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Is it possible to civilize horde players or are they doomed to be virtual savages forever?
Misbehaving online have no real repercussions so niggers gonna nig.
>survival of the fittest
holy based
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>macro /tar sarkoth /cast earth shock
>in and out in under 2 minutes
Horde rewards you for being the 90 iq in the 70 iq pile
Half the people in that alliance line will solo kill the mob and make the wait take an eternity
Both are going to be better off just killing mobs for xp given how long it took most people to do these
bots vs human beings
Euro server
Amerishart server
Same thing happened with the division
Both groups are retarded. You're better off running off and getting exploration experience or teaming up with a couple other level 2s to farm level 6 mobs away from the zerg than you are waiting half an hour for a single quest.
t. veteran of dozen private server launch days

At this point just play on your local server with bots
Is there a way so that you can automatically have randomized bots 5 levels below you to try and gank you in pvp zones?
Also randomized bots 5 levels below you for you to gank while youre hopping the fence.
getting better at pulling as you steal the kill
getting better at dealing with flame and bullying as the others blame you
just gay and bugman mentality
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>alliance's "civilization"
Both groups are WoW players
The horde are not reskinned humans and have no wish to engage in human customs or "civilization". We will never go back to the oppression of HUMANS!
Garrosh was the true warchief. Baine will never be human no matter how much he cries into the alliance tabard he hides under his bed.
Guess I'm a savage. A savage with an instant cast shit to tag before you. I will tag mob. I will tag your mom. I will tag your girl.
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>lining up and waiting 45 minutes to get 500 exp instead of killing six boars while running to the next hub
I always hated the mounts on WOW for being this special snowflake shit. Aesthetic would be a lot cooler with everyone riding horses around
>with everyone riding horses around
Race mounts were awesome. Giving horses to everyone is retarded.
I don't care about speed. I must check every quest off the list. If my checklist isn't complete I will have an autistic meltdown and send bomb threats to the developers.
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>be playing archeage unchained v1 and get to THE candle quest(for those not in the know you had to touch a candle which had a 5 minute cd creating a fat bottleneck)
>shitpile of fellow not horde faction members waiting to touch it and fending off not alliance people while a couple people from one of the bigger guilds try to create a semblance of order
>every once in awhile our some of our people just die
>notice a mage on a hill that is the one throwing nukes at us
>"hey what's up wi-"
>somehow me and my buddy skip about a hundred people
>kill the hill wizard on our way out
I bet you are the same kind of moral fag who calls a GM when a horde player rapes your ass during questing on open PVP servers.
Peak gameplay right here
They dont want to play the game, they want to be seen playing the game
>line (compact)
there's no difference
MMO is a queue simulator at its peak and a wasteland at its worst
Reddit faction of retards that won't even make it to 60 vs seasoned veterans that have played since WC2/3 and just want to get this shit over with so they can advance to a non congested area.

I'll tell you this as someone that plays both factions, alliance side for some reason has way, way more spergs and it's always human players.
They should definitely have stuck to racial/class mounts only.
I prefer alliance. But holy fuck alliance players sucks. To be honest blood elf players are the same.
why are mmos never like this when i play them? was i just too late?
>was i just too late?
Yes. I remember first time playing wowtbc on RPPVP Defias Brotherhood EU. People actually roleplayed all the time, it was like a fairy tale. Not some gay ass shit erp.
I guess I'll totally give up on this whole "socialisation" meme then
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Man, I miss the good old days of vanilla WoW and even TBC when RP servers were actually populated by RPers. You'd go to Stormwind and see a Stormwind City Guard RP guild playing cat and mouse with Thieves Guild RP guild. I have no idea what the fuck happened over the years for 90% of RP to turn into essentially ERP. I blame the Goldshire fuckers.
The horde is the survival of the fittest, only those with proper frame zero scrollwheel macros will tag the mob, casual shitters not able to compete will leave. Alliance breeds the weak, and they suffer for it in the long run.
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You can easily fix this problem with balanced PvP but no, everything has to be instanced and gay instead.
Every time content drops in any mmo, you have a one day window to experience organic interactions like this. After that point, the no-lifers will be done with the entire patch/expansion/whatever's questline, the people with lives with be scattered through the entirety of it, and you will never see an impromptu questing group again except when a quest mob is strong enough to make someone wait around for someone else to show up and help (everyone will split up immediately after).

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