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I started playing Mass Effect 1 again. I dunno why /v/ regards it as the best in the series
>characters are pretty barebones
>Can't fuck Tali
>gameplay is shit
>Mako is complete dogshit
>Mako maps are filled with mountains that are set at a 90 degree angle forcing you to take eons to get over them
>reused assets galore
>terrible inventory
>weapons are just rekins
>majority of side quests are just nontent
>music is good
>atmosphere is good
>when moments hit they really fucking hit
1 has the best atmosphere, what with the eldrich plant and supposed to be extinct aliens in secret research labs.
Everything else is unpolished.
2 is considered the best entry in the triology by most peole (but I'm sure some anon on /v/ will say it's worse than Balan Wonderworld), with better characters and gunplay.
Also, Mako is fine. You suck.
1 is fun but people massively overrate it. 2 has better companions and gameplay, plus the suicide mission at the end is awesome.
and what do you propose is a better game? 2, 3?
suicide mission was dumb and the collector plot makes no sense in the greater context of the story. mass effect 2’s story just feels like filler in between 1 and 3. Love mordin and what they did to garrus though
It's hilarious how shoehorned the human reaper is.
Then you realize it's still a better ending than 3.
What /v/ is too autistic/dysphoric/neurotic to explain is ME1, in 2008, was an intense emotional experience for the younger anons (like myself) and an impressive technical prowess for the older anons. It's entirely emotional.
Because I admit it aged, not poorly, it's just outdated. And it was the classic Bioware formula, the last instance of it. It was a breakthrough.
My favourite game of all time still.
That was my take as well. And Mass Effect 3 was better than I remember. I don't know if the extended cut really fixed that much.
1 isn't perfect but I don't like the way 2 just streamlined out the RPG elements in favor of a game that plays like CoD, instead of refining the RPG elements. I hate how they got rid of the infinite ammo too. Mass Effect was always a fairly retard-proof RPG tho but at least the first game still feels like somewhat of an actual RPG.

There's a big change in the tone too btw, 2 gets noticeably edgier and "cooler" while 1 has more of a classic sci-fi feel.

I will not deny that 2 and 3 do certain things far better than 1 though, and 3 actually has great combat compared to 2's slow arcadey sloppa and 1's jank.
>music is good
>atmosphere is good
>when moments hit they really fucking hit
This is why.
sad truth
the story is largely irrelevant after 1 honestly. 2 is played for the companions/characters and the improved gameplay. what i meant by the suicide mission being awesome is how many decisions you get to make about who does what during the sequence of events, and how they can fail or succeed based on their relationship with you. it's really cool and i can't think of any other game that takes it that far. yes the story in 2 is mostly nonsensical, i can't even really remember the specifics other than "collectors bad" and the human reaper at the end. 3 tried to salvage the story, and honestly could have, had they implemented a similar final mission to the one in 2 - all the resources and allies you've made by that time should have factored in somewhat, with their success or failure depending on choices you made in their questline and others. the genophage quest would obviously affect the turian/salarians and the orphan themselves, the geth decision would affect the quarians, etc. which was pretty obviously what they were building up to before EA got their claws into Bioware.
1 > 3 > 2
It's the best (for me) because everything was new. I loved reading planets' descriptions and learning about new races.

I tried playing Andromeda, I really did. I invested 23 hours into it and while it had some moments - like pic related fight - it was just so fucking boring and I had to drop it.
probably the carbon metallurgy
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2 >>> 1>=3
If they planned ahead, ME2 should have been all about finding the plans to the Conduit and shit so it felt less like a Deus Ex machina ass pull.
I don't mind the streamlining because RPG combat was never one of Bioware's strengths. What I will complain about is the length of the combat missions. Put simply, they are too fucking long. It's not like Halo where the enemies run around and do interesting tactical things. ME2 gameplay is too basic and repetitive to sustain interest through those lengthy battle corridors.
ME1 has absolutely zero impact on the overall narrative of the trilogy. And after the release of ME3, the whole plot of ME1 becomes absolutely idiotic and illogical.

Although all this pointless messing with the Conduit was stupid and illogical from the very beginning.
Don't worry anon, once you get used to all the new hormones appearing in your body you won't be so negative and boring all the time.
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>The Reaper Invasion 2 years after the events of ME1
This. Some of the shit in ME1 was so fucking jank it sticks out to me to this day. The awful emptiness of most of the planets you can visit. The shit menus. The fucking menus. But the high points are so high it carries it big time. ME1 is best if you do as little exploring as possible sadly. It makes the series so much sadder in retrospect that from game 1 it was so clear what worked and what didn't and they didn't just keep expanding on the good and improving the bad.
I started playing ME1LE and I gotta admit I'm not very excited for it.
It has great moments, sure, but slowly jogging through the Citadel looking for quests gets old real fast and the camera is waaay too close to the character. Not to mention the wonky controls.
The highlight is revising the first meeting and interactions with to-be-buddy-buddies like Garrus and Wrex. It's so nice to see how joyful Garrus and Liara was before Omega and Shadowbreaker changed them.

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