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>unironically never been surpassed
Seriously, name a single game that does the same thing HL1 does and does it better
Half-Life 2.
>gimmick rollercoaster with abysmal weapon- and enemy variety
>puzzle game
Halo has cutscenes
honestly while half life 2 is the superior game, half life 1 has better atmosphere, combat, and soundtrack. half life 1 has this soul that no other game has. not even black mesa managed to replicate it, hl1 is one of a kind
not video games
this is unclear OP
explain "what HL1 does" in 10 words or less
black mesa
>half life 2 is the superior game
Don't think so. HL1 is much more tightly designed, 2 sometimes feels like the tech demo that it basically is.
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>2005 through 2015
>Half Life 2 is treated as the greatest masterpiece ever
>No one even acknowledges Half Life 1 even exists
>fastfoward to the 2020s
>Half Life 1 is the more popular game
>Half Life 2 is seen as "oh yeah, that happened"
What caused this paradigm shift?
>HL1 is much more tightly designed,
it's the opposite, really. HL2's design is very, very tight. To the point of it being a detriment.
HL1 has a lot more "throw shit at the wall and see what sticks" aspects that lead to a lot more interesting gameplay and higher difficulty.

Casali remarks on this in his HL1 playthrough. Specifically, he brings up HL2's Dynamic Resupply System a bit and how it ended up lowering the difficulty a fair amount because players always got health and ammo when they needed it.
>honestly while half life 2 is the superior game, half life 1 has better atmosphere, combat, and soundtrack.
So 2 is not a better game?
2 is a game that was so technically impressive for its time that people were willing to look past the fact it's a boring piece of shit for the first 2/3 of the game.
I fail to see what was so impressive about it. Was it the physics? It certainly wasn't the graphics, even by 2004 standards.
Half Life 2 was a gimmicky game, just like people went crazy about 7th gen brown and bloom wagglan gaming but now we look back at that time with disgust.
It has the Valve name attached to it so people regard it highly despite however unjustified it may be.
I like Black Mesa more, although I only played it before they added new Xen, so can't really compare it properly yet.
But I guess you might say they are two side of the same coin.
No, different sort of game.
Hell no, overrated shit. Half Life is overrated too, but 2 is even more.
I hate how combine and slav shitholes took over the entire franchise
The episodes were a mistake
I don't like HL2s story, atmosphere and stupid characters that try to connect themselves to HL1 story.
I really think a lot of people have just not played HL2 in a long time and don't have that good of a recollection of what it's actually like to play.

Same reason that nobody ever talks about Ep1 and Ep2 anymore, despite there actually being some substantial additions and better level designs coming from HL2.
red faction
>that does the same thing HL1 does
What would that be?
Fear replicas are way more cooler than half-life grunts.
Stupid console tard with poor tastes or a contrarian. Red Faction isn't bad but no where near the same quality.

>INB4 cope or haha I'm based chad man picture because I like an average game more than a great one

Both of these are disingenuous and kind of pathetic desu
You also fight in the same offices and corridors over and over
FEAR has no iconic moments like Half Life
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A physics tech demo with shitty weapons is better? Valve didn't even give a shit about gameplay in Half-Life 2.
Not sure what you mean by "it"? Linear story driven first person shooter with scripted events and a contiguous game world?

If you remove the first person requirement Dead Space 2 did it better. Can't think of an FPS that did it better, HL2 is great but really took the story in a dumb direction and also traps you with some annoying character interactions that go on for too long. Black Mesa was one of the best parts of HL1 and they just threw it in the trash..
Opposing Force and Blue Shift are way better than this trash.
Leaving Black Mesa was the right move. Getting trapped in a particular location is creative death. See what happened with City 17.
>gimmick rollercoaster with abysmal weapon- and enemy variety
and HL1 is not this bercause...?
why the fuck wouldnt it connect to half life 1's story when the events of 1 directly lead to everything that happened to earth in 2, retard?
NTA, but it's well known and accepted that Half-Life 2's atmosphere doesn't quite match Half-Life's atmosphere, mostly because of personnel changes.
1) They lost Mike Harrington and Brett Johnson, who had served as a creative backbone that other guys had built on top of. To a lesser extent they also lost Gabe Newell, who left the Half-Life 2 team to work on Steam instead.
2) They gave too much creative direction power to Marc Laidlaw. As revealed in the 25th anniversary doc and admitted by Laidlaw himself in interviews, Marc Laidlaw contributed absolutely NOTHING to the original Half-Life. But somehow he ended up filling the power vacuum left by Harrington, Johnson, and Newell for Half-Life 2.
Xen ended up the way it did because they took Dario Casali and the other level designers off of Xen to work on multiplayer maps instead, leaving Brett Johnson almost completely alone on the Xen levels (minus the Gonarch section, which Randy Lundeen did). Every single other level had multiple designers working together to bounce ideas around and playtest away pain points.
Is there a port of this game that lets me play it without any loading screens?
What's so special about it?
hl2 has gimmicks (which is GOOD, because they're different, besides the gravity gun, there are vehicles, antlions and episodes have some shit i've forgot)
no one lives forever has better and more varying atmosphere
stalker has better gunplay (and better atmosphere again)
hot take: control and prey are better as well
also see
as much as Gaben praises gameplay, the fact that one of the arguments about hl1 superiority over other games is a presence of memorable cutscenes (okay they're not cutscenes because you control the character, but rocket launch is not a gameplay either because you can't lose) is demonstrative
port it to ssd instead of a 2005 hdd
Because it just isn't.
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Dust has settled.
Everything Source (GMOD, TF2, CS etc.) was peak of fun at the moment during that time, so everybody just ignored HL1.
Now Source is kind of dying down, there's barely anything new to enjoy and people start to notice that HL1 is the better from the perspective of time.
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wolfenstein new order was an awesome single player fps
that and the cod campaigns from mw1 to bo1

still hoping for a Killzone Shadow Fall pc port
>Opposing Force
>Blue Shift
Fuck no
Half-Life 2 and Source are objectively better than Half-Life and Goldsource.
People don't just suddenly "notice things" with time, it's just changing subjective tastes and fads. In another 10 or 20 years you'll see it cycle again.
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>Run. Think. Shoot. Live.
Already did that, but I'm surprised nobody has bothered to make some kind of sourceport of it that just turns the game into one big map by now.
You're saying that as if it is super easy and straightforward to pull off
Not my intention. I guess all that effort went to Black Mesa instead.
Half Life didn't need a sequel in the first place.
It's a cool trap and if you fucking pay attention it's not hard to respond quickly
>Half-Life 2 and Source are objectively better than Half-Life and Goldsource.
It's objectively not.

>shooting feels better
>better roster of weapons without any peashooters
>better enemy variety
>better pacing and level design

Half-Life is just way more timeless. It's the closest an FPS got to a perfect 10/10. Half-Life 2 might have been better back when all the technical progress has been new, but once you get used to it, it's not really that mindblowing.
Because now that all the gameplay novelty has worn out of both as every good idea they had had now become industry standard, you remember it more for the setting and story. While hl1 story was simpler it was also clean where as hl2 story felt one step from a plot hole every step of the way. Also the setting is better in hl1 (area 51) compared to the amalgamation of generic commie block/farmland with aliens that was city 17.

Id say it's mostly the setting that puts it over the edge.
Red Faction
Half Life 2
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Half life 2 makes my physically ill, its the only game to ever give me motion sickness
Breen, for example, was never a character before, but they try to retroactively say that he was in Black Mesa, not to mention that him being some sort of pro Combine Quisling is even more silly.
Combine would not care, frankly they would have just offed humanity, although why would they even want to invade in the first place...
I just don't like this shitty story. Doesn't fit with HL1 at all.
even further defense required
I think it's mainly the level design that makes HL1 so superior to other shooters. HL2 is okay but not as tight
Whacky 90's action.
Cat Quest.
>Breen, for example, was never a character before, but they try to retroactively say that he was in Black Mesa
That was Gabe Newell's idea, and therefore a good idea. Gabe pushed for making Breen the unnamed Administrator of Black Mesa.
Streamed airsoft contains the elements of running, thinking, shooting, and is live. OP never specified video game.
NTA, but what?
i don't remember how the shooting feels between the games, but
>better roster of weapons without any peashooters
hl1 enemies feel much more like bullet sponges, therefore the weapons feel more like peashooters
>better enemy variety
both have headcrabs and soldiers and barnacles, what hl1 has over hl2? vortigaunts?
>better pacing and level design
while having no ravenholm and higway for variety?
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>have urge to replay HL2
>remember the boat and car chapters exist
>urge immediately dies
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>remember the best chapters in the game exist
>play the fuck out of the game
Half life ruined fps games and can’t be compared to games like doom or rise of the triad
gayben is not my messiah, so no
Half-Life defined FPS games. Doom was boring as shit.
HL2 is still good, but it's not as in-depth as HL1, there's no choice of being able to kill allies, create traps, do a lot of stuff that was in HL1, the AI is worse in HL2, you can't move or break certain types of cover, I don't really blame valve for it being lackluster because they had a meager one year to redo the game because it got leaked, but it could've been better
Half Life 2 is a bad sequel.
ok zoomie
>caring about the opinions of a youtuber who rates every call of duty a 10/10
HL2 was even better. I liked all the things people disliked, especially the air boat and buggy sections.
Nothing is more transparent than a zoomer larping as an oldfag
Opposing Force.
>hl1 enemies feel much more like bullet sponges, therefore the weapons feel more like peashooters
The higher health enemies appear when you already have higher grade weapons like the tau, explosives, crossbow and so on. The earlier weapons are still used on weaker enemies.
In HL2 you pretty much never use the pistol and you use the smg only if you somehow run out of ammo for everything else that's better.
HL1 also has just a way more interesting roster: bioweapons, multiple explosives, energy weapons.

>both have headcrabs and soldiers and barnacles, what hl1 has over hl2? vortigaunts?
>three zombies and headcrabs, with three different behaviours
>human enemies: three combines with different health and weapons
>enviromental enemies: barnacles, turrets, leeches and rollermines
>boss enemies: chopper, guardian, gunship, strider

>no infighting, you most likely fight one group at a time

>headcrabs and zombies
>four xen wildlife enemies with different behaviours
>three sentient alien enemies with different behaviours
>human enemies: HECU marines and black ops assassins
>enviromental enemies: barnacles, leeches and turrets
>boss enemies: tentacle, gargantua, apache, tank, osprey, gonarch, nihilanth

>has infighting

>while having no ravenholm and higway for variety?
Yes, the only actually bad parts in HL1 were Residue Processing and the platforming section in Xen. HL2 had shit like the Citadel, most of Route Kanal and all the exposition parts.
HL2 plays way better with the VR mod
Or someone pretending they played Doom when it was released
>>no infighting, you most likely fight one group at a time
there's an entire chapter designed around infighting
CS always had better gunplay
kys Randy
CoD4 was better as a kino-shooter. Mechanically a lot of games are better nowadays.
HL1 doesn't have sections where it goes wow! Physics! Even if ravenholm and highway 17 are fun they still are "gimmicky" (Water hazard is irredeemable and bad)
The weapon variety is also way weaker than Hl1 due to weapon nerfs in the translation to 2 and the lack of well defined rolls in the sandbox
combat is noticeably lacking in 2
did he ever talk about cod outside of 4? I don't even remember that too well
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Black Mesa released in 2020 and actually gets underagefags to play the "original" (in a manner of speaking)
>still hoping for a Killzone Shadow Fall pc port
it wouldn't be worth it
This video is garbage
He calls HL2 generic as opposed to HL1
This nigger should get his video essayist license revoked
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Airboat and buggy are fine, if a little dry to replay since you know the exact route. For me, HL2 really lacks enemy variety. You spend way too much time gunning down basic Civil Protection and Combine who offer almost zero variety in combat, and the "alien" presence in the game is boiled down to headcrab zombies and antlions. All the cool ideas got left on the cutting room floor. There's WAY less types of cool alien shit going on than HL1.
The bullsquid and houndeye almost made it into the final release. Almost.
>click at random point of the video
>talks how le epic the alien weapons were
yes he actually says that that awful shit that barely had any use are good
>and they did not just pull crossbow out of their ass
it's a tranq gun that can kill turrets
you could go through all of the video and point out this ridiculous shit
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It might have helped. But not really. You remember how you felt when HL1 dropped? Like everything was weird and alien and bizarre to you. But that feeling is gone on the endless replays. You know what a houndeye is. You know what a bullsquid is. You accept that they exist and are almost normalcy now. Sure they're fun throwbacks to HL1, but Half-Life NEEDS to feel alien and strange. And that's why it's so disappointing that everything HL Valve made since HL2 (Episode 1, episode 2, Alyx) is so... familiar. Show me cool new stuff that fucks with my brain again. I want to feel weirded out and uncomfortable.
That's as much infighting as the rebels shooting combine soldiers.
Infighting is two of your enemies fighting, like HECU and Aliens.
This. There's something wholly unique about getting stuck in the middle of two factions trying to kill each other while neither associate with you.

Antlions battling combine was fun, but aside from the guard bosses who can't be controlled, they are essentially just your personal weapons.
>, but Half-Life NEEDS to feel alien and strange
thats how I felt about the combine
The combine was basically HECU 2: Electric Boogaloo. But some of their tools (Strider, dropships) were satisfyingly alien. Advisors are cool, but barely scratched on. And honestly I'm not sure how they're going to make such OP creatures fightable if they can just psychic grab you and pin you every time they show up.
I think you guys are overestimating how frequently you find marines fighting xen aliens in hl1
Probably they were going to make you somehow immune to their grab in Episode Three, and then combat would be about them throwing stuff at you and you throwing it back at them with the gravity gun. The basic code of the grubs picking up and throwing stuff at you was already in place in Episode Two.
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Picrel is the best thing to come out out since HL2.
>source: bro, trust me
fuck off faggot
Most scenes involve a fight between you and one or the other, but you see xen-life maul the marines enough times that you never forget you're caught in the middle.
Literally what?
contrarianism by old dudes, hl2 became popular with zoomers so now the older one is the actually good one
>It certainly wasn't the graphics
what? It looked pretty good for 2004, especially the character models.
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I enjoyed it, but for better or worse, it's such blatant fan-wank. Working in elements of Portal and Opposing Force (sometimes at the same time). The story is also a little heavy-handed with Mr. Talky Protag, but oh well.
i agree
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Anon, HL2 was groundbreaking for its scalable graphics, and facial rigging. You are literally retconning history pretending it wasn't impressive.
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Played HL2 until the part in the sewers with the forced boat, dropped that shit so hard.
I don't see how people called this the best game ever for a decade.
What the fuck was the deal with the supposedly planned Episode Three Vortiguant? I've been searching since 2007 and have never found any record anywhere of an 'unused middle name' that Charles Dickens considered but rejected when naming the character Uriah Heep.
The variety comes from the setpieces and level designs. There's also way more variations of specific enemy types than you had in HL1. Multiple types headcrabs, multiple types of Combine, etc. All you had in HL1 was one type of headcrab, one type of marine. Also I dont know why but no one seems to count niche enemies like manhacks, scanners, striders, etc as enemies. They are. Also the aliens that were in Hl1 just weren't fun to fight. So I really dont miss fighting them.
Hell, most devs STILL haven't normalized the use of anything on par with Valve's facial rigging (which was co-developed with the help of a facial muscle expert). Everybody just cheaps-out and uses face scanning.
Face scanning is not cheap.
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>All you had in HL1 was one type of headcrab, one type of marine.
One type of headcrab, yes. One type of marine? False. We had MP5 AND shotgun marines. There's also more superficial variety with beret guys and stuff if you want to get technical.

And to be honest, I don't know why headcrab subspecies is much to brag about. Sure poison headcrabs give you a heart attack the first time you suffer their sting, but their level placement is almost always in a room by themselves. The odds of you dying because of their side-effect is virtually nil, unless you go pester the poison zombie in melee range like an imbecile.

>Also I dont know why but no one seems to count niche enemies like manhacks, scanners, striders, etc as enemies.
I agree. Well, not scanners. Not really. They're just flying battery delivery.

Still, even if you count these minor enemies, the count comes out in favor of HL1. And HL1's are way more diverse because you don't need to count 3 kinds of skittering crabs.
I found the "lore" behind the combine to be the really interesting aspect for me. The usage of modified humans and aliens as foot soldiers things like that. Their command structure and how the combine functions as an empire across dimensions that was the interesting aspect. I also think the "combine technology courrupting human made stuctures" was a really cool alien aspect to the combine but I wish they made that more prevalent with the citadel
The scanners get used as flashabangs by combine later on. Which again adds to the encounter variety and scenario designs HL2 is so good at.
>We had MP5 AND shotgun marines.
And you have CP. mp7 and AR2 and Shotgun overwatch too.
>There's also more superficial variety with beret guys and stuff if you want to get technical.
No their isn't. The different types of OW look different and can have more armor, different tactics, You have the White OW

The bullsquids and houndeyes are barely any more than atmosphere set dressing. They're not threatening whatsoever so I dont see how they're much to brag about either. You have tons of variety of enemies in HL2. You have the tanky zombies that throw headcrabs at you. The fast zombies that scale buildings.
Abiotic Factor is a pretty good if you want that HL vibe
the novelty wore off
HL2 setting is pretty boring since everyone is trying to do something similar.
half life is is one of the most overrated games ever made, and gamers are subhuman for shilling this pinnacle of mediocrity, all of the fps listed below are far superior
>Painkiller Black
>Perfect Dark
>Bioshock 2
>Soldier Of Fortune
>Metro 2033
>Riddick Escape From Buther Bay
>Quake Arcane Dimensions
>Clive Barkers Undying
>Turok 2
That looks like Pools.
>No their isn't.
OK, let's count it out.
HL1 had:
>Slave (Vortigaunt)
>Alien Grunt
>Alien Controller
>HECU Marine
>HECU Shotgun
>Sniper (more of a map entity but I think it counts)
>Abrams tank
>Bradley tank
>Baby crabs
>Big turret (You won't see many of these at least until you install Sven Coop, but they exist)
>Tripod turret

HL2 had:
>HC Zombie
>FC Zombie
>Poison crab
>P Zombie
>Civil Protection
>Combine trooper
>Shotgun trooper
>Combine sniper
>Combine elite
>Combine turret
>Those soccer mine ball things
>Antlion guard

Am I missing anything? Because by my count HL1 wins.
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>tfw combine could be a surreal body horror nightmare bathroom instead of metal industrial synth triangle tower

I kinda hated it. I didn't like the story and the delivery was obnoxious. Gameplay was kinda neat, but overstayed its welcome. I completely forgot about the Aperture Science Section.

The voiced protagonist was beyond annoying, holy shit.
Ah shit, I forgot strider. And if you want to be generous you can count the dropship but I don't think you can kill them. They're not really an enemy if you can't interact with em.
The gunships, scanners
Opposing Force was better.
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Gunships, yes. I'll even add tanks because they function as turrets during certain segments. I forgot to include vehicles in my list.

Scanners? No. If you want to count things that just float and take your picture, I'm going to add boids and cockroaches to HL1's "enemy" list.
The scanners get used to do more than that later in the game.
Such as? To the best of my memory nobody ever straps a gun to one.
is this a liminal space game or something?
I told you. The combine throw them out and they fly around and flash you during combat. Why would that not count? Clearly more so than a cockroach.
They throw out manhacks. When do they ever throw out scanners? I don't remember them efer doing this.
Well they do. It's late in the game.
Even if I add that to the list, HL2 still falls short of the first game. So it's not like this nitpick wins you anything.
Falls short of what? I told you HL2 has more variety of specific enemy types. Which is just a fact. I dont think enemy variety is really HL1's strong suit either way. It's not Serious Sam. It's probably the least good thing about the game and i'm perplexed people hold this thing over HL2 like it makes the game better. It's the journey and level variety that makes HL2 good. Not fighting a hundred different types of enemies. Who are these people playing either HL1 or HL2 because it's some amazing shooter? The vortigaunts, the bullsquids, the houndeyes...they're bad enemies. It's obvious to anyone whose played Quake or Serious Sam. The Aleins in Halo are way more fun to fight then the aliens in Half Life. Why Half Life's enemy roster is seeming so important I don't fucking know.
I just really love massive deep and complex underground structures. Black Mesa is like a classic cursed RPG dungeon but in a scifi setting and traversed in reverse (you're trying to get out). HL2 doesn't have anything that captures that same claustrophobic feeling of not knowing how many miles of bedrock is pressing in on the walls around you or being forced to return to the hellish depths after getting one glimpse of the surface.
I'm playing through Black Mesa and while HL is the better game overall, BM's vibe and atmosphere and use of environments and lighting is honestly incredible.
shield scanners drop mines
I genuinely appreciate many of the expanded areas from the original. But I think they shouldn't have caved to old "On a rail" complaints. It was shitty to cut that part short.
I hate Half-Life 2.
This was the beginning to movie games
>The vortigaunts, the bullsquids, the houndeyes...they're bad enemies.
Fuck off. Based on what?

>It's obvious to anyone whose played Quake or Serious Sam. The Aleins in Halo are way more fun to fight then the aliens in Half Life.
>Serious Samfag and Halofag thinks he's in a position to criticize any other game's enemies
Jesus christ. What a glass house you live in. You couldn't have picked shooters that feel more like chores to play.
RE 4
black mesa is soulless somehow, the gameplay is also less fluid and the xen section goes on and on with annoying puzzles
5/10 compared to a 9/10 of classic honestly

yes half life 1 is better than half life 2 because no long winded cut scenes though hl2 is a 7 i would say
What exactly does HL1 do again? Other than being a ok-ish shooter?
>bullsquids, the houndeyes
the fact no one has ever died to them ever.
Their slow, have one easily telegraphed attack, are not fun to fight whatsoever
>Serious Samfag and Halofag
Anyone not a HL1 fanboy would agree Elites are better enemeis than vortigaunts. They move, are smart, have tactics, can actually kill you. Everything a good enemy should have. Jesus Christ. And Serious Sam enemies are good because of the way they mix together. Hl1 enemies dont do that.
>b-but not quake cause that has good enemies
fuckin lol. Could you be any more /v/pc
they should have hired me to do gman instead
Because that's simply not possible. The closest you will get is the sven coop conversions as the team was given access to the goldSRC code and they modified the engine to allow much bigger maps.

.bsp format has a limited amount of memory reserved for specific things, whether it's lighting, entities, brushes, etc. Even Source engine limits cannot handle the entirety of HL1 in a single .bsp file.
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>massive focus on exploration
>highly detailed environments
>highly interactive environments
>advanced (for the time) AI that sees, smells, hears and evaluates more than just the player as threats
>NPC's who follow and some who even fight
>skeletal animation system (pretty new for the time)
And too much other shit to list.
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>the fact no one has ever died to them ever.
Houndeyes, maybe. But you also stop seeing them once you have weapons better than a pistol. Unless this is a criticism you're leveling against Blue Shift. Which admittedly overused them.
But bullsquids? They are tanky as fuck, can bullseye you from a mile away with their spit, and you encounter them in close quarters several times throughout the game. You probably will die to them once.
>Their slow, have one easily telegraphed attack, are not fun to fight whatsoever
Confirmed Easy-mode player.
>massive focus on exploration
It's literally a linear shooter

>highly detailed environments
for the time, yes

>highly interactive environments
ok cool

>advanced (for the time) AI that sees, smells, hears and evaluates more than just the player as threats
you're just rambling here, the AI is good but nothing too crazy

>NPC's who follow and some who even fight
Dude their shit, like come on..
>It's literally a linear shooter
Doesn't feel like it, because you're always climbing through vents, across catwalks, over rubble, and leaping across chasms. Half-Life FEELS like you're exploring. Few other games did this good of a job with level design.
>you're just rambling here, the AI is good but nothing too crazy
I encourage you to educate yourself.
Marph's videos go way in-depth about the advanced behaviors behind the scenes of HL. It is absolutely "crazy." So crazy they forgot to put the player in situations that showcase all the features they packed in under the surface.
>NPC's who follow and some who even fight
Anon, this was in 1998. I know you weren't born yet, but come on.
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A literal overhead 2D map. And a whole 1 year before HL? Yes, truly HL did nothing to up the stakes there. Try harder.
Halo CE
Consolation accepted.
c-c-c-combo cope!
The word you're looking for is concession not consolation Rasheed.
Thanks for the catch, Rajesh. See you at the call center tomorrow.

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