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/v/ - Video Games

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>4chan games never ever
What is Pokémon Clover?
what are pokemon clover and katawa shoujo?
what would a 4chan game be like
Katawa Shoujo was made by anons from /b/ and /v/

Also fuck off tourist.
Yes, who are these literally who games?
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Play it, its fantastic
/agdg/ and /v/3
there really can't be a 4chan game anymore because a bunch of nodev will go to the thread and call it a discord game with 4chan memes
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I like posting updates about my game here because the nice people in the Internet Hate Machine saw potential.
Post pokemon list.
Want to see what horrible creatures you guys came up with
Where is our 4chan musou?
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i like Finasoven
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A 2D beat em up.
No time for that.
People are too busy shitposting on /v/
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>Project Hate Machine
God damn you just unlocked a memory.
I still remember the threads and how much work was put into this.
Modern /v/ could never do this.
>and how much work was put into this.
didn't NCH do most of it anyway? did it ever became more than a concept idea?
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IIRC there were some playable demos (barebones albeit) but I was talking about the voice work and art that were submitted.
Back then, boards were more willing to collaborate to build something related to 4chan as whole.
>the avatar of /pol/ looks like a "tumblr sexyman"
>there were some playable demos
lost for ever i presume?
If you like Doom wads, play Ad Mortem. It's a halloween mod made by /vr/ anons
Do not uoh the Yotsuba.
there are 4chan games
it's just that nobody knows this due to the devs immediately pretending they don't know what 4chan is the second their game makes it big
Why do we always make fetish garbage visual novels? Are we really that uncreative?
minecraft is by far the biggest one of all time maybe ever
was barotrauma and scp a 4chan game or what?
pretty much.
SCP: containment breach is a /v/ game, unironically the only good SCP game
nah there's still the tumblr, the steam group, it's even on archive.org
it's abandoned, yes, but not lost
Minecraft literally has its origins on /v/ with Notch constantly making threads asking for suggestions.
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#219 and #220
man i never realised game freak actually stole these ideas
I'm trying my best, really
>includes parodies of gen 6 mons
>game freak actually stole from it for gen 5 mons
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>Modern /v/ could never do this.
i know it sounds like i'm stuck in the past over here, but is it even possible go back to how it was?
time and time again, people go "oh, so-and-so board could never replicate feats of the past", and then something happen that spurs anons left and right into action
it can always happen, it just requires the correct spark
I expected nothing and I was still let down.
Blocks ur path
>No 4chan Mario Party clone with each boards to play on being different 4chan boards
can't corner the Dorner
I hope your game succeeds anon.
why would dev teams associate to 4chan anyways? it´s not like you see people making being a discord user or a xhitter part of their personality, there´s nothing special about using social media platforms
yotsuba does not look like that
do you even know what it was like back then? 4chan and tumblr overlap was insane 2010-2013. tumblr was 4chan with usernames for a long time.

no one likes talking about it but it's true
what does she look like then?
more stupid
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I wouldn't boast about it but I wouldn't deny it if asked.
She looks like this
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Vivian James Test game > PHM
It sucks because the best version of the game, the build where you fight Keiji Inafune in a Mega Man-style level, seems to be completely forgotten now, can't find mention of it anywhere.

Jesus her eyes are dilated. Fucking Yanda, probably gave her a fuckload of ritalin just to shut her up.
I liked the /v/ mario romhacks
Probably not. Most creative people either fucked off somewhere else or deflated into depression of adult life. Even if you try to make something cool, there will be a horde of retards ready and willing to smear all your efforts with shit.
does shanghai.exe count?
/jp/ finished about 50-60% of the game
Why would you want a 4chan game when you can post in 4chan
Thanks, bro.
typing shitpost like I'm doing now
+10 exp
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I still miss Project Hate Machine.
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How much longer before we get a 5th one?
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Vividlope is a puzzle game.
Mr. Hiroshima Nagasaki, why can I see a nipple of a little girl in this image?
Absolutely brilliant! My 90B$ company will be purchasing advertisements on your website immediately!
Risk of Rain. The original has an AGDG logo cycle through the titlescreen if you let it idle a while.
me on the right
me on the camera filming this
uh hello sauce department?
very smoll
>biggest white cock
Allah grant me protection from shaytaan
tranny samefag
kill yourself retard
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hit the nail on the head, huh
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what happened to that one 3D Spurdo game an anon was making
I swear it had Yotsuba in it
factorio but you produce shitposts instead of uranium
it released afaik
Sageman, of course.
They're obviously asian, retarded shitskin.
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i have been spending a lot of more time on /vg/ than /v/ these days honestly
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Something made by us or someone gets to make the Sageman game.
>level 2 starts
>rapes /a/
check your exoskeleteen
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I love this guy's art.
said 4chan, not reddit.
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Mario /v/orld
short4sure or End of /v/orld don't count. It needs to be a collab.
I only come here like once a week because i cant stand all the twitter garbage and schitzo threads.
gormless looking creature
i love you gormless poster
i know you made that post that said "gormless looking fucker" on an /an/ thread about a guinea pig or capybara thread
i dont remember the animal but your post made me laugh several times
honestly i would try this once
Link to patreon?
Not always, but that's just what gets everyone's attention, and by "everyone" I mean schizophrenics who spam it and make endless generals to fap to fanart. Looks like /ksg/ just made it to 4000 again.
The most ToT game ever made
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it came out a year ago
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What the hell is this crap
Barotrauma was based off of Pressure, a deep sea horror idea, yeah.
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>video is not on kemono
came here for this, nobody remembers to say risk of rain in these threads but it was popular in like the same timeframe as katawa shoujo if I remember right
Here's the secret, it's not the board that does those cool things. Try to get any given board to write out a letter one word at a time and see how that goes. All it takes is a few good anons that have good chemistry and the skills to make something work. And, of course, an idea to bring to life. And ideas are something a large group of anons excels at.
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thanks anon, another cunnyge/cunne artist to follow
Risky is from /agdg/. Wait long enough on the main menu and you'll see the /agdg/ logo.
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unironically tranny faggot shit
kiggers won

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