites you to get drunk and try hitting on people, or how if you tell her "just try it" when she somewhat threatens to attack you she becomes happy.
Drills not long enough, even post time skip, sorry.
>Drills not long enough, even post time skip, sorry.
Valid point, but I'll take any drills instead of no drills any time of the day, sorry.
she's a real sweetheart
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>since the further you go the more shit you unlock
I don't understand this, apart from talking to everyone, all you should be doing at the Monastery at S Professor Rank is feeding your squad to tutor them and gardening. You only have to cook and do arena once per month, if you even want to.
They aren’t particularly edgy for what it’s worth. Most people seem to like them but obviously that’s subjective so if you’re not sure then it’s probably better to play it safe, although I liked them a lot and the maps were decent
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Marriage with Marianne!
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Tomorrow's the fifth anniversary of 3Hs. Any plans? I'm going to start up a play through with my wife, Annette.
They're not that edgy and definitely not any nore "tropey" than the rest of the cast. They're fairly one-dimensional, but I can't imagine that actually bothers you if you're playing Fire Emblem games.
I don't think I'm touching it again for a while. I burned myself out doing like 6 runs, 2 of which were solos (except that one chapter that is literally impossible solo).
Not really, I’m playing it atm so I imagine I will be tomorrow. Might be nice if IS does something to mark the occasion but I’ll live either way
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I'm playing some of it too, but I'm curious if they'll have more merch.
No plans. I closed on my house when 3H released, so I have fond memories of paintinf/moving in by day and then playing 3H at night. I was a little bit of a zombie from all the housework, so I missed a lot of queues in my first playthrough (Blue Lions), so at the big Flame Emperor reveal I damn near shat my pants, and that whole scene of Dimitri breaking dudes' necks with his bare hands was the coolest thing.
aoi yuuki cosplay for anniversary celebration or riot
You're looking at it from the lens of a minmax efficiency sweat. The average player will see more features being unlocked and will naturally be curious. Learn to see things beyond your perspective.
I was doing that on my first playthrough. If people can't realize what's worth spending Activity Points on, then they're genuinely stupid.
Engage isn't even being regarded as the current mainline Fire Emblem right now, we're actually still in 3H times and the true 3H successor has not released yet and Engage was just a filler spin-off. 3H is that powerful, people still discuss it every day to this day.
good. Alear is a fucking joke of a design to be considered an actual lord. Stupid bitch. What were they thinking
lmao Engage always catching stray bullets
Ignore it.
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You're trying everything now to get replies aren't you
>Points for Priam being related to Ike
-Mist and Boyd are one of the few Tellius pairings with a paired ending.
-Marth is considered Anri's descendant, despite Anri being his great great grand-UNCLE
>Points against Priam being related to Ike
-Ragnell does not have a bloodline requirement to use (neither Ike nor Greil are related to Altina/Sanaki)
-The Ragnell he comes with is breakable after he joins and does not shoot beams as it's ranged move, although the former is a balance thing and the latter is a limitation of the game engine
Which side are you on?
The side against fujos pretending Ike x Soren is a thing.
KEK engage deserves all the hate and then some
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Engage killed Fire Emblem
You can shitpost all you want but the amount of times I've replayed Engage is the highest out of all FE games and I find myself always gravitating towards reinstalling it/replaying it/looking at mods for it.
Is three houses actually good? The years of daily threads have made the idea of trying it malleable even though it just looks like another shitty fantasy school VN JRPG hybrid like Cold Steel.
Why would you force Catherine to marry Byleth instead of letting get her with her almost canon wife Shamir?
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Play one route and leave it at that. It's like a dish that's tasty the first bite but gets much worse with every sequential bite.
Pretty much.
Smart to do Azure Moon first. I married Marianne
they never do, unfortunately
As a Persona game, it's kinda lackluster in social and dating activities.

As a Fire Emblem game, it's infamously bad because of how repetitive the monastery gets along with lots of recycled content. Play it once and never again basically unless you really love the characters.
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>Engage isn't even being regarded as the current mainline Fire Emblem right now
By who? You and your cirlce of gay friends?
Engage is an actual FE, and it's pretty much widely accepted that it's a MUCH better game than 3H which is only good for LGBTQ shipping.
There's no bad Fire Emblem games, but other anons are correct; the devs only ever intended you to play a single route of it
>Kusakihara: We had thought that everybody would play around with one of the routes and then enjoy asking each other about their respective routes. It was surprising, though; more people ended up playing all of the routes than we had originally expected.
that doesn’t really come across as intended though, just that they didn’t think most people would
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Nah, it's really bad.
It completely destroyed the series' momentum and killed the sales for the following 3-4 titles (maybe we will recover faster if the next one is excellent like Engage).
Outside of the LGBTQ community who likes it for its prevalence of gay shipping, pretty much everyone will agree that 3H is utter shit and the worst FE game in a lot of time, possibly ever.
People only like it because they have a hard-on for GoT-esque tragedy porn, even if it's mediocre.
3H is mechanically one of the worst FEs, where every new addition or divergence from the previous games is for the worse, and you can take this as an ironclad guarantee that anybody who disagrees about this breezed through the braindead difficulties where the systems don't matter.

Play it if you know you like FE. Don't play it as your first FE.
Because delicious tanned tomboys with high base stats are rare and I'm not ceding one to Shamir. She's allowed to watch if she wants.
The only thing keeping Engage relevant is recency. The second that goes away it will be forgotten and hard.
Raulsisters noooo
Because tanned tomboys belong to me.
yeah the biggest problem I had with Three Houses is that either your units are broken or the enemies are.
>normal and even-paced thread for the first 40-odd posts
>gamewar spam takes over almost immediately after one unsubtle bait post
nothing suspicious here
>awakening: awful story and writing
>fates: worst story and writing in the entire medium
>engage: awful story and worst characters of the series
Yeah I will totally believe Three Houses miraculously has good story and characters despite the games before and after being so awful.
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But she is very clearly lesbian. She is going to be unhappy forcing herself in a hetero relationship.
>Engagefag projecting because his flopped killed the series momentum
But they EXPECTED most people to only do 1 route
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It’s a 3H thread. It was bound to happen because some people have an irrational hatred of it.
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I really enjoyed Three Houses and definitely worth checking out, but it is fair to say that one play through is all you need. Having played each route once, I'm still attached to the Blue Lions and consider it the best, if simple story. That said, it has been some time since I played it, and I'm able to experience something fresh, even if I've played/watched it before. That's my plan or excuse for my route with Annette.
In anime mental illness can be cured by the power of the dick.
A disorder that has 100% cure rate with sufficient application of cock. Can't beat the cock, man.
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Imgine thinking that a game which sold 2M coming after 3FAGS is a flop, lol.
If it had been another FE similar to 3sHit it would have sold 250k, with only fags buying it for shipping purposes.
Even 3H's fans won't deny how shitty the gameplay is. It is THAT bad.

There is no irrational hate. Just natural disgust, which is normal to feel.
Everyone has been saying honest criticisms that even diehard 3H fans agree with, it's just the game war autist trying to fan flames.
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What's wrong?
Hurt that your cool and masculine Ike turned out to be gay?
>The beginning of the story’s second part could vary pretty intensely difficulty-wise, depending on their playstyle and the route they chose.
>Yokota: Right. There was some discussion about that, and we concluded that some people would probably get stuck on a certain part, but since it’s Maddening mode there’s not much we could do about it. That’s how we came to how the game is currently balanced.

Jesus Christ.
Reading that Reunion at Dawn working the way it does was an intentional decision and not a colossal developer oversight is fucking insane.
What an utterly unhinged design decision.
LOL LMAO even. It couldn’t even make that. Within a year, Engage was falling into the bargain bins which never happens with Nintendo games and then rumors that it went out of print.
I like Three Houses.
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I mean, I said the dish line. It's valid criticism, it's just the gamewar autists are running away with it.
Yeah, they genuinely didn't care about balance. It's one of my biggest gripes with the game, it's a mess to play on Maddening.
Same. I like Engage too. Nobody ever believes me though
Byleth can teach Shamir and Catherine how to share
I mean, maybe if you play at easy casual difficulty and just don't care about anything but seeing anime characters, i could understand how you could like both of them.
Otherwise, if you like 3H, especially after having played Engage, either you are a massive faggot shipper or you have some kind of brain issue.
You people are still getting filtered by maddening? I beat my first maddening run no problem, get gud.
Don't get me wrong, Maddening is a shit show on par with Awakening's Lunatic, but I never understood why people had so many issues with that chapter. If you're not some meta shitter who benched 50-80% of your house to build the same 5 or so meta units you poach every run then it only even becomes hard if you want all side objectives. Tard wrangling your students as they arrive into enemy range is a bit slow so you might miss chests but once you do that it's smooth sailing, especially if you had the wherewithal to realize "oh wow these stat caps are massive, nothing's stopping me from dumping all of these stat boosters into Byleth".
Engage is just straight up a better game. GAME. As in, PLAYING. Doesn't surprise me most consider 3H to be 'peak' FE since Awakening was highly praised, lol.
Where can you find a collection of all this guy's art? Most image sites only have bits and pieces.
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I doubt people are getting filtered in the pure difficulty sense, but more in the "wow this design kinda sucks" sense.
engaygies are seething good
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>Makes metafags piss and shit their pants
Just for that it’s the best map ever.
For me, it was blue lions and shamir.
>I never understood why people had so many issues with that chapter
>Just play it in this one very specific way and it's easy
Yeah. Reunion at Dawn is really easy if you have about 4 or 5 decent units.
That's why it's a problem that you can get to it with as few as 1 usable unit.
The only thing meta has to do with it is having to know the meta that Maddening requires you to use a certain number of in-house units to not brick your save file.
It's great for one playthrough, problem is the game expects you to play it at least 2 more times to get the whole story, but doesn't really change anything for the first half of the game no matter which house you chose. Also, the whole micromanaging gets tedious fast
>Just play it in this one very specific way and it's easy
Axing most of your base roster to use Sylvian/Ferdinand/Felix/Catherine/Leonie (again) is the "one specific way".

Every run should have a strong Byleth and Lord regardless, then within each house you have at minimum one consistently good unit that should be enough to carry even the shitters. Black Eagles get Ferdinand and Petra, Blue Lions get Sylvian and Felix, Golden Deer get Leonie and Lysithea. Between those and the lords you should be fine.
>brick your save file
Oh come on now, letting the lvl1 Ashe/Bernie you've glued to the bench die isn't a gameover condition.
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so what caused this sudden bitchfit over Engage this time?
bait used to be believable
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Reunion at Dawn is shit due to several factors that on their own aren't that bad, but when combined make for a bad map.
>no downtime between the previous chapter so you have to make sure everyone has the right items for it
>dimitri and claude get forced into their promoted class and given a new battalion, technically an upgrade for claude but could be a detriment for dimitri especially if you are doing battalion vantage wrath on him
>the average speed for enemies is around the low 30s, everyone aside from your fastest units will get doubled and due to maddening stat inflation they also hit very hard
>the high speed stat combined with several forest tiles near where the enemies are means that they have very high avoid
>practically everyone has pass so unless you can group everyone up to make a death ball and cover every single tile someone can walk in and kill your squishy units
Unless you prepared in advance by making more units fliers, even ones that don't function in a flier class, your returning units can and will get stuck against the high avoid, fast, hard hitting enemies.
>Hung up on the idea that the only reason someone would have mixed teams in the mixed team gimmick FE is because they're metafagging
>Suggests the solution to this is to use the metafag characters you start with
Like I said, yeah, Reunion at Dawn is a really easy chapter if you play it one specific way.

>Every run should have a strong Byleth and Lord regardless
You know, except for the route where you don't have a Lord. Which is actually still an easier version of that map than one of the ones where you DO have a Lord.
My only issue with this map is in Church route, because Seteth is just absolutely ASS, so if Byleth can't carry until the other units show up it's retarded.
>its prevalence of gay shipping
Gay/Bisexual characters in 3H:

Gay/Bisexual characters in Engage:
>Fucking everyone
Well, to be fair that's only as long as it involves the avatar. Otherwise they are all asexual.
You forgot to mention every wave of 'reinforcements' you get is on opposite corners of the map, so making that deathball you bring up isn't easy unless you gave at least 1 unit per reinforcement wave a battalion with Stride, it's hard to group up. Plus the Stride user needs to have Canto/Canter or falls behind and likely dies.
I don't know, i did SS maddening while using only Petra and Dorothea from the BE, and i didn't have much issues.
3H maddening is a mess, and Engage's maddening is clearly more carefully designed.
But there is still a problem: it is just too easy.
The first blind run was enjoyable for the most part (though i dislike when they want to make you play maps in a specific way), but the second was a bit of a disappointment for me.
In the end, the difference in gameplay between FE games (in general, not 3h and engage specifically) might be pretty wide, relatively speaking, but it's not a big one, in absolute terms.
>I can’t be banned FEU jannies because I have black jewish friends
Why do ecelebs think they can get away with it
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Three houses is great

but also, wifelicia
well actshually donlot claims his family was “hunted” by jews as his tragic backstory so he doesn’t wanna be friends with them. It goes against the character he established
>Gay/Bisexual characters in 3H:
>Byleth M
>Byleth F
The fuck are you even saying?
Meant to reply
>doesn’t like jews
he’s not very INCLUSIVE I guess
He’d still fit for a DEI agent lmao
Or isn’t it bridge now?
Do not reply to it. It is using text now.
Why do the mangs yes men from discord circlejerk kaga so much when they haven’t even played his games? If they did they’d see how boring they are.
Reply to who, schizo?
Your discord?
You pick the right route and the wrong wife
Reminder that e-celeb shitposting is off-topic.
>why is this terminally online manchild eceleb poser virtue signaling
As much as I hate it, it is relevant.
Donlot and his discord has been infiltrating and lowering the quality of this board for years.
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Thread is dead.
Time to post waifus
I might just resign from posting about Fire Emblem entirely.
You really think someone would do that?
Get their discord to purposefully ruin a internet discussion forum?
That idiot needs to go outside.
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>Fire Emblem thread
>look inside
>schizophrenic conspiracy theory rambling
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I think that would be wise. It always end like this anyway.
this isn’t exactly *new* information per se
Why are they like this?
Perhaps I will go to /e/ to discuss FE.
It's funny, as a game I don't even hate 3H and would go so far as to say that I enjoyed it for what it is, but 3H discourse and the influx of newfags that it brought in has completely soured my perception of it
oh please you really think hanakko wouldn’t jump at an opportunity with donclave to destroy the last refuge of fire emblem discussion that doesn’t involve ecelebs
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This is Byleth's wife, say something nice about her.
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Probably a better place to have a serious discussion than here, anyway.
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it’s your call and I won’t pretend I haven’t considered the same but I don’t think we should let the schizos have their way, between their inane posts (admittedly of which there is many) the threads can be fun and it’s nice to talk about things you like with fellow enthusiasts and appreciators
this sounds radio’d as fuck
like a corporate message ran through multiple departments
>still doesn't cap Dex or Spd
cute voice
Apparently they’ve been getting in legitimate contact with 4chan jannies on a name-by-name basis. Donlot is this mindbroken from him being caught as namschizo
i thought it was a shitpost when someone made a joke about the alter ego shit when he’s offline on discord and spamming here vice versa
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Dex and spd are weakling stats. Just nuke everyone
Marriage with Marianne!
didn’t mangs delist the /feg/ video because of one schizo lmfao
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It goes much faster when you don't have to grind the professor levels so much in subsequent playthroughs.
Based, I’ve posted them before but the little roars she does in her support with Raphael are fucking adorable
Why is he obsessed with the mariannefag
>mangs raped this
I'm too spiteful to let them win.
>people who got caught raiding fire emblem discussions do it again
Oh boy how could this happen? Do they not like this plac- OH WAIT
actual cult fan base wow
mangs could move to south america and make a super short lived town there with goose bath water flavored kool aid with all the power he has
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That Flayn alt of heroes also has top tier adorable voice lines, she is just too cute. https://voca.ro/1mQIXcSCxzuj
They’re unironic cucks, I’ll say that much
good, hold on to it and remember every time you post about FE and how you like it you make them seethe incandescently
thank you for posting it again
>mangs could move to south america and make a super short lived town there with goose bath water flavored kool aid with all the power he has
Call it Mangstown Kek
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So did mangs win in the end
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>has a wife
>has a nice house
>is planning to have a family
>goose and co. have none of this
i dont know, you tell me.
since /v/ is allowing generals now, i say we rename this place to /donlot/!
what the fuck has happened to this place
Are you new?
Mangs, Donlot, and their discords are shilling andaron saga. They’ve been doing this for a year.
do you enjoy this? like do you get off on knowing this shit is having a mental health effect in those discords you post about
fuck off namschizo aka donlot
it’s still as garbage as ever.
You think this is a concerted effort to trash Fire Emblem threads and force people back to /feg/?
Let’s laugh at andaron saga
Wouldn’t feg be shit too? It’s actually peaceful there for once
>namschizo follows right after the shitposting
Right on time, donlot.
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I don't want to discuss eceleb games
I don't want to discuss eceleb videos
I don't want to discuss eceleb dramas
I don't want to discuss eceleb discords
I don't want to discuss ecelebs
fuck off and end yourself
Mad that you got caught?
fuck right off to donclave
Considering one of those said ecelebs is spamming scat right now, I’d argue it’s worth talking about
>Mangscord raping the /v/ threads
>Nowicord raping the /vg/ general
Where do I go to discuss Fire Emblem?
Introduce Fire Emblem to your family and discuss with them.
there’s a thread on /vst/ but don’t tell the schizos
This is probably the real reason donlot got banned from FEU and made up a grandstand virtue signal to deflect
He also got banned from Anna’s Secret Shop. Probably because if he posts scat here he probably did it there
It was elephant scat, yeah.
What if they’re one in the same?
>banned from multiple discords for posting scat
>comes here to do the same
>but can just come back again after 3 days
Fuck donlot.
stop throwing a tantrum, ignore the spam that will get deleted anyway and just do it here retard
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An absolute deluge of fan art coming out right now for 3H 5th anniversary. 3H is still relevant to so many people after so long.
Fuck off namschizo/donlot
Back to donclave with you
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>immediate 3H spam to deflect after being caught
Donclave working overtime today I see.
Didn't this guy get canceled for sexual assault or something? How did he come back?

Not that I'm complaining, that Berwick Saga video was really dope
this is off topic, we’re not talking about choops or Chaz. I’m talking about the YouTuber donlot that has been banned for posting scat in multiple discords is spamming scat here and since you can’t be banned here, he does it frequently and it’s an issue for this community
He’s been doing it for 8 years.
Playing mindnumbingly boring kaga games will do that to you
Donlot status?
He’s namschizo
fire emblem?
>This post is off-topic
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But I'm not a horse.
Oh donlot?
I always liked Nilah design. In general I love Radiant Dawn characters.
I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since Garbage has been released
Is a dead franchise and not worth your time or money
Holy shit what happened to this thread
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Based Andaron Saga, being so epic, it’s living rent free in the heads of many
Donlot happened. That’s what.
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Fuck off mangs
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This anon gets it!
Reminder that donlot is innocent and is NOT namschizo and this whole shit is a psyop
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Hogwarts Persona Legacy is trash tho
Lucky Rafiel. You think she reduced his hips to dust already?
It’s definitely a falseflag against donlot, he’s never do this
He got banned from Anna’s secret shop for posting scat though?
Five years later and he’s still seething about 3H
but why would donlot do this?
what’s his endgame?
Total destruction of fire emblem discussion on 4chan
Fuck mangs
Fuck donlot aka namschizo
Fuck chaz
Fuck choops
Not even Lucina could save this thread. This is Grima's work.
more like donlot’s work
Kek did the Jannies say no to donlot’s screeching request to nuke the thread since one guy mentioned him
why are you guys such cucks it’s like every single one of you fantasizes mangs raping your wife
Donclave won
Mods are gods?
Can I get a QRD on the spammer
His name is donlot Michael calbert. He’s been banned from multiple discords (notably Anna’s secret shop) for posting scat
Since this place doesn’t permaban, he comes back to shit this place up with eceleb discussion and scat posting
He’s been this for 8 years, but he’s skyrocketed since the eceleb his dicksucks, Mangs, released his shitty romhack, andaron saga
His discord, donclave also invades
They want to ruin every last space of peaceful fire emblem discussion
They also make up gamewar shitflinging
Something about a guy in /feh/ that was obsessed with the Vietnam War that lived in Ukraine iirc. Found a second thing to scream about
holy shit how could you guys let things get this bad
We have basically no power. We are peace officers at best and can just report it
What are we meant to do when jannies can't even be bothered to delete his posts and range ban him?
>you guys let
funny how the instant some eceleb goes into schizo overdrive the blame instantly shifts to the fans
are you looking for a job at SBI perhaps? or directly on DEI or bridge?
Maybe he’s mad he can’t get a career on YouTube because of the rampant scatposting LOL
Just don’t shitpost. Literally
Is it really that hard for some people?
I did the church route on maddening right afterwards and it was a ton of fun figuring out how to take full advantage of all of the game mechanics.
Maybe if he didn't make garbage content pandering to le modern audience he wouldn't be a shitter with no views and no money.
Or maybe just don’t scatpost because it’s not appropriate? Lol
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>donlot damage control
As expected
Good thing you censored the picture.
Doesn't Priam use the term "Direct descendent" in the JP version or something?
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Dorotheafags truly are the worst kind of fe fans
What a thread
Donlot was nam this whole time?
Makes sense, kek
>people who don’t exist truly are the worst kind of fe fans
God how I wish that was the case.
Still seething about that ban from asscord are ya
At least you’re where you belong now
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Shamir is my wife
Fuck off shitter
I'm still going through FE3H, but uh is the DLC worth $30. I have $60 and not sure if I should spend it on Engage after since I've heard pretty mixed things
Ask donclave, that’s all who’s here now.
If you have doubts about either it’s probably worth looking up some gameplay to see if that gives you a better impression. Personally I liked both but better to see for yourself instead of taking my word for it
Engage is mostly hated by 3H fans but is better gameplay wise
Don’t you have better things to do than scatpost, donlot?
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Honestly surprised jannies haven’t deleted this whole shitfest of a thread, but are so quick to delete other things
Just blame donlot. He’s behind it all
>He already wasted his money on the base game
Crimson Flower is the only route in this game. All other "paths" are merely a shared delusion from the players.
>Terrible fans
You don’t say
move on
stop replying to the game war autist
3H is shit not because of game war faggotry but because it’s a bad game in general.
donlot won. the schizos have officially taken over the thread
they were playing the long game I guess
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fire emblem?
back into the cuckshed faye
I'm with Yuri on one of them.
>donlot was secretly namschizo the entire time, he was actually scat posting in discords before this (and got banned from them too)
>proving he’d had been in nowifag’s discord, generating notoriety for the romhack he helped create in some weird tactic reminiscent of viral marketing for at least a year, longer if we count just the scatposting (8 years)
>he keeps doing it to get revenge at feg for whatever reason, it serves to cause chaos which he wants
This shit reads as a fandom wiki article. Why the fuck are these guys so unhinged?
don't forget like 3 months of trying to pin the gore spam on people posting engage and fates characters for whatever reason
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Xenochad here.
I'm laughing at the state of your "fanbase"
At least our generals died with dignity.
jokes on you, I like Xenoblade
Based, engage is fucking trash and will be forgotten as soon as a newer game comes out.
>At least our generals died with dignity.
lmqo even
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what compels an eceleb to attack their own fan base likethis
If he can't be the center of attention then no one deserves fire emblem
Once the janny does his job as promised you’ll see 200+ posts gone instantly.
a near vertical dropoff in views (and thus revenue) once 3H stopped being the new shiny thing and normalfags moved on to the new FOTM goyslop
they dont even try to hide it either, they are pretty vocal about it
QRD on how Donlot was exposed as Namschizo? Because this is like the seventh person being accused of being Namschizo at this point
He got banned from Anna’s secret shop for posting scat
What do you mean “as promised”
I remember femlear, Sommie and Marianne but not anybody from fates
It’s somewhere in the threads here or this week
the donlot = namschizo meme falls apart when you remember namschizo's main territory is /feh/
He has a feh channel in his discord
What FE server doesn't?
y'all are retards for finding correlation with elephant scat. you'd be onto something if there were Vietnam war comments
Why are you so pressed dude? Also weird language, man
Namschizo is Silas
Wait I change my mind he's Raul
Wait I change my mind he's Fishiwashi
Wait I change my mind he's Donlot
Who's next? Mangs himself?
Most unhinged fe thread
>Why are you so pressed dude?
I'm not? I just fail to see the connection
>Also weird language, man
Every FE discord has a plethora of diverse channels by default
It’s only natural there’s a FEH discussion channel there
Why are you accusing a random eceleb who has nothing to with feg at all as a 8 year long scat poster?
The real question is if he’s from Vancouver
no need to be this obvious on your damage control lmao
These arguments surrounding donlot not being namschizo sound unnatural
Also guess what, nam stop posting when the donclave control came WOW
honestly what the fuck happened to leafs that they all went fucking deranged in like a single year, especially those living on vancouver?
you're just as schizophrenic as the person you hate
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I’m playing Fire Emblem at this very moment
It’s not a real Fire Emblem

It’s a Fake Emblem
>Also guess what, nam stop posting when the donclave control came WOW
I hate that you’re right on the nose why did he stop spamming now of all times
They are Canadian. Canadians are doomed to be schizo authoritarian jackasses
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Lmao both fanbases are shit
Lesbians aren't real. Women hate each other.
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You know exactly why.
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Unicorn Overlord is better

>It’s not a real Fire Emblem
It is
I want to hug her Bloodstained body
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personaGOD here. someone linked me to this thread
at least we don’t have ecelebs that actively destroy their own community
>I need to announce what I’m doing to look to cool
>pot calling the kettle black
Nice Copium! Where did you find it?
>he doesn’t look cool
you're looking at it from the wrong angle
you're pets regurgitating whatever your ecelebs say as the opinions trickle down into the rest of the fanbase from sheer repetition making even people that never opened youtube in their lives before still agree with ecelebs
here said mongrels to taken down, what you're seeing is the dying tantrum of mogrels biting the dust
we took down our dictators while you still lick the boots of your owners
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Hell even Sonic is still better and people will bring up Chris Chan as a down b counter argument
you sound like a discord tranny
Best girl
It's not always this bad. Especially when we talk about pubic hair. Then it's great.
But this has been shit thus far
>turned out to be-
nice headcanon
>worst story and writing in the entire medium
let's not go that far, there's still tlou2 and the like
I’m not saying it’s donlot, but when someone linked an invite to his discord here I couldn’t even finish reading the rules before I got banned.
Definitely something sus going on regardless
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Fire Emblem chad here.
I'm laughing at the state of our "fanbase"
At least our general is dying.
What's happening now?
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Danganronpafag here
Wish I was a Fire Emblem chad.
Everyone Is Here to shit on donlot looool
Nowifag auto sages the general with like 10 posts, but we’re not garbage enough to get automated this time when it’s worse?
Any way of unlocking the dlc characters w/o playing the dlc chapters?
Well schizo, you did it. You successfully killed /feg/ and v /feg/
What’s your plan now?
With 3H you have to do all but the final mission to unlock them, and they can only be recruited in the main game pre-timeskip. If you meant Engage you need to finish them all first but you get everyone immediately regardless of where you’re at in the story
We can’t let the schizos have their way, we need finish the thread.
I'll eat my burger. It's cold now
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Based incest enjoyer
Incest will save Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem
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Mangs, just go out with it
What’s your endgame
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What is it about their romance that's so soft, sweet and kino?
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Incest is Fire Emblem
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kurosawa’s voice is really cute
We’ve never had a thread this bad my god
Their designs. That's literally it. They both suck as characters because they're written like an average high schooler's fanfiction.
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I presume any metaposting is this subhuman maggot. I love Céline and would very much enjoy images of her.
I love Shamir
Opinions on donlot?
I could honestly go for some darker elements in FE. 3Hs was a good blend of lighthearted chivalry mixed with some heavier and more tragic themes. If the next game was 3H in tone but with a little more emotional drama like Dimitri’s survival guilt and Dedue lamentation of his entire homeland being wiped out I think I would appreciate it. Nothing edgy, but definitely bittersweet.
>Annette spilling her food
Oh No! It's cute!
Go back to /feg/ you subhumans
I genuinely hope he and mangs or any other FE e-celeb that has discords that ruin these threads or threads on /vg/ get murdered by a crackhead at night

Honestly I just hope every shitposter(anti engage posters, loli posters, eceleb posters, etc) get murdered and their body left to rot in a filthy alley
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You married a lesbian lol
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I hope so too. Part of me wishes Engage was less focused on the whole Divine Dragon thing and more the Humans.
>le hecking grimdark goyslop
no thanks
Like most FE characters aren’t? Shut the fuck up already
Why are you even bothering to reply to me if you’re intentionally ignoring everything I said? Do you desperately need attention this badly?
Poor thing can only talk using buzzword
Do not redeem the propaganda saar.
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>I hope loliposters get murdered
Does that include yourself?
Good choice

Holy projection
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>posting with a scholar of the highest esteem
Finally, a human.
I would recommend Verdant Wind since it'll at least give you some fun background lore and a comfy story.
Crimson Flower is horribly written and Silver Snow is just Verdant Wind, but even less of nothing is happening although it has the hardest final map in the game.
Because headcanon yuricucks get the noose
Isn’t mamori like 8
Donlot scarred the general HARD
Where is Deltre?
>You married a lesbian lol
Yuri schizo headcanon doesn't count
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What would Céline make of all this?
Me and (You) please
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Gonna start my 6th playthrough soon, though not quite sure which route to take this time as I've completed all of them (done BL twice). Dunno which girl to romance this time as well, thinking of doing either Lysithea, Constance, Dorothea or Hilda.
She'll definitely start killing people..
>at least we don’t have ecelebs that actively destroy their own community

Isn't your community infested with retarded Va's?
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I think I would the knifehand.
>for its prevalence of gay shipping
Like 90% of those are headcanon and remaining actual gay pairings no one cares about
does engage have ending gender specific ending endings like that or is it the same shit for both male and female avatars
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woah I had a stroke there. what i meant to say is: does engage have gender specific endings like op's pic or is it the same shit for both male and female avatars
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hating Engage is a moral obligation
>random seething over Lolichads out of nowhere
>I like Engage too
No you don't
If you consider posting off topic loli porn while saying "sex with a kete" is good then you're just a shitposter yourself
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You honestly wouldn't want to fight a magic user in universe.
>is very clearly lesbian
>will only marry male Byleth,not female Byleth
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Maybe I should soon. I miss her.
I'm gonna do it..just kidding
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>off topic loli
There are many lolis in FE, stupid tripfag
Only good post ITT
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I'm sure Céline would spare you a fight, she needs good men after all.
That's not what I'm referring to, dumbass.

I'm talking about garbage like this
Where anons post some loli porn that has no relation to Fire Emblem and call them a kete

And loli posters often post porn only to just delete it a minute later and reply to themselves "WOAH WHAT THE BACON"

They're fucking annoying
Kek you ignored this >>683740437
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Bannerman, bodyguard, vanguard, strategist...I wonder how I might serve my Empress...
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wrong. now kneel.
Lysithea of course
I want to serve her too!
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Do any Fire Emblems cover logistics?
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>Ctrl+F "Shez"
>Not Found
I guess technically Shez doesn't count towards Three Houses's('s?) anniversary, but I liked Hopes.
Makes me wonder what the next Koei FE will be, if they'll do something new, or revisit Fodlan.
What kind?
>Ctrl+F “donlot”
>40 results found
What happened
For what it’s worth I liked it too. Shez and Larva were a good pair
Donlot was exposed as namschizo
Apparently he got banned from a discord for scatposting
I’m in no rush for it to release but I’m looking forward to the next FE game. People might argue and shitpost about them a lot but I really enjoyed Three Houses and Engage
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Hey I like Lysithea cause she’s my best friend’s favorite char. I got him this mug.
Funny, I keep forgetting that 3H released on my birthday. I'll probably knock off a few more chapters of Verdant Wind. I think I'm on the Grondor Field rematch chapter
one guy managed to mindbreak an eceleb here
is it autism or sociopathy or something else
That's cute is there an Annette mug?
Oh, happy early birthday.
Hope you have a nice birthday tomorrow
I don't recall, the shop is on a break atm. smkittykat on etsy.
Happy birthday anon
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It is my schizo theory is that the Agarthans are a heresy of the Loptyrians and that Sothis was a divine dragon from Elibe.
Donlot and co. Are the agarthans aka loptyrians aka jews aka nowicord
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Wait, I just remembered. The night Three Houses released is also the day when SadPanda was going down, and we all were rushing to download all of our favorites.
I remember running a downloader and it was nearly done when midnight came around, when I started playing it finished around the time when you're first in the monastery.
Logistics? I'd say Thracia is the closest since you have 0 starting gold, have to rob enemies/save what villages you can for anything you can get. Weapons also break back then so you have to manage your resources there.
Dead is Fire Emblem
Must be nostalgic for you ey donlot
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Any FE where you attack enemy supply chains to destroy their army? Or is that a Kaga Saga sort of thing?
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persona fans can't talk shit when half [50%] of persona 5 (they haven't played any other games) is just cutscenes. cutscenes that you can't even skip properly.
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No, I'm MonicaAnon, was talking about Shez earlier. Look, here's one of my rips from the MEGA that got too many copyright strikes, lmao.
how petty do you have to be to spend 5+ hours slandering your eceleb boogeyman
No, put the series on rest
Why so quick to react? Kek try harder donlot
Oh I’m sorry 6 and a half HOURS spent slandering DONLOT
Those are cute
Happy birthday b
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Fine, here's my trip, go compare it to the archives. Go seethe about your boogeyman elsewhere.
we need to summon emblem donlot, emblem of eceleb circlejerk NEET faggotry and kagashit
But what do you think about donlot
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Oh, I know that artist. They make cute Annettes
Ignore the schizo they forgot to give him his meds
Same, Male and Female Alear both have sex with their little sister and make baby somehow
Back to donclave with you donlot
Hey donlot can you let me in your discord please
I assume you meant “to rest”?
Happy birthday, anon. You share it with Kagero from Fates in case you didn't know

I just completed my 32nd birthday last week
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no post including the word "seethe" after 2022 should be taken seriously
>all donlot posts a literal minute apart
There's no saving you, eat a bullet.
Well that's disappointing, 3H had unique endings for mByleth with all the girls, with some being family endings. I guess I'll just fuck the imouto when I pick Engage back up again.
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Post teir lists please
you ready to be the latest victim of the zelda, fallout, TES, etc. cycle? because FE does that too. unless you just have low or no standards then congrats, you can enjoy anything.
I remember them for their sailor senshi 3H girls.
I would be very keen to replay Three Houses but the tedium of grinding monastery stuff and running around to find lost items just kills it for me :(
My fanfiction idea is that Arval's power (and other Agarthans) are descended from a shadow dragon on the same tier as Sothis. Like that dragon and Sothis to Earth planet to cultivate new life, but eventually fought each other for reasons, which is where the history of Sothis "wiping out" humanity comes from.
That shadow dragon would be the true final boss, like Ashera in Radiant Dawn. It'd be cool how Byleth/Shez would be the mortal parallels of Sothis/Nu-Ashera. IDK, I really wanna see a Byleth/Shez duo-protagonist JRPG slop. Xenoblade has me corrupted.
Wait, I just remembered that Shez's promotion is called Asura. Oh fuck.
I've been enjoying finding random things on etsy, the mugs are super cute, I should've gotten more.
Happy birthday, fellow tripfag, lol.
Which FE girls would run around on the battlefield with their uterus overflowing with love from their husband?
more like: you can't realize how bad something is unless you spend enough time with it to recognize all the problems it has
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reddit moment
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Fire emblem.
Big surprise the e-celeb bullshit was this worthless subhuman.
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Great series, or greatest series?
The best SRPG series ever?
>*that dragon and Sothis came to Earth to cultivate new life on the planet
I was erasing and rewriting and just kinda zoned out. Got home from work and feeling meh atm.
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Despite being a FE fan, I usually don't enter the threads. Decided to enter one today, only to be met with relentless schizo posting. Do all FE threads end up like this?
Patty, if she bonds with Shannan
most players don't even finish games they start, according to achievements across all platforms, over 30% of players don't even beat the first level or equivalent in most games, even less finish them. it's a small miracle they didn't design the game with THIS in mind, depsite the fact that all devs have access to this data.
Without a doubt
Only when the resident subhuman finds them. There's a reason several anons repeatedly say to not put FE in the subject field, it's usually too stupid to find them otherwise.
More often than not I’m sorry to say

I sometimes see anons who think some threads are ok, but the schizo posting was probably just deleted before they entering the thread
both as trash
Why is she looking at me like that?
Goldmary is literally raping Bernie in this image
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You know why
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God I hate Bernie like you wouldn’t believe. Mentally ill retard.
this might very well be the height of its collective schizophrenia, but yes, it does get pretty bad. hope you weren't here when engage released, or when 3h released, or when heroes released, or when fates released, or...
Well okay, but she has to wait her turn like everyone else
Never forget the terror of the Claudefag after 3Hopes.
Who's in line?
FE threads are like a schizo den, but they're my schizo dens.
>posts one of the worst fe girls
well by all means anon
Who isn’t in line?
Here’s the truth.
I don’t know donlot at all. I’m just a nobody in his discord, and this is just a social experiment.
Like messing with someone else’s alarm clock in a way.
Donclave is my playground, not even Donlot, Wooper, Jones, Hanakko or Abundy- even MANGS, can do anything about it.
Thread's done, post cute girls.
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You can't make us leave 4chan either
Andaron Saga will usher in a new utopia of Fire Emblem
what a shitfest of a thread
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Let me in your discord. I’m not the schizo and you banned me while I was reading the fucking rules
I’m risingstar
To be more specific, my username has 246 at the end
I don’t want bots
BASED. anyone who like her are mentally ill retards!!!
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hey! i can finally post the divine dragon again!!
Who the fuck is Jones?
What was stopping you before? ban&?
my isp ip kept moving around and i cant post images
you deserve it faggot!!
i was just out for a day and the anti-engage are getting uppity

sure faggot, but im back
for 5 minutes
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why do you endorse the shitposting?
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I will never be a woman!
Fire emblem.
based FE lover
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i love the fire emblem

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