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The devs are sorry, okay?
Now stop reviewbombing and make an Epic account.
the fuck crossplay
death to all consolfags, no here cares about them
>enhance crossplay
This shit fucked warframe hard. Now you get hosts on conoles or fucking phones so the game spawns 1/10th the enemies. It's absolute cancer.
How long do I have to play 5 before I go back to 6.
>Oh sorry we got caught fucking you over tee hee
>Now bend over good goy
If the devs were sorry, they would remove the EGS requirement
Probably botched execution, Cloud Imperium Games is a bigger trainwreck than them at communication so I'm used to this shit.
But if it is because they signed a deal with epic and got payed for it whilst charging $60 I WILL BE FURIOUS
No crossplay with consoles lol, just with epic
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It has been a while since the last time I pirated a game. Gonna do it again.
isn't it against valve's rules to advertise versions of the game from other stores? could be used to punish retards even further
nah fuck you timmy
Stop calling it that. The term "reviewbombing" should be used specifically for negative reviews about external drama that doesn't affect the actual game. The negativity in this case is completely valid.
the term "reviewbombing" was made up by assblasted publishers who totally aren't mad about goyim revolting
>external drama that doesn't affect the actual game
So the Epic online service then?
The first and toughest battle the EDF faces is against the evil publisher. Kino

Well I gave it a negative review and refunded so I did my part
>third worlder
they got internet in your favela, Pablo?
My name is Pedro you assfuck
No eos is a internal part of the game that’s the problem.
Yeah I 'd pirate it too at this point. I was gonna buy it but I'm just gonna play older EDF games which ones do you guys recommend?
>we fucked you over so you can crossplay with the poor retards that buy games on EGS for some reason
Was it worth it?
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When the Nioh games became available on the EGS they added a patch to the Steam versions; basically you could enable crossplay with the EGS (forcing you to create a Epic account) or disable it and play with Steam users, like it worked since the game originally released.
Why don't they do something similar here instead of forcing everyone to make an account for a service they don't use?
Helldivers 2
>We did it
>We don't care
>Now buy fucking goym
If this game even reach a three digit player count, this hobby deserve to end.
If they weren't retarded we wouldn't be here
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>we're sorry we lied to you, ok?!?! now give the chinks your data or else they'll take our kidneys!!!
no. get fucked
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More people eat slop than you know
Do you think marketing knows that epic is bad press and to keep quiet about it until release.
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Owari da....
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My name is Juan and yes, I do have internet.
Our internet is third world slow but unlike first world internet we don't have data caps.
They didn't do that, but yes, you are correct.
They could get fucked over because of false advertising since they only disclosed the need for an epic account at the last minute before release, I'd say that's a bit worse than promoting the game on a different platform
For fuck sake sandlot I was looking forward to this you dumb niggers. Snuck it in last second
video games are not a hobby
I never did an Epic account but the client was installed in my desktop when trying to launch EDF6. Pretty scummy to not warn it beforehand.
Now I removed it (in which EDF6 no longer works without it) but are there extra steps to do for a full removal of this spyware?
>before release
Hours after release.
Fucking retards on this board. Especially the "muh chinks" poster. Retarded fags, all of you.
they actually did, link is right there in the announcement
>Twice the amount of players as 5's peak
It's pretty depressing how indie and small developers get away with a lot of things just because they're indie or small developers.
Even worse given how they should be better than AAA games and publishers.
go die ESG subhuman
But was it worth it for that extra 3% sales?
keep coping tim, still not even making account for your botnet
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Forgot the image

You lie
There is no way it would install the Epic client automatically.
Oh, I thought it was slightly before release.
lmao, that's way worse.
A link on a guide on how to register an account for a service hardly constitutes as advertising the game on a different platform, anon.
Only a clean install can fix your PC now I'm afraid. epic spyware services is nasty shit that actually can reinstall itself even after you nuke it
kek, guess that proves the anti-EGS trannies don't actually play videogames
>A link on a guide on how to register an account for a service hardly constitutes as advertising the game on a different platform, anon.
get a tripcode tim
Nah you’re fucked and can’t get rid it of it by uninstalling lel
They don't have an English speaker on staff?
Funnily enough I do have an Epic account, but it predates the EGS. I made it to participate on the Unreal Tournament 4 beta.
I wonder if it still exists.
these are pathetic numbers for a launch
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>apologize for this shit
>don't apologize for 2 year delay
Yes, because in the 2 posts I made I've been so supportive of EGS and the requirement for an EGS account.
Look, I'm just saying there is no basis on making a fuss about that link to steam, but there are other reasons how they could end up getting fucked over by this.
It doesnt install when EOS breaks during install and you're out of a game anyway.
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Same. It went completely ignored until Fortnite blew up in popularity and then suddenly I was getting emails about forgotten password requests every day for weeks.
>sorry about lying to you
>that is all. were not going to anything else about it
classic niche japanese game behavior
>HDfags working overtime to make the game seem bad
so tiresome
Literally everyone already has an epic account for the free games anyway.
They charging $60 while making us wait two years is exactly the reason I didn't buy the game on launch and decided to wait for a sale or a bundle (a few months ago they gave 4.1 and 5 on a bundle along with a bunch of games).

This whole Epic debacle confirmed that I made the right call.
>this shit
>all for the grand total of 2 EGS players
I was tempted to make an account just for this but I'll refund if this sacrificial lamb helps get mandatory account bullshit out of gaming.
lmao you ain't doing shit
Speak for yourself, I don't and won't make an epic account
Cool, you are not special
Because it's hard to implement this
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>those quints
Fuck. I guess I gotta make an Epic account now.
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People who are anti-Epic have either not bought the game or refunded it because you have to go through Epic.
Of course they won't be a part of player counts.
Post screencaps
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Post yfw you bought the PS5 version.
I can't play online either because fuck paying to play online.
>owning a PS5
Being a faggot isn't something to be proud of.
It's not that. The vast majority of gamers are braindead, cockslurping faggots that don't care and will put up with literally anything as long as the game itself is fun. Gamers deserve every bad thing that's ever happened to the industry.
Wow this is fucking grim, EDF of all things shouldn't be tainted with this bullshit. Maybe one day we'll get cracked multiplayer through spacewar.
keep seething while I'm having fun.
You were never going to play it anyway, you're just here for the drama pretending to care.
who here doesn't have an Epic account?
Be sincere...
I don't. I either buy games on steam or pirate GOG installers.
The Steam Discussions are a gold mine right now. So many threads trying to defend D3 with ridiculous claims like "they're contractually obligated" or "you don't need to make the account to play online." And then they all get BTFO and start whining that you should just buy it anyway. Can any Helldiver fans weigh in, did you have to deal with this many shills when they tried to push the PSN bullshit?
I bought it and I will buy both mission packs.
And if they ask me to make a PSN account, I will make one.
Never buying Helldivers btw.
are you misrepresenting the point on purpose because you have no argument or are you actually dumb? both are a bad look
just curiosity
steam discussions are fucking awful for apologists and similar retards.
If you want to tear some hair out, get a rundown on the Kerbal Space Program 2 debacle and take a look at the discussions for that game.
They aren't doing it for the EGS players they're doing it as a crutch to get ps4-ps5 crossplay working which is somehow even more pathetic
small indie studio... please understand...
no you're saying "lol not a big deal guys just sign into your epic account haha"
as if steam policy does not explicitly require to you divulge that requirement prior to release
the single player menu theme has a section that sounds like the main theme in ace combat 7
>Helldivers went through this exact fiasco recently
>still decided to go ahead with it
I have no sympathy at this point, what did they expect?
I'm not, just sincere curiosity.
> this exact fiasco
No. The game strait up tells you you need EGS within the first seconds, not a month after.
You can refund without any consequences.
they expected nothing to happen and nothing will happen just like nothing happened to helldivers other than people throwing a fit
consumers will suck any cock presented to them if it means they still get to consume
this was already finished and implemented in 2022
Are you guys pulling my leg or actually serious?
>You lie
>There is no way it would install the Epic client automatically.
It's true, actually, I noticed it was trying to install EGS and cancelled it. This was before I knew of the EGS fuckery. I've refunded since.
This much and more. Shill patrol was out in full force until Sony caved.
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I'll just play single player like usual, no thanks
Well, Koei Tecmo are turbo morons and still managed to implement it.
>Game crashes at launch unless epic online services is installed
I can work with that
However I see that they're doing this bullshit again where DLC missions won't be available for purchase for a while but they're there in the menu teasing you
Isn't the whole point of cross play between digital storefronts that I can still use my preferred service while still being able to play with people on the other store? If I need an epic account to play online I might as well have just bought it on epic too.
Fuck you I'm not paying $60+$20 for this humiliation ritual
Already installed pirated copy rinru and applied online fix
Very niche small $80game indie studio
Plrez understandu
This shit is why I don't want to make an EGS account. Its like throwing out a second net when you know there are mines in the water.
It's being sold on Steam but their MP services are handled by Epic. So it's entirely a back end issue.
We've got pirated online already? I will literally never buy this if so since I never play with randoms anyways.
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Still downloading. Will tell you how well it works once I can install it.
Annoyed Andy
Valve only enforces the price parity rule.
>Please do not download the chinese spyware game.
>Please download the cracked spyware game.
You people are so gullible.
I like how retards constantly make up a price and use it as an "argument" despite not a single person playing this game right now actually paid that.
Watch it become 100$+tip in a few hours.
with the one fucking dude who bought it on the epic store?
Nah not worth it, i don't wanna play with Tim
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>he's still waiting for the fucking torrent

jesus christ mang get with the times
Direct downloads are unreliable on my third world internet.
Only burgers have data caps.
>Online play requires signing in to your Epic Games Account.
But I don't have an Epic Games account, also, I'm signed into my Steam account, which is also where I bought the FUCKING GAME!
That's why you use the download manager retard
>No. The game strait up tells you you need EGS within the first seconds, not a month after.
>You can refund without any consequences.
Pretty sure HD2 also had that at launch, and then waived it away for a bit, for some reason.
... so will the multi-player work on a Steam Deck? Seems like this just overcomplicated things.
>uwu we hardcoded the game into using epic sotore, I'm sowwy pls buy it on steam and make an epic towwy accounty
But think of the poor Rajeet who bought his copy on Ebin game store and was looking for a playmate to play with...
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Holy shit lmao
I already cancelled my preorder because of being forced to eat EN vtuber shit (I can tolerate JP, but it isn't an option in my region).
Looks like I dodged a bigger bullet than I thought.
If one of the parts get corrupted due to connectivity failure you still have to redownload it.
Again, your download speed is fast due to your first world internet so it isn't an issue for you, while for me torrents are actually reliable.
>$60 price tag and still need epic account for online
>pirates can play online among themselves without needing one
They fucked up real bad. 6 will be the first one i skipped on launch
You could skip it.
You can't skip EGS.
But yeah, HD2 problem was mostly retards not being able to read as even the steam page said you needed PSN for online shit but they just though it was for optional stuff like overlay.
I got kinda hard imagining a japanese intern hastily writing this steam post
k bye
EOS is literally the networking for the multiplayer. No EOS, no online without returning to square one for the network.
You can hardly get more affecting the actual game.
It installs EOS (Epic Online Services)
Not EGS (Epic Game Service)

There two things are not the same. You don't even need EOS installed to run EGS.
Based. Fuck falseflagging, malding, troondivers and their shitty discord
80 levels, the final 30 are new.
>falseflagging slopdiver is STILL mad about 2d anime girls
Please seek help
It’s funny how EDF 6 has been the biggest launch of the series so far, despite all the totally organic posts like yours claiming that (you) won’t buy it… almost like you’re really just a Helltranny… curious indeed :^)
What’s the difference? I already refunded btw
I have to install it on my machine to play co-op, so this is related to the installation and playability of the game.
I love 2d anime girls.
I just don't like 3dpd pretending to be them.
I especially hate western roasties doing it.
I'm kind of okay with it for Japanese girls though because 2d girls normally have 3dpd voice actors anyway.
Ok Chang
I'll never understand why you use slop, when you spin your series being rehashes as a good thing.
Show me an EDF game with a jump as big as HD1 to 2.
>Helldivers 2 creates an audience for this type of game
>EDF actually bothers to do wider scale marketing unlike previous games
>Game sells more
Think you shill nigger, think.
where da lobbies @
>having anything EGS related on your PC
no fucking thank you
EGS is not EOS. Why won't you learn the difference?
EOS requires an installation for EDF6. When will you grow more than two braincells?
>nothing happened to helldivers
They've lost like 99% of their players.
Their old p2p lobby system was fine. Why did they have to change it?
>sorry for the lack of advance notice
Fuck off niggers
'ate account creation screens
simple as
Nigga you can be an EDF fan and still criticize D3.
Not everything in here is falseflag and (You) bait
I'm not going to drop a game I've been looking forward to for the past two years just because it makes you click on a button to make a dummy profile on a different platform
maybe I'm just too old for this shit but I just don't care, I just want to play EDF
So that the two Rajeets using Ebin Game Store won't be left out.
Definitely wasn't because of you faggots shilling this game in the Helldivers 2 threads, that's for sure.
Sony unironically
too bothersome to create a functioning thing between PS4 and PS5, EOS was easier and faster
Wanna know how many games require the same? Games you most likely played?
The only thing that sucks is the launcher is tied to EOS, so no online = no game. I hope they patch that reliance out, as they do seem a little responsive on things that irk players after Custom Robot Wars.
Literally none you giga nigger, and I play co-op often enough. Using the backend services is not the same as installing their garbage on my machine.
Do I just need an account or does Epic need to be installed? Will it open the Epic launcher when I run the game?
Epic Online Services becomes installed on your machine. It is separate from EDF6, and is required for online play. If you're only playing solo you can uninstall and play, but have to install and launch with it at least once for it to work.
>If you're only playing solo you can uninstall and play
Nope game doesn't work without it even for solo
You don't need an EPIC GAMES STORE account. EPIC ONLINE SERVICES is not the store. It's a SERVER login.
It is an INSTALL ON YOUR MACHINE, not just working through the SERVER. He asked if it needs to be installed. It does.
does it automatically close when i close the game or linger as a process on my pc? if it closes i can deal with that.
damn what a gut punch. bought all their previous games. oh well left a negative review, refunded, now downloading the tenoke release
That's unimportant, Why do you care? Just play the game and who cares.
Every game that has online has stuff INSTALLED into your computer to allow access to the SERVICES. You people are bitching about something that has been around since online gaming.
For piratefags with the online fix.

Online Fix:

Run LaunchGame.exe as admin first to let it install the Epic spyware
Service stops when you're not playing. I'm looking at my task manager right now and it is there but it's stopped.
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Ok, finally got into the game after trying to install the fucking EoS. The Online lobby access requiring Epic account can be fully automated in the background, why did they have to announce it to the players? It even automatically generated an Epic alias without my input. The only input I had to do was my DoB (not even real).
truly baffling.
I don’t care
we could've gotten crossplay
if I already have an epic account do I just login with that
i dont want a bunch of services running at the same time on my pc? to save resources. should be obvious.

okay cool ill consider buying it to play with my friend, but desu its cracked and this is pretty annoying so why shouldnt i just save my money and go buy a prime rib or get a massage or something.
People see that and think it's trying to install the ebin games store or something.

Also devs being retarded and not telling anybody about all this until a few hours later. At that point people were already review bombing it
>Moving goalposts
Turbo nigger shills still in force no matter which year I visit this site.
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I'll be playing a bit in 5 minutes if no one comes, reply if you're interested
>buy game
>get frauded
>understandably refund game because you don't want EOS installed
>but pirate the game to play it after

So much for never installing the service then?
I'm not sure if it's logging in with an Epic account or linking them but my friend did that and now he's basically bricked, he had some token error, the EOS system told him he's not online and now he can't get into MP at all. Can't create a new "account" either. I've seen some other anons having the exact same issue, but I have no idea what causes this.
>i dont want a bunch of services running at the same time on my pc? to save resources. should be obvious.
>Think it's trying to install
>It literally does separately install EOS
Good work, 5 rupees will be deposited to your account Pajeet.
I always wonder what the mood in the developer office must be like after they release a game after working on it for years and it ends up with overwhelmingly negative rating because of some completely inane mistake
must be grim
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>Stating facts is moving goalposts now
>Me playing on my PS5 without any issue since yesterday.
>Helldivers 2 get shreded for adding third party login
>Oh I know, let's do the same thing
200 IQ move, sasuga nippon
>we're sorry
>fuck you, create EGS account
Eos isnt egs
Welp, guess I'm going back to playing EDF5 to scratch my bug itch.
Also, why in the mother of fuck did they delay what is essentially an expansion pack for EDF5 for 2 fucking years? It can't be that hard for them to translate the game or even cost them that much when AI tools could do a fine job with 90% of the content in this game
I won’t install EGS
Where's the removal? Where's the announcement of plans to remove it? Where's the discount? Where's the footage of the fall guy bowing and begging forgiveness? "We're sorry you feel that way" doesn't count for shit.
>Initial person asks if install is required
>durrrrrrr no its all seamless!
>Say I don't want EOS as a separate install on my machine
>Durrrr my overlords who regularly shit down my throat want me to say it's normal for an extra special shit slurry please accept that this is NORMAL
Lying or moving goalposts is all you can do, and we both know it.
I have no position on Epic's services, but D3 literally did pull a fraud. I simply won't give them more money for bad behavior.
yeah bro, just sloppify the western release with AI shit, I'm sure that will end well
where direct download?
They're actually even worse because Helldivers at least mentioned needing an account on the store page. EDF kept it a fucking secret until the negative reviews started pouring in.
You actually loop back and forth like 4 or 5 times through the whole game
>It can't be that hard for them to translate the game or even cost them that much
Don't worry, the translation still has a bunch of grammatical mistakes that wouldn't be there if they used AI
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Any other new co-op shooters on the horizon? I'm kinda butthurt to be honest, I was mildly looking forward to this.
oh wow, I'm surprised Steam allowed that shit or they just never tested anything
So does this game still random drops for weapons so that I have to farm 8 billion times to get a weapon I want, like EDF5? I'm guessing yes since Jap game, but wondering if the RNG is better here at least.
Most games that use it have it already baked within the game and don't require an extra install
Which is good because uninstalling that shit on its own is a bitch, legit malware
Removing it is basically impossible at this point but they should improve this atrocious nonsensical implementation
They bought the mindless vtuber faggot horde. It could be Supereman 64 and it wouldn't matter.
mission 24 is such a pain in the ass
>The reason Storm 1 is the ultimate EDF guy is because he's a time traveller
Dunno what to think about that twist
>Don't mention requiring an account till 4 hours after release
>Required to even play, not just just multiplayer
>Game isn't even avaliable on Epic right now and crossplay is only between PS4 and 5 users
Truly impressive
EDF5 RNG is like 1000 times worse than anything before because of the star system shit and it's still in 6 so take a guess
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>another EDF6 thread malding about needing to make a Epic games account,
>and again,noone posts EDF6 online gameplay footage proving they play EDF6 online.
Tortanic tourists don't even own EDF6

Don't @me, unless you can post proof you actually play EDF6 online and have the right to hold an opinion about the epic games account requirement for online gameplay.
I don't give a shit because I'm playing both games on Playstation like intended
Honestly hope people eventually just stop porting anything for you valve cocksuckers altogether.
it actually is on EGS right now, but not for every region lmao.
>No games ninteniggers on a shitposting spree
Stuck to your circlejerk
Now everyone can stop pretending this series was ever anything other than bargain bin trash, great
Which regions is it in?
Cause the US isn't one of them for some reason.
Most of this thread either refunded because of that or straight up didn't buy it
That's obvious from their posts why would you expect they post gameplay footage from a game they are not playing?
Thanks, I really hated that in EDF5. My friends and I beat it starting one Hard and then Hardest with basically 0 farming, maybe like 2-3 missions total of farming some maps for armor drops? Then HD2 came out when we were like halfway through Inferno. I remember always being pissed because the weapons I wanted to use just never ... fucking ... dropped. Not upgrades at least. Always some 0 or 1 star variant that wouldn't upgrade.

Extremely sad to read they kept that trash without improving on it.
>Twice the playercount than EDF5 had at its highest
Aw, so sorry your little seethe session has no real importance anywhere.
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I am Goymoney
>EGS and EOS are the same
>lots of retards are playing actually!!!
You are literally mad that you have to log into a server to access an online game. Which most online games make you do anyway. This server is just third party. You are getting mad at a thing you have been doing you're entire life.
Dumbest fucking nigger on /v/ right now
EOS is a separate install. God I fucking hate you people so much trying to water this shit down.
also adding to that, I think thats because of the Epic Store Timer, when it was 11 AM it didn't show up either. After 1 PM it did
HD2 has a dogshit malware anticheat.
EDF6 had a dogshit spyware EOS.
2024 has been a huge disappointment.
Yeah, he mad
>Literally zero reading comprehension
Separate install for EOS. It's not just backend and accessing their server. Stop shilling.
Someone posting a screenshot will just get mocked by shitposters so they don't do it
>he paid $60 for this slop look at him and laugh

Or they're playing the game and didn't know this thread exists
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Not available on my country; I'm on LATAM.
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Once you get to mission 20ish the storyline seems to completely diverge. I'm not entirely sure on the overall plot but it definitly looks like The primers are using time travel to win the war by sending units that counter strategies the humans used to "win" the first time.
Yea it's sad
>Old EDF
>get new weapon, look at the stats and try it out
>Constantly change weapons
>Get new weapon, stats are ass because it's 0 star, never try it
>Keep the same weapon for dozens of missions because nothing is better
No point, you literally cannot launch the game without Epic installed.
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Didn't HD2 devs nerfed weapons after a while too
Not even the pirated version?
Didn't get HD2 because of nGuard and won't get EDF6 because of EGS/EOS.

Shame, I was looking forward to EDF6 for YEARS.
She's laying eggs!??!
>no /v/ room
ded game
They've buffed and nerfed stuff. I've been fine because I don't ever bother looking up guides on how to play since HD2 is already fucking easy enough. lol
I notice you get a much more even split for armour pick ups unlike in 5 where it was heavily weighted towards the one you were using by like 75%
>game runs the same thing within the game
>Game runs same thing but outside of it
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>delay the game release in early 2024
>Helldivers 2 account meltdown occurs during this time

>see a precise example of what not to do
>have extra dev time due to the previously announced delays

>learn NOTHING about this PR disaster and do the same thing to their customers
I don't fucking get it, how do these executives get their high paying jobs? Their IQs are too low, they shouldn't be able to remember how to breath. Fucking how?
I got more armor towards a different class than the one I'm playing once too
>how do these executives get their high paying jobs?
friends and family.
You didn't actually believe your parents when they told you hard work pays off, right?
The most annoying thing is when you get a new weapon and it has worse stats than a lower level version that you already had because of bad rolls. Like fuck that.
>Devs are either ridiculously retarded or trying to pad gametime by wanting players to farm armor
T-t-thanks jap devs. Please let me know when the next high school shounen isekai anime will be released too, because man I love Japan.
My parents were slightly redpilled and they told me hard work only takes you far.
>Already dropped to 14k
So much for HD2 killer
EOS is an API for unreal engine. EGS is a game launcher/store
Poor esl retard here, do you have any detailed instruction?
Me, the free games were either shit I already owned or garbage I didn't care to own. I'm content to wait 2+ years for epic exclusive games to come to steam then not buy them anyway because I forget about them.
In all seriousness what are the odd that they will genuinely listen to this amount of feedback and decide to remove the need to have a epic account to play online?
The PC version has always been irrelevant for the EDF franchise; that's why they always delay the PC versions several years.
The money is on the console versions; probably a stockholder forces them to make a PC version but they would rather not bother with the platform.
>only takes you so far.
Taking a break.
Started playing 8 hours ago

GGs also
I remember I had an intro to business class at my community college where the instructor straight up told me 70% of all jobs out there are ones you'll never read or hear about because they're all received through networking or family and friends. This was back in the 2000s. I can't imagine how bad it is now.
If hard work makes you rich then some woman in Africa carrying water for 20 miles daily would be the richest person on the planet
For me it's 36. I spent 25 minutes on that fucking mission only for me to be literally unable to clear it cause they put an ant spawner too high up for me to even reach it with any of my weapons that were short to mid range.
this is basically the first thing that happened to me because I never used grenades in EDF 5 and didn't realise they had a long locked in animation
They won't
Was playing with some other /v/ros on hard before the lobby closed. Been having a lot of fun with the new weapons and missions. Praying for another hard lobby to pop up because I'm too much of a pussy to lead/host
I prefer it. Means I can not feel fucked for using one class more than other for when I want to swap. Also for AFK farming.
Probably 0%. I'm keeping the game for a few days to see if they'll announce anything, then refund before my 2 week refund timer is up. I am only holding out the slimmest of hope, but my friends and I have already decided we'll just play helldivers again when it gets its big update.
Idk how about your IQ? Can you fucking read some of these threads and find out what happened?
They used EOS to implement crossplay between ps4 and ps5, this was done over two years ago. It's already fully baked into the game's net code. plenty of other games people play do it too and just keep it a secret that they use EOS by doing it in the background.
The helldivers thing just has nothing to do with what happened here. If they were capable of running the net code properly years ago themselves they would have done that in the first place.
PC is a niche market for D3 anyways, majority of their sales are in console and domestic sales for them, this is just making a quick buck so whoever these old suits are won't give a fuck.
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>admitting the entire thread is just bandwagon people forming a congoline.
No one in this thread owns, has ever owned, cares, or at one point even played EDF, let alone EDF6 online.
I smell tortanicfaggots, it smells like a wet dog that pissed, puked and sharted onto the carpet.
it's easy, paste the rar contents on the game folder, then run launchgame.exe (not edf6.exe), it'll open your browser and prompt you to log into an ebin games account
considering you don't have to have an epic "account" in the typical sense of needing to surrender an email, etc, 0%.
This is a niche game. eos was a way to make sure the few people that will play, can play together regardless of what storefront they bought it on.
if anyone is wondering, you don't need to make an Epic account to play online, it only asks you for a date of birth and that's it
account is not needed for offline play either
Let me guess, EOS doesn't need to be always online or an account, Sandlot are just retards and used it in the most pants on head retarded way?
No the worst shit is all your drops go to gimmick low dps trash like the bound gun or the fucking can of Raid
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I don't care about this shit, I still have fun just as I had fun with HD2 (and I keep playing that game, almost 200 hours in).
For fans, you are not missing out on EDF 6, and I wouldn't recommend it at the current price, but it speaks volumes when the only thing that stops you from playing the game is not the woke shit that many games have today, or microtransactions, or the pricing, but an account registration.
EDF unironically lost and Helldivers II won
>If they were capable of running the net code properly years ago
It's called EDF5 and EDF4.
>datafiles needed to launch x are missing
Why? High chance that you already used EOS if you had any of those games installed
yes, this include games like Elden Ring but I guess it's ok when From put EOS into their games
>Forces install of epic shit on first launch
>Delete it and try to play single player
>Game won't even launch without it

Is it true that JP/SEA versions can't play with the rest because of different game versions
>If they were capable of running the net code properly years ago themselves they would have done that in the first place.
They did with EDF4.1 and 5.
Why do single player games launched years before EGS use EOS according to this list? What the fuck?
I'm an anon basically defending eos
but THIS is for certain bullshit. eos check should only fire when activating online modes.
>implement a trash service just so the other 3 people who bought the game on epig store can play with steam people
imagine being this retarded as a dev
>but it speaks volumes when the only thing that stops you from playing the game
Is that I got scammed. The publisher objectively did not inform their customers of requirements on their store page before the game's release. They objectively misrepresented their product.

Also not going to install kernel level anticheats to have a whole 10 enemies on my screen at once. You have fun with that.
ah didn't download the spyware for you
Which don't have crossplay between two different Sony consoles
That's what they were trying to do here but they are retarded.
EOS isn't EGS. Just like how Unreal engine existed for decades before EGS.
No idea what's with the single player games though.
Very disappointed that half the levels i played so far (up to mission 34) were recycled missions from 5. Same levels, voice lines and everything.
>and I wouldn't recommend it at the current price
Aren’t the older prices for the older games still relatively high? I think EDF 5 was $20 at the lowest. Feels like one of those games that you just say fuck if and buy at full price because you’re not going to be finding it on sale for $5 anytime soon anyway.
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Can just one fucking day pass without some major fuck up, flop or disaster?! Just something positive.
EGS and EOS are absolutely different products, no idea why are you even surprised
the point is D3 isn't handling the matchmaking (lobby moderation). That was handled on Sony's network, and Steam respectively.

Problem is, they need something to moderate matchmaking between 'platforms' (PS4<>5, and on PC Epic<>Steam). eos does that. Else they WOULD need to run their own servers for the first time.
Leave my daughter wife alone!
Does EDF6 even HAVE crossplay?
Not even the pirated version.
They get lots of discounts during sales afaik. 5 was like 75% off for a lot of sales
btw, I'm not calling bullshit on anon. Saying D3 fucked up with their implementation
I'm a PC using customer and I don't give a fuck about what they had to do to get their product to work on inferior corpo notPCs 2 years ago. I can forgive everything else EDF rehashes, but not this online system, which they had 2 years to implement and had functional versions from previous products.
>What the fuck
it got introduced with a patch later, e.g Payday 2 did that and broke online play altogether just because people who bought the game on egs aren't enough to form a party and thus steam people got fucked over with broken online
I'm told it has crossplay between Steam and EGS. I guess that's good for the ten people who play on EGS since they'd be pretty lonely otherwise.
yes, between PS4 and PS5
>Elden Ring
Interesting. Still didn't force me to create an Epic account to play online.

Also, nice try but /v/ hated the loving fuck out of Elden Ring so almost no one here played it.
Like there's single player games that haven't received so much as an update since 2013 on that list. EOS didn't launch until 2020
Something makes me think it's wrong.
There's ebin games store and steam crossplay I think. But who uses the former beyond a fortnite launcher anyway
How strange, there's dozens of single player games on the list, and I've played risky 2 with the boys for years and it never installed any epic games software on my computer.
fucking nips, they never fail to fuck up the simplest things
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>60$ for a 2 years olds game that looks like it came out on PS3 with PS2 animations
>and it comes with a completely retarded requirement for crossplay
I mean I'm sure it's a fun game, but I'm not paying AAA price for this shit
Tell her it's time to break out the EDF shill stream.
-100% chance.
There is nothing more arrogant than yellow skinned slanteyes.
Between the ps4 and ps5 versions of the game? yes. Technically these are two different platforms and that's why they used EOS... honestly you even can put just as much blame on Sony for not even having this shit baked into their infrastructure despite them encouraging every game to be published on both platforms.
I can't confirm anything else.
Elden Ring uses easy anti cheat, which is a property of epic
Tomb Raider has had updates over the years, including up to like 2022. Guess they added that trash in there at some point.
Alright sure thing. Bye.
Leave the thread now.
You're not playing the game or even interested in it. Leave.
>Still didn't force me to create an Epic account to play online.
Because From made it hush-hush without telling you but EDF for some reasons decide to be open about it.
It created a dummy account FOR you. EDF6 makes you click a few things. That is the only difference.
Okay, but they didn't make the game for you they made it for those console players in Japan. You're lucky to get the game at all.
0% for them to remove eos, there's a small chance that they will fix the implementation so that it doesn't ask for an existing account or make itself noticeable at all, like most games that use it do
You have to let it install with the LaunchGame.exe
Anon there are no more skilled crackers.
Piracy has never been more over
Tomb Raider got a patch that implemented epic online service in November 2021
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yes we do
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You were right: the pirated version doesn't run if you don't have the Epic Store Launcher installed.
Even the game's icon is the EGS one.

Why even bother buying a game on Steam if you can't launch it without the Epic launcher? It would be less of a hassle to just buy it directly from the EGS.
It only asks you for a birth date which you can just fake it or whatever
>it never installed any epic games software on my computer.
It did, developers never told you about it.
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>Link Steam account
>play for eight hours
>finish up
>all my steam games are gone
Fine, if they don't want my money then I'll give them no more. Already asked for a refund too.
I can live without them, there's plenty of other great games out there (no I'm not talking about slopdivers).
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why do people keep doing this shit? no one wants a psn or epic game account if they are a pc gamer. only time to use epic is for free games that you cant torrent.
>Other games bake in some pieces to enable it without otherwise being noticeable
>EDF6 separately installs it as a standalone including a much larger footprint on the PC and has proven to be practically malware if you want to fully remove it
Oh yeah dude totally the same thing. (Bro where was I supposed to get the gift card for posting this again?)
Yeah, and did the rest in the background. Used your already existing account to fill in the rest.
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Go ahead and prove you play the series then, Sweeney. It's a massive disappointment that made me refund, simple as that. Especially disappointing that I've already seen what it's like for however many years it's been and just wanted to play it already.
a boy's name that starts with H?
It doesn't require EGS, it requires EOS which is a completely different thing and people not knowing that and getting both mixed up is a big part of this meltdown
That's cool. Who cares? Why do we need back to back bump limit threads about it? Just skip the game.
>If I can't see all of it, that means it's fine!
Has the EDF series received any spike in popularity with EDF 6 or is it still a weird niche game only weirdos play?
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>The PC version has always been irrelevant for the EDF franchise
>*outsells the console version*
Air raider or ranger
Customers for video games who get scammed can talk about it on a board about video games. Don't like it? Don't click the thread.
It doesn't install a different software, eos is baked in with the game installation, mos games using it do that
Eseentially any modern japanese game sells more on PC than console
This one has hololive vtubers so it's more popular I guess

There's also the helldivers like article
Are you blind? You literally can see that RoR2 is using EoS and over 2000 other games on Steam.
both require epic games accounts THOUGH ;)
Wing Diver.
Weird semi-weeb niche.
It got a lot more attention this time cause of Helldivers 2
2378084=EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Exclusive DLC: Recruiter (Nakiri Ayame)
2378085=EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Exclusive DLC: Recruiter (Ookami Mio)
2378086=EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Exclusive DLC: Recruiter (Shirakami Fubuki)

Ok, got the appids, who can spoonfeed me with creamapi please
i cant my friend is playing that
They also did more marketing this time around. Like that one "commercial" they did stylized like the HD2 intro.
Try to uninstall the standalone eos edf6 installs right now, maybe then you'll see why it's a problem that it's separate from the game installation
Androids can suck my cock they're wobbly bullet sponges
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Again, using Elden Ring to defend Epic's underhanded maneuvers is pretty stupid because /v/ already hates Elden Ring and this will simply add fuel to the fire.

So? same shit; it's still forcing me to install a third party client and to create an account for said third party client when the Steam client and the game itself should be more than enough.

Not that it matters; I deleted the torrent and won't bother buying 6, not even on sale.
asked for my email in the game so that's not true lol
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what is this then?
Shame - air raider was more fun in EDF5 compared to ranger then.
/v/ is a elden chad board only discord trannies hate it
This may be true for other games, but in the case of EDF the PC sales have always been minuscules.
Your friend is lame and gonna get himself killed a million times by pulling everything
Play the game the right way and be Ranger.
>or the pricing
It's SIXTY FUCKING DOLLARS for a literal bargain bin Simple Series reskin of 4.1.
Nigga 4.1 outsold its console counterpart
No, eos doen't. You CAN log in with a personal epic account but it isn't required, most games using it don't notify you about it and just make a temporary dummy account with no personal information, you can do that in edf6 too but you have to select it
>a dummy account is still an account!
If you are gonna come back with that I'm just gonna assume you're tech illiterate
>WD pulling everything
That was the fencer in my group.
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A questionable list isn't evidence.
Please, enlighten me where I can find the epic online services software in here.
>costs more than Helldivers
Gonna buy this in a few months for 20$
EOS offers more than just multiplayer features. like leaderboards and anti-cheat. they kinda fucked up in the way they implemented it though, since they used the EOS Epic Account Services: Auth Interface that authenticates your identity through an epic account linked to your steam account instead of the EOS Game Services: Connect Interface that silently creates a unique player identifier for that game alone using your steam account as a trusted identity provider.
Do you want to easily melt large enemies or do you want to be able to shoot Teleport Ships?
I love Air Raider, but fuck is is a pain in the ass to deal with flying enemies. Any large enemy or nest can just get melted though which is nice.
Ranger does well with it's assault rifles and sniper rifles/rocket launchers to deal with hordes and spawners and flying enemies. But they kinda struggle dealing with larger enemies and spawners unless you get fairly close to them or can sit away and chip at them from range.
For me, Air Raider is for multiplayer, Ranger for single player.
>Again, using Elden Ring to defend Epic's underhanded maneuvers
Developers went with EOS because Gabe doesn't allow steamwork for cross-play. Developers have no other options.
it asks for an EMAIL when trying to play online THOUGH
Many developers will only have one version of the game on various stores that have all the files for simplicity's sake. Basically EOS in single player games on Steam does nothing as it doesn't talk to the Epic client and only uses those services for someone who is playing it via Epic. It's the same thing as a game on Steam having GOG Galaxy files.
When fencer does it there's no problem. WD inevitably fucks up their meter or a single dodge and gets one shot.
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right here
You are right, which is why I'm shitting on the shitty implementation instead of the software. Most games using it don't have these problems because the eos installation is within the game files, which also makes it much easier to remove later and also don't bother the user with confusing shit
There's actually not much wrong with eos when it's implemented properly, but a standalone installation like that of edf6 is literally malware
Yeah, but I meant pulling half the fucking map all at once. That's what I thought you meant. Then it's a rodeo until everything dies.
New lobby
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I wish; Elden Ring pretty much replaced Dark Souls 2 as the most hated From Software game ever.

I don't see anything Epic-related on the Elden Ring folder either.

...Elden Ring has console crossplay? that's news to me.
Meanwhile games like Darktide or AoE2 have cross-play with Xbox and they don't ask you to create an Epic account.
It installs 3rd party bullshit into my game so it can go fuck itself.
Same as you, nippon boomers and Timmy the cuck
No it doesn't if you select the correct option
Glow spear is very good early game
The drones attack ships just fine honestly AR has almost no weaknesses now.
I would play with you but gonna wait until pirates bypass the EGS launcher requirement. Have fun, anon.
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Never had it. Never will have it.
EOS is already on your computer
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Why don'tt the HoloEN decoys have their clothing rip when you shoot them?

The HoloJP decoys did... the japs truly treat us like 2nd class shitizens...
birth date then email request happened and you faggy shills can't negate that. but post a webm of you avoiding all this retarded shit (you won't)
Never gonna happen, the game depends on it.
DNG are the ones with the long animation, you want other grenade models if you don't want to wait 5 years to throw it.
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Here it is, hell on earth
EOS stands for "Epic Online Services".
remind me how many anons refunded? Yeah. People have no problem paying $60 plus tip for a game like this.
>Guys you basically don't have to do anything
>Okay guys you do have to do something but it's basically nothing
>Shut up you guys have already done this thing why worry about it?
Lil bro where are you going to escalate from here.
I would if I could go through it again without having to uninstall both edf6 and eos(a gigantic pain in the ass)
>faster movement speed
>tank call-in
>regular grenade
>sniper rifle
>assault rifle
Yep, it's bug killing time.

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Skill issue.
Americans would have a meltie if you could remove clothes from women.
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Americans might shit and piss themselves if you rip off Gura's clothes
I just did. I didn't even allowed it time to install Timmy's shitfest
what did they even do for the year it took to port if not remove EOS that was only in a Sony console issue?
The English Vtubers are wholesom. Wanting to strip Gura of her clothes is barbaric behavior
EoS is for Steam - Epic cross-play, consoles have nothing to do with it
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Not there for me.
And just to give this shill the deathblow someone join my ror2 lobby real quick.

It's all of those things and any one is reason enough to drop a game.
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if you ever played an unreal engine game, this is likely true. single player game will probably use EOS to authenticate achievements or log errors.
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Not making an Epic account is anti-semitism
So we are all gunna play world brothers 2 instead right?
that's on epic too
>need to install EGS spyware on your PC for pirated version too
epic needs to just fucking die already. Have it just been a fucking launcher for the fortnite kiddies. Fuck tim that disgusting dog person
>>When the Nioh games became available on the EGS< they added a patch to the Steam versions

the architecture for a steam-only connection was already set in place, you admit it yourself here retard, if the game released at the same time as the steam version you can bet your ass they wouldn't have bothered putting a steam-only option
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Haha look at this idiot kissing the dirt
Fucked over how?
Risk of Rain 2_Data/Plugins/x86_64/EOSSDK-Win64-Shipping.dll is what you're looking for.
Gura would do it on stream.
hades isn't even an unreal engine game, so even non-unreal engine games can opt to use epic online services.
Any videos of that happening for the JP decoys?
Americans ruin everything, including America. Sad.
Why does steam have so many devout cultists? Who gives a shit
Why are you a kike shill?
EDF is EDF so it's good, but this is absolutely a dealbreaker.
>it's a one-time sign-in!
Suuuuure it is. I DEFINITELY believe you!
>removes game from wishlist
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>te he forcing PC players to make some Shit Services Online account is not a biggie
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You are not a paycuck? right?
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>>683711248 here, closed.

Thank you for providing something solid instead of constantly deflecting like most shills.
Anon, when you are developer and need to implement cross-play between Epic and Steam then your options are:
>be told by Gabe to fuck off, you are not allowed to use steamwork
>spend god knows how many shekels and code your own thing
>use EoS which just work and over 2k games on Steam already have
It's not rocket science, really.
Play Senran Kagura games.

Anyway, If they did that to Gura, there would be inquiries in the American Congress about pedophilia.
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There's this and the fact that if you're in Taiwan you have to choose Chinese taipei, Get fucked Chinks Taiwan is a Country
no. cause world brothers fucking sucks my shitty ass hole
What kikes? What are you talking about
you're just retarded and can't accept you're fucking wrong
console market is pathetic
mobile is godking
Timmy really is a cuck.

I am calling you an honorary jew. If you can't understand what that means I'll call you an honorary nigger instead.
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Same; I have Risk of Rain 2 installed too.
>Easy AntiCheat belongs to Epic
Now this is news to me. The people defending Epic aren't lying but they're still telling us a half-truth.

They seem to be in place to use EAC, not because the online is entirely dependent on Epic.

Elden Ring isn't on the EGS.
vtuber pedo trash
never buying it
Nothing you say makes sense. Truth is you're just a cultist for an online toystore lol
The tool works by looking at the file lists (which I believe is public information) and comparing it against these files: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/FileDetectionRuleSets/blob/main/tests/types/SDK.EpicOnlineServices.txt
There's no room for false positives here.
>the architecture for a steam-only connection was already set in place
So? It shows that it is possible to make the integration without forcing Steam users to create a second account.

>if the game released at the same time as the steam version you can bet your ass they wouldn't have bothered putting a steam-only option
And then the games would get an overwhelmingly negative score too.
This is about not wanting 3rd party Malware put on my machine, so nice strawman you double nigger
But is the game fun?
Proof its malware?
>Elden Ring isn't on the EGS
Still has it because EOS is baked in EAC, so if you are using EAC you must use EOS too
Doesn't matter. We can't let Epic gain a foothold
I was thinking about buying this too
Oh well, pay the price devs
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>he blindly bought a game at release
>even an EDF game
No you're not? Where are you getting all this bullshit?
>And then the games would get an overwhelmingly negative score too.
Just like
>Elden Ring
>Risk of Rain 2
And that's only games mentioned in this thread, literal thousands of steam titles use EOS
Neat, thanks. So just swimsuits. No way they couldn't have done that for the EN ones too. So lame.
Still up
I'll be playing but I'll restart if someone joins. Played with one anon to mission 5 and another anon just stopped by and had to go.
Is it like EDF 5 and pirates can play with each other?
It takes two seconds to bypass EAC and two seconds to enable it.
It’s already on your machine
Yeah, best one yet
Just play on that ps4 every pcfag bought to play bloodborne
I was actually looking forward to this but I can't betray based Gaben
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Literally the frontpage of the website
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If you disable EAC you can still play the game offline (and not just pirated copies; it works with the legitimate Steam version too).

Again, Elden Ring didn't force me to create an Epic account so I could play it.
never let it finish, Timmy can suck donkey dick
Noice. When it gets posted to GGn I'll pick it up.
I didn't actually need to manually sign into anything, I guess if you already have EGS installed it just goes off that
So? Elden Ring still uses EOS for its online because it has EAC
The implementation of EDF6 is complete garbage that's the problem at hand
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the sense of 'wow we're fucked' is almost palpable
>if there's a dick in your ass, you don't need to get a new one
That doesn’t count you lying shill
big brained devs sabotaging PC release of EDF hoping you'll buy a playstation + console version instead
you already had EoS on your machine, many time actually
check list for games that put it on your PC
Listen my ass is already gaping, so maybe this new dildo is a little smaller, okay??? Did you ever think of THAT?
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the absolute fucking chutzpah of these chink ass gooks is impressive, but between this and the series being the fucking yearly madden of chinkslop im beyond done with the series.
>buy the console version where you have to pay extra just to play online
I'm not retarded
Why is this piece of shit 40 odd gigs when it looks like a PS3 game?
Clapistani here, no data caps and 800 mbps.
It's just another online account, you're not escaping the grid hombre
>Still missing the point
EAC is completely transparent for the user and outside the EAC service you don't need to do anything else.
EDF literally forces you to install the Epìc launcher and make an account so you can play the game. It puts work that should be the developer's job on the hands of the final user. Even worse, the previous games didn't need any of that.
it ain't competing in my eyes if i never use the launcher aside from the one or two games i'm forced to do so
What is this x2 shield damage?
>EDF literally forces you to install the Epìc launcher
this is a lie
why would you go on internet and spread lies?
i have a 4090, 64gb of ram, and a 13th gen i9. not to mention i own a nearly 100k sports car thats paid off. im not poor, i just dont need a bunch of shit bogging down my pc. they add up over time.
>eos is within eac
>post how the information is literally out in the open
>that doesn't count
I'm honestly confused about what you're asking for
EAC uses EOS that has been common knowledge for a while. What the fuck do you mean it doesn't count?
kek you are a 970 nigger
Im so happy helldivers 2 fans have become wandering migrants shitting up everything.
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but it look beautiful
There's like 5 years between each actual EDF game so I don't really get the comparison. Whatever D3 I'd trying to cash in on with their non-sandlot teams might as well not exist.
No anon you're missing the point
I was correcting the statement that Elden Ring doesn't use EOS, which it does because it uses EAC and EOS api is installed within EAC
At no point have I defended EDF implementation of EOS, which by the way, doesn't install EGS, but EOS which is a different thing
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I decided to run Elden Ring as a test and effectively the EAC service is only active when you're running the game. The game stops the service when you close the game.
I hadn't checked that out before. Which is pretty ironic given how I work on IT; I should be more aware of the things running on my system.
This thread has been eye-opening.

I don't have the EGS or any EGS-related software sans the EAC service that came with Elden Ring and it didn't let me run EDF6.
This anon here
Explains that even the pirate copy requires to install Epic.
pretty good numbers for edf
Because Team Ninja is based and actually cares about giving players real QoL updates.
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Careful, anon.
You might hit a civilian or two if you shoot carelessly.
I have 2 LG C2s. One in my bedroom and one in the living room. My PC is connected to both.
The fact of the matter is that EDF is the first game to try and include Epic Online Services and we can’t let them get their foot in the door
Refund this trash
31 the first mission where you gotta check what you attack, lets go
There are enemies who use energy shields to automatically and perfectly block attacks. Either you do enough damage to temporarily disable the shields tracking and freeze it, or you attack from multiple directions at once.
Yes, it's annoying as it sounds.
ive played 4 and 5, 20ish h the former and 5ish the latter. all i saw were the same fucking bugs and aliens, dogshit leveled weapons, and silly vehicles.
if you show me a screen from 4 and 5 i wont be able to tell them apart. and from the screens i saw 6 is no different except its got vtumors.
Insane that slacktivists are such bottom of the barrel trash that they even invade videogame threads.
I didn't buy it on the first place due to being too expensive on my region, when 4.1 and 5 were (and still are) not cheap but still reasonable.
I'm not lying to you: yesterday I asked God to send me a signal about my decision to not buy this particular game (I always asks him this kind of questions, for both the important decisions and the trivial ones). He obliged in ways I wasn't expecting

Thank you Lord. Now if you could send me a signal about what to do with my professional career or where should I go I would be very grateful.
This is what EDF fags get for talking shit in Helldivers threads during the SOE controversy
With CreamAPI, do you just get the other VTuber decoys or are you getting the other DLC too? Other stuff looks neat but idk if I should risk getting the paid stuff.
Epic Online Services is a different piece of software from Epic Games Launcher
EOS is installed in your system with EDF because literally no other game that uses it has it as a standalone installation, but rather it's baked within the software package, this includes EAC
Sandlot did the bare minimum with a botched implementation and the result is that the it ends up being intrusive instead of just being there on the background doing its network thing without causing any problems
If helldivers fags gave a fuck they would have stayed with their garbage shit.
Burger here, no data caps with my ISP. Anyone crying about data caps just needs to switch to a provider that doesn't suck cock.
Those weren't even real edf fags
It's just discord trannies, it's them every time, for every game doomer thread. The fact that this thread has been made several times in a row after hitting bump limit should clue you in.
So does EOS actually do anything?
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Crossplay between steam and epic
Don't buy any paid weapons unless you want to be funny with them
They are all low level and only usable in the first 10 or so missions, in a game that has 140+
This is true for all other entries too
basically the way I see it is I will either buy your game at full price to support devs OR I will go through the effort of making a temp email and filling out bullshit account details for some shitty mandatory account (after I pirate of course). in this case it ended with a refund and a small thanks to tenoke
Oh yeah, definitely wouldn't pay for them. I just know some games can detect you having a DLC without owning it, so I was wondering if EDF6 was the same and just to err on the side of caution. I haven't done anything yet, so I'll probably just wait.
Just use CreamInstaller, I just used it to yoink everything. I tested a jp vtumor successfully, but there was someone a few threads back saying the DLC weapons weren't working though I don't have time to test it since I'm finna fuck off

I think you can select the jp vtumors alone to install rather than every DLC for EDFags wary of bans, of which the only case I can ever remember in creampie history was the Payday2 devs sperging and implmenting a gay system that marked you as a cheater in that specific game.
>Epic Online Services is a different piece of software from Epic Games Launcher
Let me guess: the Epic Games Launcher automatically installs the Epic Online Services but you can install the Epic Online Services as an standalone. Is that right?
And still all of those billions of games using EOS don't force you to install EOS and create an Epic account.
Bought this on humble bundle yesterday and now im furious. Do I simply need an epic account or will they make me install a launcher/spyware?
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>from PC to... PC
Epic Online Services is baked into the game launcher. You just "make" an account (just click the 2 boxes and it auto generates a name for you) and you're allowed to play online.
>And still all of those billions of games using EOS don't force you to install EOS and create an Epic account.
Oh yes they do, they just don't install as a separate software because they install it within the game files and then make a dummy epic account with no personal information attached to connect to the service
They just do all that on the background so it doesn't bother and confuse you
eh does online really work with that patch? not letting me join any room
>Epic Online Services is baked into the game launcher
No it fucking doesn't that's the problem, it installs EOS as a separate program because Sandlot are lazy fucks
So what does this mean? What is the concern? Is this software going to spy on me? Does it close when not being used?
It will cause the collapse of the Roman Empire.
It's got cooties
>Is this software going to spy on me?
>Does it close when not being used?
>So what does this mean?
A bunch of people confused about what this means and what's being installed on their pcs
>What is the concern?
Try to uninstall Epic Online Services and you'll notice the concern. That problem doesn't exist when it's properly installed within the games files
Sorry not happening, might pirate the game later on.
Timmy will know you play porn games and the chinks will laugh at you for paying for their gacha games. It closes with the game.
Just pirate the game. You can still play online with other pirates.
>they just don't install as a separate software because they install it within the game files and then make a dummy epic account with no personal information attached to connect to the service
So they do their job so the experience is transparent and non-intrusive for the end user. Why should D3 and EDF6 get a free pass then?
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EDF games aren't even on EGS...
When have I defended EDF implementation of EOS? In fact I shat on it multiple times in this very thread
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>remember that shit that torpedoed a game very similar to ours?
>let's do that, but worse
I thought they were supposed to be smarter than average.
EGS has nothing to do with EOS
is a game made with 2 dollars, the devs must be ecstatic
no but for real it shows I'm online but won't let me connect to any room and no one joined my room. is it because I need to have played up to a mission level to join it?
If it's a bridge too far for you then simply don't buy it. This board is so melodramatic.
>When have I defended EDF implementation of EOS?
When you were a smug shit because I'm not willing to do the publisher's job
>"so it doesn't confuse you"
I know. I've been reading through the thread. It's just that several posts mentioning the elusive EGS players to crossplay with.
Boomerism is a helluva drug
>why don't you anons know exactly what my anon posts were ITT
lmfao they're not sending their best
>"so it doesn't confuse you
I meant that as "bother and confuse the user"
Not everyone's out to get you
>If it's a bridge too far for you
It is because on top of forcing you to install software you don't need it forces you to do a lot of busywork that is the publisher's job.

>then simply don't buy it.
I didn't. I pirated it and the pirated copy didn't work either because you have to install the Epic software.
it's baked into the game to the point where it can't even launch if you remove the files, it'd basically need a complete rewrite under the hood.
>ten motherships destroyed everyone
>the 10% left after EDF 5 is now like 1%
>five minutes later a squadmate says I'M STARTING UP A STORE, I'M GONNA BE RICH
who the fuck does he think he's selling to
>most hated
by 3 discordtroons, who are irrelevant, the playercounts speak for themselves
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6 is.
>a lot of busywork
You have to type in an account name and a password. It's retarded, but I wouldn't call it anything other than a minor inconvenience.
No you didn't. You were insulting me on that post and the ones before it.
Which is pretty counterproductive because insulting the people you're having an argument against will make them even more unwilling to listen to you.

Okay I did insult you back on the next post(and I shouldn't because that works against my own argument) but I couldn't resist. Will refrain from doing it from now on.
This is the most retarded boycott of all times, its just using the epic infraestructure for the online, if you boycott this then you should boycott every single game using the unreal engine
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I’m not buying your game shill
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Is there a region difference because it's not available to me.
>Bro just install this goyslop on your machine
You haven't gotten me before, and won't get me now turbo nigger.
D3 have always been money grubbing incompetent scumbags that will pull any underhanded tactic if it means they get paid more . They just get away with it because every game they publish is cheap, and they also have a sugar daddy company in Bandai Namco
In my workplace our domain accounts are linked to the company's Microsoft accounts so we only need our accounts to access services like Onedrive, Office365, Teams and the like.
Now imagine that we were forced to open and manage independent accounts with Microsoft, Cisco, whatever, and we were forced to create service tickets and the like with a billion accounts just because the admins don't want to work. Imagine the amount of wasted time for the end users having to deal with that.

That's why I call it "busywork". It's not just a minor inconvenience, but literally placing on your hands work it's the publisher's job. It's part of the work they have to do for you when you pay them the $60.
the aliens obviously
Sorry, so is the concern I need to uninstall it separately? Am I required to give any sensitive information making an EGS account?
can't join any room nor does anyone join mine but it does show me as online. is it fucked?
I don't think I have insulted anyone in this thread yet, I'm assuming with the post before you mean this one? >>683714328
I don't see anything particularly insulting there but regardless, if I were insulting people I wouldn't try to pretend otherwise now, I'm legit just trying to clarify things
They had, in fact, got this anon before.
While i don't mind the epic account it was 100% bullshit that they gave no warning about it till 6 hours later after release.
The concern is that it's a bitch to uninstall since it refuses to do so normally, but it shouldn't even be a separate installation if Sandlot put in some effort
ore wa mou got you

>this is japanese for "you're already gotten"
The store is so shitty games sometimes take hours to appear available.
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It's more the fact they didn't tell anyone about it, didn't update the page till 4 hours after launch and are using a retarded implementation of EOS
okay I can join some rooms but not all even if there is still room to join
Honestly all of this talk about EOS being omnipresent on today's gaming networking or EAC using it was news to me so at least I'm grateful with anons for making me aware of it.
I wish all threads on /v/ were like this instead of being just political shilling.
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pirated version is superior
fucking kek
>I'd let everybody track me from my operating system to the phone I use but I draw the line at EGS
what a weird hill to die on
not having those seems superior to me
I will shoot all VTumor dummies

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