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/v/ - Video Games

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what the fuck is wrong with you niggas
Based working class white man NEETs can stay seething
>Sorry, I only play one online game at a time
I do this with single player games but online? That's retarded
wtf is this logic? but i too would make up insane reasons not to play with you OP (I don't know you but you're probably insufferable since you're here)
whats wrong with that
>nooo stp having fun with what you enjoy and download an entire other full price game to play what i want
bet you have an anime profile, selfish people always do
The contrarians have arrived
>bet you have an anime profile
it's a wizard
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>said wizard
>download an entire other full price game
Not OP but Infinite is free and MCC isn't full price
Why is it always a game no one has even heard of? this nigga isn't even talking about the Ultima Underworld successor from a decade ago neither.
post more
>working class NEETs
Dude, what?
>Based working class white man. NEETs can stay seething
Fixed it since you and that anon are retarded
>Fromshill marketers on /v/ are real
Fucking kek
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Every single person I've added from 4chan is either weird as fuck or extremely paranoid, plus a couple of phoneposters who just wanted to be fed porn for some reason
>anime reaction image
Yeah, I bet you're part of the problem too
i'm nice and not like that. i have at least two people i met off of here vouch for that :)
I'd like to see Anonymous use a semicolon at least once.
Why in gods name would you try to meet the people who post here? It's nonstop vitriol, the only time they stop autistically posting hate rants is when they're being rapey
you can leave whenever you want, nobody is forcing you to stay
>Add guy to play TF2 with
>He randomly starts ranting about how all his failings are because black people exist and he deserves success because he's white
Its just people who spend all day on computer making excuses on why they don't do shit
Same experience.
What games have you been playing recently?
Nah, my point is you're probably weird as fuck too and lack any sense of self awareness. There's a common pattern here if every person you meet is weird as fuck or paranoid. You are the common denominator.
>anime website
Yes I'm talking about retards like you, someone who makes assumptions and takes them as facts
I use it plenty; not always correctly
Here's an observation that's also fact: you're mad and gay lmfao
That works in real life when you aren't pulling from an anonymous pool of people. Sorry bud, you simply post on a website full of retards.
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Where do you think you are?
Yeah you're one of them, sorry bro.
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Anyone but you, right?
>diamond-dozen narcissistic judgmental normalfag drive-by shitposting
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Is this a psyop pushed on white men?
I need to see her take a bbp
Never said that at all. You lack self awareness, routinely trying to make friends on this website thinking something would change. But it doesn't, and you're not above the so called you retards you're calling out. Go make friends organically in video games or real life, rather than being like some discord tranny trying to make 'friends' here.
>newfag obsessed with forced maymays
>yawnfagging on /vee/
im not even new you fucking tranny ive been here since january
learn how to write in english
/v/ermin aren't normal and well adjusted people? say it ain't so.
This idea that I'm above retards is your own insecurities filling in the blanks, my boy. I'm not the guy you quoted talking about the friends he makes here. It's hilarious you're trying to put the demographic of this place on him for some reason.
Post profile
Add me as a friend if you want your asshole violently ripped out in any strategy game.
If anyone is interested, just add me up. You are all such prudes
English is a shit pleb language that has no cultural value beyond pure pragmatic purposes. To have some sort of respect or veneration for it to the point "speaking correctly" matters to you beyond the minimal necessary conveyance of information is just beyond cringe.
>102 hours in payday 3
holy SHIT such dogshit taste
>buy the newest FOTM dude let's play
my friend does this every week
I don't wanna spend 60€ on these games ok
am I a jerk?
If its so easy why are you fucking it up O' venerable one of the articulate ascended? Does thou knowst what thy mind is stricketh by? Pray, let thine thoughts be as wine and pour them into the cup that is this revered communing ground of dipshit debauchery. O wisened soul.
what the fuck it's literally porn
written english is fine, spoken english is retarded, english as a whole is okay at best
still, I expect people to know how to properly write their native language, since ESL can do it, sometimes even better than mutts
>comma is male-coded
>colon is female-coded
semicolon is tranny shit
this so fucking much
Yeah, whatever dog barks and monkey screeches you call a language is surely more culturally significant
the sad part is that it's very probable this is an unironic post
Yeah, most of you think that while sounding like you're chewing on a wedge of rubber while doing a limerick.
whats wrong with this?
I use them all the time. If you're using commas in a series, but have to use commas in the sentence otherwise, you should separate those sections of the sentence with a semicolon.
women cannot code
Uh, chud, what about Jamie Faye Fenton and Danielle Bunten Berry?
still waiting
Oil up lilbro
Anime website
i found a 4chan user in a game 8 years ago (i think he used /pol/). Spouted some shit about libertarianism, i didn't care for politics at the time and still don't so i asked him if he's left leaning (thought he meant liberal) and he went on an autistic rambling about how they're not the same and explained what it meant (i still don't know). Then he told me to exchange pictures, turns out he was a 14 year old kid from poland.
people like this share the board with you, let that skin in
That's probably not his profile. Anybody can link any profile and say its theirs

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