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Is it cheating? Will you buy it?
I don't play counter slop 2 so no
I use real cheats
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Esport faggots be fucking steaming rn LOL
How noticeable would it be if I stream myself using one of these keyboards?
What would be noticable? This just lets you overlay inputs instead of waiting for one to stop first, it's not cheating.
>spam 1 key = perfectly alternates 2 keys
banned for scripting
wait untill you learn about that tech that let you send keyboard instruction directly to your processor
The human is still the largest delay factor no amount of optimizing peripheral will fix it
Name 5 games that ban you for that
The 'cheating' mechanic built into these keyboards is not about latency. It's a CS counter strafing thing. No one outside of them will care about this.
Wait, is that what this is? Isn't that basically just macros? Some games ban those but they're usually in a gray area. I imagine a lot more will start making it clear if this becomes popular.
AD jiggle autism dance. From what I’ve seen in the videos they’re move left to right faster than people with normal keyboards.
>is it cheating
>will you buy it
>I imagine a lot more will start making it clear if this becomes popular.
It's not just macros and this is built into the keyboard at a hardware level, so it isn't detectable.
It's a nothing burger
Perfect key alternation and never pressing A and D together would be super easy to detect by an anti-cheat.
>be op (retard)
>want to make a thread
>drool on your keyboard because you're a retard
>it short circuits and ghost inputs "razer keyboard" into google
>"new keyboard has reduced latency"
>spaz out and start typing into 4chins
It’s not just reduced latency. Actually watch the video before talking out of your ass.
why would i listen to ecelebs?
correct me if wrong but isnt this just the whole leverless fighting game controllers all over again? sounds very similar
I didn’t know Wooting were ecelebs because they just acknowledged how technologically superior the new Razer keyboard is by copying its features for their own keyboards. But yeah keep telling us how it’s all just eceleb bulllshit.
Does this mean players with 4090s are cheating?
Yes. p2w bullshit.
So how do we fix THAT issue?
No and no. If it's already possible to do in-game, allowing people to use better hardware isn't cheating. If it becomes a problem on a professional level, just rebalance the game. And it's not like the keyboard is going to counter- or jiggle-strafe for you at the optimal times; you still need to learn how to do it and when to use it for maximum effect. This just makes it easier to pull off. Fuck, I'd love some more competition when it comes to input methods. Modern controllers have been stuck in limbo for decades, and M+KB for even longer.
I already have my endgame mech keyboard. I don't need 25 msec improvement snake oil.
if it is cheaty then the games are going to patch it out and enforce inertia delays in software. this is an interesting technology but ultimately won't mean much except for old or badly made competitive games that i don't play. there isn't a single dev that actually wants that kind of movement in their game.
There's a line to these things. In a car race, someone with a faster car has an advantage, and that car is usually more expensive than the slower one. But if that car is faster because, say, it has a nuclear powered engine, then people might stop and think, "Hey wait, isn't a car in this race supposed to have a gas engine?" That's when you have to take a look at the rules and see if they need updating for new technology. In that same vein, we simply need to wait a bit to see if this is a reasonable tech advancement or if it's legitimately changing the way the game is played because they weren't designed for this.

Those arcade fight sticks are a great example of this where you can press multiple directions at the same time because they're buttons instead of a joystick. Older games legitimately broke with that because they weren't designed for that and the rules needed to be changed, but they provided no advantage for newer games where keyboards were already taken into account.
We've had scripts for this shit for ages though, as another thread currently up already demonstrates, and they don't generally trigger any anti-cheats.
Tech has existed long enough that something should have been done already.
They don't trigger anti-cheats, but macros and scripts like that have been in a gray area for ages. They're very often banned when they give an advantage, and very often ignored when they just give qol enhancements. FFXIV and tons of other modern MMOs have an in-game section to make your own macros, but if you tried to set up your keyboard in Street Fighter so you could use your super by pressing the T key on your keyboard, that would be banned if you got to evo. The simple fact is that not enough people use macros and not enough actions are affected by them for it to be a large scale issue, but if this sort of technology is built-in and becomes popular enough, then a stance will have to be taken by any game that wants to be an esport.
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>press first key
>press second key while first key is still pressed
>keyboard resets first key to being unpressed
How is this cheating? Keyboards do different things depending on what you press. If you press 20 keys at once the keyboard is not obligated to send all those keypresses, and almost every keyboard will just select either the first x or last y keys to send them. It depends on how it's programmed.
This pearl clutching is absolute cancer for gaming, go start an esports league for whatever game and force participants to use the same hardware. Fuck off trying to police what hardware people can use when playing for fun. The international football association doesn't ban me from my local soccer field for bringing a wrong sized ball while playing with friends.
Tournamentfags are mentally ill and should kill themselves.
>The international football association doesn't ban me from my local soccer field for bringing a wrong sized ball while playing with friends.
Okay, but FIFA absolutely would ban you if you try to start a world cup game with the wrong ball. Video games are unique in that they can actually control all aspects of the game from top to bottom. If you were playing in high school, trying to attract a talent scout, would they allow a nonregulation ball? Probably not, but you might skirt by depending on the circumstances. Now if FIFA could hit a button that makes nonregulation balls magically disappear from high ranking teams they're interested in scouting pros from, would they do that? Should they do that?

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