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Dark Souls 2 was good, altought flawed compared to other Souls games. I would still place it below of DS3, but only by an small margin, and moslty because DS3 has refined gameplay.
Try to prove me wrong. You cant, get fucked and admit DS2 wasnt a bad game
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>>Dark Souls 2 was good
>he says while posting the inferior version
>he actually thinks ds3 is better
while DS3 is technically better, DS2 was actually a souls game. DS3 is just Bloodborne with swords
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Bait, scholar of the first sin made DS2 playable, base version is the biggest piece of dogshit to ever be called a "souls"
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DS2 is the best of the 3 and second best soulsborne. Anyone who disagrees needs to just admit these games aren't for them. Then they should kill themselves
you forgot the assrape you got at iron keep and shrine of amana?
> inferior version
> fixed pretty much all the bullshit from the original
You must be one of these shitters that run through levels aggroing every mobs and then complains that it's gankier than the original
Is DS2 actually good? I haven't played much of any souls like games but I picked up 2 a while ago and it's been sitting in my library
the best souls games are demon's souls, dark souls 1, and bloodborne. DS2 is on the lower end of the scale.
DS2, especially with Scholar of the First Sin are probably the most "fuck you" From Soft games. If you are a newbie, I would recommend starting with DS1. DS2 is just mean-spirited at times.
I'm proving you wrong - DaS2 is flat out better than DaS3
DaS3 is way too easy and linear and barely anything noteworthy got stuck in my head unlike other Souls games, DaS2 included.
DaS3 is pretty much only liked because of its massive sales numbers.
>fixed pretty much all the bullshit from the original

>Dragon in Heides
>Castle Horse
>like 18? Alonne Knights on the way to Smelter
>Petrified niggers everywhere
>Invisible niggers everywhere in the forest
>Dragon Aerie is made completely optional for no reason
>free summons everywhere
>fucked up lightning in places
>Falconers are now in regular NG but they still couldn't be bothered to fix their animations

And all this garbage without actually adding anything reasonable.
No fuck off, we are not doing this
>DS2 was actually the best
Reddit revisionism, dark souls 2 was an affront to God that ruined everything good from the original
>You liked the interconnected areas in dark souls? Now you get an elevator at the top of a windmill that goes up into a volcano that wasn't there before
>You liked how the game being slower when on medium/fat weight load made using light armor worth it? Now you get sluggish movements at any load also Lvl adp
And also before DS2 fags start saying
>B-but DS3 had to much fan service
Iron Keep is still small potatoes compared to new and improved Shrine of Amana. Because AT LEAST you can kite the Alonne Knights around. While those Amana bitches will just keep spamming you with homing missiles from across the map and from every direction.
Im going to do a NG++ run.
Tell me any ideas and recomendations for a Pyromancer build?
say what you want, DS2 had the best backstapping animations in the series.
>Dragon in Heides
you're supposed to come back later after you've beaten Dragonrider
>Castle Horse
before the 2 headed horse it was a ganky slog
>like 18? Alonne Knights on the way to Smelter
and most them are 1 on 1 figths , where before it was always at least 2 at the same time
>Petrified niggers everywhere
and branches everywhere
>Invisible niggers everywhere in the forest
you can run past most of them without aggro. also the priestess eye in the ice DLC now make them visible
>Dragon Aerie is made completely optional for no reason
it already was in the original
>free summons everywhere
oh no, more choices against bosses, the humanity
>fucked up lightning in places
and dark is now proper dark
>Falconers are now in regular NG but they still couldn't be bothered to fix their animations
scrapping the bottom of the barrel now are we
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>fills Dark Souls 3 with original DaS lore
>almost completely leaves out Dark Souls 2,
awwww does da wittle baby not wike it because it isn't HIS one?
is wittle miyazaki ignoring an entire third of a trilogy's lore just bceause HE didn't make it?

man, fuck this narcassistic egotistical little bitch.
same way Levine felt about Bioshock 2
What do you mean by 'fuck you' and mean spirited?

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