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I am afraid MGS3 will be the exact same game with the same enemy AI and loading screens between zones and the same menu autism to switch between camos. The original is a great game and I replay it regularly, but it's limited by being a PS2 game, the zones are narrow and feel more like jungle larping corridors than actual jungle. The bases are also very limited in scope. I wish Konami would expand on the zones and enemy AI but it looks like a mere graphic redesign/update.
why are they starting with snake eater? if you're going to milk the fucking series, start with MGS. hell, remaster the twin snakes for an even easier time. imagine if that happened instead of the PSX version, the seethe here would be unending.
Remakes are only interesting when they're just complete overhauls imo. You take something old and do something completely different with it. This is why I think remaking flawed things is much more interesting than remaking classics. If you're hesitant to change things because the original is so good, why even bother with a remake?
MGS1 was already remade, dumbass
>This is why I think remaking flawed things is much more interesting than remaking classics.
I get your point but I am glad Capcom remade RE2 and RE4. The two remakes are now my definitive way to replay the games even though they are different. RE3make can go hang itself.
>why are they starting with snake eater?
Fan favorite with a self-contained and simple to understand story. If it's successful they can take any direction they want in the future as it doesn't tie their hands like MG1 or MGS1 remake would.
It's going to be an AI reskin of the PS2 game with bizarrely little change. /v/ is going to be very ass confused by how to react to a remake that obviously cost like just a couple of million dollars for some zero artist taiwan "dev" to knock out
yeah, and its remake is now considered as retro and locked on a flopped console, retard
Top is better. Bottom is shitty granny
>you need to stop at one remake because...because you just do!
also, how many people do you think actually know that aside from hardcore kojima dick-gulpers?
I would remake it so it plays out the same as the original MGS3 except after you climb the meme ladder a movie plays called "Chapter 2", it shows you fighting the Fury, Sorrow, Shagohod, Boss and Volgin except none of it is in the game. Ship it, charge sixty bucks and watch every review site give it a 10/10.
How about making something new?
>Should remakes be as close to the original as possible?
Yes, but bigger and better.
MGS3 could do with more open areas and more enemies for example. A real sneaking siimulator in the jungle. I would also force you to eat more food and have codec comms play while you're playing the game so when I eat a snake I can instantly hear her groan about how gross it is without having to open the codec menu.

So basically I agree with you and it does suck that this remake seems to be the exact same but with a worse art style and hopefully better gameplay. It seems decent as far as remakes go and this is coming from someone who HATES remakes and remasters. I think it will be fine and hope it doens't have Denuvo because I ain't buying it but I'd like to try it.

Also PCSX2 > HD remaster on PC with mods.
Yes. It's a remake. Otherwise call it something else.
>How about making something new?
i actually think it would be hilarious if they made a brand new original MGS game but i don't think anyone in japan thinks they're worthy enough to follow in kojima's footsteps.
wait is this about FF7 Remake
>could do with more open areas
>more enemies
>force you to eat more food
>have codec comms play while you're playing
thank fucking god you're not designing this game
>PCSX2 > HD remaster on PC with mods
Maybe if you're a blind retard.
I've eaten everything in the game because I like talking to paramedic but it's annoying opening the codec menu and the levels are too easy. My ideas are solid.

It looks and sounds better.
>It looks and sounds better.
ok retard
Because it's a fairly risk adverse project for a new team. Slapping the good MGSV controls and better graphics onto it without changing the characters and story is as easy a project as you can get.

MGS1 would need a complete overhaul. A reimagining in the same vein as the RE remakes. The team probably isn't up to this yet.
They could probably get away with doing the same thing to MGS2, but that game is narratively built around the player having played and experienced MGS1.

'Remaking' MG1 and 2 would be equivalent to making brand new games. There's virtually nothing to build off of except a bare-bones story.
Nothing past 3 needs a remake either, so given all these factors. Remaking MGS3 seems like the only real option.
...on planet blind deaf retard.
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Dangerously based opinion (same as mine)
>This is why I think remaking flawed things is much more interesting than remaking classics
fucking this right here, when some chode in Hollywood cracks open that goldmine I think it will usher in a new era of good film and shows. Take anything that could be described as "great idea but poor execution" and sky's the limit. The big example I think of a lot is if they could give another shot at the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
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I literally just deleted the remaster after extensively comparing them. I'm not wrong about this.

My brother.
What's your dream MGS game like?
what if they pull a FF7 remake and the events in MGS▲ start changing and it leads to a new line of MGS stuff. Like instead of EVE meeting snake, it is in fact Ocelot as ADAM like the original plan was
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Keep larping you delusional shitskin.
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Just give me a Skull Face easter egg please
>instead of EVE meeting snake, it is in fact Ocelot as ADAM
and Adam is used for the les enfants terrible project instead of Eve
the game should be exactly the same as the original, just with improved graphics, possibly controls if needed and fully functional on modern hardware

the game should be remade with the original story intact, but brand new gameplay and environments
Anyone who was a gamer in 2001 (before you were born)
try using an argument instead of throwing the same insult over and over - why do you think the HD remake is better than playing the original on PCSX2
Because you're a retarded subhuman cuck.....
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The "workaround" part is the fix. It emulates 99% perfectly now, the only issue I saw was that smoke during one of the cutscenes was black instead of white and the FPS cuts to 30 during some cutscenes which I believe was an overclocking issue of some sort. Otherwise it's a soid 60fps throughout with no slowdowns like it used to get. And all graphics seem perfect.

MGS HD has way more issues than what's on that page btw. The entire game feels really weird compared to the PS2 version because of how the audio and visuals have changed and you're missing content on it too.

For anyone reading this, I actually like this game unlike this guy I'm responding to. Emulation is the way to go, same with MGS2.
>y-you can fix it
PAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA what a retarded larping nigger.
Looks worse plays worse and needs 10 times longer to make it "playable".
Shill it more like a good little cuck.
Meanwhile HD has zero issues with HD fix.
keep seething, sorry your PC can't run PCSX2
I'll emulate the HD version
That's even worse than the PC port.
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You need mods to fix the PC ports too and it's more annoying finding and installing those. And the fixes do not fix everything, they barely do anything in fact.
Outstanding cope Pablo. The emulation is less demanding than the HD edition so now more lawns and buy a real PC so you can actually enjoy playing MGS3 the correct way
>you can actually enjoy playing MGS3 the correct way
the only correct way is to buy a PS2 and play it on that
What fixes you pathetic lying shitskin? Runs flawlessly with zero issues it's why nobody gives a fuck about emulating it anymore.
Yes. The entire appeal of a remake is having that game on modern hardware. If you want to make sweeping changes then make a new IP instead of piggy packing off the works of more talented people.
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The graphics and audio are broken.
Do you want to explain why this is making you so angry?
>the graphics are brokdn
We are talking about the HD edition not the shitty emulation you were shilling shitskin.
Wow if only there was a mod that came out immediately that fixed this.......

I feel stupid for thinking that a genuine subhuman like you could use the internet KEK.
Right, the HD edition's graphics and audio are broken.
>Wow if only there was a mod that came out immediately that fixed this.......
It doesn't fix it.
desu nah, the original is so fucking old, rn even mgs v is a 10yo game
who would even want to play an original now when you have a remaster on pc's?
>making things up because his shitty broken emulation version got destroyed
KEK what a pathetic little cuck.
It's even more glaring than this report. Again, why are you getting so mad?
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Hi there

HD Collection version is most broken now
>y-you're mad because you're making fun of my retardation
Lmao fragile little shitskin. And what's the point of posting the non HDfix version you braindamaged retard?
>I am afraid MGS3 won't be borderline unrecognizable and may as well be a different game
>more vanilla posts on consoles
>rain issue which is the same if you upscale the ps2 version
Thank you for proving my point shitskin.
See: the RE1 REmake. The OG one that started the whole boom and is literally what all fans of any retro game has ever asked for.

MGS3 Triangle and the SH2 DEmake however are just Jewnami trying to back pedal on their jewish business decision 10 years ago.
#FuckKonami still applies. No Kojima, no buy. Remember Team Silent.
>version is most broken now
Of course the emulation shill is an ESL Pajeet.
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Based. Thanks for the backup.

We've played it like 2345328 times.
>He can't see raindrops in PCSX2 4k rendering
>He can't even read
Just as i thought. An illiterate nigger.
Because the last time I wanted to play MGS3, I played MGS3.
If you don't want to play MGS3 just play a different game
>HD worse than older HD
... how do you fuck this up twice
But I want more MGS and 3+ would be really nice.
Honestly at this point I feel it’s easier to remake MGS4 than try to port it off PS3 technology
Are you blind?
No it isn't, the new version is better than the old hd Collection
I hope MGS4's port is good and people somehow figure out how to mod it. I'd love fan made MGS levels in that engine.
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Has anyone ever done a comprehensive comparison for this scene because there seem to be just as many variants of it as there are versions of the game. It might not be right to compare them at all.
As far as i remember PAL and NTSC versions of og Snake Eater have some differences. Like no rock at the right side of The End from your screenshot.
>fixes background but is washed out
one step forward two steps back
MGS3 is my favorite of the series but yeah I'm gonna wait for a sale on this one
it looks good but I replayed this game so many times on PS2 that I've had my fill
If I liked it back then, why wouldn't I like it now with improved graphics and gameplay? Stupid!
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They should be so close to the original, that they announce it as a remake and then put the original disk in there instead.
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Nah, i lied, he has different spawn locations

It's same, just higher resolution. Although pc version has some problems with washed up colors, but they are easily fixable through gpu or reshade.
>The End's spawn is randomized
wew I had no idea
re1 remake had a lot of changes vs the OG
crimson heads, lisa section, and various map and enemy design changes. It is not a blatant copy+paste with better graphics like MG triangle is
I agree with everything except the food. The last thing MGS3 needs is faster stamina depletion.
The mechanic is totally pointless, you can easily go through the game without eating once.
>Shill it more like a good little cuck.
Shill what? He is recommending free option over paying for the HD remaster. And he is correct. The remaster is missing some elements and it looks and runs worse than emulation.
How? I played it on hard and as your stamina depletes you lose consciousness. Maybe if you are "speedrunning" through the game very quickly but I always had to eat something here and there.
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>See: the RE1 REmake. The OG one that started the whole boom and is literally what all fans of any retro game has ever asked for.
REmake has worse art direction. And if they were to remake it again I would rather have it with the OTS camera like the other remakes.
Either make the exact same game or just make something entirely new
I agree with you for the most part, specifically that codec calls should play during gameplay (best thing MGSV introduced imo), but I will die on this hill: real PS2 over emulation all day, every day. No contest.

I can’t say I’m really interested at all in playing this remake. Doesn’t seem to offer me anything more than the original versions of the game.
I’ve never understood the hatred towards RE3R. I get it, it’s incomplete and I would also love to have the clock tower segment. And yet, the game still looks and plays great, and if anything it’s like a DLC expansion to RE2R. You guys actively want to not enjoy things, it’s amazing.
>real PS2 over emulation all day, every day. No contest.
there's basically no difference except it runs worse
>retarded pajeet cuck doesn't know how to pirate
Enjoy your fps drops broken cutscenes, broken controls, artifacts because you're too braindamaged to admit you're wrong.
I take time in my playthroughs and even I finished it in 5 hours. They already did a pretty cool Mr. X in RE2R and then the Nemesis, which should be Mr. X on steroids was downgraded to scripted chases before it turned into a completely different thing that was less scary. Jill is unlikeable too. It's okay if you buy it for $10 on a sale as a DLC to RE2 but on release it was priced as a complete AAA game.
>(best thing MGSV introduced imo)
And yet you can't listen to the licensed collectable music outside of the menu.
I just want MGSV with more verticality + death stranding shenanigans. think loadout stability/terrain traversal, grappling hooks/ladders for climbing mountains. you can be loaded for bear, but it makes fighting on uneven terrain more difficult.

more vehicles, more airstrikes. i want mercenaries 2 levels of vehicles and air support. i want to have different options for my transport chopper. i want to call in carpet bombs with a laser designator.

i want motherbase to fuck off. i dont want there to be grinding in the game. the rnd bullshit sucks. abducting soldiers is fucking boring.

i dont want my immershuns in the field to be interrupted with mandatory kojima story bullshit that nobody gives a FUCK about

finally, i dont want a game that plays this good to be preachy about using violence. its a good shootymans AND sneakymans. let me do both without penalty.

mgs3 was okay, but not the game i want.
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I prefer to use my tube TV to play older games whenever I have the excuse to do so, and I've come to find that I honestly prefer playing the PS2 MGS games in 4:3. Plus, my preferred control scheme is just the default control scheme on the PS2.
>(best thing MGSV introduced imo)
Too bad it came at the cost of actual codec conversations.

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