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>boomers really think this
yeah shes not wrong
>outdated lack of content scuffed version
it's ironic really
What does this have to do with conservatism
>Cosnervatives conserving 2011-era morality of evolutionism and gay marriage instead of actual morality
Sounds abouts right
true, minecraft went to shit when they introduced red stone
They hate progress and prefer to have less free will
>having to carry stacks of food for artificial difficulty

I just want to mine 8h underground

mine craft not mine eat
challenge is le bad
problem solving le bad
things were better back in muh day
Progress to what? Free will to do what?
Maybe it’s just nostalgia but I remember loving Minecraft on the 360 a lot more, felt less bloated too (before the last updates). Nowadays I just can’t into the game again.
> 360
I lost my v card before the 360 came out
>artificial difficulty
total mass reply fag death
>12 years ago
Use brain retard-kun
>what are mobs
>what is fall damage
>what is lava etc

go play terrafirma craft
I'd like a beta 1.7.3 mod that adds nether/ender dragon so I have a goal to aim for desu
>a goal to aim for desu
ender dragon takes like 20min to beat

u still need ur own goal with a single player world
the nether was added in alpha right before beta came out you can go there in 1.7.3
Old man
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For those unaware, 1.7.3 was the last version of Minecraft before The Adventure Update, which completely fucking ruined the game.

1. Introduced Hunger, preventing the player from simply playing at their own pace. Now, you're required to hunt or grow food and carry it with you.
2. Introduced NPC Villagers, meaning the world now contained active inhabited structures that weren't made by the player and didn't fit the player's chosen architectural style.
3. Introduced an entirely new world generation engine, creating far more "realistic" worlds with rivers and oceans, but were far less visually interesting and far more predictable.
4. Altered the game's color palette, making the graphics duller and less striking.

Pic related is what Minecraft used to be like. The game simply will not give you environments like this anymore.
Conservatives have never conserved anything except Israel and low taxation for corporations.
Can you play this version through the official launcher or do you have to torrent an old client?
>conservatives exist only in USA
You can play it through the official launcher.
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I'm sorry the survival mode has too many survival elements.
Glacier, home...
they do the same thing in every other country
not him but you really think "conservatives" of other western countries are any different? Just look at the UK for the last decade lmao
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you should be
>Just look at US vassal state bro
all posters above and below are dumb niggers
>noooooooooooo client states dont count
ok so what example am i to pick from then because you just killed a lot of potential ones.
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The taliban are pretty muslim conservative, one might say some of the most conservative, but they're still taking disadvantaged deals with china. Y'know despite chinese persecution of Muslims in the mainland. It's all about that cash in the real world
>2. Introduced NPC Villagers, meaning the world now contained active inhabited structures that weren't made by the player and didn't fit the player's chosen architectural style.
Even better, really. The original villages didn't even have anything in them aside from I think the blacksmith chest. 1.8 set the precedent of populating the map with random structures, which I hate
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Only if it serves a purpose beside making the game more tedious.
If you want more survival element, why hasn't they make a thirst, sleep, body temperature, and semen meters?
Faggot ass jew worshiping pussies. Anti-White scumbag collabotors for ZOG
>Only if it serves a purpose beside making the game more tedious.
It's called resource management, one of the most basic mechanics in a survival game
They aren't conservative, they're Muslim. They're not trying to conserve current day liberalism against the right, or worshiping kikes. Nothing conservative about them.
They're very prolific builders of infrastructure right now too. And unlike the conservative Neocons who occupied Afghanistan for 20 years, they prosecute boy fuckers instead of hosting them in military bases, putting them in government, and protecting them from locals.
That's autism for ya and this game in particular attracts a lot.
People who are on the spectrum develop a fanatical attachement to whothefuckcares? old textures/mechanics and percieve any change or new stuff as a personal attack
redstone was long before b1.7.3, b1.7.3 introduced hunger which killed the game
Food in Minecraft was never a challenge. It was just an inventory slot tax.
>2. Introduced NPC Villagers, meaning the world now contained active inhabited structures that weren't made by the player and didn't fit the player's chosen architectural style.
Who cares? You can easily kill them and level the ground.
it paces players and routes them. if you need to leave to refuel, then you need to remember more about the passages you've explored.
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funny how you immediately rush in to defend microsoft though
Is there a way to farm deepslate/andesite/calicite/tuff/granite?
I know basalt has soulsand and lava and something, there should be more shit like that.
What was your favorite “era” of Minecraft?
b1.8 was the one that added hunger
That's not wrong at all. My interest fell off hard after 1.8
I'm not autistic and agree with the OP. The game was just a bit more fun without the hunger mechanic. I don't really remember the particulars anymore, but I seem to remember the 1.8 update overhyping and underdelivering in my eyes on several fronts.
I first played the game while it was in alpha and just didn't think that the game was going to live up to some of the promises Notch made during its development by the time 1.8 was released. I had a lot of fun with it in the meantime at least.
for me it was 1.2.5
Except food wasn't stackable back then. A steak occupies an entire inventory slot.
If anything, the old system rewards survivability even more because you have a reason to avoid fall damage instead of tanking with 64 steaks.
Why play this game in anything but creative mode?
I thought village and pillage was the best we got. Once bees got added and they didn't name the nether creatures piggers it was all downhill
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Lmao, can’t wait to see this become reality
And somehow you think that's LESS tedious?
Make him an amerimutt and you struck gold.
Cube World
The crazy thing is that without these republicans we would be there and beyond already. They might fail at conserve literally anything, but they slow down the decay.
>breed literally anything
>have unlimited stacks of food, becoming just another chore you have to do everyonce in a while and the ONLY way to heal
>add ten billion useless blocks to increase inventory clutter
and then you have the phantoms, they honestly just hate the player
That's correct
i know im a dumb little retard :x
cube world has next to nothing in common with minecraft
but with that being said, alpha is one of the best games to exist
>challenge is le bad
What challenge? Food isn't a challenge, it's a quality of life decrease.
>problem solving le bad
What problem solving? Acquiring food isn't difficult. Even if you play as a vegetarian.

What part of food do you find challenging and/or confusing to acquire?
There is none of that in current minecraft.
There are no good vanilla versions of Minecraft.
Why does this thread read like everyone is on reddit?
anon that's exactly what /v/ is
You mean 1.12.2
You don't have to breed anything really. Just kill every animal you come across in the first 20 minutes and you have enough food until you reach the End.
mc food is just busywork
saving this for time capsule
Would you mind me asking how you know what this “Read It” website is like, anon? Are you a bit of a reader yourself?
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Yeah, it's gaming time.
Just play Minetest, opensource and easy to create mods
Cooking Delight and its derivatives are the best mods
This is why I prefer Vintage Story, at least that game doesn't pretend to not want to waste my time
>they prosecute boy fuckers
No, they prosecute man fuckers. Muslims are some of the worst boy rapists on the planet next to catholic priests.
>What challenge? Food isn't a challenge, it's a quality of life decrease.
What quality of life decrease? Explain how exactly did food ruin Minecraft
>What problem solving? Acquiring food isn't difficult.
Then why do so many faggots complain about it?
>Then why do so many faggots complain about it?
Because it is a boring mechanic that adds nothing to the game.
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You didn't answer my question on how adding food ruined Minecraft
It's just an annoying timer you have to refill constantly if you want to move faster
it doesn't even "scale" with how much food you have, you have to be at a full bar of hunger to regenerate health.

There was already a better, easier way to do sprinting, simply tie it to hearts, sprinting can regenerate and the more you lose health the less you can sprint.
>What quality of life decrease?
Having to carry a stack of useless shit just to reset a shitty timer isn't fun.
I never carried food before hunger because I wasn't bad at the game and thus didn't need healing.
You guys are bad at video games. You want games to be all easy.
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>believing Western propaganda
>believing Eastern propoganda
yeah we're on /v/
You realize the Dems in the 90s were raising taxes like crazy until Newt Gingrich came out with the Contract With America and won Reps their first majority win half a century, lowering taxes soon after for everyone right? Hell even Trump lowered taxes for citizens, people just only mentioned that those tax cuts applied to businesses as well.
>Hunger bar makes the game hard
What part of it is difficult?
You carry your daddy-may-I stack and when daddy says 'you've been playing a long time, how's about this bar decreases" you eat from your stack. Then your stack runs out and you have to go home to get more daddy-may-I tokens.
What type of pansy ass system is that?
>they prosecute boy fuckers instead of hosting them in military bases, putting them in government, and protecting them from locals.
You haven’t been paying much attention then clearly. Their country is also falling apart and will probably be split apart soon by ISIS.
Boomer here. I've never played Minecraft.
>conservative zoomer trannies
im a zoomer tranny
>what if every relevant building block could just be idle farmed bro
I fucking hate those developers so goddamn much. none of you nostalgia-pining zoomers even played minceraft in 2010/11 and it couldn't be more obvious
>anon is a larper and does not realise food didnt stack meaning he has to carry multiple stacks of unstackable food to heal
Minecraft doesn't benefit from more "survival." All it needs is monsters who accost you, not meter babysitting. There's not even any challenge in making 1k bread loaves. It's just another inventory clogging item in a game that now thinks there needs to be 5 kinds of rock and 10 kinds of wood (that can't stack together, mind you).
For me its 1.8.
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>the left: batshit insanity
>the right: that, but a little slower
food was the only way to heal in 1.7.3 and it was unstackable till 1.8
>what if every relevant building block could just be idle farmed bro
Best mod.
Anything after world gen fuck up is shit.
>1.7.3 Beta
>not 1.3 beta
Introducing beds and the save/sleeping mechanic was the first step to doom.
WHATS ACTUALLY HAPPENING: They are making it so villager trades have different stuff locked to biomes. So you can't camp on your slave breeding pen farming every enchant book and diamond gear using an infinite glass and paper dupe anymore and the brainlets are getting pissy.
So you just have to make one farm in each biome? lmao Such a great solution.
he did
you're just being pedantic now that you lost your argument
apologize or your mother drowns in her spit tonight
>Instead of having one villager breeder, you now need to have 1 per relevant biome
How is that better?
because its literally a bot thread scraping replies from reddit and reposting them here
Actually 1.7.10 was peak Minecraft.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Technically it does mean conservativism, which is how the past and tradition was better. So in here older minecraft is better, im not saying i agree, conservatism is barely a valid ideology, its pretty much "yesterday good" without much else.
Pol has unironic trad femboys, how they make that click together i don't know. Also for all the shit pol talks about fags as soon as a femboy show up you have like 20 polfags trying to fuck him.
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You can relieve the Xbox 360 nostalgia with mods
Hunger? Gay.

Instant eat to regain health? Straight.
Real conservatives want monarchy back
If someone says they're a conservative or a trad christian while browsing 4chan they are a larper 100% of the time and should be mocked and laughed at. They enjoy the aesthetic of it while frequenting a shithole of godless degeneracy for fun. Worse are the ones who try to pass off their shtposting as evangelism while doing nothing to actually improve their real-life community.
You can mod this into 1.21 btw. It’s actually pretty fun to have that mechanic with the new features
this is conforming to powergamers who rather jump hoops than engage with gameplay. just remove trades that aren't bread.
trading is "the game", and removing content makes a new game instead of making "the game" more grindy.
there's humor in making powergames more whiny but it's better to uproot them.
I want to sprint, though.

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