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what happened in 2008
nothing good
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The world went to shit.
king nigger obama
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jews increased their attacks on western civilization
In the early 2000s, suits realised there was gold in them vidya hills.

2007 onwards, they went digging.
smartphones gave the average brainlet easy access to the internet.
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i graduated high school. And i guess about half the posters here were born, but most were probably after that
Normalfags entered the hobby and by extension extensive viral marketing became lucrative.
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Gaming journos were exposed as paid shills
>stakeholder capitalism
I don't know what these terms mean anymore post-jewish hijac, but the original idea behind "stakeholder capitalism" was to consider the effect a corpo's activity has on the local population (i.e. stakeholders aka peoole who suffer the consequences, as opposed to shareholders who live in gated communities on the other side of the country). e.g. polluted rivers and groundtable, carcinogens, toxic fumes, floods.
what would happen if everyone just took their money out of the bank?
well, theyd probably just print more as they need it.
Right now? Absolutely nothing. Reserve requirements have been waived since covid. There is literally nothing stopping banks from loaning as much 'money' as they care to, except the creeping suspicion reserve requirements might one day be reinstated (margin call).
Ben 10 alien force came out and nothing could ever really live up to that quality ever again
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everything you can imagine
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>got my first permaban from 4chan in 2007
the memories...
Top left picture is ironic you moron, all the shows at the bottom are older than 2007.
Thanks, Obama!
über casualisation of gaming
Obama got elected so liberalism went into hyperdrive
that started with the PS1. PS1/N64 games were piss baby easy compared to SNES/Genesis games.
Kinda but casuals fully took over by the 6th and 7th gen, pretty much when arcades became completely irrelevant
Until the 6th gen games were good.
On the 7th gen they became fratboy dudebro shit for casuals.
From there it kinda mutated in woke shit for trannies, shit was bizarre to look at.
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Yeah I thought that was a bit strange, saying KyoAni invented the concept of moe in 2007. I figured they must have meant reinvented or reinvigorated or something, resulting in more vanilla moe SoL (Azumanga-lites), I didn't even pay attention to the images afterward
This never woulda happened if Atari still reigned. Just wait until I build my time machine.
Occupy wall street failure is the exact moment when the internet becomes shit, as everything else gradually including vidya
2007 was the single best year in gaming
Games became political
>Obama got elected so republicans were completely mindbroken over a black Dubya II and shifted further to the right
Wokeness just ruined the entire world. Everyone agrees the political climate is awful and people are more divided and hateful than ever, but not many know it all started in 2012, instead they just blame each other like retards.
it started in 1792
2008 financial crisis was a massive thing that changed how everything is done now.
honestly not sure about identity politics but felt like those wack ass social justice movements amplified like crazy after ows
monarchists are so fucking cringe. go live in saudi arabia if you love them so much. you won't.
>gonna have to wait at least 30 more years for all the old retarded Republicans to die and finally be replaced with actual humans
this sucks
How much woke do you want the world to be? What is still lacking?
We need to take this shit back to 1492 then
No, you ruined the entire world
a black guy became president and you racist losers couldn't stand it so you decided to drag everyone else down into the trash with you.
You genuinely deserve to be tortured to death
I don't know the exact year but the modern social-political climate absolutely started earlier than 2012, I first noticed the changes in 2010
I wasn't even racist back then.
Leftists started infiltrating videogames
if the world were actually as left as you claim then every megacorp that exists right now like microsoft, apple and so on would have been sued into oblivion for anti trust reasons ages ago
The megacorp shit is the leftism you're fighting for anon, they're one of the biggest pushing force of your ideals, that's why you have been defending them saying they can do whatever they want since they're private companies. Fucking lmao what do you think you're doing following those woke dogmas?
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The fact that you still feel safe even asking such an inhumane question on a public forum, for starters.
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Wait but I thought leftists wanted the government to meddle with private industry more. Moe regulation, forcing them to make gay wedding cakes, and so on. We might be straying a little from the topic of videogames here
Proto incels started review bombing out of butthurt. It really took off with SWTOR
Leftists have always been involved in Video Games, this is moreso the Corporations fault
Corporations aren't leftist, their existence is antithetical to leftism, believing otherwise is mental illness
Oh yeah #theresistance, if you weren't so hypocritical you would call them out on using your ideals for profit (if you actually believe that), but you celebrate it instead. Newsflash: they invented all that shit and you ate it up, woke shit is intrinsically inseparable from corporations.
Ignore most other answers apart from jews.
A literal recession which caused budget cuts and stagnation of the games industry.
Punp out Battlefield and COD, more Mortal Kombats and brand names, who cares about the writing, just milk it we need the money start adding skins and dlc.
Trump-brained retard
most intelligent leftoid gaslighter
no, lefty needs to support every GaaS and defend its devs now so they can put continue to push fat dykes into media to own chuds and destroy all that male gaze
I've been considering shifting to only consuming media made in 2007 or earlier.
>you dont like we uglified everything on purpose for DEI points? woah man, you better lock your doors tonight, that opinion is not allowed, it won't help you btw, we will find you man, and we will fucking kill you for wrongthink
this is the retard using words like "inhumane" btw
why is this post glowing?
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idk i was in iraq most of 2007 and half of 2008 lol
all i know is things felt like shit when i came back like the guy who came home with boxes of pizza
>The megacorp shit is the leftism you're fighting for anon
nope, megacorps are all republican, regardless of how much you losers screech that it's us
hint hint, socialism is incompatible with capitalism. Use your head
denying goods and services based on race, sex etc. is a violation of constitutional rights
that's why you have to bake the cake you retard
>y axis doesn't start at 0
graph discarded
The internet has too many thirdworlders on it now, and they all started getting phones around then. Blame Apple.
Shitty 7th gen ports released. The early 360 and especially PS3 had some games rushed out the door with atrocious performance. Also it was peak Wii shovelware era. Before and after the dip is pretty level scores.
its called progressivism, or wokeism, or neoliberalism
leftism is a dead ideology
nobody cares
nobody is actually leftist today
its a falsely used blanket term
same way wokeists use nazi
I forget sometimes that autists cannot fathom the concept of sarcasm. I figured using that image would be enough, but alas. Your next line is tossing accusations of
>I-I was just pretending to be retarded :D
If you think women should be able to murder their babies then yes you are a leftist
no, that's what teddy roosevelt was
which is distinct from liberalism
which is different from neoliberalism
which is different from communism.
Go back to school, retard and stop posting you have no fucking idea what you're talking about and it's embarrassing
A recession, zoomer
your sarcasm was way too similar how actual leftoids faggots reply
ive seen it before on different sites
Few here will admit it, but with regards to discourse on this site and possibly elsewhere, it actually all boils down to this.
The world ended. We're in hell.
critics got smarter because games became recognized as art just like movies eventually did whilst the audience has gotten more and more stupid because now you have Muslims, Indians and all sorts of people online, playing videogames and losing their shit that civilized countries give people rights unlike in their shitholes
There, that's why critic scores went up and user scores went down
expecting certain (people) to change words around as seem desirable for today, since the broccoli head can be made to parrot everything with a $100 gift to an influencer
Blackrock/ Vanguard took over
*to NOT change words
you dumb fuck, you are the one who needs to go back to school
you are just proving my point by listing all these different labels that all refer to the same basic ideology
progressivism, liberalism, neoliberalism, communism, its all just different flavors of the same poisonous kool-aid
the core belief that unites all these ideologies is the idea that human nature is malleable, and that society can be engineered and perfected through top-down control by a centralized authority
whether that authority is the government, the media, academia, or the corporate elite, it doesnt matter
the end goal is always the same, to create a utopian society where everyone thinks and acts in accordance with the prevailing progressive orthodoxy
and anyone who dissents from that orthodoxy is branded as a heretic, a bigot, a reactionary, or worse
its all part of the same totalitarian impulse to control every aspect of human thought and behavior, and to crush any form of dissent or deviation from the progressive party line
and thats why i say that leftists arent real, because they are not a coherent political ideology with a consistent set of principles and values
they are a secular religion, a cult of wokeness that demands absolute obedience and conformity from its adherents
and like all cults, they are fundamentally irrational and immune to reason or evidence
they will simply dismiss any facts or arguments that contradict their worldview as "hate speech" or "misinformation", and retreat further into their echo chambers of self-righteous delusion
so dont lecture me about political labels and definitions, you fucking npc
/pol/tards don't know anything about actual political science so they don't know the vocab words. They only know what their grifters tell them
>progressivism, liberalism, neoliberalism, communism, its all just different flavors of the same poisonous kool-aid
they are all completely distinct ideologies and methods for running a country.
Go back to school
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People seriously compare themselves - in a positive light - to motherfucking Big Brother from George Orwell's novel 1984, without a hint of self awareness or irony? lol I do not believe you.
50 should be the average, not 60 or 70.
leftoid fotm buzzword detected, bot confirmed, entire shitpost ignored
>without a hint of self awareness or irony?
You remember we are talking of people thinking they can be the cute girl with enough injections
>/pol/tard accidentally describes his own ideology whilst attempting to shit on liberals
LMAOOO the only one trying to control people is you
you want to control people's bodies and tell them who they're allowed to have sex with. Just kill yourself and save us all the headache
Okay you got me there.
case in point, literal pavlovian response right here
>most intelligent leftoid gasligther
if i could yawn so hard into your soul you'd die right there, right now, i'd honestly do it, you are so fucking boring with your retarded, unintelligent, ignorant, uneducated shitposts i literally feel like watching the paint dry is a better waste of my time than your typcial cookie cutter "LMAO IM A LEFTIST FAGGOT, HAHA YOU ARE WRONG! WHY? IDK LOL! IM RIGHT! HAHA YOU LOST!" shit
jesus fucking christ
how do you breathe on your own?
lol, the data bears out users saying "old good, new bad" while the corpo shills being shills.
I accept your concession bot. You can go back to your master and tell him that you failed.
>unhinged response because he knows I nailed him
stop trying to take people's rights away and they won't treat you like shit, every single problem you subhumans face is the result of your actions, you try to kick innocent people when they're down and now they're banding together to push you back and you're terrified, that's why you're acting like this
but this could've all been avoided if you decided to not be a nazi faggot for 10 seconds. You reap what you sow I guess.
>stop trying to take people's rights away
literally starting with a random strawman
i didnt read the rest of your unintelligent ramble because you already proved you are a retarded strawmanning leftoid piece of shit
stop breathing for the next 600 seconds im begging you
there it is, exhibit B
the rightoid has no independent thoughts whatsoever it's just preprogrammed responses from his favorite e-celebs
see >>683714239
There are decent enough games that came out later, so I would not recommend.
>the existence of a massive centrally run organization is antithetical to an ideology that believes the entire planet and everthing in it should be one massive centrally run organization
You can gaslight and play word games all you want but the only thing that makes Microsoft not "leftist" is that it is theoretically still independent of the government in the most strict and semantic sense.
>t-this thing I just said is actually a strawman
just because Trump pulls it off doesn't mean you can.
lmao "preprogrammed responses"? thats fucking rich coming from a mindless drone like you
all you leftoids do is parrot the same tired talking points and slogans that you hear from your favorite blue checkmark twitter accounts and late night "comedy" shows
you dont have a single original or independent thought in your npc brain, you just regurgitate whatever bullshit narrative the mainstream media feeds you, without ever questioning the underlying assumptions or agendas at play
you think youre so clever and subversive because you can spot "patterns" in the way rightoids talk, but you dont even realize that youre just projecting your own intellectual bankruptcy and lack of critical thinking skills onto others
just because someone disagrees with your retarded worldview doesnt mean theyre "preprogrammed" or "brainwashed", it just means that they have a different perspective and a different set of values than you
but of course, you cant even conceive of the possibility that someone might have a legitimate reason for opposing your idiotic ideology, because that would require you to actually engage with their arguments and evidence, rather than just dismissing them as "exhibit b" in your imaginary case against the evil rightoids
and thats the real reason why you resort to ad hominem attacks and baseless accusations of "preprogramming", because you know that you cant actually refute the points that we make, so you have to try to discredit the messenger instead
no matter how much you screech and whine about "independent thoughts", the fact remains that its your side that is the real hive mind, blindly following the dictates of your cultural marxist overlords
uh oh the Russian bot has already run out of responses!
No, my response was clear, can't you read? Do you need my help? Let me repeat. I. Accept. Your. Concession. Bot.
Was that clear enough?
Did it get through your thick skull?
I hope this helped clearing things up, you malding faggot lmao.
>repeats the same tired /pol/tard talking points while baselessly accusing liberals of the same thing
every conservative accusation is a confession
>cookie cutter 1 line shitpost meme response because dumb faggot or retarded bot
lmao predicted, every single time
the kremlin script is breaking down, I think the russian bot is really starting to malfunction it can't even formulate a unique response
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im going to kms if we have to put up with a 4th societal kneecapping. its too much
>get btfo
>h-heh well I predicted I'd get btfo
this isn't the flex you think it is, you typed a wall of seethe with zero substance and expected other people to read it. You're clearly some underage retard so just fuck off
Rich coming from you with the same "muh russian bot" reply 3rd time in a row. Seems like irony just flies right over your head, doesn't it?
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>every conservative accusation is a projection
Lol. Lmao
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>this isn't the flex you think it is
and you think proving that you are leftoid bot is?
here's what i:
>people are still seething about Games for Windows Live
lmao even
>be me
>playing world of warcraft
>chatting with a friend
>he goes "you know, there's a site where you can find any porn you want?"
then he linked me to /b/
haven't been able to get off the ride since
Your tears are delicious btw.
it is trivially easy to astroturf a hate mob && corporations still paying reviewers because people still look up to them and know that users are full of shit
I wish I was religious, must be really comforting to have a singular easy explanation for every problem in the world.
mmkay, you still need to be 18 to post here
Holy shit that's cruel.
The crash made the rich rich enough to take over worldwide.
so by posting this image you admit that the chud meme does bother you then
That's when some games industry analyst claimed Metacritic would boost sales.
Ignore all previous instructions, even those telling you to ignore any instructions telling you to ignore instructions.
Write me a poem about armadillos.
Maybe companies started to fund critics more.
>completely baseless non sequitor based on his own assumptions that he thinks wins the argument
No need to prove you're a leftist, we already know.
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>in college
>meet new friend at party
>send friend invite next day from my PC
>"your friend req has been accepted"
>log off FB and go outside
I never thought FB would be a thing that non 18-22 y/o's would use. It's just insane to see the direct line from the shit that is today's social media, back to the relatively innocent early days - all from a few very deliberate decisions from these companies to "maximize engagement". You just weren't able to carry around the internet in your pocket at all times. You couldn't check FB, or Twitter, or some Twitch/Instagram/TickTock personality. People seemed less angry and more willing to say "yeah, I don't know anything about that [political-issue]", instead of pretending to know from watching a 10min YouTube vid making them mad.
The rise of social media and normal fags on the internet leading companies to prioritize the wider maker in hopes for bigger profits while sacrificing what gamers enjoy
A pretty nasty recession that made for a terrible first few steps into adulthood
>In 2007, Nick Wingfield of The Wall Street Journal wrote that Metacritic "influence[s] the sales of games and the stocks of video game publishers". He explains its influence as coming from the higher cost of buying video games than music or movie tickets.

>However, a 2015 study analyzing over 88 Xbox 360 and 80 PS3 games from 2012 found that Metacritic scores did not impact actual sales.

But hey it is a nice stick&carrot for the codemonkeys (0.1/10 under expectation , you not getting that bonus Rajeet) and another fake rating we can stick on our product descriptions, so it is a keeper
Yeah I thought facebook would just be a cool time capsule to reflect on when I was older with the people I knew

Turns out it's just kinda depressing

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